1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gtk.EditableIF;
27 private import glib.Str;
28 private import gobject.Signals;
29 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
30 private import gtkc.gtk;
31 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
32 private import std.algorithm;
35 /**
36  * The #GtkEditable interface is an interface which should be implemented by
37  * text editing widgets, such as #GtkEntry and #GtkSpinButton. It contains functions
38  * for generically manipulating an editable widget, a large number of action
39  * signals used for key bindings, and several signals that an application can
40  * connect to to modify the behavior of a widget.
41  * 
42  * As an example of the latter usage, by connecting
43  * the following handler to #GtkEditable::insert-text, an application
44  * can convert all entry into a widget into uppercase.
45  * 
46  * ## Forcing entry to uppercase.
47  * 
48  * |[<!-- language="C" -->
49  * #include <ctype.h>;
50  * 
51  * void
52  * insert_text_handler (GtkEditable *editable,
53  * const gchar *text,
54  * gint         length,
55  * gint        *position,
56  * gpointer     data)
57  * {
58  * gchar *result = g_utf8_strup (text, length);
59  * 
60  * g_signal_handlers_block_by_func (editable,
61  * (gpointer) insert_text_handler, data);
62  * gtk_editable_insert_text (editable, result, length, position);
63  * g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func (editable,
64  * (gpointer) insert_text_handler, data);
65  * 
66  * g_signal_stop_emission_by_name (editable, "insert_text");
67  * 
68  * g_free (result);
69  * }
70  * ]|
71  */
72 public interface EditableIF{
73 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
74 	public GtkEditable* getEditableStruct();
76 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
77 	protected void* getStruct();
80 	/**
81 	 * Copies the contents of the currently selected content in the editable and
82 	 * puts it on the clipboard.
83 	 */
84 	public void copyClipboard();
86 	/**
87 	 * Removes the contents of the currently selected content in the editable and
88 	 * puts it on the clipboard.
89 	 */
90 	public void cutClipboard();
92 	/**
93 	 * Deletes the currently selected text of the editable.
94 	 * This call doesn’t do anything if there is no selected text.
95 	 */
96 	public void deleteSelection();
98 	/**
99 	 * Deletes a sequence of characters. The characters that are deleted are
100 	 * those characters at positions from @start_pos up to, but not including
101 	 * @end_pos. If @end_pos is negative, then the characters deleted
102 	 * are those from @start_pos to the end of the text.
103 	 *
104 	 * Note that the positions are specified in characters, not bytes.
105 	 *
106 	 * Params:
107 	 *     startPos = start position
108 	 *     endPos = end position
109 	 */
110 	public void deleteText(int startPos, int endPos);
112 	/**
113 	 * Retrieves a sequence of characters. The characters that are retrieved
114 	 * are those characters at positions from @start_pos up to, but not
115 	 * including @end_pos. If @end_pos is negative, then the characters
116 	 * retrieved are those characters from @start_pos to the end of the text.
117 	 *
118 	 * Note that positions are specified in characters, not bytes.
119 	 *
120 	 * Params:
121 	 *     startPos = start of text
122 	 *     endPos = end of text
123 	 *
124 	 * Return: a pointer to the contents of the widget as a
125 	 *     string. This string is allocated by the #GtkEditable
126 	 *     implementation and should be freed by the caller.
127 	 */
128 	public string getChars(int startPos, int endPos);
130 	/**
131 	 * Retrieves whether @editable is editable. See
132 	 * gtk_editable_set_editable().
133 	 *
134 	 * Return: %TRUE if @editable is editable.
135 	 */
136 	public bool getEditable();
138 	/**
139 	 * Retrieves the current position of the cursor relative to the start
140 	 * of the content of the editable.
141 	 *
142 	 * Note that this position is in characters, not in bytes.
143 	 *
144 	 * Return: the cursor position
145 	 */
146 	public int getPosition();
148 	/**
149 	 * Retrieves the selection bound of the editable. start_pos will be filled
150 	 * with the start of the selection and @end_pos with end. If no text was
151 	 * selected both will be identical and %FALSE will be returned.
152 	 *
153 	 * Note that positions are specified in characters, not bytes.
