1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gtk.AccelMap;
27 private import glib.ScannerG;
28 private import glib.Str;
29 private import gobject.ObjectG;
30 private import gobject.Signals;
31 private import gtk.c.functions;
32 public  import gtk.c.types;
33 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
34 private import std.algorithm;
37 /**
38  * Accelerator maps are used to define runtime configurable accelerators.
39  * Functions for manipulating them are are usually used by higher level
40  * convenience mechanisms like #GtkUIManager and are thus considered
41  * “low-level”. You’ll want to use them if you’re manually creating menus that
42  * should have user-configurable accelerators.
43  * 
44  * An accelerator is uniquely defined by:
45  * - accelerator path
46  * - accelerator key
47  * - accelerator modifiers
48  * 
49  * The accelerator path must consist of
50  * “<WINDOWTYPE>/Category1/Category2/.../Action”, where WINDOWTYPE
51  * should be a unique application-specific identifier that corresponds
52  * to the kind of window the accelerator is being used in, e.g.
53  * “Gimp-Image”, “Abiword-Document” or “Gnumeric-Settings”.
54  * The “Category1/.../Action” portion is most appropriately chosen by
55  * the action the accelerator triggers, i.e. for accelerators on menu
56  * items, choose the item’s menu path, e.g. “File/Save As”,
57  * “Image/View/Zoom” or “Edit/Select All”. So a full valid accelerator
58  * path may look like: “<Gimp-Toolbox>/File/Dialogs/Tool Options...”.
59  * 
60  * All accelerators are stored inside one global #GtkAccelMap that can
61  * be obtained using gtk_accel_map_get(). See
62  * [Monitoring changes][monitoring-changes] for additional
63  * details.
64  * 
65  * # Manipulating accelerators
66  * 
67  * New accelerators can be added using gtk_accel_map_add_entry().
68  * To search for specific accelerator, use gtk_accel_map_lookup_entry().
69  * Modifications of existing accelerators should be done using
70  * gtk_accel_map_change_entry().
71  * 
72  * In order to avoid having some accelerators changed, they can be
73  * locked using gtk_accel_map_lock_path(). Unlocking is done using
74  * gtk_accel_map_unlock_path().
75  * 
76  * # Saving and loading accelerator maps
77  * 
78  * Accelerator maps can be saved to and loaded from some external
79  * resource. For simple saving and loading from file,
80  * gtk_accel_map_save() and gtk_accel_map_load() are provided.
81  * Saving and loading can also be done by providing file descriptor
82  * to gtk_accel_map_save_fd() and gtk_accel_map_load_fd().
83  * 
84  * # Monitoring changes
85  * 
86  * #GtkAccelMap object is only useful for monitoring changes of
87  * accelerators. By connecting to #GtkAccelMap::changed signal, one
88  * can monitor changes of all accelerators. It is also possible to
89  * monitor only single accelerator path by using it as a detail of
90  * the #GtkAccelMap::changed signal.
91  */
92 public class AccelMap : ObjectG
93 {
94 	/** the main Gtk struct */
95 	protected GtkAccelMap* gtkAccelMap;
97 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
98 	public GtkAccelMap* getAccelMapStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
99 	{
100 		if (transferOwnership)
101 			ownedRef = false;
102 		return gtkAccelMap;
103 	}
105 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
106 	protected override void* getStruct()
107 	{
108 		return cast(void*)gtkAccelMap;
109 	}
111 	/**
112 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
113 	 */
114 	public this (GtkAccelMap* gtkAccelMap, bool ownedRef = false)
115 	{
116 		this.gtkAccelMap = gtkAccelMap;
117 		super(cast(GObject*)gtkAccelMap, ownedRef);
118 	}
121 	/** */
122 	public static GType getType()
123 	{
124 		return gtk_accel_map_get_type();
125 	}
127 	/**
128 	 * Registers a new accelerator with the global accelerator map.
129 	 * This function should only be called once per @accel_path
130 	 * with the canonical @accel_key and @accel_mods for this path.
131 	 * To change the accelerator during runtime programatically, use
132 	 * gtk_accel_map_change_entry().
133 	 *
134 	 * Set @accel_key and @accel_mods to 0 to request a removal of
135 	 * the accelerator.
136 	 *
137 	 * Note that @accel_path string will be stored in a #GQuark. Therefore, if you
138 	 * pass a static string, you can save some memory by interning it first with
139 	 * g_intern_static_string().
140 	 *
141 	 * Params:
142 	 *     accelPath = valid accelerator path
143 	 *     accelKey = the accelerator key
144 	 *     accelMods = the accelerator modifiers
145 	 */
146 	public static void addEntry(string accelPath, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods)
147 	{
148 		gtk_accel_map_add_entry(Str.toStringz(accelPath), accelKey, accelMods);
149 	}
151 	/**
152 	 * Adds a filter to the global list of accel path filters.
153 	 *
154 	 * Accel map entries whose accel path matches one of the filters
155 	 * are skipped by gtk_accel_map_foreach().
