1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gtk.Widget;
27 private import atk.ImplementorIF;
28 private import atk.ImplementorT;
29 private import atk.ObjectAtk;
30 private import cairo.Context;
31 private import cairo.FontOption;
32 private import cairo.Region;
33 private import gdk.Color;
34 private import gdk.Cursor;
35 private import gdk.Device;
36 private import gdk.Display;
37 private import gdk.DragContext;
38 private import gdk.Event;
39 private import gdk.FrameClock;
40 private import gdk.RGBA;
41 private import gdk.Screen;
42 private import gdk.Visual;
43 private import gdk.Window : GdkWin = Window;
44 private import gdkpixbuf.Pixbuf;
45 private import gio.ActionGroupIF;
46 private import gio.IconIF;
47 private import glib.ConstructionException;
48 private import glib.ListG;
49 private import glib.Str;
50 private import gobject.ObjectG;
51 private import gobject.ParamSpec;
52 private import gobject.Signals;
53 private import gobject.Type;
54 private import gobject.Value;
55 private import gtk.AccelGroup;
56 private import gtk.BuildableIF;
57 private import gtk.BuildableT;
58 private import gtk.Clipboard;
59 private import gtk.RcStyle;
60 private import gtk.Requisition;
61 private import gtk.SelectionData;
62 private import gtk.Settings;
63 private import gtk.Style;
64 private import gtk.StyleContext;
65 private import gtk.TargetEntry;
66 private import gtk.TargetList;
67 private import gtk.Tooltip;
68 private import gtk.WidgetPath;
69 private import gtk.Window;
70 private import gtk.c.functions;
71 public  import gtk.c.types;
72 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
73 private import pango.PgContext;
74 private import pango.PgFontDescription;
75 private import pango.PgFontMap;
76 private import pango.PgLayout;
77 private import std.algorithm;
78 private import std.conv;
81 /**
82  * GtkWidget is the base class all widgets in GTK+ derive from. It manages the
83  * widget lifecycle, states and style.
84  * 
85  * # Height-for-width Geometry Management # {#geometry-management}
86  * 
87  * GTK+ uses a height-for-width (and width-for-height) geometry management
88  * system. Height-for-width means that a widget can change how much
89  * vertical space it needs, depending on the amount of horizontal space
90  * that it is given (and similar for width-for-height). The most common
91  * example is a label that reflows to fill up the available width, wraps
92  * to fewer lines, and therefore needs less height.
93  * 
94  * Height-for-width geometry management is implemented in GTK+ by way
95  * of five virtual methods:
96  * 
97  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_request_mode()
98  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_width()
99  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height()
100  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height_for_width()
101  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_width_for_height()
102  * - #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width()
103  * 
104  * There are some important things to keep in mind when implementing
105  * height-for-width and when using it in container implementations.
106  * 
107  * The geometry management system will query a widget hierarchy in
108  * only one orientation at a time. When widgets are initially queried
109  * for their minimum sizes it is generally done in two initial passes
110  * in the #GtkSizeRequestMode chosen by the toplevel.
111  * 
112  * For example, when queried in the normal
114  * First, the default minimum and natural width for each widget
115  * in the interface will be computed using gtk_widget_get_preferred_width().
116  * Because the preferred widths for each container depend on the preferred
117  * widths of their children, this information propagates up the hierarchy,
118  * and finally a minimum and natural width is determined for the entire
119  * toplevel. Next, the toplevel will use the minimum width to query for the
120  * minimum height contextual to that width using
121  * gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width(), which will also be a highly
122  * recursive operation. The minimum height for the minimum width is normally
123  * used to set the minimum size constraint on the toplevel
124  * (unless gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() is explicitly used instead).
125  * 
126  * After the toplevel window has initially requested its size in both
127  * dimensions it can go on to allocate itself a reasonable size (or a size
128  * previously specified with gtk_window_set_default_size()). During the
129  * recursive allocation process it’s important to note that request cycles
130  * will be recursively executed while container widgets allocate their children.
131  * Each container widget, once allocated a size, will go on to first share the
132  * space in one orientation among its children and then request each child's
133  * height for its target allocated width or its width for allocated height,
134  * depending. In this way a #GtkWidget will typically be requested its size
135  * a number of times before actually being allocated a size. The size a
136  * widget is finally allocated can of course differ from the size it has
137  * requested. For this reason, #GtkWidget caches a  small number of results
138  * to avoid re-querying for the same sizes in one allocation cycle.
139  * 
140  * See
141  * [GtkContainer’s geometry management section][container-geometry-management]
142  * to learn more about how height-for-width allocations are performed
143  * by container widgets.
144  * 
145  * If a widget does move content around to intelligently use up the
146  * allocated size then it must support the request in both
147  * #GtkSizeRequestModes even if the widget in question only
148  * trades sizes in a single orientation.
149  * 
150  * For instance, a #GtkLabel that does height-for-width word wrapping
151  * will not expect to have #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height() called
152  * because that call is specific to a width-for-height request. In this
153  * case the label must return the height required for its own minimum
154  * possible width. By following this rule any widget that handles
155  * height-for-width or width-for-height requests will always be allocated
156  * at least enough space to fit its own content.
157  * 
158  * Here are some examples of how a %GTK_SIZE_REQUEST_HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH widget
159  * generally deals with width-for-height requests, for #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height()
160  * it will do:
161  * 
162  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
163  * static void
164  * foo_widget_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget,
165  * gint *min_height,
166  * gint *nat_height)
167  * {
168  * if (i_am_in_height_for_width_mode)
169  * {
170  * gint min_width, nat_width;
171  * 
172  * GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->get_preferred_width (widget,
173  * &min_width,
174  * &nat_width);
175  * GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->get_preferred_height_for_width
176  * (widget,
177  * min_width,
178  * min_height,
179  * nat_height);
180  * }
181  * else
182  * {
183  * ... some widgets do both. For instance, if a GtkLabel is
184  * rotated to 90 degrees it will return the minimum and
185  * natural height for the rotated label here.
186  * }
187  * }
188  * ]|
189  * 
190  * And in #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_width_for_height() it will simply return
191  * the minimum and natural width:
192  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
193  * static void
194  * foo_widget_get_preferred_width_for_height (GtkWidget *widget,
195  * gint for_height,
196  * gint *min_width,
197  * gint *nat_width)
198  * {
199  * if (i_am_in_height_for_width_mode)
200  * {
201  * GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->get_preferred_width (widget,
202  * min_width,
203  * nat_width);
204  * }
205  * else
206  * {
207  * ... again if a widget is sometimes operating in
208  * width-for-height mode (like a rotated GtkLabel) it can go
209  * ahead and do its real width for height calculation here.
210  * }
211  * }
212  * ]|
213  * 
214  * Often a widget needs to get its own request during size request or
215  * allocation. For example, when computing height it may need to also
216  * compute width. Or when deciding how to use an allocation, the widget
217  * may need to know its natural size. In these cases, the widget should
218  * be careful to call its virtual methods directly, like this:
219  * 
220  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
221  * GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS(widget)->get_preferred_width (widget,
222  * &min,
223  * &natural);
224  * ]|
225  * 
226  * It will not work to use the wrapper functions, such as
227  * gtk_widget_get_preferred_width() inside your own size request
228  * implementation. These return a request adjusted by #GtkSizeGroup
229  * and by the #GtkWidgetClass.adjust_size_request() virtual method. If a
230  * widget used the wrappers inside its virtual method implementations,
231  * then the adjustments (such as widget margins) would be applied
232  * twice. GTK+ therefore does not allow this and will warn if you try
233  * to do it.
234  * 
235  * Of course if you are getting the size request for
236  * another widget, such as a child of a
237  * container, you must use the wrapper APIs.
238  * Otherwise, you would not properly consider widget margins,
239  * #GtkSizeGroup, and so forth.
240  * 
241  * Since 3.10 GTK+ also supports baseline vertical alignment of widgets. This
242  * means that widgets are positioned such that the typographical baseline of
243  * widgets in the same row are aligned. This happens if a widget supports baselines,
244  * has a vertical alignment of %GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE, and is inside a container
245  * that supports baselines and has a natural “row” that it aligns to the baseline,
246  * or a baseline assigned to it by the grandparent.
247  * 
248  * Baseline alignment support for a widget is done by the #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width()
249  * virtual function. It allows you to report a baseline in combination with the
250  * minimum and natural height. If there is no baseline you can return -1 to indicate
251  * this. The default implementation of this virtual function calls into the
252  * #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height() and #GtkWidgetClass.get_preferred_height_for_width(),
253  * so if baselines are not supported it doesn’t need to be implemented.
254  * 
255  * If a widget ends up baseline aligned it will be allocated all the space in the parent
256  * as if it was %GTK_ALIGN_FILL, but the selected baseline can be found via gtk_widget_get_allocated_baseline().
257  * If this has a value other than -1 you need to align the widget such that the baseline
258  * appears at the position.
259  * 
260  * # Style Properties
261  * 
262  * #GtkWidget introduces “style
263  * properties” - these are basically object properties that are stored
264  * not on the object, but in the style object associated to the widget. Style
265  * properties are set in [resource files][gtk3-Resource-Files].
266  * This mechanism is used for configuring such things as the location of the
267  * scrollbar arrows through the theme, giving theme authors more control over the
268  * look of applications without the need to write a theme engine in C.
269  * 
270  * Use gtk_widget_class_install_style_property() to install style properties for
271  * a widget class, gtk_widget_class_find_style_property() or
272  * gtk_widget_class_list_style_properties() to get information about existing
273  * style properties and gtk_widget_style_get_property(), gtk_widget_style_get() or
274  * gtk_widget_style_get_valist() to obtain the value of a style property.
275  * 
276  * # GtkWidget as GtkBuildable
277  * 
278  * The GtkWidget implementation of the GtkBuildable interface supports a
279  * custom <accelerator> element, which has attributes named ”key”, ”modifiers”
280  * and ”signal” and allows to specify accelerators.
281  * 
282  * An example of a UI definition fragment specifying an accelerator:
283  * |[
284  * <object class="GtkButton">
285  * <accelerator key="q" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="clicked"/>
286  * </object>
287  * ]|
288  * 
289  * In addition to accelerators, GtkWidget also support a custom <accessible>
290  * element, which supports actions and relations. Properties on the accessible
291  * implementation of an object can be set by accessing the internal child
292  * “accessible” of a #GtkWidget.
293  * 
294  * An example of a UI definition fragment specifying an accessible:
295  * |[
296  * <object class="GtkButton" id="label1"/>
297  * <property name="label">I am a Label for a Button</property>
298  * </object>
299  * <object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
300  * <accessibility>
301  * <action action_name="click" translatable="yes">Click the button.</action>
302  * <relation target="label1" type="labelled-by"/>
303  * </accessibility>
304  * <child internal-child="accessible">
305  * <object class="AtkObject" id="a11y-button1">
306  * <property name="accessible-name">Clickable Button</property>
307  * </object>
308  * </child>
309  * </object>
310  * ]|
311  * 
312  * Finally, GtkWidget allows style information such as style classes to
313  * be associated with widgets, using the custom <style> element:
314  * |[
315  * <object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
316  * <style>
317  * <class name="my-special-button-class"/>
318  * <class name="dark-button"/>
319  * </style>
320  * </object>
321  * ]|
322  * 
323  * # Building composite widgets from template XML ## {#composite-templates}
324  * 
325  * GtkWidget exposes some facilities to automate the procedure
326  * of creating composite widgets using #GtkBuilder interface description
327  * language.
328  * 
329  * To create composite widgets with #GtkBuilder XML, one must associate
330  * the interface description with the widget class at class initialization
331  * time using gtk_widget_class_set_template().
332  * 
333  * The interface description semantics expected in composite template descriptions
334  * is slightly different from regular #GtkBuilder XML.
335  * 
336  * Unlike regular interface descriptions, gtk_widget_class_set_template() will
337  * expect a <template> tag as a direct child of the toplevel <interface>
338  * tag. The <template> tag must specify the “class” attribute which must be
339  * the type name of the widget. Optionally, the “parent” attribute may be
340  * specified to specify the direct parent type of the widget type, this is
341  * ignored by the GtkBuilder but required for Glade to introspect what kind
342  * of properties and internal children exist for a given type when the actual
343  * type does not exist.
344  * 
345  * The XML which is contained inside the <template> tag behaves as if it were
346  * added to the <object> tag defining @widget itself. You may set properties
347  * on @widget by inserting <property> tags into the <template> tag, and also
348  * add <child> tags to add children and extend @widget in the normal way you
349  * would with <object> tags.
350  * 
351  * Additionally, <object> tags can also be added before and after the initial
352  * <template> tag in the normal way, allowing one to define auxiliary objects
353  * which might be referenced by other widgets declared as children of the
354  * <template> tag.
355  * 
356  * An example of a GtkBuilder Template Definition:
357  * |[
358  * <interface>
359  * <template class="FooWidget" parent="GtkBox">
360  * <property name="orientation">GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL</property>
361  * <property name="spacing">4</property>
362  * <child>
363  * <object class="GtkButton" id="hello_button">
364  * <property name="label">Hello World</property>
365  * <signal name="clicked" handler="hello_button_clicked" object="FooWidget" swapped="yes"/>
366  * </object>
367  * </child>
368  * <child>
369  * <object class="GtkButton" id="goodbye_button">
370  * <property name="label">Goodbye World</property>
371  * </object>
372  * </child>
373  * </template>
374  * </interface>
375  * ]|
376  * 
377  * Typically, you'll place the template fragment into a file that is
378  * bundled with your project, using #GResource. In order to load the
379  * template, you need to call gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource()
380  * from the class initialization of your #GtkWidget type:
381  * 
382  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
383  * static void
384  * foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
385  * {
386  * // ...
387  * 
388  * gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
389  * "/com/example/ui/foowidget.ui");
390  * }
391  * ]|
392  * 
393  * You will also need to call gtk_widget_init_template() from the instance
394  * initialization function:
395  * 
396  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
397  * static void
398  * foo_widget_init (FooWidget *self)
399  * {
400  * // ...
401  * gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self));
402  * }
403  * ]|
404  * 
405  * You can access widgets defined in the template using the
406  * gtk_widget_get_template_child() function, but you will typically declare
407  * a pointer in the instance private data structure of your type using the same
408  * name as the widget in the template definition, and call
409  * gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private() with that name, e.g.
410  * 
411  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
412  * typedef struct {
413  * GtkWidget *hello_button;
414  * GtkWidget *goodbye_button;
415  * } FooWidgetPrivate;
416  * 
417  * G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (FooWidget, foo_widget, GTK_TYPE_BOX)
418  * 
419  * static void
420  * foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
421  * {
422  * // ...
423  * gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
424  * "/com/example/ui/foowidget.ui");
425  * gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
426  * FooWidget, hello_button);
427  * gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
428  * FooWidget, goodbye_button);
429  * }
430  * ]|
431  * 
432  * You can also use gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback() to connect a signal
433  * callback defined in the template with a function visible in the scope of the
434  * class, e.g.
435  * 
436  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
437  * // the signal handler has the instance and user data swapped
438  * // because of the swapped="yes" attribute in the template XML
439  * static void
440  * hello_button_clicked (FooWidget *self,
441  * GtkButton *button)
442  * {
443  * g_print ("Hello, world!\n");
444  * }
445  * 
446  * static void
447  * foo_widget_class_init (FooWidgetClass *klass)
448  * {
449  * // ...
450  * gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),
451  * "/com/example/ui/foowidget.ui");
452  * gtk_widget_class_bind_template_callback (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass), hello_button_clicked);
453  * }
454  * ]|
455  */
456 public class Widget : ObjectG, ImplementorIF, BuildableIF
457 {
458 	/** the main Gtk struct */
459 	protected GtkWidget* gtkWidget;
461 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
462 	public GtkWidget* getWidgetStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
463 	{
464 		if (transferOwnership)
465 			ownedRef = false;
466 		return gtkWidget;
467 	}
469 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
470 	protected override void* getStruct()
471 	{
472 		return cast(void*)gtkWidget;
473 	}
475 	/**
476 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
477 	 */
478 	public this (GtkWidget* gtkWidget, bool ownedRef = false)
479 	{
480 		this.gtkWidget = gtkWidget;
481 		super(cast(GObject*)gtkWidget, ownedRef);
482 	}
484 	// add the Implementor capabilities
485 	mixin ImplementorT!(GtkWidget);
487 	// add the Buildable capabilities
488 	mixin BuildableT!(GtkWidget);
490 	public GtkWidgetClass* getWidgetClass()
491 	{
492 		return Type.getInstanceClass!(GtkWidgetClass)(this);
493 	}
495 	/** */
496 	public int getWidth()
497 	{
498 		int width;
499 		gtk_widget_get_size_request(gtkWidget, &width, null);
500 		return width;
501 	}
503 	/** */
504 	public int getHeight()
505 	{
506 		int height;
507 		gtk_widget_get_size_request(gtkWidget, null, &height);
508 		return height;
509 	}
511 	/**
512 	 * Sets  the cursor.
513 	 * Params:
514 	 *  cursor = the new cursor
515 	 * Bugs: the cursor changes to the parent widget also
516 	 */
517 	void setCursor(Cursor cursor)
518 	{
519 		getWindow().setCursor(cursor);
520 	}
522 	/**
523 	 * Resets the cursor.
524 	 * don't know if this is implemented by GTK+. Seems that it's not
525 	 * Bugs: does nothing
526 	 */
527 	public void resetCursor()
528 	{
529 		getWindow().setCursor(null);
530 	}
532 	/**
533 	 * Modifies the font for this widget.
534 	 * This just calls modifyFont(new PgFontDescription(PgFontDescription.fromString(family ~ " " ~ size)));
535 	 */
536 	public void modifyFont(string family, int size)
537 	{
538 		if ( size < 0 ) size = -size;	// hack to workaround leds bug - TO BE REMOVED
540 		modifyFont(
541 			PgFontDescription.fromString(
542 			family ~ " " ~ to!(string)(size)
543 			)
544 			);
545 		}
547 		/** */
548 		public bool onEvent(GdkEvent* event)
549 		{
550 			return getWidgetClass().event(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
551 		}
553 		/** */
554 		public bool onButtonPressEvent(GdkEventButton* event)
555 		{
556 			return getWidgetClass().buttonPressEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
557 		}
559 		/** */
560 		public bool onButtonReleaseEvent(GdkEventButton* event)
561 		{
562 			return getWidgetClass().buttonReleaseEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
563 		}
565 		/** */
566 		public bool onScrollEvent(GdkEventScroll* event)
567 		{
568 			return getWidgetClass().scrollEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
569 		}
571 		/** */
572 		public bool onMotionNotifyEvent(GdkEventMotion* event)
573 		{
574 			return getWidgetClass().motionNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
575 		}
577 		/** */
578 		public bool onDeleteEvent(GdkEventAny* event)
579 		{
580 			return getWidgetClass().deleteEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
581 		}
583 		/** */
584 		public bool onDestroyEvent(GdkEventAny* event)
585 		{
586 			return getWidgetClass().destroyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
587 		}
589 		/** */
590 		public bool onKeyPressEvent(GdkEventKey* event)
591 		{
592 			return getWidgetClass().keyPressEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
593 		}
595 		/** */
596 		public bool onKeyReleaseEvent(GdkEventKey* event)
597 		{
598 			return getWidgetClass().keyReleaseEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
599 		}
601 		/** */
602 		public bool onEnterNotifyEvent(GdkEventCrossing* event)
603 		{
604 			return getWidgetClass().enterNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
605 		}
607 		/** */
608 		public bool onLeaveNotifyEvent(GdkEventCrossing* event)
609 		{
610 			return getWidgetClass().leaveNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
611 		}
613 		/** */
614 		public bool onConfigureEvent(GdkEventConfigure* event)
615 		{
616 			return getWidgetClass().configureEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
617 		}
619 		/** */
620 		public bool onFocusInEvent(GdkEventFocus* event)
621 		{
622 			return getWidgetClass().focusInEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
623 		}
625 		/** */
626 		public bool onFocusOutEvent(GdkEventFocus* event)
627 		{
628 			return getWidgetClass().focusOutEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
629 		}
631 		/** */
632 		public bool onMapEvent(GdkEventAny* event)
633 		{
634 			return getWidgetClass().mapEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
635 		}
637 		/** */
638 		public bool onUnmapEvent(GdkEventAny* event)
639 		{
640 			return getWidgetClass().unmapEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
641 		}
643 		/** */
644 		public bool onPropertyNotifyEvent(GdkEventProperty* event)
645 		{
646 			return getWidgetClass().propertyNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
647 		}
649 		/** */
650 		public bool onSelectionClearEvent(GdkEventSelection* event)
651 		{
652 			return getWidgetClass().selectionClearEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
653 		}
655 		/** */
656 		public bool onSelectionRequestEvent(GdkEventSelection* event)
657 		{
658 			return getWidgetClass().selectionRequestEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
659 		}
661 		/** */
662 		public bool onSelectionNotifyEvent(GdkEventSelection* event)
663 		{
664 			return getWidgetClass().selectionNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
665 		}
667 		/** */
668 		public bool onProximityInEvent(GdkEventProximity* event)
669 		{
670 			return getWidgetClass().proximityInEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
671 		}
673 		/** */
674 		public bool onProximityOutEvent(GdkEventProximity* event)
675 		{
676 			return getWidgetClass().proximityOutEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
677 		}
679 		/** */
680 		public bool onVisibilityNotifyEvent(GdkEventVisibility* event)
681 		{
682 			return getWidgetClass().visibilityNotifyEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
683 		}
685 		/** */
686 		public bool onWindowStateEvent(GdkEventWindowState* event)
687 		{
688 			return getWidgetClass().windowStateEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
689 		}
691 		/** */
692 		public bool onDamageEvent(GdkEventExpose* event)
693 		{
694 			return getWidgetClass().damageEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
695 		}
697 		/** */
698 		public bool onGrabBrokenEvent(GdkEventGrabBroken* event)
699 		{
700 			return getWidgetClass().grabBrokenEvent(getWidgetStruct(), event) == 0 ? false : true;
701 		}
703 		/**
704 		 * Queues an animation frame update and adds a callback to be called
705 		 * before each frame. Until the tick callback is removed, it will be
706 		 * called frequently (usually at the frame rate of the output device
707 		 * or as quickly as the application can be repainted, whichever is
708 		 * slower). For this reason, is most suitable for handling graphics
709 		 * that change every frame or every few frames. The tick callback does
710 		 * not automatically imply a relayout or repaint. If you want a
711 		 * repaint or relayout, and aren't changing widget properties that
712 		 * would trigger that (for example, changing the text of a gtk.Label),
713 		 * then you will have to call queueResize() or queuDrawArea() yourself.
714 		 *
715 		 * gdk.FrameClock.FrameClock.getFrameTime() should generally be used for timing
716 		 * continuous animations and gdk.FrameTimings.FrameTimings.getPredictedPresentationPime()
717 		 * if you are trying to display isolated frames at particular times.
718 		 *
719 		 * This is a more convenient alternative to connecting directly to the
720 		 * "update" signal of GdkFrameClock, since you don't
721 		 * have to worry about when a GdkFrameClock is assigned to a widget.
722 		 *
723 		 * Params:
724 		 *     callback = function to call for updating animations
725 		 */
726 		public void addTickCallback(bool delegate(Widget, FrameClock) callback)
727 		{
728 			tickCallbackListeners ~= callback;
729 			static bool connected;
731 			if ( connected )
732 			{
733 				return;
734 			}
736 			addTickCallback(cast(GtkTickCallback)&gtkTickCallback, cast(void*)this, null);
737 			connected = true;
738 		}
739 		bool delegate(Widget, FrameClock)[] tickCallbackListeners;
740 		extern(C) static int gtkTickCallback(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkFrameClock* frameClock, Widget _widget)
741 		{
742 			foreach ( dlg ; _widget.tickCallbackListeners )
743 			{
744 				if(dlg(_widget, new FrameClock(frameClock)))
745 					return 1;
746 			}
747 			return 0;
748 		}
750 		protected class ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper
751 		{
752 			bool delegate(Scoped!Context, Widget) dlg;
753 			gulong handlerId;
755 			this(bool delegate(Scoped!Context, Widget) dlg)
756 			{
757 				this.dlg = dlg;
758 				scopedOnDrawListeners ~= this;
759 			}
761 			void remove(ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper source)
762 			{
763 				foreach(index, wrapper; scopedOnDrawListeners)
764 				{
765 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
766 					{
767 						scopedOnDrawListeners[index] = null;
768 						scopedOnDrawListeners = std.algorithm.remove(scopedOnDrawListeners, index);
769 						break;
770 					}
771 				}
772 			}
773 		}
774 		ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper[] scopedOnDrawListeners;
776 		/**
777 		 * This signal is emitted when a widget is supposed to render itself.
778 		 * The @widget's top left corner must be painted at the origin of
779 		 * the passed in context and be sized to the values returned by
780 		 * gtk_widget_get_allocated_width() and
781 		 * gtk_widget_get_allocated_height().
782 		 *
783 		 * Signal handlers connected to this signal can modify the cairo
784 		 * context passed as @cr in any way they like and don't need to
785 		 * restore it. The signal emission takes care of calling cairo_save()
786 		 * before and cairo_restore() after invoking the handler.
787 		 *
788 		 * The signal handler will get a @cr with a clip region already set to the
789 		 * widget's dirty region, i.e. to the area that needs repainting.  Complicated
790 		 * widgets that want to avoid redrawing themselves completely can get the full
791 		 * extents of the clip region with gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle(), or they can
792 		 * get a finer-grained representation of the dirty region with
793 		 * cairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list().
794 		 *
795 		 * Params:
796 		 *     cr = the cairo context to draw to
797 		 *
798 		 * Return: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
799 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
800 		 *
801 		 * Since: 3.0
802 		 */
803 		gulong addOnDraw(bool delegate(Scoped!Context, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
804 		{
805 			auto wrapper = new ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper(dlg);
806 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
807 				this,
808 				"draw",
809 				cast(GCallback)&callBackScopedDraw,
810 				cast(void*)wrapper,
811 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDrawScopedDestroy,
812 				connectFlags);
813 			return wrapper.handlerId;
814 		}
816 		extern(C) static int callBackScopedDraw(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, cairo_t* cr, ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper wrapper)
817 		{
818 			return wrapper.dlg(scoped!Context(cr), wrapper.outer);
819 		}
821 		extern(C) static void callBackDrawScopedDestroy(ScopedOnDrawDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
822 		{
823 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
824 		}
826 		protected class OnDrawDelegateWrapper
827 		{
828 			bool delegate(Context, Widget) dlg;
829 			gulong handlerId;
831 			this(bool delegate(Context, Widget) dlg)
832 			{
833 				this.dlg = dlg;
834 				onDrawListeners ~= this;
835 			}
837 			void remove(OnDrawDelegateWrapper source)
838 			{
839 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDrawListeners)
840 				{
841 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
842 					{
843 						onDrawListeners[index] = null;
844 						onDrawListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDrawListeners, index);
845 						break;
846 					}
847 				}
848 			}
849 		}
850 		OnDrawDelegateWrapper[] onDrawListeners;
852 		/**
853 		 * This signal is emitted when a widget is supposed to render itself.
854 		 * The @widget's top left corner must be painted at the origin of
855 		 * the passed in context and be sized to the values returned by
856 		 * gtk_widget_get_allocated_width() and
857 		 * gtk_widget_get_allocated_height().
858 		 *
859 		 * Signal handlers connected to this signal can modify the cairo
860 		 * context passed as @cr in any way they like and don't need to
861 		 * restore it. The signal emission takes care of calling cairo_save()
862 		 * before and cairo_restore() after invoking the handler.
863 		 *
864 		 * The signal handler will get a @cr with a clip region already set to the
865 		 * widget's dirty region, i.e. to the area that needs repainting.  Complicated
866 		 * widgets that want to avoid redrawing themselves completely can get the full
867 		 * extents of the clip region with gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle(), or they can
868 		 * get a finer-grained representation of the dirty region with
869 		 * cairo_copy_clip_rectangle_list().
870 		 *
871 		 * Params:
872 		 *     cr = the cairo context to draw to
873 		 *
874 		 * Return: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
875 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
876 		 *
877 		 * Since: 3.0
878 		 */
879 		deprecated gulong addOnDraw(bool delegate(Context, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
880 		{
881 			auto wrapper = new OnDrawDelegateWrapper(dlg);
882 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
883 				this,
884 				"draw",
885 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDraw,
886 				cast(void*)wrapper,
887 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDrawDestroy,
888 				connectFlags);
889 			return wrapper.handlerId;
890 		}
892 		extern(C) static int callBackDraw(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, cairo_t* cr,OnDrawDelegateWrapper wrapper)
893 		{
894 			return wrapper.dlg(new Context(cr), wrapper.outer);
895 		}
897 		extern(C) static void callBackDrawDestroy(OnDrawDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
898 		{
899 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
900 		}
902 		/**
903 		 */
905 		/** */
906 		public static GType getType()
907 		{
908 			return gtk_widget_get_type();
909 		}
911 		/**
912 		 * Obtains the current default reading direction. See
913 		 * gtk_widget_set_default_direction().
914 		 *
915 		 * Returns: the current default direction.
916 		 */
917 		public static GtkTextDirection getDefaultDirection()
918 		{
919 			return gtk_widget_get_default_direction();
920 		}
922 		/**
923 		 * Returns the default style used by all widgets initially.
924 		 *
925 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead, and
926 		 * gtk_css_provider_get_default() to obtain a #GtkStyleProvider
927 		 * with the default widget style information.
928 		 *
929 		 * Returns: the default style. This #GtkStyle
930 		 *     object is owned by GTK+ and should not be modified or freed.
931 		 */
932 		public static Style getDefaultStyle()
933 		{
934 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_default_style();
936 			if(p is null)
937 			{
938 				return null;
939 			}
941 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Style)(cast(GtkStyle*) p);
942 		}
944 		/**
945 		 * Cancels the effect of a previous call to gtk_widget_push_composite_child().
946 		 *
947 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_class_set_template(), or don’t use this API at all.
948 		 */
949 		public static void popCompositeChild()
950 		{
951 			gtk_widget_pop_composite_child();
952 		}
954 		/**
955 		 * Makes all newly-created widgets as composite children until
956 		 * the corresponding gtk_widget_pop_composite_child() call.
957 		 *
958 		 * A composite child is a child that’s an implementation detail of the
959 		 * container it’s inside and should not be visible to people using the
960 		 * container. Composite children aren’t treated differently by GTK+ (but
961 		 * see gtk_container_foreach() vs. gtk_container_forall()), but e.g. GUI
962 		 * builders might want to treat them in a different way.
963 		 *
964 		 * Deprecated: This API never really worked well and was mostly unused, now
965 		 * we have a more complete mechanism for composite children, see gtk_widget_class_set_template().
966 		 */
967 		public static void pushCompositeChild()
968 		{
969 			gtk_widget_push_composite_child();
970 		}
972 		/**
973 		 * Sets the default reading direction for widgets where the
974 		 * direction has not been explicitly set by gtk_widget_set_direction().
975 		 *
976 		 * Params:
977 		 *     dir = the new default direction. This cannot be
978 		 *         %GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE.
979 		 */
980 		public static void setDefaultDirection(GtkTextDirection dir)
981 		{
982 			gtk_widget_set_default_direction(dir);
983 		}
985 		/**
986 		 * For widgets that can be “activated” (buttons, menu items, etc.)
987 		 * this function activates them. Activation is what happens when you
988 		 * press Enter on a widget during key navigation. If @widget isn't
989 		 * activatable, the function returns %FALSE.
990 		 *
991 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget was activatable
992 		 */
993 		public bool activate()
994 		{
995 			return gtk_widget_activate(gtkWidget) != 0;
996 		}
998 		/**
999 		 * Installs an accelerator for this @widget in @accel_group that causes
1000 		 * @accel_signal to be emitted if the accelerator is activated.
1001 		 * The @accel_group needs to be added to the widget’s toplevel via
1002 		 * gtk_window_add_accel_group(), and the signal must be of type %G_SIGNAL_ACTION.
1003 		 * Accelerators added through this function are not user changeable during
1004 		 * runtime. If you want to support accelerators that can be changed by the
1005 		 * user, use gtk_accel_map_add_entry() and gtk_widget_set_accel_path() or
1006 		 * gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path() instead.
1007 		 *
1008 		 * Params:
1009 		 *     accelSignal = widget signal to emit on accelerator activation
1010 		 *     accelGroup = accel group for this widget, added to its toplevel
1011 		 *     accelKey = GDK keyval of the accelerator
1012 		 *     accelMods = modifier key combination of the accelerator
1013 		 *     accelFlags = flag accelerators, e.g. %GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE
1014 		 */
1015 		public void addAccelerator(string accelSignal, AccelGroup accelGroup, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods, GtkAccelFlags accelFlags)
1016 		{
1017 			gtk_widget_add_accelerator(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(accelSignal), (accelGroup is null) ? null : accelGroup.getAccelGroupStruct(), accelKey, accelMods, accelFlags);
1018 		}
1020 		/**
1021 		 * Adds the device events in the bitfield @events to the event mask for
1022 		 * @widget. See gtk_widget_set_device_events() for details.
1023 		 *
1024 		 * Params:
1025 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
1026 		 *     events = an event mask, see #GdkEventMask
1027 		 *
1028 		 * Since: 3.0
1029 		 */
1030 		public void addDeviceEvents(Device device, GdkEventMask events)
1031 		{
1032 			gtk_widget_add_device_events(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct(), events);
1033 		}
1035 		/**
1036 		 * Adds the events in the bitfield @events to the event mask for
1037 		 * @widget. See gtk_widget_set_events() and the
1038 		 * [input handling overview][event-masks] for details.
1039 		 *
1040 		 * Params:
1041 		 *     events = an event mask, see #GdkEventMask
1042 		 */
1043 		public void addEvents(int events)
1044 		{
1045 			gtk_widget_add_events(gtkWidget, events);
1046 		}
1048 		/**
1049 		 * Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for
1050 		 * this widget. (See gtk_widget_list_mnemonic_labels()). Note the
1051 		 * list of mnemonic labels for the widget is cleared when the
1052 		 * widget is destroyed, so the caller must make sure to update
1053 		 * its internal state at this point as well, by using a connection
1054 		 * to the #GtkWidget::destroy signal or a weak notifier.
1055 		 *
1056 		 * Params:
1057 		 *     label = a #GtkWidget that acts as a mnemonic label for @widget
1058 		 *
1059 		 * Since: 2.4
1060 		 */
1061 		public void addMnemonicLabel(Widget label)
1062 		{
1063 			gtk_widget_add_mnemonic_label(gtkWidget, (label is null) ? null : label.getWidgetStruct());
1064 		}
1066 		/**
1067 		 * Queues an animation frame update and adds a callback to be called
1068 		 * before each frame. Until the tick callback is removed, it will be
1069 		 * called frequently (usually at the frame rate of the output device
1070 		 * or as quickly as the application can be repainted, whichever is
1071 		 * slower). For this reason, is most suitable for handling graphics
1072 		 * that change every frame or every few frames. The tick callback does
1073 		 * not automatically imply a relayout or repaint. If you want a
1074 		 * repaint or relayout, and aren’t changing widget properties that
1075 		 * would trigger that (for example, changing the text of a #GtkLabel),
1076 		 * then you will have to call gtk_widget_queue_resize() or
1077 		 * gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() yourself.
1078 		 *
1079 		 * gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() should generally be used for timing
1080 		 * continuous animations and
1081 		 * gdk_frame_timings_get_predicted_presentation_time() if you are
1082 		 * trying to display isolated frames at particular times.
1083 		 *
1084 		 * This is a more convenient alternative to connecting directly to the
1085 		 * #GdkFrameClock::update signal of #GdkFrameClock, since you don't
1086 		 * have to worry about when a #GdkFrameClock is assigned to a widget.
1087 		 *
1088 		 * Params:
1089 		 *     callback = function to call for updating animations
1090 		 *     userData = data to pass to @callback
1091 		 *     notify = function to call to free @user_data when the callback is removed.
1092 		 *
1093 		 * Returns: an id for the connection of this callback. Remove the callback
1094 		 *     by passing it to gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback()
1095 		 *
1096 		 * Since: 3.8
1097 		 */
1098 		public uint addTickCallback(GtkTickCallback callback, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)
1099 		{
1100 			return gtk_widget_add_tick_callback(gtkWidget, callback, userData, notify);
1101 		}
1103 		/**
1104 		 * Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal
1105 		 * identified by @signal_id can currently be activated.
1106 		 * This is done by emitting the #GtkWidget::can-activate-accel
1107 		 * signal on @widget; if the signal isn’t overridden by a
1108 		 * handler or in a derived widget, then the default check is
1109 		 * that the widget must be sensitive, and the widget and all
1110 		 * its ancestors mapped.
1111 		 *
1112 		 * Params:
1113 		 *     signalId = the ID of a signal installed on @widget
1114 		 *
1115 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the accelerator can be activated.
1116 		 *
1117 		 * Since: 2.4
1118 		 */
1119 		public bool canActivateAccel(uint signalId)
1120 		{
1121 			return gtk_widget_can_activate_accel(gtkWidget, signalId) != 0;
1122 		}
1124 		/**
1125 		 * This function is used by custom widget implementations; if you're
1126 		 * writing an app, you’d use gtk_widget_grab_focus() to move the focus
1127 		 * to a particular widget, and gtk_container_set_focus_chain() to
1128 		 * change the focus tab order. So you may want to investigate those
1129 		 * functions instead.
1130 		 *
1131 		 * gtk_widget_child_focus() is called by containers as the user moves
1132 		 * around the window using keyboard shortcuts. @direction indicates
1133 		 * what kind of motion is taking place (up, down, left, right, tab
1134 		 * forward, tab backward). gtk_widget_child_focus() emits the
1135 		 * #GtkWidget::focus signal; widgets override the default handler
1136 		 * for this signal in order to implement appropriate focus behavior.
1137 		 *
1138 		 * The default ::focus handler for a widget should return %TRUE if
1139 		 * moving in @direction left the focus on a focusable location inside
1140 		 * that widget, and %FALSE if moving in @direction moved the focus
1141 		 * outside the widget. If returning %TRUE, widgets normally
1142 		 * call gtk_widget_grab_focus() to place the focus accordingly;
1143 		 * if returning %FALSE, they don’t modify the current focus location.
1144 		 *
1145 		 * Params:
1146 		 *     direction = direction of focus movement
1147 		 *
1148 		 * Returns: %TRUE if focus ended up inside @widget
1149 		 */
1150 		public bool childFocus(GtkDirectionType direction)
1151 		{
1152 			return gtk_widget_child_focus(gtkWidget, direction) != 0;
1153 		}
1155 		/**
1156 		 * Emits a #GtkWidget::child-notify signal for the
1157 		 * [child property][child-properties] @child_property
1158 		 * on @widget.
1159 		 *
1160 		 * This is the analogue of g_object_notify() for child properties.
1161 		 *
1162 		 * Also see gtk_container_child_notify().
1163 		 *
1164 		 * Params:
1165 		 *     childProperty = the name of a child property installed on the
1166 		 *         class of @widget’s parent
1167 		 */
1168 		public void childNotify(string childProperty)
1169 		{
1170 			gtk_widget_child_notify(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(childProperty));
1171 		}
1173 		/**
1174 		 * Same as gtk_widget_path(), but always uses the name of a widget’s type,
1175 		 * never uses a custom name set with gtk_widget_set_name().
1176 		 *
1177 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_path() instead
1178 		 *
1179 		 * Params:
1180 		 *     pathLength = location to store the length of the
1181 		 *         class path, or %NULL
1182 		 *     path = location to store the class path as an
1183 		 *         allocated string, or %NULL
1184 		 *     pathReversed = location to store the reverse
1185 		 *         class path as an allocated string, or %NULL
1186 		 */
1187 		public void classPath(out uint pathLength, out string path, out string pathReversed)
1188 		{
1189 			char* outpath = null;
1190 			char* outpathReversed = null;
1192 			gtk_widget_class_path(gtkWidget, &pathLength, &outpath, &outpathReversed);
1194 			path = Str.toString(outpath);
1195 			pathReversed = Str.toString(outpathReversed);
1196 		}
1198 		/**
1199 		 * Computes whether a container should give this widget extra space
1200 		 * when possible. Containers should check this, rather than
1201 		 * looking at gtk_widget_get_hexpand() or gtk_widget_get_vexpand().
1202 		 *
1203 		 * This function already checks whether the widget is visible, so
1204 		 * visibility does not need to be checked separately. Non-visible
1205 		 * widgets are not expanded.
1206 		 *
1207 		 * The computed expand value uses either the expand setting explicitly
1208 		 * set on the widget itself, or, if none has been explicitly set,
1209 		 * the widget may expand if some of its children do.
1210 		 *
1211 		 * Params:
1212 		 *     orientation = expand direction
1213 		 *
1214 		 * Returns: whether widget tree rooted here should be expanded
1215 		 */
1216 		public bool computeExpand(GtkOrientation orientation)
1217 		{
1218 			return gtk_widget_compute_expand(gtkWidget, orientation) != 0;
1219 		}
1221 		/**
1222 		 * Creates a new #PangoContext with the appropriate font map,
1223 		 * font options, font description, and base direction for drawing
1224 		 * text for this widget. See also gtk_widget_get_pango_context().
1225 		 *
1226 		 * Returns: the new #PangoContext
1227 		 */
1228 		public PgContext createPangoContext()
1229 		{
1230 			auto p = gtk_widget_create_pango_context(gtkWidget);
1232 			if(p is null)
1233 			{
1234 				return null;
1235 			}
1237 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgContext)(cast(PangoContext*) p, true);
1238 		}
1240 		/**
1241 		 * Creates a new #PangoLayout with the appropriate font map,
1242 		 * font description, and base direction for drawing text for
1243 		 * this widget.
1244 		 *
1245 		 * If you keep a #PangoLayout created in this way around, you need
1246 		 * to re-create it when the widget #PangoContext is replaced.
1247 		 * This can be tracked by using the #GtkWidget::screen-changed signal
1248 		 * on the widget.
1249 		 *
1250 		 * Params:
1251 		 *     text = text to set on the layout (can be %NULL)
1252 		 *
1253 		 * Returns: the new #PangoLayout
1254 		 */
1255 		public PgLayout createPangoLayout(string text)
1256 		{
1257 			auto p = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(text));
1259 			if(p is null)
1260 			{
1261 				return null;
1262 			}
1264 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayout)(cast(PangoLayout*) p, true);
1265 		}
1267 		/**
1268 		 * Destroys a widget.
1269 		 *
1270 		 * When a widget is destroyed all references it holds on other objects
1271 		 * will be released:
1272 		 *
1273 		 * - if the widget is inside a container, it will be removed from its
1274 		 * parent
1275 		 * - if the widget is a container, all its children will be destroyed,
1276 		 * recursively
1277 		 * - if the widget is a top level, it will be removed from the list
1278 		 * of top level widgets that GTK+ maintains internally
1279 		 *
1280 		 * It's expected that all references held on the widget will also
1281 		 * be released; you should connect to the #GtkWidget::destroy signal
1282 		 * if you hold a reference to @widget and you wish to remove it when
1283 		 * this function is called. It is not necessary to do so if you are
1284 		 * implementing a #GtkContainer, as you'll be able to use the
1285 		 * #GtkContainerClass.remove() virtual function for that.
1286 		 *
1287 		 * It's important to notice that gtk_widget_destroy() will only cause
1288 		 * the @widget to be finalized if no additional references, acquired
1289 		 * using g_object_ref(), are held on it. In case additional references
1290 		 * are in place, the @widget will be in an "inert" state after calling
1291 		 * this function; @widget will still point to valid memory, allowing you
1292 		 * to release the references you hold, but you may not query the widget's
1293 		 * own state.
1294 		 *
1295 		 * You should typically call this function on top level widgets, and
1296 		 * rarely on child widgets.
1297 		 *
1298 		 * See also: gtk_container_remove()
1299 		 */
1300 		public void destroy()
1301 		{
1302 			gtk_widget_destroy(gtkWidget);
1303 		}
1305 		/**
1306 		 * This function sets *@widget_pointer to %NULL if @widget_pointer !=
1307 		 * %NULL.  It’s intended to be used as a callback connected to the
1308 		 * “destroy” signal of a widget. You connect gtk_widget_destroyed()
1309 		 * as a signal handler, and pass the address of your widget variable
1310 		 * as user data. Then when the widget is destroyed, the variable will
1311 		 * be set to %NULL. Useful for example to avoid multiple copies
1312 		 * of the same dialog.
1313 		 *
1314 		 * Params:
1315 		 *     widgetPointer = address of a variable that contains @widget
1316 		 */
1317 		public void destroyed(ref Widget widgetPointer)
1318 		{
1319 			GtkWidget* outwidgetPointer = widgetPointer.getWidgetStruct();
1321 			gtk_widget_destroyed(gtkWidget, &outwidgetPointer);
1323 			widgetPointer = ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(outwidgetPointer);
1324 		}
1326 		/**
1327 		 * Returns %TRUE if @device has been shadowed by a GTK+
1328 		 * device grab on another widget, so it would stop sending
1329 		 * events to @widget. This may be used in the
1330 		 * #GtkWidget::grab-notify signal to check for specific
1331 		 * devices. See gtk_device_grab_add().
1332 		 *
1333 		 * Params:
1334 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
1335 		 *
1336 		 * Returns: %TRUE if there is an ongoing grab on @device
1337 		 *     by another #GtkWidget than @widget.
1338 		 *
1339 		 * Since: 3.0
1340 		 */
1341 		public bool deviceIsShadowed(Device device)
1342 		{
1343 			return gtk_widget_device_is_shadowed(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct()) != 0;
1344 		}
1346 		/**
1347 		 * This function is equivalent to gtk_drag_begin_with_coordinates(),
1348 		 * passing -1, -1 as coordinates.
1349 		 *
1350 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_drag_begin_with_coordinates() instead
1351 		 *
1352 		 * Params:
1353 		 *     targets = The targets (data formats) in which the
1354 		 *         source can provide the data
1355 		 *     actions = A bitmask of the allowed drag actions for this drag
1356 		 *     button = The button the user clicked to start the drag
1357 		 *     event = The event that triggered the start of the drag,
1358 		 *         or %NULL if none can be obtained.
