1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = cairo-cairo-t.html
27  * outPack = cairo
28  * outFile = Context
29  * strct   = cairo_t
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = Context
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: Yes
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * prefixes:
40  * 	- cairo_
41  * omit structs:
42  * omit prefixes:
43  * omit code:
44  * 	- cairo_destroy
45  * omit signals:
46  * imports:
47  * 	- cairo.FontFace
48  * 	- cairo.FontOption
49  * 	- cairo.Matrix
50  * 	- cairo.ScaledFont
51  * 	- cairo.Surface
52  * 	- cairo.Pattern
53  * 	- glib.Str
54  * 	- gdk.Region
55  * 	- gdk.Rectangle
56  * 	- gdk.Pixbuf
57  * 	- gdk.Pixmap
58  * 	- gdk.Color
59  * 	- gdk.Window
60  * 	- gtkc.gdk
61  * 	- gtkc.paths;
62  * 	- gtkc.Loader;
63  * 	- gdk.Drawable
64  * structWrap:
65  * 	- cairo_font_face_t* -> FontFace
66  * 	- cairo_font_options_t* -> FontOption
67  * 	- cairo_matrix_t* -> Matrix
68  * 	- cairo_pattern_t* -> Pattern
69  * 	- cairo_scaled_font_t* -> ScaledFont
70  * 	- cairo_surface_t* -> Surface
71  * 	- cairo_t* -> Context
72  * module aliases:
73  * local aliases:
74  * overrides:
75  */
77 module cairo.Context;
79 public  import gtkc.cairotypes;
81 private import gtkc.cairo;
82 private import glib.ConstructionException;
85 private import cairo.FontFace;
86 private import cairo.FontOption;
87 private import cairo.Matrix;
88 private import cairo.ScaledFont;
89 private import cairo.Surface;
90 private import cairo.Pattern;
91 private import glib.Str;
92 private import gdk.Region;
93 private import gdk.Rectangle;
94 private import gdk.Pixbuf;
95 private import gdk.Pixmap;
96 private import gdk.Color;
97 private import gdk.Window;
98 private import gtkc.gdk;
99 private import gtkc.paths;;
100 private import gtkc.Loader;;
101 private import gdk.Drawable;
106 /**
107  * Description
108  * cairo_t is the main object used when drawing with cairo. To
109  * draw with cairo, you create a cairo_t, set the target surface,
110  * and drawing options for the cairo_t, create shapes with
111  * functions like cairo_move_to() and cairo_line_to(), and then
112  * draw shapes with cairo_stroke() or cairo_fill().
113  * cairo_t's can be pushed to a stack via cairo_save().
114  * They may then safely be changed, without loosing the current state.
115  * Use cairo_restore() to restore to the saved state.
116  */
117 public class Context
118 {
120 	/** the main Gtk struct */
121 	protected cairo_t* cairo;
124 	public cairo_t* getContextStruct()
125 	{
126 		return cairo;
127 	}
130 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
131 	protected void* getStruct()
132 	{
133 		return cast(void*)cairo;
134 	}
136 	/**
137 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
138 	 */
139 	public this (cairo_t* cairo)
140 	{
141 		this.cairo = cairo;
142 	}
144 	/**
145 	 * Creates a Cairo context for drawing to drawable.
146 	 * Since 2.8
147 	 * Params:
148 	 *  drawable = a GdkDrawable
149 	 * Returns:
150 	 *  A newly created Cairo context. Free with
151 	 *  cairo_destroy() when you are done drawing.
152 	 */
153 	this (Drawable drawable)
154 	{
155 		// cairo_t* gdk_cairo_create (GdkDrawable *);
156 		this(gdk_cairo_create(drawable.getDrawableStruct()));
157 	}
159 	~this ()
160 	{
161 		if ( Linker.isLoaded(LIBRARY.CAIRO) && cairo !is null )
162 		{
163 			cairo_destroy(cairo);
164 		}
165 	}
167 	/**
168 	 * Sets the specified GdkColor as the source color of cr.
169 	 * Since 2.8
170 	 * Params:
171 	 *  color = a GdkColor
172 	 */
173 	public void setSourceColor(Color color)
174 	{
175 		// void gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cairo_t *cr,  GdkColor *color);
176 		gdk_cairo_set_source_color(getContextStruct(), color.getColorStruct());
177 	}
179 	/**
180 	 * Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for the Cairo context.
181 	 * The pattern has an extend mode of CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned
182 	 * so that the origin of pixbuf is pixbufX, pixbufY
183 	 * Since 2.8
184 	 * Params:
185 	 *  pixbuf = a GdkPixbuf
186 	 *  pixbufX = X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixbuf
187 	 *  pixbufY = Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixbuf
188 	 */
189 	public void setSourcePixbuf(Pixbuf pixbuf, double pixbufX, double pixbufY)
190 	{
191 		// void gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cairo_t *cr,  GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,  double pixbuf_x,  double pixbuf_y);
192 		gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf(getContextStruct(), pixbuf.getPixbufStruct(), pixbufX, pixbufY);
193 	}
195 	/**
196 	 * Sets the given pixmap as the source pattern for the Cairo context.
197 	 * The pattern has an extend mode of CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned
198 	 * so that the origin of pixbuf is pixbufX, pixbufY
199 	 * Since 2.10
200 	 * Params:
201 	 *  pixmap = a GdkPixmap
202 	 *  pixmapX = X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixmap
203 	 *  pixmapY = Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixmap
204 	 */
205 	public void setSourcePixmap(Pixmap pixmap, double pixmapX, double pixmapY)
206 	{
207 		// void gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap (cairo_t *cr,  GdkPixmap *pixmap,  double pixmap_x,  double pixmap_y);
208 		gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap( getContextStruct(), pixmap.getPixmapStruct(), pixmapX, pixmapY);
209 	}
211 	/**
212 	 * Sets the given window as the source pattern for the Cairo context.
213 	 * The pattern has an extend mode of CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned
214 	 * so that the origin of window is x, y. The window contains all its
215 	 * subwindows when rendering.
216 	 * Note that the contents of window are undefined outside of the
217 	 * visible part of window, so use this function with care.
218 	 * Since 2.24
219 	 * Params:
220 	 * cr = a Cairo context
221 	 * window = a GdkWindow
222 	 * x = X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of window
223 	 * y = Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of window
224 	 */
225 	public static void setSourceWindow(Context cr, Window window, double x, double y)
226 	{
227 		// void gdk_cairo_set_source_window (cairo_t *cr,  GdkWindow *window,  double x,  double y);
228 		gdk_cairo_set_source_window((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct(), x, y);
229 	}
231 	/**
232 	 * Adds the given rectangle to the current path of cr.
233 	 * Since 2.8
234 	 * Params:
235 	 *  rectangle = a GdkRectangle
236 	 */
237 	public void rectangle(Rectangle rectangle)
238 	{
239 		// void gdk_cairo_rectangle (cairo_t *cr,  GdkRectangle *rectangle);
240 		gdk_cairo_rectangle( getContextStruct(), rectangle.getRectangleStruct());
241 	}
243 	/**
244 	 * Adds the given region to the current path of cr.
245 	 * Since 2.8
246 	 * Params:
247 	 *  region = a GdkRegion
248 	 */
249 	public  void region(Region region)
250 	{
251 		// void gdk_cairo_region (cairo_t *cr,  GdkRegion *region);
252 		gdk_cairo_region(getContextStruct(), region.getRegionStruct());
253 	}
255 	/**
256 	 * Allocates an array of cairo_glyph_t's.
257 	 * This function is only useful in implementations of
258 	 * cairo_user_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs_func_t where the user
259 	 * needs to allocate an array of glyphs that cairo will free.
260 	 * For all other uses, user can use their own allocation method
261 	 * for glyphs.
262 	 * This function returns NULL if num_glyphs is not positive,
263 	 * or if out of memory. That means, the NULL return value
264 	 * signals out-of-memory only if num_glyphs was positive.
265 	 * Since 1.8
266 	 * Params:
267 	 * numGlyphs =  number of glyphs to allocate
268 	 * Returns: the newly allocated array of glyphs that should be freed using cairo_glyph_free()
269 	 */
270 	public static cairo_glyph_t[] glyphAllocate(int numGlyphs)
271 	{
272 		// cairo_glyph_t* cairo_glyph_allocate (int num_glyphs);
273 		return cairo_glyph_allocate(numGlyphs)[0 .. numGlyphs];
274 	}
276 	/**
277 	 * Allocates an array of cairo_text_cluster_t's.
278 	 * This function is only useful in implementations of
279 	 * cairo_user_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs_func_t where the user
280 	 * needs to allocate an array of text clusters that cairo will free.
281 	 * For all other uses, user can use their own allocation method
282 	 * for text clusters.
283 	 * This function returns NULL if num_clusters is not positive,
284 	 * or if out of memory. That means, the NULL return value
285 	 * signals out-of-memory only if num_clusters was positive.
286 	 * Since 1.8
287 	 * Params:
288 	 * numClusters =  number of text_clusters to allocate
289 	 * Returns: the newly allocated array of text clusters that should be freed using cairo_text_cluster_free()
290 	 */
291 	public static cairo_text_cluster_t[] textClusterAllocate(int numClusters)
292 	{
293 		// cairo_text_cluster_t* cairo_text_cluster_allocate (int num_clusters);
294 		return cairo_text_cluster_allocate(numClusters)[0 .. numClusters];
295 	}
297 	/**
298 	 * Decreases the reference count on cr by one. If the result
299 	 * is zero, then cr and all associated resources are freed.
300 	 * See cairo_reference().
301 	 */
302 	public void destroy()
303 	{
304 		int refCount = *(cast(int*)cairo);
306 		// void cairo_destroy (cairo_t *cr);
307 		cairo_destroy(cairo);
309 		//if refCount is 1 the actual refCount after cairo_destroy is 0.
310 		if ( refCount == 1 )
311 		cairo = null;
312 	}
314 	/**
315 	 * Description
316 	 * Paths are the most basic drawing tools and are primarily used to implicitly
317 	 * generate simple masks.
318 	 */
320 	/**
321 	 * Description
322 	 * The current transformation matrix, ctm, is a
323 	 * two-dimensional affine transformation that maps all coordinates and other
324 	 * drawing instruments from the user space into the
325 	 * surface's canonical coordinate system, also known as the device
326 	 * space.
327 	 */
329 	/**
330 	 * Description
331 	 * The functions with text in their name form cairo's
332 	 * toy text API. The toy API takes UTF-8 encoded
333 	 * text and is limited in its functionality to rendering simple
334 	 * left-to-right text with no advanced features. That means for example
335 	 * that most complex scripts like Hebrew, Arabic, and Indic scripts are
336 	 * out of question. No kerning or correct positioning of diacritical marks
337 	 * either. The font selection is pretty limited too and doesn't handle the
338 	 * case that the selected font does not cover the characters in the text.
339 	 * This set of functions are really that, a toy text API, for testing and
340 	 * demonstration purposes. Any serious application should avoid them.
341 	 * The functions with glyphs in their name form cairo's
342 	 * low-level text API. The low-level API relies on
343 	 * the user to convert text to a set of glyph indexes and positions. This
344 	 * is a very hard problem and is best handled by external libraries, like
345 	 * the pangocairo that is part of the Pango text layout and rendering library.
346 	 * Pango is available from http://www.pango.org/.
347 	 */
349 	/**
350 	 * Creates a new cairo_t with all graphics state parameters set to
351 	 * default values and with target as a target surface. The target
352 	 * surface should be constructed with a backend-specific function such
353 	 * as cairo_image_surface_create() (or any other
354 	 * cairo_backend_surface_create() variant).
355 	 * This function references target, so you can immediately
356 	 * call cairo_surface_destroy() on it if you don't need to
357 	 * maintain a separate reference to it.
358 	 * Params:
359 	 * target = target surface for the context
360 	 * Returns: a newly allocated cairo_t with a reference count of 1. The initial reference count should be released with cairo_destroy() when you are done using the cairo_t. This function never returns NULL. If memory cannot be allocated, a special cairo_t object will be returned on which cairo_status() returns CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY. You can use this object normally, but no drawing will be done.
