1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = pango-Layout-Objects.html
27  * outPack = pango
28  * outFile = PgLayout
29  * strct   = PangoLayout
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = PgLayout
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: Yes
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * prefixes:
40  * 	- pango_layout_
41  * omit structs:
42  * omit prefixes:
43  * 	- pango_layout_iter_
44  * 	- pango_layout_line_
45  * omit code:
46  * 	- pango_layout_set_text
47  * omit signals:
48  * imports:
49  * 	- glib.Str
50  * 	- pango.PgLayoutLine
51  * 	- pango.PgContext
52  * 	- pango.PgAttributeList
53  * 	- pango.PgFontDescription
54  * 	- pango.PgTabArray
55  * 	- pango.PgLayoutIter
56  * 	- glib.ListSG
57  * structWrap:
58  * 	- GSList* -> ListSG
59  * 	- PangoAttrList* -> PgAttributeList
60  * 	- PangoContext* -> PgContext
61  * 	- PangoFontDescription* -> PgFontDescription
62  * 	- PangoLayout* -> PgLayout
63  * 	- PangoLayoutIter* -> PgLayoutIter
64  * 	- PangoLayoutLine* -> PgLayoutLine
65  * 	- PangoTabArray* -> PgTabArray
66  * module aliases:
67  * local aliases:
68  * overrides:
69  */
71 module pango.PgLayout;
73 public  import gtkc.pangotypes;
75 private import gtkc.pango;
76 private import glib.ConstructionException;
77 private import gobject.ObjectG;
80 private import glib.Str;
81 private import pango.PgLayoutLine;
82 private import pango.PgContext;
83 private import pango.PgAttributeList;
84 private import pango.PgFontDescription;
85 private import pango.PgTabArray;
86 private import pango.PgLayoutIter;
87 private import glib.ListSG;
91 private import gobject.ObjectG;
93 /**
94  * Description
95  * While complete access to the layout capabilities of Pango is provided
96  * using the detailed interfaces for itemization and shaping, using
97  * that functionality directly involves writing a fairly large amount
98  * of code. The objects and functions in this section provide a
99  * high-level driver for formatting entire paragraphs of text
100  * at once.
101  */
102 public class PgLayout : ObjectG
103 {
105 	/** the main Gtk struct */
106 	protected PangoLayout* pangoLayout;
109 	public PangoLayout* getPgLayoutStruct()
110 	{
111 		return pangoLayout;
112 	}
115 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
116 	protected override void* getStruct()
117 	{
118 		return cast(void*)pangoLayout;
119 	}
121 	/**
122 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
123 	 */
124 	public this (PangoLayout* pangoLayout)
125 	{
126 		super(cast(GObject*)pangoLayout);
127 		this.pangoLayout = pangoLayout;
128 	}
130 	protected override void setStruct(GObject* obj)
131 	{
132 		super.setStruct(obj);
133 		pangoLayout = cast(PangoLayout*)obj;
134 	}
136 	/**
137 	 * Sets the text of the layout.
138 	 * Params:
139 	 *  text = a UTF-8 string
140 	 */
141 	public void setText(string text)
142 	{
143 		// void pango_layout_set_text (PangoLayout *layout,  const char *text,  int length);
144 		pango_layout_set_text(pangoLayout, Str.toStringz(text), cast(int) text.length);
145 	}
148 	/**
149 	 */
151 	/**
152 	 * Create a new PangoLayout object with attributes initialized to
153 	 * default values for a particular PangoContext.
154 	 * Params:
155 	 * context = a PangoContext
156 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
157 	 */
158 	public this (PgContext context)
159 	{
160 		// PangoLayout * pango_layout_new (PangoContext *context);
161 		auto p = pango_layout_new((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct());
162 		if(p is null)
163 		{
164 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by pango_layout_new((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct())");
165 		}
166 		this(cast(PangoLayout*) p);
167 	}
169 	/**
170 	 * Does a deep copy-by-value of the src layout. The attribute list,
171 	 * tab array, and text from the original layout are all copied by
172 	 * value.
173 	 * Returns: the newly allocated PangoLayout, with a reference count of one, which should be freed with g_object_unref().
174 	 */
175 	public PgLayout copy()
176 	{
177 		// PangoLayout * pango_layout_copy (PangoLayout *src);
178 		auto p = pango_layout_copy(pangoLayout);
180 		if(p is null)
181 		{
182 			return null;
183 		}
185 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayout)(cast(PangoLayout*) p);
186 	}
188 	/**
189 	 * Retrieves the PangoContext used for this layout.
190 	 * Returns: the PangoContext for the layout. This does not have an additional refcount added, so if you want to keep a copy of this around, you must reference it yourself. [transfer none]
191 	 */
192 	public PgContext getContext()
193 	{
194 		// PangoContext * pango_layout_get_context (PangoLayout *layout);
195 		auto p = pango_layout_get_context(pangoLayout);
197 		if(p is null)
198 		{
199 			return null;
200 		}
202 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgContext)(cast(PangoContext*) p);
203 	}
205 	/**
206 	 * Forces recomputation of any state in the PangoLayout that
207 	 * might depend on the layout's context. This function should
208 	 * be called if you make changes to the context subsequent
209 	 * to creating the layout.
