1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = GdkScreen.html
27  * outPack = gdk
28  * outFile = Screen
29  * strct   = GdkScreen
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = Screen
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: No
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * prefixes:
40  * 	- gdk_screen_
41  * omit structs:
42  * omit prefixes:
43  * omit code:
44  * omit signals:
45  * imports:
46  * 	- glib.Str
47  * 	- glib.ErrorG
48  * 	- glib.GException
49  * 	- cairo.FontOption
50  * 	- gdk.Screen
51  * 	- gdk.Colormap
52  * 	- gdk.Visual
53  * 	- gdk.Window
54  * 	- gdk.Display
55  * 	- glib.ListG
56  * 	- gdk.Rectangle
57  * 	- gdk.Event
58  * 	- gobject.Value
59  * structWrap:
60  * 	- GList* -> ListG
61  * 	- GValue* -> Value
62  * 	- GdkColormap* -> Colormap
63  * 	- GdkDisplay* -> Display
64  * 	- GdkEvent* -> Event
65  * 	- GdkRectangle* -> Rectangle
66  * 	- GdkScreen* -> Screen
67  * 	- GdkVisual* -> Visual
68  * 	- GdkWindow* -> Window
69  * 	- cairo_font_options_t* -> FontOption
70  * module aliases:
71  * local aliases:
72  * overrides:
73  */
75 module gdk.Screen;
77 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
79 private import gtkc.gdk;
80 private import glib.ConstructionException;
81 private import gobject.ObjectG;
83 private import gobject.Signals;
84 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
86 private import glib.Str;
87 private import glib.ErrorG;
88 private import glib.GException;
89 private import cairo.FontOption;
90 private import gdk.Screen;
91 private import gdk.Colormap;
92 private import gdk.Visual;
93 private import gdk.Window;
94 private import gdk.Display;
95 private import glib.ListG;
96 private import gdk.Rectangle;
97 private import gdk.Event;
98 private import gobject.Value;
102 private import gobject.ObjectG;
104 /**
105  * Description
106  *  GdkScreen objects are the GDK representation of a physical screen. It is used
107  *  throughout GDK and GTK+ to specify which screen the top level windows
108  *  are to be displayed on.
109  *  It is also used to query the screen specification and default settings such as
110  *  the default colormap (gdk_screen_get_default_colormap()),
111  *  the screen width (gdk_screen_get_width()), etc.
112  * Note that a screen may consist of multiple monitors which are merged to
113  * form a large screen area.
114  */
115 public class Screen : ObjectG
116 {
118 	/** the main Gtk struct */
119 	protected GdkScreen* gdkScreen;
122 	public GdkScreen* getScreenStruct()
123 	{
124 		return gdkScreen;
125 	}
128 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
129 	protected override void* getStruct()
130 	{
131 		return cast(void*)gdkScreen;
132 	}
134 	/**
135 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
136 	 */
137 	public this (GdkScreen* gdkScreen)
138 	{
139 		super(cast(GObject*)gdkScreen);
140 		this.gdkScreen = gdkScreen;
141 	}
143 	protected override void setStruct(GObject* obj)
144 	{
145 		super.setStruct(obj);
146 		gdkScreen = cast(GdkScreen*)obj;
147 	}
149 	/**
150 	 */
151 	int[string] connectedSignals;
153 	void delegate(Screen)[] onCompositedChangedListeners;
154 	/**
155 	 * The ::composited-changed signal is emitted when the composited
156 	 * status of the screen changes
157 	 * Since 2.10
158 	 */
159 	void addOnCompositedChanged(void delegate(Screen) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
160 	{
161 		if ( !("composited-changed" in connectedSignals) )
162 		{
163 			Signals.connectData(
164 			getStruct(),
165 			"composited-changed",
166 			cast(GCallback)&callBackCompositedChanged,
167 			cast(void*)this,
168 			null,
169 			connectFlags);
170 			connectedSignals["composited-changed"] = 1;
171 		}
172 		onCompositedChangedListeners ~= dlg;
173 	}
174 	extern(C) static void callBackCompositedChanged(GdkScreen* screenStruct, Screen _screen)
175 	{
176 		foreach ( void delegate(Screen) dlg ; _screen.onCompositedChangedListeners )
177 		{
178 			dlg(_screen);
179 		}
180 	}
182 	void delegate(Screen)[] onMonitorsChangedListeners;
183 	/**
184 	 * The ::monitors-changed signal is emitted when the number, size
185 	 * or position of the monitors attached to the screen change.
