1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module vte.Terminal;
27 private import gdk.Cursor;
28 private import gdk.Event;
29 private import gdk.RGBA;
30 private import gio.Cancellable;
31 private import gio.OutputStream;
32 private import glib.ArrayG;
33 private import glib.ConstructionException;
34 private import glib.ErrorG;
35 private import glib.GException;
36 private import glib.Regex;
37 private import glib.Str;
38 private import gobject.ObjectG;
39 private import gobject.Signals;
40 private import gtk.BuildableIF;
41 private import gtk.BuildableT;
42 private import gtk.ScrollableIF;
43 private import gtk.ScrollableT;
44 private import gtk.Widget;
45 private import gtk.Window;
46 public  import gtkc.gdktypes;
47 private import pango.PgFontDescription;
48 private import vte.Pty;
49 private import vtec.vte;
50 public  import vtec.vtetypes;
53 public class Terminal : Widget, ScrollableIF
54 {
55 	/** the main Gtk struct */
56 	protected VteTerminal* vteTerminal;
58 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
59 	public VteTerminal* getTerminalStruct()
60 	{
61 		return vteTerminal;
62 	}
64 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
65 	protected override void* getStruct()
66 	{
67 		return cast(void*)vteTerminal;
68 	}
70 	protected override void setStruct(GObject* obj)
71 	{
72 		vteTerminal = cast(VteTerminal*)obj;
73 		super.setStruct(obj);
74 	}
76 	/**
77 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
78 	 */
79 	public this (VteTerminal* vteTerminal, bool ownedRef = false)
80 	{
81 		this.vteTerminal = vteTerminal;
82 		super(cast(GtkWidget*)vteTerminal, ownedRef);
83 	}
85 	// add the Scrollable capabilities
86 	mixin ScrollableT!(VteTerminal);
88 	/**
89 	 */
91 	public static GType getType()
92 	{
93 		return vte_terminal_get_type();
94 	}
96 	/**
97 	 * Creates a new terminal widget.
98 	 *
99 	 * Return: a new #VteTerminal object
100 	 *
101 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
102 	 */
103 	public this()
104 	{
105 		auto p = vte_terminal_new();
107 		if(p is null)
108 		{
109 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by new");
110 		}
112 		this(cast(VteTerminal*) p);
113 	}
115 	/**
116 	 * Places the selected text in the terminal in the #GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD
117 	 * selection.
118 	 */
119 	public void copyClipboard()
120 	{
121 		vte_terminal_copy_clipboard(vteTerminal);
122 	}
124 	/**
125 	 * Places the selected text in the terminal in the #GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY
126 	 * selection.
127 	 */
128 	public void copyPrimary()
129 	{
130 		vte_terminal_copy_primary(vteTerminal);
131 	}
133 	/**
134 	 * Interprets @data as if it were data received from a child process.  This
135 	 * can either be used to drive the terminal without a child process, or just
136 	 * to mess with your users.
137 	 *
138 	 * Params:
139 	 *     data = a string in the terminal's current encoding
140 	 *     length = the length of the string, or -1 to use the full length or a nul-terminated string
141 	 */
142 	public void feed(string data)
143 	{
144 		vte_terminal_feed(vteTerminal, Str.toStringz(data), cast(ptrdiff_t)data.length);
145 	}
147 	/**
148 	 * Sends a block of UTF-8 text to the child as if it were entered by the user
149 	 * at the keyboard.
150 	 *
151 	 * Params:
152 	 *     text = data to send to the child
153 	 *     length = length of @text in bytes, or -1 if @text is NUL-terminated
154 	 */
155 	public void feedChild(string text, ptrdiff_t length)
156 	{
157 		vte_terminal_feed_child(vteTerminal, Str.toStringz(text), length);
158 	}
160 	/**
161 	 * Sends a block of binary data to the child.
162 	 *
163 	 * Params:
164 	 *     data = data to send to the child
165 	 *     length = length of @data
166 	 */
167 	public void feedChildBinary(ubyte* data, size_t length)
168 	{
169 		vte_terminal_feed_child_binary(vteTerminal, data, length);
170 	}
172 	/**
173 	 * Checks whether or not the terminal will attempt to draw bold text by
174 	 * repainting text with a one-pixel offset.
175 	 *
176 	 * Return: %TRUE if bolding is enabled, %FALSE if not
177 	 */
178 	public bool getAllowBold()
179 	{
180 		return vte_terminal_get_allow_bold(vteTerminal) != 0;
181 	}
183 	/**
184 	 * Checks whether or not the terminal will beep when the child outputs the
185 	 * "bl" sequence.
186 	 *
187 	 * Return: %TRUE if audible bell is enabled, %FALSE if not
188 	 */
189 	public bool getAudibleBell()
190 	{
191 		return vte_terminal_get_audible_bell(vteTerminal) != 0;
192 	}
194 	/**
195 	 * Return: the height of a character cell
196 	 */
197 	public glong getCharHeight()
198 	{
199 		return vte_terminal_get_char_height(vteTerminal);
200 	}
202 	/**
203 	 * Return: the width of a character cell
204 	 */
205 	public glong getCharWidth()
206 	{
207 		return vte_terminal_get_char_width(vteTerminal);
208 	}
210 	/**
211 	 * Returns whether ambiguous-width characters are narrow or wide when using
212 	 * the UTF-8 encoding (vte_terminal_set_encoding()).
213 	 *
214 	 * Return: 1 if ambiguous-width characters are narrow, or 2 if they are wide
215 	 */
216 	public int getCjkAmbiguousWidth()
217 	{
218 		return vte_terminal_get_cjk_ambiguous_width(vteTerminal);
219 	}
221 	/**
222 	 * Return: the number of columns
223 	 */
224 	public glong getColumnCount()
225 	{
226 		return vte_terminal_get_column_count(vteTerminal);
227 	}
229 	/**
230 	 * Return: the URI of the current directory of the
231 	 *     process running in the terminal, or %NULL
232 	 */
233 	public string getCurrentDirectoryUri()
234 	{
235 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_get_current_directory_uri(vteTerminal));
236 	}
238 	/**
239 	 * Return: the URI of the current file the
240 	 *     process running in the terminal is operating on, or %NULL if
241 	 *     not set
242 	 */
243 	public string getCurrentFileUri()
244 	{
245 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_get_current_file_uri(vteTerminal));
246 	}
248 	/**
249 	 * Returns the currently set cursor blink mode.
250 	 *
251 	 * Return: cursor blink mode.
252 	 */
253 	public VteCursorBlinkMode getCursorBlinkMode()
254 	{
255 		return vte_terminal_get_cursor_blink_mode(vteTerminal);
256 	}
258 	/**
259 	 * Reads the location of the insertion cursor and returns it.  The row
260 	 * coordinate is absolute.
261 	 *
262 	 * Params:
263 	 *     column = a location to store the column, or %NULL
264 	 *     row = a location to store the row, or %NULL
265 	 */
266 	public void getCursorPosition(out glong column, out glong row)
267 	{
268 		vte_terminal_get_cursor_position(vteTerminal, &column, &row);
269 	}
271 	/**
272 	 * Returns the currently set cursor shape.
273 	 *
274 	 * Return: cursor shape.
275 	 */
276 	public VteCursorShape getCursorShape()
277 	{
278 		return vte_terminal_get_cursor_shape(vteTerminal);
279 	}
281 	/**
282 	 * Determines the name of the encoding in which the terminal expects data to be
283 	 * encoded.
284 	 *
285 	 * Return: the current encoding for the terminal
286 	 */
287 	public string getEncoding()
288 	{
289 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_get_encoding(vteTerminal));
290 	}
292 	/**
293 	 * Queries the terminal for information about the fonts which will be
294 	 * used to draw text in the terminal.  The actual font takes the font scale
295 	 * into account, this is not reflected in the return value, the unscaled
296 	 * font is returned.
297 	 *
298 	 * Return: a #PangoFontDescription describing the font the
299 	 *     terminal uses to render text at the default font scale of 1.0.
300 	 */
301 	public PgFontDescription getFont()
302 	{
303 		auto p = vte_terminal_get_font(vteTerminal);
305 		if(p is null)
306 		{
307 			return null;
308 		}
310 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgFontDescription)(cast(PangoFontDescription*) p);
311 	}
313 	/**
314 	 * Return: the terminal's font scale
315 	 */
316 	public double getFontScale()
317 	{
318 		return vte_terminal_get_font_scale(vteTerminal);
319 	}
321 	/**
322 	 * Fills in some @hints from @terminal's geometry. The hints
323 	 * filled are those covered by the %GDK_HINT_RESIZE_INC,
325 	 *
326 	 * See gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() for more information.
327 	 *
328 	 * @terminal must be realized (see gtk_widget_get_realized()).
