1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = pango-Text-Attributes.html
27  * outPack = pango
28  * outFile = PgAttribute
29  * strct   = PangoAttribute
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = PgAttribute
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: No
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * prefixes:
40  * 	- pango_attr_
41  * 	- pango_
42  * omit structs:
43  * omit prefixes:
44  * 	- pango_color_
45  * 	- pango_language_
46  * 	- pango_attr_list_
47  * 	- pango_attr_iterator_
48  * omit code:
49  * omit signals:
50  * imports:
51  * 	- glib.Str
52  * 	- glib.ErrorG
53  * 	- glib.GException
54  * 	- glib.SimpleXML
55  * 	- pango.PgAttributeList
56  * 	- pango.PgLanguage
57  * 	- pango.PgFontDescription
58  * structWrap:
59  * 	- GMarkupParseContext* -> SimpleXML
60  * 	- PangoAttrList* -> PgAttributeList
61  * 	- PangoAttribute* -> PgAttribute
62  * 	- PangoFontDescription* -> PgFontDescription
63  * 	- PangoLanguage* -> PgLanguage
64  * module aliases:
65  * local aliases:
66  * overrides:
67  */
69 module pango.PgAttribute;
71 public  import gtkc.pangotypes;
73 private import gtkc.pango;
74 private import glib.ConstructionException;
75 private import gobject.ObjectG;
78 private import glib.Str;
79 private import glib.ErrorG;
80 private import glib.GException;
81 private import glib.SimpleXML;
82 private import pango.PgAttributeList;
83 private import pango.PgLanguage;
84 private import pango.PgFontDescription;
89 /**
90  * Attributed text is used in a number of places in Pango. It
91  * is used as the input to the itemization process and also when
92  * creating a PangoLayout. The data types and functions in
93  * this section are used to represent and manipulate sets
94  * of attributes applied to a portion of text.
95  */
96 public class PgAttribute
97 {
99 	/** the main Gtk struct */
100 	protected PangoAttribute* pangoAttribute;
103 	public PangoAttribute* getPgAttributeStruct()
104 	{
105 		return pangoAttribute;
106 	}
109 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
110 	protected void* getStruct()
111 	{
112 		return cast(void*)pangoAttribute;
113 	}
115 	/**
116 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
117 	 */
118 	public this (PangoAttribute* pangoAttribute)
119 	{
120 		this.pangoAttribute = pangoAttribute;
121 	}
123 	/**
124 	 */
126 	/**
127 	 * Parses marked-up text (see
128 	 * markup format) to create
129 	 * a plain-text string and an attribute list.
130 	 * If accel_marker is nonzero, the given character will mark the
131 	 * character following it as an accelerator. For example, accel_marker
132 	 * might be an ampersand or underscore. All characters marked
133 	 * as an accelerator will receive a PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW attribute,
134 	 * and the first character so marked will be returned in accel_char.
135 	 * Two accel_marker characters following each other produce a single
136 	 * literal accel_marker character.
137 	 * To parse a stream of pango markup incrementally, use pango_markup_parser_new().
138 	 * If any error happens, none of the output arguments are touched except
139 	 * for error.
140 	 * Params:
141 	 * markupText = markup to parse (see markup format)
142 	 * length = length of markup_text, or -1 if nul-terminated
143 	 * accelMarker = character that precedes an accelerator, or 0 for none
144 	 * attrList = address of return location for a PangoAttrList, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
145 	 * text = address of return location for text with tags stripped, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
146 	 * accelChar = address of return location for accelerator char, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
147 	 * Returns: FALSE if error is set, otherwise TRUE
148 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
149 	 */
150 	public static int parseMarkup(string markupText, int length, gunichar accelMarker, out PgAttributeList attrList, out string text, gunichar* accelChar)
151 	{
152 		// gboolean pango_parse_markup (const char *markup_text,  int length,  gunichar accel_marker,  PangoAttrList **attr_list,  char **text,  gunichar *accel_char,  GError **error);
153 		PangoAttrList* outattrList = null;
154 		char* outtext = null;
155 		GError* err = null;
157 		auto p = pango_parse_markup(Str.toStringz(markupText), length, accelMarker, &outattrList, &outtext, accelChar, &err);
159 		if (err !is null)
160 		{
161 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
162 		}
164 		attrList = ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttributeList)(outattrList);
165 		text = Str.toString(outtext);
166 		return p;
167 	}
169 	/**
170 	 * Parses marked-up text (see
171 	 * markup format) to create
172 	 * a plain-text string and an attribute list.
