
Translate @position to the total running time using the currently configured segment. Compared to gst_segment_to_running_time() this function can return negative running-time.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or eachother.

@position can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.

When 1 is returned, @position resulted in a positive running-time returned in @running_time.

When this function returns -1, the returned @running_time should be negated to get the real negative running time.

class Segment
GstFormat format
ulong position
out ulong runningTime


format GstFormat

the format of the segment.

position ulong

the position in the segment

runningTime ulong

result running-time

Return Value

Type: int

a 1 or -1 on success, 0 on failure.
