1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module glib.Source;
27 private import glib.ConstructionException;
28 private import glib.MainContext;
29 private import glib.Str;
30 private import glib.TimeVal;
31 private import glib.c.functions;
32 public  import glib.c.types;
33 public  import gtkc.glibtypes;
34 private import gtkd.Loader;
37 /**
38  * The `GSource` struct is an opaque data type
39  * representing an event source.
40  */
41 public class Source
42 {
43 	/** the main Gtk struct */
44 	protected GSource* gSource;
45 	protected bool ownedRef;
47 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
48 	public GSource* getSourceStruct(bool transferOwnership = false)
49 	{
50 		if (transferOwnership)
51 			ownedRef = false;
52 		return gSource;
53 	}
55 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
56 	protected void* getStruct()
57 	{
58 		return cast(void*)gSource;
59 	}
61 	/**
62 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
63 	 */
64 	public this (GSource* gSource, bool ownedRef = false)
65 	{
66 		this.gSource = gSource;
67 		this.ownedRef = ownedRef;
68 	}
70 	~this ()
71 	{
72 		if ( Linker.isLoaded(LIBRARY_GLIB) && ownedRef )
73 			g_source_unref(gSource);
74 	}
77 	/**
78 	 * Creates a new #GSource structure. The size is specified to
79 	 * allow creating structures derived from #GSource that contain
80 	 * additional data. The size passed in must be at least
81 	 * `sizeof (GSource)`.
82 	 *
83 	 * The source will not initially be associated with any #GMainContext
84 	 * and must be added to one with g_source_attach() before it will be
85 	 * executed.
86 	 *
87 	 * Params:
88 	 *     sourceFuncs = structure containing functions that implement
89 	 *         the sources behavior.
90 	 *     structSize = size of the #GSource structure to create.
91 	 *
92 	 * Returns: the newly-created #GSource.
93 	 *
94 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
95 	 */
96 	public this(GSourceFuncs* sourceFuncs, uint structSize)
97 	{
98 		auto __p = g_source_new(sourceFuncs, structSize);
100 		if(__p is null)
101 		{
102 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by new");
103 		}
105 		this(cast(GSource*) __p);
106 	}
108 	/**
109 	 * Adds @child_source to @source as a "polled" source; when @source is
110 	 * added to a #GMainContext, @child_source will be automatically added
111 	 * with the same priority, when @child_source is triggered, it will
112 	 * cause @source to dispatch (in addition to calling its own
113 	 * callback), and when @source is destroyed, it will destroy
114 	 * @child_source as well. (@source will also still be dispatched if
115 	 * its own prepare/check functions indicate that it is ready.)
116 	 *
117 	 * If you don't need @child_source to do anything on its own when it
118 	 * triggers, you can call g_source_set_dummy_callback() on it to set a
119 	 * callback that does nothing (except return %TRUE if appropriate).
120 	 *
121 	 * @source will hold a reference on @child_source while @child_source
122 	 * is attached to it.
123 	 *
124 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
125 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
126 	 *
127 	 * Params:
128 	 *     childSource = a second #GSource that @source should "poll"
129 	 *
130 	 * Since: 2.28
131 	 */
132 	public void addChildSource(Source childSource)
133 	{
134 		g_source_add_child_source(gSource, (childSource is null) ? null : childSource.getSourceStruct());
135 	}
137 	/**
138 	 * Adds a file descriptor to the set of file descriptors polled for
139 	 * this source. This is usually combined with g_source_new() to add an
140 	 * event source. The event source's check function will typically test
141 	 * the @revents field in the #GPollFD struct and return %TRUE if events need
142 	 * to be processed.
143 	 *
144 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
145 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
146 	 *
147 	 * Using this API forces the linear scanning of event sources on each
148 	 * main loop iteration.  Newly-written event sources should try to use
149 	 * g_source_add_unix_fd() instead of this API.
