
Warning gtk_paint_arrow has been deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_render_arrow() instead Draws an arrow in the given rectangle on cr using the given parameters. arrow_type determines the direction of the arrow.

class Style


cr Context

a cairo_t

stateType GtkStateType

a state

shadowType GtkShadowType

the type of shadow to draw

widget Widget

the widget. [allow-none]

detail string

a style detail. [allow-none]

arrowType GtkArrowType

the type of arrow to draw

fill int

TRUE if the arrow tip should be filled

x int

x origin of the rectangle to draw the arrow in

y int

y origin of the rectangle to draw the arrow in

width int

width of the rectangle to draw the arrow in

height int

height of the rectangle to draw the arrow in
