Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
The timing information in a #GdkFrameTimings is filled in incrementally as the frame as drawn and passed off to the window system for processing and display to the user. The accessor functions for #GdkFrameTimings can return 0 to indicate an unavailable value for two reasons: either because the information is not yet available, or because it isn't available at all. Once gdk_frame_timings_get_complete() returns %TRUE for a frame, you can be certain that no further values will become available and be stored in the #GdkFrameTimings.
Gets the frame counter value of the #GdkFrameClock when this this frame was drawn.
Returns the frame time for the frame. This is the time value that is typically used to time animations for the frame. See gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time().
Get the main Gtk struct
Gets the predicted time at which this frame will be displayed. Although no predicted time may be available, if one is available, it will be available while the frame is being generated, in contrast to gdk_frame_timings_get_presentation_time(), which is only available after the frame has been presented. In general, if you are simply animating, you should use gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() rather than this function, but this function is useful for applications that want exact control over latency. For example, a movie player may want this information for Audio/Video synchronization.
Reurns the presentation time. This is the time at which the frame became visible to the user.
Gets the natural interval between presentation times for the display that this frame was displayed on. Frame presentation usually happens during the “vertical blanking interval”.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Increases the reference count of @timings.
Decreases the reference count of @timings. If @timings is no longer referenced, it will be freed.
the main Gtk struct
A #GdkFrameTimings object holds timing information for a single frame of the application’s displays. To retrieve #GdkFrameTimings objects, use gdk_frame_clock_get_timings() or gdk_frame_clock_get_current_timings(). The information in #GdkFrameTimings is useful for precise synchronization of video with the event or audio streams, and for measuring quality metrics for the application’s display, such as latency and jitter.