
A #GCClosure is a specialization of #GClosure for C function callbacks.

class CClosure {}


this(GCClosure* gCClosure, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.

this(GCallback callbackFunc, void* userData, GClosureNotify destroyData, bool swap)

Creates a new closure which invokes callbackFunc with userData as the last parameter.

this(GCallback callbackFunc, ObjectG object, bool swap)

A variant of this() which uses object as userData and calls ObjectG.watchClosure() on object and the created closure. This function is useful when you have a callback closely associated with a gobject.ObjectG, and want the callback to no longer run after the object is is freed.



GCClosure* getCClosureStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

Static functions

void marshalBOOLEANBOXEDBOXED(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A #GClosureMarshal function for use with signals with handlers that take two boxed pointers as arguments and return a boolean. If you have such a signal, you will probably also need to use an accumulator, such as g_signal_accumulator_true_handled().

void marshalBOOLEANBOXEDBOXEDv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED_BOXED().

void marshalBOOLEANFLAGS(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type gboolean (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data) where the #gint parameter denotes a flags type.

void marshalBOOLEANFLAGSv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_BOOLEAN__FLAGS().

void marshalGeneric(Closure closure, Value returnGvalue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A generic marshaller function implemented via libffi.

void marshalGenericVa(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* argsList, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

A generic #GVaClosureMarshal function implemented via libffi.

void marshalSTRINGOBJECTPOINTER(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type gchar* (*callback) (gpointer instance, GObject *arg1, gpointer arg2, gpointer user_data).

void marshalSTRINGOBJECTPOINTERv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_STRING__OBJECT_POINTER().

void marshalVOIDBOOLEAN(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gboolean arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDBOOLEANv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN().

void marshalVOIDBOXED(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GBoxed *arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDBOXEDv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED().

void marshalVOIDCHAR(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gchar arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDCHARv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__CHAR().

void marshalVOIDDOUBLE(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gdouble arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDDOUBLEv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE().

void marshalVOIDENUM(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data) where the #gint parameter denotes an enumeration type..

void marshalVOIDENUMv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ENUM().

void marshalVOIDFLAGS(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data) where the #gint parameter denotes a flags type.

void marshalVOIDFLAGSv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLAGS().

void marshalVOIDFLOAT(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gfloat arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDFLOATv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__FLOAT().

void marshalVOIDINT(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gint arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDINTv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT().

void marshalVOIDLONG(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, glong arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDLONGv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__LONG().

void marshalVOIDOBJECT(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GObject *arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDOBJECTv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT().

void marshalVOIDPARAM(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GParamSpec *arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDPARAMv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM().

void marshalVOIDPOINTER(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gpointer arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDPOINTERv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER().

void marshalVOIDSTRING(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, const gchar *arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDSTRINGv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING().

void marshalVOIDUCHAR(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guchar arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDUCHARv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UCHAR().

void marshalVOIDUINT(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guint arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDUINTPOINTER(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, guint arg1, gpointer arg2, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDUINTPOINTERv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER().

void marshalVOIDUINTv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__UINT().

void marshalVOIDULONG(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gulong arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDULONGv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__ULONG().

void marshalVOIDVARIANT(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, GVariant *arg1, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDVARIANTv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VARIANT().

void marshalVOIDVOID(Closure closure, Value returnValue, uint nParamValues, Value paramValues, void* invocationHint, void* marshalData)

A marshaller for a #GCClosure with a callback of type void (*callback) (gpointer instance, gpointer user_data).

void marshalVOIDVOIDv(Closure closure, Value returnValue, TypeInstance instance_, void* args, void* marshalData, GType[] paramTypes)

The #GVaClosureMarshal equivalent to g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID().


GCClosure* gCClosure;

the main Gtk struct

bool ownedRef;
Undocumented in source.