173 	 * If accel_marker is nonzero, the given character will mark the
174 	 * character following it as an accelerator. For example, accel_marker
175 	 * might be an ampersand or underscore. All characters marked
176 	 * as an accelerator will receive a PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW attribute,
177 	 * and the first character so marked will be returned in accel_char,
178 	 * when calling finish(). Two accel_marker characters following each
179 	 * other produce a single literal accel_marker character.
180 	 * To feed markup to the parser, use g_markup_parse_context_parse()
181 	 * on the returned GMarkupParseContext. When done with feeding markup
182 	 * to the parser, use pango_markup_parser_finish() to get the data out
183 	 * of it, and then use g_markup_parse_context_free() to free it.
184 	 * This function is designed for applications that read pango markup
185 	 * from streams. To simply parse a string containing pango markup,
186 	 * the simpler pango_parse_markup() API is recommended instead.
187 	 * Since 1.31.0
188 	 * Params:
189 	 * accelMarker = character that precedes an accelerator, or 0 for none
190 	 * Returns: a GMarkupParseContext that should be destroyed with g_markup_parse_context_free(). [transfer none]
191 	 */
192 	public static SimpleXML markupParserNew(gunichar accelMarker)
193 	{
194 		// GMarkupParseContext * pango_markup_parser_new (gunichar accel_marker);
195 		auto p = pango_markup_parser_new(accelMarker);
197 		if(p is null)
198 		{
199 			return null;
200 		}
202 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(SimpleXML)(cast(GMarkupParseContext*) p);
203 	}
205 	/**
206 	 * After feeding a pango markup parser some data with g_markup_parse_context_parse(),
207 	 * use this function to get the list of pango attributes and text out of the
208 	 * markup. This function will not free context, use g_markup_parse_context_free()
209 	 * to do so.
210 	 * Since 1.31.0
211 	 * Params:
212 	 * context = A valid parse context that was returned from pango_markup_parser_new()
213 	 * attrList = address of return location for a PangoAttrList, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
214 	 * text = address of return location for text with tags stripped, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
215 	 * accelChar = address of return location for accelerator char, or NULL. [out][allow-none]
216 	 * Returns: FALSE if error is set, otherwise TRUE
217 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
218 	 */
219 	public static int markupParserFinish(SimpleXML context, out PgAttributeList attrList, out string text, out gunichar accelChar)
220 	{
221 		// gboolean pango_markup_parser_finish (GMarkupParseContext *context,  PangoAttrList **attr_list,  char **text,  gunichar *accel_char,  GError **error);
222 		PangoAttrList* outattrList = null;
223 		char* outtext = null;
224 		GError* err = null;
226 		auto p = pango_markup_parser_finish((context is null) ? null : context.getSimpleXMLStruct(), &outattrList, &outtext, &accelChar, &err);
228 		if (err !is null)
229 		{
230 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
231 		}
233 		attrList = ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttributeList)(outattrList);
234 		text = Str.toString(outtext);
235 		return p;
236 	}
238 	/**
239 	 * Allocate a new attribute type ID. The attribute type name can be accessed
240 	 * later by using pango_attr_type_get_name().
241 	 * Params:
242 	 * name = an identifier for the type
243 	 * Returns: the new type ID.
