Gets a #GFileError constant based on the passed-in @err_no.
For example, if you pass in EEXIST this function returns
#G_FILE_ERROR_EXIST. Unlike errno values, you can portably
assume that all #GFileError values will exist.
Normally a #GFileError value goes into a #GError returned
from a function that manipulates files. So you would use
g_file_error_from_errno() when constructing a #GError.
Gets a #GFileError constant based on the passed-in @err_no. For example, if you pass in EEXIST this function returns #G_FILE_ERROR_EXIST. Unlike errno values, you can portably assume that all #GFileError values will exist.
Normally a #GFileError value goes into a #GError returned from a function that manipulates files. So you would use g_file_error_from_errno() when constructing a #GError.