210 	 */
211 	public void contextChanged()
212 	{
213 		// void pango_layout_context_changed (PangoLayout *layout);
214 		pango_layout_context_changed(pangoLayout);
215 	}
217 	/**
218 	 * Gets the text in the layout. The returned text should not
219 	 * be freed or modified.
220 	 * Returns: the text in the layout.
221 	 */
222 	public string getText()
223 	{
224 		// const char * pango_layout_get_text (PangoLayout *layout);
225 		return Str.toString(pango_layout_get_text(pangoLayout));
226 	}
228 	/**
229 	 * Same as pango_layout_set_markup_with_accel(), but
230 	 * the markup text isn't scanned for accelerators.
231 	 * Params:
232 	 * markup = marked-up text
233 	 * length = length of marked-up text in bytes, or -1 if markup is
234 	 * nul-terminated
235 	 */
236 	public void setMarkup(string markup, int length)
237 	{
238 		// void pango_layout_set_markup (PangoLayout *layout,  const char *markup,  int length);
239 		pango_layout_set_markup(pangoLayout, Str.toStringz(markup), length);
240 	}
242 	/**
243 	 * Sets the layout text and attribute list from marked-up text (see
244 	 * markup format). Replaces
245 	 * the current text and attribute list.
246 	 * If accel_marker is nonzero, the given character will mark the
247 	 * character following it as an accelerator. For example, accel_marker
248 	 * might be an ampersand or underscore. All characters marked
249 	 * as an accelerator will receive a PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW attribute,
250 	 * and the first character so marked will be returned in accel_char.
251 	 * Two accel_marker characters following each other produce a single
252 	 * literal accel_marker character.
253 	 * Params:
254 	 * markup = marked-up text
255 	 * (see markup format)
256 	 * length = length of marked-up text in bytes, or -1 if markup is
257 	 * nul-terminated
258 	 * accelMarker = marker for accelerators in the text
259 	 * accelChar = return location for first located accelerator, or NULL
260 	 */
261 	public void setMarkupWithAccel(string markup, int length, gunichar accelMarker, gunichar* accelChar)
262 	{
263 		// void pango_layout_set_markup_with_accel (PangoLayout *layout,  const char *markup,  int length,  gunichar accel_marker,  gunichar *accel_char);
264 		pango_layout_set_markup_with_accel(pangoLayout, Str.toStringz(markup), length, accelMarker, accelChar);
265 	}
267 	/**
268 	 * Sets the text attributes for a layout object.
269 	 * References attrs, so the caller can unref its reference.
270 	 * Params:
271 	 * attrs = a PangoAttrList, can be NULL
272 	 */
273 	public void setAttributes(PgAttributeList attrs)
274 	{
275 		// void pango_layout_set_attributes (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoAttrList *attrs);
276 		pango_layout_set_attributes(pangoLayout, (attrs is null) ? null : attrs.getPgAttributeListStruct());
277 	}
279 	/**
280 	 * Gets the attribute list for the layout, if any.
281 	 * Returns: a PangoAttrList.
282 	 */
283 	public PgAttributeList getAttributes()
284 	{
285 		// PangoAttrList * pango_layout_get_attributes (PangoLayout *layout);
286 		auto p = pango_layout_get_attributes(pangoLayout);
288 		if(p is null)
289 		{
290 			return null;
291 		}
293 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgAttributeList)(cast(PangoAttrList*) p);
294 	}
296 	/**
297 	 * Sets the default font description for the layout. If no font
298 	 * description is set on the layout, the font description from
299 	 * the layout's context is used.
300 	 * Params:
301 	 * desc = the new PangoFontDescription, or NULL to unset the
302 	 *  current font description
303 	 */
304 	public void setFontDescription(PgFontDescription desc)
305 	{
306 		// void pango_layout_set_font_description (PangoLayout *layout,  const PangoFontDescription *desc);
307 		pango_layout_set_font_description(pangoLayout, (desc is null) ? null : desc.getPgFontDescriptionStruct());
308 	}
310 	/**
311 	 * Gets the font description for the layout, if any.
312 	 * Since 1.8
313 	 * Returns: a pointer to the layout's font description, or NULL if the font description from the layout's context is inherited. This value is owned by the layout and must not be modified or freed.
314 	 */
315 	public PgFontDescription getFontDescription()
316 	{
317 		// const PangoFontDescription * pango_layout_get_font_description  (PangoLayout *layout);
318 		auto p = pango_layout_get_font_description(pangoLayout);
320 		if(p is null)
321 		{
322 			return null;
323 		}
325 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgFontDescription)(cast(PangoFontDescription*) p);
326 	}
328 	/**
329 	 * Sets the width to which the lines of the PangoLayout should wrap or
330 	 * ellipsized. The default value is -1: no width set.
331 	 * Params:
332 	 * width = the desired width in Pango units, or -1 to indicate that no
333 	 *  wrapping or ellipsization should be performed.