244 	 */
245 	public static PangoAttrType typeRegister(string name)
246 	{
247 		// PangoAttrType pango_attr_type_register (const gchar *name);
248 		return pango_attr_type_register(Str.toStringz(name));
249 	}
251 	/**
252 	 * Fetches the attribute type name passed in when registering the type using
253 	 * pango_attr_type_register().
254 	 * The returned value is an interned string (see g_intern_string() for what
255 	 * that means) that should not be modified or freed.
256 	 * Since 1.22
257 	 * Params:
258 	 * type = an attribute type ID to fetch the name for
259 	 * Returns: the type ID name (which may be NULL), or NULL if type is a built-in Pango attribute type or invalid.
260 	 */
261 	public static string typeGetName(PangoAttrType type)
262 	{
263 		// const char * pango_attr_type_get_name (PangoAttrType type);
264 		return Str.toString(pango_attr_type_get_name(type));
265 	}
267 	/**
268 	 * Initializes attr's klass to klass,
269 	 * it's start_index to PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_FROM_TEXT_BEGINNING
270 	 * and end_index to PANGO_ATTR_INDEX_TO_TEXT_END
271 	 * such that the attribute applies
272 	 * to the entire text by default.
273 	 * Since 1.20
274 	 * Params:
275 	 * attr = a PangoAttribute
276 	 * klass = a PangoAttributeClass
277 	 */
278 	public void attributeInit(PangoAttrClass* klass)
279 	{
280 		// void pango_attribute_init (PangoAttribute *attr,  const PangoAttrClass *klass);
281 		pango_attribute_init(pangoAttribute, klass);
282 	}
284 	/**
285 	 * Make a copy of an attribute.
286 	 * Params:
287 	 * attr = a PangoAttribute
288 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
289 	 */
290 	public PgAttribute attributeCopy()
291 	{
292 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attribute_copy (const PangoAttribute *attr);
293 		auto p = pango_attribute_copy(pangoAttribute);
295 		if(p is null)
296 		{
297 			return null;
298 		}
300 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
301 	}
303 	/**
304 	 * Compare two attributes for equality. This compares only the
305 	 * actual value of the two attributes and not the ranges that the
306 	 * attributes apply to.
307 	 * Params:
308 	 * attr2 = another PangoAttribute
309 	 * Returns: TRUE if the two attributes have the same value.
310 	 */
311 	public int attributeEqual(PgAttribute attr2)
312 	{
313 		// gboolean pango_attribute_equal (const PangoAttribute *attr1,  const PangoAttribute *attr2);
314 		return pango_attribute_equal(pangoAttribute, (attr2 is null) ? null : attr2.getPgAttributeStruct());
315 	}
317 	/**
318 	 * Destroy a PangoAttribute and free all associated memory.
319 	 * Params:
320 	 * attr = a PangoAttribute.
321 	 */
322 	public void attributeDestroy()
323 	{
324 		// void pango_attribute_destroy (PangoAttribute *attr);
325 		pango_attribute_destroy(pangoAttribute);
326 	}
328 	/**
329 	 * Create a new language tag attribute.
330 	 * Params:
331 	 * language = language tag
332 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
333 	 */
334 	public static PgAttribute languageNew(PgLanguage language)
335 	{
336 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_language_new (PangoLanguage *language);
337 		auto p = pango_attr_language_new((language is null) ? null : language.getPgLanguageStruct());
339 		if(p is null)
340 		{
341 			return null;
342 		}
344 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
345 	}
347 	/**
348 	 * Create a new font family attribute.
349 	 * Params:
350 	 * family = the family or comma separated list of families
351 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
352 	 */
353 	public static PgAttribute familyNew(string family)
354 	{
355 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_family_new (const char *family);
356 		auto p = pango_attr_family_new(Str.toStringz(family));
358 		if(p is null)
359 		{
360 			return null;
361 		}
363 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
364 	}
366 	/**
367 	 * Create a new font slant style attribute.
