
Create a new surface that is as compatible as possible with the given @window. For example the new surface will have the same fallback resolution and font options as @window. Generally, the new surface will also use the same backend as @window, unless that is not possible for some reason. The type of the returned surface may be examined with cairo_surface_get_type().

Initially the surface contents are all 0 (transparent if contents have transparency, black otherwise.)

class Window


content cairo_content_t

the content for the new surface

width int

width of the new surface

height int

height of the new surface

Return: a pointer to the newly allocated surface. The caller owns the surface and should call cairo_surface_destroy() when done with it.

This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a “nil” surface if @other is already in an error state or any other error occurs.