334 	 */
335 	public void setWidth(int width)
336 	{
337 		// void pango_layout_set_width (PangoLayout *layout,  int width);
338 		pango_layout_set_width(pangoLayout, width);
339 	}
341 	/**
342 	 * Gets the width to which the lines of the PangoLayout should wrap.
343 	 * Returns: the width in Pango units, or -1 if no width set.
344 	 */
345 	public int getWidth()
346 	{
347 		// int pango_layout_get_width (PangoLayout *layout);
348 		return pango_layout_get_width(pangoLayout);
349 	}
351 	/**
352 	 * Sets the height to which the PangoLayout should be ellipsized at. There
353 	 * are two different behaviors, based on whether height is positive or
354 	 * negative.
355 	 * If height is positive, it will be the maximum height of the layout. Only
356 	 * lines would be shown that would fit, and if there is any text omitted,
357 	 * an ellipsis added. At least one line is included in each paragraph regardless
358 	 * of how small the height value is. A value of zero will render exactly one
359 	 * line for the entire layout.
360 	 * If height is negative, it will be the (negative of) maximum number of lines per
361 	 * paragraph. That is, the total number of lines shown may well be more than
362 	 * this value if the layout contains multiple paragraphs of text.
363 	 * The default value of -1 means that first line of each paragraph is ellipsized.
364 	 * This behvaior may be changed in the future to act per layout instead of per
365 	 * paragraph. File a bug against pango at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ if your
366 	 * code relies on this behavior.
367 	 * Height setting only has effect if a positive width is set on
368 	 * layout and ellipsization mode of layout is not PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE.
369 	 * The behavior is undefined if a height other than -1 is set and
370 	 * ellipsization mode is set to PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, and may change in the
371 	 * future.
372 	 * Since 1.20
373 	 * Params:
374 	 * height = the desired height of the layout in Pango units if positive,
375 	 *  or desired number of lines if negative.
376 	 */
377 	public void setHeight(int height)
378 	{
379 		// void pango_layout_set_height (PangoLayout *layout,  int height);
380 		pango_layout_set_height(pangoLayout, height);
381 	}
383 	/**
384 	 * Gets the height of layout used for ellipsization. See
385 	 * pango_layout_set_height() for details.
386 	 * Since 1.20
387 	 * Returns: the height, in Pango units if positive, or number of lines if negative.
388 	 */
389 	public int getHeight()
390 	{
391 		// int pango_layout_get_height (PangoLayout *layout);
392 		return pango_layout_get_height(pangoLayout);
393 	}
395 	/**
396 	 * Sets the wrap mode; the wrap mode only has effect if a width
397 	 * is set on the layout with pango_layout_set_width().
398 	 * To turn off wrapping, set the width to -1.
399 	 * Params:
400 	 * wrap = the wrap mode
401 	 */
402 	public void setWrap(PangoWrapMode wrap)
403 	{
404 		// void pango_layout_set_wrap (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoWrapMode wrap);
405 		pango_layout_set_wrap(pangoLayout, wrap);
406 	}
408 	/**
409 	 * Gets the wrap mode for the layout.
410 	 * Use pango_layout_is_wrapped() to query whether any paragraphs
411 	 * were actually wrapped.
412 	 * Returns: active wrap mode.
413 	 */
414 	public PangoWrapMode getWrap()
415 	{
416 		// PangoWrapMode pango_layout_get_wrap (PangoLayout *layout);
417 		return pango_layout_get_wrap(pangoLayout);
418 	}
420 	/**
421 	 * Queries whether the layout had to wrap any paragraphs.
422 	 * This returns TRUE if a positive width is set on layout,
423 	 * ellipsization mode of layout is set to PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE,
424 	 * and there are paragraphs exceeding the layout width that have
425 	 * to be wrapped.
426 	 * Since 1.16
427 	 * Returns: TRUE if any paragraphs had to be wrapped, FALSE otherwise.
428 	 */
429 	public int isWrapped()
430 	{
431 		// gboolean pango_layout_is_wrapped (PangoLayout *layout);
432 		return pango_layout_is_wrapped(pangoLayout);
433 	}
435 	/**
436 	 * Sets the type of ellipsization being performed for layout.
437 	 * Depending on the ellipsization mode ellipsize text is
438 	 * removed from the start, middle, or end of text so they
439 	 * fit within the width and height of layout set with
440 	 * pango_layout_set_width() and pango_layout_set_height().
441 	 * If the layout contains characters such as newlines that
442 	 * force it to be layed out in multiple paragraphs, then whether
443 	 * each paragraph is ellipsized separately or the entire layout
444 	 * is ellipsized as a whole depends on the set height of the layout.
445 	 * See pango_layout_set_height() for details.
446 	 * Since 1.6
447 	 * Params:
448 	 * ellipsize = the new ellipsization mode for layout
449 	 */
450 	public void setEllipsize(PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsize)
451 	{
452 		// void pango_layout_set_ellipsize (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoEllipsizeMode ellipsize);
453 		pango_layout_set_ellipsize(pangoLayout, ellipsize);
454 	}
456 	/**
457 	 * Gets the type of ellipsization being performed for layout.
