
Looks up a value in a dictionary #GVariant.

This function works with dictionaries of the type a{s*} (and equally well with type a{o*}, but we only further discuss the string case for sake of clarity).

In the event that @dictionary has the type a{sv}, the @expected_type string specifies what type of value is expected to be inside of the variant. If the value inside the variant has a different type then %NULL is returned. In the event that @dictionary has a value type other than v then @expected_type must directly match the key type and it is used to unpack the value directly or an error occurs.

In either case, if @key is not found in @dictionary, %NULL is returned.

If the key is found and the value has the correct type, it is returned. If @expected_type was specified then any non-%NULL return value will have this type.

This function is currently implemented with a linear scan. If you plan to do many lookups then #GVariantDict may be more efficient.

class Variant


key string

the key to lookup in the dictionary

expectedType VariantType

a #GVariantType, or %NULL

Return: the value of the dictionary key, or %NULL


