Parses a textual specification of a color and fill in the
@red, @green, and @blue fields of a #GdkColor.
The string can either one of a large set of standard names
(taken from the X11 rgb.txt file), or it can be a hexadecimal
value in the form “\#rgb” “\#rrggbb”, “\#rrrgggbbb” or
“\#rrrrggggbbbb” where “r”, “g” and “b” are hex digits of
the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively.
(White in the four forms is “\#fff”, “\#ffffff”, “\#fffffffff”
and “\#ffffffffffff”).
Parses a textual specification of a color and fill in the @red, @green, and @blue fields of a #GdkColor.
The string can either one of a large set of standard names (taken from the X11 rgb.txt file), or it can be a hexadecimal value in the form “\#rgb” “\#rrggbb”, “\#rrrgggbbb” or “\#rrrrggggbbbb” where “r”, “g” and “b” are hex digits of the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively. (White in the four forms is “\#fff”, “\#ffffff”, “\#fffffffff” and “\#ffffffffffff”).