
A #GtkUIManager constructs a user interface (menus and toolbars) from one or more UI definitions, which reference actions from one or more action groups.

UI Definitions # {#XML-UI}

The UI definitions are specified in an XML format which can be roughly described by the following DTD.

> Do not confuse the GtkUIManager UI Definitions described here with > the similarly named [GtkBuilder UI Definitions][BUILDER-UI].

|[ <!ELEMENT ui (menubar|toolbar|popup|accelerator)* > <!ELEMENT menubar (menuitem|separator|placeholder|menu)* > <!ELEMENT menu (menuitem|separator|placeholder|menu)* > <!ELEMENT popup (menuitem|separator|placeholder|menu)* > <!ELEMENT toolbar (toolitem|separator|placeholder)* > <!ELEMENT placeholder (menuitem|toolitem|separator|placeholder|menu)* > <!ELEMENT menuitem EMPTY > <!ELEMENT toolitem (menu?) > <!ELEMENT separator EMPTY > <!ELEMENT accelerator EMPTY > <!ATTLIST menubar name #IMPLIED action #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST toolbar name #IMPLIED action #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST popup name #IMPLIED action #IMPLIED accelerators (true|false) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST placeholder name #IMPLIED action #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST separator name #IMPLIED action #IMPLIED expand (true|false) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST menu name #IMPLIED action #REQUIRED position (top|bot) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST menuitem name #IMPLIED action #REQUIRED position (top|bot) #IMPLIED always-show-image (true|false) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST toolitem name #IMPLIED action #REQUIRED position (top|bot) #IMPLIED > <!ATTLIST accelerator name #IMPLIED action #REQUIRED > ]|

There are some additional restrictions beyond those specified in the DTD, e.g. every toolitem must have a toolbar in its anchestry and every menuitem must have a menubar or popup in its anchestry. Since a #GMarkupParser is used to parse the UI description, it must not only be valid XML, but valid markup.

If a name is not specified, it defaults to the action. If an action is not specified either, the element name is used. The name and action attributes must not contain “/” characters after parsing (since that would mess up path lookup) and must be usable as XML attributes when enclosed in doublequotes, thus they must not “"” characters or references to the &quot; entity.

A UI definition #

|[ <ui> <menubar> <menu name="FileMenu" action="FileMenuAction"> <menuitem name="New" action="New2Action" /> <placeholder name="FileMenuAdditions" /> </menu> <menu name="JustifyMenu" action="JustifyMenuAction"> <menuitem name="Left" action="justify-left"/> <menuitem name="Centre" action="justify-center"/> <menuitem name="Right" action="justify-right"/> <menuitem name="Fill" action="justify-fill"/> </menu> </menubar> <toolbar action="toolbar1"> <placeholder name="JustifyToolItems"> <separator/> <toolitem name="Left" action="justify-left"/> <toolitem name="Centre" action="justify-center"/> <toolitem name="Right" action="justify-right"/> <toolitem name="Fill" action="justify-fill"/> <separator/> </placeholder> </toolbar> </ui> ]|

The constructed widget hierarchy is very similar to the element tree of the XML, with the exception that placeholders are merged into their parents. The correspondence of XML elements to widgets should be almost obvious:

- menubar

a #GtkMenuBar

- toolbar

a #GtkToolbar

- popup

a toplevel #GtkMenu

- menu

a #GtkMenu attached to a menuitem

- menuitem

a #GtkMenuItem subclass, the exact type depends on the action

- toolitem

a #GtkToolItem subclass, the exact type depends on the action. Note that toolitem elements may contain a menu element, but only if their associated action specifies a #GtkMenuToolButton as proxy.

- separator

a #GtkSeparatorMenuItem or #GtkSeparatorToolItem

- accelerator

a keyboard accelerator

The “position” attribute determines where a constructed widget is positioned wrt. to its siblings in the partially constructed tree. If it is “top”, the widget is prepended, otherwise it is appended.

UI Merging # {#UI-Merging}

The most remarkable feature of #GtkUIManager is that it can overlay a set of menuitems and toolitems over another one, and demerge them later.

Merging is done based on the names of the XML elements. Each element is identified by a path which consists of the names of its anchestors, separated by slashes. For example, the menuitem named “Left” in the example above has the path /ui/menubar/JustifyMenu/Left and the toolitem with the same name has path /ui/toolbar1/JustifyToolItems/Left.