1359 		 *
1360 		 * Returns: the context for this drag
1361 		 */
1362 		public DragContext dragBegin(TargetList targets, GdkDragAction actions, int button, Event event)
1363 		{
1364 			auto p = gtk_drag_begin(gtkWidget, (targets is null) ? null : targets.getTargetListStruct(), actions, button, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
1366 			if(p is null)
1367 			{
1368 				return null;
1369 			}
1371 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(cast(GdkDragContext*) p);
1372 		}
1374 		/**
1375 		 * Initiates a drag on the source side. The function only needs to be used
1376 		 * when the application is starting drags itself, and is not needed when
1377 		 * gtk_drag_source_set() is used.
1378 		 *
1379 		 * The @event is used to retrieve the timestamp that will be used internally to
1380 		 * grab the pointer.  If @event is %NULL, then %GDK_CURRENT_TIME will be used.
1381 		 * However, you should try to pass a real event in all cases, since that can be
1382 		 * used to get information about the drag.
1383 		 *
1384 		 * Generally there are three cases when you want to start a drag by hand by
1385 		 * calling this function:
1386 		 *
1387 		 * 1. During a #GtkWidget::button-press-event handler, if you want to start a drag
1388 		 * immediately when the user presses the mouse button.  Pass the @event
1389 		 * that you have in your #GtkWidget::button-press-event handler.
1390 		 *
1391 		 * 2. During a #GtkWidget::motion-notify-event handler, if you want to start a drag
1392 		 * when the mouse moves past a certain threshold distance after a button-press.
1393 		 * Pass the @event that you have in your #GtkWidget::motion-notify-event handler.
1394 		 *
1395 		 * 3. During a timeout handler, if you want to start a drag after the mouse
1396 		 * button is held down for some time.  Try to save the last event that you got
1397 		 * from the mouse, using gdk_event_copy(), and pass it to this function
1398 		 * (remember to free the event with gdk_event_free() when you are done).
1399 		 * If you can really not pass a real event, pass #NULL instead.
1400 		 *
1401 		 * Params:
1402 		 *     targets = The targets (data formats) in which the
1403 		 *         source can provide the data
1404 		 *     actions = A bitmask of the allowed drag actions for this drag
1405 		 *     button = The button the user clicked to start the drag
1406 		 *     event = The event that triggered the start of the drag,
1407 		 *         or %NULL if none can be obtained.
1408 		 *     x = The initial x coordinate to start dragging from, in the coordinate space
1409 		 *         of @widget. If -1 is passed, the coordinates are retrieved from @event or
1410 		 *         the current pointer position
1411 		 *     y = The initial y coordinate to start dragging from, in the coordinate space
1412 		 *         of @widget. If -1 is passed, the coordinates are retrieved from @event or
1413 		 *         the current pointer position
1414 		 *
1415 		 * Returns: the context for this drag
1416 		 *
1417 		 * Since: 3.10
1418 		 */
1419 		public DragContext dragBeginWithCoordinates(TargetList targets, GdkDragAction actions, int button, Event event, int x, int y)
1420 		{
1421 			auto p = gtk_drag_begin_with_coordinates(gtkWidget, (targets is null) ? null : targets.getTargetListStruct(), actions, button, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct(), x, y);
1423 			if(p is null)
1424 			{
1425 				return null;
1426 			}
1428 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(cast(GdkDragContext*) p);
1429 		}
1431 		/**
1432 		 * Checks to see if a mouse drag starting at (@start_x, @start_y) and ending
1433 		 * at (@current_x, @current_y) has passed the GTK+ drag threshold, and thus
1434 		 * should trigger the beginning of a drag-and-drop operation.
1435 		 *
1436 		 * Params:
1437 		 *     startX = X coordinate of start of drag
1438 		 *     startY = Y coordinate of start of drag
1439 		 *     currentX = current X coordinate
1440 		 *     currentY = current Y coordinate
1441 		 *
1442 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the drag threshold has been passed.
1443 		 */
1444 		public bool dragCheckThreshold(int startX, int startY, int currentX, int currentY)
1445 		{
1446 			return gtk_drag_check_threshold(gtkWidget, startX, startY, currentX, currentY) != 0;
1447 		}
1449 		/**
1450 		 * Add the image targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1451 		 * the target list of the drag destination. The targets
1452 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1453 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_image_targets() and
1454 		 * gtk_drag_dest_set_target_list().
1455 		 *
1456 		 * Since: 2.6
1457 		 */
1458 		public void dragDestAddImageTargets()
1459 		{
1460 			gtk_drag_dest_add_image_targets(gtkWidget);
1461 		}
1463 		/**
1464 		 * Add the text targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1465 		 * the target list of the drag destination. The targets
1466 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1467 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_text_targets() and
1468 		 * gtk_drag_dest_set_target_list().
1469 		 *
1470 		 * Since: 2.6
1471 		 */
1472 		public void dragDestAddTextTargets()
1473 		{
1474 			gtk_drag_dest_add_text_targets(gtkWidget);
1475 		}
1477 		/**
1478 		 * Add the URI targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1479 		 * the target list of the drag destination. The targets
1480 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1481 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_uri_targets() and
1482 		 * gtk_drag_dest_set_target_list().
1483 		 *
1484 		 * Since: 2.6
1485 		 */
1486 		public void dragDestAddUriTargets()
1487 		{
1488 			gtk_drag_dest_add_uri_targets(gtkWidget);
1489 		}
1491 		/**
1492 		 * Looks for a match between the supported targets of @context and the
1493 		 * @dest_target_list, returning the first matching target, otherwise
1494 		 * returning %GDK_NONE. @dest_target_list should usually be the return
1495 		 * value from gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list(), but some widgets may
1496 		 * have different valid targets for different parts of the widget; in
1497 		 * that case, they will have to implement a drag_motion handler that
1498 		 * passes the correct target list to this function.
1499 		 *
1500 		 * Params:
1501 		 *     context = drag context
1502 		 *     targetList = list of droppable targets, or %NULL to use
1503 		 *         gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list (@widget).
1504 		 *
1505 		 * Returns: first target that the source offers
1506 		 *     and the dest can accept, or %GDK_NONE
1507 		 */
1508 		public GdkAtom dragDestFindTarget(DragContext context, TargetList targetList)
1509 		{
1510 			return gtk_drag_dest_find_target(gtkWidget, (context is null) ? null : context.getDragContextStruct(), (targetList is null) ? null : targetList.getTargetListStruct());
1511 		}
1513 		/**
1514 		 * Returns the list of targets this widget can accept from
1515 		 * drag-and-drop.
1516 		 *
1517 		 * Returns: the #GtkTargetList, or %NULL if none
1518 		 */
1519 		public TargetList dragDestGetTargetList()
1520 		{
1521 			auto p = gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list(gtkWidget);
1523 			if(p is null)
1524 			{
1525 				return null;
1526 			}
1528 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(TargetList)(cast(GtkTargetList*) p);
1529 		}
1531 		/**
1532 		 * Returns whether the widget has been configured to always
1533 		 * emit #GtkWidget::drag-motion signals.
1534 		 *
1535 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget always emits
1536 		 *     #GtkWidget::drag-motion events
1537 		 *
1538 		 * Since: 2.10
1539 		 */
1540 		public bool dragDestGetTrackMotion()
1541 		{
1542 			return gtk_drag_dest_get_track_motion(gtkWidget) != 0;
1543 		}
1545 		/**
1546 		 * Sets a widget as a potential drop destination, and adds default behaviors.
1547 		 *
1548 		 * The default behaviors listed in @flags have an effect similar
1549 		 * to installing default handlers for the widget’s drag-and-drop signals
1550 		 * (#GtkWidget::drag-motion, #GtkWidget::drag-drop, ...). They all exist
1551 		 * for convenience. When passing #GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL for instance it is
1552 		 * sufficient to connect to the widget’s #GtkWidget::drag-data-received
1553 		 * signal to get primitive, but consistent drag-and-drop support.
1554 		 *
1555 		 * Things become more complicated when you try to preview the dragged data,
1556 		 * as described in the documentation for #GtkWidget::drag-motion. The default
1557 		 * behaviors described by @flags make some assumptions, that can conflict
1558 		 * with your own signal handlers. For instance #GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP causes
1559 		 * invokations of gdk_drag_status() in the context of #GtkWidget::drag-motion,
1560 		 * and invokations of gtk_drag_finish() in #GtkWidget::drag-data-received.
1561 		 * Especially the later is dramatic, when your own #GtkWidget::drag-motion
1562 		 * handler calls gtk_drag_get_data() to inspect the dragged data.
1563 		 *
1564 		 * There’s no way to set a default action here, you can use the
1565 		 * #GtkWidget::drag-motion callback for that. Here’s an example which selects
1566 		 * the action to use depending on whether the control key is pressed or not:
1567 		 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
1568 		 * static void
1569 		 * drag_motion (GtkWidget *widget,
1570 		 * GdkDragContext *context,
1571 		 * gint x,
1572 		 * gint y,
1573 		 * guint time)
1574 		 * {
1575 		 * GdkModifierType mask;
1576 		 *
1577 		 * gdk_window_get_pointer (gtk_widget_get_window (widget),
1578 		 * NULL, NULL, &mask);
1579 		 * if (mask & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
1580 		 * gdk_drag_status (context, GDK_ACTION_COPY, time);
1581 		 * else
1582 		 * gdk_drag_status (context, GDK_ACTION_MOVE, time);
1583 		 * }
1584 		 * ]|
1585 		 *
1586 		 * Params:
1587 		 *     flags = which types of default drag behavior to use
1588 		 *     targets = a pointer to an array of
1589 		 *         #GtkTargetEntrys indicating the drop types that this @widget will
1590 		 *         accept, or %NULL. Later you can access the list with
1591 		 *         gtk_drag_dest_get_target_list() and gtk_drag_dest_find_target().
1592 		 *     actions = a bitmask of possible actions for a drop onto this @widget.
1593 		 */
1594 		public void dragDestSet(GtkDestDefaults flags, TargetEntry[] targets, GdkDragAction actions)
1595 		{
1596 			GtkTargetEntry[] targetsArray = new GtkTargetEntry[targets.length];
1597 			for ( int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++ )
1598 			{
1599 				targetsArray[i] = *(targets[i].getTargetEntryStruct());
1600 			}
1602 			gtk_drag_dest_set(gtkWidget, flags, targetsArray.ptr, cast(int)targets.length, actions);
1603 		}
1605 		/**
1606 		 * Sets this widget as a proxy for drops to another window.
1607 		 *
1608 		 * Params:
1609 		 *     proxyWindow = the window to which to forward drag events
1610 		 *     protocol = the drag protocol which the @proxy_window accepts
1611 		 *         (You can use gdk_drag_get_protocol() to determine this)
1612 		 *     useCoordinates = If %TRUE, send the same coordinates to the
1613 		 *         destination, because it is an embedded
1614 		 *         subwindow.
1615 		 */
1616 		public void dragDestSetProxy(GdkWin proxyWindow, GdkDragProtocol protocol, bool useCoordinates)
1617 		{
1618 			gtk_drag_dest_set_proxy(gtkWidget, (proxyWindow is null) ? null : proxyWindow.getWindowStruct(), protocol, useCoordinates);
1619 		}
1621 		/**
1622 		 * Sets the target types that this widget can accept from drag-and-drop.
1623 		 * The widget must first be made into a drag destination with
1624 		 * gtk_drag_dest_set().
1625 		 *
1626 		 * Params:
1627 		 *     targetList = list of droppable targets, or %NULL for none
1628 		 */
1629 		public void dragDestSetTargetList(TargetList targetList)
1630 		{
1631 			gtk_drag_dest_set_target_list(gtkWidget, (targetList is null) ? null : targetList.getTargetListStruct());
1632 		}
1634 		/**
1635 		 * Tells the widget to emit #GtkWidget::drag-motion and
1636 		 * #GtkWidget::drag-leave events regardless of the targets and the
1637 		 * %GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION flag.
1638 		 *
1639 		 * This may be used when a widget wants to do generic
1640 		 * actions regardless of the targets that the source offers.
1641 		 *
1642 		 * Params:
1643 		 *     trackMotion = whether to accept all targets
1644 		 *
1645 		 * Since: 2.10
1646 		 */
1647 		public void dragDestSetTrackMotion(bool trackMotion)
1648 		{
1649 			gtk_drag_dest_set_track_motion(gtkWidget, trackMotion);
1650 		}
1652 		/**
1653 		 * Clears information about a drop destination set with
1654 		 * gtk_drag_dest_set(). The widget will no longer receive
1655 		 * notification of drags.
1656 		 */
1657 		public void dragDestUnset()
1658 		{
1659 			gtk_drag_dest_unset(gtkWidget);
1660 		}
1662 		/**
1663 		 * Gets the data associated with a drag. When the data
1664 		 * is received or the retrieval fails, GTK+ will emit a
1665 		 * #GtkWidget::drag-data-received signal. Failure of the retrieval
1666 		 * is indicated by the length field of the @selection_data
1667 		 * signal parameter being negative. However, when gtk_drag_get_data()
1668 		 * is called implicitely because the %GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP was set,
1669 		 * then the widget will not receive notification of failed
1670 		 * drops.
1671 		 *
1672 		 * Params:
1673 		 *     context = the drag context
1674 		 *     target = the target (form of the data) to retrieve
1675 		 *     time = a timestamp for retrieving the data. This will
1676 		 *         generally be the time received in a #GtkWidget::drag-motion
1677 		 *         or #GtkWidget::drag-drop signal
1678 		 */
1679 		public void dragGetData(DragContext context, GdkAtom target, uint time)
1680 		{
1681 			gtk_drag_get_data(gtkWidget, (context is null) ? null : context.getDragContextStruct(), target, time);
1682 		}
1684 		/**
1685 		 * Highlights a widget as a currently hovered drop target.
1686 		 * To end the highlight, call gtk_drag_unhighlight().
1687 		 * GTK+ calls this automatically if %GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT is set.
1688 		 */
1689 		public void dragHighlight()
1690 		{
1691 			gtk_drag_highlight(gtkWidget);
1692 		}
1694 		/**
1695 		 * Add the writable image targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1696 		 * the target list of the drag source. The targets
1697 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1698 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_image_targets() and
1699 		 * gtk_drag_source_set_target_list().
1700 		 *
1701 		 * Since: 2.6
1702 		 */
1703 		public void dragSourceAddImageTargets()
1704 		{
1705 			gtk_drag_source_add_image_targets(gtkWidget);
1706 		}
1708 		/**
1709 		 * Add the text targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1710 		 * the target list of the drag source.  The targets
1711 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1712 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_text_targets() and
1713 		 * gtk_drag_source_set_target_list().
1714 		 *
1715 		 * Since: 2.6
1716 		 */
1717 		public void dragSourceAddTextTargets()
1718 		{
1719 			gtk_drag_source_add_text_targets(gtkWidget);
1720 		}
1722 		/**
1723 		 * Add the URI targets supported by #GtkSelectionData to
1724 		 * the target list of the drag source.  The targets
1725 		 * are added with @info = 0. If you need another value,
1726 		 * use gtk_target_list_add_uri_targets() and
1727 		 * gtk_drag_source_set_target_list().
1728 		 *
1729 		 * Since: 2.6
1730 		 */
1731 		public void dragSourceAddUriTargets()
1732 		{
1733 			gtk_drag_source_add_uri_targets(gtkWidget);
1734 		}
1736 		/**
1737 		 * Gets the list of targets this widget can provide for
1738 		 * drag-and-drop.
1739 		 *
1740 		 * Returns: the #GtkTargetList, or %NULL if none
1741 		 *
1742 		 * Since: 2.4
1743 		 */
1744 		public TargetList dragSourceGetTargetList()
1745 		{
1746 			auto p = gtk_drag_source_get_target_list(gtkWidget);
1748 			if(p is null)
1749 			{
1750 				return null;
1751 			}
1753 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(TargetList)(cast(GtkTargetList*) p);
1754 		}
1756 		/**
1757 		 * Sets up a widget so that GTK+ will start a drag operation when the user
1758 		 * clicks and drags on the widget. The widget must have a window.
1759 		 *
1760 		 * Params:
1761 		 *     startButtonMask = the bitmask of buttons that can start the drag
1762 		 *     targets = the table of targets
1763 		 *         that the drag will support, may be %NULL
1764 		 *     actions = the bitmask of possible actions for a drag from this widget
1765 		 */
1766 		public void dragSourceSet(GdkModifierType startButtonMask, TargetEntry[] targets, GdkDragAction actions)
1767 		{
1768 			GtkTargetEntry[] targetsArray = new GtkTargetEntry[targets.length];
1769 			for ( int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++ )
1770 			{
1771 				targetsArray[i] = *(targets[i].getTargetEntryStruct());
1772 			}
1774 			gtk_drag_source_set(gtkWidget, startButtonMask, targetsArray.ptr, cast(int)targets.length, actions);
1775 		}
1777 		/**
1778 		 * Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source
1779 		 * to @icon. See the docs for #GtkIconTheme for more details.
1780 		 *
1781 		 * Params:
1782 		 *     icon = A #GIcon
1783 		 *
1784 		 * Since: 3.2
1785 		 */
1786 		public void dragSourceSetIconGicon(IconIF icon)
1787 		{
1788 			gtk_drag_source_set_icon_gicon(gtkWidget, (icon is null) ? null : icon.getIconStruct());
1789 		}
1791 		/**
1792 		 * Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source
1793 		 * to a themed icon. See the docs for #GtkIconTheme for more details.
1794 		 *
1795 		 * Params:
1796 		 *     iconName = name of icon to use
1797 		 *
1798 		 * Since: 2.8
1799 		 */
1800 		public void dragSourceSetIconName(string iconName)
1801 		{
1802 			gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(iconName));
1803 		}
1805 		/**
1806 		 * Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular widget
1807 		 * from a #GdkPixbuf. GTK+ retains a reference for @pixbuf and will
1808 		 * release it when it is no longer needed.
1809 		 *
1810 		 * Params:
1811 		 *     pixbuf = the #GdkPixbuf for the drag icon
1812 		 */
1813 		public void dragSourceSetIconPixbuf(Pixbuf pixbuf)
1814 		{
1815 			gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf(gtkWidget, (pixbuf is null) ? null : pixbuf.getPixbufStruct());
1816 		}
1818 		/**
1819 		 * Sets the icon that will be used for drags from a particular source
1820 		 * to a stock icon.
1821 		 *
1822 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name() instead.
1823 		 *
1824 		 * Params:
1825 		 *     stockId = the ID of the stock icon to use
1826 		 */
1827 		public void dragSourceSetIconStock(string stockId)
1828 		{
1829 			gtk_drag_source_set_icon_stock(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(stockId));
1830 		}
1832 		/**
1833 		 * Changes the target types that this widget offers for drag-and-drop.
1834 		 * The widget must first be made into a drag source with
1835 		 * gtk_drag_source_set().
1836 		 *
1837 		 * Params:
1838 		 *     targetList = list of draggable targets, or %NULL for none
1839 		 *
1840 		 * Since: 2.4
1841 		 */
1842 		public void dragSourceSetTargetList(TargetList targetList)
1843 		{
1844 			gtk_drag_source_set_target_list(gtkWidget, (targetList is null) ? null : targetList.getTargetListStruct());
1845 		}
1847 		/**
1848 		 * Undoes the effects of gtk_drag_source_set().
1849 		 */
1850 		public void dragSourceUnset()
1851 		{
1852 			gtk_drag_source_unset(gtkWidget);
1853 		}
1855 		/**
1856 		 * Removes a highlight set by gtk_drag_highlight() from
1857 		 * a widget.
1858 		 */
1859 		public void dragUnhighlight()
1860 		{
1861 			gtk_drag_unhighlight(gtkWidget);
1862 		}
1864 		/**
1865 		 * Draws @widget to @cr. The top left corner of the widget will be
1866 		 * drawn to the currently set origin point of @cr.
1867 		 *
1868 		 * You should pass a cairo context as @cr argument that is in an
1869 		 * original state. Otherwise the resulting drawing is undefined. For
1870 		 * example changing the operator using cairo_set_operator() or the
1871 		 * line width using cairo_set_line_width() might have unwanted side
1872 		 * effects.
1873 		 * You may however change the context’s transform matrix - like with
1874 		 * cairo_scale(), cairo_translate() or cairo_set_matrix() and clip
1875 		 * region with cairo_clip() prior to calling this function. Also, it
1876 		 * is fine to modify the context with cairo_save() and
1877 		 * cairo_push_group() prior to calling this function.
1878 		 *
1879 		 * Note that special-purpose widgets may contain special code for
1880 		 * rendering to the screen and might appear differently on screen
1881 		 * and when rendered using gtk_widget_draw().
1882 		 *
1883 		 * Params:
1884 		 *     cr = a cairo context to draw to
1885 		 *
1886 		 * Since: 3.0
1887 		 */
1888 		public void draw(Context cr)
1889 		{
1890 			gtk_widget_draw(gtkWidget, (cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct());
1891 		}
1893 		/**
1894 		 * Ensures that @widget has a style (@widget->style).
1895 		 *
1896 		 * Not a very useful function; most of the time, if you
1897 		 * want the style, the widget is realized, and realized
1898 		 * widgets are guaranteed to have a style already.
1899 		 *
1900 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
1901 		 */
1902 		public void ensureStyle()
1903 		{
1904 			gtk_widget_ensure_style(gtkWidget);
1905 		}
1907 		/**
1908 		 * Notifies the user about an input-related error on this widget.
1909 		 * If the #GtkSettings:gtk-error-bell setting is %TRUE, it calls
1910 		 * gdk_window_beep(), otherwise it does nothing.
1911 		 *
1912 		 * Note that the effect of gdk_window_beep() can be configured in many
1913 		 * ways, depending on the windowing backend and the desktop environment
1914 		 * or window manager that is used.
1915 		 *
1916 		 * Since: 2.12
1917 		 */
1918 		public void errorBell()
1919 		{
1920 			gtk_widget_error_bell(gtkWidget);
1921 		}
1923 		/**
1924 		 * Rarely-used function. This function is used to emit
1925 		 * the event signals on a widget (those signals should never
1926 		 * be emitted without using this function to do so).
1927 		 * If you want to synthesize an event though, don’t use this function;
1928 		 * instead, use gtk_main_do_event() so the event will behave as if
1929 		 * it were in the event queue. Don’t synthesize expose events; instead,
1930 		 * use gdk_window_invalidate_rect() to invalidate a region of the
1931 		 * window.
1932 		 *
1933 		 * Params:
1934 		 *     event = a #GdkEvent
1935 		 *
1936 		 * Returns: return from the event signal emission (%TRUE if
1937 		 *     the event was handled)
1938 		 */
1939 		public bool event(Event event)
1940 		{
1941 			return gtk_widget_event(gtkWidget, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct()) != 0;
1942 		}
1944 		/**
1945 		 * Stops emission of #GtkWidget::child-notify signals on @widget. The
1946 		 * signals are queued until gtk_widget_thaw_child_notify() is called
1947 		 * on @widget.
1948 		 *
1949 		 * This is the analogue of g_object_freeze_notify() for child properties.
1950 		 */
1951 		public void freezeChildNotify()
1952 		{
1953 			gtk_widget_freeze_child_notify(gtkWidget);
1954 		}
1956 		/**
1957 		 * Returns the accessible object that describes the widget to an
1958 		 * assistive technology.
1959 		 *
1960 		 * If accessibility support is not available, this #AtkObject
1961 		 * instance may be a no-op. Likewise, if no class-specific #AtkObject
1962 		 * implementation is available for the widget instance in question,
1963 		 * it will inherit an #AtkObject implementation from the first ancestor
1964 		 * class for which such an implementation is defined.
1965 		 *
1966 		 * The documentation of the
1967 		 * [ATK](http://developer.gnome.org/atk/stable/)
1968 		 * library contains more information about accessible objects and their uses.
1969 		 *
1970 		 * Returns: the #AtkObject associated with @widget
1971 		 */
1972 		public ObjectAtk getAccessible()
1973 		{
1974 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_accessible(gtkWidget);
1976 			if(p is null)
1977 			{
1978 				return null;
1979 			}
1981 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(ObjectAtk)(cast(AtkObject*) p);
1982 		}
1984 		/**
1985 		 * Retrieves the #GActionGroup that was registered using @prefix. The resulting
1986 		 * #GActionGroup may have been registered to @widget or any #GtkWidget in its
1987 		 * ancestry.
1988 		 *
1989 		 * If no action group was found matching @prefix, then %NULL is returned.
1990 		 *
1991 		 * Params:
1992 		 *     prefix = The “prefix” of the action group.
1993 		 *
1994 		 * Returns: A #GActionGroup or %NULL.
1995 		 *
1996 		 * Since: 3.16
1997 		 */
1998 		public ActionGroupIF getActionGroup(string prefix)
1999 		{
2000 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_action_group(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(prefix));
2002 			if(p is null)
2003 			{
2004 				return null;
2005 			}
2007 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(ActionGroupIF)(cast(GActionGroup*) p);
2008 		}
2010 		/**
2011 		 * Returns the baseline that has currently been allocated to @widget.
2012 		 * This function is intended to be used when implementing handlers
2013 		 * for the #GtkWidget::draw function, and when allocating child
2014 		 * widgets in #GtkWidget::size_allocate.
2015 		 *
2016 		 * Returns: the baseline of the @widget, or -1 if none
2017 		 *
2018 		 * Since: 3.10
2019 		 */
2020 		public int getAllocatedBaseline()
2021 		{
2022 			return gtk_widget_get_allocated_baseline(gtkWidget);
2023 		}
2025 		/**
2026 		 * Returns the height that has currently been allocated to @widget.
2027 		 * This function is intended to be used when implementing handlers
2028 		 * for the #GtkWidget::draw function.
2029 		 *
2030 		 * Returns: the height of the @widget
2031 		 */
2032 		public int getAllocatedHeight()
2033 		{
2034 			return gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(gtkWidget);
2035 		}
2037 		/**
2038 		 * Retrieves the widget’s allocated size.
2039 		 *
2040 		 * This function returns the last values passed to
2041 		 * gtk_widget_size_allocate_with_baseline(). The value differs from
2042 		 * the size returned in gtk_widget_get_allocation() in that functions
2043 		 * like gtk_widget_set_halign() can adjust the allocation, but not
2044 		 * the value returned by this function.
2045 		 *
2046 		 * If a widget is not visible, its allocated size is 0.
2047 		 *
2048 		 * Params:
2049 		 *     allocation = a pointer to a #GtkAllocation to copy to
2050 		 *     baseline = a pointer to an integer to copy to
2051 		 *
2052 		 * Since: 3.20
2053 		 */
2054 		public void getAllocatedSize(out GtkAllocation allocation, out int baseline)
2055 		{
2056 			gtk_widget_get_allocated_size(gtkWidget, &allocation, &baseline);
2057 		}
2059 		/**
2060 		 * Returns the width that has currently been allocated to @widget.
2061 		 * This function is intended to be used when implementing handlers
2062 		 * for the #GtkWidget::draw function.
2063 		 *
2064 		 * Returns: the width of the @widget
2065 		 */
2066 		public int getAllocatedWidth()
2067 		{
2068 			return gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(gtkWidget);
2069 		}
2071 		/**
2072 		 * Retrieves the widget’s allocation.
2073 		 *
2074 		 * Note, when implementing a #GtkContainer: a widget’s allocation will
2075 		 * be its “adjusted” allocation, that is, the widget’s parent
2076 		 * container typically calls gtk_widget_size_allocate() with an
2077 		 * allocation, and that allocation is then adjusted (to handle margin
2078 		 * and alignment for example) before assignment to the widget.
2079 		 * gtk_widget_get_allocation() returns the adjusted allocation that
2080 		 * was actually assigned to the widget. The adjusted allocation is
2081 		 * guaranteed to be completely contained within the
2082 		 * gtk_widget_size_allocate() allocation, however. So a #GtkContainer
2083 		 * is guaranteed that its children stay inside the assigned bounds,
2084 		 * but not that they have exactly the bounds the container assigned.
2085 		 * There is no way to get the original allocation assigned by
2086 		 * gtk_widget_size_allocate(), since it isn’t stored; if a container
2087 		 * implementation needs that information it will have to track it itself.
2088 		 *
2089 		 * Params:
2090 		 *     allocation = a pointer to a #GtkAllocation to copy to
2091 		 *
2092 		 * Since: 2.18
2093 		 */
2094 		public void getAllocation(out GtkAllocation allocation)
2095 		{
2096 			gtk_widget_get_allocation(gtkWidget, &allocation);
2097 		}
2099 		/**
2100 		 * Gets the first ancestor of @widget with type @widget_type. For example,
2101 		 * `gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_BOX)` gets
2102 		 * the first #GtkBox that’s an ancestor of @widget. No reference will be
2103 		 * added to the returned widget; it should not be unreferenced. See note
2104 		 * about checking for a toplevel #GtkWindow in the docs for
2105 		 * gtk_widget_get_toplevel().
2106 		 *
2107 		 * Note that unlike gtk_widget_is_ancestor(), gtk_widget_get_ancestor()
2108 		 * considers @widget to be an ancestor of itself.
2109 		 *
2110 		 * Params:
2111 		 *     widgetType = ancestor type
2112 		 *
2113 		 * Returns: the ancestor widget, or %NULL if not found
2114 		 */
2115 		public Widget getAncestor(GType widgetType)
2116 		{
2117 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_ancestor(gtkWidget, widgetType);
2119 			if(p is null)
2120 			{
2121 				return null;
2122 			}
2124 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(cast(GtkWidget*) p);
2125 		}
2127 		/**
2128 		 * Determines whether the application intends to draw on the widget in
2129 		 * an #GtkWidget::draw handler.
2130 		 *
2131 		 * See gtk_widget_set_app_paintable()
2132 		 *
2133 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is app paintable
2134 		 *
2135 		 * Since: 2.18
2136 		 */
2137 		public bool getAppPaintable()
2138 		{
2139 			return gtk_widget_get_app_paintable(gtkWidget) != 0;
2140 		}
2142 		/**
2143 		 * Determines whether @widget can be a default widget. See
2144 		 * gtk_widget_set_can_default().
2145 		 *
2146 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget can be a default widget, %FALSE otherwise
2147 		 *
2148 		 * Since: 2.18
2149 		 */
2150 		public bool getCanDefault()
2151 		{
2152 			return gtk_widget_get_can_default(gtkWidget) != 0;
2153 		}
2155 		/**
2156 		 * Determines whether @widget can own the input focus. See
2157 		 * gtk_widget_set_can_focus().
2158 		 *
2159 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget can own the input focus, %FALSE otherwise
2160 		 *
2161 		 * Since: 2.18
2162 		 */
2163 		public bool getCanFocus()
2164 		{
2165 			return gtk_widget_get_can_focus(gtkWidget) != 0;
2166 		}
2168 		/**
2169 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations. Obtains
2170 		 * @widget->requisition, unless someone has forced a particular
2171 		 * geometry on the widget (e.g. with gtk_widget_set_size_request()),
2172 		 * in which case it returns that geometry instead of the widget's
2173 		 * requisition.
2174 		 *
2175 		 * This function differs from gtk_widget_size_request() in that
2176 		 * it retrieves the last size request value from @widget->requisition,
2177 		 * while gtk_widget_size_request() actually calls the "size_request" method
2178 		 * on @widget to compute the size request and fill in @widget->requisition,
2179 		 * and only then returns @widget->requisition.
2180 		 *
2181 		 * Because this function does not call the “size_request” method, it
2182 		 * can only be used when you know that @widget->requisition is
2183 		 * up-to-date, that is, gtk_widget_size_request() has been called
2184 		 * since the last time a resize was queued. In general, only container
2185 		 * implementations have this information; applications should use
2186 		 * gtk_widget_size_request().
2187 		 *
2188 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_preferred_size() instead.
2189 		 *
2190 		 * Params:
2191 		 *     requisition = a #GtkRequisition to be filled in
2192 		 */
2193 		public void getChildRequisition(out Requisition requisition)
2194 		{
2195 			GtkRequisition* outrequisition = gMalloc!GtkRequisition();
2197 			gtk_widget_get_child_requisition(gtkWidget, outrequisition);
2199 			requisition = ObjectG.getDObject!(Requisition)(outrequisition, true);
2200 		}
2202 		/**
2203 		 * Gets the value set with gtk_widget_set_child_visible().
2204 		 * If you feel a need to use this function, your code probably
2205 		 * needs reorganization.
2206 		 *
2207 		 * This function is only useful for container implementations and
2208 		 * never should be called by an application.
2209 		 *
2210 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is mapped with the parent.
2211 		 */
2212 		public bool getChildVisible()
2213 		{
2214 			return gtk_widget_get_child_visible(gtkWidget) != 0;
2215 		}
2217 		/**
2218 		 * Retrieves the widget’s clip area.
2219 		 *
2220 		 * The clip area is the area in which all of @widget's drawing will
2221 		 * happen. Other toolkits call it the bounding box.
2222 		 *
2223 		 * Historically, in GTK+ the clip area has been equal to the allocation
2224 		 * retrieved via gtk_widget_get_allocation().
2225 		 *
2226 		 * Params:
2227 		 *     clip = a pointer to a #GtkAllocation to copy to
2228 		 *
2229 		 * Since: 3.14
2230 		 */
2231 		public void getClip(out GtkAllocation clip)
2232 		{
2233 			gtk_widget_get_clip(gtkWidget, &clip);
2234 		}
2236 		/**
2237 		 * Returns the clipboard object for the given selection to
2238 		 * be used with @widget. @widget must have a #GdkDisplay
2239 		 * associated with it, so must be attached to a toplevel
2240 		 * window.
2241 		 *
2242 		 * Params:
2243 		 *     selection = a #GdkAtom which identifies the clipboard
2244 		 *         to use. %GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD gives the
2245 		 *         default clipboard. Another common value
2246 		 *         is %GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY, which gives
2247 		 *         the primary X selection.
2248 		 *
2249 		 * Returns: the appropriate clipboard object. If no
2250 		 *     clipboard already exists, a new one will
2251 		 *     be created. Once a clipboard object has
2252 		 *     been created, it is persistent for all time.
2253 		 *
2254 		 * Since: 2.2
2255 		 */
2256 		public Clipboard getClipboard(GdkAtom selection)
2257 		{
2258 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_clipboard(gtkWidget, selection);
2260 			if(p is null)
2261 			{
2262 				return null;
2263 			}
2265 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Clipboard)(cast(GtkClipboard*) p);
2266 		}
2268 		/**
2269 		 * Obtains the composite name of a widget.
2270 		 *
2271 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_class_set_template(), or don’t use this API at all.
2272 		 *
2273 		 * Returns: the composite name of @widget, or %NULL if @widget is not
2274 		 *     a composite child. The string should be freed when it is no
2275 		 *     longer needed.
2276 		 */
2277 		public string getCompositeName()
2278 		{
2279 			auto retStr = gtk_widget_get_composite_name(gtkWidget);
2281 			scope(exit) Str.freeString(retStr);
2282 			return Str.toString(retStr);
2283 		}
2285 		/**
2286 		 * Returns whether @device can interact with @widget and its
2287 		 * children. See gtk_widget_set_device_enabled().
2288 		 *
2289 		 * Params:
2290 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
2291 		 *
2292 		 * Returns: %TRUE is @device is enabled for @widget
2293 		 *
2294 		 * Since: 3.0
2295 		 */
2296 		public bool getDeviceEnabled(Device device)
2297 		{
2298 			return gtk_widget_get_device_enabled(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct()) != 0;
2299 		}
2301 		/**
2302 		 * Returns the events mask for the widget corresponding to an specific device. These
2303 		 * are the events that the widget will receive when @device operates on it.
2304 		 *
2305 		 * Params:
2306 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
2307 		 *
2308 		 * Returns: device event mask for @widget
2309 		 *
2310 		 * Since: 3.0
2311 		 */
2312 		public GdkEventMask getDeviceEvents(Device device)
2313 		{
2314 			return gtk_widget_get_device_events(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct());
2315 		}
2317 		/**
2318 		 * Gets the reading direction for a particular widget. See
2319 		 * gtk_widget_set_direction().
2320 		 *
2321 		 * Returns: the reading direction for the widget.
2322 		 */
2323 		public GtkTextDirection getDirection()
2324 		{
2325 			return gtk_widget_get_direction(gtkWidget);
2326 		}
2328 		/**
2329 		 * Get the #GdkDisplay for the toplevel window associated with
2330 		 * this widget. This function can only be called after the widget
2331 		 * has been added to a widget hierarchy with a #GtkWindow at the top.
2332 		 *
2333 		 * In general, you should only create display specific
2334 		 * resources when a widget has been realized, and you should
2335 		 * free those resources when the widget is unrealized.
2336 		 *
2337 		 * Returns: the #GdkDisplay for the toplevel for this widget.
2338 		 *
2339 		 * Since: 2.2
2340 		 */
2341 		public Display getDisplay()
2342 		{
2343 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_display(gtkWidget);
2345 			if(p is null)
2346 			{
2347 				return null;
2348 			}
2350 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Display)(cast(GdkDisplay*) p);
2351 		}
2353 		/**
2354 		 * Determines whether the widget is double buffered.
2355 		 *
2356 		 * See gtk_widget_set_double_buffered()
2357 		 *
2358 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is double buffered
2359 		 *
2360 		 * Since: 2.18
2361 		 */
2362 		public bool getDoubleBuffered()
2363 		{
2364 			return gtk_widget_get_double_buffered(gtkWidget) != 0;
2365 		}
2367 		/**
2368 		 * Returns the event mask (see #GdkEventMask) for the widget. These are the
2369 		 * events that the widget will receive.
2370 		 *
2371 		 * Note: Internally, the widget event mask will be the logical OR of the event
2372 		 * mask set through gtk_widget_set_events() or gtk_widget_add_events(), and the
2373 		 * event mask necessary to cater for every #GtkEventController created for the
2374 		 * widget.
2375 		 *
2376 		 * Returns: event mask for @widget
2377 		 */
2378 		public int getEvents()
2379 		{
2380 			return gtk_widget_get_events(gtkWidget);
2381 		}
2383 		/**
2384 		 * Returns whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
2385 		 * See gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click().
2386 		 *
2387 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with
2388 		 *     the mouse.
2389 		 *
2390 		 * Since: 3.20
2391 		 */
2392 		public bool getFocusOnClick()
2393 		{
2394 			return gtk_widget_get_focus_on_click(gtkWidget) != 0;
2395 		}
2397 		/**
2398 		 * Gets the font map that has been set with gtk_widget_set_font_map().
2399 		 *
2400 		 * Returns: A #PangoFontMap, or %NULL
2401 		 *
2402 		 * Since: 3.18
2403 		 */
2404 		public PgFontMap getFontMap()
2405 		{
2406 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_font_map(gtkWidget);
2408 			if(p is null)
2409 			{
2410 				return null;
2411 			}
2413 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgFontMap)(cast(PangoFontMap*) p);
2414 		}
2416 		/**
2417 		 * Returns the #cairo_font_options_t used for Pango rendering. When not set,
2418 		 * the defaults font options for the #GdkScreen will be used.
2419 		 *
2420 		 * Returns: the #cairo_font_options_t or %NULL if not set
2421 		 *
2422 		 * Since: 3.18
2423 		 */
2424 		public FontOption getFontOptions()
2425 		{
2426 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_font_options(gtkWidget);
2428 			if(p is null)
2429 			{
2430 				return null;
2431 			}
2433 			return new FontOption(cast(cairo_font_options_t*) p);
2434 		}
2436 		/**
2437 		 * Obtains the frame clock for a widget. The frame clock is a global
2438 		 * “ticker” that can be used to drive animations and repaints.  The
2439 		 * most common reason to get the frame clock is to call
2440 		 * gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(), in order to get a time to use for
2441 		 * animating. For example you might record the start of the animation
2442 		 * with an initial value from gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(), and
2443 		 * then update the animation by calling
2444 		 * gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() again during each repaint.
2445 		 *
2446 		 * gdk_frame_clock_request_phase() will result in a new frame on the
2447 		 * clock, but won’t necessarily repaint any widgets. To repaint a
2448 		 * widget, you have to use gtk_widget_queue_draw() which invalidates
2449 		 * the widget (thus scheduling it to receive a draw on the next
2450 		 * frame). gtk_widget_queue_draw() will also end up requesting a frame
2451 		 * on the appropriate frame clock.
2452 		 *
2453 		 * A widget’s frame clock will not change while the widget is
2454 		 * mapped. Reparenting a widget (which implies a temporary unmap) can
2455 		 * change the widget’s frame clock.
2456 		 *
2457 		 * Unrealized widgets do not have a frame clock.
2458 		 *
2459 		 * Returns: a #GdkFrameClock,
2460 		 *     or #NULL if widget is unrealized
2461 		 *
2462 		 * Since: 3.8
2463 		 */
2464 		public FrameClock getFrameClock()
2465 		{
2466 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_frame_clock(gtkWidget);
2468 			if(p is null)
2469 			{
2470 				return null;
2471 			}
2473 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(FrameClock)(cast(GdkFrameClock*) p);
2474 		}
2476 		/**
2477 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:halign property.
2478 		 *
2479 		 * For backwards compatibility reasons this method will never return
2480 		 * %GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE, but instead it will convert it to
2481 		 * %GTK_ALIGN_FILL. Baselines are not supported for horizontal
2482 		 * alignment.
2483 		 *
2484 		 * Returns: the horizontal alignment of @widget
2485 		 */
2486 		public GtkAlign getHalign()
2487 		{
2488 			return gtk_widget_get_halign(gtkWidget);
2489 		}
2491 		/**
2492 		 * Returns the current value of the has-tooltip property.  See
2493 		 * #GtkWidget:has-tooltip for more information.
2494 		 *
2495 		 * Returns: current value of has-tooltip on @widget.
2496 		 *
2497 		 * Since: 2.12
2498 		 */
2499 		public bool getHasTooltip()
2500 		{
2501 			return gtk_widget_get_has_tooltip(gtkWidget) != 0;
2502 		}
2504 		/**
2505 		 * Determines whether @widget has a #GdkWindow of its own. See
2506 		 * gtk_widget_set_has_window().
2507 		 *
2508 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget has a window, %FALSE otherwise
2509 		 *
2510 		 * Since: 2.18
2511 		 */
2512 		public bool getHasWindow()
2513 		{
2514 			return gtk_widget_get_has_window(gtkWidget) != 0;
2515 		}
2517 		/**
2518 		 * Gets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal
2519 		 * space. When a user resizes a #GtkWindow, widgets with expand=TRUE
2520 		 * generally receive the extra space. For example, a list or
2521 		 * scrollable area or document in your window would often be set to
2522 		 * expand.
2523 		 *
2524 		 * Containers should use gtk_widget_compute_expand() rather than
2525 		 * this function, to see whether a widget, or any of its children,
2526 		 * has the expand flag set. If any child of a widget wants to
2527 		 * expand, the parent may ask to expand also.
2528 		 *
2529 		 * This function only looks at the widget’s own hexpand flag, rather
2530 		 * than computing whether the entire widget tree rooted at this widget
2531 		 * wants to expand.
2532 		 *
2533 		 * Returns: whether hexpand flag is set
2534 		 */
2535 		public bool getHexpand()
2536 		{
2537 			return gtk_widget_get_hexpand(gtkWidget) != 0;
2538 		}
2540 		/**
2541 		 * Gets whether gtk_widget_set_hexpand() has been used to
2542 		 * explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.
2543 		 *
2544 		 * If hexpand is set, then it overrides any computed
2545 		 * expand value based on child widgets. If hexpand is not
2546 		 * set, then the expand value depends on whether any
2547 		 * children of the widget would like to expand.
2548 		 *
2549 		 * There are few reasons to use this function, but it’s here
2550 		 * for completeness and consistency.
2551 		 *
2552 		 * Returns: whether hexpand has been explicitly set
2553 		 */
2554 		public bool getHexpandSet()
2555 		{
2556 			return gtk_widget_get_hexpand_set(gtkWidget) != 0;
2557 		}
2559 		/**
2560 		 * Whether the widget is mapped.
2561 		 *
2562 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is mapped, %FALSE otherwise.
2563 		 *
2564 		 * Since: 2.20
2565 		 */
2566 		public bool getMapped()
2567 		{
2568 			return gtk_widget_get_mapped(gtkWidget) != 0;
2569 		}
2571 		/**
2572 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-bottom property.
2573 		 *
2574 		 * Returns: The bottom margin of @widget
2575 		 *
2576 		 * Since: 3.0
2577 		 */
2578 		public int getMarginBottom()
2579 		{
2580 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_bottom(gtkWidget);
2581 		}
2583 		/**
2584 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-end property.
2585 		 *
2586 		 * Returns: The end margin of @widget
2587 		 *
2588 		 * Since: 3.12
2589 		 */
2590 		public int getMarginEnd()
2591 		{
2592 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_end(gtkWidget);
2593 		}
2595 		/**
2596 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-left property.
2597 		 *
2598 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_margin_start() instead.
2599 		 *
2600 		 * Returns: The left margin of @widget
2601 		 *
2602 		 * Since: 3.0
2603 		 */
2604 		public int getMarginLeft()
2605 		{
2606 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_left(gtkWidget);
2607 		}
2609 		/**
2610 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-right property.
2611 		 *
2612 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_margin_end() instead.
2613 		 *
2614 		 * Returns: The right margin of @widget
2615 		 *
2616 		 * Since: 3.0
2617 		 */
2618 		public int getMarginRight()
2619 		{
2620 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_right(gtkWidget);
2621 		}
2623 		/**
2624 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-start property.
2625 		 *
2626 		 * Returns: The start margin of @widget
2627 		 *
2628 		 * Since: 3.12
2629 		 */
2630 		public int getMarginStart()
2631 		{
2632 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_start(gtkWidget);
2633 		}
2635 		/**
2636 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:margin-top property.
2637 		 *
2638 		 * Returns: The top margin of @widget
2639 		 *
2640 		 * Since: 3.0
2641 		 */
2642 		public int getMarginTop()
2643 		{
2644 			return gtk_widget_get_margin_top(gtkWidget);
2645 		}
2647 		/**
2648 		 * Returns the modifier mask the @widget’s windowing system backend
2649 		 * uses for a particular purpose.
2650 		 *
2651 		 * See gdk_keymap_get_modifier_mask().
2652 		 *
2653 		 * Params:
2654 		 *     intent = the use case for the modifier mask
2655 		 *
2656 		 * Returns: the modifier mask used for @intent.
