
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import gtkc.glibtypes;
Undocumented in source.



alias GThreadFunc = void* function(void* data)
Undocumented in source.
alias OnceStatus = GOnceStatus
Undocumented in source.
alias ThreadError = GThreadError
Undocumented in source.


enum GOnceStatus

The possible statuses of a one-time initialization function controlled by a GOnce struct. G_ONCE_STATUS_NOTCALLED the function has not been called yet. G_ONCE_STATUS_PROGRESS the function call is currently in progress. G_ONCE_STATUS_READY the function has been called. Since 2.4

enum GThreadError

Possible errors of thread related functions. G_THREAD_ERROR_AGAIN a thread couldn't be created due to resource shortage. Try again later.


struct GCond

The GCond struct is an opaque data structure that represents a condition. Threads can block on a GCond if they find a certain condition to be false. If other threads change the state of this condition they signal the GCond, and that causes the waiting threads to be woken up. Consider the following example of a shared variable. One or more threads can wait for data to be published to the variable and when another thread publishes the data, it can signal one of the waiting threads to wake up to collect the data. Whenever a thread calls pop_data() now, it will wait until current_data is non-NULL, i.e. until some other thread has called push_data(). The example shows that use of a condition variable must always be paired with a mutex. Without the use of a mutex, there would be a race between the check of current_data by the while loop in pop_data and waiting. Specifically, another thread could set pop_data after the check, and signal the cond (with nobody waiting on it) before the first thread goes to sleep. GCond is specifically useful for its ability to release the mutex and go to sleep atomically. It is also important to use the g_cond_wait() and g_cond_wait_until() functions only inside a loop which checks for the condition to be true. See g_cond_wait() for an explanation of why the condition may not be true even after it returns. If a GCond is allocated in static storage then it can be used without initialisation. Otherwise, you should call g_cond_init() on it and g_cond_clear() when done. A GCond should only be accessed via the g_cond_ functions.

struct GMutex

The GMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a mutex (mutual exclusion). It can be used to protect data against shared access. Take for example the following function: It is easy to see that this won't work in a multi-threaded application. There current_number must be protected against shared access. A GMutex can be used as a solution to this problem: Notice that the GMutex is not initialised to any particular value. Its placement in static storage ensures that it will be initialised to all-zeros, which is appropriate. If a GMutex is placed in other contexts (eg: embedded in a struct) then it must be explicitly initialised using g_mutex_init(). A GMutex should only be accessed via g_mutex_ functions.

struct GOnce

A GOnce struct controls a one-time initialization function. Any one-time initialization function must have its own unique GOnce struct. volatile GOnceStatus status; the status of the GOnce volatile gpointer retval; the value returned by the call to the function, if status is G_ONCE_STATUS_READY Since 2.4

struct GPrivate

The GPrivate struct is an opaque data structure to represent a thread-local data key. It is approximately equivalent to the pthread_setspecific()/pthread_getspecific() APIs on POSIX and to TlsSetValue()/TlsGetValue() on Windows. If you don't already know why you might want this functionality, then you probably don't need it. GPrivate is a very limited resource (as far as 128 per program, shared between all libraries). It is also not possible to destroy a GPrivate after it has been used. As such, it is only ever acceptable to use GPrivate in static scope, and even then sparingly so. See G_PRIVATE_INIT() for a couple of examples. The GPrivate structure should be considered opaque. It should only be accessed via the g_private_ functions.

struct GRWLock

The GRWLock struct is an opaque data structure to represent a reader-writer lock. It is similar to a GMutex in that it allows multiple threads to coordinate access to a shared resource. The difference to a mutex is that a reader-writer lock discriminates between read-only ('reader') and full ('writer') access. While only one thread at a time is allowed write access (by holding the 'writer' lock via g_rw_lock_writer_lock()), multiple threads can gain simultaneous read-only access (by holding the 'reader' lock via g_rw_lock_reader_lock()). If a GRWLock is allocated in static storage then it can be used without initialisation. Otherwise, you should call g_rw_lock_init() on it and g_rw_lock_clear() when done. A GRWLock should only be accessed with the g_rw_lock_ functions. Since 2.32

struct GRecMutex

The GRecMutex struct is an opaque data structure to represent a recursive mutex. It is similar to a GMutex with the difference that it is possible to lock a GRecMutex multiple times in the same thread without deadlock. When doing so, care has to be taken to unlock the recursive mutex as often as it has been locked. If a GRecMutex is allocated in static storage then it can be used without initialisation. Otherwise, you should call g_rec_mutex_init() on it and g_rec_mutex_clear() when done. A GRecMutex should only be accessed with the g_rec_mutex_ functions. Since 2.32

struct GThread

Main Gtk struct. The GThread struct represents a running thread. This struct is returned by g_thread_new() or g_thread_try_new(). You can obtain the GThread struct representing the current thead by calling g_thread_self(). GThread is refcounted, see g_thread_ref() and g_thread_unref(). The thread represented by it holds a reference while it is running, and g_thread_join() consumes the reference that it is given, so it is normally not necessary to manage GThread references explicitly. The structure is opaque -- none of its fields may be directly accessed.