329 	 *
330 	 * Params:
331 	 *     hints = a #GdkGeometry to fill in
332 	 *     minRows = the minimum number of rows to request
333 	 *     minColumns = the minimum number of columns to request
334 	 */
335 	public void getGeometryHints(out GdkGeometry hints, int minRows, int minColumns)
336 	{
337 		vte_terminal_get_geometry_hints(vteTerminal, &hints, minRows, minColumns);
338 	}
340 	/**
341 	 * Checks if the terminal currently contains selected text.  Note that this
342 	 * is different from determining if the terminal is the owner of any
343 	 * #GtkClipboard items.
344 	 *
345 	 * Return: %TRUE if part of the text in the terminal is selected.
346 	 */
347 	public bool getHasSelection()
348 	{
349 		return vte_terminal_get_has_selection(vteTerminal) != 0;
350 	}
352 	/**
353 	 * Return: the icon title
354 	 */
355 	public string getIconTitle()
356 	{
357 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_get_icon_title(vteTerminal));
358 	}
360 	/**
361 	 * Returns whether the terminal allow user input.
362 	 */
363 	public bool getInputEnabled()
364 	{
365 		return vte_terminal_get_input_enabled(vteTerminal) != 0;
366 	}
368 	/**
369 	 * Determines the value of the terminal's mouse autohide setting.  When
370 	 * autohiding is enabled, the mouse cursor will be hidden when the user presses
371 	 * a key and shown when the user moves the mouse.  This setting can be changed
372 	 * using vte_terminal_set_mouse_autohide().
373 	 *
374 	 * Return: %TRUE if autohiding is enabled, %FALSE if not
375 	 */
376 	public bool getMouseAutohide()
377 	{
378 		return vte_terminal_get_mouse_autohide(vteTerminal) != 0;
379 	}
381 	/**
382 	 * Returns the #VtePty of @terminal.
383 	 *
384 	 * Return: a #VtePty, or %NULL
385 	 */
386 	public Pty getPty()
387 	{
388 		auto p = vte_terminal_get_pty(vteTerminal);
390 		if(p is null)
391 		{
392 			return null;
393 		}
395 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Pty)(cast(VtePty*) p);
396 	}
398 	/**
399 	 * Checks whether or not the terminal will rewrap its contents upon resize.
400 	 *
401 	 * Return: %TRUE if rewrapping is enabled, %FALSE if not
402 	 */
403 	public bool getRewrapOnResize()
404 	{
405 		return vte_terminal_get_rewrap_on_resize(vteTerminal) != 0;
406 	}
408 	/**
409 	 * Return: the number of rows
410 	 */
411 	public glong getRowCount()
412 	{
413 		return vte_terminal_get_row_count(vteTerminal);
414 	}
416 	/**
417 	 * Extracts a view of the visible part of the terminal.  If @is_selected is not
418 	 * %NULL, characters will only be read if @is_selected returns %TRUE after being
419 	 * passed the column and row, respectively.  A #VteCharAttributes structure
420 	 * is added to @attributes for each byte added to the returned string detailing
421 	 * the character's position, colors, and other characteristics.
422 	 *
423 	 * Params:
424 	 *     isSelected = a #VteSelectionFunc callback
425 	 *     userData = user data to be passed to the callback
426 	 *     attributes = location for storing text attributes
427 	 *
428 	 * Return: a newly allocated text string, or %NULL.
429 	 */
430 	public string getText(VteSelectionFunc isSelected, void* userData, out ArrayG attributes)
431 	{
432 		GArray* outattributes = new GArray;
434 		auto p = vte_terminal_get_text(vteTerminal, isSelected, userData, outattributes);
436 		attributes = new ArrayG(outattributes);
438 		return Str.toString(p);
439 	}
441 	/**
442 	 * Extracts a view of the visible part of the terminal.  If @is_selected is not
443 	 * %NULL, characters will only be read if @is_selected returns %TRUE after being
444 	 * passed the column and row, respectively.  A #VteCharAttributes structure
445 	 * is added to @attributes for each byte added to the returned string detailing
446 	 * the character's position, colors, and other characteristics. This function
447 	 * differs from vte_terminal_get_text() in that trailing spaces at the end of
448 	 * lines are included.
449 	 *
450 	 * Params:
451 	 *     isSelected = a #VteSelectionFunc callback
452 	 *     userData = user data to be passed to the callback
453 	 *     attributes = location for storing text attributes
454 	 *
455 	 * Return: a newly allocated text string, or %NULL.
456 	 */
457 	public string getTextIncludeTrailingSpaces(VteSelectionFunc isSelected, void* userData, out ArrayG attributes)
458 	{
459 		GArray* outattributes = new GArray;
461 		auto p = vte_terminal_get_text_include_trailing_spaces(vteTerminal, isSelected, userData, outattributes);
463 		attributes = new ArrayG(outattributes);
465 		return Str.toString(p);
466 	}
468 	/**
469 	 * Extracts a view of the visible part of the terminal.  If @is_selected is not
470 	 * %NULL, characters will only be read if @is_selected returns %TRUE after being
471 	 * passed the column and row, respectively.  A #VteCharAttributes structure
472 	 * is added to @attributes for each byte added to the returned string detailing
473 	 * the character's position, colors, and other characteristics.  The
474 	 * entire scrollback buffer is scanned, so it is possible to read the entire
475 	 * contents of the buffer using this function.
476 	 *
477 	 * Params:
478 	 *     startRow = first row to search for data
479 	 *     startCol = first column to search for data
480 	 *     endRow = last row to search for data
481 	 *     endCol = last column to search for data
482 	 *     isSelected = a #VteSelectionFunc callback
483 	 *     userData = user data to be passed to the callback
484 	 *     attributes = location for storing text attributes
485 	 *
486 	 * Return: a newly allocated text string, or %NULL.
487 	 */
488 	public string getTextRange(glong startRow, glong startCol, glong endRow, glong endCol, VteSelectionFunc isSelected, void* userData, out ArrayG attributes)
489 	{
490 		GArray* outattributes = new GArray;
492 		auto p = vte_terminal_get_text_range(vteTerminal, startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol, isSelected, userData, outattributes);
494 		attributes = new ArrayG(outattributes);
496 		return Str.toString(p);
497 	}
499 	/**
500 	 * Return: the window title
501 	 */
502 	public string getWindowTitle()
503 	{
504 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_get_window_title(vteTerminal));
505 	}
507 	/**
508 	 * Adds the regular expression @regex to the list of matching expressions.  When the
509 	 * user moves the mouse cursor over a section of displayed text which matches
510 	 * this expression, the text will be highlighted.
511 	 *
512 	 * Params:
513 	 *     regex = a #GRegex
514 	 *     flags = the #GRegexMatchFlags to use when matching the regex
515 	 *
516 	 * Return: an integer associated with this expression
517 	 */
518 	public int matchAddGregex(Regex regex, GRegexMatchFlags flags)
519 	{
520 		return vte_terminal_match_add_gregex(vteTerminal, (regex is null) ? null : regex.getRegexStruct(), flags);
521 	}
523 	/**
524 	 * Checks if the text in and around the specified position matches any of the
525 	 * regular expressions previously set using vte_terminal_match_add().  If a
526 	 * match exists, the text string is returned and if @tag is not %NULL, the number
527 	 * associated with the matched regular expression will be stored in @tag.
528 	 *
529 	 * If more than one regular expression has been set with
530 	 * vte_terminal_match_add(), then expressions are checked in the order in
531 	 * which they were added.
532 	 *
533 	 * Params:
534 	 *     column = the text column
535 	 *     row = the text row
536 	 *     tag = a location to store the tag, or %NULL
537 	 *
538 	 * Return: a newly allocated string which matches one of the previously
539 	 *     set regular expressions
540 	 */
541 	public string matchCheck(glong column, glong row, out int tag)
542 	{
543 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_match_check(vteTerminal, column, row, &tag));
544 	}
546 	/**
547 	 * Checks if the text in and around the position of the event matches any of the
548 	 * regular expressions previously set using vte_terminal_match_add().  If a
549 	 * match exists, the text string is returned and if @tag is not %NULL, the number
550 	 * associated with the matched regular expression will be stored in @tag.
551 	 *
552 	 * If more than one regular expression has been set with
553 	 * vte_terminal_match_add(), then expressions are checked in the order in
554 	 * which they were added.
555 	 *
556 	 * Params:
557 	 *     event = a #GdkEvent
558 	 *     tag = a location to store the tag, or %NULL
559 	 *
560 	 * Return: a newly allocated string which matches one of the previously
561 	 *     set regular expressions
562 	 */
563 	public string matchCheckEvent(Event event, out int tag)
564 	{
565 		return Str.toString(vte_terminal_match_check_event(vteTerminal, (event is null) ? null : event.getEventStruct(), &tag));
566 	}
568 	/**
569 	 * Removes the regular expression which is associated with the given @tag from
570 	 * the list of expressions which the terminal will highlight when the user
571 	 * moves the mouse cursor over matching text.