361 	 */
362 	public static Context create(Surface target)
363 	{
364 		// cairo_t * cairo_create (cairo_surface_t *target);
365 		auto p = cairo_create((target is null) ? null : target.getSurfaceStruct());
367 		if(p is null)
368 		{
369 			return null;
370 		}
372 		return new Context(cast(cairo_t*) p);
373 	}
375 	/**
376 	 * Increases the reference count on cr by one. This prevents
377 	 * cr from being destroyed until a matching call to cairo_destroy()
378 	 * is made.
379 	 * The number of references to a cairo_t can be get using
380 	 * cairo_get_reference_count().
381 	 * Returns: the referenced cairo_t.
382 	 */
383 	public Context reference()
384 	{
385 		// cairo_t * cairo_reference (cairo_t *cr);
386 		auto p = cairo_reference(cairo);
388 		if(p is null)
389 		{
390 			return null;
391 		}
393 		return new Context(cast(cairo_t*) p);
394 	}
396 	/**
397 	 * Checks whether an error has previously occurred for this context.
398 	 * Returns: the current status of this context, see cairo_status_t
399 	 */
400 	public cairo_status_t status()
401 	{
402 		// cairo_status_t cairo_status (cairo_t *cr);
403 		return cairo_status(cairo);
404 	}
406 	/**
407 	 * Makes a copy of the current state of cr and saves it
408 	 * on an internal stack of saved states for cr. When
409 	 * cairo_restore() is called, cr will be restored to
410 	 * the saved state. Multiple calls to cairo_save() and
411 	 * cairo_restore() can be nested; each call to cairo_restore()
412 	 * restores the state from the matching paired cairo_save().
413 	 * It isn't necessary to clear all saved states before
414 	 * a cairo_t is freed. If the reference count of a cairo_t
415 	 * drops to zero in response to a call to cairo_destroy(),
416 	 * any saved states will be freed along with the cairo_t.
417 	 */
418 	public void save()
419 	{
420 		// void cairo_save (cairo_t *cr);
421 		cairo_save(cairo);
422 	}
424 	/**
425 	 * Restores cr to the state saved by a preceding call to
426 	 * cairo_save() and removes that state from the stack of
427 	 * saved states.
428 	 */
429 	public void restore()
430 	{
431 		// void cairo_restore (cairo_t *cr);
432 		cairo_restore(cairo);
433 	}
435 	/**
436 	 * Gets the target surface for the cairo context as passed to
437 	 * cairo_create().
438 	 * This function will always return a valid pointer, but the result
439 	 * can be a "nil" surface if cr is already in an error state,
440 	 * (ie. cairo_status() != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS).
441 	 * A nil surface is indicated by cairo_surface_status()
443 	 * Returns: the target surface. This object is owned by cairo. To keep a reference to it, you must call cairo_surface_reference().
444 	 */
445 	public Surface getTarget()
446 	{
447 		// cairo_surface_t * cairo_get_target (cairo_t *cr);
448 		auto p = cairo_get_target(cairo);
450 		if(p is null)
451 		{
452 			return null;
453 		}
455 		return new Surface(cast(cairo_surface_t*) p);
456 	}
458 	/**
459 	 * Temporarily redirects drawing to an intermediate surface known as a
460 	 * group. The redirection lasts until the group is completed by a call
461 	 * to cairo_pop_group() or cairo_pop_group_to_source(). These calls
462 	 * provide the result of any drawing to the group as a pattern,
463 	 * (either as an explicit object, or set as the source pattern).
464 	 * This group functionality can be convenient for performing
465 	 * intermediate compositing. One common use of a group is to render
466 	 * objects as opaque within the group, (so that they occlude each
467 	 * other), and then blend the result with translucence onto the
468 	 * destination.
469 	 * Groups can be nested arbitrarily deep by making balanced calls to
470 	 * cairo_push_group()/cairo_pop_group(). Each call pushes/pops the new
471 	 * target group onto/from a stack.
472 	 * The cairo_push_group() function calls cairo_save() so that any
473 	 * changes to the graphics state will not be visible outside the
474 	 * group, (the pop_group functions call cairo_restore()).
475 	 * By default the intermediate group will have a content type of
476 	 * CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA. Other content types can be chosen for
477 	 * the group by using cairo_push_group_with_content() instead.
478 	 * As an example, here is how one might fill and stroke a path with
479 	 * translucence, but without any portion of the fill being visible
480 	 * Since 1.2
481 	 */
482 	public void pushGroup()
483 	{
484 		// void cairo_push_group (cairo_t *cr);
485 		cairo_push_group(cairo);
486 	}
488 	/**
489 	 * Temporarily redirects drawing to an intermediate surface known as a
490 	 * group. The redirection lasts until the group is completed by a call
491 	 * to cairo_pop_group() or cairo_pop_group_to_source(). These calls
492 	 * provide the result of any drawing to the group as a pattern,
493 	 * (either as an explicit object, or set as the source pattern).
494 	 * The group will have a content type of content. The ability to
495 	 * control this content type is the only distinction between this
496 	 * function and cairo_push_group() which you should see for a more
497 	 * detailed description of group rendering.
498 	 * Since 1.2
499 	 * Params:
500 	 * content = a cairo_content_t indicating the type of group that
501 	 *  will be created
502 	 */
503 	public void pushGroupWithContent(cairo_content_t content)
504 	{
505 		// void cairo_push_group_with_content (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_content_t content);
506 		cairo_push_group_with_content(cairo, content);
507 	}
509 	/**
510 	 * Terminates the redirection begun by a call to cairo_push_group() or
511 	 * cairo_push_group_with_content() and returns a new pattern
512 	 * containing the results of all drawing operations performed to the
513 	 * group.
514 	 * The cairo_pop_group() function calls cairo_restore(), (balancing a
515 	 * call to cairo_save() by the push_group function), so that any
516 	 * changes to the graphics state will not be visible outside the
517 	 * group.
518 	 * Since 1.2
519 	 * Returns: a newly created (surface) pattern containing the results of all drawing operations performed to the group. The caller owns the returned object and should call cairo_pattern_destroy() when finished with it.
520 	 */
521 	public Pattern popGroup()
522 	{
523 		// cairo_pattern_t * cairo_pop_group (cairo_t *cr);
524 		auto p = cairo_pop_group(cairo);
526 		if(p is null)
527 		{
528 			return null;
529 		}
531 		return new Pattern(cast(cairo_pattern_t*) p);
532 	}
534 	/**
535 	 * Terminates the redirection begun by a call to cairo_push_group() or
536 	 * cairo_push_group_with_content() and installs the resulting pattern
537 	 * as the source pattern in the given cairo context.
538 	 * The behavior of this function is equivalent to the sequence of
539 	 * Since 1.2
540 	 */
541 	public void popGroupToSource()
542 	{
543 		// void cairo_pop_group_to_source (cairo_t *cr);
544 		cairo_pop_group_to_source(cairo);
545 	}
547 	/**
548 	 * Gets the current destination surface for the context. This is either
549 	 * the original target surface as passed to cairo_create() or the target
550 	 * surface for the current group as started by the most recent call to
551 	 * cairo_push_group() or cairo_push_group_with_content().
552 	 * This function will always return a valid pointer, but the result
553 	 * can be a "nil" surface if cr is already in an error state,
554 	 * (ie. cairo_status() != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS).
555 	 * A nil surface is indicated by cairo_surface_status()
557 	 * Since 1.2
558 	 * Returns: the target surface. This object is owned by cairo. To keep a reference to it, you must call cairo_surface_reference().
559 	 */
560 	public Surface getGroupTarget()
561 	{
562 		// cairo_surface_t * cairo_get_group_target (cairo_t *cr);
563 		auto p = cairo_get_group_target(cairo);
565 		if(p is null)
566 		{
567 			return null;
568 		}
570 		return new Surface(cast(cairo_surface_t*) p);
571 	}
573 	/**
574 	 * Sets the source pattern within cr to an opaque color. This opaque
575 	 * color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until
576 	 * a new source pattern is set.
577 	 * The color components are floating point numbers in the range 0 to
578 	 * 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they will be
579 	 * clamped.
580 	 * The default source pattern is opaque black, (that is, it is
581 	 * equivalent to cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).
582 	 * Params:
583 	 * red = red component of color
584 	 * green = green component of color
585 	 * blue = blue component of color
586 	 */
587 	public void setSourceRgb(double red, double green, double blue)
588 	{
589 		// void cairo_set_source_rgb (cairo_t *cr,  double red,  double green,  double blue);
590 		cairo_set_source_rgb(cairo, red, green, blue);
591 	}
593 	/**
594 	 * Sets the source pattern within cr to a translucent color. This
595 	 * color will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until
596 	 * a new source pattern is set.
597 	 * The color and alpha components are floating point numbers in the
598 	 * range 0 to 1. If the values passed in are outside that range, they
599 	 * will be clamped.
600 	 * The default source pattern is opaque black, (that is, it is
601 	 * equivalent to cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)).
602 	 * Params:
603 	 * red = red component of color
604 	 * green = green component of color
605 	 * blue = blue component of color
606 	 * alpha = alpha component of color
607 	 */
608 	public void setSourceRgba(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha)
609 	{
610 		// void cairo_set_source_rgba (cairo_t *cr,  double red,  double green,  double blue,  double alpha);
611 		cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, red, green, blue, alpha);
612 	}
614 	/**
615 	 * Sets the source pattern within cr to source. This pattern
616 	 * will then be used for any subsequent drawing operation until a new
617 	 * source pattern is set.
618 	 * Note: The pattern's transformation matrix will be locked to the
619 	 * user space in effect at the time of cairo_set_source(). This means
620 	 * that further modifications of the current transformation matrix
621 	 * will not affect the source pattern. See cairo_pattern_set_matrix().
622 	 * The default source pattern is a solid pattern that is opaque black,
623 	 * (that is, it is equivalent to cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0,
624 	 * 0.0)).
625 	 * Params:
626 	 * source = a cairo_pattern_t to be used as the source for
627 	 * subsequent drawing operations.
628 	 */
629 	public void setSource(Pattern source)
630 	{
631 		// void cairo_set_source (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_pattern_t *source);
632 		cairo_set_source(cairo, (source is null) ? null : source.getPatternStruct());
633 	}
635 	/**
636 	 * This is a convenience function for creating a pattern from surface
637 	 * and setting it as the source in cr with cairo_set_source().
638 	 * The x and y parameters give the user-space coordinate at which
639 	 * the surface origin should appear. (The surface origin is its
640 	 * upper-left corner before any transformation has been applied.) The
641 	 * x and y parameters are negated and then set as translation values
642 	 * in the pattern matrix.
643 	 * Other than the initial translation pattern matrix, as described
644 	 * above, all other pattern attributes, (such as its extend mode), are
645 	 * set to the default values as in cairo_pattern_create_for_surface().
646 	 * The resulting pattern can be queried with cairo_get_source() so
647 	 * that these attributes can be modified if desired, (eg. to create a
648 	 * repeating pattern with cairo_pattern_set_extend()).
649 	 * Params:
650 	 * surface = a surface to be used to set the source pattern
651 	 * x = User-space X coordinate for surface origin
652 	 * y = User-space Y coordinate for surface origin
653 	 */
654 	public void setSourceSurface(Surface surface, double x, double y)
655 	{
656 		// void cairo_set_source_surface (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_surface_t *surface,  double x,  double y);
657 		cairo_set_source_surface(cairo, (surface is null) ? null : surface.getSurfaceStruct(), x, y);
658 	}
660 	/**
661 	 * Gets the current source pattern for cr.
662 	 * Returns: the current source pattern. This object is owned by cairo. To keep a reference to it, you must call cairo_pattern_reference().
663 	 */
664 	public Pattern getSource()
665 	{
666 		// cairo_pattern_t * cairo_get_source (cairo_t *cr);
667 		auto p = cairo_get_source(cairo);
669 		if(p is null)
670 		{
671 			return null;
672 		}
674 		return new Pattern(cast(cairo_pattern_t*) p);
675 	}
677 	/**
678 	 * Set the antialiasing mode of the rasterizer used for drawing shapes.
679 	 * This value is a hint, and a particular backend may or may not support
680 	 * a particular value. At the current time, no backend supports
681 	 * CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL when drawing shapes.
682 	 * Note that this option does not affect text rendering, instead see
683 	 * cairo_font_options_set_antialias().
684 	 * Params:
685 	 * antialias = the new antialiasing mode
686 	 */
687 	public void setAntialias(cairo_antialias_t antialias)
688 	{
689 		// void cairo_set_antialias (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_antialias_t antialias);
690 		cairo_set_antialias(cairo, antialias);
691 	}
693 	/**
694 	 * Gets the current shape antialiasing mode, as set by cairo_set_shape_antialias().
