
Asynchronously request the drag operation's contents converted to the given @type.

When the operation is finished @callback will be called. You must then call [method@Gdk.Drop.read_value_finish] to get the resulting GValue.

For local drag'n'drop operations that are available in the given GType, the value will be copied directly. Otherwise, GDK will try to use [func@Gdk.content_deserialize_async] to convert the data.

class Drop
GAsyncReadyCallback callback
void* userData


type GType

a GType to read

ioPriority int

the I/O priority of the request.

cancellable Cancellable

optional GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore.

callback GAsyncReadyCallback

callback to call when the request is satisfied

userData void*

the data to pass to callback function