572 	 *
573 	 * Params:
574 	 *     tag = the tag of the regex to remove
575 	 */
576 	public void matchRemove(int tag)
577 	{
578 		vte_terminal_match_remove(vteTerminal, tag);
579 	}
581 	/**
582 	 * Clears the list of regular expressions the terminal uses to highlight text
583 	 * when the user moves the mouse cursor.
584 	 */
585 	public void matchRemoveAll()
586 	{
587 		vte_terminal_match_remove_all(vteTerminal);
588 	}
590 	/**
591 	 * Sets which cursor the terminal will use if the pointer is over the pattern
592 	 * specified by @tag.  The terminal keeps a reference to @cursor.
593 	 *
594 	 * Params:
595 	 *     tag = the tag of the regex which should use the specified cursor
596 	 *     cursor = the #GdkCursor which the terminal should use when the pattern is
597 	 *         highlighted, or %NULL to use the standard cursor
598 	 */
599 	public void matchSetCursor(int tag, Cursor cursor)
600 	{
601 		vte_terminal_match_set_cursor(vteTerminal, tag, (cursor is null) ? null : cursor.getCursorStruct());
602 	}
604 	/**
605 	 * Sets which cursor the terminal will use if the pointer is over the pattern
606 	 * specified by @tag.
607 	 *
608 	 * Params:
609 	 *     tag = the tag of the regex which should use the specified cursor
610 	 *     cursorName = the name of the cursor
611 	 */
612 	public void matchSetCursorName(int tag, string cursorName)
613 	{
614 		vte_terminal_match_set_cursor_name(vteTerminal, tag, Str.toStringz(cursorName));
615 	}
617 	/**
618 	 * Sets which cursor the terminal will use if the pointer is over the pattern
619 	 * specified by @tag.
620 	 *
621 	 * Params:
622 	 *     tag = the tag of the regex which should use the specified cursor
623 	 *     cursorType = a #GdkCursorType
624 	 */
625 	public void matchSetCursorType(int tag, GdkCursorType cursorType)
626 	{
627 		vte_terminal_match_set_cursor_type(vteTerminal, tag, cursorType);
628 	}
630 	/**
631 	 * Sends the contents of the #GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD selection to the
632 	 * terminal's child.  If necessary, the data is converted from UTF-8 to the
633 	 * terminal's current encoding. It's called on paste menu item, or when
634 	 * user presses Shift+Insert.
635 	 */
636 	public void pasteClipboard()
637 	{
638 		vte_terminal_paste_clipboard(vteTerminal);
639 	}
641 	/**
642 	 * Sends the contents of the #GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY selection to the terminal's
643 	 * child.  If necessary, the data is converted from UTF-8 to the terminal's
644 	 * current encoding.  The terminal will call also paste the
645 	 * #GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY selection when the user clicks with the the second
646 	 * mouse button.
647 	 */
648 	public void pastePrimary()
649 	{
650 		vte_terminal_paste_primary(vteTerminal);
651 	}
653 	/**
654 	 * Creates a new #VtePty, and sets the emulation property
655 	 * from #VteTerminal:emulation.
656 	 *
657 	 * See vte_pty_new() for more information.
658 	 *
659 	 * Params:
660 	 *     flags = flags from #VtePtyFlags
661 	 *     cancellable = a #GCancellable, or %NULL
662 	 *
663 	 * Return: a new #VtePty
664 	 *
665 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
666 	 */
667 	public Pty ptyNewSync(VtePtyFlags flags, Cancellable cancellable)
668 	{
669 		GError* err = null;
671 		auto p = vte_terminal_pty_new_sync(vteTerminal, flags, (cancellable is null) ? null : cancellable.getCancellableStruct(), &err);
673 		if (err !is null)
674 		{
675 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
676 		}
678 		if(p is null)
679 		{
680 			return null;
681 		}
683 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(Pty)(cast(VtePty*) p, true);
684 	}
686 	/**
687 	 * Resets as much of the terminal's internal state as possible, discarding any
688 	 * unprocessed input data, resetting character attributes, cursor state,
689 	 * national character set state, status line, terminal modes (insert/delete),
690 	 * selection state, and encoding.
691 	 *
692 	 * Params:
693 	 *     clearTabstops = whether to reset tabstops
694 	 *     clearHistory = whether to empty the terminal's scrollback buffer
695 	 */
696 	public void reset(bool clearTabstops, bool clearHistory)
697 	{
698 		vte_terminal_reset(vteTerminal, clearTabstops, clearHistory);
699 	}
701 	/**
702 	 * Searches the next string matching the search regex set with
703 	 * vte_terminal_search_set_gregex().
704 	 *
705 	 * Return: %TRUE if a match was found
706 	 */
707 	public bool searchFindNext()
708 	{
709 		return vte_terminal_search_find_next(vteTerminal) != 0;
710 	}
712 	/**
713 	 * Searches the previous string matching the search regex set with
714 	 * vte_terminal_search_set_gregex().
715 	 *
716 	 * Return: %TRUE if a match was found
717 	 */
718 	public bool searchFindPrevious()
719 	{
720 		return vte_terminal_search_find_previous(vteTerminal) != 0;
721 	}
723 	/**
724 	 * Return: the search #GRegex regex set in @terminal, or %NULL
725 	 */
726 	public Regex searchGetGregex()
727 	{
728 		auto p = vte_terminal_search_get_gregex(vteTerminal);
730 		if(p is null)
731 		{
732 			return null;
733 		}
735 		return new Regex(cast(GRegex*) p);
736 	}
738 	/**
739 	 * Return: whether searching will wrap around
740 	 */
741 	public bool searchGetWrapAround()
742 	{
743 		return vte_terminal_search_get_wrap_around(vteTerminal) != 0;
744 	}
746 	/**
747 	 * Sets the #GRegex regex to search for. Unsets the search regex when passed %NULL.
748 	 *
749 	 * Params:
750 	 *     regex = a #GRegex, or %NULL
751 	 *     flags = flags from #GRegexMatchFlags
752 	 */
753 	public void searchSetGregex(Regex regex, GRegexMatchFlags flags)
754 	{
755 		vte_terminal_search_set_gregex(vteTerminal, (regex is null) ? null : regex.getRegexStruct(), flags);
756 	}
758 	/**
759 	 * Sets whether search should wrap around to the beginning of the
760 	 * terminal content when reaching its end.
761 	 *
762 	 * Params:
763 	 *     wrapAround = whether search should wrap
764 	 */
765 	public void searchSetWrapAround(bool wrapAround)
766 	{
767 		vte_terminal_search_set_wrap_around(vteTerminal, wrapAround);
768 	}
770 	/**
771 	 * Selects all text within the terminal (including the scrollback buffer).
772 	 */
773 	public void selectAll()
774 	{
775 		vte_terminal_select_all(vteTerminal);
776 	}
778 	/**
779 	 * Controls whether or not the terminal will attempt to draw bold text,
780 	 * either by using a bold font variant or by repainting text with a different
781 	 * offset.
782 	 *
783 	 * Params:
784 	 *     allowBold = %TRUE if the terminal should attempt to draw bold text
785 	 */
786 	public void setAllowBold(bool allowBold)
787 	{
788 		vte_terminal_set_allow_bold(vteTerminal, allowBold);
789 	}
791 	/**
792 	 * Controls whether or not the terminal will beep when the child outputs the
793 	 * "bl" sequence.
794 	 *
795 	 * Params:
796 	 *     isAudible = %TRUE if the terminal should beep
797 	 */
798 	public void setAudibleBell(bool isAudible)
799 	{
800 		vte_terminal_set_audible_bell(vteTerminal, isAudible);
801 	}
803 	/**
804 	 * Modifies the terminal's backspace key binding, which controls what
805 	 * string or control sequence the terminal sends to its child when the user
806 	 * presses the backspace key.
807 	 *
808 	 * Params:
809 	 *     binding = a #VteEraseBinding for the backspace key
810 	 */
811 	public void setBackspaceBinding(VteEraseBinding binding)
812 	{
813 		vte_terminal_set_backspace_binding(vteTerminal, binding);
814 	}
816 	/**
817 	 * This setting controls whether ambiguous-width characters are narrow or wide
818 	 * when using the UTF-8 encoding (vte_terminal_set_encoding()). In all other encodings,
819 	 * the width of ambiguous-width characters is fixed.
820 	 *
821 	 * This setting only takes effect the next time the terminal is reset, either
822 	 * via escape sequence or with vte_terminal_reset().
823 	 *
824 	 * Params:
825 	 *     width = either 1 (narrow) or 2 (wide)
826 	 */
827 	public void setCjkAmbiguousWidth(int width)
828 	{
829 		vte_terminal_set_cjk_ambiguous_width(vteTerminal, width);
830 	}
832 	/**
833 	 * Sets the background color for text which does not have a specific background
834 	 * color assigned.  Only has effect when no background image is set and when
835 	 * the terminal is not transparent.
