1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gdk.Keymap;
27 private import gdk.Display;
28 private import gdk.c.functions;
29 public  import gdk.c.types;
30 private import glib.Str;
31 private import gobject.ObjectG;
32 private import gobject.Signals;
33 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
34 private import std.algorithm;
37 /**
38  * A #GdkKeymap defines the translation from keyboard state
39  * (including a hardware key, a modifier mask, and active keyboard group)
40  * to a keyval. This translation has two phases. The first phase is
41  * to determine the effective keyboard group and level for the keyboard
42  * state; the second phase is to look up the keycode/group/level triplet
43  * in the keymap and see what keyval it corresponds to.
44  */
45 public class Keymap : ObjectG
46 {
47 	/** the main Gtk struct */
48 	protected GdkKeymap* gdkKeymap;
50 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
51 	public GdkKeymap* getKeymapStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
52 	{
53 		if (transferOwnership)
54 			ownedRef = false;
55 		return gdkKeymap;
56 	}
58 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
59 	protected override void* getStruct()
60 	{
61 		return cast(void*)gdkKeymap;
62 	}
64 	/**
65 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
66 	 */
67 	public this (GdkKeymap* gdkKeymap, bool ownedRef = false)
68 	{
69 		this.gdkKeymap = gdkKeymap;
70 		super(cast(GObject*)gdkKeymap, ownedRef);
71 	}
74 	/** */
75 	public static GType getType()
76 	{
77 		return gdk_keymap_get_type();
78 	}
80 	/**
81 	 * Returns the #GdkKeymap attached to the default display.
82 	 *
83 	 * Returns: the #GdkKeymap attached to the default display.
84 	 */
85 	public static Keymap getDefault()
86 	{
87 		auto p = gdk_keymap_get_default();
89 		if(p is null)
90 		{
91 			return null;
92 		}
94 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Keymap)(cast(GdkKeymap*) p);
95 	}
97 	/**
98 	 * Returns the #GdkKeymap attached to @display.
99 	 *
100 	 * Params:
101 	 *     display = the #GdkDisplay.
102 	 *
103 	 * Returns: the #GdkKeymap attached to @display.
104 	 *
105 	 * Since: 2.2
106 	 */
107 	public static Keymap getForDisplay(Display display)
108 	{
109 		auto p = gdk_keymap_get_for_display((display is null) ? null : display.getDisplayStruct());
111 		if(p is null)
112 		{
113 			return null;
114 		}
116 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Keymap)(cast(GdkKeymap*) p);
117 	}
119 	/**
120 	 * Maps the non-virtual modifiers (i.e Mod2, Mod3, ...) which are set
121 	 * in @state to the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) and
122 	 * set the corresponding bits in @state.
123 	 *
124 	 * GDK already does this before delivering key events, but for
125 	 * compatibility reasons, it only sets the first virtual modifier
126 	 * it finds, whereas this function sets all matching virtual modifiers.
127 	 *
128 	 * This function is useful when matching key events against
129 	 * accelerators.
130 	 *
131 	 * Params:
132 	 *     state = pointer to the modifier mask to change
133 	 *
134 	 * Since: 2.20
135 	 */
136 	public void addVirtualModifiers(ref GdkModifierType state)
137 	{
138 		gdk_keymap_add_virtual_modifiers(gdkKeymap, &state);
139 	}
141 	/**
142 	 * Returns whether the Caps Lock modifer is locked.
143 	 *
144 	 * Returns: %TRUE if Caps Lock is on
145 	 *
146 	 * Since: 2.16
147 	 */
148 	public bool getCapsLockState()
149 	{
150 		return gdk_keymap_get_caps_lock_state(gdkKeymap) != 0;
151 	}
153 	/**
154 	 * Returns the direction of effective layout of the keymap.
155 	 *
157 	 *     if it can determine the direction. %PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL
158 	 *     otherwise.