458 	 * See pango_layout_set_ellipsize()
459 	 * Since 1.6
460 	 * Returns: the current ellipsization mode for layout. Use pango_layout_is_ellipsized() to query whether any paragraphs were actually ellipsized.
461 	 */
462 	public PangoEllipsizeMode getEllipsize()
463 	{
464 		// PangoEllipsizeMode pango_layout_get_ellipsize (PangoLayout *layout);
465 		return pango_layout_get_ellipsize(pangoLayout);
466 	}
468 	/**
469 	 * Queries whether the layout had to ellipsize any paragraphs.
470 	 * This returns TRUE if the ellipsization mode for layout
471 	 * is not PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, a positive width is set on layout,
472 	 * and there are paragraphs exceeding that width that have to be
473 	 * ellipsized.
474 	 * Since 1.16
475 	 * Returns: TRUE if any paragraphs had to be ellipsized, FALSE otherwise.
476 	 */
477 	public int isEllipsized()
478 	{
479 		// gboolean pango_layout_is_ellipsized (PangoLayout *layout);
480 		return pango_layout_is_ellipsized(pangoLayout);
481 	}
483 	/**
484 	 * Sets the width in Pango units to indent each paragraph. A negative value
485 	 * of indent will produce a hanging indentation. That is, the first line will
486 	 * have the full width, and subsequent lines will be indented by the
487 	 * absolute value of indent.
488 	 * The indent setting is ignored if layout alignment is set to
490 	 * Params:
491 	 * indent = the amount by which to indent.
492 	 */
493 	public void setIndent(int indent)
494 	{
495 		// void pango_layout_set_indent (PangoLayout *layout,  int indent);
496 		pango_layout_set_indent(pangoLayout, indent);
497 	}
499 	/**
500 	 * Gets the paragraph indent width in Pango units. A negative value
501 	 * indicates a hanging indentation.
502 	 * Returns: the indent in Pango units.
503 	 */
504 	public int getIndent()
505 	{
506 		// int pango_layout_get_indent (PangoLayout *layout);
507 		return pango_layout_get_indent(pangoLayout);
508 	}
510 	/**
511 	 * Gets the amount of spacing between the lines of the layout.
512 	 * Returns: the spacing in Pango units.
513 	 */
514 	public int getSpacing()
515 	{
516 		// int pango_layout_get_spacing (PangoLayout *layout);
517 		return pango_layout_get_spacing(pangoLayout);
518 	}
520 	/**
521 	 * Sets the amount of spacing in Pango unit between the lines of the
522 	 * layout.
523 	 * Params:
524 	 * spacing = the amount of spacing
525 	 */
526 	public void setSpacing(int spacing)
527 	{
528 		// void pango_layout_set_spacing (PangoLayout *layout,  int spacing);
529 		pango_layout_set_spacing(pangoLayout, spacing);
530 	}
532 	/**
533 	 * Sets whether each complete line should be stretched to
534 	 * fill the entire width of the layout. This stretching is typically
535 	 * done by adding whitespace, but for some scripts (such as Arabic),
536 	 * the justification may be done in more complex ways, like extending
537 	 * the characters.
538 	 * Note that this setting is not implemented and so is ignored in Pango
539 	 * older than 1.18.
540 	 * Params:
541 	 * justify = whether the lines in the layout should be justified.
542 	 */
543 	public void setJustify(int justify)
544 	{
545 		// void pango_layout_set_justify (PangoLayout *layout,  gboolean justify);
546 		pango_layout_set_justify(pangoLayout, justify);
547 	}
549 	/**
550 	 * Gets whether each complete line should be stretched to fill the entire
551 	 * width of the layout.
552 	 * Returns: the justify.
553 	 */
554 	public int getJustify()
555 	{
556 		// gboolean pango_layout_get_justify (PangoLayout *layout);
557 		return pango_layout_get_justify(pangoLayout);
558 	}
560 	/**
561 	 * Sets whether to calculate the bidirectional base direction
562 	 * for the layout according to the contents of the layout;
563 	 * when this flag is on (the default), then paragraphs in
564 	 *  layout that begin with strong right-to-left characters
565 	 * (Arabic and Hebrew principally), will have right-to-left
566 	 * layout, paragraphs with letters from other scripts will
567 	 * have left-to-right layout. Paragraphs with only neutral
568 	 * characters get their direction from the surrounding paragraphs.
569 	 * When FALSE, the choice between left-to-right and
570 	 * right-to-left layout is done according to the base direction
571 	 * of the layout's PangoContext. (See pango_context_set_base_dir()).
572 	 * When the auto-computed direction of a paragraph differs from the
573 	 * base direction of the context, the interpretation of
574 	 * PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT and PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT are swapped.
575 	 * Since 1.4
576 	 * Params:
577 	 * autoDir = if TRUE, compute the bidirectional base direction
578 	 *  from the layout's contents.
579 	 */
580 	public void setAutoDir(int autoDir)
581 	{
582 		// void pango_layout_set_auto_dir (PangoLayout *layout,  gboolean auto_dir);
583 		pango_layout_set_auto_dir(pangoLayout, autoDir);
584 	}
586 	/**
587 	 * Gets whether to calculate the bidirectional base direction
588 	 * for the layout according to the contents of the layout.