186 	 * Only for X11 and OS X for now. A future implementation for Win32
187 	 * may be a possibility.
188 	 * Since 2.14
189 	 */
190 	void addOnMonitorsChanged(void delegate(Screen) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
191 	{
192 		if ( !("monitors-changed" in connectedSignals) )
193 		{
194 			Signals.connectData(
195 			getStruct(),
196 			"monitors-changed",
197 			cast(GCallback)&callBackMonitorsChanged,
198 			cast(void*)this,
199 			null,
200 			connectFlags);
201 			connectedSignals["monitors-changed"] = 1;
202 		}
203 		onMonitorsChangedListeners ~= dlg;
204 	}
205 	extern(C) static void callBackMonitorsChanged(GdkScreen* screenStruct, Screen _screen)
206 	{
207 		foreach ( void delegate(Screen) dlg ; _screen.onMonitorsChangedListeners )
208 		{
209 			dlg(_screen);
210 		}
211 	}
213 	void delegate(Screen)[] onSizeChangedListeners;
214 	/**
215 	 * The ::size-changed signal is emitted when the pixel width or
216 	 * height of a screen changes.
217 	 * Since 2.2
218 	 */
219 	void addOnSizeChanged(void delegate(Screen) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
220 	{
221 		if ( !("size-changed" in connectedSignals) )
222 		{
223 			Signals.connectData(
224 			getStruct(),
225 			"size-changed",
226 			cast(GCallback)&callBackSizeChanged,
227 			cast(void*)this,
228 			null,
229 			connectFlags);
230 			connectedSignals["size-changed"] = 1;
231 		}
232 		onSizeChangedListeners ~= dlg;
233 	}
234 	extern(C) static void callBackSizeChanged(GdkScreen* screenStruct, Screen _screen)
235 	{
236 		foreach ( void delegate(Screen) dlg ; _screen.onSizeChangedListeners )
237 		{
238 			dlg(_screen);
239 		}
240 	}
243 	/**
244 	 * Gets the default screen for the default display. (See
245 	 * gdk_display_get_default()).
246 	 * Since 2.2
247 	 * Returns: a GdkScreen, or NULL if there is no default display. [transfer none]
248 	 */
249 	public static Screen getDefault()
250 	{
251 		// GdkScreen * gdk_screen_get_default (void);
252 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_default();
254 		if(p is null)
255 		{
256 			return null;
257 		}
259 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Screen)(cast(GdkScreen*) p);
260 	}
262 	/**
263 	 * Gets the default colormap for screen.
264 	 * Since 2.2
265 	 * Returns: the default GdkColormap. [transfer none]
266 	 */
267 	public Colormap getDefaultColormap()
268 	{
269 		// GdkColormap * gdk_screen_get_default_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);
270 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_default_colormap(gdkScreen);
272 		if(p is null)
273 		{
274 			return null;
275 		}
277 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Colormap)(cast(GdkColormap*) p);
278 	}
280 	/**
281 	 * Sets the default colormap for screen.
282 	 * Since 2.2
283 	 * Params:
284 	 * colormap = a GdkColormap
285 	 */
286 	public void setDefaultColormap(Colormap colormap)
287 	{
288 		// void gdk_screen_set_default_colormap (GdkScreen *screen,  GdkColormap *colormap);
289 		gdk_screen_set_default_colormap(gdkScreen, (colormap is null) ? null : colormap.getColormapStruct());
290 	}
292 	/**
293 	 * Gets the system's default colormap for screen
294 	 * Since 2.2
295 	 * Returns: the default colormap for screen. [transfer none]
296 	 */
297 	public Colormap getSystemColormap()
298 	{
299 		// GdkColormap * gdk_screen_get_system_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);
300 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_system_colormap(gdkScreen);
302 		if(p is null)
303 		{
304 			return null;
305 		}
307 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Colormap)(cast(GdkColormap*) p);
308 	}
310 	/**
311 	 * Get the system's default visual for screen.