154 	 *
155 	 * Params:
156 	 *     startPos = location to store the starting position, or %NULL
157 	 *     endPos = location to store the end position, or %NULL
158 	 *
159 	 * Return: %TRUE if an area is selected, %FALSE otherwise
160 	 */
161 	public bool getSelectionBounds(out int startPos, out int endPos);
163 	/**
164 	 * Inserts @new_text_length bytes of @new_text into the contents of the
165 	 * widget, at position @position.
166 	 *
167 	 * Note that the position is in characters, not in bytes.
168 	 * The function updates @position to point after the newly inserted text.
169 	 *
170 	 * Params:
171 	 *     newText = the text to append
172 	 *     newTextLength = the length of the text in bytes, or -1
173 	 *     position = location of the position text will be inserted at
174 	 */
175 	public void insertText(string newText, int newTextLength, ref int position);
177 	/**
178 	 * Pastes the content of the clipboard to the current position of the
179 	 * cursor in the editable.
180 	 */
181 	public void pasteClipboard();
183 	/**
184 	 * Selects a region of text. The characters that are selected are
185 	 * those characters at positions from @start_pos up to, but not
186 	 * including @end_pos. If @end_pos is negative, then the
187 	 * characters selected are those characters from @start_pos to
188 	 * the end of the text.
189 	 *
190 	 * Note that positions are specified in characters, not bytes.
191 	 *
192 	 * Params:
193 	 *     startPos = start of region
194 	 *     endPos = end of region
195 	 */
196 	public void selectRegion(int startPos, int endPos);
198 	/**
199 	 * Determines if the user can edit the text in the editable
200 	 * widget or not.
201 	 *
202 	 * Params:
203 	 *     isEditable = %TRUE if the user is allowed to edit the text
204 	 *         in the widget
205 	 */
206 	public void setEditable(bool isEditable);
208 	/**
209 	 * Sets the cursor position in the editable to the given value.
210 	 *
211 	 * The cursor is displayed before the character with the given (base 0)
212 	 * index in the contents of the editable. The value must be less than or
213 	 * equal to the number of characters in the editable. A value of -1
214 	 * indicates that the position should be set after the last character
215 	 * of the editable. Note that @position is in characters, not in bytes.
216 	 *
217 	 * Params:
218 	 *     position = the position of the cursor
219 	 */
220 	public void setPosition(int position);
221 	/**
222 	 * The ::changed signal is emitted at the end of a single
223 	 * user-visible operation on the contents of the #GtkEditable.
224 	 *
225 	 * E.g., a paste operation that replaces the contents of the
226 	 * selection will cause only one signal emission (even though it
227 	 * is implemented by first deleting the selection, then inserting
228 	 * the new content, and may cause multiple ::notify::text signals
229 	 * to be emitted).
230 	 */
231 	gulong addOnChanged(void delegate(EditableIF) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
232 	;
234 	/**
235 	 * This signal is emitted when text is deleted from
236 	 * the widget by the user. The default handler for
237 	 * this signal will normally be responsible for deleting
238 	 * the text, so by connecting to this signal and then
239 	 * stopping the signal with g_signal_stop_emission(), it
240 	 * is possible to modify the range of deleted text, or
241 	 * prevent it from being deleted entirely. The @start_pos
242 	 * and @end_pos parameters are interpreted as for
243 	 * gtk_editable_delete_text().
244 	 *
245 	 * Params:
246 	 *     startPos = the starting position
247 	 *     endPos = the end position
248 	 */
249 	gulong addOnDeleteText(void delegate(int, int, EditableIF) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
250 	;
252 	/**
253 	 * This signal is emitted when text is inserted into
254 	 * the widget by the user. The default handler for
255 	 * this signal will normally be responsible for inserting
256 	 * the text, so by connecting to this signal and then
257 	 * stopping the signal with g_signal_stop_emission(), it
258 	 * is possible to modify the inserted text, or prevent
259 	 * it from being inserted entirely.
260 	 *
261 	 * Params:
262 	 *     newText = the new text to insert
263 	 *     newTextLength = the length of the new text, in bytes,
264 	 *         or -1 if new_text is nul-terminated
265 	 *     position = the position, in characters,
266 	 *         at which to insert the new text. this is an in-out
267 	 *         parameter.  After the signal emission is finished, it
268 	 *         should point after the newly inserted text.
269 	 */
270 	gulong addOnInsertText(void delegate(string, int, void*, EditableIF) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
271 	;
273 }