Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
creates a new tree iteractor. used TreeView.createIter and TreeView.append() to create iteractor for a tree or list
Creates a dynamically allocated tree iterator as a copy of iter.
Gets the parent of this iter
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Get the main Gtk struct
setUserData and getUserData provide simple boxing around the userData field in the TreeIter struct.
Get Value
Get the value of a column as an int
Get the value of a column as a string
This return the path visible to the user.
setUserData and getUserData provide simple boxing around the userData field in the TreeIter struct.
A unique stamp to catch invalid iterators
Model specific data
the main Gtk struct
this will be set only when the iter is created from the model.
The #GtkTreeIter is the primary structure for accessing a #GtkTreeModel. Models are expected to put a unique integer in the @stamp member, and put model-specific data in the three @user_data members.