159 	 */
160 	public PangoDirection getDirection()
161 	{
162 		return gdk_keymap_get_direction(gdkKeymap);
163 	}
165 	/**
166 	 * Returns the keyvals bound to @hardware_keycode.
167 	 * The Nth #GdkKeymapKey in @keys is bound to the Nth
168 	 * keyval in @keyvals. Free the returned arrays with g_free().
169 	 * When a keycode is pressed by the user, the keyval from
170 	 * this list of entries is selected by considering the effective
171 	 * keyboard group and level. See gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state().
172 	 *
173 	 * Params:
174 	 *     hardwareKeycode = a keycode
175 	 *     keys = return
176 	 *         location for array of #GdkKeymapKey, or %NULL
177 	 *     keyvals = return
178 	 *         location for array of keyvals, or %NULL
179 	 *
180 	 * Returns: %TRUE if there were any entries
181 	 */
182 	public bool getEntriesForKeycode(uint hardwareKeycode, out GdkKeymapKey[] keys, out uint[] keyvals)
183 	{
184 		GdkKeymapKey* outkeys = null;
185 		uint* outkeyvals = null;
186 		int nEntries;
188 		auto p = gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keycode(gdkKeymap, hardwareKeycode, &outkeys, &outkeyvals, &nEntries) != 0;
190 		keys = outkeys[0 .. nEntries];
191 		keyvals = outkeyvals[0 .. nEntries];
193 		return p;
194 	}
196 	/**
197 	 * Obtains a list of keycode/group/level combinations that will
198 	 * generate @keyval. Groups and levels are two kinds of keyboard mode;
199 	 * in general, the level determines whether the top or bottom symbol
200 	 * on a key is used, and the group determines whether the left or
201 	 * right symbol is used. On US keyboards, the shift key changes the
202 	 * keyboard level, and there are no groups. A group switch key might
203 	 * convert a keyboard between Hebrew to English modes, for example.
204 	 * #GdkEventKey contains a %group field that indicates the active
205 	 * keyboard group. The level is computed from the modifier mask.
206 	 * The returned array should be freed
207 	 * with g_free().
208 	 *
209 	 * Params:
210 	 *     keyval = a keyval, such as %GDK_KEY_a, %GDK_KEY_Up, %GDK_KEY_Return, etc.
211 	 *     keys = return location
212 	 *         for an array of #GdkKeymapKey
213 	 *
214 	 * Returns: %TRUE if keys were found and returned
215 	 */
216 	public bool getEntriesForKeyval(uint keyval, out GdkKeymapKey[] keys)
217 	{
218 		GdkKeymapKey* outkeys = null;
219 		int nKeys;
221 		auto p = gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval(gdkKeymap, keyval, &outkeys, &nKeys) != 0;
223 		keys = outkeys[0 .. nKeys];
225 		return p;
226 	}
228 	/**
229 	 * Returns the modifier mask the @keymap’s windowing system backend
230 	 * uses for a particular purpose.
231 	 *
232 	 * Note that this function always returns real hardware modifiers, not
233 	 * virtual ones (e.g. it will return #GDK_MOD1_MASK rather than
234 	 * #GDK_META_MASK if the backend maps MOD1 to META), so there are use
235 	 * cases where the return value of this function has to be transformed
236 	 * by gdk_keymap_add_virtual_modifiers() in order to contain the
237 	 * expected result.
238 	 *
239 	 * Params:
240 	 *     intent = the use case for the modifier mask
241 	 *
242 	 * Returns: the modifier mask used for @intent.
243 	 *
244 	 * Since: 3.4
245 	 */
246 	public GdkModifierType getModifierMask(GdkModifierIntent intent)
247 	{
248 		return gdk_keymap_get_modifier_mask(gdkKeymap, intent);
249 	}
251 	/**
252 	 * Returns the current modifier state.
253 	 *
254 	 * Returns: the current modifier state.