Accelerators #

Every action has an accelerator path. Accelerators are installed together with menuitem proxies, but they can also be explicitly added with <accelerator> elements in the UI definition. This makes it possible to have accelerators for actions even if they have no visible proxies.

Smart Separators # {#Smart-Separators}

The separators created by #GtkUIManager are “smart”, i.e. they do not show up in the UI unless they end up between two visible menu or tool items. Separators which are located at the very beginning or end of the menu or toolbar containing them, or multiple separators next to each other, are hidden. This is a useful feature, since the merging of UI elements from multiple sources can make it hard or impossible to determine in advance whether a separator will end up in such an unfortunate position.

For separators in toolbars, you can set expand="true" to turn them from a small, visible separator to an expanding, invisible one. Toolitems following an expanding separator are effectively right-aligned.

Empty Menus

Submenus pose similar problems to separators inconnection with merging. It is impossible to know in advance whether they will end up empty after merging. #GtkUIManager offers two ways to treat empty submenus:

- make them disappear by hiding the menu item they’re attached to

- add an insensitive “Empty” item

The behaviour is chosen based on the “hide_if_empty” property of the action to which the submenu is associated.

GtkUIManager as GtkBuildable # {#GtkUIManager-BUILDER-UI}

The GtkUIManager implementation of the GtkBuildable interface accepts GtkActionGroup objects as <child> elements in UI definitions.

A GtkUIManager UI definition as described above can be embedded in an GtkUIManager <object> element in a GtkBuilder UI definition.

The widgets that are constructed by a GtkUIManager can be embedded in other parts of the constructed user interface with the help of the “constructor” attribute. See the example below.

An embedded GtkUIManager UI definition

|[ <object class="GtkUIManager" id="uiman"> <child> <object class="GtkActionGroup" id="actiongroup"> <child> <object class="GtkAction" id="file"> <property name="label">_File</property> </object> </child> </object> </child> <ui> <menubar name="menubar1"> <menu action="file"> </menu> </menubar> </ui> </object> <object class="GtkWindow" id="main-window"> <child> <object class="GtkMenuBar" id="menubar1" constructor="uiman"/> </child> </object> ]|

class UIManager : ObjectG , BuildableIF {}


this(GtkUIManager* gtkUIManager, bool ownedRef)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.


Creates a new ui manager object.



class OnActionsChangedDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
class OnAddWidgetDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
class OnConnectProxyDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
class OnDisconnectProxyDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
class OnPostActivateDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
class OnPreActivateDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.


gulong addOnActionsChanged(void delegate(UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::actions-changed signal is emitted whenever the set of actions changes.

gulong addOnAddWidget(void delegate(Widget, UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::add-widget signal is emitted for each generated menubar and toolbar. It is not emitted for generated popup menus, which can be obtained by gtk_ui_manager_get_widget().

gulong addOnConnectProxy(void delegate(Action, Widget, UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::connect-proxy signal is emitted after connecting a proxy to an action in the group.

gulong addOnDisconnectProxy(void delegate(Action, Widget, UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::disconnect-proxy signal is emitted after disconnecting a proxy from an action in the group.

gulong addOnPostActivate(void delegate(Action, UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::post-activate signal is emitted just after the @action is activated.

gulong addOnPreActivate(void delegate(Action, UIManager) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The ::pre-activate signal is emitted just before the @action is activated.

void addUi(uint mergeId, string path, string name, string action, GtkUIManagerItemType type, bool top)

Adds a UI element to the current contents of @manager.

uint addUiFromFile(string filename)

Parses a file containing a [UI definition][XML-UI] and merges it with the current contents of @manager.

uint addUiFromResource(string resourcePath)

Parses a resource file containing a [UI definition][XML-UI] and merges it with the current contents of @manager.

uint addUiFromString(string buffer, ptrdiff_t length)

Parses a string containing a [UI definition][XML-UI] and merges it with the current contents of @manager. An enclosing <ui> element is added if it is missing.

void ensureUpdate()

Makes sure that all pending updates to the UI have been completed.

AccelGroup getAccelGroup()

Returns the #GtkAccelGroup associated with @manager.

Action getAction(string path)

Looks up an action by following a path. See gtk_ui_manager_get_widget() for more information about paths.

ListG getActionGroups()

Returns the list of action groups associated with @manager.

bool getAddTearoffs()

Returns whether menus generated by this #GtkUIManager will have tearoff menu items.

