Inserts the (@begin, @end) range at the destination pointed to by ptr.
The @begin and @end iters must point into the same sequence. It is
allowed for @dest to point to a different sequence than the one pointed
into by @begin and @end.
If @dest is NULL, the range indicated by @begin and @end is
removed from the sequence. If @dest iter points to a place within
the (@begin, @end) range, the range does not move.
Inserts the (@begin, @end) range at the destination pointed to by ptr. The @begin and @end iters must point into the same sequence. It is allowed for @dest to point to a different sequence than the one pointed into by @begin and @end.
If @dest is NULL, the range indicated by @begin and @end is removed from the sequence. If @dest iter points to a place within the (@begin, @end) range, the range does not move.