312 	 * This is the visual for the root window of the display.
313 	 * The return value should not be freed.
314 	 * Since 2.2
315 	 * Returns: the system visual. [transfer none]
316 	 */
317 	public Visual getSystemVisual()
318 	{
319 		// GdkVisual * gdk_screen_get_system_visual (GdkScreen *screen);
320 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_system_visual(gdkScreen);
322 		if(p is null)
323 		{
324 			return null;
325 		}
327 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Visual)(cast(GdkVisual*) p);
328 	}
330 	/**
331 	 * Warning
332 	 * gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gdk_screen_get_system_colormap()
333 	 * Gets the preferred colormap for rendering image data on screen.
334 	 * Not a very useful function; historically, GDK could only render RGB
335 	 * image data to one colormap and visual, but in the current version
336 	 * it can render to any colormap and visual. So there's no need to
337 	 * call this function.
338 	 * Since 2.2
339 	 * Returns: the preferred colormap. [transfer none]
340 	 */
341 	public Colormap getRgbColormap()
342 	{
343 		// GdkColormap * gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);
344 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap(gdkScreen);
346 		if(p is null)
347 		{
348 			return null;
349 		}
351 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Colormap)(cast(GdkColormap*) p);
352 	}
354 	/**
355 	 * Warning
356 	 * gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual has been deprecated since version 2.22 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use gdk_screen_get_system_visual()
357 	 * Gets a "preferred visual" chosen by GdkRGB for rendering image data
358 	 * on screen. In previous versions of
359 	 * GDK, this was the only visual GdkRGB could use for rendering. In
360 	 * current versions, it's simply the visual GdkRGB would have chosen as
361 	 * the optimal one in those previous versions. GdkRGB can now render to
362 	 * drawables with any visual.
363 	 * Since 2.2
364 	 * Returns: The GdkVisual chosen by GdkRGB. [transfer none]
365 	 */
366 	public Visual getRgbVisual()
367 	{
368 		// GdkVisual * gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual (GdkScreen *screen);
369 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual(gdkScreen);
371 		if(p is null)
372 		{
373 			return null;
374 		}
376 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Visual)(cast(GdkVisual*) p);
377 	}
379 	/**
380 	 * Gets a colormap to use for creating windows or pixmaps with an
381 	 * alpha channel. The windowing system on which GTK+ is running
382 	 * may not support this capability, in which case NULL will
383 	 * be returned. Even if a non-NULL value is returned, its
384 	 * possible that the window's alpha channel won't be honored
385 	 * when displaying the window on the screen: in particular, for
386 	 * X an appropriate windowing manager and compositing manager
387 	 * must be running to provide appropriate display.
388 	 * This functionality is not implemented in the Windows backend.
389 	 * For setting an overall opacity for a top-level window, see
390 	 * gdk_window_set_opacity().
391 	 * Since 2.8
392 	 * Returns: a colormap to use for windows with an alpha channel or NULL if the capability is not available. [transfer none]
393 	 */
394 	public Colormap getRgbaColormap()
395 	{
396 		// GdkColormap * gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);
397 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap(gdkScreen);
399 		if(p is null)
400 		{
401 			return null;
402 		}
404 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Colormap)(cast(GdkColormap*) p);
405 	}
407 	/**
408 	 * Gets a visual to use for creating windows or pixmaps with an
409 	 * alpha channel. See the docs for gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap()
410 	 * for caveats.
411 	 * Since 2.8
412 	 * Returns: a visual to use for windows with an alpha channel or NULL if the capability is not available. [transfer none]
413 	 */
414 	public Visual getRgbaVisual()
415 	{
416 		// GdkVisual * gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual (GdkScreen *screen);
417 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual(gdkScreen);
419 		if(p is null)
420 		{
421 			return null;
422 		}
424 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Visual)(cast(GdkVisual*) p);
425 	}
427 	/**
428 	 * Returns whether windows with an RGBA visual can reasonably
429 	 * be expected to have their alpha channel drawn correctly on
430 	 * the screen.
431 	 * On X11 this function returns whether a compositing manager is
432 	 * compositing screen.