836 	 *
837 	 * Params:
838 	 *     background = the new background color
839 	 */
840 	public void setColorBackground(RGBA background)
841 	{
842 		vte_terminal_set_color_background(vteTerminal, (background is null) ? null : background.getRGBAStruct());
843 	}
845 	/**
846 	 * Sets the color used to draw bold text in the default foreground color.
847 	 * If @bold is %NULL then the default color is used.
848 	 *
849 	 * Params:
850 	 *     bold = the new bold color or %NULL
851 	 */
852 	public void setColorBold(RGBA bold)
853 	{
854 		vte_terminal_set_color_bold(vteTerminal, (bold is null) ? null : bold.getRGBAStruct());
855 	}
857 	/**
858 	 * Sets the background color for text which is under the cursor.  If %NULL, text
859 	 * under the cursor will be drawn with foreground and background colors
860 	 * reversed.
861 	 *
862 	 * Params:
863 	 *     cursorBackground = the new color to use for the text cursor, or %NULL
864 	 */
865 	public void setColorCursor(RGBA cursorBackground)
866 	{
867 		vte_terminal_set_color_cursor(vteTerminal, (cursorBackground is null) ? null : cursorBackground.getRGBAStruct());
868 	}
870 	/**
871 	 * Sets the foreground color used to draw normal text.
872 	 *
873 	 * Params:
874 	 *     foreground = the new foreground color
875 	 */
876 	public void setColorForeground(RGBA foreground)
877 	{
878 		vte_terminal_set_color_foreground(vteTerminal, (foreground is null) ? null : foreground.getRGBAStruct());
879 	}
881 	/**
882 	 * Sets the background color for text which is highlighted.  If %NULL,
883 	 * it is unset.  If neither highlight background nor highlight foreground are set,
884 	 * highlighted text (which is usually highlighted because it is selected) will
885 	 * be drawn with foreground and background colors reversed.
886 	 *
887 	 * Params:
888 	 *     highlightBackground = the new color to use for highlighted text, or %NULL
889 	 */
890 	public void setColorHighlight(RGBA highlightBackground)
891 	{
892 		vte_terminal_set_color_highlight(vteTerminal, (highlightBackground is null) ? null : highlightBackground.getRGBAStruct());
893 	}
895 	/**
896 	 * Sets the foreground color for text which is highlighted.  If %NULL,
897 	 * it is unset.  If neither highlight background nor highlight foreground are set,
898 	 * highlighted text (which is usually highlighted because it is selected) will
899 	 * be drawn with foreground and background colors reversed.
900 	 *
901 	 * Params:
902 	 *     highlightForeground = the new color to use for highlighted text, or %NULL
903 	 */
904 	public void setColorHighlightForeground(RGBA highlightForeground)
905 	{
906 		vte_terminal_set_color_highlight_foreground(vteTerminal, (highlightForeground is null) ? null : highlightForeground.getRGBAStruct());
907 	}
909 	/**
910 	 * The terminal widget uses a 28-color model comprised of the default foreground
911 	 * and background colors, the bold foreground color, the dim foreground
912 	 * color, an eight color palette, bold versions of the eight color palette,
913 	 * and a dim version of the the eight color palette.
914 	 *
915 	 * @palette_size must be either 0, 8, 16, or 24, or between 25 and 256 inclusive.
916 	 * If @foreground is %NULL and
917 	 * @palette_size is greater than 0, the new foreground color is taken from
918 	 * @palette[7].  If @background is %NULL and @palette_size is greater than 0,
919 	 * the new background color is taken from @palette[0].  If
920 	 * @palette_size is 8 or 16, the third (dim) and possibly the second (bold)
921 	 * 8-color palettes are extrapolated from the new background color and the items
922 	 * in @palette.
923 	 *
924 	 * Params:
925 	 *     foreground = the new foreground color, or %NULL
926 	 *     background = the new background color, or %NULL
927 	 *     palette = the color palette
928 	 *     paletteSize = the number of entries in @palette
929 	 */
930 	public void setColors(RGBA foreground, RGBA background, RGBA[] palette)
931 	{
932 		GdkRGBA[] paletteArray = new GdkRGBA[palette.length];
933 		for ( int i = 0; i < palette.length; i++ )
934 		{
935 			paletteArray[i] = *(palette[i].getRGBAStruct());
936 		}
938 		vte_terminal_set_colors(vteTerminal, (foreground is null) ? null : foreground.getRGBAStruct(), (background is null) ? null : background.getRGBAStruct(), paletteArray.ptr, cast(size_t)palette.length);
939 	}
941 	/**
942 	 * Sets whether or not the cursor will blink. Using %VTE_CURSOR_BLINK_SYSTEM
943 	 * will use the #GtkSettings::gtk-cursor-blink setting.
944 	 *
945 	 * Params:
946 	 *     mode = the #VteCursorBlinkMode to use
947 	 */
948 	public void setCursorBlinkMode(VteCursorBlinkMode mode)
949 	{
950 		vte_terminal_set_cursor_blink_mode(vteTerminal, mode);
951 	}
953 	/**
954 	 * Sets the shape of the cursor drawn.
955 	 *
956 	 * Params:
957 	 *     shape = the #VteCursorShape to use
958 	 */
959 	public void setCursorShape(VteCursorShape shape)
960 	{
961 		vte_terminal_set_cursor_shape(vteTerminal, shape);
962 	}
964 	/**
965 	 * Reset the terminal palette to reasonable compiled-in default color.
966 	 */
967 	public void setDefaultColors()
968 	{
969 		vte_terminal_set_default_colors(vteTerminal);
970 	}
972 	/**
973 	 * Modifies the terminal's delete key binding, which controls what
974 	 * string or control sequence the terminal sends to its child when the user
975 	 * presses the delete key.
976 	 *
977 	 * Params:
978 	 *     binding = a #VteEraseBinding for the delete key
979 	 */
980 	public void setDeleteBinding(VteEraseBinding binding)
981 	{
982 		vte_terminal_set_delete_binding(vteTerminal, binding);
983 	}
985 	/**
986 	 * Changes the encoding the terminal will expect data from the child to
987 	 * be encoded with.  For certain terminal types, applications executing in the
988 	 * terminal can change the encoding. If @codeset is %NULL, it uses "UTF-8".
989 	 *
990 	 * Params:
991 	 *     codeset = a valid #GIConv target, or %NULL to use UTF-8
992 	 *
993 	 * Return: %TRUE if the encoding could be changed to the specified one,
994 	 *     or %FALSE with @error set to %G_CONVERT_ERROR_NO_CONVERSION.
995 	 *
996 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
997 	 */
998 	public bool setEncoding(string codeset)
999 	{
1000 		GError* err = null;
1002 		auto p = vte_terminal_set_encoding(vteTerminal, Str.toStringz(codeset), &err) != 0;
1004 		if (err !is null)
1005 		{
1006 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
1007 		}
1009 		return p;
1010 	}
1012 	/**
1013 	 * Sets the font used for rendering all text displayed by the terminal,
1014 	 * overriding any fonts set using gtk_widget_modify_font().  The terminal
1015 	 * will immediately attempt to load the desired font, retrieve its
1016 	 * metrics, and attempt to resize itself to keep the same number of rows
1017 	 * and columns.  The font scale is applied to the specified font.
1018 	 *
1019 	 * Params:
1020 	 *     fontDesc = a #PangoFontDescription for the desired font, or %NULL
1021 	 */
1022 	public void setFont(PgFontDescription fontDesc)
1023 	{
1024 		vte_terminal_set_font(vteTerminal, (fontDesc is null) ? null : fontDesc.getPgFontDescriptionStruct());
1025 	}
1027 	/**
1028 	 * Sets the terminal's font scale to @scale.
1029 	 *
1030 	 * Params:
1031 	 *     scale = the font scale
1032 	 */
1033 	public void setFontScale(double scale)
1034 	{
1035 		vte_terminal_set_font_scale(vteTerminal, scale);
1036 	}
1038 	/**
1039 	 * Sets @terminal as @window's geometry widget. See
1040 	 * gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() for more information.
1041 	 *
1042 	 * @terminal must be realized (see gtk_widget_get_realized()).
1043 	 *
1044 	 * Params:
1045 	 *     window = a #GtkWindow
1046 	 */
1047 	public void setGeometryHintsForWindow(Window window)
1048 	{
1049 		vte_terminal_set_geometry_hints_for_window(vteTerminal, (window is null) ? null : window.getWindowStruct());
1050 	}
1052 	/**
1053 	 * Enables or disables user input. When user input is disabled,
1054 	 * the terminal's child will not receive any key press, or mouse button
1055 	 * press or motion events sent to it.