150 	 *
151 	 * Params:
152 	 *     fd = a #GPollFD structure holding information about a file
153 	 *         descriptor to watch.
154 	 */
155 	public void addPoll(GPollFD* fd)
156 	{
157 		g_source_add_poll(gSource, fd);
158 	}
160 	/**
161 	 * Monitors @fd for the IO events in @events.
162 	 *
163 	 * The tag returned by this function can be used to remove or modify the
164 	 * monitoring of the fd using g_source_remove_unix_fd() or
165 	 * g_source_modify_unix_fd().
166 	 *
167 	 * It is not necessary to remove the fd before destroying the source; it
168 	 * will be cleaned up automatically.
169 	 *
170 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
171 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
172 	 *
173 	 * As the name suggests, this function is not available on Windows.
174 	 *
175 	 * Params:
176 	 *     fd = the fd to monitor
177 	 *     events = an event mask
178 	 *
179 	 * Returns: an opaque tag
180 	 *
181 	 * Since: 2.36
182 	 */
183 	public void* addUnixFd(int fd, GIOCondition events)
184 	{
185 		return g_source_add_unix_fd(gSource, fd, events);
186 	}
188 	/**
189 	 * Adds a #GSource to a @context so that it will be executed within
190 	 * that context. Remove it by calling g_source_destroy().
191 	 *
192 	 * This function is safe to call from any thread, regardless of which thread
193 	 * the @context is running in.
194 	 *
195 	 * Params:
196 	 *     context = a #GMainContext (if %NULL, the default context will be used)
197 	 *
198 	 * Returns: the ID (greater than 0) for the source within the
199 	 *     #GMainContext.
200 	 */
201 	public uint attach(MainContext context)
202 	{
203 		return g_source_attach(gSource, (context is null) ? null : context.getMainContextStruct());
204 	}
206 	/**
207 	 * Removes a source from its #GMainContext, if any, and mark it as
208 	 * destroyed.  The source cannot be subsequently added to another
209 	 * context. It is safe to call this on sources which have already been
210 	 * removed from their context.
211 	 *
212 	 * This does not unref the #GSource: if you still hold a reference, use
213 	 * g_source_unref() to drop it.
214 	 *
215 	 * This function is safe to call from any thread, regardless of which thread
216 	 * the #GMainContext is running in.
217 	 */
218 	public void destroy()
219 	{
220 		g_source_destroy(gSource);
221 	}
223 	/**
224 	 * Checks whether a source is allowed to be called recursively.
225 	 * see g_source_set_can_recurse().
226 	 *
227 	 * Returns: whether recursion is allowed.
228 	 */
229 	public bool getCanRecurse()
230 	{
231 		return g_source_get_can_recurse(gSource) != 0;
232 	}
234 	/**
235 	 * Gets the #GMainContext with which the source is associated.
236 	 *
237 	 * You can call this on a source that has been destroyed, provided
238 	 * that the #GMainContext it was attached to still exists (in which
239 	 * case it will return that #GMainContext). In particular, you can
240 	 * always call this function on the source returned from
241 	 * g_main_current_source(). But calling this function on a source
242 	 * whose #GMainContext has been destroyed is an error.
243 	 *
244 	 * Returns: the #GMainContext with which the
245 	 *     source is associated, or %NULL if the context has not
246 	 *     yet been added to a source.
247 	 */
248 	public MainContext getContext()
249 	{
250 		auto __p = g_source_get_context(gSource);
252 		if(__p is null)
253 		{
254 			return null;
255 		}
257 		return new MainContext(cast(GMainContext*) __p);
258 	}
260 	/**
261 	 * This function ignores @source and is otherwise the same as
262 	 * g_get_current_time().
263 	 *
264 	 * Deprecated: use g_source_get_time() instead
265 	 *
266 	 * Params:
267 	 *     timeval = #GTimeVal structure in which to store current time.