433 	 * Since 2.10
434 	 * Returns: Whether windows with RGBA visuals can reasonably be expected to have their alpha channels drawn correctly on the screen.
435 	 */
436 	public int isComposited()
437 	{
438 		// gboolean gdk_screen_is_composited (GdkScreen *screen);
439 		return gdk_screen_is_composited(gdkScreen);
440 	}
442 	/**
443 	 * Gets the root window of screen.
444 	 * Since 2.2
445 	 * Returns: the root window. [transfer none]
446 	 */
447 	public Window getRootWindow()
448 	{
449 		// GdkWindow * gdk_screen_get_root_window (GdkScreen *screen);
450 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_root_window(gdkScreen);
452 		if(p is null)
453 		{
454 			return null;
455 		}
457 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Window)(cast(GdkWindow*) p);
458 	}
460 	/**
461 	 * Gets the display to which the screen belongs.
462 	 * Since 2.2
463 	 * Returns: the display to which screen belongs
464 	 */
465 	public Display getDisplay()
466 	{
467 		// GdkDisplay * gdk_screen_get_display (GdkScreen *screen);
468 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_display(gdkScreen);
470 		if(p is null)
471 		{
472 			return null;
473 		}
475 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Display)(cast(GdkDisplay*) p);
476 	}
478 	/**
479 	 * Gets the index of screen among the screens in the display
480 	 * to which it belongs. (See gdk_screen_get_display())
481 	 * Since 2.2
482 	 * Returns: the index
483 	 */
484 	public int getNumber()
485 	{
486 		// gint gdk_screen_get_number (GdkScreen *screen);
487 		return gdk_screen_get_number(gdkScreen);
488 	}
490 	/**
491 	 * Gets the width of screen in pixels
492 	 * Since 2.2
493 	 * Returns: the width of screen in pixels.
494 	 */
495 	public int getWidth()
496 	{
497 		// gint gdk_screen_get_width (GdkScreen *screen);
498 		return gdk_screen_get_width(gdkScreen);
499 	}
501 	/**
502 	 * Gets the height of screen in pixels
503 	 * Since 2.2
504 	 * Returns: the height of screen in pixels.
505 	 */
506 	public int getHeight()
507 	{
508 		// gint gdk_screen_get_height (GdkScreen *screen);
509 		return gdk_screen_get_height(gdkScreen);
510 	}
512 	/**
513 	 * Gets the width of screen in millimeters.
514 	 * Note that on some X servers this value will not be correct.
515 	 * Since 2.2
516 	 * Returns: the width of screen in millimeters.
517 	 */
518 	public int getWidthMm()
519 	{
520 		// gint gdk_screen_get_width_mm (GdkScreen *screen);
521 		return gdk_screen_get_width_mm(gdkScreen);
522 	}
524 	/**
525 	 * Returns the height of screen in millimeters.
526 	 * Note that on some X servers this value will not be correct.
527 	 * Since 2.2
528 	 * Returns: the heigth of screen in millimeters.
529 	 */
530 	public int getHeightMm()
531 	{
532 		// gint gdk_screen_get_height_mm (GdkScreen *screen);
533 		return gdk_screen_get_height_mm(gdkScreen);
534 	}
536 	/**
537 	 * Lists the available visuals for the specified screen.
538 	 * A visual describes a hardware image data format.
539 	 * For example, a visual might support 24-bit color, or 8-bit color,
540 	 * and might expect pixels to be in a certain format.
541 	 * Call g_list_free() on the return value when you're finished with it.
542 	 * Since 2.2
543 	 * Returns: a list of visuals; the list must be freed, but not its contents. [transfer container][element-type GdkVisual]
544 	 */
545 	public ListG listVisuals()
546 	{
547 		// GList * gdk_screen_list_visuals (GdkScreen *screen);
548 		auto p = gdk_screen_list_visuals(gdkScreen);
550 		if(p is null)
551 		{
552 			return null;
553 		}
555 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ListG)(cast(GList*) p);
556 	}
558 	/**
559 	 * Obtains a list of all toplevel windows known to GDK on the screen screen.
560 	 * A toplevel window is a child of the root window (see
561 	 * gdk_get_default_root_window()).
562 	 * The returned list should be freed with g_list_free(), but
563 	 * its elements need not be freed.
