Emitted when the ability to redo has changed. Since 2.10
Emitted when the ability to undo has changed. Since 2.10 See Also GtkTextBuffer, GtkSourceView
Begin a not undoable action on the buffer. All changes between this call and the call to gtk_source_undo_manager_end_not_undoable_action() cannot be undone. This function should be re-entrant. Since 2.10
Get whether there are redo operations available. Since 2.10
Emits the "can-redo-changed" signal. Since 2.10 Signal Details The "can-redo-changed" signal void user_function (GtkSourceUndoManager *manager, gpointer user_data) : Action Emitted when the ability to redo has changed. Since 2.10
Get whether there are undo operations available. Since 2.10
Emits the "can-undo-changed" signal. Since 2.10
Ends a not undoable action on the buffer. Since 2.10
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Perform a single redo. Calling this function when there are no redo operations available is an error. Use gtk_source_undo_manager_can_redo() to find out if there are redo operations available. Since 2.10
Perform a single undo. Calling this function when there are no undo operations available is an error. Use gtk_source_undo_manager_can_undo() to find out if there are undo operations available. Since 2.10
The GtkSourceUndoManager interface can be implemented to provide custom undo management to a GtkSourceBuffer. Use gtk_source_buffer_set_undo_manager() to install a custom undo manager for a particular source buffer.
Use gtk_source_undo_manager_can_undo_changed() and gtk_source_undo_manager_can_redo_changed() when respectively the undo state or redo state of the undo stack has changed.