A function of this type is responsible for freeing the pixel array of a pixbuf. The gdk_pixbuf_new_from_data() function lets you pass in a pre-allocated pixel array so that a pixbuf can be created from it; in this case you will need to pass in a function of #GdkPixbufDestroyNotify so that the pixel data can be freed when the pixbuf is finalized.
Specifies the type of the function passed to gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback(). It is called once for each block of bytes that is "written" by gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback(). If successful it should return %TRUE. If an error occurs it should set @error and return %FALSE, in which case gdk_pixbuf_save_to_callback() will fail with the same error.
This enumeration defines the color spaces that are supported by the gdk-pixbuf library. Currently only RGB is supported.
This enumeration describes the different interpolation modes that can be used with the scaling functions. @GDK_INTERP_NEAREST is the fastest scaling method, but has horrible quality when scaling down. @GDK_INTERP_BILINEAR is the best choice if you aren't sure what to choose, it has a good speed/quality balance.
These values can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_to_drawable_alpha() to control how the alpha channel of an image should be handled. This function can create a bilevel clipping mask (black and white) and use it while painting the image. In the future, when the X Window System gets an alpha channel extension, it will be possible to do full alpha compositing onto arbitrary drawables. For now both cases fall back to a bilevel clipping mask.
An error code in the #GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR domain. Many gdk-pixbuf operations can cause errors in this domain, or in the #G_FILE_ERROR domain.
The possible rotations which can be passed to gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple(). To make them easier to use, their numerical values are the actual degrees.
An enumeration which is used by gdk_pixdata_to_csource() to determine the form of C source to be generated. The three values @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STREAM, @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STRUCT and @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_MACROS are mutually exclusive, as are @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_GTYPES and @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_CTYPES. The remaining elements are optional flags that can be freely added.
An enumeration containing three sets of flags for a #GdkPixdata struct: one for the used colorspace, one for the width of the samples and one for the encoding of the pixel data.
Magic number for #GdkPixdata structures.
Major version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "0" in "0.8.2" for example.
Micro version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "2" in "0.8.2" for example.
Minor version of gdk-pixbuf library, that is the "8" in "0.8.2" for example.
Contains the full version of the gdk-pixbuf header as a string. This is the version being compiled against; contrast with #gdk_pixbuf_version.
The length of a #GdkPixdata structure without the @pixel_data pointer.