1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gst.base.Aggregator;
27 private import glib.MemorySlice;
28 private import gobject.ObjectG;
29 private import gst.base.c.functions;
30 public  import gst.base.c.types;
31 private import gstreamer.AllocationParams;
32 private import gstreamer.Allocator;
33 private import gstreamer.Buffer;
34 private import gstreamer.BufferPool;
35 private import gstreamer.Caps;
36 private import gstreamer.Element;
39 /**
40  * Manages a set of pads with the purpose of aggregating their buffers.
41  * Control is given to the subclass when all pads have data.
42  * 
43  * * Base class for mixers and muxers. Subclasses should at least implement
44  * the #GstAggregatorClass.aggregate() virtual method.
45  * 
46  * * Installs a #GstPadChainFunction, a #GstPadEventFullFunction and a
47  * #GstPadQueryFunction to queue all serialized data packets per sink pad.
48  * Subclasses should not overwrite those, but instead implement
49  * #GstAggregatorClass.sink_event() and #GstAggregatorClass.sink_query() as
50  * needed.
51  * 
52  * * When data is queued on all pads, the aggregate vmethod is called.
53  * 
54  * * One can peek at the data on any given GstAggregatorPad with the
55  * gst_aggregator_pad_peek_buffer () method, and remove it from the pad
56  * with the gst_aggregator_pad_pop_buffer () method. When a buffer
57  * has been taken with pop_buffer (), a new buffer can be queued
58  * on that pad.
59  * 
60  * * If the subclass wishes to push a buffer downstream in its aggregate
61  * implementation, it should do so through the
62  * gst_aggregator_finish_buffer () method. This method will take care
63  * of sending and ordering mandatory events such as stream start, caps
64  * and segment.
65  * 
66  * * Same goes for EOS events, which should not be pushed directly by the
67  * subclass, it should instead return GST_FLOW_EOS in its aggregate
68  * implementation.
69  * 
70  * * Note that the aggregator logic regarding gap event handling is to turn
71  * these into gap buffers with matching PTS and duration. It will also
72  * flag these buffers with GST_BUFFER_FLAG_GAP and GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DROPPABLE
73  * to ease their identification and subsequent processing.
74  * 
75  * * Subclasses must use (a subclass of) #GstAggregatorPad for both their
76  * sink and source pads.
77  * See gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template_with_gtype().
78  * 
79  * This class used to live in gst-plugins-bad and was moved to core.
80  */
81 public class Aggregator : Element
82 {
83 	/** the main Gtk struct */
84 	protected GstAggregator* gstAggregator;
86 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
87 	public GstAggregator* getAggregatorStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
88 	{
89 		if (transferOwnership)
90 			ownedRef = false;
91 		return gstAggregator;
92 	}
94 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
95 	protected override void* getStruct()
96 	{
97 		return cast(void*)gstAggregator;
98 	}
100 	/**
101 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
102 	 */
103 	public this (GstAggregator* gstAggregator, bool ownedRef = false)
104 	{
105 		this.gstAggregator = gstAggregator;
106 		super(cast(GstElement*)gstAggregator, ownedRef);
107 	}
110 	/** */
111 	public static GType getType()
112 	{
113 		return gst_aggregator_get_type();
114 	}
116 	/**
117 	 * This method will push the provided output buffer downstream. If needed,
118 	 * mandatory events such as stream-start, caps, and segment events will be
119 	 * sent before pushing the buffer.
120 	 *
121 	 * Params:
122 	 *     buffer = the #GstBuffer to push.
123 	 */
124 	public GstFlowReturn finishBuffer(Buffer buffer)
125 	{
126 		return gst_aggregator_finish_buffer(gstAggregator, (buffer is null) ? null : buffer.getBufferStruct());
127 	}
129 	/**
130 	 * Lets #GstAggregator sub-classes get the memory @allocator
131 	 * acquired by the base class and its @params.
132 	 *
133 	 * Unref the @allocator after use it.
134 	 *
135 	 * Params:
136 	 *     allocator = the #GstAllocator
137 	 *         used
138 	 *     params = the
139 	 *         #GstAllocationParams of @allocator
140 	 */
141 	public void getAllocator(out Allocator allocator, out AllocationParams params)
142 	{
143 		GstAllocator* outallocator = null;
144 		GstAllocationParams* outparams = sliceNew!GstAllocationParams();
146 		gst_aggregator_get_allocator(gstAggregator, &outallocator, outparams);
148 		allocator = ObjectG.getDObject!(Allocator)(outallocator);
149 		params = ObjectG.getDObject!(AllocationParams)(outparams, true);
150 	}
152 	/**
153 	 * Returns: the instance of the #GstBufferPool used
154 	 *     by @trans; free it after use it
155 	 */
156 	public BufferPool getBufferPool()
157 	{
158 		auto p = gst_aggregator_get_buffer_pool(gstAggregator);
160 		if(p is null)
161 		{
162 			return null;
163 		}
165 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(BufferPool)(cast(GstBufferPool*) p, true);
166 	}
168 	/**
169 	 * Retrieves the latency values reported by @self in response to the latency
170 	 * query, or %GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if there is not live source connected and the element
171 	 * will not wait for the clock.
172 	 *
173 	 * Typically only called by subclasses.
174 	 *
175 	 * Returns: The latency or %GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE if the element does not sync
176 	 */
177 	public GstClockTime getLatency()
178 	{
179 		return gst_aggregator_get_latency(gstAggregator);
180 	}
182 	/**
183 	 * Lets #GstAggregator sub-classes tell the baseclass what their internal
184 	 * latency is. Will also post a LATENCY message on the bus so the pipeline
185 	 * can reconfigure its global latency.
186 	 *
187 	 * Params:
188 	 *     minLatency = minimum latency
189 	 *     maxLatency = maximum latency
190 	 */
191 	public void setLatency(GstClockTime minLatency, GstClockTime maxLatency)
192 	{
193 		gst_aggregator_set_latency(gstAggregator, minLatency, maxLatency);
194 	}
196 	/**
197 	 * Sets the caps to be used on the src pad.
198 	 *
199 	 * Params:
200 	 *     caps = The #GstCaps to set on the src pad.
201 	 */
202 	public void setSrcCaps(Caps caps)
203 	{
204 		gst_aggregator_set_src_caps(gstAggregator, (caps is null) ? null : caps.getCapsStruct());
205 	}
206 }