2657 		 *
2658 		 * Since: 3.4
2659 		 */
2660 		public GdkModifierType getModifierMask(GdkModifierIntent intent)
2661 		{
2662 			return gtk_widget_get_modifier_mask(gtkWidget, intent);
2663 		}
2665 		/**
2666 		 * Returns the current modifier style for the widget. (As set by
2667 		 * gtk_widget_modify_style().) If no style has previously set, a new
2668 		 * #GtkRcStyle will be created with all values unset, and set as the
2669 		 * modifier style for the widget. If you make changes to this rc
2670 		 * style, you must call gtk_widget_modify_style(), passing in the
2671 		 * returned rc style, to make sure that your changes take effect.
2672 		 *
2673 		 * Caution: passing the style back to gtk_widget_modify_style() will
2674 		 * normally end up destroying it, because gtk_widget_modify_style() copies
2675 		 * the passed-in style and sets the copy as the new modifier style,
2676 		 * thus dropping any reference to the old modifier style. Add a reference
2677 		 * to the modifier style if you want to keep it alive.
2678 		 *
2679 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext with a custom #GtkStyleProvider instead
2680 		 *
2681 		 * Returns: the modifier style for the widget.
2682 		 *     This rc style is owned by the widget. If you want to keep a
2683 		 *     pointer to value this around, you must add a refcount using
2684 		 *     g_object_ref().
2685 		 */
2686 		public RcStyle getModifierStyle()
2687 		{
2688 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_modifier_style(gtkWidget);
2690 			if(p is null)
2691 			{
2692 				return null;
2693 			}
2695 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(RcStyle)(cast(GtkRcStyle*) p);
2696 		}
2698 		/**
2699 		 * Retrieves the name of a widget. See gtk_widget_set_name() for the
2700 		 * significance of widget names.
2701 		 *
2702 		 * Returns: name of the widget. This string is owned by GTK+ and
2703 		 *     should not be modified or freed
2704 		 */
2705 		public string getName()
2706 		{
2707 			return Str.toString(gtk_widget_get_name(gtkWidget));
2708 		}
2710 		/**
2711 		 * Returns the current value of the #GtkWidget:no-show-all property,
2712 		 * which determines whether calls to gtk_widget_show_all()
2713 		 * will affect this widget.
2714 		 *
2715 		 * Returns: the current value of the “no-show-all” property.
2716 		 *
2717 		 * Since: 2.4
2718 		 */
2719 		public bool getNoShowAll()
2720 		{
2721 			return gtk_widget_get_no_show_all(gtkWidget) != 0;
2722 		}
2724 		/**
2725 		 * Fetches the requested opacity for this widget.
2726 		 * See gtk_widget_set_opacity().
2727 		 *
2728 		 * Returns: the requested opacity for this widget.
2729 		 *
2730 		 * Since: 3.8
2731 		 */
2732 		public double getOpacity()
2733 		{
2734 			return gtk_widget_get_opacity(gtkWidget);
2735 		}
2737 		/**
2738 		 * Gets a #PangoContext with the appropriate font map, font description,
2739 		 * and base direction for this widget. Unlike the context returned
2740 		 * by gtk_widget_create_pango_context(), this context is owned by
2741 		 * the widget (it can be used until the screen for the widget changes
2742 		 * or the widget is removed from its toplevel), and will be updated to
2743 		 * match any changes to the widget’s attributes. This can be tracked
2744 		 * by using the #GtkWidget::screen-changed signal on the widget.
2745 		 *
2746 		 * Returns: the #PangoContext for the widget.
2747 		 */
2748 		public PgContext getPangoContext()
2749 		{
2750 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_pango_context(gtkWidget);
2752 			if(p is null)
2753 			{
2754 				return null;
2755 			}
2757 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgContext)(cast(PangoContext*) p);
2758 		}
2760 		/**
2761 		 * Returns the parent container of @widget.
2762 		 *
2763 		 * Returns: the parent container of @widget, or %NULL
2764 		 */
2765 		public Widget getParent()
2766 		{
2767 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_parent(gtkWidget);
2769 			if(p is null)
2770 			{
2771 				return null;
2772 			}
2774 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(cast(GtkWidget*) p);
2775 		}
2777 		/**
2778 		 * Gets @widget’s parent window, or %NULL if it does not have one.
2779 		 *
2780 		 * Returns: the parent window of @widget, or %NULL
2781 		 *     if it does not have a parent window.
2782 		 */
2783 		public GdkWin getParentWindow()
2784 		{
2785 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_parent_window(gtkWidget);
2787 			if(p is null)
2788 			{
2789 				return null;
2790 			}
2792 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(GdkWin)(cast(GdkWindow*) p);
2793 		}
2795 		/**
2796 		 * Returns the #GtkWidgetPath representing @widget, if the widget
2797 		 * is not connected to a toplevel widget, a partial path will be
2798 		 * created.
2799 		 *
2800 		 * Returns: The #GtkWidgetPath representing @widget
2801 		 */
2802 		public WidgetPath getPath()
2803 		{
2804 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_path(gtkWidget);
2806 			if(p is null)
2807 			{
2808 				return null;
2809 			}
2811 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(WidgetPath)(cast(GtkWidgetPath*) p);
2812 		}
2814 		/**
2815 		 * Obtains the location of the mouse pointer in widget coordinates.
2816 		 * Widget coordinates are a bit odd; for historical reasons, they are
2817 		 * defined as @widget->window coordinates for widgets that return %TRUE for
2818 		 * gtk_widget_get_has_window(); and are relative to @widget->allocation.x,
2819 		 * @widget->allocation.y otherwise.
2820 		 *
2821 		 * Deprecated: Use gdk_window_get_device_position() instead.
2822 		 *
2823 		 * Params:
2824 		 *     x = return location for the X coordinate, or %NULL
2825 		 *     y = return location for the Y coordinate, or %NULL
2826 		 */
2827 		public void getPointer(out int x, out int y)
2828 		{
2829 			gtk_widget_get_pointer(gtkWidget, &x, &y);
2830 		}
2832 		/**
2833 		 * Retrieves a widget’s initial minimum and natural height.
2834 		 *
2835 		 * This call is specific to width-for-height requests.
2836 		 *
2837 		 * The returned request will be modified by the
2838 		 * GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_request virtual method and by any
2839 		 * #GtkSizeGroups that have been applied. That is, the returned request
2840 		 * is the one that should be used for layout, not necessarily the one
2841 		 * returned by the widget itself.
2842 		 *
2843 		 * Params:
2844 		 *     minimumHeight = location to store the minimum height, or %NULL
2845 		 *     naturalHeight = location to store the natural height, or %NULL
2846 		 *
2847 		 * Since: 3.0
2848 		 */
2849 		public void getPreferredHeight(out int minimumHeight, out int naturalHeight)
2850 		{
2851 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_height(gtkWidget, &minimumHeight, &naturalHeight);
2852 		}
2854 		/**
2855 		 * Retrieves a widget’s minimum and natural height and the corresponding baselines if it would be given
2856 		 * the specified @width, or the default height if @width is -1. The baselines may be -1 which means
2857 		 * that no baseline is requested for this widget.
2858 		 *
2859 		 * The returned request will be modified by the
2860 		 * GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_request and GtkWidgetClass::adjust_baseline_request virtual methods
2861 		 * and by any #GtkSizeGroups that have been applied. That is, the returned request
2862 		 * is the one that should be used for layout, not necessarily the one
2863 		 * returned by the widget itself.
2864 		 *
2865 		 * Params:
2866 		 *     width = the width which is available for allocation, or -1 if none
2867 		 *     minimumHeight = location for storing the minimum height, or %NULL
2868 		 *     naturalHeight = location for storing the natural height, or %NULL
2869 		 *     minimumBaseline = location for storing the baseline for the minimum height, or %NULL
2870 		 *     naturalBaseline = location for storing the baseline for the natural height, or %NULL
2871 		 *
2872 		 * Since: 3.10
2873 		 */
2874 		public void getPreferredHeightAndBaselineForWidth(int width, out int minimumHeight, out int naturalHeight, out int minimumBaseline, out int naturalBaseline)
2875 		{
2876 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width(gtkWidget, width, &minimumHeight, &naturalHeight, &minimumBaseline, &naturalBaseline);
2877 		}
2879 		/**
2880 		 * Retrieves a widget’s minimum and natural height if it would be given
2881 		 * the specified @width.
2882 		 *
2883 		 * The returned request will be modified by the
2884 		 * GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_request virtual method and by any
2885 		 * #GtkSizeGroups that have been applied. That is, the returned request
2886 		 * is the one that should be used for layout, not necessarily the one
2887 		 * returned by the widget itself.
2888 		 *
2889 		 * Params:
2890 		 *     width = the width which is available for allocation
2891 		 *     minimumHeight = location for storing the minimum height, or %NULL
2892 		 *     naturalHeight = location for storing the natural height, or %NULL
2893 		 *
2894 		 * Since: 3.0
2895 		 */
2896 		public void getPreferredHeightForWidth(int width, out int minimumHeight, out int naturalHeight)
2897 		{
2898 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width(gtkWidget, width, &minimumHeight, &naturalHeight);
2899 		}
2901 		/**
2902 		 * Retrieves the minimum and natural size of a widget, taking
2903 		 * into account the widget’s preference for height-for-width management.
2904 		 *
2905 		 * This is used to retrieve a suitable size by container widgets which do
2906 		 * not impose any restrictions on the child placement. It can be used
2907 		 * to deduce toplevel window and menu sizes as well as child widgets in
2908 		 * free-form containers such as GtkLayout.
2909 		 *
2910 		 * Handle with care. Note that the natural height of a height-for-width
2911 		 * widget will generally be a smaller size than the minimum height, since the required
2912 		 * height for the natural width is generally smaller than the required height for
2913 		 * the minimum width.
2914 		 *
2915 		 * Use gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_and_baseline_for_width() if you want to support
2916 		 * baseline alignment.
2917 		 *
2918 		 * Params:
2919 		 *     minimumSize = location for storing the minimum size, or %NULL
2920 		 *     naturalSize = location for storing the natural size, or %NULL
2921 		 *
2922 		 * Since: 3.0
2923 		 */
2924 		public void getPreferredSize(out Requisition minimumSize, out Requisition naturalSize)
2925 		{
2926 			GtkRequisition* outminimumSize = gMalloc!GtkRequisition();
2927 			GtkRequisition* outnaturalSize = gMalloc!GtkRequisition();
2929 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(gtkWidget, outminimumSize, outnaturalSize);
2931 			minimumSize = ObjectG.getDObject!(Requisition)(outminimumSize, true);
2932 			naturalSize = ObjectG.getDObject!(Requisition)(outnaturalSize, true);
2933 		}
2935 		/**
2936 		 * Retrieves a widget’s initial minimum and natural width.
2937 		 *
2938 		 * This call is specific to height-for-width requests.
2939 		 *
2940 		 * The returned request will be modified by the
2941 		 * GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_request virtual method and by any
2942 		 * #GtkSizeGroups that have been applied. That is, the returned request
2943 		 * is the one that should be used for layout, not necessarily the one
2944 		 * returned by the widget itself.
2945 		 *
2946 		 * Params:
2947 		 *     minimumWidth = location to store the minimum width, or %NULL
2948 		 *     naturalWidth = location to store the natural width, or %NULL
2949 		 *
2950 		 * Since: 3.0
2951 		 */
2952 		public void getPreferredWidth(out int minimumWidth, out int naturalWidth)
2953 		{
2954 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_width(gtkWidget, &minimumWidth, &naturalWidth);
2955 		}
2957 		/**
2958 		 * Retrieves a widget’s minimum and natural width if it would be given
2959 		 * the specified @height.
2960 		 *
2961 		 * The returned request will be modified by the
2962 		 * GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_request virtual method and by any
2963 		 * #GtkSizeGroups that have been applied. That is, the returned request
2964 		 * is the one that should be used for layout, not necessarily the one
2965 		 * returned by the widget itself.
2966 		 *
2967 		 * Params:
2968 		 *     height = the height which is available for allocation
2969 		 *     minimumWidth = location for storing the minimum width, or %NULL
2970 		 *     naturalWidth = location for storing the natural width, or %NULL
2971 		 *
2972 		 * Since: 3.0
2973 		 */
2974 		public void getPreferredWidthForHeight(int height, out int minimumWidth, out int naturalWidth)
2975 		{
2976 			gtk_widget_get_preferred_width_for_height(gtkWidget, height, &minimumWidth, &naturalWidth);
2977 		}
2979 		/**
2980 		 * Determines whether @widget is realized.
2981 		 *
2982 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is realized, %FALSE otherwise
2983 		 *
2984 		 * Since: 2.20
2985 		 */
2986 		public bool getRealized()
2987 		{
2988 			return gtk_widget_get_realized(gtkWidget) != 0;
2989 		}
2991 		/**
2992 		 * Determines whether @widget is always treated as the default widget
2993 		 * within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget
2994 		 * is the default.
2995 		 *
2996 		 * See gtk_widget_set_receives_default().
2997 		 *
2998 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget acts as the default widget when focused,
2999 		 *     %FALSE otherwise
3000 		 *
3001 		 * Since: 2.18
3002 		 */
3003 		public bool getReceivesDefault()
3004 		{
3005 			return gtk_widget_get_receives_default(gtkWidget) != 0;
3006 		}
3008 		/**
3009 		 * Gets whether the widget prefers a height-for-width layout
3010 		 * or a width-for-height layout.
3011 		 *
3012 		 * #GtkBin widgets generally propagate the preference of
3013 		 * their child, container widgets need to request something either in
3014 		 * context of their children or in context of their allocation
3015 		 * capabilities.
3016 		 *
3017 		 * Returns: The #GtkSizeRequestMode preferred by @widget.
3018 		 *
3019 		 * Since: 3.0
3020 		 */
3021 		public GtkSizeRequestMode getRequestMode()
3022 		{
3023 			return gtk_widget_get_request_mode(gtkWidget);
3024 		}
3026 		/**
3027 		 * Retrieves the widget’s requisition.
3028 		 *
3029 		 * This function should only be used by widget implementations in
3030 		 * order to figure whether the widget’s requisition has actually
3031 		 * changed after some internal state change (so that they can call
3032 		 * gtk_widget_queue_resize() instead of gtk_widget_queue_draw()).
3033 		 *
3034 		 * Normally, gtk_widget_size_request() should be used.
3035 		 *
3036 		 * Deprecated: The #GtkRequisition cache on the widget was
3037 		 * removed, If you need to cache sizes across requests and allocations,
3038 		 * add an explicit cache to the widget in question instead.
3039 		 *
3040 		 * Params:
3041 		 *     requisition = a pointer to a #GtkRequisition to copy to
3042 		 *
3043 		 * Since: 2.20
3044 		 */
3045 		public void getRequisition(out Requisition requisition)
3046 		{
3047 			GtkRequisition* outrequisition = gMalloc!GtkRequisition();
3049 			gtk_widget_get_requisition(gtkWidget, outrequisition);
3051 			requisition = ObjectG.getDObject!(Requisition)(outrequisition, true);
3052 		}
3054 		/**
3055 		 * Get the root window where this widget is located. This function can
3056 		 * only be called after the widget has been added to a widget
3057 		 * hierarchy with #GtkWindow at the top.
3058 		 *
3059 		 * The root window is useful for such purposes as creating a popup
3060 		 * #GdkWindow associated with the window. In general, you should only
3061 		 * create display specific resources when a widget has been realized,
3062 		 * and you should free those resources when the widget is unrealized.
3063 		 *
3064 		 * Deprecated: Use gdk_screen_get_root_window() instead
3065 		 *
3066 		 * Returns: the #GdkWindow root window for the toplevel for this widget.
3067 		 *
3068 		 * Since: 2.2
3069 		 */
3070 		public GdkWin getRootWindow()
3071 		{
3072 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_root_window(gtkWidget);
3074 			if(p is null)
3075 			{
3076 				return null;
3077 			}
3079 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(GdkWin)(cast(GdkWindow*) p);
3080 		}
3082 		/**
3083 		 * Retrieves the internal scale factor that maps from window coordinates
3084 		 * to the actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, on
3085 		 * high density outputs, it can be a higher value (typically 2).
3086 		 *
3087 		 * See gdk_window_get_scale_factor().
3088 		 *
3089 		 * Returns: the scale factor for @widget
3090 		 *
3091 		 * Since: 3.10
3092 		 */
3093 		public int getScaleFactor()
3094 		{
3095 			return gtk_widget_get_scale_factor(gtkWidget);
3096 		}
3098 		/**
3099 		 * Get the #GdkScreen from the toplevel window associated with
3100 		 * this widget. This function can only be called after the widget
3101 		 * has been added to a widget hierarchy with a #GtkWindow
3102 		 * at the top.
3103 		 *
3104 		 * In general, you should only create screen specific
3105 		 * resources when a widget has been realized, and you should
3106 		 * free those resources when the widget is unrealized.
3107 		 *
3108 		 * Returns: the #GdkScreen for the toplevel for this widget.
3109 		 *
3110 		 * Since: 2.2
3111 		 */
3112 		public Screen getScreen()
3113 		{
3114 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_screen(gtkWidget);
3116 			if(p is null)
3117 			{
3118 				return null;
3119 			}
3121 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Screen)(cast(GdkScreen*) p);
3122 		}
3124 		/**
3125 		 * Returns the widget’s sensitivity (in the sense of returning
3126 		 * the value that has been set using gtk_widget_set_sensitive()).
3127 		 *
3128 		 * The effective sensitivity of a widget is however determined by both its
3129 		 * own and its parent widget’s sensitivity. See gtk_widget_is_sensitive().
3130 		 *
3131 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is sensitive
3132 		 *
3133 		 * Since: 2.18
3134 		 */
3135 		public bool getSensitive()
3136 		{
3137 			return gtk_widget_get_sensitive(gtkWidget) != 0;
3138 		}
3140 		/**
3141 		 * Gets the settings object holding the settings used for this widget.
3142 		 *
3143 		 * Note that this function can only be called when the #GtkWidget
3144 		 * is attached to a toplevel, since the settings object is specific
3145 		 * to a particular #GdkScreen.
3146 		 *
3147 		 * Returns: the relevant #GtkSettings object
3148 		 */
3149 		public Settings getSettings()
3150 		{
3151 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_settings(gtkWidget);
3153 			if(p is null)
3154 			{
3155 				return null;
3156 			}
3158 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Settings)(cast(GtkSettings*) p);
3159 		}
3161 		/**
3162 		 * Gets the size request that was explicitly set for the widget using
3163 		 * gtk_widget_set_size_request(). A value of -1 stored in @width or
3164 		 * @height indicates that that dimension has not been set explicitly
3165 		 * and the natural requisition of the widget will be used instead. See
3166 		 * gtk_widget_set_size_request(). To get the size a widget will
3167 		 * actually request, call gtk_widget_get_preferred_size() instead of
3168 		 * this function.
3169 		 *
3170 		 * Params:
3171 		 *     width = return location for width, or %NULL
3172 		 *     height = return location for height, or %NULL
3173 		 */
3174 		public void getSizeRequest(out int width, out int height)
3175 		{
3176 			gtk_widget_get_size_request(gtkWidget, &width, &height);
3177 		}
3179 		/**
3180 		 * Returns the widget state as a flag set. It is worth mentioning
3181 		 * that the effective %GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE state will be
3182 		 * returned, that is, also based on parent insensitivity, even if
3183 		 * @widget itself is sensitive.
3184 		 *
3185 		 * Also note that if you are looking for a way to obtain the
3186 		 * #GtkStateFlags to pass to a #GtkStyleContext method, you
3187 		 * should look at gtk_style_context_get_state().
3188 		 *
3189 		 * Returns: The state flags for widget
3190 		 *
3191 		 * Since: 3.0
3192 		 */
3193 		public GtkStateFlags getStateFlags()
3194 		{
3195 			return gtk_widget_get_state_flags(gtkWidget);
3196 		}
3198 		/**
3199 		 * Simply an accessor function that returns @widget->style.
3200 		 *
3201 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
3202 		 *
3203 		 * Returns: the widget’s #GtkStyle
3204 		 */
3205 		public Style getStyle()
3206 		{
3207 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_style(gtkWidget);
3209 			if(p is null)
3210 			{
3211 				return null;
3212 			}
3214 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Style)(cast(GtkStyle*) p);
3215 		}
3217 		/**
3218 		 * Returns the style context associated to @widget. The returned object is
3219 		 * guaranteed to be the same for the lifetime of @widget.
3220 		 *
3221 		 * Returns: a #GtkStyleContext. This memory is owned by @widget and
3222 		 *     must not be freed.
3223 		 */
3224 		public StyleContext getStyleContext()
3225 		{
3226 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_style_context(gtkWidget);
3228 			if(p is null)
3229 			{
3230 				return null;
3231 			}
3233 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(StyleContext)(cast(GtkStyleContext*) p);
3234 		}
3236 		/**
3237 		 * Returns %TRUE if @widget is multiple pointer aware. See
3238 		 * gtk_widget_set_support_multidevice() for more information.
3239 		 *
3240 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is multidevice aware.
3241 		 */
3242 		public bool getSupportMultidevice()
3243 		{
3244 			return gtk_widget_get_support_multidevice(gtkWidget) != 0;
3245 		}
3247 		/**
3248 		 * Fetch an object build from the template XML for @widget_type in this @widget instance.
3249 		 *
3250 		 * This will only report children which were previously declared with
3251 		 * gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full() or one of its
3252 		 * variants.
3253 		 *
3254 		 * This function is only meant to be called for code which is private to the @widget_type which
3255 		 * declared the child and is meant for language bindings which cannot easily make use
3256 		 * of the GObject structure offsets.
3257 		 *
3258 		 * Params:
3259 		 *     widgetType = The #GType to get a template child for
3260 		 *     name = The “id” of the child defined in the template XML
3261 		 *
3262 		 * Returns: The object built in the template XML with the id @name
3263 		 */
3264 		public ObjectG getTemplateChild(GType widgetType, string name)
3265 		{
3266 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_template_child(gtkWidget, widgetType, Str.toStringz(name));
3268 			if(p is null)
3269 			{
3270 				return null;
3271 			}
3273 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(ObjectG)(cast(GObject*) p);
3274 		}
3276 		/**
3277 		 * Gets the contents of the tooltip for @widget.
3278 		 *
3279 		 * Returns: the tooltip text, or %NULL. You should free the
3280 		 *     returned string with g_free() when done.
3281 		 *
3282 		 * Since: 2.12
3283 		 */
3284 		public string getTooltipMarkup()
3285 		{
3286 			auto retStr = gtk_widget_get_tooltip_markup(gtkWidget);
3288 			scope(exit) Str.freeString(retStr);
3289 			return Str.toString(retStr);
3290 		}
3292 		/**
3293 		 * Gets the contents of the tooltip for @widget.
3294 		 *
3295 		 * Returns: the tooltip text, or %NULL. You should free the
3296 		 *     returned string with g_free() when done.
3297 		 *
3298 		 * Since: 2.12
3299 		 */
3300 		public string getTooltipText()
3301 		{
3302 			auto retStr = gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text(gtkWidget);
3304 			scope(exit) Str.freeString(retStr);
3305 			return Str.toString(retStr);
3306 		}
3308 		/**
3309 		 * Returns the #GtkWindow of the current tooltip. This can be the
3310 		 * GtkWindow created by default, or the custom tooltip window set
3311 		 * using gtk_widget_set_tooltip_window().
3312 		 *
3313 		 * Returns: The #GtkWindow of the current tooltip.
3314 		 *
3315 		 * Since: 2.12
3316 		 */
3317 		public Window getTooltipWindow()
3318 		{
3319 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_tooltip_window(gtkWidget);
3321 			if(p is null)
3322 			{
3323 				return null;
3324 			}
3326 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Window)(cast(GtkWindow*) p);
3327 		}
3329 		/**
3330 		 * This function returns the topmost widget in the container hierarchy
3331 		 * @widget is a part of. If @widget has no parent widgets, it will be
3332 		 * returned as the topmost widget. No reference will be added to the
3333 		 * returned widget; it should not be unreferenced.
3334 		 *
3335 		 * Note the difference in behavior vs. gtk_widget_get_ancestor();
3336 		 * `gtk_widget_get_ancestor (widget, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW)`
3337 		 * would return
3338 		 * %NULL if @widget wasn’t inside a toplevel window, and if the
3339 		 * window was inside a #GtkWindow-derived widget which was in turn
3340 		 * inside the toplevel #GtkWindow. While the second case may
3341 		 * seem unlikely, it actually happens when a #GtkPlug is embedded
3342 		 * inside a #GtkSocket within the same application.
3343 		 *
3344 		 * To reliably find the toplevel #GtkWindow, use
3345 		 * gtk_widget_get_toplevel() and call gtk_widget_is_toplevel()
3346 		 * on the result.
3347 		 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
3348 		 * GtkWidget *toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (widget);
3349 		 * if (gtk_widget_is_toplevel (toplevel))
3350 		 * {
3351 		 * // Perform action on toplevel.
3352 		 * }
3353 		 * ]|
3354 		 *
3355 		 * Returns: the topmost ancestor of @widget, or @widget itself
3356 		 *     if there’s no ancestor.
3357 		 */
3358 		public Widget getToplevel()
3359 		{
3360 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(gtkWidget);
3362 			if(p is null)
3363 			{
3364 				return null;
3365 			}
3367 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(cast(GtkWidget*) p);
3368 		}
3370 		/**
3371 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:valign property.
3372 		 *
3373 		 * For backwards compatibility reasons this method will never return
3374 		 * %GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE, but instead it will convert it to
3375 		 * %GTK_ALIGN_FILL. If your widget want to support baseline aligned
3376 		 * children it must use gtk_widget_get_valign_with_baseline(), or
3377 		 * `g_object_get (widget, "valign", &value, NULL)`, which will
3378 		 * also report the true value.
3379 		 *
3380 		 * Returns: the vertical alignment of @widget, ignoring baseline alignment
3381 		 */
3382 		public GtkAlign getValign()
3383 		{
3384 			return gtk_widget_get_valign(gtkWidget);
3385 		}
3387 		/**
3388 		 * Gets the value of the #GtkWidget:valign property, including
3390 		 *
3391 		 * Returns: the vertical alignment of @widget
3392 		 *
3393 		 * Since: 3.10
3394 		 */
3395 		public GtkAlign getValignWithBaseline()
3396 		{
3397 			return gtk_widget_get_valign_with_baseline(gtkWidget);
3398 		}
3400 		/**
3401 		 * Gets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical
3402 		 * space.
3403 		 *
3404 		 * See gtk_widget_get_hexpand() for more detail.
3405 		 *
3406 		 * Returns: whether vexpand flag is set
3407 		 */
3408 		public bool getVexpand()
3409 		{
3410 			return gtk_widget_get_vexpand(gtkWidget) != 0;
3411 		}
3413 		/**
3414 		 * Gets whether gtk_widget_set_vexpand() has been used to
3415 		 * explicitly set the expand flag on this widget.
3416 		 *
3417 		 * See gtk_widget_get_hexpand_set() for more detail.
3418 		 *
3419 		 * Returns: whether vexpand has been explicitly set
3420 		 */
3421 		public bool getVexpandSet()
3422 		{
3423 			return gtk_widget_get_vexpand_set(gtkWidget) != 0;
3424 		}
3426 		/**
3427 		 * Determines whether the widget is visible. If you want to
3428 		 * take into account whether the widget’s parent is also marked as
3429 		 * visible, use gtk_widget_is_visible() instead.
3430 		 *
3431 		 * This function does not check if the widget is obscured in any way.
3432 		 *
3433 		 * See gtk_widget_set_visible().
3434 		 *
3435 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is visible
3436 		 *
3437 		 * Since: 2.18
3438 		 */
3439 		public bool getVisible()
3440 		{
3441 			return gtk_widget_get_visible(gtkWidget) != 0;
3442 		}
3444 		/**
3445 		 * Gets the visual that will be used to render @widget.
3446 		 *
3447 		 * Returns: the visual for @widget
3448 		 */
3449 		public Visual getVisual()
3450 		{
3451 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_visual(gtkWidget);
3453 			if(p is null)
3454 			{
3455 				return null;
3456 			}
3458 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Visual)(cast(GdkVisual*) p);
3459 		}
3461 		/**
3462 		 * Returns the widget’s window if it is realized, %NULL otherwise
3463 		 *
3464 		 * Returns: @widget’s window.
3465 		 *
3466 		 * Since: 2.14
3467 		 */
3468 		public GdkWin getWindow()
3469 		{
3470 			auto p = gtk_widget_get_window(gtkWidget);
3472 			if(p is null)
3473 			{
3474 				return null;
3475 			}
3477 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(GdkWin)(cast(GdkWindow*) p);
3478 		}
3480 		/**
3481 		 * Makes @widget the current grabbed widget.
3482 		 *
3483 		 * This means that interaction with other widgets in the same
3484 		 * application is blocked and mouse as well as keyboard events
3485 		 * are delivered to this widget.
3486 		 *
3487 		 * If @widget is not sensitive, it is not set as the current
3488 		 * grabbed widget and this function does nothing.
3489 		 */
3490 		public void grabAdd()
3491 		{
3492 			gtk_grab_add(gtkWidget);
3493 		}
3495 		/**
3496 		 * Causes @widget to become the default widget. @widget must be able to be
3497 		 * a default widget; typically you would ensure this yourself
3498 		 * by calling gtk_widget_set_can_default() with a %TRUE value.
3499 		 * The default widget is activated when
3500 		 * the user presses Enter in a window. Default widgets must be
3501 		 * activatable, that is, gtk_widget_activate() should affect them. Note
3502 		 * that #GtkEntry widgets require the “activates-default” property
3503 		 * set to %TRUE before they activate the default widget when Enter
3504 		 * is pressed and the #GtkEntry is focused.
3505 		 */
3506 		public void grabDefault()
3507 		{
3508 			gtk_widget_grab_default(gtkWidget);
3509 		}
3511 		/**
3512 		 * Causes @widget to have the keyboard focus for the #GtkWindow it's
3513 		 * inside. @widget must be a focusable widget, such as a #GtkEntry;
3514 		 * something like #GtkFrame won’t work.
3515 		 *
3516 		 * More precisely, it must have the %GTK_CAN_FOCUS flag set. Use
3517 		 * gtk_widget_set_can_focus() to modify that flag.
3518 		 *
3519 		 * The widget also needs to be realized and mapped. This is indicated by the
3520 		 * related signals. Grabbing the focus immediately after creating the widget
3521 		 * will likely fail and cause critical warnings.
3522 		 */
3523 		public void grabFocus()
3524 		{
3525 			gtk_widget_grab_focus(gtkWidget);
3526 		}
3528 		/**
3529 		 * Removes the grab from the given widget.
3530 		 *
3531 		 * You have to pair calls to gtk_grab_add() and gtk_grab_remove().
3532 		 *
3533 		 * If @widget does not have the grab, this function does nothing.
3534 		 */
3535 		public void grabRemove()
3536 		{
3537 			gtk_grab_remove(gtkWidget);
3538 		}
3540 		/**
3541 		 * Determines whether @widget is the current default widget within its
3542 		 * toplevel. See gtk_widget_set_can_default().
3543 		 *
3544 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is the current default widget within
3545 		 *     its toplevel, %FALSE otherwise
3546 		 *
3547 		 * Since: 2.18
3548 		 */
3549 		public bool hasDefault()
3550 		{
3551 			return gtk_widget_has_default(gtkWidget) != 0;
3552 		}
3554 		/**
3555 		 * Determines if the widget has the global input focus. See
3556 		 * gtk_widget_is_focus() for the difference between having the global
3557 		 * input focus, and only having the focus within a toplevel.
3558 		 *
3559 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget has the global input focus.
3560 		 *
3561 		 * Since: 2.18
3562 		 */
3563 		public bool hasFocus()
3564 		{
3565 			return gtk_widget_has_focus(gtkWidget) != 0;
3566 		}
3568 		/**
3569 		 * Determines whether the widget is currently grabbing events, so it
3570 		 * is the only widget receiving input events (keyboard and mouse).
3571 		 *
3572 		 * See also gtk_grab_add().
3573 		 *
3574 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is in the grab_widgets stack
3575 		 *
3576 		 * Since: 2.18
3577 		 */
3578 		public bool hasGrab()
3579 		{
3580 			return gtk_widget_has_grab(gtkWidget) != 0;
3581 		}
3583 		/**
3584 		 * Determines if the widget style has been looked up through the rc mechanism.
3585 		 *
3586 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
3587 		 *
3588 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget has been looked up through the rc
3589 		 *     mechanism, %FALSE otherwise.
3590 		 *
3591 		 * Since: 2.20
3592 		 */
3593 		public bool hasRcStyle()
3594 		{
3595 			return gtk_widget_has_rc_style(gtkWidget) != 0;
3596 		}
3598 		/**
3599 		 * Checks whether there is a #GdkScreen is associated with
3600 		 * this widget. All toplevel widgets have an associated
3601 		 * screen, and all widgets added into a hierarchy with a toplevel
3602 		 * window at the top.
3603 		 *
3604 		 * Returns: %TRUE if there is a #GdkScreen associated
3605 		 *     with the widget.
3606 		 *
3607 		 * Since: 2.2
3608 		 */
3609 		public bool hasScreen()
3610 		{
3611 			return gtk_widget_has_screen(gtkWidget) != 0;
3612 		}
3614 		/**
3615 		 * Determines if the widget should show a visible indication that
3616 		 * it has the global input focus. This is a convenience function for
3617 		 * use in ::draw handlers that takes into account whether focus
3618 		 * indication should currently be shown in the toplevel window of
3619 		 * @widget. See gtk_window_get_focus_visible() for more information
3620 		 * about focus indication.
3621 		 *
3622 		 * To find out if the widget has the global input focus, use
3623 		 * gtk_widget_has_focus().
3624 		 *
3625 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget should display a “focus rectangle”
3626 		 *
3627 		 * Since: 3.2
3628 		 */
3629 		public bool hasVisibleFocus()
3630 		{
3631 			return gtk_widget_has_visible_focus(gtkWidget) != 0;
3632 		}
3634 		/**
3635 		 * Reverses the effects of gtk_widget_show(), causing the widget to be
3636 		 * hidden (invisible to the user).
3637 		 */
3638 		public void hide()
3639 		{
3640 			gtk_widget_hide(gtkWidget);
3641 		}
3643 		/**
3644 		 * Utility function; intended to be connected to the #GtkWidget::delete-event
3645 		 * signal on a #GtkWindow. The function calls gtk_widget_hide() on its
3646 		 * argument, then returns %TRUE. If connected to ::delete-event, the
3647 		 * result is that clicking the close button for a window (on the
3648 		 * window frame, top right corner usually) will hide but not destroy
3649 		 * the window. By default, GTK+ destroys windows when ::delete-event
3650 		 * is received.
3651 		 *
3652 		 * Returns: %TRUE
3653 		 */
3654 		public bool hideOnDelete()
3655 		{
3656 			return gtk_widget_hide_on_delete(gtkWidget) != 0;
3657 		}
3659 		/**
3660 		 * Returns whether the widget is currently being destroyed.
3661 		 * This information can sometimes be used to avoid doing
3662 		 * unnecessary work.
3663 		 *
3664 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is being destroyed
3665 		 */
3666 		public bool inDestruction()
3667 		{
3668 			return gtk_widget_in_destruction(gtkWidget) != 0;
3669 		}
3671 		/**
3672 		 * Creates and initializes child widgets defined in templates. This
3673 		 * function must be called in the instance initializer for any
3674 		 * class which assigned itself a template using gtk_widget_class_set_template()
3675 		 *
3676 		 * It is important to call this function in the instance initializer
3677 		 * of a #GtkWidget subclass and not in #GObject.constructed() or
3678 		 * #GObject.constructor() for two reasons.
3679 		 *
3680 		 * One reason is that generally derived widgets will assume that parent
3681 		 * class composite widgets have been created in their instance
3682 		 * initializers.
3683 		 *
3684 		 * Another reason is that when calling g_object_new() on a widget with
3685 		 * composite templates, it’s important to build the composite widgets
3686 		 * before the construct properties are set. Properties passed to g_object_new()
3687 		 * should take precedence over properties set in the private template XML.
3688 		 *
3689 		 * Since: 3.10
3690 		 */
3691 		public void initTemplate()
3692 		{
3693 			gtk_widget_init_template(gtkWidget);
3694 		}
3696 		/**
3697 		 * Sets an input shape for this widget’s GDK window. This allows for
3698 		 * windows which react to mouse click in a nonrectangular region, see
3699 		 * gdk_window_input_shape_combine_region() for more information.
3700 		 *
3701 		 * Params:
3702 		 *     region = shape to be added, or %NULL to remove an existing shape
3703 		 *
3704 		 * Since: 3.0
3705 		 */
3706 		public void inputShapeCombineRegion(Region region)
3707 		{
3708 			gtk_widget_input_shape_combine_region(gtkWidget, (region is null) ? null : region.getRegionStruct());
3709 		}
3711 		/**
3712 		 * Inserts @group into @widget. Children of @widget that implement
3713 		 * #GtkActionable can then be associated with actions in @group by
3714 		 * setting their “action-name” to
3715 		 * @prefix.`action-name`.
3716 		 *
3717 		 * If @group is %NULL, a previously inserted group for @name is removed
3718 		 * from @widget.
3719 		 *
3720 		 * Params:
3721 		 *     name = the prefix for actions in @group
3722 		 *     group = a #GActionGroup, or %NULL
3723 		 *
3724 		 * Since: 3.6
3725 		 */
3726 		public void insertActionGroup(string name, ActionGroupIF group)
3727 		{
3728 			gtk_widget_insert_action_group(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(name), (group is null) ? null : group.getActionGroupStruct());
3729 		}
3731 		/**
3732 		 * Computes the intersection of a @widget’s area and @area, storing
3733 		 * the intersection in @intersection, and returns %TRUE if there was
3734 		 * an intersection.  @intersection may be %NULL if you’re only
3735 		 * interested in whether there was an intersection.
3736 		 *
3737 		 * Params:
3738 		 *     area = a rectangle
3739 		 *     intersection = rectangle to store
3740 		 *         intersection of @widget and @area
3741 		 *
3742 		 * Returns: %TRUE if there was an intersection
3743 		 */
3744 		public bool intersect(GdkRectangle* area, out GdkRectangle intersection)
3745 		{
3746 			return gtk_widget_intersect(gtkWidget, area, &intersection) != 0;
3747 		}
3749 		/**
3750 		 * Determines whether @widget is somewhere inside @ancestor, possibly with
3751 		 * intermediate containers.
3752 		 *
3753 		 * Params:
3754 		 *     ancestor = another #GtkWidget
3755 		 *
3756 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @ancestor contains @widget as a child,
3757 		 *     grandchild, great grandchild, etc.
3758 		 */
3759 		public bool isAncestor(Widget ancestor)
3760 		{
3761 			return gtk_widget_is_ancestor(gtkWidget, (ancestor is null) ? null : ancestor.getWidgetStruct()) != 0;
3762 		}
3764 		/**
3765 		 * Whether @widget can rely on having its alpha channel
3766 		 * drawn correctly. On X11 this function returns whether a
3767 		 * compositing manager is running for @widget’s screen.
3768 		 *
3769 		 * Please note that the semantics of this call will change
3770 		 * in the future if used on a widget that has a composited
3771 		 * window in its hierarchy (as set by gdk_window_set_composited()).
3772 		 *
3773 		 * Deprecated: Use gdk_screen_is_composited() instead.
3774 		 *
3775 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget can rely on its alpha
3776 		 *     channel being drawn correctly.
3777 		 *
3778 		 * Since: 2.10
3779 		 */
3780 		public bool isComposited()
3781 		{
3782 			return gtk_widget_is_composited(gtkWidget) != 0;
3783 		}
3785 		/**
3786 		 * Determines whether @widget can be drawn to. A widget can be drawn
3787 		 * to if it is mapped and visible.
3788 		 *
3789 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is drawable, %FALSE otherwise
3790 		 *
3791 		 * Since: 2.18
3792 		 */
3793 		public bool isDrawable()
3794 		{
3795 			return gtk_widget_is_drawable(gtkWidget) != 0;
3796 		}
3798 		/**
3799 		 * Determines if the widget is the focus widget within its
3800 		 * toplevel. (This does not mean that the #GtkWidget:has-focus property is
3801 		 * necessarily set; #GtkWidget:has-focus will only be set if the
3802 		 * toplevel widget additionally has the global input focus.)
3803 		 *
3804 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is the focus widget.
3805 		 */
3806 		public bool isFocus()
3807 		{
3808 			return gtk_widget_is_focus(gtkWidget) != 0;
3809 		}
3811 		/**
3812 		 * Returns the widget’s effective sensitivity, which means
3813 		 * it is sensitive itself and also its parent widget is sensitive
3814 		 *
3815 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget is effectively sensitive
3816 		 *
3817 		 * Since: 2.18
3818 		 */
3819 		public bool isSensitive()
3820 		{
3821 			return gtk_widget_is_sensitive(gtkWidget) != 0;
3822 		}
3824 		/**
3825 		 * Determines whether @widget is a toplevel widget.
3826 		 *
3827 		 * Currently only #GtkWindow and #GtkInvisible (and out-of-process
3828 		 * #GtkPlugs) are toplevel widgets. Toplevel widgets have no parent
3829 		 * widget.
3830 		 *
3831 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @widget is a toplevel, %FALSE otherwise
3832 		 *
3833 		 * Since: 2.18
3834 		 */
3835 		public bool isToplevel()
3836 		{
3837 			return gtk_widget_is_toplevel(gtkWidget) != 0;
3838 		}
3840 		/**
3841 		 * Determines whether the widget and all its parents are marked as
3842 		 * visible.
3843 		 *
3844 		 * This function does not check if the widget is obscured in any way.
3845 		 *
3846 		 * See also gtk_widget_get_visible() and gtk_widget_set_visible()
3847 		 *
3848 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the widget and all its parents are visible
3849 		 *
3850 		 * Since: 3.8
3851 		 */
3852 		public bool isVisible()
3853 		{
3854 			return gtk_widget_is_visible(gtkWidget) != 0;
3855 		}
3857 		/**
3858 		 * This function should be called whenever keyboard navigation within
3859 		 * a single widget hits a boundary. The function emits the
3860 		 * #GtkWidget::keynav-failed signal on the widget and its return
3861 		 * value should be interpreted in a way similar to the return value of
3862 		 * gtk_widget_child_focus():
3863 		 *
3864 		 * When %TRUE is returned, stay in the widget, the failed keyboard
3865 		 * navigation is OK and/or there is nowhere we can/should move the
3866 		 * focus to.
3867 		 *
3868 		 * When %FALSE is returned, the caller should continue with keyboard
3869 		 * navigation outside the widget, e.g. by calling
3870 		 * gtk_widget_child_focus() on the widget’s toplevel.
3871 		 *
3872 		 * The default ::keynav-failed handler returns %TRUE for
3873 		 * %GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD and %GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD. For the other
3874 		 * values of #GtkDirectionType it returns %FALSE.
3875 		 *
3876 		 * Whenever the default handler returns %TRUE, it also calls
3877 		 * gtk_widget_error_bell() to notify the user of the failed keyboard
3878 		 * navigation.
3879 		 *
3880 		 * A use case for providing an own implementation of ::keynav-failed
3881 		 * (either by connecting to it or by overriding it) would be a row of
3882 		 * #GtkEntry widgets where the user should be able to navigate the
3883 		 * entire row with the cursor keys, as e.g. known from user interfaces
3884 		 * that require entering license keys.
3885 		 *
3886 		 * Params:
3887 		 *     direction = direction of focus movement
3888 		 *
3889 		 * Returns: %TRUE if stopping keyboard navigation is fine, %FALSE
3890 		 *     if the emitting widget should try to handle the keyboard
3891 		 *     navigation attempt in its parent container(s).
3892 		 *
3893 		 * Since: 2.12
3894 		 */
3895 		public bool keynavFailed(GtkDirectionType direction)
3896 		{
3897 			return gtk_widget_keynav_failed(gtkWidget, direction) != 0;
3898 		}
3900 		/**
3901 		 * Lists the closures used by @widget for accelerator group connections
3902 		 * with gtk_accel_group_connect_by_path() or gtk_accel_group_connect().
3903 		 * The closures can be used to monitor accelerator changes on @widget,
3904 		 * by connecting to the @GtkAccelGroup::accel-changed signal of the
3905 		 * #GtkAccelGroup of a closure which can be found out with
3906 		 * gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure().
3907 		 *
3908 		 * Returns: a newly allocated #GList of closures
3909 		 */
3910 		public ListG listAccelClosures()
3911 		{
3912 			auto p = gtk_widget_list_accel_closures(gtkWidget);
3914 			if(p is null)
3915 			{
3916 				return null;
3917 			}
3919 			return new ListG(cast(GList*) p);
3920 		}
3922 		/**
3923 		 * Retrieves a %NULL-terminated array of strings containing the prefixes of
3924 		 * #GActionGroup's available to @widget.
3925 		 *
3926 		 * Returns: a %NULL-terminated array of strings.
3927 		 *
3928 		 * Since: 3.16
3929 		 */
3930 		public string[] listActionPrefixes()
3931 		{
3932 			return Str.toStringArray(gtk_widget_list_action_prefixes(gtkWidget));
3933 		}
3935 		/**
3936 		 * Returns a newly allocated list of the widgets, normally labels, for
3937 		 * which this widget is the target of a mnemonic (see for example,
3938 		 * gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget()).
3939 		 *
3940 		 * The widgets in the list are not individually referenced. If you
3941 		 * want to iterate through the list and perform actions involving
3942 		 * callbacks that might destroy the widgets, you
3943 		 * must call `g_list_foreach (result,
3944 		 * (GFunc)g_object_ref, NULL)` first, and then unref all the
3945 		 * widgets afterwards.
3946 		 *
3947 		 * Returns: the list of
3948 		 *     mnemonic labels; free this list
3949 		 *     with g_list_free() when you are done with it.
3950 		 *
3951 		 * Since: 2.4
3952 		 */
3953 		public ListG listMnemonicLabels()
3954 		{
3955 			auto p = gtk_widget_list_mnemonic_labels(gtkWidget);
3957 			if(p is null)
3958 			{
3959 				return null;
3960 			}
3962 			return new ListG(cast(GList*) p);
3963 		}
3965 		/**
3966 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations. Causes
3967 		 * a widget to be mapped if it isn’t already.