589 	 * See pango_layout_set_auto_dir().
590 	 * Since 1.4
591 	 * Returns: TRUE if the bidirectional base direction is computed from the layout's contents, FALSE otherwise.
592 	 */
593 	public int getAutoDir()
594 	{
595 		// gboolean pango_layout_get_auto_dir (PangoLayout *layout);
596 		return pango_layout_get_auto_dir(pangoLayout);
597 	}
599 	/**
600 	 * Sets the alignment for the layout: how partial lines are
601 	 * positioned within the horizontal space available.
602 	 * Params:
603 	 * alignment = the alignment
604 	 */
605 	public void setAlignment(PangoAlignment alignment)
606 	{
607 		// void pango_layout_set_alignment (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoAlignment alignment);
608 		pango_layout_set_alignment(pangoLayout, alignment);
609 	}
611 	/**
612 	 * Gets the alignment for the layout: how partial lines are
613 	 * positioned within the horizontal space available.
614 	 * Returns: the alignment.
615 	 */
616 	public PangoAlignment getAlignment()
617 	{
618 		// PangoAlignment pango_layout_get_alignment (PangoLayout *layout);
619 		return pango_layout_get_alignment(pangoLayout);
620 	}
622 	/**
623 	 * Sets the tabs to use for layout, overriding the default tabs
624 	 * (by default, tabs are every 8 spaces). If tabs is NULL, the default
625 	 * tabs are reinstated. tabs is copied into the layout; you must
626 	 * free your copy of tabs yourself.
627 	 * Params:
628 	 * tabs = a PangoTabArray, or NULL
629 	 */
630 	public void setTabs(PgTabArray tabs)
631 	{
632 		// void pango_layout_set_tabs (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoTabArray *tabs);
633 		pango_layout_set_tabs(pangoLayout, (tabs is null) ? null : tabs.getPgTabArrayStruct());
634 	}
636 	/**
637 	 * Gets the current PangoTabArray used by this layout. If no
638 	 * PangoTabArray has been set, then the default tabs are in use
639 	 * and NULL is returned. Default tabs are every 8 spaces.
640 	 * The return value should be freed with pango_tab_array_free().
641 	 * Returns: a copy of the tabs for this layout, or NULL.
642 	 */
643 	public PgTabArray getTabs()
644 	{
645 		// PangoTabArray * pango_layout_get_tabs (PangoLayout *layout);
646 		auto p = pango_layout_get_tabs(pangoLayout);
648 		if(p is null)
649 		{
650 			return null;
651 		}
653 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgTabArray)(cast(PangoTabArray*) p);
654 	}
656 	/**
657 	 * If setting is TRUE, do not treat newlines and similar characters
658 	 * as paragraph separators; instead, keep all text in a single paragraph,
659 	 * and display a glyph for paragraph separator characters. Used when
660 	 * you want to allow editing of newlines on a single text line.
661 	 * Params:
662 	 * setting = new setting
663 	 */
664 	public void setSingleParagraphMode(int setting)
665 	{
666 		// void pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode  (PangoLayout *layout,  gboolean setting);
667 		pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(pangoLayout, setting);
668 	}
670 	/**
671 	 * Obtains the value set by pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode().
672 	 * Returns: TRUE if the layout does not break paragraphs at paragraph separator characters, FALSE otherwise.
673 	 */
674 	public int getSingleParagraphMode()
675 	{
676 		// gboolean pango_layout_get_single_paragraph_mode  (PangoLayout *layout);
677 		return pango_layout_get_single_paragraph_mode(pangoLayout);
678 	}
680 	/**
681 	 * Counts the number unknown glyphs in layout. That is, zero if
682 	 * glyphs for all characters in the layout text were found, or more
683 	 * than zero otherwise.
684 	 * This function can be used to determine if there are any fonts
685 	 * available to render all characters in a certain string, or when
686 	 * used in combination with PANGO_ATTR_FALLBACK, to check if a
687 	 * certain font supports all the characters in the string.
688 	 * Since 1.16
689 	 * Returns: The number of unknown glyphs in layout.
690 	 */
691 	public int getUnknownGlyphsCount()
692 	{
693 		// int pango_layout_get_unknown_glyphs_count  (PangoLayout *layout);
694 		return pango_layout_get_unknown_glyphs_count(pangoLayout);
695 	}
697 	/**
698 	 * Retrieves an array of logical attributes for each character in
699 	 * the layout.
700 	 * Params:
701 	 * attrs = location to store a pointer to an array of logical attributes
702 	 *  This value must be freed with g_free(). [out][array length=n_attrs][transfer container length=n_attrs]
703 	 */
704 	public void getLogAttrs(out PangoLogAttr[] attrs)
705 	{
706 		// void pango_layout_get_log_attrs (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoLogAttr **attrs,  gint *n_attrs);
707 		PangoLogAttr* outattrs = null;
708 		int nAttrs;
710 		pango_layout_get_log_attrs(pangoLayout, &outattrs, &nAttrs);
712 		attrs = outattrs[0 .. nAttrs];
713 	}
715 	/**
716 	 * Converts from an index within a PangoLayout to the onscreen position
717 	 * corresponding to the grapheme at that index, which is represented
718 	 * as rectangle. Note that pos->x is always the leading
719 	 * edge of the grapheme and pos->x + pos->width the trailing
720 	 * edge of the grapheme. If the directionality of the grapheme is right-to-left,
721 	 * then pos->width will be negative.