695 	 * Returns: the current shape antialiasing mode.
696 	 */
697 	public cairo_antialias_t getAntialias()
698 	{
699 		// cairo_antialias_t cairo_get_antialias (cairo_t *cr);
700 		return cairo_get_antialias(cairo);
701 	}
703 	/**
704 	 * Sets the dash pattern to be used by cairo_stroke(). A dash pattern
705 	 * is specified by dashes, an array of positive values. Each value
706 	 * provides the length of alternate "on" and "off" portions of the
707 	 * stroke. The offset specifies an offset into the pattern at which
708 	 * the stroke begins.
709 	 * Each "on" segment will have caps applied as if the segment were a
710 	 * separate sub-path. In particular, it is valid to use an "on" length
711 	 * of 0.0 with CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND or CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE in order
712 	 * to distributed dots or squares along a path.
713 	 * Note: The length values are in user-space units as evaluated at the
714 	 * time of stroking. This is not necessarily the same as the user
715 	 * space at the time of cairo_set_dash().
716 	 * If num_dashes is 0 dashing is disabled.
717 	 * If num_dashes is 1 a symmetric pattern is assumed with alternating
718 	 * on and off portions of the size specified by the single value in
719 	 * dashes.
720 	 * If any value in dashes is negative, or if all values are 0, then
721 	 * cr will be put into an error state with a status of
723 	 * Params:
724 	 * dashes = an array specifying alternate lengths of on and off stroke portions
725 	 * offset = an offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke should start
726 	 */
727 	public void setDash(double[] dashes, double offset)
728 	{
729 		// void cairo_set_dash (cairo_t *cr,  const double *dashes,  int num_dashes,  double offset);
730 		cairo_set_dash(cairo, dashes.ptr, cast(int) dashes.length, offset);
731 	}
733 	/**
734 	 * This function returns the length of the dash array in cr (0 if dashing
735 	 * is not currently in effect).
736 	 * See also cairo_set_dash() and cairo_get_dash().
737 	 * Since 1.4
738 	 * Returns: the length of the dash array, or 0 if no dash array set.
739 	 */
740 	public int getDashCount()
741 	{
742 		// int cairo_get_dash_count (cairo_t *cr);
743 		return cairo_get_dash_count(cairo);
744 	}
746 	/**
747 	 * Gets the current dash array. If not NULL, dashes should be big
748 	 * enough to hold at least the number of values returned by
749 	 * cairo_get_dash_count().
750 	 * Since 1.4
751 	 * Params:
752 	 * dashes = return value for the dash array, or NULL
753 	 * offset = return value for the current dash offset, or NULL
754 	 */
755 	public void getDash(double* dashes, double* offset)
756 	{
757 		// void cairo_get_dash (cairo_t *cr,  double *dashes,  double *offset);
758 		cairo_get_dash(cairo, dashes, offset);
759 	}
761 	/**
762 	 * Set the current fill rule within the cairo context. The fill rule
763 	 * is used to determine which regions are inside or outside a complex
764 	 * (potentially self-intersecting) path. The current fill rule affects
765 	 * both cairo_fill() and cairo_clip(). See cairo_fill_rule_t for details
766 	 * on the semantics of each available fill rule.
767 	 * The default fill rule is CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING.
768 	 * Params:
769 	 * fillRule = a fill rule, specified as a cairo_fill_rule_t
770 	 */
771 	public void setFillRule(cairo_fill_rule_t fillRule)
772 	{
773 		// void cairo_set_fill_rule (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule);
774 		cairo_set_fill_rule(cairo, fillRule);
775 	}
777 	/**
778 	 * Gets the current fill rule, as set by cairo_set_fill_rule().
779 	 * Returns: the current fill rule.
780 	 */
781 	public cairo_fill_rule_t getFillRule()
782 	{
783 		// cairo_fill_rule_t cairo_get_fill_rule (cairo_t *cr);
784 		return cairo_get_fill_rule(cairo);
785 	}
787 	/**
788 	 * Sets the current line cap style within the cairo context. See
789 	 * cairo_line_cap_t for details about how the available line cap
790 	 * styles are drawn.
791 	 * As with the other stroke parameters, the current line cap style is
792 	 * examined by cairo_stroke(), cairo_stroke_extents(), and
793 	 * cairo_stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path
794 	 * construction.
795 	 * The default line cap style is CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT.
796 	 * Params:
797 	 * lineCap = a line cap style
798 	 */
799 	public void setLineCap(cairo_line_cap_t lineCap)
800 	{
801 		// void cairo_set_line_cap (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_line_cap_t line_cap);
802 		cairo_set_line_cap(cairo, lineCap);
803 	}
805 	/**
806 	 * Gets the current line cap style, as set by cairo_set_line_cap().
807 	 * Returns: the current line cap style.
808 	 */
809 	public cairo_line_cap_t getLineCap()
810 	{
811 		// cairo_line_cap_t cairo_get_line_cap (cairo_t *cr);
812 		return cairo_get_line_cap(cairo);
813 	}
815 	/**
816 	 * Sets the current line join style within the cairo context. See
817 	 * cairo_line_join_t for details about how the available line join
818 	 * styles are drawn.
819 	 * As with the other stroke parameters, the current line join style is
820 	 * examined by cairo_stroke(), cairo_stroke_extents(), and
821 	 * cairo_stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path
822 	 * construction.
823 	 * The default line join style is CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER.
824 	 * Params:
825 	 * lineJoin = a line join style
826 	 */
827 	public void setLineJoin(cairo_line_join_t lineJoin)
828 	{
829 		// void cairo_set_line_join (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_line_join_t line_join);
830 		cairo_set_line_join(cairo, lineJoin);
831 	}
833 	/**
834 	 * Gets the current line join style, as set by cairo_set_line_join().
835 	 * Returns: the current line join style.
836 	 */
837 	public cairo_line_join_t getLineJoin()
838 	{
839 		// cairo_line_join_t cairo_get_line_join (cairo_t *cr);
840 		return cairo_get_line_join(cairo);
841 	}
843 	/**
844 	 * Sets the current line width within the cairo context. The line
845 	 * width value specifies the diameter of a pen that is circular in
846 	 * user space, (though device-space pen may be an ellipse in general
847 	 * due to scaling/shear/rotation of the CTM).
848 	 * Note: When the description above refers to user space and CTM it
849 	 * refers to the user space and CTM in effect at the time of the
850 	 * stroking operation, not the user space and CTM in effect at the
851 	 * time of the call to cairo_set_line_width(). The simplest usage
852 	 * makes both of these spaces identical. That is, if there is no
853 	 * change to the CTM between a call to cairo_set_line_width() and the
854 	 * stroking operation, then one can just pass user-space values to
855 	 * cairo_set_line_width() and ignore this note.
856 	 * As with the other stroke parameters, the current line width is
857 	 * examined by cairo_stroke(), cairo_stroke_extents(), and
858 	 * cairo_stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path
859 	 * construction.
860 	 * The default line width value is 2.0.
861 	 * Params:
862 	 * width = a line width
863 	 */
864 	public void setLineWidth(double width)
865 	{
866 		// void cairo_set_line_width (cairo_t *cr,  double width);
867 		cairo_set_line_width(cairo, width);
868 	}
870 	/**
871 	 * This function returns the current line width value exactly as set by
872 	 * cairo_set_line_width(). Note that the value is unchanged even if
873 	 * the CTM has changed between the calls to cairo_set_line_width() and
874 	 * cairo_get_line_width().
875 	 * Returns: the current line width.
876 	 */
877 	public double getLineWidth()
878 	{
879 		// double cairo_get_line_width (cairo_t *cr);
880 		return cairo_get_line_width(cairo);
881 	}
883 	/**
884 	 * Sets the current miter limit within the cairo context.
885 	 * If the current line join style is set to CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER
886 	 * (see cairo_set_line_join()), the miter limit is used to determine
887 	 * whether the lines should be joined with a bevel instead of a miter.
888 	 * Cairo divides the length of the miter by the line width.
889 	 * If the result is greater than the miter limit, the style is
890 	 * converted to a bevel.
891 	 * As with the other stroke parameters, the current line miter limit is
892 	 * examined by cairo_stroke(), cairo_stroke_extents(), and
893 	 * cairo_stroke_to_path(), but does not have any effect during path
894 	 * construction.
895 	 * The default miter limit value is 10.0, which will convert joins
896 	 * with interior angles less than 11 degrees to bevels instead of
897 	 * miters. For reference, a miter limit of 2.0 makes the miter cutoff
898 	 * at 60 degrees, and a miter limit of 1.414 makes the cutoff at 90
899 	 * degrees.
900 	 * A miter limit for a desired angle can be computed as: miter limit =
901 	 * 1/sin(angle/2)
902 	 * Params:
903 	 * limit = miter limit to set
904 	 */
905 	public void setMiterLimit(double limit)
906 	{
907 		// void cairo_set_miter_limit (cairo_t *cr,  double limit);
908 		cairo_set_miter_limit(cairo, limit);
909 	}
911 	/**
912 	 * Gets the current miter limit, as set by cairo_set_miter_limit().
913 	 * Returns: the current miter limit.
914 	 */
915 	public double getMiterLimit()
916 	{
917 		// double cairo_get_miter_limit (cairo_t *cr);
918 		return cairo_get_miter_limit(cairo);
919 	}
921 	/**
922 	 * Sets the compositing operator to be used for all drawing
923 	 * operations. See cairo_operator_t for details on the semantics of
924 	 * each available compositing operator.
925 	 * The default operator is CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER.
926 	 * Params:
927 	 * op = a compositing operator, specified as a cairo_operator_t
928 	 */
929 	public void setOperator(cairo_operator_t op)
930 	{
931 		// void cairo_set_operator (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_operator_t op);
932 		cairo_set_operator(cairo, op);
933 	}
935 	/**
936 	 * Gets the current compositing operator for a cairo context.
937 	 * Returns: the current compositing operator.
938 	 */
939 	public cairo_operator_t getOperator()
940 	{
941 		// cairo_operator_t cairo_get_operator (cairo_t *cr);
942 		return cairo_get_operator(cairo);
943 	}
945 	/**
946 	 * Sets the tolerance used when converting paths into trapezoids.
947 	 * Curved segments of the path will be subdivided until the maximum
948 	 * deviation between the original path and the polygonal approximation
949 	 * is less than tolerance. The default value is 0.1. A larger
950 	 * value will give better performance, a smaller value, better
951 	 * appearance. (Reducing the value from the default value of 0.1
952 	 * is unlikely to improve appearance significantly.) The accuracy of paths
953 	 * within Cairo is limited by the precision of its internal arithmetic, and
954 	 * the prescribed tolerance is restricted to the smallest
955 	 * representable internal value.
956 	 * Params:
957 	 * tolerance = the tolerance, in device units (typically pixels)
958 	 */
959 	public void setTolerance(double tolerance)
960 	{
961 		// void cairo_set_tolerance (cairo_t *cr,  double tolerance);
962 		cairo_set_tolerance(cairo, tolerance);
963 	}
965 	/**
966 	 * Gets the current tolerance value, as set by cairo_set_tolerance().
967 	 * Returns: the current tolerance value.
968 	 */
969 	public double getTolerance()
970 	{
971 		// double cairo_get_tolerance (cairo_t *cr);
972 		return cairo_get_tolerance(cairo);
973 	}
975 	/**
976 	 * Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip
977 	 * region with the current path as it would be filled by cairo_fill()
978 	 * and according to the current fill rule (see cairo_set_fill_rule()).
979 	 * After cairo_clip(), the current path will be cleared from the cairo
980 	 * context.
981 	 * The current clip region affects all drawing operations by
982 	 * effectively masking out any changes to the surface that are outside
983 	 * the current clip region.
984 	 * Calling cairo_clip() can only make the clip region smaller, never
985 	 * larger. But the current clip is part of the graphics state, so a
986 	 * temporary restriction of the clip region can be achieved by
987 	 * calling cairo_clip() within a cairo_save()/cairo_restore()
988 	 * pair. The only other means of increasing the size of the clip
989 	 * region is cairo_reset_clip().
990 	 */
991 	public void clip()
992 	{
993 		// void cairo_clip (cairo_t *cr);
994 		cairo_clip(cairo);
995 	}
997 	/**
998 	 * Establishes a new clip region by intersecting the current clip
999 	 * region with the current path as it would be filled by cairo_fill()
1000 	 * and according to the current fill rule (see cairo_set_fill_rule()).