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

ListSG getToplevels(GtkUIManagerItemType types)

Obtains a list of all toplevel widgets of the requested types.

GtkUIManager* getUIManagerStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

string getUi()

Creates a [UI definition][XML-UI] of the merged UI.

Widget getWidget(string path)

Warning: getWidget is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. 3.10

void insertActionGroup(ActionGroup actionGroup, int pos)

Inserts an action group into the list of action groups associated with @manager. Actions in earlier groups hide actions with the same name in later groups.

void internalRemoveOnActionsChanged(OnActionsChangedDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnAddWidget(OnAddWidgetDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnConnectProxy(OnConnectProxyDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnDisconnectProxy(OnDisconnectProxyDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnPostActivate(OnPostActivateDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnPreActivate(OnPreActivateDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
uint newMergeId()

Returns an unused merge id, suitable for use with gtk_ui_manager_add_ui().

void removeActionGroup(ActionGroup actionGroup)

Removes an action group from the list of action groups associated with @manager.

void removeUi(uint mergeId)

Unmerges the part of @manager's content identified by @merge_id.

void setAddTearoffs(bool addTearoffs)

Sets the “add_tearoffs” property, which controls whether menus generated by this #GtkUIManager will have tearoff menu items.

void setStruct(GObject* obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.


mixin BuildableT!(GtkUIManager)
Undocumented in source.

Static functions

void callBackActionsChanged(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, OnActionsChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackActionsChangedDestroy(OnActionsChangedDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackAddWidget(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, GtkWidget* widget, OnAddWidgetDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackAddWidgetDestroy(OnAddWidgetDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackConnectProxy(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, GtkAction* action, GtkWidget* proxy, OnConnectProxyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackConnectProxyDestroy(OnConnectProxyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackDisconnectProxy(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, GtkAction* action, GtkWidget* proxy, OnDisconnectProxyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackDisconnectProxyDestroy(OnDisconnectProxyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackPostActivate(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, GtkAction* action, OnPostActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackPostActivateDestroy(OnPostActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackPreActivate(GtkUIManager* uimanagerStruct, GtkAction* action, OnPreActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackPreActivateDestroy(OnPreActivateDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
GType getType()


GtkUIManager* gtkUIManager;

the main Gtk struct

OnActionsChangedDelegateWrapper[] onActionsChangedListeners;
Undocumented in source.
OnAddWidgetDelegateWrapper[] onAddWidgetListeners;
Undocumented in source.
OnConnectProxyDelegateWrapper[] onConnectProxyListeners;
Undocumented in source.
OnDisconnectProxyDelegateWrapper[] onDisconnectProxyListeners;
Undocumented in source.
OnPostActivateDelegateWrapper[] onPostActivateListeners;
Undocumented in source.
OnPreActivateDelegateWrapper[] onPreActivateListeners;
Undocumented in source.

Inherited Members

From ObjectG

GObject* gObject;

the main Gtk struct

bool ownedRef;
Undocumented in source.
GObject* getObjectGStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

bool isGcRoot;
Undocumented in source.
void destroyNotify(ObjectG obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void toggleNotify(ObjectG obj, GObject* object, int isLastRef)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
Undocumented in source.
RT getDObject(U obj, bool ownedRef)

Gets a D Object from the objects table of associations.

void setStruct(GObject* obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void setProperty(string propertyName, int value)
void setProperty(string propertyName, string value)
void setProperty(string propertyName, long value)
void setProperty(string propertyName, ulong value)
deprecated void unref(ObjectG obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
deprecated ObjectG doref(ObjectG obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
class OnNotifyDelegateWrapper
Undocumented in source.
OnNotifyDelegateWrapper[] onNotifyListeners;
Undocumented in source.
gulong addOnNotify(void delegate(ParamSpec, ObjectG) dlg, string property, ConnectFlags connectFlags)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has been changed. Note that getting this signal doesn't guarantee that the value of the property has actually changed, it may also be emitted when the setter for the property is called to reinstate the previous value.

void callBackNotify(GObject* objectgStruct, GParamSpec* pspec, OnNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void callBackNotifyDestroy(OnNotifyDelegateWrapper wrapper, GClosure* closure)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void internalRemoveOnNotify(OnNotifyDelegateWrapper source)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
GType getType()
size_t compatControl(size_t what, void* data)
ParamSpec interfaceFindProperty(TypeInterface gIface, string propertyName)

Find the #GParamSpec with the given name for an interface. Generally, the interface vtable passed in as @g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().

void interfaceInstallProperty(TypeInterface gIface, ParamSpec pspec)

Add a property to an interface; this is only useful for interfaces that are added to GObject-derived types. Adding a property to an interface forces all objects classes with that interface to have a compatible property. The compatible property could be a newly created #GParamSpec, but normally g_object_class_override_property() will be used so that the object class only needs to provide an implementation and inherits the property description, default value, bounds, and so forth from the interface property.