255 	 *
256 	 * Since: 3.4
257 	 */
258 	public uint getModifierState()
259 	{
260 		return gdk_keymap_get_modifier_state(gdkKeymap);
261 	}
263 	/**
264 	 * Returns whether the Num Lock modifer is locked.
265 	 *
266 	 * Returns: %TRUE if Num Lock is on
267 	 *
268 	 * Since: 3.0
269 	 */
270 	public bool getNumLockState()
271 	{
272 		return gdk_keymap_get_num_lock_state(gdkKeymap) != 0;
273 	}
275 	/**
276 	 * Returns whether the Scroll Lock modifer is locked.
277 	 *
278 	 * Returns: %TRUE if Scroll Lock is on
279 	 *
280 	 * Since: 3.18
281 	 */
282 	public bool getScrollLockState()
283 	{
284 		return gdk_keymap_get_scroll_lock_state(gdkKeymap) != 0;
285 	}
287 	/**
288 	 * Determines if keyboard layouts for both right-to-left and left-to-right
289 	 * languages are in use.
290 	 *
291 	 * Returns: %TRUE if there are layouts in both directions, %FALSE otherwise
292 	 *
293 	 * Since: 2.12
294 	 */
295 	public bool haveBidiLayouts()
296 	{
297 		return gdk_keymap_have_bidi_layouts(gdkKeymap) != 0;
298 	}
300 	/**
301 	 * Looks up the keyval mapped to a keycode/group/level triplet.
302 	 * If no keyval is bound to @key, returns 0. For normal user input,
303 	 * you want to use gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state() instead of
304 	 * this function, since the effective group/level may not be
305 	 * the same as the current keyboard state.
306 	 *
307 	 * Params:
308 	 *     key = a #GdkKeymapKey with keycode, group, and level initialized
309 	 *
310 	 * Returns: a keyval, or 0 if none was mapped to the given @key
311 	 */
312 	public uint lookupKey(GdkKeymapKey* key)
313 	{
314 		return gdk_keymap_lookup_key(gdkKeymap, key);
315 	}
317 	/**
318 	 * Maps the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) which
319 	 * are set in @state to their non-virtual counterparts (i.e. Mod2,
320 	 * Mod3,...) and set the corresponding bits in @state.
321 	 *
322 	 * This function is useful when matching key events against
323 	 * accelerators.
324 	 *
325 	 * Params:
326 	 *     state = pointer to the modifier state to map
327 	 *
328 	 * Returns: %FALSE if two virtual modifiers were mapped to the
329 	 *     same non-virtual modifier. Note that %FALSE is also returned
330 	 *     if a virtual modifier is mapped to a non-virtual modifier that
331 	 *     was already set in @state.
332 	 *
333 	 * Since: 2.20
334 	 */
335 	public bool mapVirtualModifiers(ref GdkModifierType state)
336 	{
337 		return gdk_keymap_map_virtual_modifiers(gdkKeymap, &state) != 0;
338 	}
340 	/**
341 	 * Translates the contents of a #GdkEventKey into a keyval, effective
342 	 * group, and level. Modifiers that affected the translation and
343 	 * are thus unavailable for application use are returned in
344 	 * @consumed_modifiers.
345 	 * See [Groups][key-group-explanation] for an explanation of
346 	 * groups and levels. The @effective_group is the group that was
347 	 * actually used for the translation; some keys such as Enter are not
348 	 * affected by the active keyboard group. The @level is derived from
349 	 * @state. For convenience, #GdkEventKey already contains the translated
350 	 * keyval, so this function isn’t as useful as you might think.
351 	 *
352 	 * @consumed_modifiers gives modifiers that should be masked outfrom @state
353 	 * when comparing this key press to a hot key. For instance, on a US keyboard,
354 	 * the `plus` symbol is shifted, so when comparing a key press to a
355 	 * `<Control>plus` accelerator `<Shift>` should be masked out.