156 	 *
157 	 * This function is intended for GTK+ modules that create their own
158 	 * menus, but don’t want them to be saved into the applications accelerator
159 	 * map dump.
160 	 *
161 	 * Params:
162 	 *     filterPattern = a pattern (see #GPatternSpec)
163 	 */
164 	public static void addFilter(string filterPattern)
165 	{
166 		gtk_accel_map_add_filter(Str.toStringz(filterPattern));
167 	}
169 	/**
170 	 * Changes the @accel_key and @accel_mods currently associated with @accel_path.
171 	 * Due to conflicts with other accelerators, a change may not always be possible,
172 	 * @replace indicates whether other accelerators may be deleted to resolve such
173 	 * conflicts. A change will only occur if all conflicts could be resolved (which
174 	 * might not be the case if conflicting accelerators are locked). Successful
175 	 * changes are indicated by a %TRUE return value.
176 	 *
177 	 * Note that @accel_path string will be stored in a #GQuark. Therefore, if you
178 	 * pass a static string, you can save some memory by interning it first with
179 	 * g_intern_static_string().
180 	 *
181 	 * Params:
182 	 *     accelPath = a valid accelerator path
183 	 *     accelKey = the new accelerator key
184 	 *     accelMods = the new accelerator modifiers
185 	 *     replace = %TRUE if other accelerators may be deleted upon conflicts
186 	 *
187 	 * Returns: %TRUE if the accelerator could be changed, %FALSE otherwise
188 	 */
189 	public static bool changeEntry(string accelPath, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods, bool replace)
190 	{
191 		return gtk_accel_map_change_entry(Str.toStringz(accelPath), accelKey, accelMods, replace) != 0;
192 	}
194 	/**
195 	 * Loops over the entries in the accelerator map whose accel path
196 	 * doesn’t match any of the filters added with gtk_accel_map_add_filter(),
197 	 * and execute @foreach_func on each. The signature of @foreach_func is
198 	 * that of #GtkAccelMapForeach, the @changed parameter indicates whether
199 	 * this accelerator was changed during runtime (thus, would need
200 	 * saving during an accelerator map dump).
201 	 *
202 	 * Params:
203 	 *     data = data to be passed into @foreach_func
204 	 *     foreachFunc = function to be executed for each accel
205 	 *         map entry which is not filtered out
206 	 */
207 	public static void foreac(void* data, GtkAccelMapForeach foreachFunc)
208 	{
209 		gtk_accel_map_foreach(data, foreachFunc);
210 	}
212 	/**
213 	 * Loops over all entries in the accelerator map, and execute
214 	 * @foreach_func on each. The signature of @foreach_func is that of
215 	 * #GtkAccelMapForeach, the @changed parameter indicates whether
216 	 * this accelerator was changed during runtime (thus, would need
217 	 * saving during an accelerator map dump).
218 	 *
219 	 * Params:
220 	 *     data = data to be passed into @foreach_func
221 	 *     foreachFunc = function to be executed for each accel
222 	 *         map entry
223 	 */
224 	public static void foreachUnfiltered(void* data, GtkAccelMapForeach foreachFunc)
225 	{
226 		gtk_accel_map_foreach_unfiltered(data, foreachFunc);
227 	}
229 	/**
230 	 * Gets the singleton global #GtkAccelMap object. This object
231 	 * is useful only for notification of changes to the accelerator
232 	 * map via the ::changed signal; it isn’t a parameter to the
233 	 * other accelerator map functions.
234 	 *
235 	 * Returns: the global #GtkAccelMap object
236 	 *
237 	 * Since: 2.4
238 	 */
239 	public static AccelMap get()
240 	{
241 		auto p = gtk_accel_map_get();
243 		if(p is null)
244 		{
245 			return null;
246 		}
248 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(AccelMap)(cast(GtkAccelMap*) p);
249 	}
251 	/**
252 	 * Parses a file previously saved with gtk_accel_map_save() for
253 	 * accelerator specifications, and propagates them accordingly.
254 	 *
255 	 * Params:
256 	 *     fileName = a file containing accelerator specifications,
257 	 *         in the GLib file name encoding
258 	 */
259 	public static void load(string fileName)
260 	{
261 		gtk_accel_map_load(Str.toStringz(fileName));
262 	}
264 	/**
265 	 * Filedescriptor variant of gtk_accel_map_load().
266 	 *
267 	 * Note that the file descriptor will not be closed by this function.
268 	 *
269 	 * Params:
270 	 *     fd = a valid readable file descriptor
271 	 */
272 	public static void loadFd(int fd)
273 	{
274 		gtk_accel_map_load_fd(fd);
275 	}
277 	/**
278 	 * #GScanner variant of gtk_accel_map_load().
279 	 *
280 	 * Params:
281 	 *     scanner = a #GScanner which has already been provided with an input file
282 	 */
283 	public static void loadScanner(ScannerG scanner)
284 	{
285 		gtk_accel_map_load_scanner((scanner is null) ? null : scanner.getScannerGStruct());
286 	}
288 	/**
289 	 * Locks the given accelerator path. If the accelerator map doesn’t yet contain
290 	 * an entry for @accel_path, a new one is created.