1001 	 * Unlike cairo_clip(), cairo_clip_preserve() preserves the path within
1002 	 * the cairo context.
1003 	 * The current clip region affects all drawing operations by
1004 	 * effectively masking out any changes to the surface that are outside
1005 	 * the current clip region.
1006 	 * Calling cairo_clip_preserve() can only make the clip region smaller, never
1007 	 * larger. But the current clip is part of the graphics state, so a
1008 	 * temporary restriction of the clip region can be achieved by
1009 	 * calling cairo_clip_preserve() within a cairo_save()/cairo_restore()
1010 	 * pair. The only other means of increasing the size of the clip
1011 	 * region is cairo_reset_clip().
1012 	 */
1013 	public void clipPreserve()
1014 	{
1015 		// void cairo_clip_preserve (cairo_t *cr);
1016 		cairo_clip_preserve(cairo);
1017 	}
1019 	/**
1020 	 * Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area inside the
1021 	 * current clip.
1022 	 * Since 1.4
1023 	 * Params:
1024 	 * x1 = left of the resulting extents
1025 	 * y1 = top of the resulting extents
1026 	 * x2 = right of the resulting extents
1027 	 * y2 = bottom of the resulting extents
1028 	 */
1029 	public void clipExtents(out double x1, out double y1, out double x2, out double y2)
1030 	{
1031 		// void cairo_clip_extents (cairo_t *cr,  double *x1,  double *y1,  double *x2,  double *y2);
1032 		cairo_clip_extents(cairo, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
1033 	}
1035 	/**
1036 	 * Tests whether the given point is inside the area that would be
1037 	 * visible through the current clip, i.e. the area that would be filled by
1038 	 * a cairo_paint() operation.
1039 	 * See cairo_clip(), and cairo_clip_preserve().
1040 	 * Since 1.10
1041 	 * Params:
1042 	 * x = X coordinate of the point to test
1043 	 * y = Y coordinate of the point to test
1044 	 * Returns: A non-zero value if the point is inside, or zero if outside.
1045 	 */
1046 	public cairo_bool_t inClip(double x, double y)
1047 	{
1048 		// cairo_bool_t cairo_in_clip (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y);
1049 		return cairo_in_clip(cairo, x, y);
1050 	}
1052 	/**
1053 	 * Reset the current clip region to its original, unrestricted
1054 	 * state. That is, set the clip region to an infinitely large shape
1055 	 * containing the target surface. Equivalently, if infinity is too
1056 	 * hard to grasp, one can imagine the clip region being reset to the
1057 	 * exact bounds of the target surface.
1058 	 * Note that code meant to be reusable should not call
1059 	 * cairo_reset_clip() as it will cause results unexpected by
1060 	 * higher-level code which calls cairo_clip(). Consider using
1061 	 * cairo_save() and cairo_restore() around cairo_clip() as a more
1062 	 * robust means of temporarily restricting the clip region.
1063 	 */
1064 	public void resetClip()
1065 	{
1066 		// void cairo_reset_clip (cairo_t *cr);
1067 		cairo_reset_clip(cairo);
1068 	}
1070 	/**
1071 	 * Unconditionally frees rectangle_list and all associated
1072 	 * references. After this call, the rectangle_list pointer must not
1073 	 * be dereferenced.
1074 	 * Since 1.4
1075 	 * Params:
1076 	 * rectangleList = a rectangle list, as obtained from cairo_copy_clip_rectangles()
1077 	 */
1078 	public static void rectangleListDestroy(cairo_rectangle_list_t* rectangleList)
1079 	{
1080 		// void cairo_rectangle_list_destroy (cairo_rectangle_list_t *rectangle_list);
1081 		cairo_rectangle_list_destroy(rectangleList);
1082 	}
1084 	/**
1085 	 * Gets the current clip region as a list of rectangles in user coordinates.
1086 	 * Never returns NULL.
1087 	 * The status in the list may be CAIRO_STATUS_CLIP_NOT_REPRESENTABLE to
1088 	 * indicate that the clip region cannot be represented as a list of
1089 	 * user-space rectangles. The status may have other values to indicate
1090 	 * other errors.
1091 	 * Since 1.4
1092 	 * Returns: the current clip region as a list of rectangles in user coordinates, which should be destroyed using cairo_rectangle_list_destroy().
1093 	 */
1094 	public cairo_rectangle_list_t* copyClipRectangleList()
1095 	{
1096 		// cairo_rectangle_list_t * cairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list (cairo_t *cr);
1097 		return cairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list(cairo);
1098 	}
1100 	/**
1101 	 * A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the
1102 	 * current fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being
1103 	 * filled). After cairo_fill(), the current path will be cleared from
1104 	 * the cairo context. See cairo_set_fill_rule() and
1105 	 * cairo_fill_preserve().
1106 	 */
1107 	public void fill()
1108 	{
1109 		// void cairo_fill (cairo_t *cr);
1110 		cairo_fill(cairo);
1111 	}
1113 	/**
1114 	 * A drawing operator that fills the current path according to the
1115 	 * current fill rule, (each sub-path is implicitly closed before being
1116 	 * filled). Unlike cairo_fill(), cairo_fill_preserve() preserves the
1117 	 * path within the cairo context.
1118 	 * See cairo_set_fill_rule() and cairo_fill().
1119 	 */
1120 	public void fillPreserve()
1121 	{
1122 		// void cairo_fill_preserve (cairo_t *cr);
1123 		cairo_fill_preserve(cairo);
1124 	}
1126 	/**
1127 	 * Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area that
1128 	 * would be affected, (the "inked" area), by a cairo_fill() operation
1129 	 * given the current path and fill parameters. If the current path is
1130 	 * empty, returns an empty rectangle ((0,0), (0,0)). Surface
1131 	 * dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
1132 	 * Contrast with cairo_path_extents(), which is similar, but returns
1133 	 * non-zero extents for some paths with no inked area, (such as a
1134 	 * simple line segment).
1135 	 * Note that cairo_fill_extents() must necessarily do more work to
1136 	 * compute the precise inked areas in light of the fill rule, so
1137 	 * cairo_path_extents() may be more desirable for sake of performance
1138 	 * if the non-inked path extents are desired.
1139 	 * See cairo_fill(), cairo_set_fill_rule() and cairo_fill_preserve().
1140 	 * Params:
1141 	 * x1 = left of the resulting extents
1142 	 * y1 = top of the resulting extents
1143 	 * x2 = right of the resulting extents
1144 	 * y2 = bottom of the resulting extents
1145 	 */
1146 	public void fillExtents(out double x1, out double y1, out double x2, out double y2)
1147 	{
1148 		// void cairo_fill_extents (cairo_t *cr,  double *x1,  double *y1,  double *x2,  double *y2);
1149 		cairo_fill_extents(cairo, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
1150 	}
1152 	/**
1153 	 * Tests whether the given point is inside the area that would be
1154 	 * affected by a cairo_fill() operation given the current path and
1155 	 * filling parameters. Surface dimensions and clipping are not taken
1156 	 * into account.
1157 	 * See cairo_fill(), cairo_set_fill_rule() and cairo_fill_preserve().
1158 	 * Params:
1159 	 * x = X coordinate of the point to test
1160 	 * y = Y coordinate of the point to test
1161 	 * Returns: A non-zero value if the point is inside, or zero if outside.
1162 	 */
1163 	public cairo_bool_t inFill(double x, double y)
1164 	{
1165 		// cairo_bool_t cairo_in_fill (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y);
1166 		return cairo_in_fill(cairo, x, y);
1167 	}
1169 	/**
1170 	 * A drawing operator that paints the current source
1171 	 * using the alpha channel of pattern as a mask. (Opaque
1172 	 * areas of pattern are painted with the source, transparent
1173 	 * areas are not painted.)
1174 	 * Params:
1175 	 * pattern = a cairo_pattern_t
1176 	 */
1177 	public void mask(Pattern pattern)
1178 	{
1179 		// void cairo_mask (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_pattern_t *pattern);
1180 		cairo_mask(cairo, (pattern is null) ? null : pattern.getPatternStruct());
1181 	}
1183 	/**
1184 	 * A drawing operator that paints the current source
1185 	 * using the alpha channel of surface as a mask. (Opaque
1186 	 * areas of surface are painted with the source, transparent
1187 	 * areas are not painted.)
1188 	 * Params:
1189 	 * surface = a cairo_surface_t
1190 	 * surfaceX = X coordinate at which to place the origin of surface
1191 	 * surfaceY = Y coordinate at which to place the origin of surface
1192 	 */
1193 	public void maskSurface(Surface surface, double surfaceX, double surfaceY)
1194 	{
1195 		// void cairo_mask_surface (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_surface_t *surface,  double surface_x,  double surface_y);
1196 		cairo_mask_surface(cairo, (surface is null) ? null : surface.getSurfaceStruct(), surfaceX, surfaceY);
1197 	}
1199 	/**
1200 	 * A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within
1201 	 * the current clip region.
1202 	 */
1203 	public void paint()
1204 	{
1205 		// void cairo_paint (cairo_t *cr);
1206 		cairo_paint(cairo);
1207 	}
1209 	/**
1210 	 * A drawing operator that paints the current source everywhere within
1211 	 * the current clip region using a mask of constant alpha value
1212 	 * alpha. The effect is similar to cairo_paint(), but the drawing
1213 	 * is faded out using the alpha value.
1214 	 * Params:
1215 	 * alpha = alpha value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
1216 	 */
1217 	public void paintWithAlpha(double alpha)
1218 	{
1219 		// void cairo_paint_with_alpha (cairo_t *cr,  double alpha);
1220 		cairo_paint_with_alpha(cairo, alpha);
1221 	}
1223 	/**
1224 	 * A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the
1225 	 * current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. After
1226 	 * cairo_stroke(), the current path will be cleared from the cairo
1227 	 * context. See cairo_set_line_width(), cairo_set_line_join(),
1228 	 * cairo_set_line_cap(), cairo_set_dash(), and
1229 	 * cairo_stroke_preserve().
1230 	 * Note: Degenerate segments and sub-paths are treated specially and
1231 	 * provide a useful result. These can result in two different
1232 	 */
1233 	public void stroke()
1234 	{
1235 		// void cairo_stroke (cairo_t *cr);
1236 		cairo_stroke(cairo);
1237 	}
1239 	/**
1240 	 * A drawing operator that strokes the current path according to the
1241 	 * current line width, line join, line cap, and dash settings. Unlike
1242 	 * cairo_stroke(), cairo_stroke_preserve() preserves the path within the
1243 	 * cairo context.
1244 	 * See cairo_set_line_width(), cairo_set_line_join(),
1245 	 * cairo_set_line_cap(), cairo_set_dash(), and
1246 	 * cairo_stroke_preserve().
1247 	 */
1248 	public void strokePreserve()
1249 	{
1250 		// void cairo_stroke_preserve (cairo_t *cr);
1251 		cairo_stroke_preserve(cairo);
1252 	}
1254 	/**
1255 	 * Computes a bounding box in user coordinates covering the area that
1256 	 * would be affected, (the "inked" area), by a cairo_stroke()
1257 	 * operation given the current path and stroke parameters.
1258 	 * If the current path is empty, returns an empty rectangle ((0,0), (0,0)).
1259 	 * Surface dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
1260 	 * Note that if the line width is set to exactly zero, then
1261 	 * cairo_stroke_extents() will return an empty rectangle. Contrast with
1262 	 * cairo_path_extents() which can be used to compute the non-empty
1263 	 * bounds as the line width approaches zero.
1264 	 * Note that cairo_stroke_extents() must necessarily do more work to
1265 	 * compute the precise inked areas in light of the stroke parameters,
1266 	 * so cairo_path_extents() may be more desirable for sake of
1267 	 * performance if non-inked path extents are desired.
1268 	 * See cairo_stroke(), cairo_set_line_width(), cairo_set_line_join(),
1269 	 * cairo_set_line_cap(), cairo_set_dash(), and
1270 	 * cairo_stroke_preserve().