ParamSpec[] interfaceListProperties(TypeInterface gIface)

Lists the properties of an interface.Generally, the interface vtable passed in as @g_iface will be the default vtable from g_type_default_interface_ref(), or, if you know the interface has already been loaded, g_type_default_interface_peek().

void addToggleRef(GToggleNotify notify, void* data)

Increases the reference count of the object by one and sets a callback to be called when all other references to the object are dropped, or when this is already the last reference to the object and another reference is established.

void addWeakPointer(void* weakPointerLocation)

Adds a weak reference from weak_pointer to @object to indicate that the pointer located at @weak_pointer_location is only valid during the lifetime of @object. When the @object is finalized, @weak_pointer will be set to %NULL.

Binding bindProperty(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags)

Creates a binding between @source_property on @source and @target_property on @target. Whenever the @source_property is changed the @target_property is updated using the same value. For instance:

Binding bindPropertyFull(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags, GBindingTransformFunc transformTo, GBindingTransformFunc transformFrom, void* userData, GDestroyNotify notify)

Complete version of g_object_bind_property().

Binding bindPropertyWithClosures(string sourceProperty, ObjectG target, string targetProperty, GBindingFlags flags, Closure transformTo, Closure transformFrom)

Creates a binding between @source_property on @source and @target_property on @target, allowing you to set the transformation functions to be used by the binding.

void* dupData(string key, GDuplicateFunc dupFunc, void* userData)

This is a variant of g_object_get_data() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value. @dup_func defines the meaning of 'duplicate' in this context, it could e.g. take a reference on a ref-counted object.

void* dupQdata(GQuark quark, GDuplicateFunc dupFunc, void* userData)

This is a variant of g_object_get_qdata() which returns a 'duplicate' of the value. @dup_func defines the meaning of 'duplicate' in this context, it could e.g. take a reference on a ref-counted object.

void forceFloating()

This function is intended for #GObject implementations to re-enforce a floating[floating-ref] object reference. Doing this is seldom required: all #GInitiallyUnowneds are created with a floating reference which usually just needs to be sunken by calling g_object_ref_sink().

void freezeNotify()

Increases the freeze count on @object. If the freeze count is non-zero, the emission of "notify" signals on @object is stopped. The signals are queued until the freeze count is decreased to zero. Duplicate notifications are squashed so that at most one #GObject::notify signal is emitted for each property modified while the object is frozen.

void* getData(string key)

Gets a named field from the objects table of associations (see g_object_set_data()).

void getProperty(string propertyName, Value value)

Gets a property of an object. @value must have been initialized to the expected type of the property (or a type to which the expected type can be transformed) using g_value_init().

void* getQdata(GQuark quark)

This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata().

void getValist(string firstPropertyName, void* varArgs)

Gets properties of an object.

bool isFloating()

Checks whether @object has a floating[floating-ref] reference.

void notify(string propertyName)

Emits a "notify" signal for the property @property_name on @object.

void notifyByPspec(ParamSpec pspec)

Emits a "notify" signal for the property specified by @pspec on @object.

ObjectG doref()

Increases the reference count of @object.

ObjectG refSink()

Increase the reference count of @object, and possibly remove the floating[floating-ref] reference, if @object has a floating reference.

void removeToggleRef(GToggleNotify notify, void* data)

Removes a reference added with g_object_add_toggle_ref(). The reference count of the object is decreased by one.

void removeWeakPointer(void* weakPointerLocation)

Removes a weak reference from @object that was previously added using g_object_add_weak_pointer(). The @weak_pointer_location has to match the one used with g_object_add_weak_pointer().

bool replaceData(string key, void* oldval, void* newval, GDestroyNotify destroy, GDestroyNotify* oldDestroy)

Compares the user data for the key @key on @object with @oldval, and if they are the same, replaces @oldval with @newval.