1056 	 *
1057 	 * Params:
1058 	 *     enabled = whether to enable user input
1059 	 */
1060 	public void setInputEnabled(bool enabled)
1061 	{
1062 		vte_terminal_set_input_enabled(vteTerminal, enabled);
1063 	}
1065 	/**
1066 	 * Changes the value of the terminal's mouse autohide setting.  When autohiding
1067 	 * is enabled, the mouse cursor will be hidden when the user presses a key and
1068 	 * shown when the user moves the mouse.  This setting can be read using
1069 	 * vte_terminal_get_mouse_autohide().
1070 	 *
1071 	 * Params:
1072 	 *     setting = whether the mouse pointer should autohide
1073 	 */
1074 	public void setMouseAutohide(bool setting)
1075 	{
1076 		vte_terminal_set_mouse_autohide(vteTerminal, setting);
1077 	}
1079 	/**
1080 	 * Sets @pty as the PTY to use in @terminal.
1081 	 * Use %NULL to unset the PTY.
1082 	 *
1083 	 * Params:
1084 	 *     pty = a #VtePty, or %NULL
1085 	 */
1086 	public void setPty(Pty pty)
1087 	{
1088 		vte_terminal_set_pty(vteTerminal, (pty is null) ? null : pty.getPtyStruct());
1089 	}
1091 	/**
1092 	 * Controls whether or not the terminal will rewrap its contents, including
1093 	 * the scrollback history, whenever the terminal's width changes.
1094 	 *
1095 	 * Params:
1096 	 *     rewrap = %TRUE if the terminal should rewrap on resize
1097 	 */
1098 	public void setRewrapOnResize(bool rewrap)
1099 	{
1100 		vte_terminal_set_rewrap_on_resize(vteTerminal, rewrap);
1101 	}
1103 	/**
1104 	 * Controls whether or not the terminal will forcibly scroll to the bottom of
1105 	 * the viewable history when the user presses a key.  Modifier keys do not
1106 	 * trigger this behavior.
1107 	 *
1108 	 * Params:
1109 	 *     scroll = whether the terminal should scroll on keystrokes
1110 	 */
1111 	public void setScrollOnKeystroke(bool scroll)
1112 	{
1113 		vte_terminal_set_scroll_on_keystroke(vteTerminal, scroll);
1114 	}
1116 	/**
1117 	 * Controls whether or not the terminal will forcibly scroll to the bottom of
1118 	 * the viewable history when the new data is received from the child.
1119 	 *
1120 	 * Params:
1121 	 *     scroll = whether the terminal should scroll on output
1122 	 */
1123 	public void setScrollOnOutput(bool scroll)
1124 	{
1125 		vte_terminal_set_scroll_on_output(vteTerminal, scroll);
1126 	}
1128 	/**
1129 	 * Sets the length of the scrollback buffer used by the terminal.  The size of
1130 	 * the scrollback buffer will be set to the larger of this value and the number
1131 	 * of visible rows the widget can display, so 0 can safely be used to disable
1132 	 * scrollback.
1133 	 *
1134 	 * A negative value means "infinite scrollback".
1135 	 *
1136 	 * Note that this setting only affects the normal screen buffer.
1137 	 * For terminal types which have an alternate screen buffer, no scrollback is
1138 	 * allowed on the alternate screen buffer.
1139 	 *
1140 	 * Params:
1141 	 *     lines = the length of the history buffer
1142 	 */
1143 	public void setScrollbackLines(glong lines)
1144 	{
1145 		vte_terminal_set_scrollback_lines(vteTerminal, lines);
1146 	}
1148 	/**
1149 	 * Attempts to change the terminal's size in terms of rows and columns.  If
1150 	 * the attempt succeeds, the widget will resize itself to the proper size.
1151 	 *
1152 	 * Params:
1153 	 *     columns = the desired number of columns
1154 	 *     rows = the desired number of rows
1155 	 */
1156 	public void setSize(glong columns, glong rows)
1157 	{
1158 		vte_terminal_set_size(vteTerminal, columns, rows);
1159 	}
1161 	/**
1162 	 * Starts the specified command under a newly-allocated controlling
1163 	 * pseudo-terminal.  The @argv and @envv lists should be %NULL-terminated.
1164 	 * The "TERM" environment variable is automatically set to a default value,
1165 	 * but can be overridden from @envv.
1166 	 * @pty_flags controls logging the session to the specified system log files.
1167 	 *
1168 	 * Note that %G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD will always be added to @spawn_flags.
1169 	 *
1170 	 * Note that unless @spawn_flags contains %G_SPAWN_LEAVE_DESCRIPTORS_OPEN, all file
1171 	 * descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr will be closed before calling exec()
1172 	 * in the child.
1173 	 *
1174 	 * See vte_pty_new(), g_spawn_async() and vte_terminal_watch_child() for more information.
1175 	 *
1176 	 * Params:
1177 	 *     ptyFlags = flags from #VtePtyFlags
1178 	 *     workingDirectory = the name of a directory the command should start
1179 	 *         in, or %NULL to use the current working directory
1180 	 *     argv = child's argument vector
1181 	 *     envv = a list of environment
1182 	 *         variables to be added to the environment before starting the process, or %NULL
1183 	 *     spawnFlags = flags from #GSpawnFlags
1184 	 *     childSetup = an extra child setup function to run in the child just before exec(), or %NULL
1185 	 *     childSetupData = user data for @child_setup
1186 	 *     childPid = a location to store the child PID, or %NULL
1187 	 *     cancellable = a #GCancellable, or %NULL
1188 	 *
1189 	 * Return: %TRUE on success, or %FALSE on error with @error filled in
1190 	 *
1191 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
1192 	 */
1193 	public bool spawnSync(VtePtyFlags ptyFlags, string workingDirectory, string[] argv, string[] envv, GSpawnFlags spawnFlags, GSpawnChildSetupFunc childSetup, void* childSetupData, out GPid childPid, Cancellable cancellable)
1194 	{
1195 		GError* err = null;
1197 		auto p = vte_terminal_spawn_sync(vteTerminal, ptyFlags, Str.toStringz(workingDirectory), Str.toStringzArray(argv), Str.toStringzArray(envv), spawnFlags, childSetup, childSetupData, &childPid, (cancellable is null) ? null : cancellable.getCancellableStruct(), &err) != 0;
1199 		if (err !is null)
1200 		{
1201 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
1202 		}
1204 		return p;
1205 	}
1207 	/**
1208 	 * Clears the current selection.
1209 	 */
1210 	public void unselectAll()
1211 	{
1212 		vte_terminal_unselect_all(vteTerminal);
1213 	}
1215 	/**
1216 	 * Watches @child_pid. When the process exists, the #VteTerminal::child-exited
1217 	 * signal will be called with the child's exit status.
1218 	 *
1219 	 * Prior to calling this function, a #VtePty must have been set in @terminal
1220 	 * using vte_terminal_set_pty().
1221 	 * When the child exits, the terminal's #VtePty will be set to %NULL.
1222 	 *
1223 	 * Note: g_child_watch_add() or g_child_watch_add_full() must not have
1224 	 * been called for @child_pid, nor a #GSource for it been created with
1225 	 * g_child_watch_source_new().
1226 	 *
1227 	 * Note: when using the g_spawn_async() family of functions,
1228 	 * the %G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD flag MUST have been passed.
1229 	 *
1230 	 * Params:
1231 	 *     childPid = a #GPid
1232 	 */
1233 	public void watchChild(GPid childPid)
1234 	{
1235 		vte_terminal_watch_child(vteTerminal, childPid);
1236 	}
1238 	/**
1239 	 * Write contents of the current contents of @terminal (including any
1240 	 * scrollback history) to @stream according to @flags.
1241 	 *
1242 	 * If @cancellable is not %NULL, then the operation can be cancelled by triggering
1243 	 * the cancellable object from another thread. If the operation was cancelled,
1244 	 * the error %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED will be returned in @error.
1245 	 *
1246 	 * This is a synchronous operation and will make the widget (and input
1247 	 * processing) during the write operation, which may take a long time
1248 	 * depending on scrollback history and @stream availability for writing.
1249 	 *
1250 	 * Params:
1251 	 *     stream = a #GOutputStream to write to
1252 	 *     flags = a set of #VteWriteFlags
1253 	 *     cancellable = a #GCancellable object, or %NULL
1254 	 *
1255 	 * Return: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if there was an error
1256 	 *
1257 	 * Throws: GException on failure.
1258 	 */
1259 	public bool writeContentsSync(OutputStream stream, VteWriteFlags flags, Cancellable cancellable)
1260 	{
1261 		GError* err = null;
1263 		auto p = vte_terminal_write_contents_sync(vteTerminal, (stream is null) ? null : stream.getOutputStreamStruct(), flags, (cancellable is null) ? null : cancellable.getCancellableStruct(), &err) != 0;
1265 		if (err !is null)
1266 		{
1267 			throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
1268 		}
1270 		return p;
1271 	}
1273 	int[string] connectedSignals;
1275 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onBellListeners;
1276 	/**
1277 	 * This signal is emitted when the a child sends a bell request to the
1278 	 * terminal.