1271 	 * Params:
1272 	 * x1 = left of the resulting extents
1273 	 * y1 = top of the resulting extents
1274 	 * x2 = right of the resulting extents
1275 	 * y2 = bottom of the resulting extents
1276 	 */
1277 	public void strokeExtents(out double x1, out double y1, out double x2, out double y2)
1278 	{
1279 		// void cairo_stroke_extents (cairo_t *cr,  double *x1,  double *y1,  double *x2,  double *y2);
1280 		cairo_stroke_extents(cairo, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
1281 	}
1283 	/**
1284 	 * Tests whether the given point is inside the area that would be
1285 	 * affected by a cairo_stroke() operation given the current path and
1286 	 * stroking parameters. Surface dimensions and clipping are not taken
1287 	 * into account.
1288 	 * See cairo_stroke(), cairo_set_line_width(), cairo_set_line_join(),
1289 	 * cairo_set_line_cap(), cairo_set_dash(), and
1290 	 * cairo_stroke_preserve().
1291 	 * Params:
1292 	 * x = X coordinate of the point to test
1293 	 * y = Y coordinate of the point to test
1294 	 * Returns: A non-zero value if the point is inside, or zero if outside.
1295 	 */
1296 	public cairo_bool_t inStroke(double x, double y)
1297 	{
1298 		// cairo_bool_t cairo_in_stroke (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y);
1299 		return cairo_in_stroke(cairo, x, y);
1300 	}
1302 	/**
1303 	 * Emits the current page for backends that support multiple pages, but
1304 	 * doesn't clear it, so, the contents of the current page will be retained
1305 	 * for the next page too. Use cairo_show_page() if you want to get an
1306 	 * empty page after the emission.
1307 	 * This is a convenience function that simply calls
1308 	 * cairo_surface_copy_page() on cr's target.
1309 	 */
1310 	public void copyPage()
1311 	{
1312 		// void cairo_copy_page (cairo_t *cr);
1313 		cairo_copy_page(cairo);
1314 	}
1316 	/**
1317 	 * Emits and clears the current page for backends that support multiple
1318 	 * pages. Use cairo_copy_page() if you don't want to clear the page.
1319 	 * This is a convenience function that simply calls
1320 	 * cairo_surface_show_page() on cr's target.
1321 	 */
1322 	public void showPage()
1323 	{
1324 		// void cairo_show_page (cairo_t *cr);
1325 		cairo_show_page(cairo);
1326 	}
1328 	/**
1329 	 * Returns the current reference count of cr.
1330 	 * Since 1.4
1331 	 * Returns: the current reference count of cr. If the object is a nil object, 0 will be returned.
1332 	 */
1333 	public uint getReferenceCount()
1334 	{
1335 		// unsigned int cairo_get_reference_count (cairo_t *cr);
1336 		return cairo_get_reference_count(cairo);
1337 	}
1339 	/**
1340 	 * Attach user data to cr. To remove user data from a surface,
1341 	 * call this function with the key that was used to set it and NULL
1342 	 * for data.
1343 	 * Since 1.4
1344 	 * Params:
1345 	 * key = the address of a cairo_user_data_key_t to attach the user data to
1346 	 * userData = the user data to attach to the cairo_t
1347 	 * destroy = a cairo_destroy_func_t which will be called when the
1348 	 * cairo_t is destroyed or when new user data is attached using the
1349 	 * same key.
1350 	 * Returns: CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS or CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY if a slot could not be allocated for the user data.
1351 	 */
1352 	public cairo_status_t setUserData(cairo_user_data_key_t* key, void* userData, cairo_destroy_func_t destroy)
1353 	{
1354 		// cairo_status_t cairo_set_user_data (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_user_data_key_t *key,  void *user_data,  cairo_destroy_func_t destroy);
1355 		return cairo_set_user_data(cairo, key, userData, destroy);
1356 	}
1358 	/**
1359 	 * Return user data previously attached to cr using the specified
1360 	 * key. If no user data has been attached with the given key this
1361 	 * function returns NULL.
1362 	 * Since 1.4
1363 	 * Params:
1364 	 * key = the address of the cairo_user_data_key_t the user data was
1365 	 * attached to
1366 	 * Returns: the user data previously attached or NULL.
1367 	 */
1368 	public void* getUserData(cairo_user_data_key_t* key)
1369 	{
1370 		// void * cairo_get_user_data (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_user_data_key_t *key);
1371 		return cairo_get_user_data(cairo, key);
1372 	}
1374 	/**
1375 	 * Creates a copy of the current path and returns it to the user as a
1376 	 * cairo_path_t. See cairo_path_data_t for hints on how to iterate
1377 	 * over the returned data structure.
1378 	 * This function will always return a valid pointer, but the result
1379 	 * will have no data (data==NULL and
1380 	 * num_data==0), if either of the following
1381 	 * Returns: the copy of the current path. The caller owns the returned object and should call cairo_path_destroy() when finished with it.
1382 	 */
1383 	public cairo_path_t* copyPath()
1384 	{
1385 		// cairo_path_t * cairo_copy_path (cairo_t *cr);
1386 		return cairo_copy_path(cairo);
1387 	}
1389 	/**
1390 	 * Gets a flattened copy of the current path and returns it to the
1391 	 * user as a cairo_path_t. See cairo_path_data_t for hints on
1392 	 * how to iterate over the returned data structure.
1393 	 * This function is like cairo_copy_path() except that any curves
1394 	 * in the path will be approximated with piecewise-linear
1395 	 * approximations, (accurate to within the current tolerance
1396 	 * value). That is, the result is guaranteed to not have any elements
1397 	 * of type CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO which will instead be replaced by a
1398 	 * series of CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO elements.
1399 	 * This function will always return a valid pointer, but the result
1400 	 * will have no data (data==NULL and
1401 	 * num_data==0), if either of the following
1402 	 * Returns: the copy of the current path. The caller owns the returned object and should call cairo_path_destroy() when finished with it.
1403 	 */
1404 	public cairo_path_t* copyPathFlat()
1405 	{
1406 		// cairo_path_t * cairo_copy_path_flat (cairo_t *cr);
1407 		return cairo_copy_path_flat(cairo);
1408 	}
1410 	/**
1411 	 * Immediately releases all memory associated with path. After a call
1412 	 * to cairo_path_destroy() the path pointer is no longer valid and
1413 	 * should not be used further.
1414 	 * Note: cairo_path_destroy() should only be called with a
1415 	 * pointer to a cairo_path_t returned by a cairo function. Any path
1416 	 * that is created manually (ie. outside of cairo) should be destroyed
1417 	 * manually as well.
1418 	 * Params:
1419 	 * path = a path previously returned by either cairo_copy_path() or
1420 	 * cairo_copy_path_flat().
1421 	 */
1422 	public static void pathDestroy(cairo_path_t* path)
1423 	{
1424 		// void cairo_path_destroy (cairo_path_t *path);
1425 		cairo_path_destroy(path);
1426 	}
1428 	/**
1429 	 * Append the path onto the current path. The path may be either the
1430 	 * return value from one of cairo_copy_path() or
1431 	 * cairo_copy_path_flat() or it may be constructed manually. See
1432 	 * cairo_path_t for details on how the path data structure should be
1433 	 * initialized, and note that path->status must be
1434 	 * initialized to CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS.
1435 	 * Params:
1436 	 * path = path to be appended
1437 	 */
1438 	public void appendPath(cairo_path_t* path)
1439 	{
1440 		// void cairo_append_path (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_path_t *path);
1441 		cairo_append_path(cairo, path);
1442 	}
1444 	/**
1445 	 * Returns whether a current point is defined on the current path.
1446 	 * See cairo_get_current_point() for details on the current point.
1447 	 * Since 1.6
1448 	 * Returns: whether a current point is defined.
1449 	 */
1450 	public cairo_bool_t hasCurrentPoint()
1451 	{
1452 		// cairo_bool_t cairo_has_current_point (cairo_t *cr);
1453 		return cairo_has_current_point(cairo);
1454 	}
1456 	/**
1457 	 * Gets the current point of the current path, which is
1458 	 * conceptually the final point reached by the path so far.
1459 	 * The current point is returned in the user-space coordinate
1460 	 * system. If there is no defined current point or if cr is in an
1461 	 * error status, x and y will both be set to 0.0. It is possible to
1462 	 * check this in advance with cairo_has_current_point().
1463 	 * Most path construction functions alter the current point. See the
1464 	 * Params:
1465 	 * x = return value for X coordinate of the current point
1466 	 * y = return value for Y coordinate of the current point
1467 	 */
1468 	public void getCurrentPoint(out double x, out double y)
1469 	{
1470 		// void cairo_get_current_point (cairo_t *cr,  double *x,  double *y);
1471 		cairo_get_current_point(cairo, &x, &y);
1472 	}
1474 	/**
1475 	 * Clears the current path. After this call there will be no path and
1476 	 * no current point.
1477 	 */
1478 	public void newPath()
1479 	{
1480 		// void cairo_new_path (cairo_t *cr);
1481 		cairo_new_path(cairo);
1482 	}
1484 	/**
1485 	 * Begin a new sub-path. Note that the existing path is not
1486 	 * affected. After this call there will be no current point.
1487 	 * In many cases, this call is not needed since new sub-paths are
1488 	 * frequently started with cairo_move_to().
1489 	 * A call to cairo_new_sub_path() is particularly useful when
1490 	 * beginning a new sub-path with one of the cairo_arc() calls. This
1491 	 * makes things easier as it is no longer necessary to manually
1492 	 * compute the arc's initial coordinates for a call to
1493 	 * cairo_move_to().
1494 	 * Since 1.2
1495 	 */
1496 	public void newSubPath()
1497 	{
1498 		// void cairo_new_sub_path (cairo_t *cr);
1499 		cairo_new_sub_path(cairo);
1500 	}
1502 	/**
1503 	 * Adds a line segment to the path from the current point to the
1504 	 * beginning of the current sub-path, (the most recent point passed to
1505 	 * cairo_move_to()), and closes this sub-path. After this call the
1506 	 * current point will be at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.
1507 	 * The behavior of cairo_close_path() is distinct from simply calling
1508 	 * cairo_line_to() with the equivalent coordinate in the case of
1509 	 * stroking. When a closed sub-path is stroked, there are no caps on
1510 	 * the ends of the sub-path. Instead, there is a line join connecting
1511 	 * the final and initial segments of the sub-path.
1512 	 * If there is no current point before the call to cairo_close_path(),
1513 	 * this function will have no effect.
1514 	 * Note: As of cairo version 1.2.4 any call to cairo_close_path() will
1515 	 * place an explicit MOVE_TO element into the path immediately after
1516 	 * the CLOSE_PATH element, (which can be seen in cairo_copy_path() for
1517 	 * example). This can simplify path processing in some cases as it may
1518 	 * not be necessary to save the "last move_to point" during processing
1519 	 * as the MOVE_TO immediately after the CLOSE_PATH will provide that
1520 	 * point.
1521 	 */
1522 	public void closePath()
1523 	{
1524 		// void cairo_close_path (cairo_t *cr);
1525 		cairo_close_path(cairo);
1526 	}
1528 	/**
1529 	 * Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The
1530 	 * arc is centered at (xc, yc), begins at angle1 and proceeds in
1531 	 * the direction of increasing angles to end at angle2. If angle2 is
1532 	 * less than angle1 it will be progressively increased by 2*M_PI
1533 	 * until it is greater than angle1.
1534 	 * If there is a current point, an initial line segment will be added
1535 	 * to the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the
1536 	 * arc. If this initial line is undesired, it can be avoided by
1537 	 * calling cairo_new_sub_path() before calling cairo_arc().
1538 	 * Angles are measured in radians. An angle of 0.0 is in the direction
1539 	 * of the positive X axis (in user space). An angle of M_PI/2.0 radians
1540 	 * (90 degrees) is in the direction of the positive Y axis (in
1541 	 * user space). Angles increase in the direction from the positive X
1542 	 * axis toward the positive Y axis. So with the default transformation
1543 	 * matrix, angles increase in a clockwise direction.
1544 	 * (To convert from degrees to radians, use degrees * (M_PI /
1545 	 * 180.).)
1546 	 * This function gives the arc in the direction of increasing angles;
1547 	 * see cairo_arc_negative() to get the arc in the direction of
1548 	 * decreasing angles.
