
A GtkComboBoxText is a simple variant of #GtkComboBox that hides the model-view complexity for simple text-only use cases.

To create a GtkComboBoxText, use gtk_combo_box_text_new() or gtk_combo_box_text_new_with_entry().

You can add items to a GtkComboBoxText with gtk_combo_box_text_append_text(), gtk_combo_box_text_insert_text() or gtk_combo_box_text_prepend_text() and remove options with gtk_combo_box_text_remove().

If the GtkComboBoxText contains an entry (via the “has-entry” property), its contents can be retrieved using gtk_combo_box_text_get_active_text(). The entry itself can be accessed by calling gtk_bin_get_child() on the combo box.

You should not call gtk_combo_box_set_model() or attempt to pack more cells into this combo box via its GtkCellLayout interface.

GtkComboBoxText as GtkBuildable

The GtkComboBoxText implementation of the GtkBuildable interface supports adding items directly using the <items> element and specifying <item> elements for each item. Each <item> element can specify the “id” corresponding to the appended text and also supports the regular translation attributes “translatable”, “context” and “comments”.

Here is a UI definition fragment specifying GtkComboBoxText items: |[ <object class="GtkComboBoxText"> <items> <item translatable="yes" id="factory">Factory</item> <item translatable="yes" id="home">Home</item> <item translatable="yes" id="subway">Subway</item> </items> </object> ]|

CSS nodes

|[<!-- language="plain" --> combobox ╰── box.linked ├── entry.combo ├── button.combo ╰── window.popup ]|

GtkComboBoxText has a single CSS node with name combobox. It adds the style class .combo to the main CSS nodes of its entry and button children, and the .linked class to the node of its internal box.


this(GtkComboBoxText* gtkComboBoxText, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.

this(bool entry)

Creates a new ComboBoxText, which is a ComboBox just displaying strings.



gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(ComboBoxText) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The changed signal is emitted when the active item is changed. The can be due to the user selecting a different item from the list, or due to a call to gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(). It will also be emitted while typing into the entry of a combo box with an entry.

gulong addOnFormatEntryText(string delegate(string, ComboBoxText) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

For combo boxes that are created with an entry (See GtkComboBox:has-entry).

gulong addOnMoveActive(void delegate(GtkScrollType, ComboBoxText) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::move-active signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to move the active selection.

gulong addOnPopdown(bool delegate(ComboBoxText) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::popdown signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to popdown the combo box list.

gulong addOnPopup(void delegate(ComboBoxText) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::popup signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to popup the combo box list.

void append(string id, string text)

Appends @text to the list of strings stored in @combo_box. If @id is non-%NULL then it is used as the ID of the row.

void appendText(string text)

Appends @text to the list of strings stored in @combo_box.

string getActiveText()

Returns the currently active string in @combo_box, or %NULL if none is selected. If @combo_box contains an entry, this function will return its contents (which will not necessarily be an item from the list).

GtkComboBoxText* getComboBoxTextStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

int getIndex(string text)
void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void insert(int position, string id, string text)

Inserts @text at @position in the list of strings stored in @combo_box. If @id is non-%NULL then it is used as the ID of the row. See #GtkComboBox:id-column.

void insertText(int position, string text)

Inserts @text at @position in the list of strings stored in @combo_box.

void prepend(string id, string text)

Prepends @text to the list of strings stored in @combo_box. If @id is non-%NULL then it is used as the ID of the row.

void prependOrReplaceText(string text)
void prependText(string text)

Prepends @text to the list of strings stored in @combo_box.

void remove(int position)

Removes the string at @position from @combo_box.

void removeAll()

Removes all the text entries from the combo box.

void setActiveText(string text, bool insert)

Static functions

GType getType()


GtkComboBoxText* gtkComboBoxText;

the main Gtk struct

Inherited Members

From ComboBox

GtkComboBox* gtkComboBox;

the main Gtk struct

GtkComboBox* getComboBoxStruct(bool transferOwnership)

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

mixin CellEditableT!(GtkComboBox)
Undocumented in source.
mixin CellLayoutT!(GtkComboBox)
Undocumented in source.
GType getType()
int getActive()

Returns the index of the currently active item, or -1 if there’s no active item. If the model is a non-flat treemodel, and the active item is not an immediate child of the root of the tree, this function returns gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path)[0], where path is the #GtkTreePath of the active item.

string getActiveId()

Returns the ID of the active row of @combo_box. This value is taken from the active row and the column specified by the #GtkComboBox:id-column property of @combo_box (see gtk_combo_box_set_id_column()).

bool getActiveIter(TreeIter iter)

Sets @iter to point to the currently active item, if any item is active. Otherwise, @iter is left unchanged.

bool getAddTearoffs()

Gets the current value of the :add-tearoffs property.