1279 	 */
1280 	void addOnBell(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1281 	{
1282 		if ( "bell" !in connectedSignals )
1283 		{
1284 			Signals.connectData(
1285 				this,
1286 				"bell",
1287 				cast(GCallback)&callBackBell,
1288 				cast(void*)this,
1289 				null,
1290 				connectFlags);
1291 			connectedSignals["bell"] = 1;
1292 		}
1293 		onBellListeners ~= dlg;
1294 	}
1295 	extern(C) static void callBackBell(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1296 	{
1297 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onBellListeners )
1298 		{
1299 			dlg(_terminal);
1300 		}
1301 	}
1303 	void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal)[] onCharSizeChangedListeners;
1304 	/**
1305 	 * Emitted whenever selection of a new font causes the values of the
1306 	 * %char_width or %char_height fields to change.
1307 	 *
1308 	 * Params:
1309 	 *     width = the new character cell width
1310 	 *     height = the new character cell height
1311 	 */
1312 	void addOnCharSizeChanged(void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1313 	{
1314 		if ( "char-size-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1315 		{
1316 			Signals.connectData(
1317 				this,
1318 				"char-size-changed",
1319 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCharSizeChanged,
1320 				cast(void*)this,
1321 				null,
1322 				connectFlags);
1323 			connectedSignals["char-size-changed"] = 1;
1324 		}
1325 		onCharSizeChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1326 	}
1327 	extern(C) static void callBackCharSizeChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, uint width, uint height, Terminal _terminal)
1328 	{
1329 		foreach ( void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCharSizeChangedListeners )
1330 		{
1331 			dlg(width, height, _terminal);
1332 		}
1333 	}
1335 	void delegate(int, Terminal)[] onChildExitedListeners;
1336 	/**
1337 	 * This signal is emitted when the terminal detects that a child
1338 	 * watched using vte_terminal_watch_child() has exited.
1339 	 *
1340 	 * Params:
1341 	 *     status = the child's exit status
1342 	 */
1343 	void addOnChildExited(void delegate(int, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1344 	{
1345 		if ( "child-exited" !in connectedSignals )
1346 		{
1347 			Signals.connectData(
1348 				this,
1349 				"child-exited",
1350 				cast(GCallback)&callBackChildExited,
1351 				cast(void*)this,
1352 				null,
1353 				connectFlags);
1354 			connectedSignals["child-exited"] = 1;
1355 		}
1356 		onChildExitedListeners ~= dlg;
1357 	}
1358 	extern(C) static void callBackChildExited(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, int status, Terminal _terminal)
1359 	{
1360 		foreach ( void delegate(int, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onChildExitedListeners )
1361 		{
1362 			dlg(status, _terminal);
1363 		}
1364 	}
1366 	void delegate(string, uint, Terminal)[] onCommitListeners;
1367 	/**
1368 	 * Emitted whenever the terminal receives input from the user and
1369 	 * prepares to send it to the child process.  The signal is emitted even
1370 	 * when there is no child process.
1371 	 *
1372 	 * Params:
1373 	 *     text = a string of text
1374 	 *     size = the length of that string of text
1375 	 */
1376 	void addOnCommit(void delegate(string, uint, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1377 	{
1378 		if ( "commit" !in connectedSignals )
1379 		{
1380 			Signals.connectData(
1381 				this,
1382 				"commit",
1383 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCommit,
1384 				cast(void*)this,
1385 				null,
1386 				connectFlags);
1387 			connectedSignals["commit"] = 1;
1388 		}
1389 		onCommitListeners ~= dlg;
1390 	}
1391 	extern(C) static void callBackCommit(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, char* text, uint size, Terminal _terminal)
1392 	{
1393 		foreach ( void delegate(string, uint, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCommitListeners )
1394 		{
1395 			dlg(Str.toString(text), size, _terminal);
1396 		}
1397 	}
1399 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onContentsChangedListeners;
1400 	/**
1401 	 * Emitted whenever the visible appearance of the terminal has changed.
1402 	 * Used primarily by #VteTerminalAccessible.
1403 	 */
1404 	void addOnContentsChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1405 	{
1406 		if ( "contents-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1407 		{
1408 			Signals.connectData(
1409 				this,
1410 				"contents-changed",
1411 				cast(GCallback)&callBackContentsChanged,
1412 				cast(void*)this,
1413 				null,
1414 				connectFlags);
1415 			connectedSignals["contents-changed"] = 1;
1416 		}
1417 		onContentsChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1418 	}
1419 	extern(C) static void callBackContentsChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1420 	{
1421 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onContentsChangedListeners )
1422 		{
1423 			dlg(_terminal);
1424 		}
1425 	}
1427 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onCopyClipboardListeners;
1428 	/**
1429 	 * Emitted whenever vte_terminal_copy_clipboard() is called.
1430 	 */
1431 	void addOnCopyClipboard(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1432 	{
1433 		if ( "copy-clipboard" !in connectedSignals )
1434 		{
1435 			Signals.connectData(
1436 				this,
1437 				"copy-clipboard",
1438 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCopyClipboard,
1439 				cast(void*)this,
1440 				null,
1441 				connectFlags);
1442 			connectedSignals["copy-clipboard"] = 1;
1443 		}
1444 		onCopyClipboardListeners ~= dlg;
1445 	}
1446 	extern(C) static void callBackCopyClipboard(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1447 	{
1448 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCopyClipboardListeners )
1449 		{
1450 			dlg(_terminal);
1451 		}
1452 	}
1454 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onCurrentDirectoryUriChangedListeners;
1455 	/**
1456 	 * Emitted when the current directory URI is modified.
1457 	 */
1458 	void addOnCurrentDirectoryUriChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1459 	{
1460 		if ( "current-directory-uri-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1461 		{
1462 			Signals.connectData(
1463 				this,
1464 				"current-directory-uri-changed",
1465 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCurrentDirectoryUriChanged,
1466 				cast(void*)this,
1467 				null,
1468 				connectFlags);
1469 			connectedSignals["current-directory-uri-changed"] = 1;
1470 		}
1471 		onCurrentDirectoryUriChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1472 	}
1473 	extern(C) static void callBackCurrentDirectoryUriChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1474 	{
1475 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCurrentDirectoryUriChangedListeners )
1476 		{
1477 			dlg(_terminal);
1478 		}
1479 	}
1481 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onCurrentFileUriChangedListeners;
1482 	/**
1483 	 * Emitted when the current file URI is modified.
1484 	 */
1485 	void addOnCurrentFileUriChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1486 	{
1487 		if ( "current-file-uri-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1488 		{
1489 			Signals.connectData(
1490 				this,
1491 				"current-file-uri-changed",
1492 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCurrentFileUriChanged,
1493 				cast(void*)this,
1494 				null,
1495 				connectFlags);
1496 			connectedSignals["current-file-uri-changed"] = 1;
1497 		}
1498 		onCurrentFileUriChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1499 	}
1500 	extern(C) static void callBackCurrentFileUriChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1501 	{
1502 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCurrentFileUriChangedListeners )
1503 		{
1504 			dlg(_terminal);
1505 		}
1506 	}
1508 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onCursorMovedListeners;
1509 	/**
1510 	 * Emitted whenever the cursor moves to a new character cell.  Used
1511 	 * primarily by #VteTerminalAccessible.
1512 	 */
1513 	void addOnCursorMoved(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1514 	{
1515 		if ( "cursor-moved" !in connectedSignals )
1516 		{
1517 			Signals.connectData(
1518 				this,
1519 				"cursor-moved",
1520 				cast(GCallback)&callBackCursorMoved,
1521 				cast(void*)this,
1522 				null,
1523 				connectFlags);
1524 			connectedSignals["cursor-moved"] = 1;
1525 		}
1526 		onCursorMovedListeners ~= dlg;
1527 	}
1528 	extern(C) static void callBackCursorMoved(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1529 	{
1530 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onCursorMovedListeners )
1531 		{
1532 			dlg(_terminal);
1533 		}
1534 	}
1536 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onDecreaseFontSizeListeners;
1537 	/**
1538 	 * Emitted when the user hits the '-' key while holding the Control key.