356 	 *
357 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
358 	 * // We want to ignore irrelevant modifiers like ScrollLock
360 	 * gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state (keymap, event->hardware_keycode,
361 	 * event->state, event->group,
362 	 * &keyval, NULL, NULL, &consumed);
363 	 * if (keyval == GDK_PLUS &&
364 	 * (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
365 	 * // Control was pressed
366 	 * ]|
367 	 *
368 	 * An older interpretation @consumed_modifiers was that it contained
369 	 * all modifiers that might affect the translation of the key;
370 	 * this allowed accelerators to be stored with irrelevant consumed
371 	 * modifiers, by doing:
372 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
373 	 * // XXX Don’t do this XXX
374 	 * if (keyval == accel_keyval &&
375 	 * (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == (accel_mods & ~consumed))
376 	 * // Accelerator was pressed
377 	 * ]|
378 	 *
379 	 * However, this did not work if multi-modifier combinations were
380 	 * used in the keymap, since, for instance, `<Control>` would be
381 	 * masked out even if only `<Control><Alt>` was used in the keymap.
382 	 * To support this usage as well as well as possible, all single
383 	 * modifier combinations that could affect the key for any combination
384 	 * of modifiers will be returned in @consumed_modifiers; multi-modifier
385 	 * combinations are returned only when actually found in @state. When
386 	 * you store accelerators, you should always store them with consumed
387 	 * modifiers removed. Store `<Control>plus`, not `<Control><Shift>plus`,
388 	 *
389 	 * Params:
390 	 *     hardwareKeycode = a keycode
391 	 *     state = a modifier state
392 	 *     group = active keyboard group
393 	 *     keyval = return location for keyval, or %NULL
394 	 *     effectiveGroup = return location for effective
395 	 *         group, or %NULL
396 	 *     level = return location for level, or %NULL
397 	 *     consumedModifiers = return location for modifiers
398 	 *         that were used to determine the group or level, or %NULL
399 	 *
400 	 * Returns: %TRUE if there was a keyval bound to the keycode/state/group
401 	 */
402 	public bool translateKeyboardState(uint hardwareKeycode, GdkModifierType state, int group, out uint keyval, out int effectiveGroup, out int level, out GdkModifierType consumedModifiers)
403 	{
404 		return gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state(gdkKeymap, hardwareKeycode, state, group, &keyval, &effectiveGroup, &level, &consumedModifiers) != 0;
405 	}
407 	protected class OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper
408 	{
409 		void delegate(Keymap) dlg;
410 		gulong handlerId;
412 		this(void delegate(Keymap) dlg)
413 		{
414 			this.dlg = dlg;
415 			onDirectionChangedListeners ~= this;
416 		}
418 		void remove(OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper source)
419 		{
420 			foreach(index, wrapper; onDirectionChangedListeners)
421 			{
422 				if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
423 				{
424 					onDirectionChangedListeners[index] = null;
425 					onDirectionChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onDirectionChangedListeners, index);
426 					break;
427 				}
428 			}
429 		}
430 	}
431 	OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper[] onDirectionChangedListeners;
433 	/**
434 	 * The ::direction-changed signal gets emitted when the direction of
435 	 * the keymap changes.
436 	 *
437 	 * Since: 2.0
438 	 */
439 	gulong addOnDirectionChanged(void delegate(Keymap) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
440 	{
441 		auto wrapper = new OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
442 		wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
443 			this,
444 			"direction-changed",
445 			cast(GCallback)&callBackDirectionChanged,
446 			cast(void*)wrapper,
447 			cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackDirectionChangedDestroy,
448 			connectFlags);
449 		return wrapper.handlerId;
450 	}
452 	extern(C) static void callBackDirectionChanged(GdkKeymap* keymapStruct, OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
453 	{
454 		wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
455 	}
457 	extern(C) static void callBackDirectionChangedDestroy(OnDirectionChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
458 	{
459 		wrapper.remove(wrapper);
460 	}
462 	protected class OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper
463 	{
464 		void delegate(Keymap) dlg;
465 		gulong handlerId;
467 		this(void delegate(Keymap) dlg)
468 		{
469 			this.dlg = dlg;
470 			onKeysChangedListeners ~= this;
471 		}
473 		void remove(OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper source)
474 		{
475 			foreach(index, wrapper; onKeysChangedListeners)
476 			{
477 				if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
478 				{
479 					onKeysChangedListeners[index] = null;
480 					onKeysChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onKeysChangedListeners, index);
481 					break;
482 				}
483 			}
484 		}
485 	}
486 	OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper[] onKeysChangedListeners;
488 	/**
489 	 * The ::keys-changed signal is emitted when the mapping represented by
490 	 * @keymap changes.