1549 	 * The arc is circular in user space. To achieve an elliptical arc,
1550 	 * you can scale the current transformation matrix by different
1551 	 * amounts in the X and Y directions. For example, to draw an ellipse
1552 	 * Params:
1553 	 * xc = X position of the center of the arc
1554 	 * yc = Y position of the center of the arc
1555 	 * radius = the radius of the arc
1556 	 * angle1 = the start angle, in radians
1557 	 * angle2 = the end angle, in radians
1558 	 */
1559 	public void arc(double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2)
1560 	{
1561 		// void cairo_arc (cairo_t *cr,  double xc,  double yc,  double radius,  double angle1,  double angle2);
1562 		cairo_arc(cairo, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2);
1563 	}
1565 	/**
1566 	 * Adds a circular arc of the given radius to the current path. The
1567 	 * arc is centered at (xc, yc), begins at angle1 and proceeds in
1568 	 * the direction of decreasing angles to end at angle2. If angle2 is
1569 	 * greater than angle1 it will be progressively decreased by 2*M_PI
1570 	 * until it is less than angle1.
1571 	 * See cairo_arc() for more details. This function differs only in the
1572 	 * direction of the arc between the two angles.
1573 	 * Params:
1574 	 * xc = X position of the center of the arc
1575 	 * yc = Y position of the center of the arc
1576 	 * radius = the radius of the arc
1577 	 * angle1 = the start angle, in radians
1578 	 * angle2 = the end angle, in radians
1579 	 */
1580 	public void arcNegative(double xc, double yc, double radius, double angle1, double angle2)
1581 	{
1582 		// void cairo_arc_negative (cairo_t *cr,  double xc,  double yc,  double radius,  double angle1,  double angle2);
1583 		cairo_arc_negative(cairo, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2);
1584 	}
1586 	/**
1587 	 * Adds a cubic Bézier spline to the path from the current point to
1588 	 * position (x3, y3) in user-space coordinates, using (x1, y1) and
1589 	 * (x2, y2) as the control points. After this call the current point
1590 	 * will be (x3, y3).
1591 	 * If there is no current point before the call to cairo_curve_to()
1592 	 * this function will behave as if preceded by a call to
1593 	 * cairo_move_to(cr, x1, y1).
1594 	 * Params:
1595 	 * x1 = the X coordinate of the first control point
1596 	 * y1 = the Y coordinate of the first control point
1597 	 * x2 = the X coordinate of the second control point
1598 	 * y2 = the Y coordinate of the second control point
1599 	 * x3 = the X coordinate of the end of the curve
1600 	 * y3 = the Y coordinate of the end of the curve
1601 	 */
1602 	public void curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
1603 	{
1604 		// void cairo_curve_to (cairo_t *cr,  double x1,  double y1,  double x2,  double y2,  double x3,  double y3);
1605 		cairo_curve_to(cairo, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
1606 	}
1608 	/**
1609 	 * Adds a line to the path from the current point to position (x, y)
1610 	 * in user-space coordinates. After this call the current point
1611 	 * will be (x, y).
1612 	 * If there is no current point before the call to cairo_line_to()
1613 	 * this function will behave as cairo_move_to(cr, x, y).
1614 	 * Params:
1615 	 * x = the X coordinate of the end of the new line
1616 	 * y = the Y coordinate of the end of the new line
1617 	 */
1618 	public void lineTo(double x, double y)
1619 	{
1620 		// void cairo_line_to (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y);
1621 		cairo_line_to(cairo, x, y);
1622 	}
1624 	/**
1625 	 * Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will be (x,
1626 	 * y).
1627 	 * Params:
1628 	 * x = the X coordinate of the new position
1629 	 * y = the Y coordinate of the new position
1630 	 */
1631 	public void moveTo(double x, double y)
1632 	{
1633 		// void cairo_move_to (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y);
1634 		cairo_move_to(cairo, x, y);
1635 	}
1637 	/**
1638 	 * Adds a closed sub-path rectangle of the given size to the current
1639 	 * path at position (x, y) in user-space coordinates.
1640 	 * Params:
1641 	 * x = the X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle
1642 	 * y = the Y coordinate to the top left corner of the rectangle
1643 	 * width = the width of the rectangle
1644 	 * height = the height of the rectangle
1645 	 */
1646 	public void rectangle(double x, double y, double width, double height)
1647 	{
1648 		// void cairo_rectangle (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y,  double width,  double height);
1649 		cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, y, width, height);
1650 	}
1652 	/**
1653 	 * Adds closed paths for the glyphs to the current path. The generated
1654 	 * path if filled, achieves an effect similar to that of
1655 	 * cairo_show_glyphs().
1656 	 * Params:
1657 	 * glyphs = array of glyphs to show
1658 	 * numGlyphs = number of glyphs to show
1659 	 */
1660 	public void glyphPath(cairo_glyph_t* glyphs, int numGlyphs)
1661 	{
1662 		// void cairo_glyph_path (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,  int num_glyphs);
1663 		cairo_glyph_path(cairo, glyphs, numGlyphs);
1664 	}
1666 	/**
1667 	 * Adds closed paths for text to the current path. The generated
1668 	 * path if filled, achieves an effect similar to that of
1669 	 * cairo_show_text().
1670 	 * Text conversion and positioning is done similar to cairo_show_text().
1671 	 * Like cairo_show_text(), After this call the current point is
1672 	 * moved to the origin of where the next glyph would be placed in
1673 	 * this same progression. That is, the current point will be at
1674 	 * the origin of the final glyph offset by its advance values.
1675 	 * This allows for chaining multiple calls to to cairo_text_path()
1676 	 * without having to set current point in between.
1677 	 * Note: The cairo_text_path() function call is part of what the cairo
1678 	 * designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos
1679 	 * and simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for
1680 	 * serious text-using applications. See cairo_glyph_path() for the
1681 	 * "real" text path API in cairo.
1682 	 * Params:
1683 	 * utf8 = a NUL-terminated string of text encoded in UTF-8, or NULL
1684 	 */
1685 	public void textPath(string utf8)
1686 	{
1687 		// void cairo_text_path (cairo_t *cr,  const char *utf8);
1688 		cairo_text_path(cairo, Str.toStringz(utf8));
1689 	}
1691 	/**
1692 	 * Relative-coordinate version of cairo_curve_to(). All offsets are
1693 	 * relative to the current point. Adds a cubic Bézier spline to the
1694 	 * path from the current point to a point offset from the current
1695 	 * point by (dx3, dy3), using points offset by (dx1, dy1) and
1696 	 * (dx2, dy2) as the control points. After this call the current
1697 	 * point will be offset by (dx3, dy3).
1698 	 * Given a current point of (x, y), cairo_rel_curve_to(cr, dx1,
1699 	 * dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3) is logically equivalent to
1700 	 * cairo_curve_to(cr, x+dx1, y+dy1, x+dx2, y+dy2, x+dx3, y+dy3).
1701 	 * It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing
1702 	 * so will cause cr to shutdown with a status of
1704 	 * Params:
1705 	 * dx1 = the X offset to the first control point
1706 	 * dy1 = the Y offset to the first control point
1707 	 * dx2 = the X offset to the second control point
1708 	 * dy2 = the Y offset to the second control point
1709 	 * dx3 = the X offset to the end of the curve
1710 	 * dy3 = the Y offset to the end of the curve
1711 	 */
1712 	public void relCurveTo(double dx1, double dy1, double dx2, double dy2, double dx3, double dy3)
1713 	{
1714 		// void cairo_rel_curve_to (cairo_t *cr,  double dx1,  double dy1,  double dx2,  double dy2,  double dx3,  double dy3);
1715 		cairo_rel_curve_to(cairo, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3);
1716 	}
1718 	/**
1719 	 * Relative-coordinate version of cairo_line_to(). Adds a line to the
1720 	 * path from the current point to a point that is offset from the
1721 	 * current point by (dx, dy) in user space. After this call the
1722 	 * current point will be offset by (dx, dy).
1723 	 * Given a current point of (x, y), cairo_rel_line_to(cr, dx, dy)
1724 	 * is logically equivalent to cairo_line_to(cr, x + dx, y + dy).
1725 	 * It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing
1726 	 * so will cause cr to shutdown with a status of
1728 	 * Params:
1729 	 * dx = the X offset to the end of the new line
1730 	 * dy = the Y offset to the end of the new line
1731 	 */
1732 	public void relLineTo(double dx, double dy)
1733 	{
1734 		// void cairo_rel_line_to (cairo_t *cr,  double dx,  double dy);
1735 		cairo_rel_line_to(cairo, dx, dy);
1736 	}
1738 	/**
1739 	 * Begin a new sub-path. After this call the current point will offset
1740 	 * by (x, y).
1741 	 * Given a current point of (x, y), cairo_rel_move_to(cr, dx, dy)
1742 	 * is logically equivalent to cairo_move_to(cr, x + dx, y + dy).
1743 	 * It is an error to call this function with no current point. Doing
1744 	 * so will cause cr to shutdown with a status of
1746 	 * Params:
1747 	 * dx = the X offset
1748 	 * dy = the Y offset
1749 	 */
1750 	public void relMoveTo(double dx, double dy)
1751 	{
1752 		// void cairo_rel_move_to (cairo_t *cr,  double dx,  double dy);
1753 		cairo_rel_move_to(cairo, dx, dy);
1754 	}
1756 	/**
1757 	 * Computes a bounding box in user-space coordinates covering the
1758 	 * points on the current path. If the current path is empty, returns
1759 	 * an empty rectangle ((0,0), (0,0)). Stroke parameters, fill rule,
1760 	 * surface dimensions and clipping are not taken into account.
1761 	 * Contrast with cairo_fill_extents() and cairo_stroke_extents() which
1762 	 * return the extents of only the area that would be "inked" by
1763 	 * the corresponding drawing operations.
1764 	 * The result of cairo_path_extents() is defined as equivalent to the
1765 	 * limit of cairo_stroke_extents() with CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND as the
1766 	 * line width approaches 0.0, (but never reaching the empty-rectangle
1767 	 * returned by cairo_stroke_extents() for a line width of 0.0).
1768 	 * Specifically, this means that zero-area sub-paths such as
1769 	 * cairo_move_to();cairo_line_to() segments, (even degenerate cases
1770 	 * where the coordinates to both calls are identical), will be
1771 	 * considered as contributing to the extents. However, a lone
1772 	 * cairo_move_to() will not contribute to the results of
1773 	 * cairo_path_extents().
1774 	 * Since 1.6
1775 	 * Params:
1776 	 * x1 = left of the resulting extents
1777 	 * y1 = top of the resulting extents
1778 	 * x2 = right of the resulting extents
1779 	 * y2 = bottom of the resulting extents
1780 	 */
1781 	public void pathExtents(out double x1, out double y1, out double x2, out double y2)
1782 	{
1783 		// void cairo_path_extents (cairo_t *cr,  double *x1,  double *y1,  double *x2,  double *y2);
1784 		cairo_path_extents(cairo, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
1785 	}
1787 	/**
1788 	 * Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by translating the
1789 	 * user-space origin by (tx, ty). This offset is interpreted as a
1790 	 * user-space coordinate according to the CTM in place before the new
1791 	 * call to cairo_translate(). In other words, the translation of the
1792 	 * user-space origin takes place after any existing transformation.
1793 	 * Params:
1794 	 * tx = amount to translate in the X direction
1795 	 * ty = amount to translate in the Y direction
1796 	 */
1797 	public void translate(double tx, double ty)
1798 	{
1799 		// void cairo_translate (cairo_t *cr,  double tx,  double ty);
1800 		cairo_translate(cairo, tx, ty);
1801 	}
1803 	/**
1804 	 * Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by scaling the X
1805 	 * and Y user-space axes by sx and sy respectively. The scaling of
1806 	 * the axes takes place after any existing transformation of user
1807 	 * space.
1808 	 * Params:
1809 	 * sx = scale factor for the X dimension
1810 	 * sy = scale factor for the Y dimension
1811 	 */
1812 	public void scale(double sx, double sy)
1813 	{
1814 		// void cairo_scale (cairo_t *cr,  double sx,  double sy);
1815 		cairo_scale(cairo, sx, sy);
1816 	}
1818 	/**
1819 	 * Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by rotating the
1820 	 * user-space axes by angle radians. The rotation of the axes takes
1821 	 * places after any existing transformation of user space. The
1822 	 * rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis
1823 	 * toward the positive Y axis.
1824 	 * Params:
1825 	 * angle = angle (in radians) by which the user-space axes will be
1826 	 * rotated
1827 	 */
1828 	public void rotate(double angle)
1829 	{
1830 		// void cairo_rotate (cairo_t *cr,  double angle);
1831 		cairo_rotate(cairo, angle);
1832 	}
1834 	/**
1835 	 * Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by applying
1836 	 * matrix as an additional transformation. The new transformation of
1837 	 * user space takes place after any existing transformation.