722 	 * Params:
723 	 * index = byte index within layout
724 	 * pos = rectangle in which to store the position of the grapheme. [out]
725 	 */
726 	public void indexToPos(int index, PangoRectangle* pos)
727 	{
728 		// void pango_layout_index_to_pos (PangoLayout *layout,  int index_,  PangoRectangle *pos);
729 		pango_layout_index_to_pos(pangoLayout, index, pos);
730 	}
732 	/**
733 	 * Converts from byte index_ within the layout to line and X position.
734 	 * (X position is measured from the left edge of the line)
735 	 * Params:
736 	 * index = the byte index of a grapheme within the layout.
737 	 * trailing = an integer indicating the edge of the grapheme to retrieve the
738 	 *  position of. If 0, the trailing edge of the grapheme, if > 0,
739 	 *  the leading of the grapheme.
740 	 * line = location to store resulting line index. (which will
741 	 *  between 0 and pango_layout_get_line_count(layout) - 1)
742 	 * x_pos (out): location to store resulting position within line
743 	 *  (PANGO_SCALE units per device unit). [out]
744 	 */
745 	public void indexToLineX(int index, int trailing, out int line, out int xPos)
746 	{
747 		// void pango_layout_index_to_line_x (PangoLayout *layout,  int index_,  gboolean trailing,  int *line,  int *x_pos);
748 		pango_layout_index_to_line_x(pangoLayout, index, trailing, &line, &xPos);
749 	}
751 	/**
752 	 * Converts from X and Y position within a layout to the byte
753 	 * index to the character at that logical position. If the
754 	 * Y position is not inside the layout, the closest position is chosen
755 	 * (the position will be clamped inside the layout). If the
756 	 * X position is not within the layout, then the start or the
757 	 * end of the line is chosen as described for pango_layout_x_to_index().
758 	 * If either the X or Y positions were not inside the layout, then the
759 	 * function returns FALSE; on an exact hit, it returns TRUE.
760 	 * Params:
761 	 * x = the X offset (in Pango units)
762 	 *  from the left edge of the layout.
763 	 * y = the Y offset (in Pango units)
764 	 *  from the top edge of the layout
765 	 * index = location to store calculated byte index. [out]
766 	 * trailing = location to store a integer indicating where
767 	 *  in the grapheme the user clicked. It will either
768 	 *  be zero, or the number of characters in the
769 	 *  grapheme. 0 represents the trailing edge of the grapheme. [out]
770 	 * Returns: TRUE if the coordinates were inside text, FALSE otherwise.
771 	 */
772 	public int xyToIndex(int x, int y, out int index, out int trailing)
773 	{
774 		// gboolean pango_layout_xy_to_index (PangoLayout *layout,  int x,  int y,  int *index_,  int *trailing);
775 		return pango_layout_xy_to_index(pangoLayout, x, y, &index, &trailing);
776 	}
778 	/**
779 	 * Given an index within a layout, determines the positions that of the
780 	 * strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that
781 	 * index. The position of each cursor is stored as a zero-width
782 	 * rectangle. The strong cursor location is the location where
783 	 * characters of the directionality equal to the base direction of the
784 	 * layout are inserted. The weak cursor location is the location
785 	 * where characters of the directionality opposite to the base
786 	 * direction of the layout are inserted.
787 	 * Params:
788 	 * index = the byte index of the cursor
789 	 * strongPos = location to store the strong cursor position
790 	 *  (may be NULL). [out]
791 	 * weakPos = location to store the weak cursor position (may be NULL). [out]
792 	 */
793 	public void getCursorPos(int index, PangoRectangle* strongPos, PangoRectangle* weakPos)
794 	{
795 		// void pango_layout_get_cursor_pos (PangoLayout *layout,  int index_,  PangoRectangle *strong_pos,  PangoRectangle *weak_pos);
796 		pango_layout_get_cursor_pos(pangoLayout, index, strongPos, weakPos);
797 	}
799 	/**
800 	 * Computes a new cursor position from an old position and
801 	 * a count of positions to move visually. If direction is positive,
802 	 * then the new strong cursor position will be one position
803 	 * to the right of the old cursor position. If direction is negative,
804 	 * then the new strong cursor position will be one position
805 	 * to the left of the old cursor position.
806 	 * In the presence of bidirectional text, the correspondence
807 	 * between logical and visual order will depend on the direction
808 	 * of the current run, and there may be jumps when the cursor
809 	 * is moved off of the end of a run.
810 	 * Motion here is in cursor positions, not in characters, so a
811 	 * single call to pango_layout_move_cursor_visually() may move the
812 	 * cursor over multiple characters when multiple characters combine
813 	 * to form a single grapheme.