3968 		 */
3969 		public void map()
3970 		{
3971 			gtk_widget_map(gtkWidget);
3972 		}
3974 		/**
3975 		 * Emits the #GtkWidget::mnemonic-activate signal.
3976 		 *
3977 		 * Params:
3978 		 *     groupCycling = %TRUE if there are other widgets with the same mnemonic
3979 		 *
3980 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the signal has been handled
3981 		 */
3982 		public bool mnemonicActivate(bool groupCycling)
3983 		{
3984 			return gtk_widget_mnemonic_activate(gtkWidget, groupCycling) != 0;
3985 		}
3987 		/**
3988 		 * Sets the base color for a widget in a particular state.
3989 		 * All other style values are left untouched. The base color
3990 		 * is the background color used along with the text color
3991 		 * (see gtk_widget_modify_text()) for widgets such as #GtkEntry
3992 		 * and #GtkTextView. See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
3993 		 *
3994 		 * > Note that “no window” widgets (which have the %GTK_NO_WINDOW
3995 		 * > flag set) draw on their parent container’s window and thus may
3996 		 * > not draw any background themselves. This is the case for e.g.
3997 		 * > #GtkLabel.
3998 		 * >
3999 		 * > To modify the background of such widgets, you have to set the
4000 		 * > base color on their parent; if you want to set the background
4001 		 * > of a rectangular area around a label, try placing the label in
4002 		 * > a #GtkEventBox widget and setting the base color on that.
4003 		 *
4004 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_background_color() instead
4005 		 *
4006 		 * Params:
4007 		 *     state = the state for which to set the base color
4008 		 *     color = the color to assign (does not need to
4009 		 *         be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4010 		 *         calls to of gtk_widget_modify_base().
4011 		 */
4012 		public void modifyBase(GtkStateType state, Color color)
4013 		{
4014 			gtk_widget_modify_base(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getColorStruct());
4015 		}
4017 		/**
4018 		 * Sets the background color for a widget in a particular state.
4019 		 *
4020 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4021 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4022 		 *
4023 		 * > Note that “no window” widgets (which have the %GTK_NO_WINDOW
4024 		 * > flag set) draw on their parent container’s window and thus may
4025 		 * > not draw any background themselves. This is the case for e.g.
4026 		 * > #GtkLabel.
4027 		 * >
4028 		 * > To modify the background of such widgets, you have to set the
4029 		 * > background color on their parent; if you want to set the background
4030 		 * > of a rectangular area around a label, try placing the label in
4031 		 * > a #GtkEventBox widget and setting the background color on that.
4032 		 *
4033 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_background_color() instead
4034 		 *
4035 		 * Params:
4036 		 *     state = the state for which to set the background color
4037 		 *     color = the color to assign (does not need
4038 		 *         to be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4039 		 *         calls to of gtk_widget_modify_bg().
4040 		 */
4041 		public void modifyBg(GtkStateType state, Color color)
4042 		{
4043 			gtk_widget_modify_bg(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getColorStruct());
4044 		}
4046 		/**
4047 		 * Sets the cursor color to use in a widget, overriding the #GtkWidget
4048 		 * cursor-color and secondary-cursor-color
4049 		 * style properties.
4050 		 *
4051 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4052 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4053 		 *
4054 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_cursor() instead.
4055 		 *
4056 		 * Params:
4057 		 *     primary = the color to use for primary cursor (does not
4058 		 *         need to be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4059 		 *         calls to of gtk_widget_modify_cursor().
4060 		 *     secondary = the color to use for secondary cursor (does
4061 		 *         not need to be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of
4062 		 *         previous calls to of gtk_widget_modify_cursor().
4063 		 *
4064 		 * Since: 2.12
4065 		 */
4066 		public void modifyCursor(Color primary, Color secondary)
4067 		{
4068 			gtk_widget_modify_cursor(gtkWidget, (primary is null) ? null : primary.getColorStruct(), (secondary is null) ? null : secondary.getColorStruct());
4069 		}
4071 		/**
4072 		 * Sets the foreground color for a widget in a particular state.
4073 		 *
4074 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4075 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4076 		 *
4077 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_color() instead
4078 		 *
4079 		 * Params:
4080 		 *     state = the state for which to set the foreground color
4081 		 *     color = the color to assign (does not need to be allocated),
4082 		 *         or %NULL to undo the effect of previous calls to
4083 		 *         of gtk_widget_modify_fg().
4084 		 */
4085 		public void modifyFg(GtkStateType state, Color color)
4086 		{
4087 			gtk_widget_modify_fg(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getColorStruct());
4088 		}
4090 		/**
4091 		 * Sets the font to use for a widget.
4092 		 *
4093 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4094 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4095 		 *
4096 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_font() instead
4097 		 *
4098 		 * Params:
4099 		 *     fontDesc = the font description to use, or %NULL
4100 		 *         to undo the effect of previous calls to gtk_widget_modify_font()
4101 		 */
4102 		public void modifyFont(PgFontDescription fontDesc)
4103 		{
4104 			gtk_widget_modify_font(gtkWidget, (fontDesc is null) ? null : fontDesc.getPgFontDescriptionStruct());
4105 		}
4107 		/**
4108 		 * Modifies style values on the widget.
4109 		 *
4110 		 * Modifications made using this technique take precedence over
4111 		 * style values set via an RC file, however, they will be overridden
4112 		 * if a style is explicitly set on the widget using gtk_widget_set_style().
4113 		 * The #GtkRcStyle-struct is designed so each field can either be
4114 		 * set or unset, so it is possible, using this function, to modify some
4115 		 * style values and leave the others unchanged.
4116 		 *
4117 		 * Note that modifications made with this function are not cumulative
4118 		 * with previous calls to gtk_widget_modify_style() or with such
4119 		 * functions as gtk_widget_modify_fg(). If you wish to retain
4120 		 * previous values, you must first call gtk_widget_get_modifier_style(),
4121 		 * make your modifications to the returned style, then call
4122 		 * gtk_widget_modify_style() with that style. On the other hand,
4123 		 * if you first call gtk_widget_modify_style(), subsequent calls
4124 		 * to such functions gtk_widget_modify_fg() will have a cumulative
4125 		 * effect with the initial modifications.
4126 		 *
4127 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext with a custom #GtkStyleProvider instead
4128 		 *
4129 		 * Params:
4130 		 *     style = the #GtkRcStyle-struct holding the style modifications
4131 		 */
4132 		public void modifyStyle(RcStyle style)
4133 		{
4134 			gtk_widget_modify_style(gtkWidget, (style is null) ? null : style.getRcStyleStruct());
4135 		}
4137 		/**
4138 		 * Sets the text color for a widget in a particular state.
4139 		 *
4140 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4141 		 * The text color is the foreground color used along with the
4142 		 * base color (see gtk_widget_modify_base()) for widgets such
4143 		 * as #GtkEntry and #GtkTextView.
4144 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4145 		 *
4146 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_override_color() instead
4147 		 *
4148 		 * Params:
4149 		 *     state = the state for which to set the text color
4150 		 *     color = the color to assign (does not need to
4151 		 *         be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4152 		 *         calls to of gtk_widget_modify_text().
4153 		 */
4154 		public void modifyText(GtkStateType state, Color color)
4155 		{
4156 			gtk_widget_modify_text(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getColorStruct());
4157 		}
4159 		/**
4160 		 * Sets the background color to use for a widget.
4161 		 *
4162 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4163 		 * See gtk_widget_override_color().
4164 		 *
4165 		 * Deprecated: This function is not useful in the context of CSS-based
4166 		 * rendering. If you wish to change the way a widget renders its background
4167 		 * you should use a custom CSS style, through an application-specific
4168 		 * #GtkStyleProvider and a CSS style class. You can also override the default
4169 		 * drawing of a widget through the #GtkWidget::draw signal, and use Cairo to
4170 		 * draw a specific color, regardless of the CSS style.
4171 		 *
4172 		 * Params:
4173 		 *     state = the state for which to set the background color
4174 		 *     color = the color to assign, or %NULL to undo the effect
4175 		 *         of previous calls to gtk_widget_override_background_color()
4176 		 *
4177 		 * Since: 3.0
4178 		 */
4179 		public void overrideBackgroundColor(GtkStateFlags state, RGBA color)
4180 		{
4181 			gtk_widget_override_background_color(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getRGBAStruct());
4182 		}
4184 		/**
4185 		 * Sets the color to use for a widget.
4186 		 *
4187 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4188 		 *
4189 		 * This function does not act recursively. Setting the color of a
4190 		 * container does not affect its children. Note that some widgets that
4191 		 * you may not think of as containers, for instance #GtkButtons,
4192 		 * are actually containers.
4193 		 *
4194 		 * This API is mostly meant as a quick way for applications to
4195 		 * change a widget appearance. If you are developing a widgets
4196 		 * library and intend this change to be themeable, it is better
4197 		 * done by setting meaningful CSS classes in your
4198 		 * widget/container implementation through gtk_style_context_add_class().
4199 		 *
4200 		 * This way, your widget library can install a #GtkCssProvider
4201 		 * with the %GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_FALLBACK priority in order
4202 		 * to provide a default styling for those widgets that need so, and
4203 		 * this theming may fully overridden by the user’s theme.
4204 		 *
4205 		 * Note that for complex widgets this may bring in undesired
4206 		 * results (such as uniform background color everywhere), in
4207 		 * these cases it is better to fully style such widgets through a
4209 		 * priority.
4210 		 *
4211 		 * Deprecated: Use a custom style provider and style classes instead
4212 		 *
4213 		 * Params:
4214 		 *     state = the state for which to set the color
4215 		 *     color = the color to assign, or %NULL to undo the effect
4216 		 *         of previous calls to gtk_widget_override_color()
4217 		 *
4218 		 * Since: 3.0
4219 		 */
4220 		public void overrideColor(GtkStateFlags state, RGBA color)
4221 		{
4222 			gtk_widget_override_color(gtkWidget, state, (color is null) ? null : color.getRGBAStruct());
4223 		}
4225 		/**
4226 		 * Sets the cursor color to use in a widget, overriding the
4227 		 * cursor-color and secondary-cursor-color
4228 		 * style properties. All other style values are left untouched.
4229 		 * See also gtk_widget_modify_style().
4230 		 *
4231 		 * Note that the underlying properties have the #GdkColor type,
4232 		 * so the alpha value in @primary and @secondary will be ignored.
4233 		 *
4234 		 * Deprecated: This function is not useful in the context of CSS-based
4235 		 * rendering. If you wish to change the color used to render the primary
4236 		 * and secondary cursors you should use a custom CSS style, through an
4237 		 * application-specific #GtkStyleProvider and a CSS style class.
4238 		 *
4239 		 * Params:
4240 		 *     cursor = the color to use for primary cursor (does not need to be
4241 		 *         allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous calls to
4242 		 *         of gtk_widget_override_cursor().
4243 		 *     secondaryCursor = the color to use for secondary cursor (does not
4244 		 *         need to be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4245 		 *         calls to of gtk_widget_override_cursor().
4246 		 *
4247 		 * Since: 3.0
4248 		 */
4249 		public void overrideCursor(RGBA cursor, RGBA secondaryCursor)
4250 		{
4251 			gtk_widget_override_cursor(gtkWidget, (cursor is null) ? null : cursor.getRGBAStruct(), (secondaryCursor is null) ? null : secondaryCursor.getRGBAStruct());
4252 		}
4254 		/**
4255 		 * Sets the font to use for a widget. All other style values are
4256 		 * left untouched. See gtk_widget_override_color().
4257 		 *
4258 		 * Deprecated: This function is not useful in the context of CSS-based
4259 		 * rendering. If you wish to change the font a widget uses to render its text
4260 		 * you should use a custom CSS style, through an application-specific
4261 		 * #GtkStyleProvider and a CSS style class.
4262 		 *
4263 		 * Params:
4264 		 *     fontDesc = the font description to use, or %NULL to undo
4265 		 *         the effect of previous calls to gtk_widget_override_font()
4266 		 *
4267 		 * Since: 3.0
4268 		 */
4269 		public void overrideFont(PgFontDescription fontDesc)
4270 		{
4271 			gtk_widget_override_font(gtkWidget, (fontDesc is null) ? null : fontDesc.getPgFontDescriptionStruct());
4272 		}
4274 		/**
4275 		 * Sets a symbolic color for a widget.
4276 		 *
4277 		 * All other style values are left untouched.
4278 		 * See gtk_widget_override_color() for overriding the foreground
4279 		 * or background color.
4280 		 *
4281 		 * Deprecated: This function is not useful in the context of CSS-based
4282 		 * rendering. If you wish to change the color used to render symbolic icons
4283 		 * you should use a custom CSS style, through an application-specific
4284 		 * #GtkStyleProvider and a CSS style class.
4285 		 *
4286 		 * Params:
4287 		 *     name = the name of the symbolic color to modify
4288 		 *     color = the color to assign (does not need
4289 		 *         to be allocated), or %NULL to undo the effect of previous
4290 		 *         calls to gtk_widget_override_symbolic_color()
4291 		 *
4292 		 * Since: 3.0
4293 		 */
4294 		public void overrideSymbolicColor(string name, RGBA color)
4295 		{
4296 			gtk_widget_override_symbolic_color(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(name), (color is null) ? null : color.getRGBAStruct());
4297 		}
4299 		/**
4300 		 * Obtains the full path to @widget. The path is simply the name of a
4301 		 * widget and all its parents in the container hierarchy, separated by
4302 		 * periods. The name of a widget comes from
4303 		 * gtk_widget_get_name(). Paths are used to apply styles to a widget
4304 		 * in gtkrc configuration files. Widget names are the type of the
4305 		 * widget by default (e.g. “GtkButton”) or can be set to an
4306 		 * application-specific value with gtk_widget_set_name(). By setting
4307 		 * the name of a widget, you allow users or theme authors to apply
4308 		 * styles to that specific widget in their gtkrc
4309 		 * file. @path_reversed_p fills in the path in reverse order,
4310 		 * i.e. starting with @widget’s name instead of starting with the name
4311 		 * of @widget’s outermost ancestor.
4312 		 *
4313 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_path() instead
4314 		 *
4315 		 * Params:
4316 		 *     pathLength = location to store length of the path,
4317 		 *         or %NULL
4318 		 *     path = location to store allocated path string,
4319 		 *         or %NULL
4320 		 *     pathReversed = location to store allocated reverse
4321 		 *         path string, or %NULL
4322 		 */
4323 		public void path(out uint pathLength, out string path, out string pathReversed)
4324 		{
4325 			char* outpath = null;
4326 			char* outpathReversed = null;
4328 			gtk_widget_path(gtkWidget, &pathLength, &outpath, &outpathReversed);
4330 			path = Str.toString(outpath);
4331 			pathReversed = Str.toString(outpathReversed);
4332 		}
4334 		/**
4335 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations.
4336 		 *
4337 		 * Flags the widget for a rerun of the GtkWidgetClass::size_allocate
4338 		 * function. Use this function instead of gtk_widget_queue_resize()
4339 		 * when the @widget's size request didn't change but it wants to
4340 		 * reposition its contents.
4341 		 *
4342 		 * An example user of this function is gtk_widget_set_halign().
4343 		 *
4344 		 * Since: 3.20
4345 		 */
4346 		public void queueAllocate()
4347 		{
4348 			gtk_widget_queue_allocate(gtkWidget);
4349 		}
4351 		/**
4352 		 * Mark @widget as needing to recompute its expand flags. Call
4353 		 * this function when setting legacy expand child properties
4354 		 * on the child of a container.
4355 		 *
4356 		 * See gtk_widget_compute_expand().
4357 		 */
4358 		public void queueComputeExpand()
4359 		{
4360 			gtk_widget_queue_compute_expand(gtkWidget);
4361 		}
4363 		/**
4364 		 * Equivalent to calling gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() for the
4365 		 * entire area of a widget.
4366 		 */
4367 		public void queueDraw()
4368 		{
4369 			gtk_widget_queue_draw(gtkWidget);
4370 		}
4372 		/**
4373 		 * Convenience function that calls gtk_widget_queue_draw_region() on
4374 		 * the region created from the given coordinates.
4375 		 *
4376 		 * The region here is specified in widget coordinates.
4377 		 * Widget coordinates are a bit odd; for historical reasons, they are
4378 		 * defined as @widget->window coordinates for widgets that return %TRUE for
4379 		 * gtk_widget_get_has_window(), and are relative to @widget->allocation.x,
4380 		 * @widget->allocation.y otherwise.
4381 		 *
4382 		 * @width or @height may be 0, in this case this function does
4383 		 * nothing. Negative values for @width and @height are not allowed.
4384 		 *
4385 		 * Params:
4386 		 *     x = x coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle to redraw
4387 		 *     y = y coordinate of upper-left corner of rectangle to redraw
4388 		 *     width = width of region to draw
4389 		 *     height = height of region to draw
4390 		 */
4391 		public void queueDrawArea(int x, int y, int width, int height)
4392 		{
4393 			gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(gtkWidget, x, y, width, height);
4394 		}
4396 		/**
4397 		 * Invalidates the area of @widget defined by @region by calling
4398 		 * gdk_window_invalidate_region() on the widget’s window and all its
4399 		 * child windows. Once the main loop becomes idle (after the current
4400 		 * batch of events has been processed, roughly), the window will
4401 		 * receive expose events for the union of all regions that have been
4402 		 * invalidated.
4403 		 *
4404 		 * Normally you would only use this function in widget
4405 		 * implementations. You might also use it to schedule a redraw of a
4406 		 * #GtkDrawingArea or some portion thereof.
4407 		 *
4408 		 * Params:
4409 		 *     region = region to draw
4410 		 *
4411 		 * Since: 3.0
4412 		 */
4413 		public void queueDrawRegion(Region region)
4414 		{
4415 			gtk_widget_queue_draw_region(gtkWidget, (region is null) ? null : region.getRegionStruct());
4416 		}
4418 		/**
4419 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations.
4420 		 * Flags a widget to have its size renegotiated; should
4421 		 * be called when a widget for some reason has a new size request.
4422 		 * For example, when you change the text in a #GtkLabel, #GtkLabel
4423 		 * queues a resize to ensure there’s enough space for the new text.
4424 		 *
4425 		 * Note that you cannot call gtk_widget_queue_resize() on a widget
4426 		 * from inside its implementation of the GtkWidgetClass::size_allocate
4427 		 * virtual method. Calls to gtk_widget_queue_resize() from inside
4428 		 * GtkWidgetClass::size_allocate will be silently ignored.
4429 		 */
4430 		public void queueResize()
4431 		{
4432 			gtk_widget_queue_resize(gtkWidget);
4433 		}
4435 		/**
4436 		 * This function works like gtk_widget_queue_resize(),
4437 		 * except that the widget is not invalidated.
4438 		 *
4439 		 * Since: 2.4
4440 		 */
4441 		public void queueResizeNoRedraw()
4442 		{
4443 			gtk_widget_queue_resize_no_redraw(gtkWidget);
4444 		}
4446 		/**
4447 		 * Creates the GDK (windowing system) resources associated with a
4448 		 * widget.  For example, @widget->window will be created when a widget
4449 		 * is realized.  Normally realization happens implicitly; if you show
4450 		 * a widget and all its parent containers, then the widget will be
4451 		 * realized and mapped automatically.
4452 		 *
4453 		 * Realizing a widget requires all
4454 		 * the widget’s parent widgets to be realized; calling
4455 		 * gtk_widget_realize() realizes the widget’s parents in addition to
4456 		 * @widget itself. If a widget is not yet inside a toplevel window
4457 		 * when you realize it, bad things will happen.
4458 		 *
4459 		 * This function is primarily used in widget implementations, and
4460 		 * isn’t very useful otherwise. Many times when you think you might
4461 		 * need it, a better approach is to connect to a signal that will be
4462 		 * called after the widget is realized automatically, such as
4463 		 * #GtkWidget::draw. Or simply g_signal_connect () to the
4464 		 * #GtkWidget::realize signal.
4465 		 */
4466 		public void realize()
4467 		{
4468 			gtk_widget_realize(gtkWidget);
4469 		}
4471 		/**
4472 		 * Computes the intersection of a @widget’s area and @region, returning
4473 		 * the intersection. The result may be empty, use cairo_region_is_empty() to
4474 		 * check.
4475 		 *
4476 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_allocation() and
4477 		 * cairo_region_intersect_rectangle() to get the same behavior.
4478 		 *
4479 		 * Params:
4480 		 *     region = a #cairo_region_t, in the same coordinate system as
4481 		 *         @widget->allocation. That is, relative to @widget->window
4482 		 *         for widgets which return %FALSE from gtk_widget_get_has_window();
4483 		 *         relative to the parent window of @widget->window otherwise.
4484 		 *
4485 		 * Returns: A newly allocated region holding the intersection of @widget
4486 		 *     and @region.
4487 		 */
4488 		public Region regionIntersect(Region region)
4489 		{
4490 			auto p = gtk_widget_region_intersect(gtkWidget, (region is null) ? null : region.getRegionStruct());
4492 			if(p is null)
4493 			{
4494 				return null;
4495 			}
4497 			return new Region(cast(cairo_region_t*) p);
4498 		}
4500 		/**
4501 		 * Registers a #GdkWindow with the widget and sets it up so that
4502 		 * the widget receives events for it. Call gtk_widget_unregister_window()
4503 		 * when destroying the window.
4504 		 *
4505 		 * Before 3.8 you needed to call gdk_window_set_user_data() directly to set
4506 		 * this up. This is now deprecated and you should use gtk_widget_register_window()
4507 		 * instead. Old code will keep working as is, although some new features like
4508 		 * transparency might not work perfectly.
4509 		 *
4510 		 * Params:
4511 		 *     window = a #GdkWindow
4512 		 *
4513 		 * Since: 3.8
4514 		 */
4515 		public void registerWindow(GdkWin window)
4516 		{
4517 			gtk_widget_register_window(gtkWidget, (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
4518 		}
4520 		/**
4521 		 * Removes an accelerator from @widget, previously installed with
4522 		 * gtk_widget_add_accelerator().
4523 		 *
4524 		 * Params:
4525 		 *     accelGroup = accel group for this widget
4526 		 *     accelKey = GDK keyval of the accelerator
4527 		 *     accelMods = modifier key combination of the accelerator
4528 		 *
4529 		 * Returns: whether an accelerator was installed and could be removed
4530 		 */
4531 		public bool removeAccelerator(AccelGroup accelGroup, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods)
4532 		{
4533 			return gtk_widget_remove_accelerator(gtkWidget, (accelGroup is null) ? null : accelGroup.getAccelGroupStruct(), accelKey, accelMods) != 0;
4534 		}
4536 		/**
4537 		 * Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for
4538 		 * this widget. (See gtk_widget_list_mnemonic_labels()). The widget
4539 		 * must have previously been added to the list with
4540 		 * gtk_widget_add_mnemonic_label().
4541 		 *
4542 		 * Params:
4543 		 *     label = a #GtkWidget that was previously set as a mnemonic label for
4544 		 *         @widget with gtk_widget_add_mnemonic_label().
4545 		 *
4546 		 * Since: 2.4
4547 		 */
4548 		public void removeMnemonicLabel(Widget label)
4549 		{
4550 			gtk_widget_remove_mnemonic_label(gtkWidget, (label is null) ? null : label.getWidgetStruct());
4551 		}
4553 		/**
4554 		 * Removes a tick callback previously registered with
4555 		 * gtk_widget_add_tick_callback().
4556 		 *
4557 		 * Params:
4558 		 *     id = an id returned by gtk_widget_add_tick_callback()
4559 		 *
4560 		 * Since: 3.8
4561 		 */
4562 		public void removeTickCallback(uint id)
4563 		{
4564 			gtk_widget_remove_tick_callback(gtkWidget, id);
4565 		}
4567 		/**
4568 		 * A convenience function that uses the theme settings for @widget
4569 		 * to look up @stock_id and render it to a pixbuf. @stock_id should
4570 		 * be a stock icon ID such as #GTK_STOCK_OPEN or #GTK_STOCK_OK. @size
4571 		 * should be a size such as #GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU. @detail should be a
4572 		 * string that identifies the widget or code doing the rendering, so
4573 		 * that theme engines can special-case rendering for that widget or
4574 		 * code.
4575 		 *
4576 		 * The pixels in the returned #GdkPixbuf are shared with the rest of
4577 		 * the application and should not be modified. The pixbuf should be
4578 		 * freed after use with g_object_unref().
4579 		 *
4580 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf() instead.
4581 		 *
4582 		 * Params:
4583 		 *     stockId = a stock ID
4584 		 *     size = a stock size (#GtkIconSize). A size of `(GtkIconSize)-1`
4585 		 *         means render at the size of the source and don’t scale (if there are
4586 		 *         multiple source sizes, GTK+ picks one of the available sizes).
4587 		 *     detail = render detail to pass to theme engine
4588 		 *
4589 		 * Returns: a new pixbuf, or %NULL if the
4590 		 *     stock ID wasn’t known
4591 		 */
4592 		public Pixbuf renderIcon(string stockId, GtkIconSize size, string detail)
4593 		{
4594 			auto p = gtk_widget_render_icon(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(stockId), size, Str.toStringz(detail));
4596 			if(p is null)
4597 			{
4598 				return null;
4599 			}
4601 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Pixbuf)(cast(GdkPixbuf*) p, true);
4602 		}
4604 		/**
4605 		 * A convenience function that uses the theme engine and style
4606 		 * settings for @widget to look up @stock_id and render it to
4607 		 * a pixbuf. @stock_id should be a stock icon ID such as
4608 		 * #GTK_STOCK_OPEN or #GTK_STOCK_OK. @size should be a size
4609 		 * such as #GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU.
4610 		 *
4611 		 * The pixels in the returned #GdkPixbuf are shared with the rest of
4612 		 * the application and should not be modified. The pixbuf should be freed
4613 		 * after use with g_object_unref().
4614 		 *
4615 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_icon_theme_load_icon() instead.
4616 		 *
4617 		 * Params:
4618 		 *     stockId = a stock ID
4619 		 *     size = a stock size (#GtkIconSize). A size of `(GtkIconSize)-1`
4620 		 *         means render at the size of the source and don’t scale (if there are
4621 		 *         multiple source sizes, GTK+ picks one of the available sizes).
4622 		 *
4623 		 * Returns: a new pixbuf, or %NULL if the
4624 		 *     stock ID wasn’t known
4625 		 *
4626 		 * Since: 3.0
4627 		 */
4628 		public Pixbuf renderIconPixbuf(string stockId, GtkIconSize size)
4629 		{
4630 			auto p = gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(stockId), size);
4632 			if(p is null)
4633 			{
4634 				return null;
4635 			}
4637 			return ObjectG.getDObject!(Pixbuf)(cast(GdkPixbuf*) p, true);
4638 		}
4640 		/**
4641 		 * Moves a widget from one #GtkContainer to another, handling reference
4642 		 * count issues to avoid destroying the widget.
4643 		 *
4644 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_container_remove() and gtk_container_add().
4645 		 *
4646 		 * Params:
4647 		 *     newParent = a #GtkContainer to move the widget into
4648 		 */
4649 		public void reparent(Widget newParent)
4650 		{
4651 			gtk_widget_reparent(gtkWidget, (newParent is null) ? null : newParent.getWidgetStruct());
4652 		}
4654 		/**
4655 		 * Reset the styles of @widget and all descendents, so when
4656 		 * they are looked up again, they get the correct values
4657 		 * for the currently loaded RC file settings.
4658 		 *
4659 		 * This function is not useful for applications.
4660 		 *
4661 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead, and gtk_widget_reset_style()
4662 		 */
4663 		public void resetRcStyles()
4664 		{
4665 			gtk_widget_reset_rc_styles(gtkWidget);
4666 		}
4668 		/**
4669 		 * Updates the style context of @widget and all descendants
4670 		 * by updating its widget path. #GtkContainers may want
4671 		 * to use this on a child when reordering it in a way that a different
4672 		 * style might apply to it. See also gtk_container_get_path_for_child().
4673 		 *
4674 		 * Since: 3.0
4675 		 */
4676 		public void resetStyle()
4677 		{
4678 			gtk_widget_reset_style(gtkWidget);
4679 		}
4681 		/**
4682 		 * Very rarely-used function. This function is used to emit
4683 		 * an expose event on a widget. This function is not normally used
4684 		 * directly. The only time it is used is when propagating an expose
4685 		 * event to a windowless child widget (gtk_widget_get_has_window() is %FALSE),
4686 		 * and that is normally done using gtk_container_propagate_draw().
4687 		 *
4688 		 * If you want to force an area of a window to be redrawn,
4689 		 * use gdk_window_invalidate_rect() or gdk_window_invalidate_region().
4690 		 * To cause the redraw to be done immediately, follow that call
4691 		 * with a call to gdk_window_process_updates().
4692 		 *
4693 		 * Deprecated: Application and widget code should not handle
4694 		 * expose events directly; invalidation should use the #GtkWidget
4695 		 * API, and drawing should only happen inside #GtkWidget::draw
4696 		 * implementations
4697 		 *
4698 		 * Params:
4699 		 *     event = a expose #GdkEvent
4700 		 *
4701 		 * Returns: return from the event signal emission (%TRUE if
4702 		 *     the event was handled)
4703 		 */
4704 		public int sendExpose(Event event)
4705 		{
4706 			return gtk_widget_send_expose(gtkWidget, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct());
4707 		}
4709 		/**
4710 		 * Sends the focus change @event to @widget
4711 		 *
4712 		 * This function is not meant to be used by applications. The only time it
4713 		 * should be used is when it is necessary for a #GtkWidget to assign focus
4714 		 * to a widget that is semantically owned by the first widget even though
4715 		 * it’s not a direct child - for instance, a search entry in a floating
4716 		 * window similar to the quick search in #GtkTreeView.
4717 		 *
4718 		 * An example of its usage is:
4719 		 *
4720 		 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
4721 		 * GdkEvent *fevent = gdk_event_new (GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE);
4722 		 *
4723 		 * fevent->focus_change.type = GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE;
4724 		 * fevent->focus_change.in = TRUE;
4725 		 * fevent->focus_change.window = _gtk_widget_get_window (widget);
4726 		 * if (fevent->focus_change.window != NULL)
4727 		 * g_object_ref (fevent->focus_change.window);
4728 		 *
4729 		 * gtk_widget_send_focus_change (widget, fevent);
4730 		 *
4731 		 * gdk_event_free (event);
4732 		 * ]|
4733 		 *
4734 		 * Params:
4735 		 *     event = a #GdkEvent of type GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE
4736 		 *
4737 		 * Returns: the return value from the event signal emission: %TRUE
4738 		 *     if the event was handled, and %FALSE otherwise
4739 		 *
4740 		 * Since: 2.20
4741 		 */
4742 		public bool sendFocusChange(Event event)
4743 		{
4744 			return gtk_widget_send_focus_change(gtkWidget, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct()) != 0;
4745 		}
4747 		/**
4748 		 * Given an accelerator group, @accel_group, and an accelerator path,
4749 		 * @accel_path, sets up an accelerator in @accel_group so whenever the
4750 		 * key binding that is defined for @accel_path is pressed, @widget
4751 		 * will be activated.  This removes any accelerators (for any
4752 		 * accelerator group) installed by previous calls to
4753 		 * gtk_widget_set_accel_path(). Associating accelerators with
4754 		 * paths allows them to be modified by the user and the modifications
4755 		 * to be saved for future use. (See gtk_accel_map_save().)
4756 		 *
4757 		 * This function is a low level function that would most likely
4758 		 * be used by a menu creation system like #GtkUIManager. If you
4759 		 * use #GtkUIManager, setting up accelerator paths will be done
4760 		 * automatically.
4761 		 *
4762 		 * Even when you you aren’t using #GtkUIManager, if you only want to
4763 		 * set up accelerators on menu items gtk_menu_item_set_accel_path()
4764 		 * provides a somewhat more convenient interface.
4765 		 *
4766 		 * Note that @accel_path string will be stored in a #GQuark. Therefore, if you
4767 		 * pass a static string, you can save some memory by interning it first with
4768 		 * g_intern_static_string().
4769 		 *
4770 		 * Params:
4771 		 *     accelPath = path used to look up the accelerator
4772 		 *     accelGroup = a #GtkAccelGroup.
4773 		 */
4774 		public void setAccelPath(string accelPath, AccelGroup accelGroup)
4775 		{
4776 			gtk_widget_set_accel_path(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(accelPath), (accelGroup is null) ? null : accelGroup.getAccelGroupStruct());
4777 		}
4779 		/**
4780 		 * Sets the widget’s allocation.  This should not be used
4781 		 * directly, but from within a widget’s size_allocate method.
4782 		 *
4783 		 * The allocation set should be the “adjusted” or actual
4784 		 * allocation. If you’re implementing a #GtkContainer, you want to use
4785 		 * gtk_widget_size_allocate() instead of gtk_widget_set_allocation().
4786 		 * The GtkWidgetClass::adjust_size_allocation virtual method adjusts the
4787 		 * allocation inside gtk_widget_size_allocate() to create an adjusted
4788 		 * allocation.
4789 		 *
4790 		 * Params:
4791 		 *     allocation = a pointer to a #GtkAllocation to copy from
4792 		 *
4793 		 * Since: 2.18
4794 		 */
4795 		public void setAllocation(GtkAllocation* allocation)
4796 		{
4797 			gtk_widget_set_allocation(gtkWidget, allocation);
4798 		}
4800 		/**
4801 		 * Sets whether the application intends to draw on the widget in
4802 		 * an #GtkWidget::draw handler.
4803 		 *
4804 		 * This is a hint to the widget and does not affect the behavior of
4805 		 * the GTK+ core; many widgets ignore this flag entirely. For widgets
4806 		 * that do pay attention to the flag, such as #GtkEventBox and #GtkWindow,
4807 		 * the effect is to suppress default themed drawing of the widget's
4808 		 * background. (Children of the widget will still be drawn.) The application
4809 		 * is then entirely responsible for drawing the widget background.
4810 		 *
4811 		 * Note that the background is still drawn when the widget is mapped.
4812 		 *
4813 		 * Params:
4814 		 *     appPaintable = %TRUE if the application will paint on the widget
4815 		 */
4816 		public void setAppPaintable(bool appPaintable)
4817 		{
4818 			gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(gtkWidget, appPaintable);
4819 		}
4821 		/**
4822 		 * Specifies whether @widget can be a default widget. See
4823 		 * gtk_widget_grab_default() for details about the meaning of
4824 		 * “default”.
4825 		 *
4826 		 * Params:
4827 		 *     canDefault = whether or not @widget can be a default widget.
4828 		 *
4829 		 * Since: 2.18
4830 		 */
4831 		public void setCanDefault(bool canDefault)
4832 		{
4833 			gtk_widget_set_can_default(gtkWidget, canDefault);
4834 		}
4836 		/**
4837 		 * Specifies whether @widget can own the input focus. See
4838 		 * gtk_widget_grab_focus() for actually setting the input focus on a
4839 		 * widget.
4840 		 *
4841 		 * Params:
4842 		 *     canFocus = whether or not @widget can own the input focus.
4843 		 *
4844 		 * Since: 2.18
4845 		 */
4846 		public void setCanFocus(bool canFocus)
4847 		{
4848 			gtk_widget_set_can_focus(gtkWidget, canFocus);
4849 		}
4851 		/**
4852 		 * Sets whether @widget should be mapped along with its when its parent
4853 		 * is mapped and @widget has been shown with gtk_widget_show().
4854 		 *
4855 		 * The child visibility can be set for widget before it is added to
4856 		 * a container with gtk_widget_set_parent(), to avoid mapping
4857 		 * children unnecessary before immediately unmapping them. However
4858 		 * it will be reset to its default state of %TRUE when the widget
4859 		 * is removed from a container.
4860 		 *
4861 		 * Note that changing the child visibility of a widget does not
4862 		 * queue a resize on the widget. Most of the time, the size of
4863 		 * a widget is computed from all visible children, whether or
4864 		 * not they are mapped. If this is not the case, the container
4865 		 * can queue a resize itself.
4866 		 *
4867 		 * This function is only useful for container implementations and
4868 		 * never should be called by an application.
4869 		 *
4870 		 * Params:
4871 		 *     isVisible = if %TRUE, @widget should be mapped along with its parent.
4872 		 */
4873 		public void setChildVisible(bool isVisible)
4874 		{
4875 			gtk_widget_set_child_visible(gtkWidget, isVisible);
4876 		}
4878 		/**
4879 		 * Sets the widget’s clip.  This must not be used directly,
4880 		 * but from within a widget’s size_allocate method.
4881 		 * It must be called after gtk_widget_set_allocation() (or after chaining up
4882 		 * to the parent class), because that function resets the clip.
4883 		 *
4884 		 * The clip set should be the area that @widget draws on. If @widget is a
4885 		 * #GtkContainer, the area must contain all children's clips.
4886 		 *
4887 		 * If this function is not called by @widget during a ::size-allocate handler,
4888 		 * the clip will be set to @widget's allocation.
4889 		 *
4890 		 * Params:
4891 		 *     clip = a pointer to a #GtkAllocation to copy from
4892 		 *
4893 		 * Since: 3.14
4894 		 */
4895 		public void setClip(GtkAllocation* clip)
4896 		{
4897 			gtk_widget_set_clip(gtkWidget, clip);
4898 		}
4900 		/**
4901 		 * Sets a widgets composite name. The widget must be
4902 		 * a composite child of its parent; see gtk_widget_push_composite_child().
4903 		 *
4904 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_class_set_template(), or don’t use this API at all.
4905 		 *
4906 		 * Params:
4907 		 *     name = the name to set
4908 		 */
4909 		public void setCompositeName(string name)
4910 		{
4911 			gtk_widget_set_composite_name(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(name));
4912 		}
4914 		/**
4915 		 * Enables or disables a #GdkDevice to interact with @widget
4916 		 * and all its children.
4917 		 *
4918 		 * It does so by descending through the #GdkWindow hierarchy
4919 		 * and enabling the same mask that is has for core events
4920 		 * (i.e. the one that gdk_window_get_events() returns).
4921 		 *
4922 		 * Params:
4923 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
4924 		 *     enabled = whether to enable the device
4925 		 *
4926 		 * Since: 3.0
4927 		 */
4928 		public void setDeviceEnabled(Device device, bool enabled)
4929 		{
4930 			gtk_widget_set_device_enabled(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct(), enabled);
4931 		}
4933 		/**
4934 		 * Sets the device event mask (see #GdkEventMask) for a widget. The event
4935 		 * mask determines which events a widget will receive from @device. Keep
4936 		 * in mind that different widgets have different default event masks, and by
4937 		 * changing the event mask you may disrupt a widget’s functionality,
4938 		 * so be careful. This function must be called while a widget is
4939 		 * unrealized. Consider gtk_widget_add_device_events() for widgets that are
4940 		 * already realized, or if you want to preserve the existing event
4941 		 * mask. This function can’t be used with windowless widgets (which return
4942 		 * %FALSE from gtk_widget_get_has_window());
4943 		 * to get events on those widgets, place them inside a #GtkEventBox
4944 		 * and receive events on the event box.
4945 		 *
4946 		 * Params:
4947 		 *     device = a #GdkDevice
4948 		 *     events = event mask
4949 		 *
4950 		 * Since: 3.0
4951 		 */
4952 		public void setDeviceEvents(Device device, GdkEventMask events)
4953 		{
4954 			gtk_widget_set_device_events(gtkWidget, (device is null) ? null : device.getDeviceStruct(), events);
4955 		}
4957 		/**
4958 		 * Sets the reading direction on a particular widget. This direction
4959 		 * controls the primary direction for widgets containing text,
4960 		 * and also the direction in which the children of a container are
4961 		 * packed. The ability to set the direction is present in order
4962 		 * so that correct localization into languages with right-to-left
4963 		 * reading directions can be done. Generally, applications will
4964 		 * let the default reading direction present, except for containers
4965 		 * where the containers are arranged in an order that is explicitly
4966 		 * visual rather than logical (such as buttons for text justification).
4967 		 *
4968 		 * If the direction is set to %GTK_TEXT_DIR_NONE, then the value
4969 		 * set by gtk_widget_set_default_direction() will be used.
4970 		 *
4971 		 * Params:
4972 		 *     dir = the new direction
4973 		 */
4974 		public void setDirection(GtkTextDirection dir)
4975 		{
4976 			gtk_widget_set_direction(gtkWidget, dir);
4977 		}
4979 		/**
4980 		 * Widgets are double buffered by default; you can use this function
4981 		 * to turn off the buffering. “Double buffered” simply means that
4982 		 * gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and gdk_window_end_draw_frame() are called
4983 		 * automatically around expose events sent to the
4984 		 * widget. gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() diverts all drawing to a widget's
4985 		 * window to an offscreen buffer, and gdk_window_end_draw_frame() draws the
4986 		 * buffer to the screen. The result is that users see the window
4987 		 * update in one smooth step, and don’t see individual graphics
4988 		 * primitives being rendered.
4989 		 *
4990 		 * In very simple terms, double buffered widgets don’t flicker,
4991 		 * so you would only use this function to turn off double buffering
4992 		 * if you had special needs and really knew what you were doing.
4993 		 *
4994 		 * Note: if you turn off double-buffering, you have to handle
4995 		 * expose events, since even the clearing to the background color or
4996 		 * pixmap will not happen automatically (as it is done in
4997 		 * gdk_window_begin_draw_frame()).
4998 		 *
4999 		 * In 3.10 GTK and GDK have been restructured for translucent drawing. Since
5000 		 * then expose events for double-buffered widgets are culled into a single
5001 		 * event to the toplevel GDK window. If you now unset double buffering, you
5002 		 * will cause a separate rendering pass for every widget. This will likely
5003 		 * cause rendering problems - in particular related to stacking - and usually
5004 		 * increases rendering times significantly.
5005 		 *
5006 		 * Deprecated: This function does not work under non-X11 backends or with
5007 		 * non-native windows.
5008 		 * It should not be used in newly written code.
5009 		 *
5010 		 * Params:
5011 		 *     doubleBuffered = %TRUE to double-buffer a widget
5012 		 */
5013 		public void setDoubleBuffered(bool doubleBuffered)
5014 		{
5015 			gtk_widget_set_double_buffered(gtkWidget, doubleBuffered);
5016 		}
5018 		/**
5019 		 * Sets the event mask (see #GdkEventMask) for a widget. The event
5020 		 * mask determines which events a widget will receive. Keep in mind
5021 		 * that different widgets have different default event masks, and by
5022 		 * changing the event mask you may disrupt a widget’s functionality,
5023 		 * so be careful. This function must be called while a widget is
5024 		 * unrealized. Consider gtk_widget_add_events() for widgets that are
5025 		 * already realized, or if you want to preserve the existing event
5026 		 * mask. This function can’t be used with widgets that have no window.
5027 		 * (See gtk_widget_get_has_window()).  To get events on those widgets,
5028 		 * place them inside a #GtkEventBox and receive events on the event
5029 		 * box.
5030 		 *
5031 		 * Params:
5032 		 *     events = event mask
5033 		 */
5034 		public void setEvents(int events)
5035 		{
5036 			gtk_widget_set_events(gtkWidget, events);
5037 		}
5039 		/**
5040 		 * Sets whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.
5041 		 * Making mouse clicks not grab focus is useful in places like toolbars where
5042 		 * you don’t want the keyboard focus removed from the main area of the
5043 		 * application.
5044 		 *
5045 		 * Params:
5046 		 *     focusOnClick = whether the widget should grab focus when clicked with the mouse
5047 		 *
5048 		 * Since: 3.20
5049 		 */
5050 		public void setFocusOnClick(bool focusOnClick)
5051 		{
5052 			gtk_widget_set_focus_on_click(gtkWidget, focusOnClick);
5053 		}
5055 		/**
5056 		 * Sets the font map to use for Pango rendering. When not set, the widget
5057 		 * will inherit the font map from its parent.
5058 		 *
5059 		 * Params:
5060 		 *     fontMap = a #PangoFontMap, or %NULL to unset any previously
5061 		 *         set font map
5062 		 *
5063 		 * Since: 3.18
5064 		 */
5065 		public void setFontMap(PgFontMap fontMap)
5066 		{
5067 			gtk_widget_set_font_map(gtkWidget, (fontMap is null) ? null : fontMap.getPgFontMapStruct());
5068 		}
5070 		/**
5071 		 * Sets the #cairo_font_options_t used for Pango rendering in this widget.
5072 		 * When not set, the default font options for the #GdkScreen will be used.
5073 		 *
5074 		 * Params:
5075 		 *     options = a #cairo_font_options_t, or %NULL to unset any
5076 		 *         previously set default font options.
5077 		 *
5078 		 * Since: 3.18
5079 		 */
5080 		public void setFontOptions(FontOption options)
5081 		{
5082 			gtk_widget_set_font_options(gtkWidget, (options is null) ? null : options.getFontOptionStruct());
5083 		}
5085 		/**
5086 		 * Sets the horizontal alignment of @widget.
5087 		 * See the #GtkWidget:halign property.
5088 		 *
5089 		 * Params:
5090 		 *     alig = the horizontal alignment
5091 		 */
5092 		public void setHalign(GtkAlign alig)
5093 		{
5094 			gtk_widget_set_halign(gtkWidget, alig);
5095 		}
5097 		/**
5098 		 * Sets the has-tooltip property on @widget to @has_tooltip.  See
5099 		 * #GtkWidget:has-tooltip for more information.
5100 		 *
5101 		 * Params:
5102 		 *     hasTooltip = whether or not @widget has a tooltip.
5103 		 *
5104 		 * Since: 2.12
5105 		 */
5106 		public void setHasTooltip(bool hasTooltip)
5107 		{
5108 			gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip(gtkWidget, hasTooltip);
5109 		}
5111 		/**
5112 		 * Specifies whether @widget has a #GdkWindow of its own. Note that
5113 		 * all realized widgets have a non-%NULL “window” pointer
5114 		 * (gtk_widget_get_window() never returns a %NULL window when a widget
5115 		 * is realized), but for many of them it’s actually the #GdkWindow of
5116 		 * one of its parent widgets. Widgets that do not create a %window for
5117 		 * themselves in #GtkWidget::realize must announce this by
5118 		 * calling this function with @has_window = %FALSE.
