
Creates a new pixbuf by asynchronously loading an image from an input stream. For more details see gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_at_scale(), which is the synchronous version of this function. When the operation is finished, callback will be called in the main thread. You can then call gdk_pixbuf_new_from_stream_finish() to get the result of the operation. Since 2.24

class Pixbuf


stream InputStream

a GInputStream from which to load the pixbuf

width int

the width the image should have or -1 to not constrain the width

height int

the height the image should have or -1 to not constrain the height

preserveAspectRatio int

TRUE to preserve the image's aspect ratio

cancellable Cancellable

optional GCancellable object, NULL to ignore. [allow-none]

callback GAsyncReadyCallback

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the the pixbuf is loaded

userData void*

the data to pass to the callback function