491 	 *
492 	 * Since: 2.2
493 	 */
494 	gulong addOnKeysChanged(void delegate(Keymap) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
495 	{
496 		auto wrapper = new OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
497 		wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
498 			this,
499 			"keys-changed",
500 			cast(GCallback)&callBackKeysChanged,
501 			cast(void*)wrapper,
502 			cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackKeysChangedDestroy,
503 			connectFlags);
504 		return wrapper.handlerId;
505 	}
507 	extern(C) static void callBackKeysChanged(GdkKeymap* keymapStruct, OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
508 	{
509 		wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
510 	}
512 	extern(C) static void callBackKeysChangedDestroy(OnKeysChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
513 	{
514 		wrapper.remove(wrapper);
515 	}
517 	protected class OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper
518 	{
519 		void delegate(Keymap) dlg;
520 		gulong handlerId;
522 		this(void delegate(Keymap) dlg)
523 		{
524 			this.dlg = dlg;
525 			onStateChangedListeners ~= this;
526 		}
528 		void remove(OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper source)
529 		{
530 			foreach(index, wrapper; onStateChangedListeners)
531 			{
532 				if (wrapper.handlerId == source.handlerId)
533 				{
534 					onStateChangedListeners[index] = null;
535 					onStateChangedListeners = std.algorithm.remove(onStateChangedListeners, index);
536 					break;
537 				}
538 			}
539 		}
540 	}
541 	OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper[] onStateChangedListeners;
543 	/**
544 	 * The ::state-changed signal is emitted when the state of the
545 	 * keyboard changes, e.g when Caps Lock is turned on or off.
546 	 * See gdk_keymap_get_caps_lock_state().
547 	 *
548 	 * Since: 2.16
549 	 */
550 	gulong addOnStateChanged(void delegate(Keymap) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
551 	{
552 		auto wrapper = new OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper(dlg);
553 		wrapper.handlerId = Signals.connectData(
554 			this,
555 			"state-changed",
556 			cast(GCallback)&callBackStateChanged,
557 			cast(void*)wrapper,
558 			cast(GClosureNotify)&callBackStateChangedDestroy,
559 			connectFlags);
560 		return wrapper.handlerId;
561 	}
563 	extern(C) static void callBackStateChanged(GdkKeymap* keymapStruct, OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
564 	{
565 		wrapper.dlg(wrapper.outer);
566 	}
568 	extern(C) static void callBackStateChangedDestroy(OnStateChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
569 	{
570 		wrapper.remove(wrapper);
571 	}
573 	/**
574 	 * Obtains the upper- and lower-case versions of the keyval @symbol.
575 	 * Examples of keyvals are #GDK_KEY_a, #GDK_KEY_Enter, #GDK_KEY_F1, etc.
576 	 *
577 	 * Params:
578 	 *     symbol = a keyval
579 	 *     lower = return location for lowercase version of @symbol
580 	 *     upper = return location for uppercase version of @symbol
581 	 */
582 	public static void keyvalConvertCase(uint symbol, out uint lower, out uint upper)
583 	{
584 		gdk_keyval_convert_case(symbol, &lower, &upper);
585 	}
587 	/**
588 	 * Converts a key name to a key value.