5119 		 *
5120 		 * This function should only be called by widget implementations,
5121 		 * and they should call it in their init() function.
5122 		 *
5123 		 * Params:
5124 		 *     hasWindow = whether or not @widget has a window.
5125 		 *
5126 		 * Since: 2.18
5127 		 */
5128 		public void setHasWindow(bool hasWindow)
5129 		{
5130 			gtk_widget_set_has_window(gtkWidget, hasWindow);
5131 		}
5133 		/**
5134 		 * Sets whether the widget would like any available extra horizontal
5135 		 * space. When a user resizes a #GtkWindow, widgets with expand=TRUE
5136 		 * generally receive the extra space. For example, a list or
5137 		 * scrollable area or document in your window would often be set to
5138 		 * expand.
5139 		 *
5140 		 * Call this function to set the expand flag if you would like your
5141 		 * widget to become larger horizontally when the window has extra
5142 		 * room.
5143 		 *
5144 		 * By default, widgets automatically expand if any of their children
5145 		 * want to expand. (To see if a widget will automatically expand given
5146 		 * its current children and state, call gtk_widget_compute_expand(). A
5147 		 * container can decide how the expandability of children affects the
5148 		 * expansion of the container by overriding the compute_expand virtual
5149 		 * method on #GtkWidget.).
5150 		 *
5151 		 * Setting hexpand explicitly with this function will override the
5152 		 * automatic expand behavior.
5153 		 *
5154 		 * This function forces the widget to expand or not to expand,
5155 		 * regardless of children.  The override occurs because
5156 		 * gtk_widget_set_hexpand() sets the hexpand-set property (see
5157 		 * gtk_widget_set_hexpand_set()) which causes the widget’s hexpand
5158 		 * value to be used, rather than looking at children and widget state.
5159 		 *
5160 		 * Params:
5161 		 *     expand = whether to expand
5162 		 */
5163 		public void setHexpand(bool expand)
5164 		{
5165 			gtk_widget_set_hexpand(gtkWidget, expand);
5166 		}
5168 		/**
5169 		 * Sets whether the hexpand flag (see gtk_widget_get_hexpand()) will
5170 		 * be used.
5171 		 *
5172 		 * The hexpand-set property will be set automatically when you call
5173 		 * gtk_widget_set_hexpand() to set hexpand, so the most likely
5174 		 * reason to use this function would be to unset an explicit expand
5175 		 * flag.
5176 		 *
5177 		 * If hexpand is set, then it overrides any computed
5178 		 * expand value based on child widgets. If hexpand is not
5179 		 * set, then the expand value depends on whether any
5180 		 * children of the widget would like to expand.
5181 		 *
5182 		 * There are few reasons to use this function, but it’s here
5183 		 * for completeness and consistency.
5184 		 *
5185 		 * Params:
5186 		 *     set = value for hexpand-set property
5187 		 */
5188 		public void setHexpandSet(bool set)
5189 		{
5190 			gtk_widget_set_hexpand_set(gtkWidget, set);
5191 		}
5193 		/**
5194 		 * Marks the widget as being mapped.
5195 		 *
5196 		 * This function should only ever be called in a derived widget's
5197 		 * “map” or “unmap” implementation.
5198 		 *
5199 		 * Params:
5200 		 *     mapped = %TRUE to mark the widget as mapped
5201 		 *
5202 		 * Since: 2.20
5203 		 */
5204 		public void setMapped(bool mapped)
5205 		{
5206 			gtk_widget_set_mapped(gtkWidget, mapped);
5207 		}
5209 		/**
5210 		 * Sets the bottom margin of @widget.
5211 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-bottom property.
5212 		 *
5213 		 * Params:
5214 		 *     margin = the bottom margin
5215 		 *
5216 		 * Since: 3.0
5217 		 */
5218 		public void setMarginBottom(int margin)
5219 		{
5220 			gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom(gtkWidget, margin);
5221 		}
5223 		/**
5224 		 * Sets the end margin of @widget.
5225 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-end property.
5226 		 *
5227 		 * Params:
5228 		 *     margin = the end margin
5229 		 *
5230 		 * Since: 3.12
5231 		 */
5232 		public void setMarginEnd(int margin)
5233 		{
5234 			gtk_widget_set_margin_end(gtkWidget, margin);
5235 		}
5237 		/**
5238 		 * Sets the left margin of @widget.
5239 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-left property.
5240 		 *
5241 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_set_margin_start() instead.
5242 		 *
5243 		 * Params:
5244 		 *     margin = the left margin
5245 		 *
5246 		 * Since: 3.0
5247 		 */
5248 		public void setMarginLeft(int margin)
5249 		{
5250 			gtk_widget_set_margin_left(gtkWidget, margin);
5251 		}
5253 		/**
5254 		 * Sets the right margin of @widget.
5255 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-right property.
5256 		 *
5257 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_set_margin_end() instead.
5258 		 *
5259 		 * Params:
5260 		 *     margin = the right margin
5261 		 *
5262 		 * Since: 3.0
5263 		 */
5264 		public void setMarginRight(int margin)
5265 		{
5266 			gtk_widget_set_margin_right(gtkWidget, margin);
5267 		}
5269 		/**
5270 		 * Sets the start margin of @widget.
5271 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-start property.
5272 		 *
5273 		 * Params:
5274 		 *     margin = the start margin
5275 		 *
5276 		 * Since: 3.12
5277 		 */
5278 		public void setMarginStart(int margin)
5279 		{
5280 			gtk_widget_set_margin_start(gtkWidget, margin);
5281 		}
5283 		/**
5284 		 * Sets the top margin of @widget.
5285 		 * See the #GtkWidget:margin-top property.
5286 		 *
5287 		 * Params:
5288 		 *     margin = the top margin
5289 		 *
5290 		 * Since: 3.0
5291 		 */
5292 		public void setMarginTop(int margin)
5293 		{
5294 			gtk_widget_set_margin_top(gtkWidget, margin);
5295 		}
5297 		/**
5298 		 * Widgets can be named, which allows you to refer to them from a
5299 		 * CSS file. You can apply a style to widgets with a particular name
5300 		 * in the CSS file. See the documentation for the CSS syntax (on the
5301 		 * same page as the docs for #GtkStyleContext).
5302 		 *
5303 		 * Note that the CSS syntax has certain special characters to delimit
5304 		 * and represent elements in a selector (period, #, >, *...), so using
5305 		 * these will make your widget impossible to match by name. Any combination
5306 		 * of alphanumeric symbols, dashes and underscores will suffice.
5307 		 *
5308 		 * Params:
5309 		 *     name = name for the widget
5310 		 */
5311 		public void setName(string name)
5312 		{
5313 			gtk_widget_set_name(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(name));
5314 		}
5316 		/**
5317 		 * Sets the #GtkWidget:no-show-all property, which determines whether
5318 		 * calls to gtk_widget_show_all() will affect this widget.
5319 		 *
5320 		 * This is mostly for use in constructing widget hierarchies with externally
5321 		 * controlled visibility, see #GtkUIManager.
5322 		 *
5323 		 * Params:
5324 		 *     noShowAll = the new value for the “no-show-all” property
5325 		 *
5326 		 * Since: 2.4
5327 		 */
5328 		public void setNoShowAll(bool noShowAll)
5329 		{
5330 			gtk_widget_set_no_show_all(gtkWidget, noShowAll);
5331 		}
5333 		/**
5334 		 * Request the @widget to be rendered partially transparent,
5335 		 * with opacity 0 being fully transparent and 1 fully opaque. (Opacity values
5336 		 * are clamped to the [0,1] range.).
5337 		 * This works on both toplevel widget, and child widgets, although there
5338 		 * are some limitations:
5339 		 *
5340 		 * For toplevel widgets this depends on the capabilities of the windowing
5341 		 * system. On X11 this has any effect only on X screens with a compositing manager
5342 		 * running. See gtk_widget_is_composited(). On Windows it should work
5343 		 * always, although setting a window’s opacity after the window has been
5344 		 * shown causes it to flicker once on Windows.
5345 		 *
5346 		 * For child widgets it doesn’t work if any affected widget has a native window, or
5347 		 * disables double buffering.
5348 		 *
5349 		 * Params:
5350 		 *     opacity = desired opacity, between 0 and 1
5351 		 *
5352 		 * Since: 3.8
5353 		 */
5354 		public void setOpacity(double opacity)
5355 		{
5356 			gtk_widget_set_opacity(gtkWidget, opacity);
5357 		}
5359 		/**
5360 		 * This function is useful only when implementing subclasses of
5361 		 * #GtkContainer.
5362 		 * Sets the container as the parent of @widget, and takes care of
5363 		 * some details such as updating the state and style of the child
5364 		 * to reflect its new location. The opposite function is
5365 		 * gtk_widget_unparent().
5366 		 *
5367 		 * Params:
5368 		 *     parent = parent container
5369 		 */
5370 		public void setParent(Widget parent)
5371 		{
5372 			gtk_widget_set_parent(gtkWidget, (parent is null) ? null : parent.getWidgetStruct());
5373 		}
5375 		/**
5376 		 * Sets a non default parent window for @widget.
5377 		 *
5378 		 * For #GtkWindow classes, setting a @parent_window effects whether
5379 		 * the window is a toplevel window or can be embedded into other
5380 		 * widgets.
5381 		 *
5382 		 * For #GtkWindow classes, this needs to be called before the
5383 		 * window is realized.
5384 		 *
5385 		 * Params:
5386 		 *     parentWindow = the new parent window.
5387 		 */
5388 		public void setParentWindow(GdkWin parentWindow)
5389 		{
5390 			gtk_widget_set_parent_window(gtkWidget, (parentWindow is null) ? null : parentWindow.getWindowStruct());
5391 		}
5393 		/**
5394 		 * Marks the widget as being realized. This function must only be
5395 		 * called after all #GdkWindows for the @widget have been created
5396 		 * and registered.
5397 		 *
5398 		 * This function should only ever be called in a derived widget's
5399 		 * “realize” or “unrealize” implementation.
5400 		 *
5401 		 * Params:
5402 		 *     realized = %TRUE to mark the widget as realized
5403 		 *
5404 		 * Since: 2.20
5405 		 */
5406 		public void setRealized(bool realized)
5407 		{
5408 			gtk_widget_set_realized(gtkWidget, realized);
5409 		}
5411 		/**
5412 		 * Specifies whether @widget will be treated as the default widget
5413 		 * within its toplevel when it has the focus, even if another widget
5414 		 * is the default.
5415 		 *
5416 		 * See gtk_widget_grab_default() for details about the meaning of
5417 		 * “default”.
5418 		 *
5419 		 * Params:
5420 		 *     receivesDefault = whether or not @widget can be a default widget.
5421 		 *
5422 		 * Since: 2.18
5423 		 */
5424 		public void setReceivesDefault(bool receivesDefault)
5425 		{
5426 			gtk_widget_set_receives_default(gtkWidget, receivesDefault);
5427 		}
5429 		/**
5430 		 * Sets whether the entire widget is queued for drawing when its size
5431 		 * allocation changes. By default, this setting is %TRUE and
5432 		 * the entire widget is redrawn on every size change. If your widget
5433 		 * leaves the upper left unchanged when made bigger, turning this
5434 		 * setting off will improve performance.
5435 		 *
5436 		 * Note that for widgets where gtk_widget_get_has_window() is %FALSE
5437 		 * setting this flag to %FALSE turns off all allocation on resizing:
5438 		 * the widget will not even redraw if its position changes; this is to
5439 		 * allow containers that don’t draw anything to avoid excess
5440 		 * invalidations. If you set this flag on a widget with no window that
5441 		 * does draw on @widget->window, you are
5442 		 * responsible for invalidating both the old and new allocation of the
5443 		 * widget when the widget is moved and responsible for invalidating
5444 		 * regions newly when the widget increases size.
5445 		 *
5446 		 * Params:
5447 		 *     redrawOnAllocate = if %TRUE, the entire widget will be redrawn
5448 		 *         when it is allocated to a new size. Otherwise, only the
5449 		 *         new portion of the widget will be redrawn.
5450 		 */
5451 		public void setRedrawOnAllocate(bool redrawOnAllocate)
5452 		{
5453 			gtk_widget_set_redraw_on_allocate(gtkWidget, redrawOnAllocate);
5454 		}
5456 		/**
5457 		 * Sets the sensitivity of a widget. A widget is sensitive if the user
5458 		 * can interact with it. Insensitive widgets are “grayed out” and the
5459 		 * user can’t interact with them. Insensitive widgets are known as
5460 		 * “inactive”, “disabled”, or “ghosted” in some other toolkits.
5461 		 *
5462 		 * Params:
5463 		 *     sensitive = %TRUE to make the widget sensitive
5464 		 */
5465 		public void setSensitive(bool sensitive)
5466 		{
5467 			gtk_widget_set_sensitive(gtkWidget, sensitive);
5468 		}
5470 		/**
5471 		 * Sets the minimum size of a widget; that is, the widget’s size
5472 		 * request will be at least @width by @height. You can use this
5473 		 * function to force a widget to be larger than it normally would be.
5474 		 *
5475 		 * In most cases, gtk_window_set_default_size() is a better choice for
5476 		 * toplevel windows than this function; setting the default size will
5477 		 * still allow users to shrink the window. Setting the size request
5478 		 * will force them to leave the window at least as large as the size
5479 		 * request. When dealing with window sizes,
5480 		 * gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() can be a useful function as well.
5481 		 *
5482 		 * Note the inherent danger of setting any fixed size - themes,
5483 		 * translations into other languages, different fonts, and user action
5484 		 * can all change the appropriate size for a given widget. So, it's
5485 		 * basically impossible to hardcode a size that will always be
5486 		 * correct.
5487 		 *
5488 		 * The size request of a widget is the smallest size a widget can
5489 		 * accept while still functioning well and drawing itself correctly.
5490 		 * However in some strange cases a widget may be allocated less than
5491 		 * its requested size, and in many cases a widget may be allocated more
5492 		 * space than it requested.
5493 		 *
5494 		 * If the size request in a given direction is -1 (unset), then
5495 		 * the “natural” size request of the widget will be used instead.
5496 		 *
5497 		 * The size request set here does not include any margin from the
5498 		 * #GtkWidget properties margin-left, margin-right, margin-top, and
5499 		 * margin-bottom, but it does include pretty much all other padding
5500 		 * or border properties set by any subclass of #GtkWidget.
5501 		 *
5502 		 * Params:
5503 		 *     width = width @widget should request, or -1 to unset
5504 		 *     height = height @widget should request, or -1 to unset
5505 		 */
5506 		public void setSizeRequest(int width, int height)
5507 		{
5508 			gtk_widget_set_size_request(gtkWidget, width, height);
5509 		}
5511 		/**
5512 		 * This function is for use in widget implementations. Turns on flag
5513 		 * values in the current widget state (insensitive, prelighted, etc.).
5514 		 *
5515 		 * This function accepts the values %GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_LTR and
5516 		 * %GTK_STATE_FLAG_DIR_RTL but ignores them. If you want to set the widget's
5517 		 * direction, use gtk_widget_set_direction().
5518 		 *
5519 		 * It is worth mentioning that any other state than %GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE,
5520 		 * will be propagated down to all non-internal children if @widget is a
5521 		 * #GtkContainer, while %GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE itself will be propagated
5522 		 * down to all #GtkContainer children by different means than turning on the
5523 		 * state flag down the hierarchy, both gtk_widget_get_state_flags() and
5524 		 * gtk_widget_is_sensitive() will make use of these.
5525 		 *
5526 		 * Params:
5527 		 *     flags = State flags to turn on
5528 		 *     clear = Whether to clear state before turning on @flags
5529 		 *
5530 		 * Since: 3.0
5531 		 */
5532 		public void setStateFlags(GtkStateFlags flags, bool clear)
5533 		{
5534 			gtk_widget_set_state_flags(gtkWidget, flags, clear);
5535 		}
5537 		/**
5538 		 * Used to set the #GtkStyle for a widget (@widget->style). Since
5539 		 * GTK 3, this function does nothing, the passed in style is ignored.
5540 		 *
5541 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkStyleContext instead
5542 		 *
5543 		 * Params:
5544 		 *     style = a #GtkStyle, or %NULL to remove the effect
5545 		 *         of a previous call to gtk_widget_set_style() and go back to
5546 		 *         the default style
5547 		 */
5548 		public void setStyle(Style style)
5549 		{
5550 			gtk_widget_set_style(gtkWidget, (style is null) ? null : style.getStyleStruct());
5551 		}
5553 		/**
5554 		 * Enables or disables multiple pointer awareness. If this setting is %TRUE,
5555 		 * @widget will start receiving multiple, per device enter/leave events. Note
5556 		 * that if custom #GdkWindows are created in #GtkWidget::realize,
5557 		 * gdk_window_set_support_multidevice() will have to be called manually on them.
5558 		 *
5559 		 * Params:
5560 		 *     supportMultidevice = %TRUE to support input from multiple devices.
5561 		 *
5562 		 * Since: 3.0
5563 		 */
5564 		public void setSupportMultidevice(bool supportMultidevice)
5565 		{
5566 			gtk_widget_set_support_multidevice(gtkWidget, supportMultidevice);
5567 		}
5569 		/**
5570 		 * Sets @markup as the contents of the tooltip, which is marked up with
5571 		 * the [Pango text markup language][PangoMarkupFormat].
5572 		 *
5573 		 * This function will take care of setting #GtkWidget:has-tooltip to %TRUE
5574 		 * and of the default handler for the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
5575 		 *
5576 		 * See also the #GtkWidget:tooltip-markup property and
5577 		 * gtk_tooltip_set_markup().
5578 		 *
5579 		 * Params:
5580 		 *     markup = the contents of the tooltip for @widget, or %NULL
5581 		 *
5582 		 * Since: 2.12
5583 		 */
5584 		public void setTooltipMarkup(string markup)
5585 		{
5586 			gtk_widget_set_tooltip_markup(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(markup));
5587 		}
5589 		/**
5590 		 * Sets @text as the contents of the tooltip. This function will take
5591 		 * care of setting #GtkWidget:has-tooltip to %TRUE and of the default
5592 		 * handler for the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
5593 		 *
5594 		 * See also the #GtkWidget:tooltip-text property and gtk_tooltip_set_text().
5595 		 *
5596 		 * Params:
5597 		 *     text = the contents of the tooltip for @widget
5598 		 *
5599 		 * Since: 2.12
5600 		 */
5601 		public void setTooltipText(string text)
5602 		{
5603 			gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(text));
5604 		}
5606 		/**
5607 		 * Replaces the default window used for displaying
5608 		 * tooltips with @custom_window. GTK+ will take care of showing and
5609 		 * hiding @custom_window at the right moment, to behave likewise as
5610 		 * the default tooltip window. If @custom_window is %NULL, the default
5611 		 * tooltip window will be used.
5612 		 *
5613 		 * Params:
5614 		 *     customWindow = a #GtkWindow, or %NULL
5615 		 *
5616 		 * Since: 2.12
5617 		 */
5618 		public void setTooltipWindow(Window customWindow)
5619 		{
5620 			gtk_widget_set_tooltip_window(gtkWidget, (customWindow is null) ? null : customWindow.getWindowStruct());
5621 		}
5623 		/**
5624 		 * Sets the vertical alignment of @widget.
5625 		 * See the #GtkWidget:valign property.
5626 		 *
5627 		 * Params:
5628 		 *     alig = the vertical alignment
5629 		 */
5630 		public void setValign(GtkAlign alig)
5631 		{
5632 			gtk_widget_set_valign(gtkWidget, alig);
5633 		}
5635 		/**
5636 		 * Sets whether the widget would like any available extra vertical
5637 		 * space.
5638 		 *
5639 		 * See gtk_widget_set_hexpand() for more detail.
5640 		 *
5641 		 * Params:
5642 		 *     expand = whether to expand
5643 		 */
5644 		public void setVexpand(bool expand)
5645 		{
5646 			gtk_widget_set_vexpand(gtkWidget, expand);
5647 		}
5649 		/**
5650 		 * Sets whether the vexpand flag (see gtk_widget_get_vexpand()) will
5651 		 * be used.
5652 		 *
5653 		 * See gtk_widget_set_hexpand_set() for more detail.
5654 		 *
5655 		 * Params:
5656 		 *     set = value for vexpand-set property
5657 		 */
5658 		public void setVexpandSet(bool set)
5659 		{
5660 			gtk_widget_set_vexpand_set(gtkWidget, set);
5661 		}
5663 		/**
5664 		 * Sets the visibility state of @widget. Note that setting this to
5665 		 * %TRUE doesn’t mean the widget is actually viewable, see
5666 		 * gtk_widget_get_visible().
5667 		 *
5668 		 * This function simply calls gtk_widget_show() or gtk_widget_hide()
5669 		 * but is nicer to use when the visibility of the widget depends on
5670 		 * some condition.
5671 		 *
5672 		 * Params:
5673 		 *     visible = whether the widget should be shown or not
5674 		 *
5675 		 * Since: 2.18
5676 		 */
5677 		public void setVisible(bool visible)
5678 		{
5679 			gtk_widget_set_visible(gtkWidget, visible);
5680 		}
5682 		/**
5683 		 * Sets the visual that should be used for by widget and its children for
5684 		 * creating #GdkWindows. The visual must be on the same #GdkScreen as
5685 		 * returned by gtk_widget_get_screen(), so handling the
5686 		 * #GtkWidget::screen-changed signal is necessary.
5687 		 *
5688 		 * Setting a new @visual will not cause @widget to recreate its windows,
5689 		 * so you should call this function before @widget is realized.
5690 		 *
5691 		 * Params:
5692 		 *     visual = visual to be used or %NULL to unset a previous one
5693 		 */
5694 		public void setVisual(Visual visual)
5695 		{
5696 			gtk_widget_set_visual(gtkWidget, (visual is null) ? null : visual.getVisualStruct());
5697 		}
5699 		/**
5700 		 * Sets a widget’s window. This function should only be used in a
5701 		 * widget’s #GtkWidget::realize implementation. The %window passed is
5702 		 * usually either new window created with gdk_window_new(), or the
5703 		 * window of its parent widget as returned by
5704 		 * gtk_widget_get_parent_window().
5705 		 *
5706 		 * Widgets must indicate whether they will create their own #GdkWindow
5707 		 * by calling gtk_widget_set_has_window(). This is usually done in the
5708 		 * widget’s init() function.
5709 		 *
5710 		 * Note that this function does not add any reference to @window.
5711 		 *
5712 		 * Params:
5713 		 *     window = a #GdkWindow
5714 		 *
5715 		 * Since: 2.18
5716 		 */
5717 		public void setWindow(GdkWin window)
5718 		{
5719 			gtk_widget_set_window(gtkWidget, (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
5720 		}
5722 		/**
5723 		 * Sets a shape for this widget’s GDK window. This allows for
5724 		 * transparent windows etc., see gdk_window_shape_combine_region()
5725 		 * for more information.
5726 		 *
5727 		 * Params:
5728 		 *     region = shape to be added, or %NULL to remove an existing shape
5729 		 *
5730 		 * Since: 3.0
5731 		 */
5732 		public void shapeCombineRegion(Region region)
5733 		{
5734 			gtk_widget_shape_combine_region(gtkWidget, (region is null) ? null : region.getRegionStruct());
5735 		}
5737 		/**
5738 		 * Flags a widget to be displayed. Any widget that isn’t shown will
5739 		 * not appear on the screen. If you want to show all the widgets in a
5740 		 * container, it’s easier to call gtk_widget_show_all() on the
5741 		 * container, instead of individually showing the widgets.
5742 		 *
5743 		 * Remember that you have to show the containers containing a widget,
5744 		 * in addition to the widget itself, before it will appear onscreen.
5745 		 *
5746 		 * When a toplevel container is shown, it is immediately realized and
5747 		 * mapped; other shown widgets are realized and mapped when their
5748 		 * toplevel container is realized and mapped.
5749 		 */
5750 		public void show()
5751 		{
5752 			gtk_widget_show(gtkWidget);
5753 		}
5755 		/**
5756 		 * Recursively shows a widget, and any child widgets (if the widget is
5757 		 * a container).
5758 		 */
5759 		public void showAll()
5760 		{
5761 			gtk_widget_show_all(gtkWidget);
5762 		}
5764 		/**
5765 		 * Shows a widget. If the widget is an unmapped toplevel widget
5766 		 * (i.e. a #GtkWindow that has not yet been shown), enter the main
5767 		 * loop and wait for the window to actually be mapped. Be careful;
5768 		 * because the main loop is running, anything can happen during
5769 		 * this function.
5770 		 */
5771 		public void showNow()
5772 		{
5773 			gtk_widget_show_now(gtkWidget);
5774 		}
5776 		/**
5777 		 * This function is only used by #GtkContainer subclasses, to assign a size
5778 		 * and position to their child widgets.
5779 		 *
5780 		 * In this function, the allocation may be adjusted. It will be forced
5781 		 * to a 1x1 minimum size, and the adjust_size_allocation virtual
5782 		 * method on the child will be used to adjust the allocation. Standard
5783 		 * adjustments include removing the widget’s margins, and applying the
5784 		 * widget’s #GtkWidget:halign and #GtkWidget:valign properties.
5785 		 *
5786 		 * For baseline support in containers you need to use gtk_widget_size_allocate_with_baseline()
5787 		 * instead.
5788 		 *
5789 		 * Params:
5790 		 *     allocation = position and size to be allocated to @widget
5791 		 */
5792 		public void sizeAllocate(GtkAllocation* allocation)
5793 		{
5794 			gtk_widget_size_allocate(gtkWidget, allocation);
5795 		}
5797 		/**
5798 		 * This function is only used by #GtkContainer subclasses, to assign a size,
5799 		 * position and (optionally) baseline to their child widgets.
5800 		 *
5801 		 * In this function, the allocation and baseline may be adjusted. It
5802 		 * will be forced to a 1x1 minimum size, and the
5803 		 * adjust_size_allocation virtual and adjust_baseline_allocation
5804 		 * methods on the child will be used to adjust the allocation and
5805 		 * baseline. Standard adjustments include removing the widget's
5806 		 * margins, and applying the widget’s #GtkWidget:halign and
5807 		 * #GtkWidget:valign properties.
5808 		 *
5809 		 * If the child widget does not have a valign of %GTK_ALIGN_BASELINE the
5810 		 * baseline argument is ignored and -1 is used instead.
5811 		 *
5812 		 * Params:
5813 		 *     allocation = position and size to be allocated to @widget
5814 		 *     baseline = The baseline of the child, or -1
5815 		 *
5816 		 * Since: 3.10
5817 		 */
5818 		public void sizeAllocateWithBaseline(GtkAllocation* allocation, int baseline)
5819 		{
5820 			gtk_widget_size_allocate_with_baseline(gtkWidget, allocation, baseline);
5821 		}
5823 		/**
5824 		 * This function is typically used when implementing a #GtkContainer
5825 		 * subclass.  Obtains the preferred size of a widget. The container
5826 		 * uses this information to arrange its child widgets and decide what
5827 		 * size allocations to give them with gtk_widget_size_allocate().
5828 		 *
5829 		 * You can also call this function from an application, with some
5830 		 * caveats. Most notably, getting a size request requires the widget
5831 		 * to be associated with a screen, because font information may be
5832 		 * needed. Multihead-aware applications should keep this in mind.
5833 		 *
5834 		 * Also remember that the size request is not necessarily the size
5835 		 * a widget will actually be allocated.
5836 		 *
5837 		 * Deprecated: Use gtk_widget_get_preferred_size() instead.
5838 		 *
5839 		 * Params:
5840 		 *     requisition = a #GtkRequisition to be filled in
5841 		 */
5842 		public void sizeRequest(out Requisition requisition)
5843 		{
5844 			GtkRequisition* outrequisition = gMalloc!GtkRequisition();
5846 			gtk_widget_size_request(gtkWidget, outrequisition);
5848 			requisition = ObjectG.getDObject!(Requisition)(outrequisition, true);
5849 		}
5851 		/**
5852 		 * This function attaches the widget’s #GtkStyle to the widget's
5853 		 * #GdkWindow. It is a replacement for
5854 		 *
5855 		 * |[
5856 		 * widget->style = gtk_style_attach (widget->style, widget->window);
5857 		 * ]|
5858 		 *
5859 		 * and should only ever be called in a derived widget’s “realize”
5860 		 * implementation which does not chain up to its parent class'
5861 		 * “realize” implementation, because one of the parent classes
5862 		 * (finally #GtkWidget) would attach the style itself.
5863 		 *
5864 		 * Deprecated: This step is unnecessary with #GtkStyleContext.
5865 		 *
5866 		 * Since: 2.20
5867 		 */
5868 		public void styleAttach()
5869 		{
5870 			gtk_widget_style_attach(gtkWidget);
5871 		}
5873 		/**
5874 		 * Gets the value of a style property of @widget.
5875 		 *
5876 		 * Params:
5877 		 *     propertyName = the name of a style property
5878 		 *     value = location to return the property value
5879 		 */
5880 		public void styleGetProperty(string propertyName, Value value)
5881 		{
5882 			gtk_widget_style_get_property(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(propertyName), (value is null) ? null : value.getValueStruct());
5883 		}
5885 		/**
5886 		 * Non-vararg variant of gtk_widget_style_get(). Used primarily by language
5887 		 * bindings.
5888 		 *
5889 		 * Params:
5890 		 *     firstPropertyName = the name of the first property to get
5891 		 *     varArgs = a va_list of pairs of property names and
5892 		 *         locations to return the property values, starting with the location
5893 		 *         for @first_property_name.
5894 		 */
5895 		public void styleGetValist(string firstPropertyName, void* varArgs)
5896 		{
5897 			gtk_widget_style_get_valist(gtkWidget, Str.toStringz(firstPropertyName), varArgs);
5898 		}
5900 		/**
5901 		 * Reverts the effect of a previous call to gtk_widget_freeze_child_notify().
5902 		 * This causes all queued #GtkWidget::child-notify signals on @widget to be
5903 		 * emitted.
5904 		 */
5905 		public void thawChildNotify()
5906 		{
5907 			gtk_widget_thaw_child_notify(gtkWidget);
5908 		}
5910 		/**
5911 		 * Translate coordinates relative to @src_widget’s allocation to coordinates
5912 		 * relative to @dest_widget’s allocations. In order to perform this
5913 		 * operation, both widgets must be realized, and must share a common
5914 		 * toplevel.
5915 		 *
5916 		 * Params:
5917 		 *     destWidget = a #GtkWidget
5918 		 *     srcX = X position relative to @src_widget
5919 		 *     srcY = Y position relative to @src_widget
5920 		 *     destX = location to store X position relative to @dest_widget
5921 		 *     destY = location to store Y position relative to @dest_widget
5922 		 *
5923 		 * Returns: %FALSE if either widget was not realized, or there
5924 		 *     was no common ancestor. In this case, nothing is stored in
5925 		 *     *@dest_x and *@dest_y. Otherwise %TRUE.
5926 		 */
5927 		public bool translateCoordinates(Widget destWidget, int srcX, int srcY, out int destX, out int destY)
5928 		{
5929 			return gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(gtkWidget, (destWidget is null) ? null : destWidget.getWidgetStruct(), srcX, srcY, &destX, &destY) != 0;
5930 		}
5932 		/**
5933 		 * Triggers a tooltip query on the display where the toplevel of @widget
5934 		 * is located. See gtk_tooltip_trigger_tooltip_query() for more
5935 		 * information.
5936 		 *
5937 		 * Since: 2.12
5938 		 */
5939 		public void triggerTooltipQuery()
5940 		{
5941 			gtk_widget_trigger_tooltip_query(gtkWidget);
5942 		}
5944 		/**
5945 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations. Causes
5946 		 * a widget to be unmapped if it’s currently mapped.
5947 		 */
5948 		public void unmap()
5949 		{
5950 			gtk_widget_unmap(gtkWidget);
5951 		}
5953 		/**
5954 		 * This function is only for use in widget implementations.
5955 		 * Should be called by implementations of the remove method
5956 		 * on #GtkContainer, to dissociate a child from the container.
5957 		 */
5958 		public void unparent()
5959 		{
5960 			gtk_widget_unparent(gtkWidget);
5961 		}
5963 		/**
5964 		 * This function is only useful in widget implementations.
5965 		 * Causes a widget to be unrealized (frees all GDK resources
5966 		 * associated with the widget, such as @widget->window).
5967 		 */
5968 		public void unrealize()
5969 		{
5970 			gtk_widget_unrealize(gtkWidget);
5971 		}
5973 		/**
5974 		 * Unregisters a #GdkWindow from the widget that was previously set up with
5975 		 * gtk_widget_register_window(). You need to call this when the window is
5976 		 * no longer used by the widget, such as when you destroy it.
5977 		 *
5978 		 * Params:
5979 		 *     window = a #GdkWindow
5980 		 *
5981 		 * Since: 3.8
5982 		 */
5983 		public void unregisterWindow(GdkWin window)
5984 		{
5985 			gtk_widget_unregister_window(gtkWidget, (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
5986 		}
5988 		/**
5989 		 * This function is for use in widget implementations. Turns off flag
5990 		 * values for the current widget state (insensitive, prelighted, etc.).
5991 		 * See gtk_widget_set_state_flags().
5992 		 *
5993 		 * Params:
5994 		 *     flags = State flags to turn off
5995 		 *
5996 		 * Since: 3.0
5997 		 */
5998 		public void unsetStateFlags(GtkStateFlags flags)
5999 		{
6000 			gtk_widget_unset_state_flags(gtkWidget, flags);
6001 		}
6003 		protected class OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper
6004 		{
6005 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
6006 			gulong handlerId;
6008 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
6009 			{
6010 				this.dlg = dlg;
6011 				onAccelClosuresChangedListeners ~= this;
6012 			}
6014 			void remove(OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper source)
6015 			{
6016 				foreach(index, wrapper; onAccelClosuresChangedListeners)
6017 				{
6018 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6019 					{
6020 						onAccelClosuresChangedListeners[index] = null;
6021 						onAccelClosuresChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onAccelClosuresChangedListeners, index);
6022 						break;
6023 					}
6024 				}
6025 			}
6026 		}
6027 		OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper[] onAccelClosuresChangedListeners;
6029 		/** */
6030 		gulong addOnAccelClosuresChanged(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6031 		{
6032 			auto wrapper = new OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6033 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6034 				this,
6035 				"accel-closures-changed",
6036 				cast(GCallback)&callBackAccelClosuresChanged,
6037 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6038 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackAccelClosuresChangedDestroy,
6039 				connectFlags);
6040 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6041 		}
6043 		extern(C) static void callBackAccelClosuresChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6044 		{
6045 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
6046 		}
6048 		extern(C) static void callBackAccelClosuresChangedDestroy(OnAccelClosuresChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6049 		{
6050 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6051 		}
6053 		protected class OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper
6054 		{
6055 			bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg;
6056 			gulong handlerId;
6058 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg)
6059 			{
6060 				this.dlg = dlg;
6061 				onButtonPressListeners ~= this;
6062 			}
6064 			void remove(OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper source)
6065 			{
6066 				foreach(index, wrapper; onButtonPressListeners)
6067 				{
6068 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6069 					{
6070 						onButtonPressListeners[index] = null;
6071 						onButtonPressListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onButtonPressListeners, index);
6072 						break;
6073 					}
6074 				}
6075 			}
6076 		}
6077 		OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper[] onButtonPressListeners;
6079 		/**
6080 		 * The ::button-press-event signal will be emitted when a button
6081 		 * (typically from a mouse) is pressed.
6082 		 *
6083 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the
6084 		 * widget needs to enable the #GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK mask.
6085 		 *
6086 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
6087 		 *
6088 		 * Params:
6089 		 *     event = the #GdkEventButton which triggered
6090 		 *         this signal.
6091 		 *
6092 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6093 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6094 		 */
6095 		gulong addOnButtonPress(bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6096 		{
6097 			addEvents(EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
6098 			auto wrapper = new OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6099 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6100 				this,
6101 				"button-press-event",
6102 				cast(GCallback)&callBackButtonPress,
6103 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6104 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackButtonPressDestroy,
6105 				connectFlags);
6106 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6107 		}
6109 		extern(C) static int callBackButtonPress(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventButton* event, OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6110 		{
6111 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
6112 		}
6114 		extern(C) static void callBackButtonPressDestroy(OnButtonPressDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6115 		{
6116 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6117 		}
6119 		protected class OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper
6120 		{
6121 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6122 			gulong handlerId;
6124 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6125 			{
6126 				this.dlg = dlg;
6127 				onButtonPressEventGenericListeners ~= this;
6128 			}
6130 			void remove(OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
6131 			{
6132 				foreach(index, wrapper; onButtonPressEventGenericListeners)
6133 				{
6134 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6135 					{
6136 						onButtonPressEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
6137 						onButtonPressEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onButtonPressEventGenericListeners, index);
6138 						break;
6139 					}
6140 				}
6141 			}
6142 		}
6143 		OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onButtonPressEventGenericListeners;
6145 		/**
6146 		 * The ::button-press-event signal will be emitted when a button
6147 		 * (typically from a mouse) is pressed.
6148 		 *
6149 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the
6150 		 * widget needs to enable the #GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK mask.
6151 		 *
6152 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
6153 		 *
6154 		 * Params:
6155 		 *     event = the #GdkEventButton which triggered
6156 		 *         this signal.
6157 		 *
6158 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6159 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6160 		 */
6161 		gulong addOnButtonPress(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6162 		{
6163 			addEvents(EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
6164 			auto wrapper = new OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6165 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6166 				this,
6167 				"button-press-event",
6168 				cast(GCallback)&callBackButtonPressEventGeneric,
6169 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6170 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackButtonPressEventGenericDestroy,
6171 				connectFlags);
6172 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6173 		}
6175 		extern(C) static int callBackButtonPressEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6176 		{
6177 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6178 		}
6180 		extern(C) static void callBackButtonPressEventGenericDestroy(OnButtonPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6181 		{
6182 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6183 		}
6185 		protected class OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper
6186 		{
6187 			bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg;
6188 			gulong handlerId;
6190 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg)
6191 			{
6192 				this.dlg = dlg;
6193 				onButtonReleaseListeners ~= this;
6194 			}
6196 			void remove(OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper source)
6197 			{
6198 				foreach(index, wrapper; onButtonReleaseListeners)
6199 				{
6200 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6201 					{
6202 						onButtonReleaseListeners[index] = null;
6203 						onButtonReleaseListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onButtonReleaseListeners, index);
6204 						break;
6205 					}
6206 				}
6207 			}
6208 		}
6209 		OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper[] onButtonReleaseListeners;
6211 		/**
6212 		 * The ::button-release-event signal will be emitted when a button
6213 		 * (typically from a mouse) is released.
6214 		 *
6215 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the
6216 		 * widget needs to enable the #GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK mask.
6217 		 *
6218 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
6219 		 *
6220 		 * Params:
6221 		 *     event = the #GdkEventButton which triggered
6222 		 *         this signal.
6223 		 *
6224 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6225 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6226 		 */
6227 		gulong addOnButtonRelease(bool delegate(GdkEventButton*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6228 		{
6229 			addEvents(EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK);
6230 			auto wrapper = new OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6231 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6232 				this,
6233 				"button-release-event",
6234 				cast(GCallback)&callBackButtonRelease,
6235 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6236 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackButtonReleaseDestroy,
6237 				connectFlags);
6238 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6239 		}
6241 		extern(C) static int callBackButtonRelease(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventButton* event, OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6242 		{
6243 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
6244 		}
6246 		extern(C) static void callBackButtonReleaseDestroy(OnButtonReleaseDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6247 		{
6248 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6249 		}
6251 		protected class OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper
6252 		{
6253 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6254 			gulong handlerId;
6256 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6257 			{
6258 				this.dlg = dlg;
6259 				onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners ~= this;
6260 			}
6262 			void remove(OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
6263 			{
6264 				foreach(index, wrapper; onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners)
6265 				{
6266 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6267 					{
6268 						onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
6269 						onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners, index);
6270 						break;
6271 					}
6272 				}
6273 			}
6274 		}
6275 		OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onButtonReleaseEventGenericListeners;
6277 		/**
6278 		 * The ::button-release-event signal will be emitted when a button
6279 		 * (typically from a mouse) is released.
6280 		 *
6281 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the
6282 		 * widget needs to enable the #GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK mask.
6283 		 *
6284 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
6285 		 *
6286 		 * Params:
6287 		 *     event = the #GdkEventButton which triggered
6288 		 *         this signal.
6289 		 *
6290 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6291 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6292 		 */
6293 		gulong addOnButtonRelease(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6294 		{
6295 			addEvents(EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK);
6296 			auto wrapper = new OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6297 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6298 				this,
6299 				"button-release-event",
6300 				cast(GCallback)&callBackButtonReleaseEventGeneric,
6301 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6302 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackButtonReleaseEventGenericDestroy,
6303 				connectFlags);
6304 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6305 		}
6307 		extern(C) static int callBackButtonReleaseEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6308 		{
6309 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6310 		}
6312 		extern(C) static void callBackButtonReleaseEventGenericDestroy(OnButtonReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6313 		{
6314 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6315 		}
6317 		protected class OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper
6318 		{
6319 			bool delegate(uint, Widget) dlg;
6320 			gulong handlerId;
6322 			this(bool delegate(uint, Widget) dlg)
6323 			{
6324 				this.dlg = dlg;
6325 				onCanActivateAccelListeners ~= this;
6326 			}
6328 			void remove(OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper source)
6329 			{
6330 				foreach(index, wrapper; onCanActivateAccelListeners)
6331 				{
6332 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6333 					{
6334 						onCanActivateAccelListeners[index] = null;
6335 						onCanActivateAccelListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onCanActivateAccelListeners, index);
6336 						break;
6337 					}
6338 				}
6339 			}
6340 		}
6341 		OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper[] onCanActivateAccelListeners;
6343 		/**
6344 		 * Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal
6345 		 * identified by @signal_id can currently be activated.
6346 		 * This signal is present to allow applications and derived
6347 		 * widgets to override the default #GtkWidget handling
6348 		 * for determining whether an accelerator can be activated.
6349 		 *
6350 		 * Params:
6351 		 *     signalId = the ID of a signal installed on @widget
6352 		 *
6353 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the signal can be activated.
6354 		 */
6355 		gulong addOnCanActivateAccel(bool delegate(uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6356 		{
6357 			auto wrapper = new OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6358 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6359 				this,
6360 				"can-activate-accel",
6361 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCanActivateAccel,
6362 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6363 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackCanActivateAccelDestroy,
6364 				connectFlags);
6365 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6366 		}
6368 		extern(C) static int callBackCanActivateAccel(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, uint signalId, OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6369 		{
6370 			return wrapper.dlg(signalId, wrapper.outer);
6371 		}
6373 		extern(C) static void callBackCanActivateAccelDestroy(OnCanActivateAccelDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6374 		{
6375 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6376 		}
6378 		protected class OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper
6379 		{
6380 			void delegate(ParamSpec, Widget) dlg;
6381 			gulong handlerId;
6383 			this(void delegate(ParamSpec, Widget) dlg)
6384 			{
6385 				this.dlg = dlg;
6386 				onChildNotifyListeners ~= this;
6387 			}
6389 			void remove(OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
6390 			{
6391 				foreach(index, wrapper; onChildNotifyListeners)
6392 				{
6393 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6394 					{
6395 						onChildNotifyListeners[index] = null;
6396 						onChildNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onChildNotifyListeners, index);
6397 						break;
6398 					}
6399 				}
6400 			}
6401 		}
6402 		OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onChildNotifyListeners;
6404 		/**
6405 		 * The ::child-notify signal is emitted for each
6406 		 * [child property][child-properties]  that has
6407 		 * changed on an object. The signal's detail holds the property name.
6408 		 *
6409 		 * Params:
6410 		 *     childProperty = the #GParamSpec of the changed child property
6411 		 */
6412 		gulong addOnChildNotify(void delegate(ParamSpec, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6413 		{
6414 			auto wrapper = new OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6415 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6416 				this,
6417 				"child-notify",
6418 				cast(GCallback)&callBackChildNotify,
6419 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6420 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackChildNotifyDestroy,
6421 				connectFlags);
6422 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6423 		}
6425 		extern(C) static void callBackChildNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GParamSpec* childProperty, OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6426 		{
6427 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(ParamSpec)(childProperty), wrapper.outer);
6428 		}
6430 		extern(C) static void callBackChildNotifyDestroy(OnChildNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6431 		{
6432 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6433 		}
6435 		protected class OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper
6436 		{
6437 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
6438 			gulong handlerId;
6440 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
6441 			{
6442 				this.dlg = dlg;
6443 				onCompositedChangedListeners ~= this;
6444 			}
6446 			void remove(OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper source)
6447 			{
6448 				foreach(index, wrapper; onCompositedChangedListeners)
6449 				{
6450 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6451 					{
6452 						onCompositedChangedListeners[index] = null;
6453 						onCompositedChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onCompositedChangedListeners, index);
6454 						break;
6455 					}
6456 				}
6457 			}
6458 		}
6459 		OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper[] onCompositedChangedListeners;
6461 		/**
6462 		 * The ::composited-changed signal is emitted when the composited
6463 		 * status of @widgets screen changes.
6464 		 * See gdk_screen_is_composited().
6465 		 *
6466 		 * Deprecated: Use GdkScreen::composited-changed instead.
6467 		 */
6468 		gulong addOnCompositedChanged(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6469 		{
6470 			auto wrapper = new OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6471 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6472 				this,
6473 				"composited-changed",
6474 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCompositedChanged,
6475 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6476 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackCompositedChangedDestroy,
6477 				connectFlags);
6478 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6479 		}
6481 		extern(C) static void callBackCompositedChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6482 		{
6483 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
6484 		}
6486 		extern(C) static void callBackCompositedChangedDestroy(OnCompositedChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6487 		{
6488 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6489 		}
6491 		protected class OnConfigureDelegateWrapper
6492 		{
6493 			bool delegate(GdkEventConfigure*, Widget) dlg;
6494 			gulong handlerId;
6496 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventConfigure*, Widget) dlg)
6497 			{
6498 				this.dlg = dlg;
6499 				onConfigureListeners ~= this;
6500 			}
6502 			void remove(OnConfigureDelegateWrapper source)
6503 			{
6504 				foreach(index, wrapper; onConfigureListeners)
6505 				{
6506 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6507 					{
6508 						onConfigureListeners[index] = null;
6509 						onConfigureListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onConfigureListeners, index);
6510 						break;
6511 					}
6512 				}
6513 			}
6514 		}
6515 		OnConfigureDelegateWrapper[] onConfigureListeners;
6517 		/**
6518 		 * The ::configure-event signal will be emitted when the size, position or
6519 		 * stacking of the @widget's window has changed.