1838 	 * Params:
1839 	 * matrix = a transformation to be applied to the user-space axes
1840 	 */
1841 	public void transform(Matrix matrix)
1842 	{
1843 		// void cairo_transform (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
1844 		cairo_transform(cairo, (matrix is null) ? null : matrix.getMatrixStruct());
1845 	}
1847 	/**
1848 	 * Modifies the current transformation matrix (CTM) by setting it
1849 	 * equal to matrix.
1850 	 * Params:
1851 	 * matrix = a transformation matrix from user space to device space
1852 	 */
1853 	public void setMatrix(Matrix matrix)
1854 	{
1855 		// void cairo_set_matrix (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
1856 		cairo_set_matrix(cairo, (matrix is null) ? null : matrix.getMatrixStruct());
1857 	}
1859 	/**
1860 	 * Stores the current transformation matrix (CTM) into matrix.
1861 	 * Params:
1862 	 * matrix = return value for the matrix
1863 	 */
1864 	public void getMatrix(Matrix matrix)
1865 	{
1866 		// void cairo_get_matrix (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
1867 		cairo_get_matrix(cairo, (matrix is null) ? null : matrix.getMatrixStruct());
1868 	}
1870 	/**
1871 	 * Resets the current transformation matrix (CTM) by setting it equal
1872 	 * to the identity matrix. That is, the user-space and device-space
1873 	 * axes will be aligned and one user-space unit will transform to one
1874 	 * device-space unit.
1875 	 */
1876 	public void identityMatrix()
1877 	{
1878 		// void cairo_identity_matrix (cairo_t *cr);
1879 		cairo_identity_matrix(cairo);
1880 	}
1882 	/**
1883 	 * Transform a coordinate from user space to device space by
1884 	 * multiplying the given point by the current transformation matrix
1885 	 * (CTM).
1886 	 * Params:
1887 	 * x = X value of coordinate (in/out parameter)
1888 	 * y = Y value of coordinate (in/out parameter)
1889 	 */
1890 	public void userToDevice(ref double x, ref double y)
1891 	{
1892 		// void cairo_user_to_device (cairo_t *cr,  double *x,  double *y);
1893 		cairo_user_to_device(cairo, &x, &y);
1894 	}
1896 	/**
1897 	 * Transform a distance vector from user space to device space. This
1898 	 * function is similar to cairo_user_to_device() except that the
1899 	 * translation components of the CTM will be ignored when transforming
1900 	 * (dx,dy).
1901 	 * Params:
1902 	 * dx = X component of a distance vector (in/out parameter)
1903 	 * dy = Y component of a distance vector (in/out parameter)
1904 	 */
1905 	public void userToDeviceDistance(ref double dx, ref double dy)
1906 	{
1907 		// void cairo_user_to_device_distance (cairo_t *cr,  double *dx,  double *dy);
1908 		cairo_user_to_device_distance(cairo, &dx, &dy);
1909 	}
1911 	/**
1912 	 * Transform a coordinate from device space to user space by
1913 	 * multiplying the given point by the inverse of the current
1914 	 * transformation matrix (CTM).
1915 	 * Params:
1916 	 * x = X value of coordinate (in/out parameter)
1917 	 * y = Y value of coordinate (in/out parameter)
1918 	 */
1919 	public void deviceToUser(ref double x, ref double y)
1920 	{
1921 		// void cairo_device_to_user (cairo_t *cr,  double *x,  double *y);
1922 		cairo_device_to_user(cairo, &x, &y);
1923 	}
1925 	/**
1926 	 * Transform a distance vector from device space to user space. This
1927 	 * function is similar to cairo_device_to_user() except that the
1928 	 * translation components of the inverse CTM will be ignored when
1929 	 * transforming (dx,dy).
1930 	 * Params:
1931 	 * dx = X component of a distance vector (in/out parameter)
1932 	 * dy = Y component of a distance vector (in/out parameter)
1933 	 */
1934 	public void deviceToUserDistance(ref double dx, ref double dy)
1935 	{
1936 		// void cairo_device_to_user_distance (cairo_t *cr,  double *dx,  double *dy);
1937 		cairo_device_to_user_distance(cairo, &dx, &dy);
1938 	}
1940 	/**
1941 	 * Note: The cairo_select_font_face() function call is part of what
1942 	 * the cairo designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for
1943 	 * short demos and simple programs, but it is not expected to be
1944 	 * adequate for serious text-using applications.
1945 	 * Selects a family and style of font from a simplified description as
1946 	 * a family name, slant and weight. Cairo provides no operation to
1947 	 * list available family names on the system (this is a "toy",
1948 	 * remember), but the standard CSS2 generic family names, ("serif",
1949 	 * "sans-serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace"), are likely to
1950 	 * work as expected.
1951 	 * If family starts with the string "cairo:", or if no native font
1952 	 * backends are compiled in, cairo will use an internal font family.
1953 	 * The internal font family recognizes many modifiers in the family
1954 	 * string, most notably, it recognizes the string "monospace". That is,
1955 	 * the family name "cairo:monospace" will use the monospace version of
1956 	 * the internal font family.
1957 	 * For "real" font selection, see the font-backend-specific
1958 	 * font_face_create functions for the font backend you are using. (For
1959 	 * example, if you are using the freetype-based cairo-ft font backend,
1960 	 * see cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face() or
1961 	 * cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern().) The resulting font face
1962 	 * could then be used with cairo_scaled_font_create() and
1963 	 * cairo_set_scaled_font().
1964 	 * Similarly, when using the "real" font support, you can call
1965 	 * directly into the underlying font system, (such as fontconfig or
1966 	 * freetype), for operations such as listing available fonts, etc.
1967 	 * It is expected that most applications will need to use a more
1968 	 * comprehensive font handling and text layout library, (for example,
1969 	 * pango), in conjunction with cairo.
1970 	 * If text is drawn without a call to cairo_select_font_face(), (nor
1971 	 * cairo_set_font_face() nor cairo_set_scaled_font()), the default
1972 	 * family is platform-specific, but is essentially "sans-serif".
1973 	 * Default slant is CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, and default weight is
1975 	 * This function is equivalent to a call to cairo_toy_font_face_create()
1976 	 * followed by cairo_set_font_face().
1977 	 * Params:
1978 	 * family = a font family name, encoded in UTF-8
1979 	 * slant = the slant for the font
1980 	 * weight = the weight for the font
1981 	 */
1982 	public void selectFontFace(string family, cairo_font_slant_t slant, cairo_font_weight_t weight)
1983 	{
1984 		// void cairo_select_font_face (cairo_t *cr,  const char *family,  cairo_font_slant_t slant,  cairo_font_weight_t weight);
1985 		cairo_select_font_face(cairo, Str.toStringz(family), slant, weight);
1986 	}
1988 	/**
1989 	 * Sets the current font matrix to a scale by a factor of size, replacing
1990 	 * any font matrix previously set with cairo_set_font_size() or
1991 	 * cairo_set_font_matrix(). This results in a font size of size user space
1992 	 * units. (More precisely, this matrix will result in the font's
1993 	 * em-square being a size by size square in user space.)
1994 	 * If text is drawn without a call to cairo_set_font_size(), (nor
1995 	 * cairo_set_font_matrix() nor cairo_set_scaled_font()), the default
1996 	 * font size is 10.0.
1997 	 * Params:
1998 	 * size = the new font size, in user space units
1999 	 */
2000 	public void setFontSize(double size)
2001 	{
2002 		// void cairo_set_font_size (cairo_t *cr,  double size);
2003 		cairo_set_font_size(cairo, size);
2004 	}
2006 	/**
2007 	 * Sets the current font matrix to matrix. The font matrix gives a
2008 	 * transformation from the design space of the font (in this space,
2009 	 * the em-square is 1 unit by 1 unit) to user space. Normally, a
2010 	 * simple scale is used (see cairo_set_font_size()), but a more
2011 	 * complex font matrix can be used to shear the font
2012 	 * or stretch it unequally along the two axes
2013 	 * Params:
2014 	 * matrix = a cairo_matrix_t describing a transform to be applied to
2015 	 * the current font.
2016 	 */
2017 	public void setFontMatrix(Matrix matrix)
2018 	{
2019 		// void cairo_set_font_matrix (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
2020 		cairo_set_font_matrix(cairo, (matrix is null) ? null : matrix.getMatrixStruct());
2021 	}
2023 	/**
2024 	 * Stores the current font matrix into matrix. See
2025 	 * cairo_set_font_matrix().
2026 	 * Params:
2027 	 * matrix = return value for the matrix
2028 	 */
2029 	public void getFontMatrix(Matrix matrix)
2030 	{
2031 		// void cairo_get_font_matrix (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_matrix_t *matrix);
2032 		cairo_get_font_matrix(cairo, (matrix is null) ? null : matrix.getMatrixStruct());
2033 	}
2035 	/**
2036 	 * Sets a set of custom font rendering options for the cairo_t.
2037 	 * Rendering options are derived by merging these options with the
2038 	 * options derived from underlying surface; if the value in options
2039 	 * has a default value (like CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT), then the value
2040 	 * from the surface is used.
2041 	 * Params:
2042 	 * options = font options to use
2043 	 */
2044 	public void setFontOptions(FontOption options)
2045 	{
2046 		// void cairo_set_font_options (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_font_options_t *options);
2047 		cairo_set_font_options(cairo, (options is null) ? null : options.getFontOptionStruct());
2048 	}
2050 	/**
2051 	 * Retrieves font rendering options set via cairo_set_font_options.
2052 	 * Note that the returned options do not include any options derived
2053 	 * from the underlying surface; they are literally the options
2054 	 * passed to cairo_set_font_options().
2055 	 * Params:
2056 	 * options = a cairo_font_options_t object into which to store
2057 	 *  the retrieved options. All existing values are overwritten
2058 	 */
2059 	public void getFontOptions(FontOption options)
2060 	{
2061 		// void cairo_get_font_options (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_font_options_t *options);
2062 		cairo_get_font_options(cairo, (options is null) ? null : options.getFontOptionStruct());
2063 	}
2065 	/**
2066 	 * Replaces the current cairo_font_face_t object in the cairo_t with
2067 	 * font_face. The replaced font face in the cairo_t will be
2068 	 * destroyed if there are no other references to it.
2069 	 * Params:
2070 	 * fontFace = a cairo_font_face_t, or NULL to restore to the default font
2071 	 */
2072 	public void setFontFace(FontFace fontFace)
2073 	{
2074 		// void cairo_set_font_face (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
2075 		cairo_set_font_face(cairo, (fontFace is null) ? null : fontFace.getFontFaceStruct());
2076 	}
2078 	/**
2079 	 * Gets the current font face for a cairo_t.
2080 	 * Returns: the current font face. This object is owned by cairo. To keep a reference to it, you must call cairo_font_face_reference(). This function never returns NULL. If memory cannot be allocated, a special "nil" cairo_font_face_t object will be returned on which cairo_font_face_status() returns CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY. Using this nil object will cause its error state to propagate to other objects it is passed to, (for example, calling cairo_set_font_face() with a nil font will trigger an error that will shutdown the cairo_t object).
2081 	 */
2082 	public FontFace getFontFace()
2083 	{
2084 		// cairo_font_face_t * cairo_get_font_face (cairo_t *cr);
2085 		auto p = cairo_get_font_face(cairo);
2087 		if(p is null)
2088 		{
2089 			return null;
2090 		}
2092 		return new FontFace(cast(cairo_font_face_t*) p);
2093 	}
2095 	/**
2096 	 * Replaces the current font face, font matrix, and font options in
2097 	 * the cairo_t with those of the cairo_scaled_font_t. Except for
2098 	 * some translation, the current CTM of the cairo_t should be the
2099 	 * same as that of the cairo_scaled_font_t, which can be accessed
2100 	 * using cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm().
2101 	 * Since 1.2
2102 	 * Params:
2103 	 * scaledFont = a cairo_scaled_font_t
2104 	 */
2105 	public void setScaledFont(ScaledFont scaledFont)
2106 	{
2107 		// void cairo_set_scaled_font (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font);
2108 		cairo_set_scaled_font(cairo, (scaledFont is null) ? null : scaledFont.getScaledFontStruct());
2109 	}
2111 	/**
2112 	 * Gets the current scaled font for a cairo_t.