564 	 * Since 2.2
565 	 * Returns: list of toplevel windows, free with g_list_free(). [transfer container][element-type GdkWindow]
566 	 */
567 	public ListG getToplevelWindows()
568 	{
569 		// GList * gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows (GdkScreen *screen);
570 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows(gdkScreen);
572 		if(p is null)
573 		{
574 			return null;
575 		}
577 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ListG)(cast(GList*) p);
578 	}
580 	/**
581 	 * Determines the name to pass to gdk_display_open() to get
582 	 * a GdkDisplay with this screen as the default screen.
583 	 * Since 2.2
584 	 * Returns: a newly allocated string, free with g_free()
585 	 */
586 	public string makeDisplayName()
587 	{
588 		// gchar * gdk_screen_make_display_name (GdkScreen *screen);
589 		return Str.toString(gdk_screen_make_display_name(gdkScreen));
590 	}
592 	/**
593 	 * Returns the number of monitors which screen consists of.
594 	 * Since 2.2
595 	 * Returns: number of monitors which screen consists of
596 	 */
597 	public int getNMonitors()
598 	{
599 		// gint gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (GdkScreen *screen);
600 		return gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(gdkScreen);
601 	}
603 	/**
604 	 * Gets the primary monitor for screen. The primary monitor
605 	 * is considered the monitor where the 'main desktop' lives.
606 	 * While normal application windows typically allow the window
607 	 * manager to place the windows, specialized desktop applications
608 	 * such as panels should place themselves on the primary monitor.
609 	 * If no primary monitor is configured by the user, the return value
610 	 * will be 0, defaulting to the first monitor.
611 	 * Since 2.20
612 	 * Returns: An integer index for the primary monitor, or 0 if none is configured.
613 	 */
614 	public int getPrimaryMonitor()
615 	{
616 		// gint gdk_screen_get_primary_monitor (GdkScreen *screen);
617 		return gdk_screen_get_primary_monitor(gdkScreen);
618 	}
620 	/**
621 	 * Retrieves the GdkRectangle representing the size and position of
622 	 * the individual monitor within the entire screen area.
623 	 * Note that the size of the entire screen area can be retrieved via
624 	 * gdk_screen_get_width() and gdk_screen_get_height().
625 	 * Since 2.2
626 	 * Params:
627 	 * monitorNum = the monitor number, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen)
628 	 * dest = a GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor geometry
629 	 */
630 	public void getMonitorGeometry(int monitorNum, Rectangle dest)
631 	{
632 		// void gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (GdkScreen *screen,  gint monitor_num,  GdkRectangle *dest);
633 		gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(gdkScreen, monitorNum, (dest is null) ? null : dest.getRectangleStruct());
634 	}
636 	/**
637 	 * Returns the monitor number in which the point (x,y) is located.
638 	 * Since 2.2
639 	 * Params:
640 	 * x = the x coordinate in the virtual screen.
641 	 * y = the y coordinate in the virtual screen.
642 	 * Returns: the monitor number in which the point (x,y) lies, or a monitor close to (x,y) if the point is not in any monitor.
643 	 */
644 	public int getMonitorAtPoint(int x, int y)
645 	{
646 		// gint gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (GdkScreen *screen,  gint x,  gint y);
647 		return gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point(gdkScreen, x, y);
648 	}
650 	/**
651 	 * Returns the number of the monitor in which the largest area of the
652 	 * bounding rectangle of window resides.
653 	 * Since 2.2
654 	 * Params:
655 	 * window = a GdkWindow
656 	 * Returns: the monitor number in which most of window is located, or if window does not intersect any monitors, a monitor, close to window.
657 	 */
658 	public int getMonitorAtWindow(Window window)
659 	{
660 		// gint gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window (GdkScreen *screen,  GdkWindow *window);
661 		return gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window(gdkScreen, (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
662 	}
664 	/**
665 	 * Gets the height in millimeters of the specified monitor.
666 	 * Since 2.14
667 	 * Params:
668 	 * monitorNum = number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen)
669 	 * Returns: the height of the monitor, or -1 if not available
670 	 */
671 	public int getMonitorHeightMm(int monitorNum)
672 	{
673 		// gint gdk_screen_get_monitor_height_mm (GdkScreen *screen,  gint monitor_num);
674 		return gdk_screen_get_monitor_height_mm(gdkScreen, monitorNum);
675 	}
677 	/**
678 	 * Gets the width in millimeters of the specified monitor, if available.