291 	 *
292 	 * Locking an accelerator path prevents its accelerator from being changed
293 	 * during runtime. A locked accelerator path can be unlocked by
294 	 * gtk_accel_map_unlock_path(). Refer to gtk_accel_map_change_entry()
295 	 * for information about runtime accelerator changes.
296 	 *
297 	 * If called more than once, @accel_path remains locked until
298 	 * gtk_accel_map_unlock_path() has been called an equivalent number
299 	 * of times.
300 	 *
301 	 * Note that locking of individual accelerator paths is independent from
302 	 * locking the #GtkAccelGroup containing them. For runtime accelerator
303 	 * changes to be possible, both the accelerator path and its #GtkAccelGroup
304 	 * have to be unlocked.
305 	 *
306 	 * Params:
307 	 *     accelPath = a valid accelerator path
308 	 *
309 	 * Since: 2.4
310 	 */
311 	public static void lockPath(string accelPath)
312 	{
313 		gtk_accel_map_lock_path(Str.toStringz(accelPath));
314 	}
316 	/**
317 	 * Looks up the accelerator entry for @accel_path and fills in @key.
318 	 *
319 	 * Params:
320 	 *     accelPath = a valid accelerator path
321 	 *     key = the accelerator key to be filled in (optional)
322 	 *
323 	 * Returns: %TRUE if @accel_path is known, %FALSE otherwise
324 	 */
325 	public static bool lookupEntry(string accelPath, out GtkAccelKey key)
326 	{
327 		return gtk_accel_map_lookup_entry(Str.toStringz(accelPath), &key) != 0;
328 	}
330 	/**
331 	 * Saves current accelerator specifications (accelerator path, key
332 	 * and modifiers) to @file_name.
333 	 * The file is written in a format suitable to be read back in by
334 	 * gtk_accel_map_load().
335 	 *
336 	 * Params:
337 	 *     fileName = the name of the file to contain
338 	 *         accelerator specifications, in the GLib file name encoding
339 	 */
340 	public static void save(string fileName)
341 	{
342 		gtk_accel_map_save(Str.toStringz(fileName));
343 	}
345 	/**
346 	 * Filedescriptor variant of gtk_accel_map_save().
347 	 *
348 	 * Note that the file descriptor will not be closed by this function.
349 	 *
350 	 * Params:
351 	 *     fd = a valid writable file descriptor
352 	 */
353 	public static void saveFd(int fd)
354 	{
355 		gtk_accel_map_save_fd(fd);
356 	}
358 	/**
359 	 * Undoes the last call to gtk_accel_map_lock_path() on this @accel_path.
360 	 * Refer to gtk_accel_map_lock_path() for information about accelerator path locking.
361 	 *
362 	 * Params:
363 	 *     accelPath = a valid accelerator path
364 	 *
365 	 * Since: 2.4
366 	 */
367 	public static void unlockPath(string accelPath)
368 	{
369 		gtk_accel_map_unlock_path(Str.toStringz(accelPath));
370 	}
372 	protected class OnChangedDelegateWrapper
373 	{
374 		void delegate(string, uint, GdkModifierType, AccelMap) dlg;
375 		gulong handlerId;
377 		this(void delegate(string, uint, GdkModifierType, AccelMap) dlg)
378 		{
379 			this.dlg = dlg;
380 			onChangedListeners ~= this;
381 		}
383 		void remove(OnChangedDelegateWrapper source)
384 		{
385 			foreach(index, wrapper; onChangedListeners)
386 			{
387 				if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
388 				{
389 					onChangedListeners[index] = null;
390 					onChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onChangedListeners, index);
391 					break;
392 				}
393 			}
394 		}
395 	}
396 	OnChangedDelegateWrapper[] onChangedListeners;
398 	/**
399 	 * Notifies of a change in the global accelerator map.
400 	 * The path is also used as the detail for the signal,
401 	 * so it is possible to connect to
402 	 * changed::`accel_path`.
403 	 *
404 	 * Params:
405 	 *     accelPath = the path of the accelerator that changed
406 	 *     accelKey = the key value for the new accelerator
407 	 *     accelMods = the modifier mask for the new accelerator
408 	 *
409 	 * Since: 2.4
410 	 */
411 	gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(string, uint, GdkModifierType, AccelMap) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
412 	{
413 		auto wrapper = new OnChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
414 		wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
415 			this,
416 			"changed",
417 			cast(GCallback)&callBackChanged,
418 			cast(void*)wrapper,
419 			cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackChangedDestroy,
420 			connectFlags);
421 		return wrapper.handlerId;
422 	}
424 	extern(C) static void callBackChanged(GtkAccelMap* accelmapStruct, char* accelPath, uint accelKey, GdkModifierType accelMods, OnChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
425 	{
426 		wrapper.dlg(Str.toString(accelPath), accelKey, accelMods, wrapper.outer);
427 	}
429 	extern(C) static void callBackChangedDestroy(OnChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
430 	{
431 		wrapper.remove(wrapper);
432 	}
433 }