
Based on the script, East Asian width, base gravity, and hint, returns actual gravity to use in laying out a single character or PangoItem. This function is similar to pango_gravity_get_for_script() except that this function makes a distinction between narrow/half-width and wide/full-width characters also. Wide/full-width characters always stand <emph>upright</emph>, that is, they always take the base gravity, whereas narrow/full-width characters are always rotated in vertical context. If base_gravity is PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO, it is first replaced with the preferred gravity of script. Since 1.26

class PgVertical


script PangoScript

PangoScript to query

wide int

TRUE for wide characters as returned by g_unichar_iswide()

baseGravity PangoGravity

base gravity of the paragraph

hint PangoGravityHint

orientation hint

Return Value

resolved gravity suitable to use for a run of text with script and wide.