6520 		 *
6521 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
6522 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
6523 		 * automatically for all new windows.
6524 		 *
6525 		 * Params:
6526 		 *     event = the #GdkEventConfigure which triggered
6527 		 *         this signal.
6528 		 *
6529 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6530 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6531 		 */
6532 		gulong addOnConfigure(bool delegate(GdkEventConfigure*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6533 		{
6534 			auto wrapper = new OnConfigureDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6535 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6536 				this,
6537 				"configure-event",
6538 				cast(GCallback)&callBackConfigure,
6539 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6540 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackConfigureDestroy,
6541 				connectFlags);
6542 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6543 		}
6545 		extern(C) static int callBackConfigure(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventConfigure* event, OnConfigureDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6546 		{
6547 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
6548 		}
6550 		extern(C) static void callBackConfigureDestroy(OnConfigureDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6551 		{
6552 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6553 		}
6555 		protected class OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper
6556 		{
6557 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6558 			gulong handlerId;
6560 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6561 			{
6562 				this.dlg = dlg;
6563 				onConfigureEventGenericListeners ~= this;
6564 			}
6566 			void remove(OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
6567 			{
6568 				foreach(index, wrapper; onConfigureEventGenericListeners)
6569 				{
6570 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6571 					{
6572 						onConfigureEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
6573 						onConfigureEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onConfigureEventGenericListeners, index);
6574 						break;
6575 					}
6576 				}
6577 			}
6578 		}
6579 		OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onConfigureEventGenericListeners;
6581 		/**
6582 		 * The ::configure-event signal will be emitted when the size, position or
6583 		 * stacking of the @widget's window has changed.
6584 		 *
6585 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
6586 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
6587 		 * automatically for all new windows.
6588 		 *
6589 		 * Params:
6590 		 *     event = the #GdkEventConfigure which triggered
6591 		 *         this signal.
6592 		 *
6593 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6594 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6595 		 */
6596 		gulong addOnConfigure(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6597 		{
6598 			auto wrapper = new OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6599 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6600 				this,
6601 				"configure-event",
6602 				cast(GCallback)&callBackConfigureEventGeneric,
6603 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6604 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackConfigureEventGenericDestroy,
6605 				connectFlags);
6606 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6607 		}
6609 		extern(C) static int callBackConfigureEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6610 		{
6611 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6612 		}
6614 		extern(C) static void callBackConfigureEventGenericDestroy(OnConfigureEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6615 		{
6616 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6617 		}
6619 		protected class OnDamageDelegateWrapper
6620 		{
6621 			bool delegate(GdkEventExpose*, Widget) dlg;
6622 			gulong handlerId;
6624 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventExpose*, Widget) dlg)
6625 			{
6626 				this.dlg = dlg;
6627 				onDamageListeners ~= this;
6628 			}
6630 			void remove(OnDamageDelegateWrapper source)
6631 			{
6632 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDamageListeners)
6633 				{
6634 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6635 					{
6636 						onDamageListeners[index] = null;
6637 						onDamageListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDamageListeners, index);
6638 						break;
6639 					}
6640 				}
6641 			}
6642 		}
6643 		OnDamageDelegateWrapper[] onDamageListeners;
6645 		/**
6646 		 * Emitted when a redirected window belonging to @widget gets drawn into.
6647 		 * The region/area members of the event shows what area of the redirected
6648 		 * drawable was drawn into.
6649 		 *
6650 		 * Params:
6651 		 *     event = the #GdkEventExpose event
6652 		 *
6653 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6654 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6655 		 *
6656 		 * Since: 2.14
6657 		 */
6658 		gulong addOnDamage(bool delegate(GdkEventExpose*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6659 		{
6660 			auto wrapper = new OnDamageDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6661 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6662 				this,
6663 				"damage-event",
6664 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDamage,
6665 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6666 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDamageDestroy,
6667 				connectFlags);
6668 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6669 		}
6671 		extern(C) static int callBackDamage(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventExpose* event, OnDamageDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6672 		{
6673 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
6674 		}
6676 		extern(C) static void callBackDamageDestroy(OnDamageDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6677 		{
6678 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6679 		}
6681 		protected class OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper
6682 		{
6683 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6684 			gulong handlerId;
6686 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6687 			{
6688 				this.dlg = dlg;
6689 				onDamageEventGenericListeners ~= this;
6690 			}
6692 			void remove(OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
6693 			{
6694 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDamageEventGenericListeners)
6695 				{
6696 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6697 					{
6698 						onDamageEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
6699 						onDamageEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDamageEventGenericListeners, index);
6700 						break;
6701 					}
6702 				}
6703 			}
6704 		}
6705 		OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onDamageEventGenericListeners;
6707 		/**
6708 		 * Emitted when a redirected window belonging to @widget gets drawn into.
6709 		 * The region/area members of the event shows what area of the redirected
6710 		 * drawable was drawn into.
6711 		 *
6712 		 * Params:
6713 		 *     event = the #GdkEventExpose event
6714 		 *
6715 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6716 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6717 		 *
6718 		 * Since: 2.14
6719 		 */
6720 		gulong addOnDamage(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6721 		{
6722 			auto wrapper = new OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6723 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6724 				this,
6725 				"damage-event",
6726 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDamageEventGeneric,
6727 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6728 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDamageEventGenericDestroy,
6729 				connectFlags);
6730 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6731 		}
6733 		extern(C) static int callBackDamageEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6734 		{
6735 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6736 		}
6738 		extern(C) static void callBackDamageEventGenericDestroy(OnDamageEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6739 		{
6740 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6741 		}
6743 		protected class OnDeleteDelegateWrapper
6744 		{
6745 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6746 			gulong handlerId;
6748 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6749 			{
6750 				this.dlg = dlg;
6751 				onDeleteListeners ~= this;
6752 			}
6754 			void remove(OnDeleteDelegateWrapper source)
6755 			{
6756 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDeleteListeners)
6757 				{
6758 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6759 					{
6760 						onDeleteListeners[index] = null;
6761 						onDeleteListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDeleteListeners, index);
6762 						break;
6763 					}
6764 				}
6765 			}
6766 		}
6767 		OnDeleteDelegateWrapper[] onDeleteListeners;
6769 		/**
6770 		 * The ::delete-event signal is emitted if a user requests that
6771 		 * a toplevel window is closed. The default handler for this signal
6772 		 * destroys the window. Connecting gtk_widget_hide_on_delete() to
6773 		 * this signal will cause the window to be hidden instead, so that
6774 		 * it can later be shown again without reconstructing it.
6775 		 *
6776 		 * Params:
6777 		 *     event = the event which triggered this signal
6778 		 *
6779 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6780 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6781 		 */
6782 		gulong addOnDelete(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6783 		{
6784 			auto wrapper = new OnDeleteDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6785 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6786 				this,
6787 				"delete-event",
6788 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDelete,
6789 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6790 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDeleteDestroy,
6791 				connectFlags);
6792 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6793 		}
6795 		extern(C) static int callBackDelete(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnDeleteDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6796 		{
6797 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6798 		}
6800 		extern(C) static void callBackDeleteDestroy(OnDeleteDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6801 		{
6802 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6803 		}
6805 		protected class OnDestroyDelegateWrapper
6806 		{
6807 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
6808 			gulong handlerId;
6810 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
6811 			{
6812 				this.dlg = dlg;
6813 				onDestroyListeners ~= this;
6814 			}
6816 			void remove(OnDestroyDelegateWrapper source)
6817 			{
6818 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDestroyListeners)
6819 				{
6820 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6821 					{
6822 						onDestroyListeners[index] = null;
6823 						onDestroyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDestroyListeners, index);
6824 						break;
6825 					}
6826 				}
6827 			}
6828 		}
6829 		OnDestroyDelegateWrapper[] onDestroyListeners;
6831 		/**
6832 		 * Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release
6833 		 * the reference that they hold. May result in finalization of the widget
6834 		 * if all references are released.
6835 		 *
6836 		 * This signal is not suitable for saving widget state.
6837 		 */
6838 		gulong addOnDestroy(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6839 		{
6840 			auto wrapper = new OnDestroyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6841 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6842 				this,
6843 				"destroy",
6844 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDestroy,
6845 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6846 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDestroyDestroy,
6847 				connectFlags);
6848 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6849 		}
6851 		extern(C) static void callBackDestroy(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnDestroyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6852 		{
6853 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
6854 		}
6856 		extern(C) static void callBackDestroyDestroy(OnDestroyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6857 		{
6858 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6859 		}
6861 		protected class OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper
6862 		{
6863 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
6864 			gulong handlerId;
6866 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
6867 			{
6868 				this.dlg = dlg;
6869 				onDestroyEventListeners ~= this;
6870 			}
6872 			void remove(OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper source)
6873 			{
6874 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDestroyEventListeners)
6875 				{
6876 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6877 					{
6878 						onDestroyEventListeners[index] = null;
6879 						onDestroyEventListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDestroyEventListeners, index);
6880 						break;
6881 					}
6882 				}
6883 			}
6884 		}
6885 		OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper[] onDestroyEventListeners;
6887 		/**
6888 		 * The ::destroy-event signal is emitted when a #GdkWindow is destroyed.
6889 		 * You rarely get this signal, because most widgets disconnect themselves
6890 		 * from their window before they destroy it, so no widget owns the
6891 		 * window at destroy time.
6892 		 *
6893 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
6894 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
6895 		 * automatically for all new windows.
6896 		 *
6897 		 * Params:
6898 		 *     event = the event which triggered this signal
6899 		 *
6900 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
6901 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
6902 		 */
6903 		gulong addOnDestroyEvent(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6904 		{
6905 			auto wrapper = new OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6906 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6907 				this,
6908 				"destroy-event",
6909 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDestroyEvent,
6910 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6911 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDestroyEventDestroy,
6912 				connectFlags);
6913 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6914 		}
6916 		extern(C) static int callBackDestroyEvent(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6917 		{
6918 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
6919 		}
6921 		extern(C) static void callBackDestroyEventDestroy(OnDestroyEventDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6922 		{
6923 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6924 		}
6926 		protected class OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper
6927 		{
6928 			void delegate(GtkTextDirection, Widget) dlg;
6929 			gulong handlerId;
6931 			this(void delegate(GtkTextDirection, Widget) dlg)
6932 			{
6933 				this.dlg = dlg;
6934 				onDirectionChangedListeners ~= this;
6935 			}
6937 			void remove(OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper source)
6938 			{
6939 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDirectionChangedListeners)
6940 				{
6941 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6942 					{
6943 						onDirectionChangedListeners[index] = null;
6944 						onDirectionChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDirectionChangedListeners, index);
6945 						break;
6946 					}
6947 				}
6948 			}
6949 		}
6950 		OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper[] onDirectionChangedListeners;
6952 		/**
6953 		 * The ::direction-changed signal is emitted when the text direction
6954 		 * of a widget changes.
6955 		 *
6956 		 * Params:
6957 		 *     previousDirection = the previous text direction of @widget
6958 		 */
6959 		gulong addOnDirectionChanged(void delegate(GtkTextDirection, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
6960 		{
6961 			auto wrapper = new OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
6962 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
6963 				this,
6964 				"direction-changed",
6965 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDirectionChanged,
6966 				cast(void*)wrapper,
6967 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDirectionChangedDestroy,
6968 				connectFlags);
6969 			return wrapper.handlerId;
6970 		}
6972 		extern(C) static void callBackDirectionChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkTextDirection previousDirection, OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
6973 		{
6974 			wrapper.dlg(previousDirection, wrapper.outer);
6975 		}
6977 		extern(C) static void callBackDirectionChangedDestroy(OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
6978 		{
6979 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
6980 		}
6982 		protected class OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper
6983 		{
6984 			void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg;
6985 			gulong handlerId;
6987 			this(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg)
6988 			{
6989 				this.dlg = dlg;
6990 				onDragBeginListeners ~= this;
6991 			}
6993 			void remove(OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper source)
6994 			{
6995 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragBeginListeners)
6996 				{
6997 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
6998 					{
6999 						onDragBeginListeners[index] = null;
7000 						onDragBeginListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragBeginListeners, index);
7001 						break;
7002 					}
7003 				}
7004 			}
7005 		}
7006 		OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper[] onDragBeginListeners;
7008 		/**
7009 		 * The ::drag-begin signal is emitted on the drag source when a drag is
7010 		 * started. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to set up a
7011 		 * custom drag icon with e.g. gtk_drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf().
7012 		 *
7013 		 * Note that some widgets set up a drag icon in the default handler of
7014 		 * this signal, so you may have to use g_signal_connect_after() to
7015 		 * override what the default handler did.
7016 		 *
7017 		 * Params:
7018 		 *     context = the drag context
7019 		 */
7020 		gulong addOnDragBegin(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7021 		{
7022 			auto wrapper = new OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7023 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7024 				this,
7025 				"drag-begin",
7026 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragBegin,
7027 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7028 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragBeginDestroy,
7029 				connectFlags);
7030 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7031 		}
7033 		extern(C) static void callBackDragBegin(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7034 		{
7035 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), wrapper.outer);
7036 		}
7038 		extern(C) static void callBackDragBeginDestroy(OnDragBeginDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7039 		{
7040 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7041 		}
7043 		protected class OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper
7044 		{
7045 			void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg;
7046 			gulong handlerId;
7048 			this(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg)
7049 			{
7050 				this.dlg = dlg;
7051 				onDragDataDeleteListeners ~= this;
7052 			}
7054 			void remove(OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper source)
7055 			{
7056 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragDataDeleteListeners)
7057 				{
7058 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7059 					{
7060 						onDragDataDeleteListeners[index] = null;
7061 						onDragDataDeleteListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragDataDeleteListeners, index);
7062 						break;
7063 					}
7064 				}
7065 			}
7066 		}
7067 		OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper[] onDragDataDeleteListeners;
7069 		/**
7070 		 * The ::drag-data-delete signal is emitted on the drag source when a drag
7071 		 * with the action %GDK_ACTION_MOVE is successfully completed. The signal
7072 		 * handler is responsible for deleting the data that has been dropped. What
7073 		 * "delete" means depends on the context of the drag operation.
7074 		 *
7075 		 * Params:
7076 		 *     context = the drag context
7077 		 */
7078 		gulong addOnDragDataDelete(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7079 		{
7080 			auto wrapper = new OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7081 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7082 				this,
7083 				"drag-data-delete",
7084 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragDataDelete,
7085 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7086 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragDataDeleteDestroy,
7087 				connectFlags);
7088 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7089 		}
7091 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataDelete(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7092 		{
7093 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), wrapper.outer);
7094 		}
7096 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataDeleteDestroy(OnDragDataDeleteDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7097 		{
7098 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7099 		}
7101 		protected class OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper
7102 		{
7103 			void delegate(DragContext, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg;
7104 			gulong handlerId;
7106 			this(void delegate(DragContext, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg)
7107 			{
7108 				this.dlg = dlg;
7109 				onDragDataGetListeners ~= this;
7110 			}
7112 			void remove(OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper source)
7113 			{
7114 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragDataGetListeners)
7115 				{
7116 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7117 					{
7118 						onDragDataGetListeners[index] = null;
7119 						onDragDataGetListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragDataGetListeners, index);
7120 						break;
7121 					}
7122 				}
7123 			}
7124 		}
7125 		OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper[] onDragDataGetListeners;
7127 		/**
7128 		 * The ::drag-data-get signal is emitted on the drag source when the drop
7129 		 * site requests the data which is dragged. It is the responsibility of
7130 		 * the signal handler to fill @data with the data in the format which
7131 		 * is indicated by @info. See gtk_selection_data_set() and
7132 		 * gtk_selection_data_set_text().
7133 		 *
7134 		 * Params:
7135 		 *     context = the drag context
7136 		 *     data = the #GtkSelectionData to be filled with the dragged data
7137 		 *     info = the info that has been registered with the target in the
7138 		 *         #GtkTargetList
7139 		 *     time = the timestamp at which the data was requested
7140 		 */
7141 		gulong addOnDragDataGet(void delegate(DragContext, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7142 		{
7143 			auto wrapper = new OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7144 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7145 				this,
7146 				"drag-data-get",
7147 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragDataGet,
7148 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7149 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragDataGetDestroy,
7150 				connectFlags);
7151 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7152 		}
7154 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataGet(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, GtkSelectionData* data, uint info, uint time, OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7155 		{
7156 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(data), info, time, wrapper.outer);
7157 		}
7159 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataGetDestroy(OnDragDataGetDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7160 		{
7161 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7162 		}
7164 		protected class OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper
7165 		{
7166 			void delegate(DragContext, int, int, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg;
7167 			gulong handlerId;
7169 			this(void delegate(DragContext, int, int, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg)
7170 			{
7171 				this.dlg = dlg;
7172 				onDragDataReceivedListeners ~= this;
7173 			}
7175 			void remove(OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper source)
7176 			{
7177 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragDataReceivedListeners)
7178 				{
7179 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7180 					{
7181 						onDragDataReceivedListeners[index] = null;
7182 						onDragDataReceivedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragDataReceivedListeners, index);
7183 						break;
7184 					}
7185 				}
7186 			}
7187 		}
7188 		OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper[] onDragDataReceivedListeners;
7190 		/**
7191 		 * The ::drag-data-received signal is emitted on the drop site when the
7192 		 * dragged data has been received. If the data was received in order to
7193 		 * determine whether the drop will be accepted, the handler is expected
7194 		 * to call gdk_drag_status() and not finish the drag.
7195 		 * If the data was received in response to a #GtkWidget::drag-drop signal
7196 		 * (and this is the last target to be received), the handler for this
7197 		 * signal is expected to process the received data and then call
7198 		 * gtk_drag_finish(), setting the @success parameter depending on
7199 		 * whether the data was processed successfully.
7200 		 *
7201 		 * Applications must create some means to determine why the signal was emitted
7202 		 * and therefore whether to call gdk_drag_status() or gtk_drag_finish().
7203 		 *
7204 		 * The handler may inspect the selected action with
7205 		 * gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action() before calling
7206 		 * gtk_drag_finish(), e.g. to implement %GDK_ACTION_ASK as
7207 		 * shown in the following example:
7208 		 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
7209 		 * void
7210 		 * drag_data_received (GtkWidget          *widget,
7211 		 * GdkDragContext     *context,
7212 		 * gint                x,
7213 		 * gint                y,
7214 		 * GtkSelectionData   *data,
7215 		 * guint               info,
7216 		 * guint               time)
7217 		 * {
7218 		 * if ((data->length >= 0) && (data->format == 8))
7219 		 * {
7220 		 * GdkDragAction action;
7221 		 *
7222 		 * // handle data here
7223 		 *
7224 		 * action = gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action (context);
7225 		 * if (action == GDK_ACTION_ASK)
7226 		 * {
7227 		 * GtkWidget *dialog;
7228 		 * gint response;
7229 		 *
7230 		 * dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL,
7231 		 * GTK_DIALOG_MODAL |
7235 		 * "Move the data ?\n");
7236 		 * response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
7237 		 * gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
7238 		 *
7239 		 * if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
7240 		 * action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE;
7241 		 * else
7242 		 * action = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
7243 		 * }
7244 		 *
7245 		 * gtk_drag_finish (context, TRUE, action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE, time);
7246 		 * }
7247 		 * else
7248 		 * gtk_drag_finish (context, FALSE, FALSE, time);
7249 		 * }
7250 		 * ]|
7251 		 *
7252 		 * Params:
7253 		 *     context = the drag context
7254 		 *     x = where the drop happened
7255 		 *     y = where the drop happened
7256 		 *     data = the received data
7257 		 *     info = the info that has been registered with the target in the
7258 		 *         #GtkTargetList
7259 		 *     time = the timestamp at which the data was received
7260 		 */
7261 		gulong addOnDragDataReceived(void delegate(DragContext, int, int, SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7262 		{
7263 			auto wrapper = new OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7264 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7265 				this,
7266 				"drag-data-received",
7267 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragDataReceived,
7268 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7269 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragDataReceivedDestroy,
7270 				connectFlags);
7271 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7272 		}
7274 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataReceived(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, int x, int y, GtkSelectionData* data, uint info, uint time, OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7275 		{
7276 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), x, y, ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(data), info, time, wrapper.outer);
7277 		}
7279 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDataReceivedDestroy(OnDragDataReceivedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7280 		{
7281 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7282 		}
7284 		protected class OnDragDropDelegateWrapper
7285 		{
7286 			bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg;
7287 			gulong handlerId;
7289 			this(bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg)
7290 			{
7291 				this.dlg = dlg;
7292 				onDragDropListeners ~= this;
7293 			}
7295 			void remove(OnDragDropDelegateWrapper source)
7296 			{
7297 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragDropListeners)
7298 				{
7299 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7300 					{
7301 						onDragDropListeners[index] = null;
7302 						onDragDropListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragDropListeners, index);
7303 						break;
7304 					}
7305 				}
7306 			}
7307 		}
7308 		OnDragDropDelegateWrapper[] onDragDropListeners;
7310 		/**
7311 		 * The ::drag-drop signal is emitted on the drop site when the user drops
7312 		 * the data onto the widget. The signal handler must determine whether
7313 		 * the cursor position is in a drop zone or not. If it is not in a drop
7314 		 * zone, it returns %FALSE and no further processing is necessary.
7315 		 * Otherwise, the handler returns %TRUE. In this case, the handler must
7316 		 * ensure that gtk_drag_finish() is called to let the source know that
7317 		 * the drop is done. The call to gtk_drag_finish() can be done either
7318 		 * directly or in a #GtkWidget::drag-data-received handler which gets
7319 		 * triggered by calling gtk_drag_get_data() to receive the data for one
7320 		 * or more of the supported targets.
7321 		 *
7322 		 * Params:
7323 		 *     context = the drag context
7324 		 *     x = the x coordinate of the current cursor position
7325 		 *     y = the y coordinate of the current cursor position
7326 		 *     time = the timestamp of the motion event
7327 		 *
7328 		 * Returns: whether the cursor position is in a drop zone
7329 		 */
7330 		gulong addOnDragDrop(bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7331 		{
7332 			auto wrapper = new OnDragDropDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7333 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7334 				this,
7335 				"drag-drop",
7336 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragDrop,
7337 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7338 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragDropDestroy,
7339 				connectFlags);
7340 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7341 		}
7343 		extern(C) static int callBackDragDrop(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, int x, int y, uint time, OnDragDropDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7344 		{
7345 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), x, y, time, wrapper.outer);
7346 		}
7348 		extern(C) static void callBackDragDropDestroy(OnDragDropDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7349 		{
7350 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7351 		}
7353 		protected class OnDragEndDelegateWrapper
7354 		{
7355 			void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg;
7356 			gulong handlerId;
7358 			this(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg)
7359 			{
7360 				this.dlg = dlg;
7361 				onDragEndListeners ~= this;
7362 			}
7364 			void remove(OnDragEndDelegateWrapper source)
7365 			{
7366 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragEndListeners)
7367 				{
7368 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7369 					{
7370 						onDragEndListeners[index] = null;
7371 						onDragEndListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragEndListeners, index);
7372 						break;
7373 					}
7374 				}
7375 			}
7376 		}
7377 		OnDragEndDelegateWrapper[] onDragEndListeners;
7379 		/**
7380 		 * The ::drag-end signal is emitted on the drag source when a drag is
7381 		 * finished.  A typical reason to connect to this signal is to undo
7382 		 * things done in #GtkWidget::drag-begin.
7383 		 *
7384 		 * Params:
7385 		 *     context = the drag context
7386 		 */
7387 		gulong addOnDragEnd(void delegate(DragContext, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7388 		{
7389 			auto wrapper = new OnDragEndDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7390 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7391 				this,
7392 				"drag-end",
7393 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragEnd,
7394 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7395 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragEndDestroy,
7396 				connectFlags);
7397 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7398 		}
7400 		extern(C) static void callBackDragEnd(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, OnDragEndDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7401 		{
7402 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), wrapper.outer);
7403 		}
7405 		extern(C) static void callBackDragEndDestroy(OnDragEndDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7406 		{
7407 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7408 		}
7410 		protected class OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper
7411 		{
7412 			bool delegate(DragContext, GtkDragResult, Widget) dlg;
7413 			gulong handlerId;
7415 			this(bool delegate(DragContext, GtkDragResult, Widget) dlg)
7416 			{
7417 				this.dlg = dlg;
7418 				onDragFailedListeners ~= this;
7419 			}
7421 			void remove(OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper source)
7422 			{
7423 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragFailedListeners)
7424 				{
7425 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7426 					{
7427 						onDragFailedListeners[index] = null;
7428 						onDragFailedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragFailedListeners, index);
7429 						break;
7430 					}
7431 				}
7432 			}
7433 		}
7434 		OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper[] onDragFailedListeners;
7436 		/**
7437 		 * The ::drag-failed signal is emitted on the drag source when a drag has
7438 		 * failed. The signal handler may hook custom code to handle a failed DnD
7439 		 * operation based on the type of error, it returns %TRUE is the failure has
7440 		 * been already handled (not showing the default "drag operation failed"
7441 		 * animation), otherwise it returns %FALSE.
7442 		 *
7443 		 * Params:
7444 		 *     context = the drag context
7445 		 *     result = the result of the drag operation
7446 		 *
7447 		 * Returns: %TRUE if the failed drag operation has been already handled.
7448 		 *
7449 		 * Since: 2.12
7450 		 */
7451 		gulong addOnDragFailed(bool delegate(DragContext, GtkDragResult, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7452 		{
7453 			auto wrapper = new OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7454 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7455 				this,
7456 				"drag-failed",
7457 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragFailed,
7458 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7459 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragFailedDestroy,
7460 				connectFlags);
7461 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7462 		}
7464 		extern(C) static int callBackDragFailed(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, GtkDragResult result, OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7465 		{
7466 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), result, wrapper.outer);
7467 		}
7469 		extern(C) static void callBackDragFailedDestroy(OnDragFailedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7470 		{
7471 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7472 		}
7474 		protected class OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper
7475 		{
7476 			void delegate(DragContext, uint, Widget) dlg;
7477 			gulong handlerId;
7479 			this(void delegate(DragContext, uint, Widget) dlg)
7480 			{
7481 				this.dlg = dlg;
7482 				onDragLeaveListeners ~= this;
7483 			}
7485 			void remove(OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper source)
7486 			{
7487 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragLeaveListeners)
7488 				{
7489 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7490 					{
7491 						onDragLeaveListeners[index] = null;
7492 						onDragLeaveListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragLeaveListeners, index);
7493 						break;
7494 					}
7495 				}
7496 			}
7497 		}
7498 		OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper[] onDragLeaveListeners;
7500 		/**
7501 		 * The ::drag-leave signal is emitted on the drop site when the cursor
7502 		 * leaves the widget. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to
7503 		 * undo things done in #GtkWidget::drag-motion, e.g. undo highlighting
7504 		 * with gtk_drag_unhighlight().
7505 		 *
7506 		 *
7507 		 * Likewise, the #GtkWidget::drag-leave signal is also emitted before the
7508 		 * ::drag-drop signal, for instance to allow cleaning up of a preview item
7509 		 * created in the #GtkWidget::drag-motion signal handler.
7510 		 *
7511 		 * Params:
7512 		 *     context = the drag context
7513 		 *     time = the timestamp of the motion event
7514 		 */
7515 		gulong addOnDragLeave(void delegate(DragContext, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7516 		{
7517 			auto wrapper = new OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7518 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7519 				this,
7520 				"drag-leave",
7521 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragLeave,
7522 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7523 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragLeaveDestroy,
7524 				connectFlags);
7525 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7526 		}
7528 		extern(C) static void callBackDragLeave(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, uint time, OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7529 		{
7530 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), time, wrapper.outer);
7531 		}
7533 		extern(C) static void callBackDragLeaveDestroy(OnDragLeaveDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7534 		{
7535 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7536 		}
7538 		protected class OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper
7539 		{
7540 			bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg;
7541 			gulong handlerId;
7543 			this(bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg)
7544 			{
7545 				this.dlg = dlg;
7546 				onDragMotionListeners ~= this;
7547 			}
7549 			void remove(OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper source)
7550 			{
7551 				foreach(index, wrapper; onDragMotionListeners)
7552 				{
7553 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7554 					{
7555 						onDragMotionListeners[index] = null;
7556 						onDragMotionListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDragMotionListeners, index);
7557 						break;
7558 					}
7559 				}
7560 			}
7561 		}
7562 		OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper[] onDragMotionListeners;
7564 		/**
7565 		 * The ::drag-motion signal is emitted on the drop site when the user
7566 		 * moves the cursor over the widget during a drag. The signal handler
7567 		 * must determine whether the cursor position is in a drop zone or not.
7568 		 * If it is not in a drop zone, it returns %FALSE and no further processing
7569 		 * is necessary. Otherwise, the handler returns %TRUE. In this case, the
7570 		 * handler is responsible for providing the necessary information for
7571 		 * displaying feedback to the user, by calling gdk_drag_status().
7572 		 *
7573 		 * If the decision whether the drop will be accepted or rejected can't be
7574 		 * made based solely on the cursor position and the type of the data, the
7575 		 * handler may inspect the dragged data by calling gtk_drag_get_data() and
7576 		 * defer the gdk_drag_status() call to the #GtkWidget::drag-data-received
7577 		 * handler. Note that you must pass #GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_DROP,
7578 		 * #GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION or #GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL to gtk_drag_dest_set()
7579 		 * when using the drag-motion signal that way.
7580 		 *
7581 		 * Also note that there is no drag-enter signal. The drag receiver has to
7582 		 * keep track of whether he has received any drag-motion signals since the
7583 		 * last #GtkWidget::drag-leave and if not, treat the drag-motion signal as
7584 		 * an "enter" signal. Upon an "enter", the handler will typically highlight
7585 		 * the drop site with gtk_drag_highlight().
7586 		 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
7587 		 * static void
7588 		 * drag_motion (GtkWidget      *widget,
7589 		 * GdkDragContext *context,
7590 		 * gint            x,
7591 		 * gint            y,
7592 		 * guint           time)
7593 		 * {
7594 		 * GdkAtom target;
7595 		 *
7596 		 * PrivateData *private_data = GET_PRIVATE_DATA (widget);
7597 		 *
7598 		 * if (!private_data->drag_highlight)
7599 		 * {
7600 		 * private_data->drag_highlight = 1;
7601 		 * gtk_drag_highlight (widget);
7602 		 * }
7603 		 *
7604 		 * target = gtk_drag_dest_find_target (widget, context, NULL);
7605 		 * if (target == GDK_NONE)
7606 		 * gdk_drag_status (context, 0, time);
7607 		 * else
7608 		 * {
7609 		 * private_data->pending_status
7610 		 * = gdk_drag_context_get_suggested_action (context);
7611 		 * gtk_drag_get_data (widget, context, target, time);
7612 		 * }
7613 		 *
7614 		 * return TRUE;
7615 		 * }
7616 		 *
7617 		 * static void
7618 		 * drag_data_received (GtkWidget        *widget,
7619 		 * GdkDragContext   *context,
7620 		 * gint              x,
7621 		 * gint              y,
7622 		 * GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
7623 		 * guint             info,
7624 		 * guint             time)
7625 		 * {
7626 		 * PrivateData *private_data = GET_PRIVATE_DATA (widget);
7627 		 *
7628 		 * if (private_data->suggested_action)
7629 		 * {
7630 		 * private_data->suggested_action = 0;
7631 		 *
7632 		 * // We are getting this data due to a request in drag_motion,
7633 		 * // rather than due to a request in drag_drop, so we are just
7634 		 * // supposed to call gdk_drag_status(), not actually paste in
7635 		 * // the data.
7636 		 *
7637 		 * str = gtk_selection_data_get_text (selection_data);
7638 		 * if (!data_is_acceptable (str))
7639 		 * gdk_drag_status (context, 0, time);
7640 		 * else
7641 		 * gdk_drag_status (context,
7642 		 * private_data->suggested_action,
7643 		 * time);
7644 		 * }
7645 		 * else
7646 		 * {
7647 		 * // accept the drop
7648 		 * }
7649 		 * }
7650 		 * ]|
7651 		 *
7652 		 * Params:
7653 		 *     context = the drag context
7654 		 *     x = the x coordinate of the current cursor position
7655 		 *     y = the y coordinate of the current cursor position
7656 		 *     time = the timestamp of the motion event
7657 		 *
7658 		 * Returns: whether the cursor position is in a drop zone
7659 		 */
7660 		gulong addOnDragMotion(bool delegate(DragContext, int, int, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7661 		{
7662 			auto wrapper = new OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7663 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7664 				this,
7665 				"drag-motion",
7666 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDragMotion,
7667 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7668 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDragMotionDestroy,
7669 				connectFlags);
7670 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7671 		}
7673 		extern(C) static int callBackDragMotion(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkDragContext* context, int x, int y, uint time, OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7674 		{
7675 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(DragContext)(context), x, y, time, wrapper.outer);
7676 		}
7678 		extern(C) static void callBackDragMotionDestroy(OnDragMotionDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7679 		{
7680 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7681 		}
7683 		protected class OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper
7684 		{
7685 			bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg;
7686 			gulong handlerId;
7688 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg)
7689 			{
7690 				this.dlg = dlg;
7691 				onEnterNotifyListeners ~= this;
7692 			}
7694 			void remove(OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
7695 			{
7696 				foreach(index, wrapper; onEnterNotifyListeners)
7697 				{
7698 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7699 					{
7700 						onEnterNotifyListeners[index] = null;
7701 						onEnterNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onEnterNotifyListeners, index);
7702 						break;
7703 					}
7704 				}
7705 			}
7706 		}
7707 		OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onEnterNotifyListeners;
7709 		/**
7710 		 * The ::enter-notify-event will be emitted when the pointer enters
7711 		 * the @widget's window.
7712 		 *
7713 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
7714 		 * to enable the #GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
7715 		 *
7716 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
7717 		 *
7718 		 * Params:
7719 		 *     event = the #GdkEventCrossing which triggered
7720 		 *         this signal.
7721 		 *
7722 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
7723 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
7724 		 */
7725 		gulong addOnEnterNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7726 		{
7727 			addEvents(EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK);
7728 			auto wrapper = new OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7729 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7730 				this,
7731 				"enter-notify-event",
7732 				cast(GCallback)&callBackEnterNotify,
7733 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7734 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackEnterNotifyDestroy,
7735 				connectFlags);
7736 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7737 		}
7739 		extern(C) static int callBackEnterNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventCrossing* event, OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7740 		{
7741 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
7742 		}
7744 		extern(C) static void callBackEnterNotifyDestroy(OnEnterNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7745 		{
7746 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7747 		}
7749 		protected class OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
7750 		{
7751 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
7752 			gulong handlerId;
7754 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
7755 			{
7756 				this.dlg = dlg;
7757 				onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
7758 			}
7760 			void remove(OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
7761 			{
7762 				foreach(index, wrapper; onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners)
7763 				{
7764 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7765 					{
7766 						onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
7767 						onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
7768 						break;
7769 					}
7770 				}
7771 			}
7772 		}
7773 		OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onEnterNotifyEventGenericListeners;
7775 		/**
7776 		 * The ::enter-notify-event will be emitted when the pointer enters
7777 		 * the @widget's window.
7778 		 *
7779 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
7780 		 * to enable the #GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
7781 		 *
7782 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
7783 		 *
7784 		 * Params:
7785 		 *     event = the #GdkEventCrossing which triggered
7786 		 *         this signal.
7787 		 *
7788 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
7789 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
7790 		 */
7791 		gulong addOnEnterNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7792 		{
7793 			addEvents(EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK);
7794 			auto wrapper = new OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7795 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7796 				this,
7797 				"enter-notify-event",
7798 				cast(GCallback)&callBackEnterNotifyEventGeneric,
7799 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7800 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackEnterNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
7801 				connectFlags);
7802 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7803 		}
7805 		extern(C) static int callBackEnterNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7806 		{
7807 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
7808 		}
7810 		extern(C) static void callBackEnterNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnEnterNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7811 		{
7812 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7813 		}
7815 		protected class OnDelegateWrapper
7816 		{
7817 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
7818 			gulong handlerId;
7820 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
7821 			{
7822 				this.dlg = dlg;
7823 				onListeners ~= this;
7824 			}
7826 			void remove(OnDelegateWrapper source)
7827 			{
7828 				foreach(index, wrapper; onListeners)
7829 				{
7830 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7831 					{
7832 						onListeners[index] = null;
7833 						onListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onListeners, index);
7834 						break;
7835 					}
7836 				}
7837 			}
7838 		}
7839 		OnDelegateWrapper[] onListeners;
7841 		/**
7842 		 * The GTK+ main loop will emit three signals for each GDK event delivered
7843 		 * to a widget: one generic ::event signal, another, more specific,
7844 		 * signal that matches the type of event delivered (e.g.
7845 		 * #GtkWidget::key-press-event) and finally a generic
7846 		 * #GtkWidget::event-after signal.
7847 		 *
7848 		 * Params:
7849 		 *     event = the #GdkEvent which triggered this signal
7850 		 *
7851 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event
7852 		 *     and to cancel the emission of the second specific ::event signal.
7853 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further and to allow the emission of
7854 		 *     the second signal. The ::event-after signal is emitted regardless of
7855 		 *     the return value.
7856 		 */
7857 		gulong addOn(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7858 		{
7859 			auto wrapper = new OnDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7860 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7861 				this,
7862 				"event",
7863 				cast(GCallback)&callBack,
7864 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7865 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDestroy,
7866 				connectFlags);
7867 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7868 		}
7870 		extern(C) static int callBack(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7871 		{
7872 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
7873 		}
7875 		extern(C) static void callBackDestroy(OnDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7876 		{
7877 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7878 		}
7880 		protected class OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper
7881 		{
7882 			void delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
7883 			gulong handlerId;
7885 			this(void delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
7886 			{
7887 				this.dlg = dlg;
7888 				onEventAfterListeners ~= this;
7889 			}
7891 			void remove(OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper source)
7892 			{
7893 				foreach(index, wrapper; onEventAfterListeners)
7894 				{
7895 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7896 					{
7897 						onEventAfterListeners[index] = null;
7898 						onEventAfterListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onEventAfterListeners, index);
7899 						break;
7900 					}
7901 				}
7902 			}
7903 		}
7904 		OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper[] onEventAfterListeners;
7906 		/**
7907 		 * After the emission of the #GtkWidget::event signal and (optionally)
7908 		 * the second more specific signal, ::event-after will be emitted
7909 		 * regardless of the previous two signals handlers return values.
7910 		 *
7911 		 * Params:
7912 		 *     event = the #GdkEvent which triggered this signal
7913 		 */
7914 		gulong addOnEventAfter(void delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7915 		{
7916 			auto wrapper = new OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7917 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7918 				this,
7919 				"event-after",
7920 				cast(GCallback)&callBackEventAfter,
7921 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7922 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackEventAfterDestroy,
7923 				connectFlags);
7924 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7925 		}
7927 		extern(C) static void callBackEventAfter(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7928 		{
7929 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
7930 		}
7932 		extern(C) static void callBackEventAfterDestroy(OnEventAfterDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7933 		{
7934 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7935 		}
7937 		protected class OnFocusDelegateWrapper
7938 		{
7939 			bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg;
7940 			gulong handlerId;
7942 			this(bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg)
7943 			{
7944 				this.dlg = dlg;
7945 				onFocusListeners ~= this;
7946 			}
7948 			void remove(OnFocusDelegateWrapper source)
7949 			{
7950 				foreach(index, wrapper; onFocusListeners)
7951 				{
7952 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
7953 					{
7954 						onFocusListeners[index] = null;
7955 						onFocusListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onFocusListeners, index);
7956 						break;
7957 					}
7958 				}
7959 			}
7960 		}
7961 		OnFocusDelegateWrapper[] onFocusListeners;
7963 		/**
7964 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
7965 		 */
7966 		gulong addOnFocus(bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
7967 		{
7968 			auto wrapper = new OnFocusDelegateWrapper(dlg);
7969 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
7970 				this,
7971 				"focus",
7972 				cast(GCallback)&callBackFocus,
7973 				cast(void*)wrapper,
7974 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackFocusDestroy,
7975 				connectFlags);
7976 			return wrapper.handlerId;
7977 		}
7979 		extern(C) static int callBackFocus(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkDirectionType direction, OnFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper)
7980 		{
7981 			return wrapper.dlg(direction, wrapper.outer);
7982 		}
7984 		extern(C) static void callBackFocusDestroy(OnFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
7985 		{
7986 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
7987 		}
7989 		protected class OnFocusInDelegateWrapper
7990 		{
7991 			bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg;
7992 			gulong handlerId;
7994 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg)
7995 			{
7996 				this.dlg = dlg;
7997 				onFocusInListeners ~= this;
7998 			}
8000 			void remove(OnFocusInDelegateWrapper source)
8001 			{
8002 				foreach(index, wrapper; onFocusInListeners)
8003 				{
8004 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8005 					{
8006 						onFocusInListeners[index] = null;
8007 						onFocusInListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onFocusInListeners, index);
8008 						break;
8009 					}
8010 				}
8011 			}
8012 		}
8013 		OnFocusInDelegateWrapper[] onFocusInListeners;
8015 		/**
8016 		 * The ::focus-in-event signal will be emitted when the keyboard focus
8017 		 * enters the @widget's window.
8018 		 *
8019 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8020 		 * to enable the #GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK mask.
8021 		 *
8022 		 * Params:
8023 		 *     event = the #GdkEventFocus which triggered
8024 		 *         this signal.
8025 		 *
8026 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8027 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8028 		 */
8029 		gulong addOnFocusIn(bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8030 		{
8031 			addEvents(EventMask.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK);
8032 			auto wrapper = new OnFocusInDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8033 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8034 				this,
8035 				"focus-in-event",
8036 				cast(GCallback)&callBackFocusIn,
8037 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8038 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackFocusInDestroy,
8039 				connectFlags);
8040 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8041 		}
8043 		extern(C) static int callBackFocusIn(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventFocus* event, OnFocusInDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8044 		{
8045 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8046 		}
8048 		extern(C) static void callBackFocusInDestroy(OnFocusInDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8049 		{
8050 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8051 		}
8053 		protected class OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8054 		{
8055 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8056 			gulong handlerId;
8058 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8059 			{
8060 				this.dlg = dlg;
8061 				onFocusInEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8062 			}
8064 			void remove(OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8065 			{
8066 				foreach(index, wrapper; onFocusInEventGenericListeners)
8067 				{
8068 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8069 					{
8070 						onFocusInEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
8071 						onFocusInEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onFocusInEventGenericListeners, index);
8072 						break;
8073 					}
8074 				}
8075 			}
8076 		}
8077 		OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onFocusInEventGenericListeners;
8079 		/**
8080 		 * The ::focus-in-event signal will be emitted when the keyboard focus
8081 		 * enters the @widget's window.
8082 		 *
8083 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8084 		 * to enable the #GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK mask.
8085 		 *
8086 		 * Params:
8087 		 *     event = the #GdkEventFocus which triggered
8088 		 *         this signal.
8089 		 *
8090 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8091 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8092 		 */
8093 		gulong addOnFocusIn(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8094 		{
8095 			addEvents(EventMask.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK);
8096 			auto wrapper = new OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8097 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8098 				this,
8099 				"focus-in-event",
8100 				cast(GCallback)&callBackFocusInEventGeneric,
8101 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8102 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackFocusInEventGenericDestroy,
8103 				connectFlags);
8104 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8105 		}
8107 		extern(C) static int callBackFocusInEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8108 		{
8109 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
8110 		}
8112 		extern(C) static void callBackFocusInEventGenericDestroy(OnFocusInEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8113 		{
8114 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8115 		}
8117 		protected class OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper
8118 		{
8119 			bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg;
8120 			gulong handlerId;
8122 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg)
8123 			{
8124 				this.dlg = dlg;
8125 				onFocusOutListeners ~= this;
8126 			}
8128 			void remove(OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper source)
8129 			{
8130 				foreach(index, wrapper; onFocusOutListeners)
8131 				{
8132 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8133 					{
8134 						onFocusOutListeners[index] = null;
8135 						onFocusOutListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onFocusOutListeners, index);
8136 						break;
8137 					}
8138 				}
8139 			}
8140 		}
8141 		OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper[] onFocusOutListeners;
8143 		/**
8144 		 * The ::focus-out-event signal will be emitted when the keyboard focus
8145 		 * leaves the @widget's window.
8146 		 *
8147 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8148 		 * to enable the #GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK mask.
8149 		 *
8150 		 * Params:
8151 		 *     event = the #GdkEventFocus which triggered this
8152 		 *         signal.
8153 		 *
8154 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8155 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8156 		 */
8157 		gulong addOnFocusOut(bool delegate(GdkEventFocus*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8158 		{
8159 			addEvents(EventMask.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK);
8160 			auto wrapper = new OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8161 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8162 				this,
8163 				"focus-out-event",
8164 				cast(GCallback)&callBackFocusOut,
8165 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8166 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackFocusOutDestroy,
8167 				connectFlags);
8168 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8169 		}
8171 		extern(C) static int callBackFocusOut(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventFocus* event, OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8172 		{
8173 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8174 		}
8176 		extern(C) static void callBackFocusOutDestroy(OnFocusOutDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8177 		{
8178 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8179 		}
8181 		protected class OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8182 		{
8183 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8184 			gulong handlerId;
8186 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8187 			{
8188 				this.dlg = dlg;
8189 				onFocusOutEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8190 			}
8192 			void remove(OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8193 			{
8194 				foreach(index, wrapper; onFocusOutEventGenericListeners)
8195 				{
8196 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8197 					{
8198 						onFocusOutEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
8199 						onFocusOutEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onFocusOutEventGenericListeners, index);
8200 						break;
8201 					}
8202 				}
8203 			}
8204 		}
8205 		OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onFocusOutEventGenericListeners;
8207 		/**
8208 		 * The ::focus-out-event signal will be emitted when the keyboard focus
8209 		 * leaves the @widget's window.
