cairo_operator_t is used to set the compositing operator for all cairo
drawing operations.
The default operator is CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER.
The operators marked as unbounded modify their
destination even outside of the mask layer (that is, their effect is not
bound by the mask layer). However, their effect can still be limited by
way of clipping.
To keep things simple, the operator descriptions here
document the behavior for when both source and destination are either fully
transparent or fully opaque. The actual implementation works for
translucent layers too.
For a more detailed explanation of the effects of each operator, including
the mathematical definitions, see
clear destination layer (bounded) (Since 1.0)
replace destination layer (bounded) (Since 1.0)
draw source layer on top of destination layer
(bounded) (Since 1.0)
draw source where there was destination content
(unbounded) (Since 1.0)
draw source where there was no destination
content (unbounded) (Since 1.0)
draw source on top of destination content and
only there (Since 1.0)
ignore the source (Since 1.0)
draw destination on top of source (Since 1.0)
leave destination only where there was
source content (unbounded) (Since 1.0)
leave destination only where there was no
source content (Since 1.0)
leave destination on top of source content
and only there (unbounded) (Since 1.0)
source and destination are shown where there is only
one of them (Since 1.0)
source and destination layers are accumulated (Since 1.0)
like over, but assuming source and dest are
disjoint geometries (Since 1.0)
source and destination layers are multiplied.
This causes the result to be at least as dark as the darker inputs. (Since 1.10)
source and destination are complemented and
multiplied. This causes the result to be at least as light as the lighter
inputs. (Since 1.10)
multiplies or screens, depending on the
lightness of the destination color. (Since 1.10)
replaces the destination with the source if it
is darker, otherwise keeps the source. (Since 1.10)
replaces the destination with the source if it
is lighter, otherwise keeps the source. (Since 1.10)
brightens the destination color to reflect
the source color. (Since 1.10)
darkens the destination color to reflect
the source color. (Since 1.10)
Multiplies or screens, dependent on source
color. (Since 1.10)
Darkens or lightens, dependent on source
color. (Since 1.10)
Takes the difference of the source and
destination color. (Since 1.10)
Produces an effect similar to difference, but
with lower contrast. (Since 1.10)
Creates a color with the hue of the source
and the saturation and luminosity of the target. (Since 1.10)
Creates a color with the saturation
of the source and the hue and luminosity of the target. Painting with
this mode onto a gray area produces no change. (Since 1.10)
Creates a color with the hue and saturation
of the source and the luminosity of the target. This preserves the gray
levels of the target and is useful for coloring monochrome images or
tinting color images. (Since 1.10)
Creates a color with the luminosity of
the source and the hue and saturation of the target. This produces an
inverse effect to CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_COLOR. (Since 1.10)
Since 1.0
cairo_operator_t is used to set the compositing operator for all cairo drawing operations. The default operator is CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER. The operators marked as unbounded modify their destination even outside of the mask layer (that is, their effect is not bound by the mask layer). However, their effect can still be limited by way of clipping. To keep things simple, the operator descriptions here document the behavior for when both source and destination are either fully transparent or fully opaque. The actual implementation works for translucent layers too. For a more detailed explanation of the effects of each operator, including the mathematical definitions, see
CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR clear destination layer (bounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE replace destination layer (bounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER draw source layer on top of destination layer (bounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN draw source where there was destination content (unbounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_OUT draw source where there was no destination content (unbounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_ATOP draw source on top of destination content and only there (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST ignore the source (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER draw destination on top of source (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_IN leave destination only where there was source content (unbounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT leave destination only where there was no source content (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_ATOP leave destination on top of source content and only there (unbounded) (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_XOR source and destination are shown where there is only one of them (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD source and destination layers are accumulated (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_SATURATE like over, but assuming source and dest are disjoint geometries (Since 1.0) CAIRO_OPERATOR_MULTIPLY source and destination layers are multiplied. This causes the result to be at least as dark as the darker inputs. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_SCREEN source and destination are complemented and multiplied. This causes the result to be at least as light as the lighter inputs. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVERLAY multiplies or screens, depending on the lightness of the destination color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DARKEN replaces the destination with the source if it is darker, otherwise keeps the source. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_LIGHTEN replaces the destination with the source if it is lighter, otherwise keeps the source. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_COLOR_DODGE brightens the destination color to reflect the source color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_COLOR_BURN darkens the destination color to reflect the source color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_HARD_LIGHT Multiplies or screens, dependent on source color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOFT_LIGHT Darkens or lightens, dependent on source color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE Takes the difference of the source and destination color. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_EXCLUSION Produces an effect similar to difference, but with lower contrast. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_HUE Creates a color with the hue of the source and the saturation and luminosity of the target. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_SATURATION Creates a color with the saturation of the source and the hue and luminosity of the target. Painting with this mode onto a gray area produces no change. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_COLOR Creates a color with the hue and saturation of the source and the luminosity of the target. This preserves the gray levels of the target and is useful for coloring monochrome images or tinting color images. (Since 1.10) CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_LUMINOSITY Creates a color with the luminosity of the source and the hue and saturation of the target. This produces an inverse effect to CAIRO_OPERATOR_HSL_COLOR. (Since 1.10) Since 1.0