679 	 * Since 2.14
680 	 * Params:
681 	 * monitorNum = number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen)
682 	 * Returns: the width of the monitor, or -1 if not available
683 	 */
684 	public int getMonitorWidthMm(int monitorNum)
685 	{
686 		// gint gdk_screen_get_monitor_width_mm (GdkScreen *screen,  gint monitor_num);
687 		return gdk_screen_get_monitor_width_mm(gdkScreen, monitorNum);
688 	}
690 	/**
691 	 * Returns the output name of the specified monitor.
692 	 * Usually something like VGA, DVI, or TV, not the actual
693 	 * product name of the display device.
694 	 * Since 2.14
695 	 * Params:
696 	 * monitorNum = number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen)
697 	 * Returns: a newly-allocated string containing the name of the monitor, or NULL if the name cannot be determined
698 	 */
699 	public string getMonitorPlugName(int monitorNum)
700 	{
701 		// gchar * gdk_screen_get_monitor_plug_name (GdkScreen *screen,  gint monitor_num);
702 		return Str.toString(gdk_screen_get_monitor_plug_name(gdkScreen, monitorNum));
703 	}
705 	/**
706 	 * On X11, sends an X ClientMessage event to all toplevel windows on
707 	 * screen.
708 	 * Toplevel windows are determined by checking for the WM_STATE property,
709 	 * as described in the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM).
710 	 * If no windows are found with the WM_STATE property set, the message is
711 	 * sent to all children of the root window.
712 	 * On Windows, broadcasts a message registered with the name
713 	 * GDK_WIN32_CLIENT_MESSAGE to all top-level windows. The amount of
714 	 * data is limited to one long, i.e. four bytes.
715 	 * Since 2.2
716 	 * Params:
717 	 * event = the GdkEvent.
718 	 */
719 	public void broadcastClientMessage(Event event)
720 	{
721 		// void gdk_screen_broadcast_client_message (GdkScreen *screen,  GdkEvent *event);
722 		gdk_screen_broadcast_client_message(gdkScreen, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
723 	}
725 	/**
726 	 * Retrieves a desktop-wide setting such as double-click time
727 	 * for the GdkScreen screen.
728 	 * FIXME needs a list of valid settings here, or a link to
729 	 * more information.
730 	 * Since 2.2
731 	 * Params:
732 	 * name = the name of the setting
733 	 * value = location to store the value of the setting
734 	 * Returns: TRUE if the setting existed and a value was stored in value, FALSE otherwise.
735 	 */
736 	public int getSetting(string name, Value value)
737 	{
738 		// gboolean gdk_screen_get_setting (GdkScreen *screen,  const gchar *name,  GValue *value);
739 		return gdk_screen_get_setting(gdkScreen, Str.toStringz(name), (value is null) ? null : value.getValueStruct());
740 	}
742 	/**
743 	 * Gets any options previously set with gdk_screen_set_font_options().
744 	 * Since 2.10
745 	 * Returns: the current font options, or NULL if no default font options have been set.
746 	 */
747 	public FontOption getFontOptions()
748 	{
749 		// const cairo_font_options_t * gdk_screen_get_font_options  (GdkScreen *screen);
750 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_font_options(gdkScreen);
752 		if(p is null)
753 		{
754 			return null;
755 		}
757 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(FontOption)(cast(cairo_font_options_t*) p);
758 	}
760 	/**
761 	 * Sets the default font options for the screen. These
762 	 * options will be set on any PangoContext's newly created
763 	 * with gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen(). Changing the
764 	 * default set of font options does not affect contexts that
765 	 * have already been created.
766 	 * Since 2.10
767 	 * Params:
768 	 * options = a cairo_font_options_t, or NULL to unset any
769 	 * previously set default font options. [allow-none]
770 	 */
771 	public void setFontOptions(FontOption options)
772 	{
773 		// void gdk_screen_set_font_options (GdkScreen *screen,  const cairo_font_options_t *options);
774 		gdk_screen_set_font_options(gdkScreen, (options is null) ? null : options.getFontOptionStruct());
775 	}
777 	/**
778 	 * Gets the resolution for font handling on the screen; see
779 	 * gdk_screen_set_resolution() for full details.