268 	 */
269 	public void getCurrentTime(TimeVal timeval)
270 	{
271 		g_source_get_current_time(gSource, (timeval is null) ? null : timeval.getTimeValStruct());
272 	}
274 	/**
275 	 * Returns the numeric ID for a particular source. The ID of a source
276 	 * is a positive integer which is unique within a particular main loop
277 	 * context. The reverse
278 	 * mapping from ID to source is done by g_main_context_find_source_by_id().
279 	 *
280 	 * You can only call this function while the source is associated to a
281 	 * #GMainContext instance; calling this function before g_source_attach()
282 	 * or after g_source_destroy() yields undefined behavior. The ID returned
283 	 * is unique within the #GMainContext instance passed to g_source_attach().
284 	 *
285 	 * Returns: the ID (greater than 0) for the source
286 	 */
287 	public uint getId()
288 	{
289 		return g_source_get_id(gSource);
290 	}
292 	/**
293 	 * Gets a name for the source, used in debugging and profiling.  The
294 	 * name may be #NULL if it has never been set with g_source_set_name().
295 	 *
296 	 * Returns: the name of the source
297 	 *
298 	 * Since: 2.26
299 	 */
300 	public string getName()
301 	{
302 		return Str.toString(g_source_get_name(gSource));
303 	}
305 	/**
306 	 * Gets the priority of a source.
307 	 *
308 	 * Returns: the priority of the source
309 	 */
310 	public int getPriority()
311 	{
312 		return g_source_get_priority(gSource);
313 	}
315 	/**
316 	 * Gets the "ready time" of @source, as set by
317 	 * g_source_set_ready_time().
318 	 *
319 	 * Any time before the current monotonic time (including 0) is an
320 	 * indication that the source will fire immediately.
321 	 *
322 	 * Returns: the monotonic ready time, -1 for "never"
323 	 */
324 	public long getReadyTime()
325 	{
326 		return g_source_get_ready_time(gSource);
327 	}
329 	/**
330 	 * Gets the time to be used when checking this source. The advantage of
331 	 * calling this function over calling g_get_monotonic_time() directly is
332 	 * that when checking multiple sources, GLib can cache a single value
333 	 * instead of having to repeatedly get the system monotonic time.
334 	 *
335 	 * The time here is the system monotonic time, if available, or some
336 	 * other reasonable alternative otherwise.  See g_get_monotonic_time().
337 	 *
338 	 * Returns: the monotonic time in microseconds
339 	 *
340 	 * Since: 2.28
341 	 */
342 	public long getTime()
343 	{
344 		return g_source_get_time(gSource);
345 	}
347 	/**
348 	 * Returns whether @source has been destroyed.
349 	 *
350 	 * This is important when you operate upon your objects
351 	 * from within idle handlers, but may have freed the object
352 	 * before the dispatch of your idle handler.
353 	 *
354 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
355 	 * static gboolean
356 	 * idle_callback (gpointer data)
357 	 * {
358 	 * SomeWidget *self = data;
359 	 *
361 	 * // do stuff with self
362 	 * self->idle_id = 0;
364 	 *
365 	 * return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
366 	 * }
367 	 *
368 	 * static void
369 	 * some_widget_do_stuff_later (SomeWidget *self)
370 	 * {
371 	 * self->idle_id = g_idle_add (idle_callback, self);
372 	 * }
373 	 *
374 	 * static void
375 	 * some_widget_finalize (GObject *object)
376 	 * {
377 	 * SomeWidget *self = SOME_WIDGET (object);
378 	 *
379 	 * if (self->idle_id)
380 	 * g_source_remove (self->idle_id);
381 	 *
382 	 * G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object);
383 	 * }
384 	 * ]|
385 	 *
386 	 * This will fail in a multi-threaded application if the
387 	 * widget is destroyed before the idle handler fires due
388 	 * to the use after free in the callback. A solution, to
389 	 * this particular problem, is to check to if the source
390 	 * has already been destroy within the callback.
