
Browse the available stock icons in the list of stock IDs found here. You can also use the gtk-demo application for this purpose.

An icon factory manages a collection of GtkIconSet; a GtkIconSet manages a set of variants of a particular icon (i.e. a GtkIconSet contains variants for different sizes and widget states). Icons in an icon factory are named by a stock ID, which is a simple string identifying the icon. Each GtkStyle has a list of GtkIconFactory derived from the current theme; those icon factories are consulted first when searching for an icon. If the theme doesn't set a particular icon, GTK+ looks for the icon in a list of default icon factories, maintained by gtk_icon_factory_add_default() and gtk_icon_factory_remove_default(). Applications with icons should add a default icon factory with their icons, which will allow themes to override the icons for the application.

To display an icon, always use gtk_style_lookup_icon_set() on the widget that will display the icon, or the convenience function gtk_widget_render_icon(). These functions take the theme into account when looking up the icon to use for a given stock ID.

GtkIconFactory as GtkBuildable

GtkIconFactory supports a custom <sources> element, which can contain multiple <source> elements. The following attributes are allowed:


The stock id of the source, a string. This attribute is mandatory


The filename of the source, a string. This attribute is optional


The icon name for the source, a string. This attribute is optional.


Size of the icon, a GtkIconSize enum value. This attribute is optional.


Direction of the source, a GtkTextDirection enum value. This attribute is optional.


State of the source, a GtkStateType enum value. This attribute is optional.


this(GtkIconSet* gtkIconSet)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class


Warning gtk_icon_set_new has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Creates a new GtkIconSet. A GtkIconSet represents a single icon in various sizes and widget states. It can provide a GdkPixbuf for a given size and state on request, and automatically caches some of the rendered GdkPixbuf objects. Normally you would use gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf() instead of using GtkIconSet directly. The one case where you'd use GtkIconSet is to create application-specific icon sets to place in a GtkIconFactory.

this(Pixbuf pixbuf)

Warning gtk_icon_set_new_from_pixbuf has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Creates a new GtkIconSet with pixbuf as the default/fallback source image. If you don't add any additional GtkIconSource to the icon set, all variants of the icon will be created from pixbuf, using scaling, pixelation, etc. as required to adjust the icon size or make the icon look insensitive/prelighted.


Undocumented in source.



void addSource(IconSource source)

Warning gtk_icon_set_add_source has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Icon sets have a list of GtkIconSource, which they use as base icons for rendering icons in different states and sizes. Icons are scaled, made to look insensitive, etc. in gtk_icon_set_render_icon(), but GtkIconSet needs base images to work with. The base images and when to use them are described by a GtkIconSource. This function copies source, so you can reuse the same source immediately without affecting the icon set. An example of when you'd use this function: a web browser's "Back to Previous Page" icon might point in a different direction in Hebrew and in English; it might look different when insensitive; and it might change size depending on toolbar mode (small/large icons). So a single icon set would contain all those variants of the icon, and you might add a separate source for each one. You should nearly always add a "default" icon source with all fields wildcarded, which will be used as a fallback if no more specific source matches. GtkIconSet always prefers more specific icon sources to more generic icon sources. The order in which you add the sources to the icon set does not matter. gtk_icon_set_new_from_pixbuf() creates a new icon set with a default icon source based on the given pixbuf.

IconSet copy()

Warning gtk_icon_set_copy has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Copies icon_set by value.

IconSet doref()

Warning gtk_icon_set_ref has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Increments the reference count on icon_set.

GtkIconSet* getIconSetStruct()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void getSizes(GtkIconSize[] sizes)

Warning gtk_icon_set_get_sizes has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Obtains a list of icon sizes this icon set can render. The returned array must be freed with g_free().

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

Pixbuf renderIcon(Style style, GtkTextDirection direction, GtkStateType state, GtkIconSize size, Widget widget, string detail)

Warning gtk_icon_set_render_icon has been deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gtk_icon_set_render_icon_pixbuf() instead Renders an icon using gtk_style_render_icon(). In most cases, gtk_widget_render_icon() is better, since it automatically provides most of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never returns NULL; if the icon can't be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.

Pixbuf renderIconPixbuf(StyleContext context, GtkIconSize size)

Warning gtk_icon_set_render_icon_pixbuf has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Renders an icon using gtk_render_icon_pixbuf(). In most cases, gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf() is better, since it automatically provides most of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never returns NULL; if the icon can't be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.

Surface renderIconSurface(StyleContext context, GtkIconSize size, int scale, Window forWindow)

Warning gtk_icon_set_render_icon_surface has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Renders an icon using gtk_render_icon_pixbuf() and converts it to a cairo surface. This function never returns NULL; if the icon can't be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.

void unref()

Warning gtk_icon_set_unref has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use GtkIconTheme instead. Decrements the reference count on icon_set, and frees memory if the reference count reaches 0.


GtkIconSet* gtkIconSet;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From Boxed

void* boxedCopy(GType boxedType, void* srcBoxed)

Provide a copy of a boxed structure src_boxed which is of type boxed_type.

void boxedFree(GType boxedType, void* boxed)

Free the boxed structure boxed which is of type boxed_type.

GType boxedTypeRegisterStatic(string name, GBoxedCopyFunc boxedCopy, GBoxedFreeFunc boxedFree)

This function creates a new G_TYPE_BOXED derived type id for a new boxed type with name name. Boxed type handling functions have to be provided to copy and free opaque boxed structures of this type.

GType pointerTypeRegisterStatic(string name)

Creates a new G_TYPE_POINTER derived type id for a new pointer type with name name.
