1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
25 module gtk.Builder;
27 private import glib.ConstructionException;
28 private import glib.ErrorG;
29 private import glib.GException;
30 private import glib.Module;
31 private import glib.Str;
32 private import gobject.ObjectG;
33 private import gobject.ParamSpec;
34 private import gobject.Type;
35 private import gobject.Value;
36 private import gtk.Application;
37 private import gtkc.glib;
38 private import gtkc.gobject;
39 private import gtkc.gtk;
40 public  import gtkc.gtktypes;
41 private import gtkc.paths;
42 private import std.string;
45 /**
46  * A GtkBuilder is an auxiliary object that reads textual descriptions
47  * of a user interface and instantiates the described objects. To create
48  * a GtkBuilder from a user interface description, call
49  * gtk_builder_new_from_file(), gtk_builder_new_from_resource() or
50  * gtk_builder_new_from_string().
51  * 
52  * In the (unusual) case that you want to add user interface
53  * descriptions from multiple sources to the same GtkBuilder you can
54  * call gtk_builder_new() to get an empty builder and populate it by
55  * (multiple) calls to gtk_builder_add_from_file(),
56  * gtk_builder_add_from_resource() or gtk_builder_add_from_string().
57  * 
58  * A GtkBuilder holds a reference to all objects that it has constructed
59  * and drops these references when it is finalized. This finalization can
60  * cause the destruction of non-widget objects or widgets which are not
61  * contained in a toplevel window. For toplevel windows constructed by a
62  * builder, it is the responsibility of the user to call gtk_widget_destroy()
63  * to get rid of them and all the widgets they contain.
64  * 
65  * The functions gtk_builder_get_object() and gtk_builder_get_objects()
66  * can be used to access the widgets in the interface by the names assigned
67  * to them inside the UI description. Toplevel windows returned by these
68  * functions will stay around until the user explicitly destroys them
69  * with gtk_widget_destroy(). Other widgets will either be part of a
70  * larger hierarchy constructed by the builder (in which case you should
71  * not have to worry about their lifecycle), or without a parent, in which
72  * case they have to be added to some container to make use of them.
73  * Non-widget objects need to be reffed with g_object_ref() to keep them
74  * beyond the lifespan of the builder.
75  * 
76  * The function gtk_builder_connect_signals() and variants thereof can be
77  * used to connect handlers to the named signals in the description.
78  * 
79  * # GtkBuilder UI Definitions # {#BUILDER-UI}
80  * 
81  * GtkBuilder parses textual descriptions of user interfaces which are
82  * specified in an XML format which can be roughly described by the
83  * RELAX NG schema below. We refer to these descriptions as
84  * “GtkBuilder UI definitions” or just
85  * “UI definitions” if the context is clear.
86  * Do not confuse GtkBuilder UI Definitions with
87  * [GtkUIManager UI Definitions][XML-UI], which
88  * are more limited in scope. It is common to use `.ui`
89  * as the filename extension for files containing GtkBuilder UI
90  * definitions.
91  * 
92  * [RELAX NG Compact Syntax](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkbuilder.rnc)
93  * 
94  * The toplevel element is <interface>. It optionally takes a “domain”
95  * attribute, which will make the builder look for translated strings
96  * using dgettext() in the domain specified. This can also be done by
97  * calling gtk_builder_set_translation_domain() on the builder.
98  * Objects are described by <object> elements, which can contain
99  * <property> elements to set properties, <signal> elements which
100  * connect signals to handlers, and <child> elements, which describe
101  * child objects (most often widgets inside a container, but also e.g.
102  * actions in an action group, or columns in a tree model). A <child>
103  * element contains an <object> element which describes the child object.
104  * The target toolkit version(s) are described by <requires> elements,
105  * the “lib” attribute specifies the widget library in question (currently
106  * the only supported value is “gtk+”) and the “version” attribute specifies
107  * the target version in the form “<major>.<minor>”. The builder will error
108  * out if the version requirements are not met.
109  * 
110  * Typically, the specific kind of object represented by an <object>
111  * element is specified by the “class” attribute. If the type has not
112  * been loaded yet, GTK+ tries to find the get_type() function from the
113  * class name by applying heuristics. This works in most cases, but if
114  * necessary, it is possible to specify the name of the get_type() function
115  * explictly with the "type-func" attribute. As a special case, GtkBuilder
116  * allows to use an object that has been constructed by a #GtkUIManager in
117  * another part of the UI definition by specifying the id of the #GtkUIManager
118  * in the “constructor” attribute and the name of the object in the “id”
119  * attribute.
120  * 
121  * Objects may be given a name with the “id” attribute, which allows the
122  * application to retrieve them from the builder with gtk_builder_get_object().
