Asks the #GtkTreeDragSource to delete the row at @path, because it was moved somewhere else via drag-and-drop. Returns %FALSE if the deletion fails because @path no longer exists, or for some model-specific reason. Should robustly handle a @path no longer found in the model!
Asks the #GtkTreeDragSource to fill in @selection_data with a representation of the row at @path. @selection_data->target gives the required type of the data. Should robustly handle a @path no longer found in the model!
Get the main Gtk struct
Asks the #GtkTreeDragSource whether a particular row can be used as the source of a DND operation. If the source doesn’t implement this interface, the row is assumed draggable.
Obtains a @tree_model and @path from selection data of target type %GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW. Normally called from a drag_data_received handler. This function can only be used if @selection_data originates from the same process that’s calling this function, because a pointer to the tree model is being passed around. If you aren’t in the same process, then you'll get memory corruption. In the #GtkTreeDragDest drag_data_received handler, you can assume that selection data of type %GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW is in from the current process. The returned path must be freed with gtk_tree_path_free().
Sets selection data of target type %GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW. Normally used in a drag_data_get handler.