391 	 *
392 	 * |[<!-- language="C" -->
393 	 * static gboolean
394 	 * idle_callback (gpointer data)
395 	 * {
396 	 * SomeWidget *self = data;
397 	 *
399 	 * if (!g_source_is_destroyed (g_main_current_source ()))
400 	 * {
401 	 * // do stuff with self
402 	 * }
404 	 *
405 	 * return FALSE;
406 	 * }
407 	 * ]|
408 	 *
409 	 * Calls to this function from a thread other than the one acquired by the
410 	 * #GMainContext the #GSource is attached to are typically redundant, as the
411 	 * source could be destroyed immediately after this function returns. However,
412 	 * once a source is destroyed it cannot be un-destroyed, so this function can be
413 	 * used for opportunistic checks from any thread.
414 	 *
415 	 * Returns: %TRUE if the source has been destroyed
416 	 *
417 	 * Since: 2.12
418 	 */
419 	public bool isDestroyed()
420 	{
421 		return g_source_is_destroyed(gSource) != 0;
422 	}
424 	/**
425 	 * Updates the event mask to watch for the fd identified by @tag.
426 	 *
427 	 * @tag is the tag returned from g_source_add_unix_fd().
428 	 *
429 	 * If you want to remove a fd, don't set its event mask to zero.
430 	 * Instead, call g_source_remove_unix_fd().
431 	 *
432 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
433 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
434 	 *
435 	 * As the name suggests, this function is not available on Windows.
436 	 *
437 	 * Params:
438 	 *     tag = the tag from g_source_add_unix_fd()
439 	 *     newEvents = the new event mask to watch
440 	 *
441 	 * Since: 2.36
442 	 */
443 	public void modifyUnixFd(void* tag, GIOCondition newEvents)
444 	{
445 		g_source_modify_unix_fd(gSource, tag, newEvents);
446 	}
448 	/**
449 	 * Queries the events reported for the fd corresponding to @tag on
450 	 * @source during the last poll.
451 	 *
452 	 * The return value of this function is only defined when the function
453 	 * is called from the check or dispatch functions for @source.
454 	 *
455 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
456 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
457 	 *
458 	 * As the name suggests, this function is not available on Windows.
459 	 *
460 	 * Params:
461 	 *     tag = the tag from g_source_add_unix_fd()
462 	 *
463 	 * Returns: the conditions reported on the fd
464 	 *
465 	 * Since: 2.36
466 	 */
467 	public GIOCondition queryUnixFd(void* tag)
468 	{
469 		return g_source_query_unix_fd(gSource, tag);
470 	}
472 	alias doref = ref_;
473 	/**
474 	 * Increases the reference count on a source by one.
475 	 *
476 	 * Returns: @source
477 	 */
478 	public Source ref_()
479 	{
480 		auto __p = g_source_ref(gSource);
482 		if(__p is null)
483 		{
484 			return null;
485 		}
487 		return new Source(cast(GSource*) __p, true);
488 	}
490 	/**
491 	 * Detaches @child_source from @source and destroys it.
492 	 *
493 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
494 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
495 	 *
496 	 * Params:
497 	 *     childSource = a #GSource previously passed to
498 	 *         g_source_add_child_source().
499 	 *
500 	 * Since: 2.28
501 	 */
502 	public void removeChildSource(Source childSource)
503 	{
504 		g_source_remove_child_source(gSource, (childSource is null) ? null : childSource.getSourceStruct());
505 	}
507 	/**
508 	 * Removes a file descriptor from the set of file descriptors polled for
509 	 * this source.
510 	 *
511 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
512 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
513 	 *
514 	 * Params:
515 	 *     fd = a #GPollFD structure previously passed to g_source_add_poll().
516 	 */
517 	public void removePoll(GPollFD* fd)
518 	{
519 		g_source_remove_poll(gSource, fd);
520 	}
522 	/**
523 	 * Reverses the effect of a previous call to g_source_add_unix_fd().