1539 	 */
1540 	void addOnDecreaseFontSize(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1541 	{
1542 		if ( "decrease-font-size" !in connectedSignals )
1543 		{
1544 			Signals.connectData(
1545 				this,
1546 				"decrease-font-size",
1547 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDecreaseFontSize,
1548 				cast(void*)this,
1549 				null,
1550 				connectFlags);
1551 			connectedSignals["decrease-font-size"] = 1;
1552 		}
1553 		onDecreaseFontSizeListeners ~= dlg;
1554 	}
1555 	extern(C) static void callBackDecreaseFontSize(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1556 	{
1557 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onDecreaseFontSizeListeners )
1558 		{
1559 			dlg(_terminal);
1560 		}
1561 	}
1563 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onDeiconifyWindowListeners;
1564 	/**
1565 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1566 	 */
1567 	void addOnDeiconifyWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1568 	{
1569 		if ( "deiconify-window" !in connectedSignals )
1570 		{
1571 			Signals.connectData(
1572 				this,
1573 				"deiconify-window",
1574 				cast(GCallback)&callBackDeiconifyWindow,
1575 				cast(void*)this,
1576 				null,
1577 				connectFlags);
1578 			connectedSignals["deiconify-window"] = 1;
1579 		}
1580 		onDeiconifyWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1581 	}
1582 	extern(C) static void callBackDeiconifyWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1583 	{
1584 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onDeiconifyWindowListeners )
1585 		{
1586 			dlg(_terminal);
1587 		}
1588 	}
1590 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onEncodingChangedListeners;
1591 	/**
1592 	 * Emitted whenever the terminal's current encoding has changed, either
1593 	 * as a result of receiving a control sequence which toggled between the
1594 	 * local and UTF-8 encodings, or at the parent application's request.
1595 	 */
1596 	void addOnEncodingChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1597 	{
1598 		if ( "encoding-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1599 		{
1600 			Signals.connectData(
1601 				this,
1602 				"encoding-changed",
1603 				cast(GCallback)&callBackEncodingChanged,
1604 				cast(void*)this,
1605 				null,
1606 				connectFlags);
1607 			connectedSignals["encoding-changed"] = 1;
1608 		}
1609 		onEncodingChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1610 	}
1611 	extern(C) static void callBackEncodingChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1612 	{
1613 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onEncodingChangedListeners )
1614 		{
1615 			dlg(_terminal);
1616 		}
1617 	}
1619 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onEofListeners;
1620 	/**
1621 	 * Emitted when the terminal receives an end-of-file from a child which
1622 	 * is running in the terminal.  This signal is frequently (but not
1623 	 * always) emitted with a #VteTerminal::child-exited signal.
1624 	 */
1625 	void addOnEof(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1626 	{
1627 		if ( "eof" !in connectedSignals )
1628 		{
1629 			Signals.connectData(
1630 				this,
1631 				"eof",
1632 				cast(GCallback)&callBackEof,
1633 				cast(void*)this,
1634 				null,
1635 				connectFlags);
1636 			connectedSignals["eof"] = 1;
1637 		}
1638 		onEofListeners ~= dlg;
1639 	}
1640 	extern(C) static void callBackEof(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1641 	{
1642 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onEofListeners )
1643 		{
1644 			dlg(_terminal);
1645 		}
1646 	}
1648 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onIconTitleChangedListeners;
1649 	/**
1650 	 * Emitted when the terminal's %icon_title field is modified.
1651 	 */
1652 	void addOnIconTitleChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1653 	{
1654 		if ( "icon-title-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1655 		{
1656 			Signals.connectData(
1657 				this,
1658 				"icon-title-changed",
1659 				cast(GCallback)&callBackIconTitleChanged,
1660 				cast(void*)this,
1661 				null,
1662 				connectFlags);
1663 			connectedSignals["icon-title-changed"] = 1;
1664 		}
1665 		onIconTitleChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1666 	}
1667 	extern(C) static void callBackIconTitleChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1668 	{
1669 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onIconTitleChangedListeners )
1670 		{
1671 			dlg(_terminal);
1672 		}
1673 	}
1675 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onIconifyWindowListeners;
1676 	/**
1677 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1678 	 */
1679 	void addOnIconifyWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1680 	{
1681 		if ( "iconify-window" !in connectedSignals )
1682 		{
1683 			Signals.connectData(
1684 				this,
1685 				"iconify-window",
1686 				cast(GCallback)&callBackIconifyWindow,
1687 				cast(void*)this,
1688 				null,
1689 				connectFlags);
1690 			connectedSignals["iconify-window"] = 1;
1691 		}
1692 		onIconifyWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1693 	}
1694 	extern(C) static void callBackIconifyWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1695 	{
1696 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onIconifyWindowListeners )
1697 		{
1698 			dlg(_terminal);
1699 		}
1700 	}
1702 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onIncreaseFontSizeListeners;
1703 	/**
1704 	 * Emitted when the user hits the '+' key while holding the Control key.
1705 	 */
1706 	void addOnIncreaseFontSize(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1707 	{
1708 		if ( "increase-font-size" !in connectedSignals )
1709 		{
1710 			Signals.connectData(
1711 				this,
1712 				"increase-font-size",
1713 				cast(GCallback)&callBackIncreaseFontSize,
1714 				cast(void*)this,
1715 				null,
1716 				connectFlags);
1717 			connectedSignals["increase-font-size"] = 1;
1718 		}
1719 		onIncreaseFontSizeListeners ~= dlg;
1720 	}
1721 	extern(C) static void callBackIncreaseFontSize(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1722 	{
1723 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onIncreaseFontSizeListeners )
1724 		{
1725 			dlg(_terminal);
1726 		}
1727 	}
1729 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onLowerWindowListeners;
1730 	/**
1731 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1732 	 */
1733 	void addOnLowerWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1734 	{
1735 		if ( "lower-window" !in connectedSignals )
1736 		{
1737 			Signals.connectData(
1738 				this,
1739 				"lower-window",
1740 				cast(GCallback)&callBackLowerWindow,
1741 				cast(void*)this,
1742 				null,
1743 				connectFlags);
1744 			connectedSignals["lower-window"] = 1;
1745 		}
1746 		onLowerWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1747 	}
1748 	extern(C) static void callBackLowerWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1749 	{
1750 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onLowerWindowListeners )
1751 		{
1752 			dlg(_terminal);
1753 		}
1754 	}
1756 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onMaximizeWindowListeners;
1757 	/**
1758 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1759 	 */
1760 	void addOnMaximizeWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1761 	{
1762 		if ( "maximize-window" !in connectedSignals )
1763 		{
1764 			Signals.connectData(
1765 				this,
1766 				"maximize-window",
1767 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMaximizeWindow,
1768 				cast(void*)this,
1769 				null,
1770 				connectFlags);
1771 			connectedSignals["maximize-window"] = 1;
1772 		}
1773 		onMaximizeWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1774 	}
1775 	extern(C) static void callBackMaximizeWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1776 	{
1777 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onMaximizeWindowListeners )
1778 		{
1779 			dlg(_terminal);
1780 		}
1781 	}
1783 	void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal)[] onMoveWindowListeners;
1784 	/**
1785 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1786 	 *
1787 	 * Params:
1788 	 *     x = the terminal's desired location, X coordinate
1789 	 *     y = the terminal's desired location, Y coordinate
1790 	 */
1791 	void addOnMoveWindow(void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1792 	{
1793 		if ( "move-window" !in connectedSignals )
1794 		{
1795 			Signals.connectData(
1796 				this,
1797 				"move-window",
1798 				cast(GCallback)&callBackMoveWindow,
1799 				cast(void*)this,
1800 				null,
1801 				connectFlags);
1802 			connectedSignals["move-window"] = 1;
1803 		}
1804 		onMoveWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1805 	}
1806 	extern(C) static void callBackMoveWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, uint x, uint y, Terminal _terminal)
1807 	{
1808 		foreach ( void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onMoveWindowListeners )
1809 		{
1810 			dlg(x, y, _terminal);
1811 		}
1812 	}
1814 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onPasteClipboardListeners;
1815 	/**
1816 	 * Emitted whenever vte_terminal_paste_clipboard() is called.