589 	 *
590 	 * The names are the same as those in the
591 	 * `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` header file
592 	 * but without the leading “GDK_KEY_”.
593 	 *
594 	 * Params:
595 	 *     keyvalName = a key name
596 	 *
597 	 * Returns: the corresponding key value, or %GDK_KEY_VoidSymbol
598 	 *     if the key name is not a valid key
599 	 */
600 	public static uint keyvalFromName(string keyvalName)
601 	{
602 		return gdk_keyval_from_name(Str.toStringz(keyvalName));
603 	}
605 	/**
606 	 * Returns %TRUE if the given key value is in lower case.
607 	 *
608 	 * Params:
609 	 *     keyval = a key value.
610 	 *
611 	 * Returns: %TRUE if @keyval is in lower case, or if @keyval is not
612 	 *     subject to case conversion.
613 	 */
614 	public static bool keyvalIsLower(uint keyval)
615 	{
616 		return gdk_keyval_is_lower(keyval) != 0;
617 	}
619 	/**
620 	 * Returns %TRUE if the given key value is in upper case.
621 	 *
622 	 * Params:
623 	 *     keyval = a key value.
624 	 *
625 	 * Returns: %TRUE if @keyval is in upper case, or if @keyval is not subject to
626 	 *     case conversion.
627 	 */
628 	public static bool keyvalIsUpper(uint keyval)
629 	{
630 		return gdk_keyval_is_upper(keyval) != 0;
631 	}
633 	/**
634 	 * Converts a key value into a symbolic name.
635 	 *
636 	 * The names are the same as those in the
637 	 * `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` header file
638 	 * but without the leading “GDK_KEY_”.
639 	 *
640 	 * Params:
641 	 *     keyval = a key value
642 	 *
643 	 * Returns: a string containing the name
644 	 *     of the key, or %NULL if @keyval is not a valid key. The string
645 	 *     should not be modified.
646 	 */
647 	public static string keyvalName(uint keyval)
648 	{
649 		return Str.toString(gdk_keyval_name(keyval));
650 	}
652 	/**
653 	 * Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable.
654 	 *
655 	 * Params:
656 	 *     keyval = a key value.
657 	 *
658 	 * Returns: the lower case form of @keyval, or @keyval itself if it is already
659 	 *     in lower case or it is not subject to case conversion.
660 	 */
661 	public static uint keyvalToLower(uint keyval)
662 	{
663 		return gdk_keyval_to_lower(keyval);
664 	}
666 	/**
667 	 * Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding ISO10646 (Unicode)
668 	 * character.
669 	 *
670 	 * Params:
671 	 *     keyval = a GDK key symbol
672 	 *
673 	 * Returns: the corresponding unicode character, or 0 if there
674 	 *     is no corresponding character.
675 	 */
676 	public static uint keyvalToUnicode(uint keyval)
677 	{
678 		return gdk_keyval_to_unicode(keyval);
679 	}
681 	/**
682 	 * Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable.
683 	 *
684 	 * Params:
685 	 *     keyval = a key value.
686 	 *
687 	 * Returns: the upper case form of @keyval, or @keyval itself if it is already
688 	 *     in upper case or it is not subject to case conversion.
689 	 */
690 	public static uint keyvalToUpper(uint keyval)
691 	{
692 		return gdk_keyval_to_upper(keyval);
693 	}
695 	/**
696 	 * Convert from a ISO10646 character to a key symbol.
697 	 *
698 	 * Params:
699 	 *     wc = a ISO10646 encoded character
700 	 *
701 	 * Returns: the corresponding GDK key symbol, if one exists.
702 	 *     or, if there is no corresponding symbol,
703 	 *     wc | 0x01000000
704 	 */
705 	public static uint unicodeToKeyval(uint wc)
706 	{
707 		return gdk_unicode_to_keyval(wc);
708 	}
709 }