8210 		 *
8211 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8212 		 * to enable the #GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK mask.
8213 		 *
8214 		 * Params:
8215 		 *     event = the #GdkEventFocus which triggered this
8216 		 *         signal.
8217 		 *
8218 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8219 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8220 		 */
8221 		gulong addOnFocusOut(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8222 		{
8223 			addEvents(EventMask.FOCUS_CHANGE_MASK);
8224 			auto wrapper = new OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8225 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8226 				this,
8227 				"focus-out-event",
8228 				cast(GCallback)&callBackFocusOutEventGeneric,
8229 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8230 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackFocusOutEventGenericDestroy,
8231 				connectFlags);
8232 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8233 		}
8235 		extern(C) static int callBackFocusOutEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8236 		{
8237 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
8238 		}
8240 		extern(C) static void callBackFocusOutEventGenericDestroy(OnFocusOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8241 		{
8242 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8243 		}
8245 		protected class OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper
8246 		{
8247 			bool delegate(GdkEventGrabBroken*, Widget) dlg;
8248 			gulong handlerId;
8250 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventGrabBroken*, Widget) dlg)
8251 			{
8252 				this.dlg = dlg;
8253 				onGrabBrokenListeners ~= this;
8254 			}
8256 			void remove(OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper source)
8257 			{
8258 				foreach(index, wrapper; onGrabBrokenListeners)
8259 				{
8260 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8261 					{
8262 						onGrabBrokenListeners[index] = null;
8263 						onGrabBrokenListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onGrabBrokenListeners, index);
8264 						break;
8265 					}
8266 				}
8267 			}
8268 		}
8269 		OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper[] onGrabBrokenListeners;
8271 		/**
8272 		 * Emitted when a pointer or keyboard grab on a window belonging
8273 		 * to @widget gets broken.
8274 		 *
8275 		 * On X11, this happens when the grab window becomes unviewable
8276 		 * (i.e. it or one of its ancestors is unmapped), or if the same
8277 		 * application grabs the pointer or keyboard again.
8278 		 *
8279 		 * Params:
8280 		 *     event = the #GdkEventGrabBroken event
8281 		 *
8282 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for
8283 		 *     the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8284 		 *
8285 		 * Since: 2.8
8286 		 */
8287 		gulong addOnGrabBroken(bool delegate(GdkEventGrabBroken*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8288 		{
8289 			auto wrapper = new OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8290 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8291 				this,
8292 				"grab-broken-event",
8293 				cast(GCallback)&callBackGrabBroken,
8294 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8295 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackGrabBrokenDestroy,
8296 				connectFlags);
8297 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8298 		}
8300 		extern(C) static int callBackGrabBroken(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventGrabBroken* event, OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8301 		{
8302 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8303 		}
8305 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabBrokenDestroy(OnGrabBrokenDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8306 		{
8307 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8308 		}
8310 		protected class OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8311 		{
8312 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8313 			gulong handlerId;
8315 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8316 			{
8317 				this.dlg = dlg;
8318 				onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8319 			}
8321 			void remove(OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8322 			{
8323 				foreach(index, wrapper; onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners)
8324 				{
8325 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8326 					{
8327 						onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
8328 						onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners, index);
8329 						break;
8330 					}
8331 				}
8332 			}
8333 		}
8334 		OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onGrabBrokenEventGenericListeners;
8336 		/**
8337 		 * Emitted when a pointer or keyboard grab on a window belonging
8338 		 * to @widget gets broken.
8339 		 *
8340 		 * On X11, this happens when the grab window becomes unviewable
8341 		 * (i.e. it or one of its ancestors is unmapped), or if the same
8342 		 * application grabs the pointer or keyboard again.
8343 		 *
8344 		 * Params:
8345 		 *     event = the #GdkEventGrabBroken event
8346 		 *
8347 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for
8348 		 *     the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8349 		 *
8350 		 * Since: 2.8
8351 		 */
8352 		gulong addOnGrabBroken(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8353 		{
8354 			auto wrapper = new OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8355 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8356 				this,
8357 				"grab-broken-event",
8358 				cast(GCallback)&callBackGrabBrokenEventGeneric,
8359 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8360 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackGrabBrokenEventGenericDestroy,
8361 				connectFlags);
8362 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8363 		}
8365 		extern(C) static int callBackGrabBrokenEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8366 		{
8367 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
8368 		}
8370 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabBrokenEventGenericDestroy(OnGrabBrokenEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8371 		{
8372 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8373 		}
8375 		protected class OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper
8376 		{
8377 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
8378 			gulong handlerId;
8380 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
8381 			{
8382 				this.dlg = dlg;
8383 				onGrabFocusListeners ~= this;
8384 			}
8386 			void remove(OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper source)
8387 			{
8388 				foreach(index, wrapper; onGrabFocusListeners)
8389 				{
8390 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8391 					{
8392 						onGrabFocusListeners[index] = null;
8393 						onGrabFocusListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onGrabFocusListeners, index);
8394 						break;
8395 					}
8396 				}
8397 			}
8398 		}
8399 		OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper[] onGrabFocusListeners;
8401 		/** */
8402 		gulong addOnGrabFocus(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8403 		{
8404 			auto wrapper = new OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8405 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8406 				this,
8407 				"grab-focus",
8408 				cast(GCallback)&callBackGrabFocus,
8409 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8410 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackGrabFocusDestroy,
8411 				connectFlags);
8412 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8413 		}
8415 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabFocus(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8416 		{
8417 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
8418 		}
8420 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabFocusDestroy(OnGrabFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8421 		{
8422 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8423 		}
8425 		protected class OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper
8426 		{
8427 			void delegate(bool, Widget) dlg;
8428 			gulong handlerId;
8430 			this(void delegate(bool, Widget) dlg)
8431 			{
8432 				this.dlg = dlg;
8433 				onGrabNotifyListeners ~= this;
8434 			}
8436 			void remove(OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
8437 			{
8438 				foreach(index, wrapper; onGrabNotifyListeners)
8439 				{
8440 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8441 					{
8442 						onGrabNotifyListeners[index] = null;
8443 						onGrabNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onGrabNotifyListeners, index);
8444 						break;
8445 					}
8446 				}
8447 			}
8448 		}
8449 		OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onGrabNotifyListeners;
8451 		/**
8452 		 * The ::grab-notify signal is emitted when a widget becomes
8453 		 * shadowed by a GTK+ grab (not a pointer or keyboard grab) on
8454 		 * another widget, or when it becomes unshadowed due to a grab
8455 		 * being removed.
8456 		 *
8457 		 * A widget is shadowed by a gtk_grab_add() when the topmost
8458 		 * grab widget in the grab stack of its window group is not
8459 		 * its ancestor.
8460 		 *
8461 		 * Params:
8462 		 *     wasGrabbed = %FALSE if the widget becomes shadowed, %TRUE
8463 		 *         if it becomes unshadowed
8464 		 */
8465 		gulong addOnGrabNotify(void delegate(bool, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8466 		{
8467 			auto wrapper = new OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8468 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8469 				this,
8470 				"grab-notify",
8471 				cast(GCallback)&callBackGrabNotify,
8472 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8473 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackGrabNotifyDestroy,
8474 				connectFlags);
8475 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8476 		}
8478 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, bool wasGrabbed, OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8479 		{
8480 			wrapper.dlg(wasGrabbed, wrapper.outer);
8481 		}
8483 		extern(C) static void callBackGrabNotifyDestroy(OnGrabNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8484 		{
8485 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8486 		}
8488 		protected class OnHideDelegateWrapper
8489 		{
8490 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
8491 			gulong handlerId;
8493 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
8494 			{
8495 				this.dlg = dlg;
8496 				onHideListeners ~= this;
8497 			}
8499 			void remove(OnHideDelegateWrapper source)
8500 			{
8501 				foreach(index, wrapper; onHideListeners)
8502 				{
8503 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8504 					{
8505 						onHideListeners[index] = null;
8506 						onHideListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onHideListeners, index);
8507 						break;
8508 					}
8509 				}
8510 			}
8511 		}
8512 		OnHideDelegateWrapper[] onHideListeners;
8514 		/**
8515 		 * The ::hide signal is emitted when @widget is hidden, for example with
8516 		 * gtk_widget_hide().
8517 		 */
8518 		gulong addOnHide(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8519 		{
8520 			auto wrapper = new OnHideDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8521 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8522 				this,
8523 				"hide",
8524 				cast(GCallback)&callBackHide,
8525 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8526 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackHideDestroy,
8527 				connectFlags);
8528 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8529 		}
8531 		extern(C) static void callBackHide(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnHideDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8532 		{
8533 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
8534 		}
8536 		extern(C) static void callBackHideDestroy(OnHideDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8537 		{
8538 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8539 		}
8541 		protected class OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper
8542 		{
8543 			void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg;
8544 			gulong handlerId;
8546 			this(void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg)
8547 			{
8548 				this.dlg = dlg;
8549 				onHierarchyChangedListeners ~= this;
8550 			}
8552 			void remove(OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper source)
8553 			{
8554 				foreach(index, wrapper; onHierarchyChangedListeners)
8555 				{
8556 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8557 					{
8558 						onHierarchyChangedListeners[index] = null;
8559 						onHierarchyChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onHierarchyChangedListeners, index);
8560 						break;
8561 					}
8562 				}
8563 			}
8564 		}
8565 		OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper[] onHierarchyChangedListeners;
8567 		/**
8568 		 * The ::hierarchy-changed signal is emitted when the
8569 		 * anchored state of a widget changes. A widget is
8570 		 * “anchored” when its toplevel
8571 		 * ancestor is a #GtkWindow. This signal is emitted when
8572 		 * a widget changes from un-anchored to anchored or vice-versa.
8573 		 *
8574 		 * Params:
8575 		 *     previousToplevel = the previous toplevel ancestor, or %NULL
8576 		 *         if the widget was previously unanchored
8577 		 */
8578 		gulong addOnHierarchyChanged(void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8579 		{
8580 			auto wrapper = new OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8581 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8582 				this,
8583 				"hierarchy-changed",
8584 				cast(GCallback)&callBackHierarchyChanged,
8585 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8586 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackHierarchyChangedDestroy,
8587 				connectFlags);
8588 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8589 		}
8591 		extern(C) static void callBackHierarchyChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkWidget* previousToplevel, OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8592 		{
8593 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(previousToplevel), wrapper.outer);
8594 		}
8596 		extern(C) static void callBackHierarchyChangedDestroy(OnHierarchyChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8597 		{
8598 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8599 		}
8601 		protected class OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper
8602 		{
8603 			bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg;
8604 			gulong handlerId;
8606 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg)
8607 			{
8608 				this.dlg = dlg;
8609 				onKeyPressListeners ~= this;
8610 			}
8612 			void remove(OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper source)
8613 			{
8614 				foreach(index, wrapper; onKeyPressListeners)
8615 				{
8616 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8617 					{
8618 						onKeyPressListeners[index] = null;
8619 						onKeyPressListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeyPressListeners, index);
8620 						break;
8621 					}
8622 				}
8623 			}
8624 		}
8625 		OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper[] onKeyPressListeners;
8627 		/**
8628 		 * The ::key-press-event signal is emitted when a key is pressed. The signal
8629 		 * emission will reoccur at the key-repeat rate when the key is kept pressed.
8630 		 *
8631 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8632 		 * to enable the #GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK mask.
8633 		 *
8634 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
8635 		 *
8636 		 * Params:
8637 		 *     event = the #GdkEventKey which triggered this signal.
8638 		 *
8639 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8640 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8641 		 */
8642 		gulong addOnKeyPress(bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8643 		{
8644 			addEvents(EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK);
8645 			auto wrapper = new OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8646 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8647 				this,
8648 				"key-press-event",
8649 				cast(GCallback)&callBackKeyPress,
8650 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8651 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeyPressDestroy,
8652 				connectFlags);
8653 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8654 		}
8656 		extern(C) static int callBackKeyPress(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventKey* event, OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8657 		{
8658 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8659 		}
8661 		extern(C) static void callBackKeyPressDestroy(OnKeyPressDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8662 		{
8663 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8664 		}
8666 		protected class OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8667 		{
8668 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8669 			gulong handlerId;
8671 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8672 			{
8673 				this.dlg = dlg;
8674 				onKeyPressEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8675 			}
8677 			void remove(OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8678 			{
8679 				foreach(index, wrapper; onKeyPressEventGenericListeners)
8680 				{
8681 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8682 					{
8683 						onKeyPressEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
8684 						onKeyPressEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeyPressEventGenericListeners, index);
8685 						break;
8686 					}
8687 				}
8688 			}
8689 		}
8690 		OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onKeyPressEventGenericListeners;
8692 		/**
8693 		 * The ::key-press-event signal is emitted when a key is pressed. The signal
8694 		 * emission will reoccur at the key-repeat rate when the key is kept pressed.
8695 		 *
8696 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8697 		 * to enable the #GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK mask.
8698 		 *
8699 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
8700 		 *
8701 		 * Params:
8702 		 *     event = the #GdkEventKey which triggered this signal.
8703 		 *
8704 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8705 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8706 		 */
8707 		gulong addOnKeyPress(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8708 		{
8709 			addEvents(EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK);
8710 			auto wrapper = new OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8711 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8712 				this,
8713 				"key-press-event",
8714 				cast(GCallback)&callBackKeyPressEventGeneric,
8715 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8716 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeyPressEventGenericDestroy,
8717 				connectFlags);
8718 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8719 		}
8721 		extern(C) static int callBackKeyPressEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8722 		{
8723 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
8724 		}
8726 		extern(C) static void callBackKeyPressEventGenericDestroy(OnKeyPressEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8727 		{
8728 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8729 		}
8731 		protected class OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper
8732 		{
8733 			bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg;
8734 			gulong handlerId;
8736 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg)
8737 			{
8738 				this.dlg = dlg;
8739 				onKeyReleaseListeners ~= this;
8740 			}
8742 			void remove(OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper source)
8743 			{
8744 				foreach(index, wrapper; onKeyReleaseListeners)
8745 				{
8746 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8747 					{
8748 						onKeyReleaseListeners[index] = null;
8749 						onKeyReleaseListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeyReleaseListeners, index);
8750 						break;
8751 					}
8752 				}
8753 			}
8754 		}
8755 		OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper[] onKeyReleaseListeners;
8757 		/**
8758 		 * The ::key-release-event signal is emitted when a key is released.
8759 		 *
8760 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8761 		 * to enable the #GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK mask.
8762 		 *
8763 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
8764 		 *
8765 		 * Params:
8766 		 *     event = the #GdkEventKey which triggered this signal.
8767 		 *
8768 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8769 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8770 		 */
8771 		gulong addOnKeyRelease(bool delegate(GdkEventKey*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8772 		{
8773 			addEvents(EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK);
8774 			auto wrapper = new OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8775 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8776 				this,
8777 				"key-release-event",
8778 				cast(GCallback)&callBackKeyRelease,
8779 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8780 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeyReleaseDestroy,
8781 				connectFlags);
8782 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8783 		}
8785 		extern(C) static int callBackKeyRelease(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventKey* event, OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8786 		{
8787 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8788 		}
8790 		extern(C) static void callBackKeyReleaseDestroy(OnKeyReleaseDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8791 		{
8792 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8793 		}
8795 		protected class OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8796 		{
8797 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8798 			gulong handlerId;
8800 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8801 			{
8802 				this.dlg = dlg;
8803 				onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8804 			}
8806 			void remove(OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8807 			{
8808 				foreach(index, wrapper; onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners)
8809 				{
8810 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8811 					{
8812 						onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
8813 						onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners, index);
8814 						break;
8815 					}
8816 				}
8817 			}
8818 		}
8819 		OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onKeyReleaseEventGenericListeners;
8821 		/**
8822 		 * The ::key-release-event signal is emitted when a key is released.
8823 		 *
8824 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8825 		 * to enable the #GDK_KEY_RELEASE_MASK mask.
8826 		 *
8827 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
8828 		 *
8829 		 * Params:
8830 		 *     event = the #GdkEventKey which triggered this signal.
8831 		 *
8832 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8833 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8834 		 */
8835 		gulong addOnKeyRelease(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8836 		{
8837 			addEvents(EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK);
8838 			auto wrapper = new OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8839 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8840 				this,
8841 				"key-release-event",
8842 				cast(GCallback)&callBackKeyReleaseEventGeneric,
8843 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8844 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeyReleaseEventGenericDestroy,
8845 				connectFlags);
8846 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8847 		}
8849 		extern(C) static int callBackKeyReleaseEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8850 		{
8851 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
8852 		}
8854 		extern(C) static void callBackKeyReleaseEventGenericDestroy(OnKeyReleaseEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8855 		{
8856 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8857 		}
8859 		protected class OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper
8860 		{
8861 			bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg;
8862 			gulong handlerId;
8864 			this(bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg)
8865 			{
8866 				this.dlg = dlg;
8867 				onKeynavFailedListeners ~= this;
8868 			}
8870 			void remove(OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper source)
8871 			{
8872 				foreach(index, wrapper; onKeynavFailedListeners)
8873 				{
8874 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8875 					{
8876 						onKeynavFailedListeners[index] = null;
8877 						onKeynavFailedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeynavFailedListeners, index);
8878 						break;
8879 					}
8880 				}
8881 			}
8882 		}
8883 		OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper[] onKeynavFailedListeners;
8885 		/**
8886 		 * Gets emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
8887 		 * See gtk_widget_keynav_failed() for details.
8888 		 *
8889 		 * Params:
8890 		 *     direction = the direction of movement
8891 		 *
8892 		 * Returns: %TRUE if stopping keyboard navigation is fine, %FALSE
8893 		 *     if the emitting widget should try to handle the keyboard
8894 		 *     navigation attempt in its parent container(s).
8895 		 *
8896 		 * Since: 2.12
8897 		 */
8898 		gulong addOnKeynavFailed(bool delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8899 		{
8900 			auto wrapper = new OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8901 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8902 				this,
8903 				"keynav-failed",
8904 				cast(GCallback)&callBackKeynavFailed,
8905 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8906 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeynavFailedDestroy,
8907 				connectFlags);
8908 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8909 		}
8911 		extern(C) static int callBackKeynavFailed(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkDirectionType direction, OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8912 		{
8913 			return wrapper.dlg(direction, wrapper.outer);
8914 		}
8916 		extern(C) static void callBackKeynavFailedDestroy(OnKeynavFailedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8917 		{
8918 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8919 		}
8921 		protected class OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper
8922 		{
8923 			bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg;
8924 			gulong handlerId;
8926 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg)
8927 			{
8928 				this.dlg = dlg;
8929 				onLeaveNotifyListeners ~= this;
8930 			}
8932 			void remove(OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
8933 			{
8934 				foreach(index, wrapper; onLeaveNotifyListeners)
8935 				{
8936 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
8937 					{
8938 						onLeaveNotifyListeners[index] = null;
8939 						onLeaveNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onLeaveNotifyListeners, index);
8940 						break;
8941 					}
8942 				}
8943 			}
8944 		}
8945 		OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onLeaveNotifyListeners;
8947 		/**
8948 		 * The ::leave-notify-event will be emitted when the pointer leaves
8949 		 * the @widget's window.
8950 		 *
8951 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
8952 		 * to enable the #GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
8953 		 *
8954 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
8955 		 *
8956 		 * Params:
8957 		 *     event = the #GdkEventCrossing which triggered
8958 		 *         this signal.
8959 		 *
8960 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
8961 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
8962 		 */
8963 		gulong addOnLeaveNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventCrossing*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
8964 		{
8965 			addEvents(EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK);
8966 			auto wrapper = new OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
8967 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
8968 				this,
8969 				"leave-notify-event",
8970 				cast(GCallback)&callBackLeaveNotify,
8971 				cast(void*)wrapper,
8972 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackLeaveNotifyDestroy,
8973 				connectFlags);
8974 			return wrapper.handlerId;
8975 		}
8977 		extern(C) static int callBackLeaveNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventCrossing* event, OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
8978 		{
8979 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
8980 		}
8982 		extern(C) static void callBackLeaveNotifyDestroy(OnLeaveNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
8983 		{
8984 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
8985 		}
8987 		protected class OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
8988 		{
8989 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
8990 			gulong handlerId;
8992 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
8993 			{
8994 				this.dlg = dlg;
8995 				onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
8996 			}
8998 			void remove(OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
8999 			{
9000 				foreach(index, wrapper; onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners)
9001 				{
9002 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9003 					{
9004 						onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9005 						onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
9006 						break;
9007 					}
9008 				}
9009 			}
9010 		}
9011 		OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onLeaveNotifyEventGenericListeners;
9013 		/**
9014 		 * The ::leave-notify-event will be emitted when the pointer leaves
9015 		 * the @widget's window.
9016 		 *
9017 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9018 		 * to enable the #GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
9019 		 *
9020 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9021 		 *
9022 		 * Params:
9023 		 *     event = the #GdkEventCrossing which triggered
9024 		 *         this signal.
9025 		 *
9026 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9027 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9028 		 */
9029 		gulong addOnLeaveNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9030 		{
9031 			addEvents(EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK);
9032 			auto wrapper = new OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9033 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9034 				this,
9035 				"leave-notify-event",
9036 				cast(GCallback)&callBackLeaveNotifyEventGeneric,
9037 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9038 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackLeaveNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
9039 				connectFlags);
9040 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9041 		}
9043 		extern(C) static int callBackLeaveNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9044 		{
9045 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9046 		}
9048 		extern(C) static void callBackLeaveNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnLeaveNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9049 		{
9050 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9051 		}
9053 		protected class OnMapDelegateWrapper
9054 		{
9055 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
9056 			gulong handlerId;
9058 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
9059 			{
9060 				this.dlg = dlg;
9061 				onMapListeners ~= this;
9062 			}
9064 			void remove(OnMapDelegateWrapper source)
9065 			{
9066 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMapListeners)
9067 				{
9068 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9069 					{
9070 						onMapListeners[index] = null;
9071 						onMapListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMapListeners, index);
9072 						break;
9073 					}
9074 				}
9075 			}
9076 		}
9077 		OnMapDelegateWrapper[] onMapListeners;
9079 		/**
9080 		 * The ::map signal is emitted when @widget is going to be mapped, that is
9081 		 * when the widget is visible (which is controlled with
9082 		 * gtk_widget_set_visible()) and all its parents up to the toplevel widget
9083 		 * are also visible. Once the map has occurred, #GtkWidget::map-event will
9084 		 * be emitted.
9085 		 *
9086 		 * The ::map signal can be used to determine whether a widget will be drawn,
9087 		 * for instance it can resume an animation that was stopped during the
9088 		 * emission of #GtkWidget::unmap.
9089 		 */
9090 		gulong addOnMap(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9091 		{
9092 			auto wrapper = new OnMapDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9093 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9094 				this,
9095 				"map",
9096 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMap,
9097 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9098 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMapDestroy,
9099 				connectFlags);
9100 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9101 		}
9103 		extern(C) static void callBackMap(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnMapDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9104 		{
9105 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
9106 		}
9108 		extern(C) static void callBackMapDestroy(OnMapDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9109 		{
9110 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9111 		}
9113 		protected class OnMapEventDelegateWrapper
9114 		{
9115 			bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg;
9116 			gulong handlerId;
9118 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg)
9119 			{
9120 				this.dlg = dlg;
9121 				onMapEventListeners ~= this;
9122 			}
9124 			void remove(OnMapEventDelegateWrapper source)
9125 			{
9126 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMapEventListeners)
9127 				{
9128 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9129 					{
9130 						onMapEventListeners[index] = null;
9131 						onMapEventListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMapEventListeners, index);
9132 						break;
9133 					}
9134 				}
9135 			}
9136 		}
9137 		OnMapEventDelegateWrapper[] onMapEventListeners;
9139 		/**
9140 		 * The ::map-event signal will be emitted when the @widget's window is
9141 		 * mapped. A window is mapped when it becomes visible on the screen.
9142 		 *
9143 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9144 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
9145 		 * automatically for all new windows.
9146 		 *
9147 		 * Params:
9148 		 *     event = the #GdkEventAny which triggered this signal.
9149 		 *
9150 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9151 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9152 		 */
9153 		gulong addOnMapEvent(bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9154 		{
9155 			auto wrapper = new OnMapEventDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9156 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9157 				this,
9158 				"map-event",
9159 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMapEvent,
9160 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9161 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMapEventDestroy,
9162 				connectFlags);
9163 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9164 		}
9166 		extern(C) static int callBackMapEvent(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventAny* event, OnMapEventDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9167 		{
9168 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
9169 		}
9171 		extern(C) static void callBackMapEventDestroy(OnMapEventDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9172 		{
9173 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9174 		}
9176 		protected class OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper
9177 		{
9178 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
9179 			gulong handlerId;
9181 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
9182 			{
9183 				this.dlg = dlg;
9184 				onMapEventGenericListeners ~= this;
9185 			}
9187 			void remove(OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
9188 			{
9189 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMapEventGenericListeners)
9190 				{
9191 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9192 					{
9193 						onMapEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9194 						onMapEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMapEventGenericListeners, index);
9195 						break;
9196 					}
9197 				}
9198 			}
9199 		}
9200 		OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onMapEventGenericListeners;
9202 		/**
9203 		 * The ::map-event signal will be emitted when the @widget's window is
9204 		 * mapped. A window is mapped when it becomes visible on the screen.
9205 		 *
9206 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9207 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
9208 		 * automatically for all new windows.
9209 		 *
9210 		 * Params:
9211 		 *     event = the #GdkEventAny which triggered this signal.
9212 		 *
9213 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9214 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9215 		 */
9216 		gulong addOnMapEvent(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9217 		{
9218 			auto wrapper = new OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9219 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9220 				this,
9221 				"map-event",
9222 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMapEventGeneric,
9223 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9224 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMapEventGenericDestroy,
9225 				connectFlags);
9226 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9227 		}
9229 		extern(C) static int callBackMapEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9230 		{
9231 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9232 		}
9234 		extern(C) static void callBackMapEventGenericDestroy(OnMapEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9235 		{
9236 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9237 		}
9239 		protected class OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper
9240 		{
9241 			bool delegate(bool, Widget) dlg;
9242 			gulong handlerId;
9244 			this(bool delegate(bool, Widget) dlg)
9245 			{
9246 				this.dlg = dlg;
9247 				onMnemonicActivateListeners ~= this;
9248 			}
9250 			void remove(OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper source)
9251 			{
9252 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMnemonicActivateListeners)
9253 				{
9254 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9255 					{
9256 						onMnemonicActivateListeners[index] = null;
9257 						onMnemonicActivateListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMnemonicActivateListeners, index);
9258 						break;
9259 					}
9260 				}
9261 			}
9262 		}
9263 		OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper[] onMnemonicActivateListeners;
9265 		/**
9266 		 * The default handler for this signal activates @widget if @group_cycling
9267 		 * is %FALSE, or just makes @widget grab focus if @group_cycling is %TRUE.
9268 		 *
9269 		 * Params:
9270 		 *     groupCycling = %TRUE if there are other widgets with the same mnemonic
9271 		 *
9272 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9273 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9274 		 */
9275 		gulong addOnMnemonicActivate(bool delegate(bool, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9276 		{
9277 			auto wrapper = new OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9278 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9279 				this,
9280 				"mnemonic-activate",
9281 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMnemonicActivate,
9282 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9283 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMnemonicActivateDestroy,
9284 				connectFlags);
9285 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9286 		}
9288 		extern(C) static int callBackMnemonicActivate(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, bool groupCycling, OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9289 		{
9290 			return wrapper.dlg(groupCycling, wrapper.outer);
9291 		}
9293 		extern(C) static void callBackMnemonicActivateDestroy(OnMnemonicActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9294 		{
9295 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9296 		}
9298 		protected class OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper
9299 		{
9300 			bool delegate(GdkEventMotion*, Widget) dlg;
9301 			gulong handlerId;
9303 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventMotion*, Widget) dlg)
9304 			{
9305 				this.dlg = dlg;
9306 				onMotionNotifyListeners ~= this;
9307 			}
9309 			void remove(OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
9310 			{
9311 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMotionNotifyListeners)
9312 				{
9313 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9314 					{
9315 						onMotionNotifyListeners[index] = null;
9316 						onMotionNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMotionNotifyListeners, index);
9317 						break;
9318 					}
9319 				}
9320 			}
9321 		}
9322 		OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onMotionNotifyListeners;
9324 		/**
9325 		 * The ::motion-notify-event signal is emitted when the pointer moves
9326 		 * over the widget's #GdkWindow.
9327 		 *
9328 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget
9329 		 * needs to enable the #GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK mask.
9330 		 *
9331 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9332 		 *
9333 		 * Params:
9334 		 *     event = the #GdkEventMotion which triggered
9335 		 *         this signal.
9336 		 *
9337 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9338 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9339 		 */
9340 		gulong addOnMotionNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventMotion*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9341 		{
9342 			addEvents(EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK);
9343 			auto wrapper = new OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9344 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9345 				this,
9346 				"motion-notify-event",
9347 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMotionNotify,
9348 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9349 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMotionNotifyDestroy,
9350 				connectFlags);
9351 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9352 		}
9354 		extern(C) static int callBackMotionNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventMotion* event, OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9355 		{
9356 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
9357 		}
9359 		extern(C) static void callBackMotionNotifyDestroy(OnMotionNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9360 		{
9361 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9362 		}
9364 		protected class OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
9365 		{
9366 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
9367 			gulong handlerId;
9369 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
9370 			{
9371 				this.dlg = dlg;
9372 				onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
9373 			}
9375 			void remove(OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
9376 			{
9377 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners)
9378 				{
9379 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9380 					{
9381 						onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9382 						onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
9383 						break;
9384 					}
9385 				}
9386 			}
9387 		}
9388 		OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onMotionNotifyEventGenericListeners;
9390 		/**
9391 		 * The ::motion-notify-event signal is emitted when the pointer moves
9392 		 * over the widget's #GdkWindow.
9393 		 *
9394 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget
9395 		 * needs to enable the #GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK mask.
9396 		 *
9397 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9398 		 *
9399 		 * Params:
9400 		 *     event = the #GdkEventMotion which triggered
9401 		 *         this signal.
9402 		 *
9403 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9404 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9405 		 */
9406 		gulong addOnMotionNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9407 		{
9408 			addEvents(EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK);
9409 			auto wrapper = new OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9410 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9411 				this,
9412 				"motion-notify-event",
9413 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMotionNotifyEventGeneric,
9414 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9415 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMotionNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
9416 				connectFlags);
9417 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9418 		}
9420 		extern(C) static int callBackMotionNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9421 		{
9422 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9423 		}
9425 		extern(C) static void callBackMotionNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnMotionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9426 		{
9427 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9428 		}
9430 		protected class OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper
9431 		{
9432 			void delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg;
9433 			gulong handlerId;
9435 			this(void delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg)
9436 			{
9437 				this.dlg = dlg;
9438 				onMoveFocusListeners ~= this;
9439 			}
9441 			void remove(OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper source)
9442 			{
9443 				foreach(index, wrapper; onMoveFocusListeners)
9444 				{
9445 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9446 					{
9447 						onMoveFocusListeners[index] = null;
9448 						onMoveFocusListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onMoveFocusListeners, index);
9449 						break;
9450 					}
9451 				}
9452 			}
9453 		}
9454 		OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper[] onMoveFocusListeners;
9456 		/** */
9457 		gulong addOnMoveFocus(void delegate(GtkDirectionType, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9458 		{
9459 			auto wrapper = new OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9460 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9461 				this,
9462 				"move-focus",
9463 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMoveFocus,
9464 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9465 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackMoveFocusDestroy,
9466 				connectFlags);
9467 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9468 		}
9470 		extern(C) static void callBackMoveFocus(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkDirectionType direction, OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9471 		{
9472 			wrapper.dlg(direction, wrapper.outer);
9473 		}
9475 		extern(C) static void callBackMoveFocusDestroy(OnMoveFocusDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9476 		{
9477 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9478 		}
9480 		protected class OnParentSetDelegateWrapper
9481 		{
9482 			void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg;
9483 			gulong handlerId;
9485 			this(void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg)
9486 			{
9487 				this.dlg = dlg;
9488 				onParentSetListeners ~= this;
9489 			}
9491 			void remove(OnParentSetDelegateWrapper source)
9492 			{
9493 				foreach(index, wrapper; onParentSetListeners)
9494 				{
9495 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9496 					{
9497 						onParentSetListeners[index] = null;
9498 						onParentSetListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onParentSetListeners, index);
9499 						break;
9500 					}
9501 				}
9502 			}
9503 		}
9504 		OnParentSetDelegateWrapper[] onParentSetListeners;
9506 		/**
9507 		 * The ::parent-set signal is emitted when a new parent
9508 		 * has been set on a widget.
9509 		 *
9510 		 * Params:
9511 		 *     oldParent = the previous parent, or %NULL if the widget
9512 		 *         just got its initial parent.
9513 		 */
9514 		gulong addOnParentSet(void delegate(Widget, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9515 		{
9516 			auto wrapper = new OnParentSetDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9517 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9518 				this,
9519 				"parent-set",
9520 				cast(GCallback)&callBackParentSet,
9521 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9522 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackParentSetDestroy,
9523 				connectFlags);
9524 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9525 		}
9527 		extern(C) static void callBackParentSet(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkWidget* oldParent, OnParentSetDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9528 		{
9529 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Widget)(oldParent), wrapper.outer);
9530 		}
9532 		extern(C) static void callBackParentSetDestroy(OnParentSetDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9533 		{
9534 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9535 		}
9537 		protected class OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper
9538 		{
9539 			bool delegate(Widget) dlg;
9540 			gulong handlerId;
9542 			this(bool delegate(Widget) dlg)
9543 			{
9544 				this.dlg = dlg;
9545 				onPopupMenuListeners ~= this;
9546 			}
9548 			void remove(OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper source)
9549 			{
9550 				foreach(index, wrapper; onPopupMenuListeners)
9551 				{
9552 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9553 					{
9554 						onPopupMenuListeners[index] = null;
9555 						onPopupMenuListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onPopupMenuListeners, index);
9556 						break;
9557 					}
9558 				}
9559 			}
9560 		}
9561 		OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper[] onPopupMenuListeners;
9563 		/**
9564 		 * This signal gets emitted whenever a widget should pop up a context
9565 		 * menu. This usually happens through the standard key binding mechanism;
9566 		 * by pressing a certain key while a widget is focused, the user can cause
9567 		 * the widget to pop up a menu.  For example, the #GtkEntry widget creates
9568 		 * a menu with clipboard commands. See the
9569 		 * [Popup Menu Migration Checklist][checklist-popup-menu]
9570 		 * for an example of how to use this signal.
9571 		 *
9572 		 * Returns: %TRUE if a menu was activated
9573 		 */
9574 		gulong addOnPopupMenu(bool delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9575 		{
9576 			auto wrapper = new OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9577 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9578 				this,
9579 				"popup-menu",
9580 				cast(GCallback)&callBackPopupMenu,
9581 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9582 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackPopupMenuDestroy,
9583 				connectFlags);
9584 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9585 		}
9587 		extern(C) static int callBackPopupMenu(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9588 		{
9589 			return wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
9590 		}
9592 		extern(C) static void callBackPopupMenuDestroy(OnPopupMenuDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9593 		{
9594 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9595 		}
9597 		protected class OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper
9598 		{
9599 			bool delegate(GdkEventProperty*, Widget) dlg;
9600 			gulong handlerId;
9602 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventProperty*, Widget) dlg)
9603 			{
9604 				this.dlg = dlg;
9605 				onPropertyNotifyListeners ~= this;
9606 			}
9608 			void remove(OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
9609 			{
9610 				foreach(index, wrapper; onPropertyNotifyListeners)
9611 				{
9612 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9613 					{
9614 						onPropertyNotifyListeners[index] = null;
9615 						onPropertyNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onPropertyNotifyListeners, index);
9616 						break;
9617 					}
9618 				}
9619 			}
9620 		}
9621 		OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onPropertyNotifyListeners;
9623 		/**
9624 		 * The ::property-notify-event signal will be emitted when a property on
9625 		 * the @widget's window has been changed or deleted.
9626 		 *
9627 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9628 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK mask.
9629 		 *
9630 		 * Params:
9631 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProperty which triggered
9632 		 *         this signal.
9633 		 *
9634 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9635 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9636 		 */
9637 		gulong addOnPropertyNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventProperty*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9638 		{
9639 			addEvents(EventMask.PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK);
9640 			auto wrapper = new OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9641 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9642 				this,
9643 				"property-notify-event",
9644 				cast(GCallback)&callBackPropertyNotify,
9645 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9646 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackPropertyNotifyDestroy,
9647 				connectFlags);
9648 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9649 		}
9651 		extern(C) static int callBackPropertyNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventProperty* event, OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9652 		{
9653 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
9654 		}
9656 		extern(C) static void callBackPropertyNotifyDestroy(OnPropertyNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9657 		{
9658 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9659 		}
9661 		protected class OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
9662 		{
9663 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
9664 			gulong handlerId;
9666 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
9667 			{
9668 				this.dlg = dlg;
9669 				onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
9670 			}
9672 			void remove(OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
9673 			{
9674 				foreach(index, wrapper; onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners)
9675 				{
9676 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9677 					{
9678 						onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9679 						onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
9680 						break;
9681 					}
9682 				}
9683 			}
9684 		}
9685 		OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onPropertyNotifyEventGenericListeners;
9687 		/**
9688 		 * The ::property-notify-event signal will be emitted when a property on
9689 		 * the @widget's window has been changed or deleted.
9690 		 *
9691 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9692 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK mask.
9693 		 *
9694 		 * Params:
9695 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProperty which triggered
9696 		 *         this signal.
9697 		 *
9698 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9699 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9700 		 */
9701 		gulong addOnPropertyNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9702 		{
9703 			addEvents(EventMask.PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK);
9704 			auto wrapper = new OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9705 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9706 				this,
9707 				"property-notify-event",
9708 				cast(GCallback)&callBackPropertyNotifyEventGeneric,
9709 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9710 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackPropertyNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
9711 				connectFlags);
9712 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9713 		}
9715 		extern(C) static int callBackPropertyNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9716 		{
9717 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9718 		}
9720 		extern(C) static void callBackPropertyNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnPropertyNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9721 		{
9722 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9723 		}
9725 		protected class OnProximityInDelegateWrapper
9726 		{
9727 			bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg;
9728 			gulong handlerId;
9730 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg)
9731 			{
9732 				this.dlg = dlg;
9733 				onProximityInListeners ~= this;
9734 			}
9736 			void remove(OnProximityInDelegateWrapper source)
9737 			{
9738 				foreach(index, wrapper; onProximityInListeners)
9739 				{
9740 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9741 					{
9742 						onProximityInListeners[index] = null;
9743 						onProximityInListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onProximityInListeners, index);
9744 						break;
9745 					}
9746 				}
9747 			}
9748 		}
9749 		OnProximityInDelegateWrapper[] onProximityInListeners;
9751 		/**
9752 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9753 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROXIMITY_IN_MASK mask.
9754 		 *
9755 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9756 		 *
9757 		 * Params:
9758 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProximity which triggered
9759 		 *         this signal.
9760 		 *
9761 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9762 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9763 		 */
9764 		gulong addOnProximityIn(bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9765 		{
9766 			addEvents(EventMask.PROXIMITY_IN_MASK);
9767 			auto wrapper = new OnProximityInDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9768 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9769 				this,
9770 				"proximity-in-event",
9771 				cast(GCallback)&callBackProximityIn,
9772 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9773 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackProximityInDestroy,
9774 				connectFlags);
9775 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9776 		}
9778 		extern(C) static int callBackProximityIn(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventProximity* event, OnProximityInDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9779 		{
9780 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
9781 		}
9783 		extern(C) static void callBackProximityInDestroy(OnProximityInDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9784 		{
9785 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9786 		}
9788 		protected class OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper
9789 		{
9790 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
9791 			gulong handlerId;
9793 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
9794 			{
9795 				this.dlg = dlg;
9796 				onProximityInEventGenericListeners ~= this;
9797 			}
9799 			void remove(OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
9800 			{
9801 				foreach(index, wrapper; onProximityInEventGenericListeners)
9802 				{
9803 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9804 					{
9805 						onProximityInEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9806 						onProximityInEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onProximityInEventGenericListeners, index);
9807 						break;
9808 					}
9809 				}
9810 			}
9811 		}
9812 		OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onProximityInEventGenericListeners;
9814 		/**
9815 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9816 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROXIMITY_IN_MASK mask.
9817 		 *
9818 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9819 		 *
9820 		 * Params:
9821 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProximity which triggered
9822 		 *         this signal.
9823 		 *
9824 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9825 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9826 		 */
9827 		gulong addOnProximityIn(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9828 		{
9829 			addEvents(EventMask.PROXIMITY_IN_MASK);
9830 			auto wrapper = new OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9831 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9832 				this,
9833 				"proximity-in-event",
9834 				cast(GCallback)&callBackProximityInEventGeneric,
9835 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9836 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackProximityInEventGenericDestroy,
9837 				connectFlags);
9838 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9839 		}
9841 		extern(C) static int callBackProximityInEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9842 		{
9843 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9844 		}
9846 		extern(C) static void callBackProximityInEventGenericDestroy(OnProximityInEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9847 		{
9848 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9849 		}
9851 		protected class OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper
9852 		{
9853 			bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg;
9854 			gulong handlerId;
9856 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg)
9857 			{
9858 				this.dlg = dlg;
9859 				onProximityOutListeners ~= this;
9860 			}
9862 			void remove(OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper source)
9863 			{
9864 				foreach(index, wrapper; onProximityOutListeners)
9865 				{
9866 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9867 					{
9868 						onProximityOutListeners[index] = null;
9869 						onProximityOutListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onProximityOutListeners, index);
9870 						break;
9871 					}
9872 				}
9873 			}
9874 		}
9875 		OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper[] onProximityOutListeners;
9877 		/**
9878 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9879 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK mask.
9880 		 *
9881 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9882 		 *
9883 		 * Params:
9884 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProximity which triggered
9885 		 *         this signal.
9886 		 *
9887 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9888 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9889 		 */
9890 		gulong addOnProximityOut(bool delegate(GdkEventProximity*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9891 		{
9892 			addEvents(EventMask.PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK);
9893 			auto wrapper = new OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9894 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9895 				this,
9896 				"proximity-out-event",
9897 				cast(GCallback)&callBackProximityOut,
9898 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9899 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackProximityOutDestroy,
9900 				connectFlags);
9901 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9902 		}
9904 		extern(C) static int callBackProximityOut(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventProximity* event, OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9905 		{
9906 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
9907 		}
9909 		extern(C) static void callBackProximityOutDestroy(OnProximityOutDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9910 		{
9911 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9912 		}
9914 		protected class OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper
9915 		{
9916 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
9917 			gulong handlerId;
9919 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
9920 			{
9921 				this.dlg = dlg;
9922 				onProximityOutEventGenericListeners ~= this;
9923 			}
9925 			void remove(OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
9926 			{
9927 				foreach(index, wrapper; onProximityOutEventGenericListeners)
9928 				{
9929 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9930 					{
9931 						onProximityOutEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
9932 						onProximityOutEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onProximityOutEventGenericListeners, index);
9933 						break;
9934 					}
9935 				}
9936 			}
9937 		}
9938 		OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onProximityOutEventGenericListeners;
9940 		/**
9941 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
9942 		 * to enable the #GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK mask.
9943 		 *
9944 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
9945 		 *
9946 		 * Params:
9947 		 *     event = the #GdkEventProximity which triggered
9948 		 *         this signal.
9949 		 *
9950 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
9951 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
9952 		 */
9953 		gulong addOnProximityOut(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
9954 		{
9955 			addEvents(EventMask.PROXIMITY_OUT_MASK);
9956 			auto wrapper = new OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
9957 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
9958 				this,
9959 				"proximity-out-event",
9960 				cast(GCallback)&callBackProximityOutEventGeneric,
9961 				cast(void*)wrapper,
9962 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackProximityOutEventGenericDestroy,
9963 				connectFlags);
9964 			return wrapper.handlerId;
9965 		}
9967 		extern(C) static int callBackProximityOutEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
9968 		{
9969 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
9970 		}
9972 		extern(C) static void callBackProximityOutEventGenericDestroy(OnProximityOutEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
9973 		{
9974 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
9975 		}
9977 		protected class OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper
9978 		{
9979 			bool delegate(int, int, bool, Tooltip, Widget) dlg;
9980 			gulong handlerId;
9982 			this(bool delegate(int, int, bool, Tooltip, Widget) dlg)
9983 			{
9984 				this.dlg = dlg;
9985 				onQueryTooltipListeners ~= this;
9986 			}
9988 			void remove(OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper source)
9989 			{
9990 				foreach(index, wrapper; onQueryTooltipListeners)
9991 				{
9992 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
9993 					{
9994 						onQueryTooltipListeners[index] = null;
9995 						onQueryTooltipListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onQueryTooltipListeners, index);
9996 						break;
9997 					}
9998 				}
9999 			}
10000 		}
10001 		OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper[] onQueryTooltipListeners;
10003 		/**
10004 		 * Emitted when #GtkWidget:has-tooltip is %TRUE and the hover timeout
10005 		 * has expired with the cursor hovering "above" @widget; or emitted when @widget got
10006 		 * focus in keyboard mode.
10007 		 *
10008 		 * Using the given coordinates, the signal handler should determine
10009 		 * whether a tooltip should be shown for @widget. If this is the case
10010 		 * %TRUE should be returned, %FALSE otherwise.  Note that if
10011 		 * @keyboard_mode is %TRUE, the values of @x and @y are undefined and
10012 		 * should not be used.
10013 		 *
10014 		 * The signal handler is free to manipulate @tooltip with the therefore
10015 		 * destined function calls.
10016 		 *
10017 		 * Params:
10018 		 *     x = the x coordinate of the cursor position where the request has
10019 		 *         been emitted, relative to @widget's left side
10020 		 *     y = the y coordinate of the cursor position where the request has
10021 		 *         been emitted, relative to @widget's top
10022 		 *     keyboardMode = %TRUE if the tooltip was triggered using the keyboard
10023 		 *     tooltip = a #GtkTooltip
10024 		 *
10025 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @tooltip should be shown right now, %FALSE otherwise.