524 	 *
525 	 * You only need to call this if you want to remove an fd from being
526 	 * watched while keeping the same source around.  In the normal case you
527 	 * will just want to destroy the source.
528 	 *
529 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
530 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
531 	 *
532 	 * As the name suggests, this function is not available on Windows.
533 	 *
534 	 * Params:
535 	 *     tag = the tag from g_source_add_unix_fd()
536 	 *
537 	 * Since: 2.36
538 	 */
539 	public void removeUnixFd(void* tag)
540 	{
541 		g_source_remove_unix_fd(gSource, tag);
542 	}
544 	/**
545 	 * Sets the callback function for a source. The callback for a source is
546 	 * called from the source's dispatch function.
547 	 *
548 	 * The exact type of @func depends on the type of source; ie. you
549 	 * should not count on @func being called with @data as its first
550 	 * parameter. Cast @func with G_SOURCE_FUNC() to avoid warnings about
551 	 * incompatible function types.
552 	 *
553 	 * See [memory management of sources][mainloop-memory-management] for details
554 	 * on how to handle memory management of @data.
555 	 *
556 	 * Typically, you won't use this function. Instead use functions specific
557 	 * to the type of source you are using, such as g_idle_add() or g_timeout_add().
558 	 *
559 	 * It is safe to call this function multiple times on a source which has already
560 	 * been attached to a context. The changes will take effect for the next time
561 	 * the source is dispatched after this call returns.
562 	 *
563 	 * Params:
564 	 *     func = a callback function
565 	 *     data = the data to pass to callback function
566 	 *     notify = a function to call when @data is no longer in use, or %NULL.
567 	 */
568 	public void setCallback(GSourceFunc func, void* data, GDestroyNotify notify)
569 	{
570 		g_source_set_callback(gSource, func, data, notify);
571 	}
573 	/**
574 	 * Sets the callback function storing the data as a refcounted callback
575 	 * "object". This is used internally. Note that calling
576 	 * g_source_set_callback_indirect() assumes
577 	 * an initial reference count on @callback_data, and thus
578 	 * @callback_funcs->unref will eventually be called once more
579 	 * than @callback_funcs->ref.
580 	 *
581 	 * It is safe to call this function multiple times on a source which has already
582 	 * been attached to a context. The changes will take effect for the next time
583 	 * the source is dispatched after this call returns.
584 	 *
585 	 * Params:
586 	 *     callbackData = pointer to callback data "object"
587 	 *     callbackFuncs = functions for reference counting @callback_data
588 	 *         and getting the callback and data
589 	 */
590 	public void setCallbackIndirect(void* callbackData, GSourceCallbackFuncs* callbackFuncs)
591 	{
592 		g_source_set_callback_indirect(gSource, callbackData, callbackFuncs);
593 	}
595 	/**
596 	 * Sets whether a source can be called recursively. If @can_recurse is
597 	 * %TRUE, then while the source is being dispatched then this source
598 	 * will be processed normally. Otherwise, all processing of this
599 	 * source is blocked until the dispatch function returns.
600 	 *
601 	 * Params:
602 	 *     canRecurse = whether recursion is allowed for this source
603 	 */
604 	public void setCanRecurse(bool canRecurse)
605 	{
606 		g_source_set_can_recurse(gSource, canRecurse);
607 	}
609 	/**
610 	 * Set @dispose as dispose function on @source. @dispose will be called once
611 	 * the reference count of @source reaches 0 but before any of the state of the
612 	 * source is freed, especially before the finalize function is called.
613 	 *
614 	 * This means that at this point @source is still a valid #GSource and it is
615 	 * allow for the reference count to increase again until @dispose returns.
616 	 *
617 	 * The dispose function can be used to clear any "weak" references to the
618 	 * @source in other data structures in a thread-safe way where it is possible
619 	 * for another thread to increase the reference count of @source again while
620 	 * it is being freed.