bool replaceQdata(GQuark quark, void* oldval, void* newval, GDestroyNotify destroy, GDestroyNotify* oldDestroy)

Compares the user data for the key @quark on @object with @oldval, and if they are the same, replaces @oldval with @newval.

void runDispose()

Releases all references to other objects. This can be used to break reference cycles.

void setData(string key, void* data)

Each object carries around a table of associations from strings to pointers. This function lets you set an association.

void setDataFull(string key, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Like g_object_set_data() except it adds notification for when the association is destroyed, either by setting it to a different value or when the object is destroyed.

void setProperty(string propertyName, Value value)

Sets a property on an object.

void setQdata(GQuark quark, void* data)

This sets an opaque, named pointer on an object. The name is specified through a #GQuark (retrived e.g. via g_quark_from_static_string()), and the pointer can be gotten back from the @object with g_object_get_qdata() until the @object is finalized. Setting a previously set user data pointer, overrides (frees) the old pointer set, using #NULL as pointer essentially removes the data stored.

void setQdataFull(GQuark quark, void* data, GDestroyNotify destroy)

This function works like g_object_set_qdata(), but in addition, a void (*destroy) (gpointer) function may be specified which is called with @data as argument when the @object is finalized, or the data is being overwritten by a call to g_object_set_qdata() with the same @quark.

void setValist(string firstPropertyName, void* varArgs)

Sets properties on an object.

void* stealData(string key)

Remove a specified datum from the object's data associations, without invoking the association's destroy handler.

void* stealQdata(GQuark quark)

This function gets back user data pointers stored via g_object_set_qdata() and removes the @data from object without invoking its destroy() function (if any was set). Usually, calling this function is only required to update user data pointers with a destroy notifier, for example: |[<!-- language="C" --> void object_add_to_user_list (GObject *object, const gchar *new_string) { // the quark, naming the object data GQuark quark_string_list = g_quark_from_static_string ("my-string-list"); // retrive the old string list GList *list = g_object_steal_qdata (object, quark_string_list);

void thawNotify()

Reverts the effect of a previous call to g_object_freeze_notify(). The freeze count is decreased on @object and when it reaches zero, queued "notify" signals are emitted.

void unref()

Decreases the reference count of @object. When its reference count drops to 0, the object is finalized (i.e. its memory is freed).

void watchClosure(Closure closure)

This function essentially limits the life time of the @closure to the life time of the object. That is, when the object is finalized, the @closure is invalidated by calling g_closure_invalidate() on it, in order to prevent invocations of the closure with a finalized (nonexisting) object. Also, g_object_ref() and g_object_unref() are added as marshal guards to the @closure, to ensure that an extra reference count is held on @object during invocation of the @closure. Usually, this function will be called on closures that use this @object as closure data.

void weakRef(GWeakNotify notify, void* data)

Adds a weak reference callback to an object. Weak references are used for notification when an object is finalized. They are called "weak references" because they allow you to safely hold a pointer to an object without calling g_object_ref() (g_object_ref() adds a strong reference, that is, forces the object to stay alive).

void weakUnref(GWeakNotify notify, void* data)

Removes a weak reference callback to an object.

void clearObject(ObjectG objectPtr)

Clears a reference to a #GObject.

From BuildableIF

GtkBuildable* getBuildableStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

void addChild(Builder builder, ObjectG child, string type)

Adds a child to @buildable. @type is an optional string describing how the child should be added.

ObjectG constructChild(Builder builder, string name)

Constructs a child of @buildable with the name @name.

void customFinished(Builder builder, ObjectG child, string tagname, void* data)

This is similar to gtk_buildable_parser_finished() but is called once for each custom tag handled by the @buildable.

void customTagEnd(Builder builder, ObjectG child, string tagname, void** data)

This is called at the end of each custom element handled by the buildable.

bool customTagStart(Builder builder, ObjectG child, string tagname, GMarkupParser parser, void* data)

This is called for each unknown element under <child>.

ObjectG getInternalChild(Builder builder, string childname)

Get the internal child called @childname of the @buildable object.

string buildableGetName()

Gets the name of the @buildable object.

void parserFinished(Builder builder)

Called when the builder finishes the parsing of a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]. Note that this will be called once for each time gtk_builder_add_from_file() or gtk_builder_add_from_string() is called on a builder.

void setBuildableProperty(Builder builder, string name, Value value)

Sets the property name @name to @value on the @buildable object.

void buildableSetName(string name)

Sets the name of the @buildable object.
