
Warning gdk_draw_glyphs_transformed has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use pango_cairo_show_glyphs() instead. Renders a PangoGlyphString onto a drawable, possibly transforming the layed-out coordinates through a transformation matrix. Note that the transformation matrix for font is not changed, so to produce correct rendering results, the font must have been loaded using a PangoContext with an identical transformation matrix to that passed in to this function. See also gdk_draw_glyphs(), gdk_draw_layout(). Since 2.6

class Drawable


gc GC

a GdkGC

matrix PgMatrix

a PangoMatrix, or NULL to use an identity transformation. [allow-none]

font PgFont

the font in which to draw the string

x int

the x position of the start of the string (in Pango units in user space coordinates)

y int

the y position of the baseline (in Pango units in user space coordinates)

glyphs PgGlyphString

the glyph string to draw