780 	 * Since 2.10
781 	 * Returns: the current resolution, or -1 if no resolution has been set.
782 	 */
783 	public double getResolution()
784 	{
785 		// gdouble gdk_screen_get_resolution (GdkScreen *screen);
786 		return gdk_screen_get_resolution(gdkScreen);
787 	}
789 	/**
790 	 * Sets the resolution for font handling on the screen. This is a
791 	 * scale factor between points specified in a PangoFontDescription
792 	 * and cairo units. The default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point
793 	 * font will be 13 units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).
794 	 * Since 2.10
795 	 * Params:
796 	 * dpi = the resolution in "dots per inch". (Physical inches aren't actually
797 	 * involved; the terminology is conventional.)
798 	 */
799 	public void setResolution(double dpi)
800 	{
801 		// void gdk_screen_set_resolution (GdkScreen *screen,  gdouble dpi);
802 		gdk_screen_set_resolution(gdkScreen, dpi);
803 	}
805 	/**
806 	 * Returns the screen's currently active window.
807 	 * On X11, this is done by inspecting the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property
808 	 * on the root window, as described in the Extended Window
809 	 * Manager Hints. If there is no currently currently active
810 	 * window, or the window manager does not support the
811 	 * _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW hint, this function returns NULL.
812 	 * On other platforms, this function may return NULL, depending on whether
813 	 * it is implementable on that platform.
814 	 * The returned window should be unrefed using g_object_unref() when
815 	 * no longer needed.
816 	 * Since 2.10
817 	 * Returns: the currently active window, or NULL.
818 	 */
819 	public Window getActiveWindow()
820 	{
821 		// GdkWindow * gdk_screen_get_active_window (GdkScreen *screen);
822 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_active_window(gdkScreen);
824 		if(p is null)
825 		{
826 			return null;
827 		}
829 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Window)(cast(GdkWindow*) p);
830 	}
832 	/**
833 	 * Returns a GList of GdkWindows representing the current
834 	 * window stack.
835 	 * On X11, this is done by inspecting the _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING
836 	 * property on the root window, as described in the Extended Window
837 	 * Manager Hints. If the window manager does not support the
838 	 * _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING hint, this function returns NULL.
839 	 * On other platforms, this function may return NULL, depending on whether
840 	 * it is implementable on that platform.
841 	 * The returned list is newly allocated and owns references to the
842 	 * windows it contains, so it should be freed using g_list_free() and
843 	 * its windows unrefed using g_object_unref() when no longer needed.
844 	 * Since 2.10
845 	 * Returns: a list of GdkWindows for the current window stack, or NULL. [transfer full][element-type GdkWindow]
846 	 */
847 	public ListG getWindowStack()
848 	{
849 		// GList * gdk_screen_get_window_stack (GdkScreen *screen);
850 		auto p = gdk_screen_get_window_stack(gdkScreen);
852 		if(p is null)
853 		{
854 			return null;
855 		}
857 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ListG)(cast(GList*) p);
858 	}
860 	/**
861 	 * Warning
862 	 * gdk_spawn_on_screen has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. This function is being removed in 3.0. Use
863 	 *  either g_spawn_sync(), g_spawn_async(), or GdkAppLaunchContext instead.
864 	 * Like g_spawn_async(), except the child process is spawned in such
865 	 * an environment that on calling gdk_display_open() it would be
866 	 * returned a GdkDisplay with screen as the default screen.
867 	 * This is useful for applications which wish to launch an application
868 	 * on a specific screen.
