Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
Creates a GtkVolumeButton, with a range between 0.0 and 1.0, with a stepping of 0.02. Volume values can be obtained and modified using the functions from GtkScaleButton. Since 2.12
the main Gtk struct as a void*
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
The ::popdown signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted to popdown the scale widget. The default binding for this signal is Escape. Since 2.12
The ::popup signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted to popup the scale widget. The default bindings for this signal are Space, Enter and Return. Since 2.12
The ::value-changed signal is emitted when the value field has changed. Since 2.12
Sets the GtkAdjustment to be used as a model for the GtkScaleButton's scale. See gtk_range_set_adjustment() for details. Since 2.12
Sets the icons to be used by the scale button. For details, see the "icons" property. Since 2.12
Sets the current value of the scale; if the value is outside the minimum or maximum range values, it will be clamped to fit inside them. The scale button emits the "value-changed" signal if the value changes. Since 2.12
Gets the GtkAdjustment associated with the GtkScaleButton's scale. See gtk_range_get_adjustment() for details. Since 2.12
Gets the current value of the scale button. Since 2.12
Retrieves the popup of the GtkScaleButton. Since 2.14
Retrieves the plus button of the GtkScaleButton. Since 2.14
Retrieves the minus button of the GtkScaleButton. Since 2.14
Description GtkVolumeButton is a subclass of GtkScaleButton that has been tailored for use as a volume control widget with suitable icons, tooltips and accessible labels.