GtkSensitivityType getButtonSensitivity()

Returns whether the combo box sets the dropdown button sensitive or not when there are no items in the model.

int getColumnSpanColumn()

Returns the column with column span information for @combo_box.

int getEntryTextColumn()

Returns the column which @combo_box is using to get the strings from to display in the internal entry.

bool getFocusOnClick()

Returns whether the combo box grabs focus when it is clicked with the mouse. See gtk_combo_box_set_focus_on_click().

bool getHasEntry()

Returns whether the combo box has an entry.

int getIdColumn()

Returns the column which @combo_box is using to get string IDs for values from.

TreeModelIF getModel()

Returns the #GtkTreeModel which is acting as data source for @combo_box.

ObjectAtk getPopupAccessible()

Gets the accessible object corresponding to the combo box’s popup.

bool getPopupFixedWidth()

Gets whether the popup uses a fixed width matching the allocated width of the combo box.

GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc getRowSeparatorFunc()

Returns the current row separator function.

int getRowSpanColumn()

Returns the column with row span information for @combo_box.

string getTitle()

Gets the current title of the menu in tearoff mode. See gtk_combo_box_set_add_tearoffs().

int getWrapWidth()

Returns the wrap width which is used to determine the number of columns for the popup menu. If the wrap width is larger than 1, the combo box is in table mode.

void popdown()

Hides the menu or dropdown list of @combo_box.

void popup()

Pops up the menu or dropdown list of @combo_box.

void popupForDevice(Device device)

Pops up the menu or dropdown list of @combo_box, the popup window will be grabbed so only @device and its associated pointer/keyboard are the only #GdkDevices able to send events to it.

void setActive(int index)

Sets the active item of @combo_box to be the item at @index.

bool setActiveId(string activeId)

Changes the active row of @combo_box to the one that has an ID equal to @active_id, or unsets the active row if @active_id is %NULL. Rows having a %NULL ID string cannot be made active by this function.

void setActiveIter(TreeIter iter)

Sets the current active item to be the one referenced by @iter, or unsets the active item if @iter is %NULL.

void setAddTearoffs(bool addTearoffs)

Sets whether the popup menu should have a tearoff menu item.

void setButtonSensitivity(GtkSensitivityType sensitivity)

Sets whether the dropdown button of the combo box should be always sensitive (%GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON), never sensitive (%GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF) or only if there is at least one item to display (%GTK_SENSITIVITY_AUTO).

void setColumnSpanColumn(int columnSpan)

Sets the column with column span information for @combo_box to be @column_span. The column span column contains integers which indicate how many columns an item should span.

void setEntryTextColumn(int textColumn)

Sets the model column which @combo_box should use to get strings from to be @text_column. The column @text_column in the model of @combo_box must be of type %G_TYPE_STRING.

void setFocusOnClick(bool focusOnClick)

Sets whether the combo box will grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse. Making mouse clicks not grab focus is useful in places like toolbars where you don’t want the keyboard focus removed from the main area of the application.

void setIdColumn(int idColumn)

Sets the model column which @combo_box should use to get string IDs for values from. The column @id_column in the model of @combo_box must be of type %G_TYPE_STRING.

void setModel(TreeModelIF model)

Sets the model used by @combo_box to be @model. Will unset a previously set model (if applicable). If model is %NULL, then it will unset the model.

void setPopupFixedWidth(bool fixed)

Specifies whether the popup’s width should be a fixed width matching the allocated width of the combo box.

void setRowSeparatorFunc(GtkTreeViewRowSeparatorFunc func, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Sets the row separator function, which is used to determine whether a row should be drawn as a separator. If the row separator function is %NULL, no separators are drawn. This is the default value.

void setRowSpanColumn(int rowSpan)

Sets the column with row span information for @combo_box to be @row_span. The row span column contains integers which indicate how many rows an item should span.

void setTitle(string title)

Sets the menu’s title in tearoff mode.

void setWrapWidth(int width)

Sets the wrap width of @combo_box to be @width. The wrap width is basically the preferred number of columns when you want the popup to be layed out in a table.

gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The changed signal is emitted when the active item is changed. The can be due to the user selecting a different item from the list, or due to a call to gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(). It will also be emitted while typing into the entry of a combo box with an entry.

gulong addOnFormatEntryText(string delegate(string, ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

For combo boxes that are created with an entry (See GtkComboBox:has-entry).

gulong addOnMoveActive(void delegate(GtkScrollType, ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::move-active signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to move the active selection.

gulong addOnPopdown(bool delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::popdown signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to popdown the combo box list.

gulong addOnPopup(void delegate(ComboBox) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::popup signal is a [keybinding signal]GtkBindingSignal which gets emitted to popup the combo box list.
