Emitted when interface is added to object. This signal exists purely as a convenience to avoid having to connect signals to all objects managed by manager. Since 2.30
Emitted when interface has been removed from object. This signal exists purely as a convenience to avoid having to connect signals to all objects managed by manager. Since 2.30
Emitted when object is added to manager. Since 2.30
Emitted when object is removed from manager. Since 2.30
Gets the interface proxy for interface_name at object_path, if any. Since 2.30 Signal Details The "interface-added" signal void user_function (GDBusObjectManager *manager, GDBusObject *object, GDBusInterface *interface, gpointer user_data) : Run Last Emitted when interface is added to object. This signal exists purely as a convenience to avoid having to connect signals to all objects managed by manager. Since 2.30
Gets the GDBusObjectProxy at object_path, if any. Since 2.30
Gets the object path that manager is for. Since 2.30
Gets all GDBusObject objects known to manager. Since 2.30
the main Gtk struct
The GDBusObjectManager type is the base type for service- and client-side implementations of the standardized org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.
See GDBusObjectManagerClient for the client-side implementation and GDBusObjectManagerServer for the service-side implementation.