
Incrementally encode a sequence of binary data into its Base-64 stringified representation. By calling this function multiple times you can convert data in chunks to avoid having to have the full encoded data in memory.

When all of the data has been converted you must call g_base64_encode_close() to flush the saved state.

The output buffer must be large enough to fit all the data that will be written to it. Due to the way base64 encodes you will need at least: (@len / 3 + 1) * 4 + 4 bytes (+ 4 may be needed in case of non-zero state). If you enable line-breaking you will need at least: ((@len / 3 + 1) * 4 + 4) / 72 + 1 bytes of extra space.

@break_lines is typically used when putting base64-encoded data in emails. It breaks the lines at 72 columns instead of putting all of the text on the same line. This avoids problems with long lines in the email system. Note however that it breaks the lines with LF characters, not CR LF sequences, so the result cannot be passed directly to SMTP or certain other protocols.

struct Base64
char[] inn
out char[] output
ref int state
ref int save


inn char[]

the binary data to encode

breakLines bool

whether to break long lines

output char[]

pointer to destination buffer

state int

Saved state between steps, initialize to 0

save int

Saved state between steps, initialize to 0

Return Value

Type: size_t

The number of bytes of output that was written


