Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Create a new scope for loading of IO modules. A scope can be used for blocking duplicate modules, or blocking a module you don't want to load.
Block modules with the given @basename from being loaded when this scope is used with g_io_modules_scan_all_in_directory_with_scope() or g_io_modules_load_all_in_directory_with_scope().
Free a module scope.
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
the main Gtk struct
Represents a scope for loading IO modules. A scope can be used for blocking duplicate modules, or blocking a module you don't want to load.
The scope can be used with g_io_modules_load_all_in_directory_with_scope() or g_io_modules_scan_all_in_directory_with_scope().