1817 	 */
1818 	void addOnPasteClipboard(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1819 	{
1820 		if ( "paste-clipboard" !in connectedSignals )
1821 		{
1822 			Signals.connectData(
1823 				this,
1824 				"paste-clipboard",
1825 				cast(GCallback)&callBackPasteClipboard,
1826 				cast(void*)this,
1827 				null,
1828 				connectFlags);
1829 			connectedSignals["paste-clipboard"] = 1;
1830 		}
1831 		onPasteClipboardListeners ~= dlg;
1832 	}
1833 	extern(C) static void callBackPasteClipboard(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1834 	{
1835 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onPasteClipboardListeners )
1836 		{
1837 			dlg(_terminal);
1838 		}
1839 	}
1841 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onRaiseWindowListeners;
1842 	/**
1843 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1844 	 */
1845 	void addOnRaiseWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1846 	{
1847 		if ( "raise-window" !in connectedSignals )
1848 		{
1849 			Signals.connectData(
1850 				this,
1851 				"raise-window",
1852 				cast(GCallback)&callBackRaiseWindow,
1853 				cast(void*)this,
1854 				null,
1855 				connectFlags);
1856 			connectedSignals["raise-window"] = 1;
1857 		}
1858 		onRaiseWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1859 	}
1860 	extern(C) static void callBackRaiseWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1861 	{
1862 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onRaiseWindowListeners )
1863 		{
1864 			dlg(_terminal);
1865 		}
1866 	}
1868 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onRefreshWindowListeners;
1869 	/**
1870 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1871 	 */
1872 	void addOnRefreshWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1873 	{
1874 		if ( "refresh-window" !in connectedSignals )
1875 		{
1876 			Signals.connectData(
1877 				this,
1878 				"refresh-window",
1879 				cast(GCallback)&callBackRefreshWindow,
1880 				cast(void*)this,
1881 				null,
1882 				connectFlags);
1883 			connectedSignals["refresh-window"] = 1;
1884 		}
1885 		onRefreshWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1886 	}
1887 	extern(C) static void callBackRefreshWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1888 	{
1889 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onRefreshWindowListeners )
1890 		{
1891 			dlg(_terminal);
1892 		}
1893 	}
1895 	void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal)[] onResizeWindowListeners;
1896 	/**
1897 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1898 	 *
1899 	 * Params:
1900 	 *     width = the desired number of columns
1901 	 *     height = the desired number of rows
1902 	 */
1903 	void addOnResizeWindow(void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1904 	{
1905 		if ( "resize-window" !in connectedSignals )
1906 		{
1907 			Signals.connectData(
1908 				this,
1909 				"resize-window",
1910 				cast(GCallback)&callBackResizeWindow,
1911 				cast(void*)this,
1912 				null,
1913 				connectFlags);
1914 			connectedSignals["resize-window"] = 1;
1915 		}
1916 		onResizeWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1917 	}
1918 	extern(C) static void callBackResizeWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, uint width, uint height, Terminal _terminal)
1919 	{
1920 		foreach ( void delegate(uint, uint, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onResizeWindowListeners )
1921 		{
1922 			dlg(width, height, _terminal);
1923 		}
1924 	}
1926 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onRestoreWindowListeners;
1927 	/**
1928 	 * Emitted at the child application's request.
1929 	 */
1930 	void addOnRestoreWindow(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1931 	{
1932 		if ( "restore-window" !in connectedSignals )
1933 		{
1934 			Signals.connectData(
1935 				this,
1936 				"restore-window",
1937 				cast(GCallback)&callBackRestoreWindow,
1938 				cast(void*)this,
1939 				null,
1940 				connectFlags);
1941 			connectedSignals["restore-window"] = 1;
1942 		}
1943 		onRestoreWindowListeners ~= dlg;
1944 	}
1945 	extern(C) static void callBackRestoreWindow(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1946 	{
1947 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onRestoreWindowListeners )
1948 		{
1949 			dlg(_terminal);
1950 		}
1951 	}
1953 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onSelectionChangedListeners;
1954 	/**
1955 	 * Emitted whenever the contents of terminal's selection changes.
1956 	 */
1957 	void addOnSelectionChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1958 	{
1959 		if ( "selection-changed" !in connectedSignals )
1960 		{
1961 			Signals.connectData(
1962 				this,
1963 				"selection-changed",
1964 				cast(GCallback)&callBackSelectionChanged,
1965 				cast(void*)this,
1966 				null,
1967 				connectFlags);
1968 			connectedSignals["selection-changed"] = 1;
1969 		}
1970 		onSelectionChangedListeners ~= dlg;
1971 	}
1972 	extern(C) static void callBackSelectionChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
1973 	{
1974 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onSelectionChangedListeners )
1975 		{
1976 			dlg(_terminal);
1977 		}
1978 	}
1980 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onTextDeletedListeners;
1981 	/**
1982 	 * An internal signal used for communication between the terminal and
1983 	 * its accessibility peer. May not be emitted under certain
1984 	 * circumstances.
1985 	 */
1986 	void addOnTextDeleted(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
1987 	{
1988 		if ( "text-deleted" !in connectedSignals )
1989 		{
1990 			Signals.connectData(
1991 				this,
1992 				"text-deleted",
1993 				cast(GCallback)&callBackTextDeleted,
1994 				cast(void*)this,
1995 				null,
1996 				connectFlags);
1997 			connectedSignals["text-deleted"] = 1;
1998 		}
1999 		onTextDeletedListeners ~= dlg;
2000 	}
2001 	extern(C) static void callBackTextDeleted(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
2002 	{
2003 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onTextDeletedListeners )
2004 		{
2005 			dlg(_terminal);
2006 		}
2007 	}
2009 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onTextInsertedListeners;
2010 	/**
2011 	 * An internal signal used for communication between the terminal and
2012 	 * its accessibility peer. May not be emitted under certain
2013 	 * circumstances.
2014 	 */
2015 	void addOnTextInserted(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
2016 	{
2017 		if ( "text-inserted" !in connectedSignals )
2018 		{
2019 			Signals.connectData(
2020 				this,
2021 				"text-inserted",
2022 				cast(GCallback)&callBackTextInserted,
2023 				cast(void*)this,
2024 				null,
2025 				connectFlags);
2026 			connectedSignals["text-inserted"] = 1;
2027 		}
2028 		onTextInsertedListeners ~= dlg;
2029 	}
2030 	extern(C) static void callBackTextInserted(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
2031 	{
2032 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onTextInsertedListeners )
2033 		{
2034 			dlg(_terminal);
2035 		}
2036 	}
2038 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onTextModifiedListeners;
2039 	/**
2040 	 * An internal signal used for communication between the terminal and
2041 	 * its accessibility peer. May not be emitted under certain
2042 	 * circumstances.
2043 	 */
2044 	void addOnTextModified(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
2045 	{
2046 		if ( "text-modified" !in connectedSignals )
2047 		{
2048 			Signals.connectData(
2049 				this,
2050 				"text-modified",
2051 				cast(GCallback)&callBackTextModified,
2052 				cast(void*)this,
2053 				null,
2054 				connectFlags);
2055 			connectedSignals["text-modified"] = 1;
2056 		}
2057 		onTextModifiedListeners ~= dlg;
2058 	}
2059 	extern(C) static void callBackTextModified(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
2060 	{
2061 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onTextModifiedListeners )
2062 		{
2063 			dlg(_terminal);
2064 		}
2065 	}
2067 	void delegate(int, Terminal)[] onTextScrolledListeners;
2068 	/**
2069 	 * An internal signal used for communication between the terminal and
2070 	 * its accessibility peer. May not be emitted under certain
2071 	 * circumstances.
2072 	 *
2073 	 * Params:
2074 	 *     delta = the number of lines scrolled
2075 	 */
2076 	void addOnTextScrolled(void delegate(int, Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
2077 	{
2078 		if ( "text-scrolled" !in connectedSignals )
2079 		{
2080 			Signals.connectData(
2081 				this,
2082 				"text-scrolled",
2083 				cast(GCallback)&callBackTextScrolled,
2084 				cast(void*)this,
2085 				null,
2086 				connectFlags);
2087 			connectedSignals["text-scrolled"] = 1;
2088 		}
2089 		onTextScrolledListeners ~= dlg;
2090 	}
2091 	extern(C) static void callBackTextScrolled(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, int delta, Terminal _terminal)
2092 	{
2093 		foreach ( void delegate(int, Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onTextScrolledListeners )
2094 		{
2095 			dlg(delta, _terminal);
2096 		}
2097 	}
2099 	void delegate(Terminal)[] onWindowTitleChangedListeners;
2100 	/**
2101 	 * Emitted when the terminal's %window_title field is modified.
2102 	 */
2103 	void addOnWindowTitleChanged(void delegate(Terminal) dlg, ConnectFlags connectFlags=cast(ConnectFlags)0)
2104 	{
2105 		if ( "window-title-changed" !in connectedSignals )
2106 		{
2107 			Signals.connectData(
2108 				this,
2109 				"window-title-changed",
2110 				cast(GCallback)&callBackWindowTitleChanged,
2111 				cast(void*)this,
2112 				null,
2113 				connectFlags);
2114 			connectedSignals["window-title-changed"] = 1;
2115 		}
2116 		onWindowTitleChangedListeners ~= dlg;
2117 	}
2118 	extern(C) static void callBackWindowTitleChanged(VteTerminal* terminalStruct, Terminal _terminal)
2119 	{
2120 		foreach ( void delegate(Terminal) dlg; _terminal.onWindowTitleChangedListeners )
2121 		{
2122 			dlg(_terminal);
2123 		}
2124 	}
2126 	/**
2127 	 * Gets the user's shell, or %NULL. In the latter case, the
2128 	 * system default (usually "/bin/sh") should be used.
2129 	 *
2130 	 * Return: a newly allocated string with the
2131 	 *     user's shell, or %NULL
2132 	 */
2133 	public static string getUserShell()
2134 	{
2135 		return Str.toString(vte_get_user_shell());
2136 	}
2137 }