
Checks that the GLib library in use is compatible with the given version. Generally you would pass in the constants #GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, #GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, #GLIB_MICRO_VERSION as the three arguments to this function; that produces a check that the library in use is compatible with the version of GLib the application or module was compiled against.

Compatibility is defined by two things: first the version of the running library is newer than the version @required_major.required_minor.@required_micro. Second the running library must be binary compatible with the version @required_major.required_minor.@required_micro (same major version.)

struct Version


requiredMajor uint

the required major version

requiredMinor uint

the required minor version

requiredMicro uint

the required micro version

Return: %NULL if the GLib library is compatible with the given version, or a string describing the version mismatch. The returned string is owned by GLib and must not be modified or freed.