814 	 * Params:
815 	 * strong = whether the moving cursor is the strong cursor or the
816 	 *  weak cursor. The strong cursor is the cursor corresponding
817 	 *  to text insertion in the base direction for the layout.
818 	 * oldIndex = the byte index of the grapheme for the old index
819 	 * oldTrailing = if 0, the cursor was at the trailing edge of the
820 	 *  grapheme indicated by old_index, if > 0, the cursor
821 	 *  was at the leading edge.
822 	 * direction = direction to move cursor. A negative
823 	 *  value indicates motion to the left.
824 	 * newIndex = location to store the new cursor byte index. A value of -1
825 	 *  indicates that the cursor has been moved off the beginning
826 	 *  of the layout. A value of G_MAXINT indicates that
827 	 *  the cursor has been moved off the end of the layout. [out]
828 	 * newTrailing = number of characters to move forward from the location returned
829 	 *  for new_index to get the position where the cursor should
830 	 *  be displayed. This allows distinguishing the position at
831 	 *  the beginning of one line from the position at the end
832 	 *  of the preceding line. new_index is always on the line
833 	 *  where the cursor should be displayed.
834 	 */
835 	public void moveCursorVisually(int strong, int oldIndex, int oldTrailing, int direction, out int newIndex, out int newTrailing)
836 	{
837 		// void pango_layout_move_cursor_visually (PangoLayout *layout,  gboolean strong,  int old_index,  int old_trailing,  int direction,  int *new_index,  int *new_trailing);
838 		pango_layout_move_cursor_visually(pangoLayout, strong, oldIndex, oldTrailing, direction, &newIndex, &newTrailing);
839 	}
841 	/**
842 	 * Computes the logical and ink extents of layout. Logical extents
843 	 * are usually what you want for positioning things. Note that both extents
844 	 * may have non-zero x and y. You may want to use those to offset where you
845 	 * render the layout. Not doing that is a very typical bug that shows up as
846 	 * right-to-left layouts not being correctly positioned in a layout with
847 	 * a set width.
848 	 * The extents are given in layout coordinates and in Pango units; layout
849 	 * coordinates begin at the top left corner of the layout.
850 	 * Params:
851 	 * inkRect = rectangle used to store the extents of the layout as drawn
852 	 *  or NULL to indicate that the result is not needed. [out]
853 	 * logicalRect = rectangle used to store the logical extents of the
854 	 *  layout or NULL to indicate that the result is not
855 	 *  needed. [out]
856 	 */
857 	public void getExtents(PangoRectangle* inkRect, PangoRectangle* logicalRect)
858 	{
859 		// void pango_layout_get_extents (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoRectangle *ink_rect,  PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
860 		pango_layout_get_extents(pangoLayout, inkRect, logicalRect);
861 	}
863 	/**
864 	 * Computes the logical and ink extents of layout in device units.
865 	 * This function just calls pango_layout_get_extents() followed by
866 	 * two pango_extents_to_pixels() calls, rounding ink_rect and logical_rect
867 	 * such that the rounded rectangles fully contain the unrounded one (that is,
868 	 * passes them as first argument to pango_extents_to_pixels()).
869 	 * Params:
870 	 * inkRect = rectangle used to store the extents of the layout as drawn
871 	 *  or NULL to indicate that the result is not needed. [out]
872 	 * logicalRect = rectangle used to store the logical extents of the
873 	 *  layout or NULL to indicate that the result is not
874 	 *  needed. [out]
875 	 */
876 	public void getPixelExtents(PangoRectangle* inkRect, PangoRectangle* logicalRect)
877 	{
878 		// void pango_layout_get_pixel_extents (PangoLayout *layout,  PangoRectangle *ink_rect,  PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
879 		pango_layout_get_pixel_extents(pangoLayout, inkRect, logicalRect);
880 	}
882 	/**
883 	 * Determines the logical width and height of a PangoLayout
884 	 * in Pango units (device units scaled by PANGO_SCALE). This
885 	 * is simply a convenience function around pango_layout_get_extents().
886 	 * Params:
887 	 * width = location to store the logical width, or NULL. [out]
888 	 * height = location to store the logical height, or NULL. [out]
889 	 */
890 	public void getSize(out int width, out int height)
891 	{
892 		// void pango_layout_get_size (PangoLayout *layout,  int *width,  int *height);
893 		pango_layout_get_size(pangoLayout, &width, &height);
894 	}
896 	/**
897 	 * Determines the logical width and height of a PangoLayout
898 	 * in device units. (pango_layout_get_size() returns the width
899 	 * and height scaled by PANGO_SCALE.) This
900 	 * is simply a convenience function around
901 	 * pango_layout_get_pixel_extents().
902 	 * Params:
903 	 * width = location to store the logical width, or NULL. [out]
904 	 * height = location to store the logical height, or NULL. [out]
905 	 */
906 	public void getPixelSize(out int width, out int height)
907 	{
908 		// void pango_layout_get_pixel_size (PangoLayout *layout,  int *width,  int *height);
909 		pango_layout_get_pixel_size(pangoLayout, &width, &height);
910 	}
912 	/**
913 	 * Gets the Y position of baseline of the first line in layout.