368 	 * Params:
369 	 * style = the slant style
370 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
371 	 */
372 	public static PgAttribute styleNew(PangoStyle style)
373 	{
374 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_style_new (PangoStyle style);
375 		auto p = pango_attr_style_new(style);
377 		if(p is null)
378 		{
379 			return null;
380 		}
382 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
383 	}
385 	/**
386 	 * Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps)
387 	 * Params:
388 	 * variant = the variant
389 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
390 	 */
391 	public static PgAttribute variantNew(PangoVariant variant)
392 	{
393 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_variant_new (PangoVariant variant);
394 		auto p = pango_attr_variant_new(variant);
396 		if(p is null)
397 		{
398 			return null;
399 		}
401 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
402 	}
404 	/**
405 	 * Create a new font stretch attribute
406 	 * Params:
407 	 * stretch = the stretch
408 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
409 	 */
410 	public static PgAttribute stretchNew(PangoStretch stretch)
411 	{
412 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_stretch_new (PangoStretch stretch);
413 		auto p = pango_attr_stretch_new(stretch);
415 		if(p is null)
416 		{
417 			return null;
418 		}
420 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
421 	}
423 	/**
424 	 * Create a new font weight attribute.
425 	 * Params:
426 	 * weight = the weight
427 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
428 	 */
429 	public static PgAttribute weightNew(PangoWeight weight)
430 	{
431 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_weight_new (PangoWeight weight);
432 		auto p = pango_attr_weight_new(weight);
434 		if(p is null)
435 		{
436 			return null;
437 		}
439 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
440 	}
442 	/**
443 	 * Create a new font-size attribute in fractional points.
444 	 * Params:
445 	 * size = the font size, in PANGO_SCALEths of a point.
446 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
447 	 */
448 	public static PgAttribute sizeNew(int size)
449 	{
450 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_size_new (int size);
451 		auto p = pango_attr_size_new(size);
453 		if(p is null)
454 		{
455 			return null;
456 		}
458 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
459 	}
461 	/**
462 	 * Create a new font-size attribute in device units.
463 	 * Since 1.8
464 	 * Params:
465 	 * size = the font size, in PANGO_SCALEths of a device unit.
466 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy().
467 	 */
468 	public static PgAttribute sizeNewAbsolute(int size)
469 	{
470 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_size_new_absolute (int size);
471 		auto p = pango_attr_size_new_absolute(size);
473 		if(p is null)
474 		{
475 			return null;
476 		}
478 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
479 	}
481 	/**
482 	 * Create a new font description attribute. This attribute
483 	 * allows setting family, style, weight, variant, stretch,
484 	 * and size simultaneously.
485 	 * Params:
486 	 * desc = the font description
487 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
488 	 */
489 	public static PgAttribute fontDescNew(PgFontDescription desc)
490 	{
491 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_font_desc_new (const PangoFontDescription *desc);
492 		auto p = pango_attr_font_desc_new((desc is null) ? null : desc.getPgFontDescriptionStruct());
494 		if(p is null)
495 		{
496 			return null;
497 		}
499 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
500 	}
502 	/**
503 	 * Create a new foreground color attribute.
504 	 * Params:
505 	 * red = the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535)
506 	 * green = the green value
507 	 * blue = the blue value
508 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
509 	 */
510 	public static PgAttribute foregroundNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
511 	{
512 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_foreground_new (guint16 red,  guint16 green,  guint16 blue);
513 		auto p = pango_attr_foreground_new(red, green, blue);
515 		if(p is null)
516 		{
517 			return null;
518 		}
520 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
521 	}
523 	/**
524 	 * Create a new background color attribute.
525 	 * Params:
526 	 * red = the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535)
527 	 * green = the green value
528 	 * blue = the blue value
529 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
530 	 */
531 	public static PgAttribute backgroundNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
532 	{
533 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_background_new (guint16 red,  guint16 green,  guint16 blue);
534 		auto p = pango_attr_background_new(red, green, blue);
536 		if(p is null)
537 		{
538 			return null;
539 		}
541 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
542 	}
544 	/**
545 	 * Create a new strike-through attribute.
