
Creates a keyfile-backed #GSettingsBackend.

The filename of the keyfile to use is given by @filename.

All settings read to or written from the backend must fall under the path given in @root_path (which must start and end with a slash and not contain two consecutive slashes). @root_path may be "/".

If @root_group is non-%NULL then it specifies the name of the keyfile group used for keys that are written directly below @root_path. For example, if @root_path is "/apps/example/" and @root_group is "toplevel", then settings the key "/apps/example/enabled" to a value of %TRUE will cause the following to appear in the keyfile:

|[ toplevel

enabled=true ]|

If @root_group is %NULL then it is not permitted to store keys directly below the @root_path.

For keys not stored directly below @root_path (ie: in a sub-path), the name of the subpath (with the final slash stripped) is used as the name of the keyfile group. To continue the example, if "/apps/example/profiles/default/font-size" were set to 12 then the following would appear in the keyfile:

|[ [profiles/default] font-size=12 ]|

The backend will refuse writes (and return writability as being %FALSE) for keys outside of @root_path and, in the event that @root_group is %NULL, also for keys directly under @root_path. Writes will also be refused if the backend detects that it has the inability to rewrite the keyfile (ie: the containing directory is not writable).

There is no checking done for your key namespace clashing with the syntax of the key file format. For example, if you have '[' or ']' characters in your path names or '=' in your key names you may be in trouble.

class SettingsBackend
string filename
string rootPath
string rootGroup


filename string

the filename of the keyfile

rootPath string

the path under which all settings keys appear

rootGroup string

the group name corresponding to @root_path, or %NULL

Return: a keyfile-backed #GSettingsBackend