621 	 *
622 	 * The finalize function can not be used for this purpose as at that point
623 	 * @source is already partially freed and not valid anymore.
624 	 *
625 	 * This should only ever be called from #GSource implementations.
626 	 *
627 	 * Params:
628 	 *     dispose = #GSourceDisposeFunc to set on the source
629 	 *
630 	 * Since: 2.64
631 	 */
632 	public void setDisposeFunction(GSourceDisposeFunc dispose)
633 	{
634 		g_source_set_dispose_function(gSource, dispose);
635 	}
637 	/**
638 	 * Sets the source functions (can be used to override
639 	 * default implementations) of an unattached source.
640 	 *
641 	 * Params:
642 	 *     funcs = the new #GSourceFuncs
643 	 *
644 	 * Since: 2.12
645 	 */
646 	public void setFuncs(GSourceFuncs* funcs)
647 	{
648 		g_source_set_funcs(gSource, funcs);
649 	}
651 	/**
652 	 * Sets a name for the source, used in debugging and profiling.
653 	 * The name defaults to #NULL.
654 	 *
655 	 * The source name should describe in a human-readable way
656 	 * what the source does. For example, "X11 event queue"
657 	 * or "GTK+ repaint idle handler" or whatever it is.
658 	 *
659 	 * It is permitted to call this function multiple times, but is not
660 	 * recommended due to the potential performance impact.  For example,
661 	 * one could change the name in the "check" function of a #GSourceFuncs
662 	 * to include details like the event type in the source name.
663 	 *
664 	 * Use caution if changing the name while another thread may be
665 	 * accessing it with g_source_get_name(); that function does not copy
666 	 * the value, and changing the value will free it while the other thread
667 	 * may be attempting to use it.
668 	 *
669 	 * Params:
670 	 *     name = debug name for the source
671 	 *
672 	 * Since: 2.26
673 	 */
674 	public void setName(string name)
675 	{
676 		g_source_set_name(gSource, Str.toStringz(name));
677 	}
679 	/**
680 	 * Sets the priority of a source. While the main loop is being run, a
681 	 * source will be dispatched if it is ready to be dispatched and no
682 	 * sources at a higher (numerically smaller) priority are ready to be
683 	 * dispatched.
684 	 *
685 	 * A child source always has the same priority as its parent.  It is not
686 	 * permitted to change the priority of a source once it has been added
687 	 * as a child of another source.
688 	 *
689 	 * Params:
690 	 *     priority = the new priority.
691 	 */
692 	public void setPriority(int priority)
693 	{
694 		g_source_set_priority(gSource, priority);
695 	}
697 	/**
698 	 * Sets a #GSource to be dispatched when the given monotonic time is
699 	 * reached (or passed).  If the monotonic time is in the past (as it
700 	 * always will be if @ready_time is 0) then the source will be
701 	 * dispatched immediately.
702 	 *
703 	 * If @ready_time is -1 then the source is never woken up on the basis
704 	 * of the passage of time.
705 	 *
706 	 * Dispatching the source does not reset the ready time.  You should do
707 	 * so yourself, from the source dispatch function.
708 	 *
709 	 * Note that if you have a pair of sources where the ready time of one
710 	 * suggests that it will be delivered first but the priority for the
711 	 * other suggests that it would be delivered first, and the ready time
712 	 * for both sources is reached during the same main context iteration,
713 	 * then the order of dispatch is undefined.
714 	 *
715 	 * It is a no-op to call this function on a #GSource which has already been
716 	 * destroyed with g_source_destroy().
717 	 *
718 	 * This API is only intended to be used by implementations of #GSource.
719 	 * Do not call this API on a #GSource that you did not create.
720 	 *
721 	 * Params:
722 	 *     readyTime = the monotonic time at which the source will be ready,
723 	 *         0 for "immediately", -1 for "never"
724 	 *
725 	 * Since: 2.36
726 	 */
727 	public void setReadyTime(long readyTime)
728 	{
729 		g_source_set_ready_time(gSource, readyTime);
730 	}
732 	/**
733 	 * Decreases the reference count of a source by one. If the
734 	 * resulting reference count is zero the source and associated
735 	 * memory will be destroyed.