2113 	 * Since 1.4
2114 	 * Returns: the current scaled font. This object is owned by cairo. To keep a reference to it, you must call cairo_scaled_font_reference(). This function never returns NULL. If memory cannot be allocated, a special "nil" cairo_scaled_font_t object will be returned on which cairo_scaled_font_status() returns CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY. Using this nil object will cause its error state to propagate to other objects it is passed to, (for example, calling cairo_set_scaled_font() with a nil font will trigger an error that will shutdown the cairo_t object).
2115 	 */
2116 	public ScaledFont getScaledFont()
2117 	{
2118 		// cairo_scaled_font_t * cairo_get_scaled_font (cairo_t *cr);
2119 		auto p = cairo_get_scaled_font(cairo);
2121 		if(p is null)
2122 		{
2123 			return null;
2124 		}
2126 		return new ScaledFont(cast(cairo_scaled_font_t*) p);
2127 	}
2129 	/**
2130 	 * A drawing operator that generates the shape from a string of UTF-8
2131 	 * characters, rendered according to the current font_face, font_size
2132 	 * (font_matrix), and font_options.
2133 	 * This function first computes a set of glyphs for the string of
2134 	 * text. The first glyph is placed so that its origin is at the
2135 	 * current point. The origin of each subsequent glyph is offset from
2136 	 * that of the previous glyph by the advance values of the previous
2137 	 * glyph.
2138 	 * After this call the current point is moved to the origin of where
2139 	 * the next glyph would be placed in this same progression. That is,
2140 	 * the current point will be at the origin of the final glyph offset
2141 	 * by its advance values. This allows for easy display of a single
2142 	 * logical string with multiple calls to cairo_show_text().
2143 	 * Note: The cairo_show_text() function call is part of what the cairo
2144 	 * designers call the "toy" text API. It is convenient for short demos
2145 	 * and simple programs, but it is not expected to be adequate for
2146 	 * serious text-using applications. See cairo_show_glyphs() for the
2147 	 * "real" text display API in cairo.
2148 	 * Params:
2149 	 * utf8 = a NUL-terminated string of text encoded in UTF-8, or NULL
2150 	 */
2151 	public void showText(string utf8)
2152 	{
2153 		// void cairo_show_text (cairo_t *cr,  const char *utf8);
2154 		cairo_show_text(cairo, Str.toStringz(utf8));
2155 	}
2157 	/**
2158 	 * A drawing operator that generates the shape from an array of glyphs,
2159 	 * rendered according to the current font face, font size
2160 	 * (font matrix), and font options.
2161 	 * Params:
2162 	 * glyphs = array of glyphs to show
2163 	 */
2164 	public void showGlyphs(cairo_glyph_t[] glyphs)
2165 	{
2166 		// void cairo_show_glyphs (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,  int num_glyphs);
2167 		cairo_show_glyphs(cairo, glyphs.ptr, cast(int) glyphs.length);
2168 	}
2170 	/**
2171 	 * This operation has rendering effects similar to cairo_show_glyphs()
2172 	 * but, if the target surface supports it, uses the provided text and
2173 	 * cluster mapping to embed the text for the glyphs shown in the output.
2174 	 * If the target does not support the extended attributes, this function
2175 	 * acts like the basic cairo_show_glyphs() as if it had been passed
2176 	 * glyphs and num_glyphs.
2177 	 * The mapping between utf8 and glyphs is provided by an array of
2178 	 * clusters. Each cluster covers a number of
2179 	 * text bytes and glyphs, and neighboring clusters cover neighboring
2180 	 * areas of utf8 and glyphs. The clusters should collectively cover utf8
2181 	 * and glyphs in entirety.
2182 	 * The first cluster always covers bytes from the beginning of utf8.
2183 	 * If cluster_flags do not have the CAIRO_TEXT_CLUSTER_FLAG_BACKWARD
2184 	 * set, the first cluster also covers the beginning
2185 	 * of glyphs, otherwise it covers the end of the glyphs array and
2186 	 * following clusters move backward.
2187 	 * See cairo_text_cluster_t for constraints on valid clusters.
2188 	 * Since 1.8
2189 	 * Params:
2190 	 * utf8 = a string of text encoded in UTF-8
2191 	 * utf8_Len = length of utf8 in bytes, or -1 if it is NUL-terminated
2192 	 * glyphs = array of glyphs to show
2193 	 * clusters = array of cluster mapping information
2194 	 * clusterFlags = cluster mapping flags
2195 	 */
2196 	public void showTextGlyphs(string utf8, int utf8_Len, cairo_glyph_t[] glyphs, cairo_text_cluster_t[] clusters, cairo_text_cluster_flags_t clusterFlags)
2197 	{
2198 		// void cairo_show_text_glyphs (cairo_t *cr,  const char *utf8,  int utf8_len,  const cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,  int num_glyphs,  const cairo_text_cluster_t *clusters,  int num_clusters,  cairo_text_cluster_flags_t cluster_flags);
2199 		cairo_show_text_glyphs(cairo, Str.toStringz(utf8), utf8_Len, glyphs.ptr, cast(int) glyphs.length, clusters.ptr, cast(int) clusters.length, clusterFlags);
2200 	}
2202 	/**
2203 	 * Gets the font extents for the currently selected font.
2204 	 * Params:
2205 	 * extents = a cairo_font_extents_t object into which the results
2206 	 * will be stored.
2207 	 */
2208 	public void fontExtents(cairo_font_extents_t* extents)
2209 	{
2210 		// void cairo_font_extents (cairo_t *cr,  cairo_font_extents_t *extents);
2211 		cairo_font_extents(cairo, extents);
2212 	}
2214 	/**
2215 	 * Gets the extents for a string of text. The extents describe a
2216 	 * user-space rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the text,
2217 	 * (as it would be drawn by cairo_show_text()). Additionally, the
2218 	 * x_advance and y_advance values indicate the amount by which the
2219 	 * current point would be advanced by cairo_show_text().
2220 	 * Note that whitespace characters do not directly contribute to the
2221 	 * size of the rectangle (extents.width and extents.height). They do
2222 	 * contribute indirectly by changing the position of non-whitespace
2223 	 * characters. In particular, trailing whitespace characters are
2224 	 * likely to not affect the size of the rectangle, though they will
2225 	 * affect the x_advance and y_advance values.
2226 	 * Params:
2227 	 * utf8 = a NUL-terminated string of text encoded in UTF-8, or NULL
2228 	 * extents = a cairo_text_extents_t object into which the results
2229 	 * will be stored
2230 	 */
2231 	public void textExtents(string utf8, cairo_text_extents_t* extents)
2232 	{
2233 		// void cairo_text_extents (cairo_t *cr,  const char *utf8,  cairo_text_extents_t *extents);
2234 		cairo_text_extents(cairo, Str.toStringz(utf8), extents);
2235 	}
2237 	/**
2238 	 * Gets the extents for an array of glyphs. The extents describe a
2239 	 * user-space rectangle that encloses the "inked" portion of the
2240 	 * glyphs, (as they would be drawn by cairo_show_glyphs()).
2241 	 * Additionally, the x_advance and y_advance values indicate the
2242 	 * amount by which the current point would be advanced by
2243 	 * cairo_show_glyphs().
2244 	 * Note that whitespace glyphs do not contribute to the size of the
2245 	 * rectangle (extents.width and extents.height).
2246 	 * Params:
2247 	 * glyphs = an array of cairo_glyph_t objects
2248 	 * extents = a cairo_text_extents_t object into which the results
2249 	 * will be stored
2250 	 */
2251 	public void glyphExtents(cairo_glyph_t[] glyphs, cairo_text_extents_t* extents)
2252 	{
2253 		// void cairo_glyph_extents (cairo_t *cr,  const cairo_glyph_t *glyphs,  int num_glyphs,  cairo_text_extents_t *extents);
2254 		cairo_glyph_extents(cairo, glyphs.ptr, cast(int) glyphs.length, extents);
2255 	}
2257 	/**
2258 	 * Creates a font face from a triplet of family, slant, and weight.
2259 	 * These font faces are used in implementation of the the cairo_t "toy"
2260 	 * font API.
2261 	 * If family is the zero-length string "", the platform-specific default
2262 	 * family is assumed. The default family then can be queried using
2263 	 * cairo_toy_font_face_get_family().
2264 	 * The cairo_select_font_face() function uses this to create font faces.
2265 	 * See that function for limitations and other details of toy font faces.
2266 	 * Since 1.8
2267 	 * Params:
2268 	 * family = a font family name, encoded in UTF-8
2269 	 * slant = the slant for the font
2270 	 * weight = the weight for the font
2271 	 * Returns: a newly created cairo_font_face_t. Free with cairo_font_face_destroy() when you are done using it.
2272 	 */
2273 	public static FontFace toyFontFaceCreate(string family, cairo_font_slant_t slant, cairo_font_weight_t weight)
2274 	{
2275 		// cairo_font_face_t * cairo_toy_font_face_create (const char *family,  cairo_font_slant_t slant,  cairo_font_weight_t weight);
2276 		auto p = cairo_toy_font_face_create(Str.toStringz(family), slant, weight);
2278 		if(p is null)
2279 		{
2280 			return null;
2281 		}
2283 		return new FontFace(cast(cairo_font_face_t*) p);
2284 	}
2286 	/**
2287 	 * Gets the familly name of a toy font.
2288 	 * Since 1.8
2289 	 * Params:
2290 	 * fontFace = A toy font face
2291 	 * Returns: The family name. This string is owned by the font face and remains valid as long as the font face is alive (referenced).
2292 	 */
2293 	public static string toyFontFaceGetFamily(FontFace fontFace)
2294 	{
2295 		// const char * cairo_toy_font_face_get_family (cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
2296 		return Str.toString(cairo_toy_font_face_get_family((fontFace is null) ? null : fontFace.getFontFaceStruct()));
2297 	}
2299 	/**
2300 	 * Gets the slant a toy font.
2301 	 * Since 1.8
2302 	 * Params:
2303 	 * fontFace = A toy font face
2304 	 * Returns: The slant value
2305 	 */
2306 	public static cairo_font_slant_t toyFontFaceGetSlant(FontFace fontFace)
2307 	{
2308 		// cairo_font_slant_t cairo_toy_font_face_get_slant (cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
2309 		return cairo_toy_font_face_get_slant((fontFace is null) ? null : fontFace.getFontFaceStruct());
2310 	}
2312 	/**
2313 	 * Gets the weight a toy font.
2314 	 * Since 1.8
2315 	 * Params:
2316 	 * fontFace = A toy font face
2317 	 * Returns: The weight value
2318 	 */
2319 	public static cairo_font_weight_t toyFontFaceGetWeight(FontFace fontFace)
2320 	{
2321 		// cairo_font_weight_t cairo_toy_font_face_get_weight (cairo_font_face_t *font_face);
2322 		return cairo_toy_font_face_get_weight((fontFace is null) ? null : fontFace.getFontFaceStruct());
2323 	}
2325 	/**
2326 	 * Frees an array of cairo_glyph_t's allocated using cairo_glyph_allocate().
2327 	 * This function is only useful to free glyph array returned
2328 	 * by cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs() where cairo returns
2329 	 * an array of glyphs that the user will free.
2330 	 * For all other uses, user can use their own allocation method
2331 	 * for glyphs.
2332 	 * Since 1.8
2333 	 * Params:
2334 	 * glyphs = array of glyphs to free, or NULL
2335 	 */
2336 	public static void glyphFree(cairo_glyph_t[] glyphs)
2337 	{
2338 		// void cairo_glyph_free (cairo_glyph_t *glyphs);
2339 		cairo_glyph_free(glyphs.ptr);
2340 	}
2342 	/**
2343 	 * Frees an array of cairo_text_cluster's allocated using cairo_text_cluster_allocate().
2344 	 * This function is only useful to free text cluster array returned
2345 	 * by cairo_scaled_font_text_to_glyphs() where cairo returns
2346 	 * an array of text clusters that the user will free.
2347 	 * For all other uses, user can use their own allocation method
2348 	 * for text clusters.
2349 	 * Since 1.8
2350 	 * Params:
2351 	 * clusters = array of text clusters to free, or NULL
2352 	 */
2353 	public static void textClusterFree(cairo_text_cluster_t[] clusters)
2354 	{
2355 		// void cairo_text_cluster_free (cairo_text_cluster_t *clusters);
2356 		cairo_text_cluster_free(clusters.ptr);
2357 	}
2358 }