10026 		 *
10027 		 * Since: 2.12
10028 		 */
10029 		gulong addOnQueryTooltip(bool delegate(int, int, bool, Tooltip, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10030 		{
10031 			auto wrapper = new OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10032 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10033 				this,
10034 				"query-tooltip",
10035 				cast(GCallback)&callBackQueryTooltip,
10036 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10037 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackQueryTooltipDestroy,
10038 				connectFlags);
10039 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10040 		}
10042 		extern(C) static int callBackQueryTooltip(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, int x, int y, bool keyboardMode, GtkTooltip* tooltip, OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10043 		{
10044 			return wrapper.dlg(x, y, keyboardMode, ObjectG.getDObject!(Tooltip)(tooltip), wrapper.outer);
10045 		}
10047 		extern(C) static void callBackQueryTooltipDestroy(OnQueryTooltipDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10048 		{
10049 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10050 		}
10052 		protected class OnRealizeDelegateWrapper
10053 		{
10054 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
10055 			gulong handlerId;
10057 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
10058 			{
10059 				this.dlg = dlg;
10060 				onRealizeListeners ~= this;
10061 			}
10063 			void remove(OnRealizeDelegateWrapper source)
10064 			{
10065 				foreach(index, wrapper; onRealizeListeners)
10066 				{
10067 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10068 					{
10069 						onRealizeListeners[index] = null;
10070 						onRealizeListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onRealizeListeners, index);
10071 						break;
10072 					}
10073 				}
10074 			}
10075 		}
10076 		OnRealizeDelegateWrapper[] onRealizeListeners;
10078 		/**
10079 		 * The ::realize signal is emitted when @widget is associated with a
10080 		 * #GdkWindow, which means that gtk_widget_realize() has been called or the
10081 		 * widget has been mapped (that is, it is going to be drawn).
10082 		 */
10083 		gulong addOnRealize(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10084 		{
10085 			auto wrapper = new OnRealizeDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10086 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10087 				this,
10088 				"realize",
10089 				cast(GCallback)&callBackRealize,
10090 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10091 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackRealizeDestroy,
10092 				connectFlags);
10093 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10094 		}
10096 		extern(C) static void callBackRealize(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnRealizeDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10097 		{
10098 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
10099 		}
10101 		extern(C) static void callBackRealizeDestroy(OnRealizeDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10102 		{
10103 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10104 		}
10106 		protected class OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper
10107 		{
10108 			void delegate(Screen, Widget) dlg;
10109 			gulong handlerId;
10111 			this(void delegate(Screen, Widget) dlg)
10112 			{
10113 				this.dlg = dlg;
10114 				onScreenChangedListeners ~= this;
10115 			}
10117 			void remove(OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper source)
10118 			{
10119 				foreach(index, wrapper; onScreenChangedListeners)
10120 				{
10121 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10122 					{
10123 						onScreenChangedListeners[index] = null;
10124 						onScreenChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onScreenChangedListeners, index);
10125 						break;
10126 					}
10127 				}
10128 			}
10129 		}
10130 		OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper[] onScreenChangedListeners;
10132 		/**
10133 		 * The ::screen-changed signal gets emitted when the
10134 		 * screen of a widget has changed.
10135 		 *
10136 		 * Params:
10137 		 *     previousScreen = the previous screen, or %NULL if the
10138 		 *         widget was not associated with a screen before
10139 		 */
10140 		gulong addOnScreenChanged(void delegate(Screen, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10141 		{
10142 			auto wrapper = new OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10143 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10144 				this,
10145 				"screen-changed",
10146 				cast(GCallback)&callBackScreenChanged,
10147 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10148 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackScreenChangedDestroy,
10149 				connectFlags);
10150 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10151 		}
10153 		extern(C) static void callBackScreenChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkScreen* previousScreen, OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10154 		{
10155 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Screen)(previousScreen), wrapper.outer);
10156 		}
10158 		extern(C) static void callBackScreenChangedDestroy(OnScreenChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10159 		{
10160 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10161 		}
10163 		protected class OnScrollDelegateWrapper
10164 		{
10165 			bool delegate(GdkEventScroll*, Widget) dlg;
10166 			gulong handlerId;
10168 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventScroll*, Widget) dlg)
10169 			{
10170 				this.dlg = dlg;
10171 				onScrollListeners ~= this;
10172 			}
10174 			void remove(OnScrollDelegateWrapper source)
10175 			{
10176 				foreach(index, wrapper; onScrollListeners)
10177 				{
10178 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10179 					{
10180 						onScrollListeners[index] = null;
10181 						onScrollListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onScrollListeners, index);
10182 						break;
10183 					}
10184 				}
10185 			}
10186 		}
10187 		OnScrollDelegateWrapper[] onScrollListeners;
10189 		/**
10190 		 * The ::scroll-event signal is emitted when a button in the 4 to 7
10191 		 * range is pressed. Wheel mice are usually configured to generate
10192 		 * button press events for buttons 4 and 5 when the wheel is turned.
10193 		 *
10194 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
10195 		 * to enable the #GDK_SCROLL_MASK mask.
10196 		 *
10197 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
10198 		 *
10199 		 * Params:
10200 		 *     event = the #GdkEventScroll which triggered
10201 		 *         this signal.
10202 		 *
10203 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10204 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10205 		 */
10206 		gulong addOnScroll(bool delegate(GdkEventScroll*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10207 		{
10208 			addEvents(EventMask.SCROLL_MASK);
10209 			auto wrapper = new OnScrollDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10210 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10211 				this,
10212 				"scroll-event",
10213 				cast(GCallback)&callBackScroll,
10214 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10215 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackScrollDestroy,
10216 				connectFlags);
10217 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10218 		}
10220 		extern(C) static int callBackScroll(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventScroll* event, OnScrollDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10221 		{
10222 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
10223 		}
10225 		extern(C) static void callBackScrollDestroy(OnScrollDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10226 		{
10227 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10228 		}
10230 		protected class OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper
10231 		{
10232 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
10233 			gulong handlerId;
10235 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
10236 			{
10237 				this.dlg = dlg;
10238 				onScrollEventGenericListeners ~= this;
10239 			}
10241 			void remove(OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
10242 			{
10243 				foreach(index, wrapper; onScrollEventGenericListeners)
10244 				{
10245 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10246 					{
10247 						onScrollEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
10248 						onScrollEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onScrollEventGenericListeners, index);
10249 						break;
10250 					}
10251 				}
10252 			}
10253 		}
10254 		OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onScrollEventGenericListeners;
10256 		/**
10257 		 * The ::scroll-event signal is emitted when a button in the 4 to 7
10258 		 * range is pressed. Wheel mice are usually configured to generate
10259 		 * button press events for buttons 4 and 5 when the wheel is turned.
10260 		 *
10261 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
10262 		 * to enable the #GDK_SCROLL_MASK mask.
10263 		 *
10264 		 * This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
10265 		 *
10266 		 * Params:
10267 		 *     event = the #GdkEventScroll which triggered
10268 		 *         this signal.
10269 		 *
10270 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10271 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10272 		 */
10273 		gulong addOnScroll(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10274 		{
10275 			addEvents(EventMask.SCROLL_MASK);
10276 			auto wrapper = new OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10277 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10278 				this,
10279 				"scroll-event",
10280 				cast(GCallback)&callBackScrollEventGeneric,
10281 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10282 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackScrollEventGenericDestroy,
10283 				connectFlags);
10284 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10285 		}
10287 		extern(C) static int callBackScrollEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10288 		{
10289 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
10290 		}
10292 		extern(C) static void callBackScrollEventGenericDestroy(OnScrollEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10293 		{
10294 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10295 		}
10297 		protected class OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper
10298 		{
10299 			bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg;
10300 			gulong handlerId;
10302 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg)
10303 			{
10304 				this.dlg = dlg;
10305 				onSelectionClearListeners ~= this;
10306 			}
10308 			void remove(OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper source)
10309 			{
10310 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionClearListeners)
10311 				{
10312 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10313 					{
10314 						onSelectionClearListeners[index] = null;
10315 						onSelectionClearListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionClearListeners, index);
10316 						break;
10317 					}
10318 				}
10319 			}
10320 		}
10321 		OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionClearListeners;
10323 		/**
10324 		 * The ::selection-clear-event signal will be emitted when the
10325 		 * the @widget's window has lost ownership of a selection.
10326 		 *
10327 		 * Params:
10328 		 *     event = the #GdkEventSelection which triggered
10329 		 *         this signal.
10330 		 *
10331 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10332 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10333 		 */
10334 		gulong addOnSelectionClear(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10335 		{
10336 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10337 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10338 				this,
10339 				"selection-clear-event",
10340 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionClear,
10341 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10342 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionClearDestroy,
10343 				connectFlags);
10344 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10345 		}
10347 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionClear(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventSelection* event, OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10348 		{
10349 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
10350 		}
10352 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionClearDestroy(OnSelectionClearDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10353 		{
10354 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10355 		}
10357 		protected class OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper
10358 		{
10359 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
10360 			gulong handlerId;
10362 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
10363 			{
10364 				this.dlg = dlg;
10365 				onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners ~= this;
10366 			}
10368 			void remove(OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
10369 			{
10370 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners)
10371 				{
10372 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10373 					{
10374 						onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
10375 						onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners, index);
10376 						break;
10377 					}
10378 				}
10379 			}
10380 		}
10381 		OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionClearEventGenericListeners;
10383 		/**
10384 		 * The ::selection-clear-event signal will be emitted when the
10385 		 * the @widget's window has lost ownership of a selection.
10386 		 *
10387 		 * Params:
10388 		 *     event = the #GdkEventSelection which triggered
10389 		 *         this signal.
10390 		 *
10391 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10392 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10393 		 */
10394 		gulong addOnSelectionClear(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10395 		{
10396 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10397 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10398 				this,
10399 				"selection-clear-event",
10400 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionClearEventGeneric,
10401 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10402 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionClearEventGenericDestroy,
10403 				connectFlags);
10404 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10405 		}
10407 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionClearEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10408 		{
10409 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
10410 		}
10412 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionClearEventGenericDestroy(OnSelectionClearEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10413 		{
10414 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10415 		}
10417 		protected class OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper
10418 		{
10419 			void delegate(SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg;
10420 			gulong handlerId;
10422 			this(void delegate(SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg)
10423 			{
10424 				this.dlg = dlg;
10425 				onSelectionGetListeners ~= this;
10426 			}
10428 			void remove(OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper source)
10429 			{
10430 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionGetListeners)
10431 				{
10432 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10433 					{
10434 						onSelectionGetListeners[index] = null;
10435 						onSelectionGetListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionGetListeners, index);
10436 						break;
10437 					}
10438 				}
10439 			}
10440 		}
10441 		OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionGetListeners;
10443 		/** */
10444 		gulong addOnSelectionGet(void delegate(SelectionData, uint, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10445 		{
10446 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10447 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10448 				this,
10449 				"selection-get",
10450 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionGet,
10451 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10452 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionGetDestroy,
10453 				connectFlags);
10454 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10455 		}
10457 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionGet(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkSelectionData* data, uint info, uint time, OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10458 		{
10459 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(data), info, time, wrapper.outer);
10460 		}
10462 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionGetDestroy(OnSelectionGetDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10463 		{
10464 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10465 		}
10467 		protected class OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper
10468 		{
10469 			bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg;
10470 			gulong handlerId;
10472 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg)
10473 			{
10474 				this.dlg = dlg;
10475 				onSelectionNotifyListeners ~= this;
10476 			}
10478 			void remove(OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
10479 			{
10480 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionNotifyListeners)
10481 				{
10482 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10483 					{
10484 						onSelectionNotifyListeners[index] = null;
10485 						onSelectionNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionNotifyListeners, index);
10486 						break;
10487 					}
10488 				}
10489 			}
10490 		}
10491 		OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionNotifyListeners;
10493 		/**
10494 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10495 		 */
10496 		gulong addOnSelectionNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10497 		{
10498 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10499 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10500 				this,
10501 				"selection-notify-event",
10502 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionNotify,
10503 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10504 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionNotifyDestroy,
10505 				connectFlags);
10506 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10507 		}
10509 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventSelection* event, OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10510 		{
10511 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
10512 		}
10514 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionNotifyDestroy(OnSelectionNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10515 		{
10516 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10517 		}
10519 		protected class OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
10520 		{
10521 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
10522 			gulong handlerId;
10524 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
10525 			{
10526 				this.dlg = dlg;
10527 				onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
10528 			}
10530 			void remove(OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
10531 			{
10532 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners)
10533 				{
10534 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10535 					{
10536 						onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
10537 						onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
10538 						break;
10539 					}
10540 				}
10541 			}
10542 		}
10543 		OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionNotifyEventGenericListeners;
10545 		/**
10546 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10547 		 */
10548 		gulong addOnSelectionNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10549 		{
10550 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10551 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10552 				this,
10553 				"selection-notify-event",
10554 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionNotifyEventGeneric,
10555 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10556 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
10557 				connectFlags);
10558 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10559 		}
10561 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10562 		{
10563 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
10564 		}
10566 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnSelectionNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10567 		{
10568 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10569 		}
10571 		protected class OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper
10572 		{
10573 			void delegate(SelectionData, uint, Widget) dlg;
10574 			gulong handlerId;
10576 			this(void delegate(SelectionData, uint, Widget) dlg)
10577 			{
10578 				this.dlg = dlg;
10579 				onSelectionReceivedListeners ~= this;
10580 			}
10582 			void remove(OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper source)
10583 			{
10584 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionReceivedListeners)
10585 				{
10586 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10587 					{
10588 						onSelectionReceivedListeners[index] = null;
10589 						onSelectionReceivedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionReceivedListeners, index);
10590 						break;
10591 					}
10592 				}
10593 			}
10594 		}
10595 		OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionReceivedListeners;
10597 		/** */
10598 		gulong addOnSelectionReceived(void delegate(SelectionData, uint, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10599 		{
10600 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10601 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10602 				this,
10603 				"selection-received",
10604 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionReceived,
10605 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10606 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionReceivedDestroy,
10607 				connectFlags);
10608 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10609 		}
10611 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionReceived(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkSelectionData* data, uint time, OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10612 		{
10613 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(SelectionData)(data), time, wrapper.outer);
10614 		}
10616 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionReceivedDestroy(OnSelectionReceivedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10617 		{
10618 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10619 		}
10621 		protected class OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper
10622 		{
10623 			bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg;
10624 			gulong handlerId;
10626 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg)
10627 			{
10628 				this.dlg = dlg;
10629 				onSelectionRequestListeners ~= this;
10630 			}
10632 			void remove(OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper source)
10633 			{
10634 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionRequestListeners)
10635 				{
10636 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10637 					{
10638 						onSelectionRequestListeners[index] = null;
10639 						onSelectionRequestListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionRequestListeners, index);
10640 						break;
10641 					}
10642 				}
10643 			}
10644 		}
10645 		OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionRequestListeners;
10647 		/**
10648 		 * The ::selection-request-event signal will be emitted when
10649 		 * another client requests ownership of the selection owned by
10650 		 * the @widget's window.
10651 		 *
10652 		 * Params:
10653 		 *     event = the #GdkEventSelection which triggered
10654 		 *         this signal.
10655 		 *
10656 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10657 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10658 		 */
10659 		gulong addOnSelectionRequest(bool delegate(GdkEventSelection*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10660 		{
10661 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10662 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10663 				this,
10664 				"selection-request-event",
10665 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionRequest,
10666 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10667 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionRequestDestroy,
10668 				connectFlags);
10669 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10670 		}
10672 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionRequest(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventSelection* event, OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10673 		{
10674 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
10675 		}
10677 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionRequestDestroy(OnSelectionRequestDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10678 		{
10679 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10680 		}
10682 		protected class OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper
10683 		{
10684 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
10685 			gulong handlerId;
10687 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
10688 			{
10689 				this.dlg = dlg;
10690 				onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners ~= this;
10691 			}
10693 			void remove(OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
10694 			{
10695 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners)
10696 				{
10697 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10698 					{
10699 						onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
10700 						onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners, index);
10701 						break;
10702 					}
10703 				}
10704 			}
10705 		}
10706 		OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onSelectionRequestEventGenericListeners;
10708 		/**
10709 		 * The ::selection-request-event signal will be emitted when
10710 		 * another client requests ownership of the selection owned by
10711 		 * the @widget's window.
10712 		 *
10713 		 * Params:
10714 		 *     event = the #GdkEventSelection which triggered
10715 		 *         this signal.
10716 		 *
10717 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10718 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10719 		 */
10720 		gulong addOnSelectionRequest(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10721 		{
10722 			auto wrapper = new OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10723 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10724 				this,
10725 				"selection-request-event",
10726 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionRequestEventGeneric,
10727 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10728 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSelectionRequestEventGenericDestroy,
10729 				connectFlags);
10730 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10731 		}
10733 		extern(C) static int callBackSelectionRequestEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10734 		{
10735 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
10736 		}
10738 		extern(C) static void callBackSelectionRequestEventGenericDestroy(OnSelectionRequestEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10739 		{
10740 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10741 		}
10743 		protected class OnShowDelegateWrapper
10744 		{
10745 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
10746 			gulong handlerId;
10748 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
10749 			{
10750 				this.dlg = dlg;
10751 				onShowListeners ~= this;
10752 			}
10754 			void remove(OnShowDelegateWrapper source)
10755 			{
10756 				foreach(index, wrapper; onShowListeners)
10757 				{
10758 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10759 					{
10760 						onShowListeners[index] = null;
10761 						onShowListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onShowListeners, index);
10762 						break;
10763 					}
10764 				}
10765 			}
10766 		}
10767 		OnShowDelegateWrapper[] onShowListeners;
10769 		/**
10770 		 * The ::show signal is emitted when @widget is shown, for example with
10771 		 * gtk_widget_show().
10772 		 */
10773 		gulong addOnShow(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10774 		{
10775 			auto wrapper = new OnShowDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10776 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10777 				this,
10778 				"show",
10779 				cast(GCallback)&callBackShow,
10780 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10781 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackShowDestroy,
10782 				connectFlags);
10783 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10784 		}
10786 		extern(C) static void callBackShow(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnShowDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10787 		{
10788 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
10789 		}
10791 		extern(C) static void callBackShowDestroy(OnShowDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10792 		{
10793 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10794 		}
10796 		protected class OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper
10797 		{
10798 			bool delegate(GtkWidgetHelpType, Widget) dlg;
10799 			gulong handlerId;
10801 			this(bool delegate(GtkWidgetHelpType, Widget) dlg)
10802 			{
10803 				this.dlg = dlg;
10804 				onShowHelpListeners ~= this;
10805 			}
10807 			void remove(OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper source)
10808 			{
10809 				foreach(index, wrapper; onShowHelpListeners)
10810 				{
10811 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10812 					{
10813 						onShowHelpListeners[index] = null;
10814 						onShowHelpListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onShowHelpListeners, index);
10815 						break;
10816 					}
10817 				}
10818 			}
10819 		}
10820 		OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper[] onShowHelpListeners;
10822 		/**
10823 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
10824 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
10825 		 */
10826 		gulong addOnShowHelp(bool delegate(GtkWidgetHelpType, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10827 		{
10828 			auto wrapper = new OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10829 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10830 				this,
10831 				"show-help",
10832 				cast(GCallback)&callBackShowHelp,
10833 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10834 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackShowHelpDestroy,
10835 				connectFlags);
10836 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10837 		}
10839 		extern(C) static int callBackShowHelp(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkWidgetHelpType helpType, OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10840 		{
10841 			return wrapper.dlg(helpType, wrapper.outer);
10842 		}
10844 		extern(C) static void callBackShowHelpDestroy(OnShowHelpDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10845 		{
10846 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10847 		}
10849 		protected class OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper
10850 		{
10851 			void delegate(Allocation, Widget) dlg;
10852 			gulong handlerId;
10854 			this(void delegate(Allocation, Widget) dlg)
10855 			{
10856 				this.dlg = dlg;
10857 				onSizeAllocateListeners ~= this;
10858 			}
10860 			void remove(OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper source)
10861 			{
10862 				foreach(index, wrapper; onSizeAllocateListeners)
10863 				{
10864 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10865 					{
10866 						onSizeAllocateListeners[index] = null;
10867 						onSizeAllocateListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onSizeAllocateListeners, index);
10868 						break;
10869 					}
10870 				}
10871 			}
10872 		}
10873 		OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper[] onSizeAllocateListeners;
10875 		/** */
10876 		gulong addOnSizeAllocate(void delegate(Allocation, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10877 		{
10878 			auto wrapper = new OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10879 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10880 				this,
10881 				"size-allocate",
10882 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSizeAllocate,
10883 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10884 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackSizeAllocateDestroy,
10885 				connectFlags);
10886 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10887 		}
10889 		extern(C) static void callBackSizeAllocate(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, Allocation allocation, OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10890 		{
10891 			wrapper.dlg(allocation, wrapper.outer);
10892 		}
10894 		extern(C) static void callBackSizeAllocateDestroy(OnSizeAllocateDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10895 		{
10896 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10897 		}
10899 		protected class OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper
10900 		{
10901 			void delegate(GtkStateType, Widget) dlg;
10902 			gulong handlerId;
10904 			this(void delegate(GtkStateType, Widget) dlg)
10905 			{
10906 				this.dlg = dlg;
10907 				onStateChangedListeners ~= this;
10908 			}
10910 			void remove(OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper source)
10911 			{
10912 				foreach(index, wrapper; onStateChangedListeners)
10913 				{
10914 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10915 					{
10916 						onStateChangedListeners[index] = null;
10917 						onStateChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onStateChangedListeners, index);
10918 						break;
10919 					}
10920 				}
10921 			}
10922 		}
10923 		OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper[] onStateChangedListeners;
10925 		/**
10926 		 * The ::state-changed signal is emitted when the widget state changes.
10927 		 * See gtk_widget_get_state().
10928 		 *
10929 		 * Deprecated: Use #GtkWidget::state-flags-changed instead.
10930 		 *
10931 		 * Params:
10932 		 *     state = the previous state
10933 		 */
10934 		gulong addOnStateChanged(void delegate(GtkStateType, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10935 		{
10936 			auto wrapper = new OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10937 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10938 				this,
10939 				"state-changed",
10940 				cast(GCallback)&callBackStateChanged,
10941 				cast(void*)wrapper,
10942 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackStateChangedDestroy,
10943 				connectFlags);
10944 			return wrapper.handlerId;
10945 		}
10947 		extern(C) static void callBackStateChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkStateType state, OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
10948 		{
10949 			wrapper.dlg(state, wrapper.outer);
10950 		}
10952 		extern(C) static void callBackStateChangedDestroy(OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
10953 		{
10954 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
10955 		}
10957 		protected class OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper
10958 		{
10959 			void delegate(GtkStateFlags, Widget) dlg;
10960 			gulong handlerId;
10962 			this(void delegate(GtkStateFlags, Widget) dlg)
10963 			{
10964 				this.dlg = dlg;
10965 				onStateFlagsChangedListeners ~= this;
10966 			}
10968 			void remove(OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper source)
10969 			{
10970 				foreach(index, wrapper; onStateFlagsChangedListeners)
10971 				{
10972 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
10973 					{
10974 						onStateFlagsChangedListeners[index] = null;
10975 						onStateFlagsChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onStateFlagsChangedListeners, index);
10976 						break;
10977 					}
10978 				}
10979 			}
10980 		}
10981 		OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper[] onStateFlagsChangedListeners;
10983 		/**
10984 		 * The ::state-flags-changed signal is emitted when the widget state
10985 		 * changes, see gtk_widget_get_state_flags().
10986 		 *
10987 		 * Params:
10988 		 *     flags = The previous state flags.
10989 		 *
10990 		 * Since: 3.0
10991 		 */
10992 		gulong addOnStateFlagsChanged(void delegate(GtkStateFlags, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
10993 		{
10994 			auto wrapper = new OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
10995 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
10996 				this,
10997 				"state-flags-changed",
10998 				cast(GCallback)&callBackStateFlagsChanged,
10999 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11000 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackStateFlagsChangedDestroy,
11001 				connectFlags);
11002 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11003 		}
11005 		extern(C) static void callBackStateFlagsChanged(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkStateFlags flags, OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11006 		{
11007 			wrapper.dlg(flags, wrapper.outer);
11008 		}
11010 		extern(C) static void callBackStateFlagsChangedDestroy(OnStateFlagsChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11011 		{
11012 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11013 		}
11015 		protected class OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper
11016 		{
11017 			void delegate(Style, Widget) dlg;
11018 			gulong handlerId;
11020 			this(void delegate(Style, Widget) dlg)
11021 			{
11022 				this.dlg = dlg;
11023 				onStyleSetListeners ~= this;
11024 			}
11026 			void remove(OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper source)
11027 			{
11028 				foreach(index, wrapper; onStyleSetListeners)
11029 				{
11030 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11031 					{
11032 						onStyleSetListeners[index] = null;
11033 						onStyleSetListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onStyleSetListeners, index);
11034 						break;
11035 					}
11036 				}
11037 			}
11038 		}
11039 		OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper[] onStyleSetListeners;
11041 		/**
11042 		 * The ::style-set signal is emitted when a new style has been set
11043 		 * on a widget. Note that style-modifying functions like
11044 		 * gtk_widget_modify_base() also cause this signal to be emitted.
11045 		 *
11046 		 * Note that this signal is emitted for changes to the deprecated
11047 		 * #GtkStyle. To track changes to the #GtkStyleContext associated
11048 		 * with a widget, use the #GtkWidget::style-updated signal.
11049 		 *
11050 		 * Deprecated: Use the #GtkWidget::style-updated signal
11051 		 *
11052 		 * Params:
11053 		 *     previousStyle = the previous style, or %NULL if the widget
11054 		 *         just got its initial style
11055 		 */
11056 		gulong addOnStyleSet(void delegate(Style, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11057 		{
11058 			auto wrapper = new OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11059 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11060 				this,
11061 				"style-set",
11062 				cast(GCallback)&callBackStyleSet,
11063 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11064 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackStyleSetDestroy,
11065 				connectFlags);
11066 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11067 		}
11069 		extern(C) static void callBackStyleSet(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GtkStyle* previousStyle, OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11070 		{
11071 			wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Style)(previousStyle), wrapper.outer);
11072 		}
11074 		extern(C) static void callBackStyleSetDestroy(OnStyleSetDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11075 		{
11076 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11077 		}
11079 		protected class OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper
11080 		{
11081 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
11082 			gulong handlerId;
11084 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
11085 			{
11086 				this.dlg = dlg;
11087 				onStyleUpdatedListeners ~= this;
11088 			}
11090 			void remove(OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper source)
11091 			{
11092 				foreach(index, wrapper; onStyleUpdatedListeners)
11093 				{
11094 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11095 					{
11096 						onStyleUpdatedListeners[index] = null;
11097 						onStyleUpdatedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onStyleUpdatedListeners, index);
11098 						break;
11099 					}
11100 				}
11101 			}
11102 		}
11103 		OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper[] onStyleUpdatedListeners;
11105 		/**
11106 		 * The ::style-updated signal is a convenience signal that is emitted when the
11107 		 * #GtkStyleContext::changed signal is emitted on the @widget's associated
11108 		 * #GtkStyleContext as returned by gtk_widget_get_style_context().
11109 		 *
11110 		 * Note that style-modifying functions like gtk_widget_override_color() also
11111 		 * cause this signal to be emitted.
11112 		 *
11113 		 * Since: 3.0
11114 		 */
11115 		gulong addOnStyleUpdated(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11116 		{
11117 			auto wrapper = new OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11118 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11119 				this,
11120 				"style-updated",
11121 				cast(GCallback)&callBackStyleUpdated,
11122 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11123 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackStyleUpdatedDestroy,
11124 				connectFlags);
11125 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11126 		}
11128 		extern(C) static void callBackStyleUpdated(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11129 		{
11130 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
11131 		}
11133 		extern(C) static void callBackStyleUpdatedDestroy(OnStyleUpdatedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11134 		{
11135 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11136 		}
11138 		protected class OnTouchDelegateWrapper
11139 		{
11140 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
11141 			gulong handlerId;
11143 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
11144 			{
11145 				this.dlg = dlg;
11146 				onTouchListeners ~= this;
11147 			}
11149 			void remove(OnTouchDelegateWrapper source)
11150 			{
11151 				foreach(index, wrapper; onTouchListeners)
11152 				{
11153 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11154 					{
11155 						onTouchListeners[index] = null;
11156 						onTouchListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onTouchListeners, index);
11157 						break;
11158 					}
11159 				}
11160 			}
11161 		}
11162 		OnTouchDelegateWrapper[] onTouchListeners;
11164 		/** */
11165 		gulong addOnTouch(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11166 		{
11167 			auto wrapper = new OnTouchDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11168 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11169 				this,
11170 				"touch-event",
11171 				cast(GCallback)&callBackTouch,
11172 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11173 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackTouchDestroy,
11174 				connectFlags);
11175 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11176 		}
11178 		extern(C) static int callBackTouch(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* object, OnTouchDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11179 		{
11180 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(object), wrapper.outer);
11181 		}
11183 		extern(C) static void callBackTouchDestroy(OnTouchDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11184 		{
11185 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11186 		}
11188 		protected class OnUnmapDelegateWrapper
11189 		{
11190 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
11191 			gulong handlerId;
11193 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
11194 			{
11195 				this.dlg = dlg;
11196 				onUnmapListeners ~= this;
11197 			}
11199 			void remove(OnUnmapDelegateWrapper source)
11200 			{
11201 				foreach(index, wrapper; onUnmapListeners)
11202 				{
11203 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11204 					{
11205 						onUnmapListeners[index] = null;
11206 						onUnmapListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onUnmapListeners, index);
11207 						break;
11208 					}
11209 				}
11210 			}
11211 		}
11212 		OnUnmapDelegateWrapper[] onUnmapListeners;
11214 		/**
11215 		 * The ::unmap signal is emitted when @widget is going to be unmapped, which
11216 		 * means that either it or any of its parents up to the toplevel widget have
11217 		 * been set as hidden.
11218 		 *
11219 		 * As ::unmap indicates that a widget will not be shown any longer, it can be
11220 		 * used to, for example, stop an animation on the widget.
11221 		 */
11222 		gulong addOnUnmap(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11223 		{
11224 			auto wrapper = new OnUnmapDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11225 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11226 				this,
11227 				"unmap",
11228 				cast(GCallback)&callBackUnmap,
11229 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11230 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackUnmapDestroy,
11231 				connectFlags);
11232 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11233 		}
11235 		extern(C) static void callBackUnmap(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnUnmapDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11236 		{
11237 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
11238 		}
11240 		extern(C) static void callBackUnmapDestroy(OnUnmapDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11241 		{
11242 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11243 		}
11245 		protected class OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper
11246 		{
11247 			bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg;
11248 			gulong handlerId;
11250 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg)
11251 			{
11252 				this.dlg = dlg;
11253 				onUnmapEventListeners ~= this;
11254 			}
11256 			void remove(OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper source)
11257 			{
11258 				foreach(index, wrapper; onUnmapEventListeners)
11259 				{
11260 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11261 					{
11262 						onUnmapEventListeners[index] = null;
11263 						onUnmapEventListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onUnmapEventListeners, index);
11264 						break;
11265 					}
11266 				}
11267 			}
11268 		}
11269 		OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper[] onUnmapEventListeners;
11271 		/**
11272 		 * The ::unmap-event signal will be emitted when the @widget's window is
11273 		 * unmapped. A window is unmapped when it becomes invisible on the screen.
11274 		 *
11275 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
11276 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
11277 		 * automatically for all new windows.
11278 		 *
11279 		 * Params:
11280 		 *     event = the #GdkEventAny which triggered this signal
11281 		 *
11282 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
11283 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11284 		 */
11285 		gulong addOnUnmapEvent(bool delegate(GdkEventAny*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11286 		{
11287 			auto wrapper = new OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11288 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11289 				this,
11290 				"unmap-event",
11291 				cast(GCallback)&callBackUnmapEvent,
11292 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11293 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackUnmapEventDestroy,
11294 				connectFlags);
11295 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11296 		}
11298 		extern(C) static int callBackUnmapEvent(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventAny* event, OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11299 		{
11300 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
11301 		}
11303 		extern(C) static void callBackUnmapEventDestroy(OnUnmapEventDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11304 		{
11305 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11306 		}
11308 		protected class OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper
11309 		{
11310 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
11311 			gulong handlerId;
11313 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
11314 			{
11315 				this.dlg = dlg;
11316 				onUnmapEventGenericListeners ~= this;
11317 			}
11319 			void remove(OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
11320 			{
11321 				foreach(index, wrapper; onUnmapEventGenericListeners)
11322 				{
11323 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11324 					{
11325 						onUnmapEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
11326 						onUnmapEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onUnmapEventGenericListeners, index);
11327 						break;
11328 					}
11329 				}
11330 			}
11331 		}
11332 		OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onUnmapEventGenericListeners;
11334 		/**
11335 		 * The ::unmap-event signal will be emitted when the @widget's window is
11336 		 * unmapped. A window is unmapped when it becomes invisible on the screen.
11337 		 *
11338 		 * To receive this signal, the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
11339 		 * to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable this mask
11340 		 * automatically for all new windows.
11341 		 *
11342 		 * Params:
11343 		 *     event = the #GdkEventAny which triggered this signal
11344 		 *
11345 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
11346 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11347 		 */
11348 		gulong addOnUnmapEvent(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11349 		{
11350 			auto wrapper = new OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11351 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11352 				this,
11353 				"unmap-event",
11354 				cast(GCallback)&callBackUnmapEventGeneric,
11355 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11356 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackUnmapEventGenericDestroy,
11357 				connectFlags);
11358 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11359 		}
11361 		extern(C) static int callBackUnmapEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11362 		{
11363 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
11364 		}
11366 		extern(C) static void callBackUnmapEventGenericDestroy(OnUnmapEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11367 		{
11368 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11369 		}
11371 		protected class OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper
11372 		{
11373 			void delegate(Widget) dlg;
11374 			gulong handlerId;
11376 			this(void delegate(Widget) dlg)
11377 			{
11378 				this.dlg = dlg;
11379 				onUnrealizeListeners ~= this;
11380 			}
11382 			void remove(OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper source)
11383 			{
11384 				foreach(index, wrapper; onUnrealizeListeners)
11385 				{
11386 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11387 					{
11388 						onUnrealizeListeners[index] = null;
11389 						onUnrealizeListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onUnrealizeListeners, index);
11390 						break;
11391 					}
11392 				}
11393 			}
11394 		}
11395 		OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper[] onUnrealizeListeners;
11397 		/**
11398 		 * The ::unrealize signal is emitted when the #GdkWindow associated with
11399 		 * @widget is destroyed, which means that gtk_widget_unrealize() has been
11400 		 * called or the widget has been unmapped (that is, it is going to be
11401 		 * hidden).
11402 		 */
11403 		gulong addOnUnrealize(void delegate(Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11404 		{
11405 			auto wrapper = new OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11406 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11407 				this,
11408 				"unrealize",
11409 				cast(GCallback)&callBackUnrealize,
11410 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11411 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackUnrealizeDestroy,
11412 				connectFlags);
11413 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11414 		}
11416 		extern(C) static void callBackUnrealize(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11417 		{
11418 			wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
11419 		}
11421 		extern(C) static void callBackUnrealizeDestroy(OnUnrealizeDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11422 		{
11423 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11424 		}
11426 		protected class OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper
11427 		{
11428 			bool delegate(GdkEventVisibility*, Widget) dlg;
11429 			gulong handlerId;
11431 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventVisibility*, Widget) dlg)
11432 			{
11433 				this.dlg = dlg;
11434 				onVisibilityNotifyListeners ~= this;
11435 			}
11437 			void remove(OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
11438 			{
11439 				foreach(index, wrapper; onVisibilityNotifyListeners)
11440 				{
11441 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11442 					{
11443 						onVisibilityNotifyListeners[index] = null;
11444 						onVisibilityNotifyListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onVisibilityNotifyListeners, index);
11445 						break;
11446 					}
11447 				}
11448 			}
11449 		}
11450 		OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onVisibilityNotifyListeners;
11452 		/**
11453 		 * The ::visibility-notify-event will be emitted when the @widget's
11454 		 * window is obscured or unobscured.
11455 		 *
11456 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
11457 		 * to enable the #GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
11458 		 *
11459 		 * Deprecated: Modern composited windowing systems with pervasive
11460 		 * transparency make it impossible to track the visibility of a window
11461 		 * reliably, so this signal can not be guaranteed to provide useful
11462 		 * information.
11463 		 *
11464 		 * Params:
11465 		 *     event = the #GdkEventVisibility which
11466 		 *         triggered this signal.
11467 		 *
11468 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
11469 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11470 		 */
11471 		gulong addOnVisibilityNotify(bool delegate(GdkEventVisibility*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11472 		{
11473 			addEvents(EventMask.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK);
11474 			auto wrapper = new OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11475 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11476 				this,
11477 				"visibility-notify-event",
11478 				cast(GCallback)&callBackVisibilityNotify,
11479 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11480 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackVisibilityNotifyDestroy,
11481 				connectFlags);
11482 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11483 		}
11485 		extern(C) static int callBackVisibilityNotify(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventVisibility* event, OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11486 		{
11487 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
11488 		}
11490 		extern(C) static void callBackVisibilityNotifyDestroy(OnVisibilityNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11491 		{
11492 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11493 		}
11495 		protected class OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper
11496 		{
11497 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
11498 			gulong handlerId;
11500 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
11501 			{
11502 				this.dlg = dlg;
11503 				onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners ~= this;
11504 			}
11506 			void remove(OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
11507 			{
11508 				foreach(index, wrapper; onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners)
11509 				{
11510 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11511 					{
11512 						onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
11513 						onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners, index);
11514 						break;
11515 					}
11516 				}
11517 			}
11518 		}
11519 		OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onVisibilityNotifyEventGenericListeners;
11521 		/**
11522 		 * The ::visibility-notify-event will be emitted when the @widget's
11523 		 * window is obscured or unobscured.
11524 		 *
11525 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget needs
11526 		 * to enable the #GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK mask.
11527 		 *
11528 		 * Deprecated: Modern composited windowing systems with pervasive
11529 		 * transparency make it impossible to track the visibility of a window
11530 		 * reliably, so this signal can not be guaranteed to provide useful
11531 		 * information.
11532 		 *
11533 		 * Params:
11534 		 *     event = the #GdkEventVisibility which
11535 		 *         triggered this signal.
11536 		 *
11537 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event.
11538 		 *     %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11539 		 */
11540 		gulong addOnVisibilityNotify(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11541 		{
11542 			addEvents(EventMask.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_MASK);
11543 			auto wrapper = new OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11544 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11545 				this,
11546 				"visibility-notify-event",
11547 				cast(GCallback)&callBackVisibilityNotifyEventGeneric,
11548 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11549 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDestroy,
11550 				connectFlags);
11551 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11552 		}
11554 		extern(C) static int callBackVisibilityNotifyEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11555 		{
11556 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
11557 		}
11559 		extern(C) static void callBackVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDestroy(OnVisibilityNotifyEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11560 		{
11561 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11562 		}
11564 		protected class OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper
11565 		{
11566 			bool delegate(GdkEventWindowState*, Widget) dlg;
11567 			gulong handlerId;
11569 			this(bool delegate(GdkEventWindowState*, Widget) dlg)
11570 			{
11571 				this.dlg = dlg;
11572 				onWindowStateListeners ~= this;
11573 			}
11575 			void remove(OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper source)
11576 			{
11577 				foreach(index, wrapper; onWindowStateListeners)
11578 				{
11579 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11580 					{
11581 						onWindowStateListeners[index] = null;
11582 						onWindowStateListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onWindowStateListeners, index);
11583 						break;
11584 					}
11585 				}
11586 			}
11587 		}
11588 		OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper[] onWindowStateListeners;
11590 		/**
11591 		 * The ::window-state-event will be emitted when the state of the
11592 		 * toplevel window associated to the @widget changes.
11593 		 *
11594 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget
11595 		 * needs to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable
11596 		 * this mask automatically for all new windows.
11597 		 *
11598 		 * Params:
11599 		 *     event = the #GdkEventWindowState which
11600 		 *         triggered this signal.
11601 		 *
11602 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the
11603 		 *     event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11604 		 */
11605 		gulong addOnWindowState(bool delegate(GdkEventWindowState*, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11606 		{
11607 			auto wrapper = new OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11608 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11609 				this,
11610 				"window-state-event",
11611 				cast(GCallback)&callBackWindowState,
11612 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11613 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackWindowStateDestroy,
11614 				connectFlags);
11615 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11616 		}
11618 		extern(C) static int callBackWindowState(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEventWindowState* event, OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11619 		{
11620 			return wrapper.dlg(event, wrapper.outer);
11621 		}
11623 		extern(C) static void callBackWindowStateDestroy(OnWindowStateDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11624 		{
11625 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11626 		}
11628 		protected class OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper
11629 		{
11630 			bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg;
11631 			gulong handlerId;
11633 			this(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg)
11634 			{
11635 				this.dlg = dlg;
11636 				onWindowStateEventGenericListeners ~= this;
11637 			}
11639 			void remove(OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper source)
11640 			{
11641 				foreach(index, wrapper; onWindowStateEventGenericListeners)
11642 				{
11643 					if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
11644 					{
11645 						onWindowStateEventGenericListeners[index] = null;
11646 						onWindowStateEventGenericListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onWindowStateEventGenericListeners, index);
11647 						break;
11648 					}
11649 				}
11650 			}
11651 		}
11652 		OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper[] onWindowStateEventGenericListeners;
11654 		/**
11655 		 * The ::window-state-event will be emitted when the state of the
11656 		 * toplevel window associated to the @widget changes.
11657 		 *
11658 		 * To receive this signal the #GdkWindow associated to the widget
11659 		 * needs to enable the #GDK_STRUCTURE_MASK mask. GDK will enable
11660 		 * this mask automatically for all new windows.
11661 		 *
11662 		 * Params:
11663 		 *     event = the #GdkEventWindowState which
11664 		 *         triggered this signal.
11665 		 *
11666 		 * Returns: %TRUE to stop other handlers from being invoked for the
11667 		 *     event. %FALSE to propagate the event further.
11668 		 */
11669 		gulong addOnWindowState(bool delegate(Event, Widget) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
11670 		{
11671 			auto wrapper = new OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper(dlg);
11672 			wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
11673 				this,
11674 				"window-state-event",
11675 				cast(GCallback)&callBackWindowStateEventGeneric,
11676 				cast(void*)wrapper,
11677 				cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackWindowStateEventGenericDestroy,
11678 				connectFlags);
11679 			return wrapper.handlerId;
11680 		}
11682 		extern(C) static int callBackWindowStateEventGeneric(GtkWidget* widgetStruct, GdkEvent* event, OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper)
11683 		{
11684 			return wrapper.dlg(ObjectG.getDObject!(Event)(event), wrapper.outer);
11685 		}
11687 		extern(C) static void callBackWindowStateEventGenericDestroy(OnWindowStateEventGenericDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
11688 		{
11689 			wrapper.remove(wrapper);
11690 		}
11692 		/**
11693 		 * This function is supposed to be called in #GtkWidget::draw
11694 		 * implementations for widgets that support multiple windows.
11695 		 * @cr must be untransformed from invoking of the draw function.
11696 		 * This function will return %TRUE if the contents of the given
11697 		 * @window are supposed to be drawn and %FALSE otherwise. Note
11698 		 * that when the drawing was not initiated by the windowing
11699 		 * system this function will return %TRUE for all windows, so
11700 		 * you need to draw the bottommost window first. Also, do not
11701 		 * use “else if” statements to check which window should be drawn.
11702 		 *
11703 		 * Params:
11704 		 *     cr = a cairo context
11705 		 *     window = the window to check. @window may not be an input-only
11706 		 *         window.
11707 		 *
11708 		 * Returns: %TRUE if @window should be drawn
11709 		 *
11710 		 * Since: 3.0
11711 		 */
11712 		public static bool cairoShouldDrawWindow(Context cr, GdkWin window)
11713 		{
11714 			return gtk_cairo_should_draw_window((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct()) != 0;
11715 		}
11717 		/**
11718 		 * Transforms the given cairo context @cr that from @widget-relative
11719 		 * coordinates to @window-relative coordinates.
11720 		 * If the @widget’s window is not an ancestor of @window, no
11721 		 * modification will be applied.
11722 		 *
11723 		 * This is the inverse to the transformation GTK applies when
11724 		 * preparing an expose event to be emitted with the #GtkWidget::draw
11725 		 * signal. It is intended to help porting multiwindow widgets from
11726 		 * GTK+ 2 to the rendering architecture of GTK+ 3.
11727 		 *
11728 		 * Params:
11729 		 *     cr = the cairo context to transform
11730 		 *     widget = the widget the context is currently centered for
11731 		 *     window = the window to transform the context to
11732 		 *
11733 		 * Since: 3.0
11734 		 */
11735 		public static void cairoTransformToWindow(Context cr, Widget widget, GdkWin window)
11736 		{
11737 			gtk_cairo_transform_to_window((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (widget is null) ? null : widget.getWidgetStruct(), (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
11738 		}
11740 		/**
11741 		 * Distributes @extra_space to child @sizes by bringing smaller
11742 		 * children up to natural size first.
11743 		 *
11744 		 * The remaining space will be added to the @minimum_size member of the
11745 		 * GtkRequestedSize struct. If all sizes reach their natural size then
11746 		 * the remaining space is returned.
11747 		 *
11748 		 * Params:
11749 		 *     extraSpace = Extra space to redistribute among children after subtracting
11750 		 *         minimum sizes and any child padding from the overall allocation
11751 		 *     nRequestedSizes = Number of requests to fit into the allocation
11752 		 *     sizes = An array of structs with a client pointer and a minimum/natural size
11753 		 *         in the orientation of the allocation.
11754 		 *
11755 		 * Returns: The remainder of @extra_space after redistributing space
11756 		 *     to @sizes.
11757 		 */
11758 		public static int distributeNaturalAllocation(int extraSpace, uint nRequestedSizes, GtkRequestedSize* sizes)
11759 		{
11760 			return gtk_distribute_natural_allocation(extraSpace, nRequestedSizes, sizes);
11761 		}
11762 	}