736 	 */
737 	public void unref()
738 	{
739 		g_source_unref(gSource);
740 	}
742 	/**
743 	 * Removes the source with the given ID from the default main context. You must
744 	 * use g_source_destroy() for sources added to a non-default main context.
745 	 *
746 	 * The ID of a #GSource is given by g_source_get_id(), or will be
747 	 * returned by the functions g_source_attach(), g_idle_add(),
748 	 * g_idle_add_full(), g_timeout_add(), g_timeout_add_full(),
749 	 * g_child_watch_add(), g_child_watch_add_full(), g_io_add_watch(), and
750 	 * g_io_add_watch_full().
751 	 *
752 	 * It is a programmer error to attempt to remove a non-existent source.
753 	 *
754 	 * More specifically: source IDs can be reissued after a source has been
755 	 * destroyed and therefore it is never valid to use this function with a
756 	 * source ID which may have already been removed.  An example is when
757 	 * scheduling an idle to run in another thread with g_idle_add(): the
758 	 * idle may already have run and been removed by the time this function
759 	 * is called on its (now invalid) source ID.  This source ID may have
760 	 * been reissued, leading to the operation being performed against the
761 	 * wrong source.
762 	 *
763 	 * Params:
764 	 *     tag = the ID of the source to remove.
765 	 *
766 	 * Returns: For historical reasons, this function always returns %TRUE
767 	 */
768 	public static bool remove(uint tag)
769 	{
770 		return g_source_remove(tag) != 0;
771 	}
773 	/**
774 	 * Removes a source from the default main loop context given the
775 	 * source functions and user data. If multiple sources exist with the
776 	 * same source functions and user data, only one will be destroyed.
777 	 *
778 	 * Params:
779 	 *     funcs = The @source_funcs passed to g_source_new()
780 	 *     userData = the user data for the callback
781 	 *
782 	 * Returns: %TRUE if a source was found and removed.
783 	 */
784 	public static bool removeByFuncsUserData(GSourceFuncs* funcs, void* userData)
785 	{
786 		return g_source_remove_by_funcs_user_data(funcs, userData) != 0;
787 	}
789 	/**
790 	 * Removes a source from the default main loop context given the user
791 	 * data for the callback. If multiple sources exist with the same user
792 	 * data, only one will be destroyed.
793 	 *
794 	 * Params:
795 	 *     userData = the user_data for the callback.
796 	 *
797 	 * Returns: %TRUE if a source was found and removed.
798 	 */
799 	public static bool removeByUserData(void* userData)
800 	{
801 		return g_source_remove_by_user_data(userData) != 0;
802 	}
804 	/**
805 	 * Sets the name of a source using its ID.
806 	 *
807 	 * This is a convenience utility to set source names from the return
808 	 * value of g_idle_add(), g_timeout_add(), etc.
809 	 *
810 	 * It is a programmer error to attempt to set the name of a non-existent
811 	 * source.
812 	 *
813 	 * More specifically: source IDs can be reissued after a source has been
814 	 * destroyed and therefore it is never valid to use this function with a
815 	 * source ID which may have already been removed.  An example is when
816 	 * scheduling an idle to run in another thread with g_idle_add(): the
817 	 * idle may already have run and been removed by the time this function
818 	 * is called on its (now invalid) source ID.  This source ID may have
819 	 * been reissued, leading to the operation being performed against the
820 	 * wrong source.
821 	 *
822 	 * Params:
823 	 *     tag = a #GSource ID
824 	 *     name = debug name for the source
825 	 *
826 	 * Since: 2.26
827 	 */
828 	public static void setNameById(uint tag, string name)
829 	{
830 		g_source_set_name_by_id(tag, Str.toStringz(name));
831 	}
832 }