914 	 * Since 1.22
915 	 * Returns: baseline of first line, from top of layout.
916 	 */
917 	public int getBaseline()
918 	{
919 		// int pango_layout_get_baseline (PangoLayout *layout);
920 		return pango_layout_get_baseline(pangoLayout);
921 	}
923 	/**
924 	 * Retrieves the count of lines for the layout.
925 	 * Returns: the line count.
926 	 */
927 	public int getLineCount()
928 	{
929 		// int pango_layout_get_line_count (PangoLayout *layout);
930 		return pango_layout_get_line_count(pangoLayout);
931 	}
933 	/**
934 	 * Retrieves a particular line from a PangoLayout.
935 	 * Use the faster pango_layout_get_line_readonly() if you do not plan
936 	 * to modify the contents of the line (glyphs, glyph widths, etc.).
937 	 * Params:
938 	 * line = the index of a line, which must be between 0 and
939 	 *  pango_layout_get_line_count(layout) - 1, inclusive.
940 	 * Returns: the requested PangoLayoutLine, or NULL if the index is out of range. This layout line can be ref'ed and retained, but will become invalid if changes are made to the PangoLayout.
941 	 */
942 	public PgLayoutLine getLine(int line)
943 	{
944 		// PangoLayoutLine * pango_layout_get_line (PangoLayout *layout,  int line);
945 		auto p = pango_layout_get_line(pangoLayout, line);
947 		if(p is null)
948 		{
949 			return null;
950 		}
952 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayoutLine)(cast(PangoLayoutLine*) p);
953 	}
955 	/**
956 	 * Retrieves a particular line from a PangoLayout.
957 	 * This is a faster alternative to pango_layout_get_line(),
958 	 * but the user is not expected
959 	 * to modify the contents of the line (glyphs, glyph widths, etc.).
960 	 * Since 1.16
961 	 * Params:
962 	 * line = the index of a line, which must be between 0 and
963 	 *  pango_layout_get_line_count(layout) - 1, inclusive.
964 	 * Returns: the requested PangoLayoutLine, or NULL if the index is out of range. This layout line can be ref'ed and retained, but will become invalid if changes are made to the PangoLayout. No changes should be made to the line.
965 	 */
966 	public PgLayoutLine getLineReadonly(int line)
967 	{
968 		// PangoLayoutLine * pango_layout_get_line_readonly (PangoLayout *layout,  int line);
969 		auto p = pango_layout_get_line_readonly(pangoLayout, line);
971 		if(p is null)
972 		{
973 			return null;
974 		}
976 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayoutLine)(cast(PangoLayoutLine*) p);
977 	}
979 	/**
980 	 * Returns the lines of the layout as a list.
981 	 * Use the faster pango_layout_get_lines_readonly() if you do not plan
982 	 * to modify the contents of the lines (glyphs, glyph widths, etc.).
983 	 * Returns: a GSList containing the lines in the layout. This points to internal data of the PangoLayout and must be used with care. It will become invalid on any change to the layout's text or properties. [element-type Pango.LayoutLine][transfer none Pango.LayoutLine]
984 	 */
985 	public ListSG getLines()
986 	{
987 		// GSList * pango_layout_get_lines (PangoLayout *layout);
988 		auto p = pango_layout_get_lines(pangoLayout);
990 		if(p is null)
991 		{
992 			return null;
993 		}
995 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ListSG)(cast(GSList*) p);
996 	}
998 	/**
999 	 * Returns the lines of the layout as a list.
1000 	 * This is a faster alternative to pango_layout_get_lines(),
1001 	 * but the user is not expected
1002 	 * to modify the contents of the lines (glyphs, glyph widths, etc.).
1003 	 * Since 1.16
1004 	 * Returns: a GSList containing the lines in the layout. This points to internal data of the PangoLayout and must be used with care. It will become invalid on any change to the layout's text or properties. No changes should be made to the lines. [element-type Pango.LayoutLine][transfer none Pango.LayoutLine]
1005 	 */
1006 	public ListSG getLinesReadonly()
1007 	{
1008 		// GSList * pango_layout_get_lines_readonly (PangoLayout *layout);
1009 		auto p = pango_layout_get_lines_readonly(pangoLayout);
1011 		if(p is null)
1012 		{
1013 			return null;
1014 		}
1016 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ListSG)(cast(GSList*) p);
1017 	}
1019 	/**
1020 	 * Returns an iterator to iterate over the visual extents of the layout.
1021 	 * Returns: the new PangoLayoutIter that should be freed using pango_layout_iter_free().
1022 	 */
1023 	public PgLayoutIter getIter()
1024 	{
1025 		// PangoLayoutIter * pango_layout_get_iter (PangoLayout *layout);
1026 		auto p = pango_layout_get_iter(pangoLayout);
1028 		if(p is null)
1029 		{
1030 			return null;
1031 		}
1033 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayoutIter)(cast(PangoLayoutIter*) p);
1034 	}
1035 }