869 	 * Since 2.4
870 	 * Params:
871 	 * workingDirectory = child's current working directory, or NULL to
872 	 * inherit parent's
873 	 * argv = child's argument vector
874 	 * envp = child's environment, or NULL to inherit parent's
875 	 * flags = flags from GSpawnFlags
876 	 * childSetup = function to run in the child just before exec()
877 	 * userData = user data for child_setup
878 	 * childPid = return location for child process ID, or NULL
879 	 * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE if error is set
880 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
881 	 */
882 	public int gdkSpawnOnScreen(string workingDirectory, string[] argv, string[] envp, GSpawnFlags flags, GSpawnChildSetupFunc childSetup, void* userData, out int childPid)
883 	{
884 		// gboolean gdk_spawn_on_screen (GdkScreen *screen,  const gchar *working_directory,  gchar **argv,  gchar **envp,  GSpawnFlags flags,  GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,  gpointer user_data,  gint *child_pid,  GError **error);
885 		GError* err = null;
887 		auto p = gdk_spawn_on_screen(gdkScreen, Str.toStringz(workingDirectory), Str.toStringzArray(argv), Str.toStringzArray(envp), flags, childSetup, userData, &childPid, &err);
889 		if (err !is null)
890 		{
891 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
892 		}
894 		return p;
895 	}
897 	/**
898 	 * Warning
899 	 * gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. This function is being removed in 3.0. Use
900 	 *  either g_spawn_async_with_pipes() or GdkAppLaunchContext instead.
901 	 * Like g_spawn_async_with_pipes(), except the child process is
902 	 * spawned in such an environment that on calling gdk_display_open()
903 	 * it would be returned a GdkDisplay with screen as the default
904 	 * screen.
905 	 * This is useful for applications which wish to launch an application
906 	 * on a specific screen.
907 	 * Since 2.4
908 	 * Params:
909 	 * workingDirectory = child's current working directory, or NULL to
910 	 * inherit parent's
911 	 * argv = child's argument vector
912 	 * envp = child's environment, or NULL to inherit parent's
913 	 * flags = flags from GSpawnFlags
914 	 * childSetup = function to run in the child just before exec()
915 	 * userData = user data for child_setup
916 	 * childPid = return location for child process ID, or NULL
917 	 * standardInput = return location for file descriptor to write to
918 	 * child's stdin, or NULL
919 	 * standardOutput = return location for file descriptor to read child's
920 	 * stdout, or NULL
921 	 * standardError = return location for file descriptor to read child's
922 	 * stderr, or NULL
923 	 * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE if an error was set
924 	 */
925 	public int gdkSpawnOnScreenWithPipes(string workingDirectory, string[] argv, string[] envp, GSpawnFlags flags, GSpawnChildSetupFunc childSetup, void* userData, out int childPid, out int standardInput, out int standardOutput, out int standardError)
926 	{
927 		// gboolean gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes (GdkScreen *screen,  const gchar *working_directory,  gchar **argv,  gchar **envp,  GSpawnFlags flags,  GSpawnChildSetupFunc child_setup,  gpointer user_data,  gint *child_pid,  gint *standard_input,  gint *standard_output,  gint *standard_error,  GError **error);
928 		GError* err = null;
930 		auto p = gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes(gdkScreen, Str.toStringz(workingDirectory), Str.toStringzArray(argv), Str.toStringzArray(envp), flags, childSetup, userData, &childPid, &standardInput, &standardOutput, &standardError, &err);
932 		if (err !is null)
933 		{
934 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
935 		}
937 		return p;
938 	}
940 	/**
941 	 * Warning
942 	 * gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen has been deprecated since version 2.24 and should not be used in newly-written code. This function is being removed in 3.0. Use
943 	 *  either g_spawn_command_line_sync(), g_spawn_command_line_async() or
944 	 *  GdkAppLaunchContext instead.
945 	 * Like g_spawn_command_line_async(), except the child process is
946 	 * spawned in such an environment that on calling gdk_display_open()
947 	 * it would be returned a GdkDisplay with screen as the default
948 	 * screen.
949 	 * This is useful for applications which wish to launch an application
950 	 * on a specific screen.
951 	 * Since 2.4
952 	 * Params:
953 	 * commandLine = a command line
954 	 * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE if error is set.
955 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
956 	 */
957 	public int gdkSpawnCommandLineOnScreen(string commandLine)
958 	{
959 		// gboolean gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen (GdkScreen *screen,  const gchar *command_line,  GError **error);
960 		GError* err = null;
962 		auto p = gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen(gdkScreen, Str.toStringz(commandLine), &err);
964 		if (err !is null)
965 		{
966 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
967 		}
969 		return p;
970 	}
971 }