
Initiates a drag on the source side. The function only needs to be used when the application is starting drags itself, and is not needed when gtk_drag_source_set() is used. The event is used to retrieve the timestamp that will be used internally to grab the pointer. If event is NULL, then GDK_CURRENT_TIME will be used. However, you should try to pass a real event in all cases, since that can be used by GTK+ to get information about the start position of the drag, for example if the event is a GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY. Generally there are three cases when you want to start a drag by hand by calling


widget Widget

the source widget.

targets TargetList

The targets (data formats) in which the source can provide the data.

actions GdkDragAction

A bitmask of the allowed drag actions for this drag.

button int

The button the user clicked to start the drag.

event Event

The event that triggered the start of the drag.

Return Value

the context for this drag. [transfer none]
