
Renders a frame around the rectangle defined by (x, y, width, height), leaving a gap on one side. xy0_gap and xy1_gap will mean X coordinates for GTK_POS_TOP and GTK_POS_BOTTOM gap sides, and Y coordinates for GTK_POS_LEFT and GTK_POS_RIGHT.

class StyleContext
double x
double y
double width
double height
double xy0_Gap
double xy1_Gap


cr Context

a cairo_t

x double

X origin of the rectangle

y double

Y origin of the rectangle

width double

rectangle width

height double

rectangle height

gapSide GtkPositionType

side where the gap is

xy0_Gap double

initial coordinate (X or Y depending on gap_side) for the gap

xy1_Gap double

end coordinate (X or Y depending on gap_side) for the gap Since 3.0