546 	 * Params:
547 	 * strikethrough = TRUE if the text should be struck-through.
548 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
549 	 */
550 	public static PgAttribute strikethroughNew(int strikethrough)
551 	{
552 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_strikethrough_new (gboolean strikethrough);
553 		auto p = pango_attr_strikethrough_new(strikethrough);
555 		if(p is null)
556 		{
557 			return null;
558 		}
560 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
561 	}
563 	/**
564 	 * Create a new strikethrough color attribute. This attribute
565 	 * modifies the color of strikethrough lines. If not set, strikethrough
566 	 * lines will use the foreground color.
567 	 * Since 1.8
568 	 * Params:
569 	 * red = the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535)
570 	 * green = the green value
571 	 * blue = the blue value
572 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
573 	 */
574 	public static PgAttribute strikethroughColorNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
575 	{
576 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new (guint16 red,  guint16 green,  guint16 blue);
577 		auto p = pango_attr_strikethrough_color_new(red, green, blue);
579 		if(p is null)
580 		{
581 			return null;
582 		}
584 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
585 	}
587 	/**
588 	 * Create a new underline-style attribute.
589 	 * Params:
590 	 * underline = the underline style.
591 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
592 	 */
593 	public static PgAttribute underlineNew(PangoUnderline underline)
594 	{
595 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_underline_new (PangoUnderline underline);
596 		auto p = pango_attr_underline_new(underline);
598 		if(p is null)
599 		{
600 			return null;
601 		}
603 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
604 	}
606 	/**
607 	 * Create a new underline color attribute. This attribute
608 	 * modifies the color of underlines. If not set, underlines
609 	 * will use the foreground color.
610 	 * Since 1.8
611 	 * Params:
612 	 * red = the red value (ranging from 0 to 65535)
613 	 * green = the green value
614 	 * blue = the blue value
615 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
616 	 */
617 	public static PgAttribute underlineColorNew(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue)
618 	{
619 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_underline_color_new (guint16 red,  guint16 green,  guint16 blue);
620 		auto p = pango_attr_underline_color_new(red, green, blue);
622 		if(p is null)
623 		{
624 			return null;
625 		}
627 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
628 	}
630 	/**
631 	 * Create a new shape attribute. A shape is used to impose a
632 	 * particular ink and logical rectangle on the result of shaping a
633 	 * particular glyph. This might be used, for instance, for
634 	 * embedding a picture or a widget inside a PangoLayout.
635 	 * Params:
636 	 * inkRect = ink rectangle to assign to each character
637 	 * logicalRect = logical rectangle to assign to each character
638 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
639 	 */
640 	public static PgAttribute shapeNew(PangoRectangle* inkRect, PangoRectangle* logicalRect)
641 	{
642 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_shape_new (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect,  const PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
643 		auto p = pango_attr_shape_new(inkRect, logicalRect);
645 		if(p is null)
646 		{
647 			return null;
648 		}
650 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
651 	}
653 	/**
654 	 * Like pango_attr_shape_new(), but a user data pointer is also
655 	 * provided; this pointer can be accessed when later
656 	 * rendering the glyph.
657 	 * Since 1.8
658 	 * Params:
659 	 * inkRect = ink rectangle to assign to each character
660 	 * logicalRect = logical rectangle to assign to each character
661 	 * data = user data pointer
662 	 * copyFunc = function to copy data when the
663 	 * attribute is copied. If NULL, data is simply
664 	 * copied as a pointer. [allow-none]
665 	 * destroyFunc = function to free data when the
666 	 * attribute is freed, or NULL. [allow-none]
667 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy().
