Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Creates a new #GtkIconSet. A #GtkIconSet represents a single icon in various sizes and widget states. It can provide a #GdkPixbuf for a given size and state on request, and automatically caches some of the rendered #GdkPixbuf objects.
Creates a new #GtkIconSet with @pixbuf as the default/fallback source image. If you don’t add any additional #GtkIconSource to the icon set, all variants of the icon will be created from @pixbuf, using scaling, pixelation, etc. as required to adjust the icon size or make the icon look insensitive/prelighted.
Icon sets have a list of #GtkIconSource, which they use as base icons for rendering icons in different states and sizes. Icons are scaled, made to look insensitive, etc. in gtk_icon_set_render_icon(), but #GtkIconSet needs base images to work with. The base images and when to use them are described by a #GtkIconSource.
Copies @icon_set by value.
Get the main Gtk struct
Obtains a list of icon sizes this icon set can render. The returned array must be freed with g_free().
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Increments the reference count on @icon_set.
Renders an icon using gtk_style_render_icon(). In most cases, gtk_widget_render_icon() is better, since it automatically provides most of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never returns %NULL; if the icon can’t be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.
Renders an icon using gtk_render_icon_pixbuf(). In most cases, gtk_widget_render_icon_pixbuf() is better, since it automatically provides most of the arguments from the current widget settings. This function never returns %NULL; if the icon can’t be rendered (perhaps because an image file fails to load), a default "missing image" icon will be returned instead.
Renders an icon using gtk_render_icon_pixbuf() and converts it to a cairo surface.
Decrements the reference count on @icon_set, and frees memory if the reference count reaches 0.
the main Gtk struct