
The terminal widget uses a 28-color model comprised of the default foreground and background colors, the bold foreground color, the dim foreground color, an eight color palette, bold versions of the eight color palette, and a dim version of the the eight color palette. palette_size must be either 0, 8, 16, or 24, or between 25 and 255 inclusive. If foreground is NULL and palette_size is greater than 0, the new foreground color is taken from palette[7]. If background is NULL and palette_size is greater than 0, the new background color is taken from palette[0]. If palette_size is 8 or 16, the third (dim) and possibly the second (bold) 8-color palettes are extrapolated from the new background color and the items in palette.


foreground Color

the new foreground color, or NULL. [allow-none]

background Color

the new background color, or NULL. [allow-none]

palette Color

the color palette. [array length=palette_size zero-terminated=0][element-type Gdk.Color]

paletteSize glong

the number of entries in palette