668 	 */
669 	public static PgAttribute shapeNewWithData(PangoRectangle* inkRect, PangoRectangle* logicalRect, void* data, PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copyFunc, GDestroyNotify destroyFunc)
670 	{
671 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_shape_new_with_data (const PangoRectangle *ink_rect,  const PangoRectangle *logical_rect,  gpointer data,  PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copy_func,  GDestroyNotify destroy_func);
672 		auto p = pango_attr_shape_new_with_data(inkRect, logicalRect, data, copyFunc, destroyFunc);
674 		if(p is null)
675 		{
676 			return null;
677 		}
679 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
680 	}
682 	/**
683 	 * Create a new font size scale attribute. The base font for the
684 	 * affected text will have its size multiplied by scale_factor.
685 	 * Params:
686 	 * scaleFactor = factor to scale the font
687 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
688 	 */
689 	public static PgAttribute scaleNew(double scaleFactor)
690 	{
691 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_scale_new (double scale_factor);
692 		auto p = pango_attr_scale_new(scaleFactor);
694 		if(p is null)
695 		{
696 			return null;
697 		}
699 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
700 	}
702 	/**
703 	 * Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
704 	 * Params:
705 	 * rise = the amount that the text should be displaced vertically,
706 	 * in Pango units. Positive values displace the text upwards.
707 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
708 	 */
709 	public static PgAttribute riseNew(int rise)
710 	{
711 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_rise_new (int rise);
712 		auto p = pango_attr_rise_new(rise);
714 		if(p is null)
715 		{
716 			return null;
717 		}
719 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
720 	}
722 	/**
723 	 * Create a new letter-spacing attribute.
724 	 * Since 1.6
725 	 * Params:
726 	 * letterSpacing = amount of extra space to add between graphemes
727 	 * of the text, in Pango units.
728 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
729 	 */
730 	public static PgAttribute letterSpacingNew(int letterSpacing)
731 	{
732 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (int letter_spacing);
733 		auto p = pango_attr_letter_spacing_new(letterSpacing);
735 		if(p is null)
736 		{
737 			return null;
738 		}
740 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
741 	}
743 	/**
744 	 * Create a new font fallback attribute.
745 	 * If fallback is disabled, characters will only be used from the
746 	 * closest matching font on the system. No fallback will be done to
747 	 * other fonts on the system that might contain the characters in the
748 	 * text.
749 	 * Since 1.4
750 	 * Params:
751 	 * enableFallback = TRUE if we should fall back on other fonts
752 	 * for characters the active font is missing.
753 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
754 	 */
755 	public static PgAttribute fallbackNew(int enableFallback)
756 	{
757 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_fallback_new (gboolean enable_fallback);
758 		auto p = pango_attr_fallback_new(enableFallback);
760 		if(p is null)
761 		{
762 			return null;
763 		}
765 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
766 	}
768 	/**
769 	 * Create a new gravity attribute.
770 	 * Since 1.16
771 	 * Params:
772 	 * gravity = the gravity value; should not be PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO.
773 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
774 	 */
775 	public static PgAttribute gravityNew(PangoGravity gravity)
776 	{
777 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_gravity_new (PangoGravity gravity);
778 		auto p = pango_attr_gravity_new(gravity);
780 		if(p is null)
781 		{
782 			return null;
783 		}
785 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
786 	}
788 	/**
789 	 * Create a new gravity hint attribute.
790 	 * Since 1.16
791 	 * Params:
792 	 * hint = the gravity hint value.
793 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoAttribute, which should be freed with pango_attribute_destroy(). [transfer full]
794 	 */
795 	public static PgAttribute gravityHintNew(PangoGravityHint hint)
796 	{
797 		// PangoAttribute * pango_attr_gravity_hint_new (PangoGravityHint hint);
798 		auto p = pango_attr_gravity_hint_new(hint);
800 		if(p is null)
801 		{
802 			return null;
803 		}
805 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttribute)(cast(PangoAttribute*) p);
806 	}
807 }