123  * An id is also necessary to use the object as property value in other
124  * parts of the UI definition. GTK+ reserves ids starting and ending
125  * with ___ (3 underscores) for its own purposes.
126  * 
127  * Setting properties of objects is pretty straightforward with the
128  * <property> element: the “name” attribute specifies the name of the
129  * property, and the content of the element specifies the value.
130  * If the “translatable” attribute is set to a true value, GTK+ uses
131  * gettext() (or dgettext() if the builder has a translation domain set)
132  * to find a translation for the value. This happens before the value
133  * is parsed, so it can be used for properties of any type, but it is
134  * probably most useful for string properties. It is also possible to
135  * specify a context to disambiguate short strings, and comments which
136  * may help the translators.
137  * 
138  * GtkBuilder can parse textual representations for the most common
139  * property types: characters, strings, integers, floating-point numbers,
140  * booleans (strings like “TRUE”, “t”, “yes”, “y”, “1” are interpreted
141  * as %TRUE, strings like “FALSE”, “f”, “no”, “n”, “0” are interpreted
142  * as %FALSE), enumerations (can be specified by their name, nick or
143  * integer value), flags (can be specified by their name, nick, integer
144  * value, optionally combined with “|”, e.g. “GTK_VISIBLE|GTK_REALIZED”)
145  * and colors (in a format understood by gdk_rgba_parse()). Pixbufs can
146  * be specified as a filename of an image file to load. Objects can be
147  * referred to by their name and by default refer to objects declared
148  * in the local xml fragment and objects exposed via
149  * gtk_builder_expose_object().
150  * 
151  * In general, GtkBuilder allows forward references to objects —
152  * declared in the local xml; an object doesn’t have to be constructed
153  * before it can be referred to. The exception to this rule is that an
154  * object has to be constructed before it can be used as the value of
155  * a construct-only property.
156  * 
157  * It is also possible to bind a property value to another object's
158  * property value using the attributes
159  * "bind-source" to specify the source object of the binding,
160  * "bind-property" to specify the source property and optionally
161  * "bind-flags" to specify the binding flags
162  * Internally builder implement this using GBinding objects.
163  * For more information see g_object_bind_property()
164  * 
165  * Signal handlers are set up with the <signal> element. The “name”
166  * attribute specifies the name of the signal, and the “handler” attribute
167  * specifies the function to connect to the signal. By default, GTK+ tries
168  * to find the handler using g_module_symbol(), but this can be changed by
169  * passing a custom #GtkBuilderConnectFunc to
170  * gtk_builder_connect_signals_full(). The remaining attributes, “after”,
171  * “swapped” and “object”, have the same meaning as the corresponding
172  * parameters of the g_signal_connect_object() or
173  * g_signal_connect_data() functions. A “last_modification_time”
174  * attribute is also allowed, but it does not have a meaning to the
175  * builder.
176  * 
177  * Sometimes it is necessary to refer to widgets which have implicitly
178  * been constructed by GTK+ as part of a composite widget, to set
179  * properties on them or to add further children (e.g. the @vbox of
180  * a #GtkDialog). This can be achieved by setting the “internal-child”
181  * propery of the <child> element to a true value. Note that GtkBuilder
182  * still requires an <object> element for the internal child, even if it
183  * has already been constructed.
184  * 
185  * A number of widgets have different places where a child can be added
186  * (e.g. tabs vs. page content in notebooks). This can be reflected in
187  * a UI definition by specifying the “type” attribute on a <child>
188  * The possible values for the “type” attribute are described in the
189  * sections describing the widget-specific portions of UI definitions.
190  * 
191  * # A GtkBuilder UI Definition
192  * 
193  * |[
194  * <interface>
195  * <object class="GtkDialog" id="dialog1">
196  * <child internal-child="vbox">
197  * <object class="GtkVBox" id="vbox1">
198  * <property name="border-width">10</property>
199  * <child internal-child="action_area">
200  * <object class="GtkHButtonBox" id="hbuttonbox1">
201  * <property name="border-width">20</property>
202  * <child>
203  * <object class="GtkButton" id="ok_button">
204  * <property name="label">gtk-ok</property>
205  * <property name="use-stock">TRUE</property>
206  * <signal name="clicked" handler="ok_button_clicked"/>
207  * </object>
208  * </child>
209  * </object>
210  * </child>
211  * </object>
212  * </child>
213  * </object>
214  * </interface>
215  * ]|
216  * 
217  * Beyond this general structure, several object classes define their
218  * own XML DTD fragments for filling in the ANY placeholders in the DTD
219  * above. Note that a custom element in a <child> element gets parsed by
220  * the custom tag handler of the parent object, while a custom element in
221  * an <object> element gets parsed by the custom tag handler of the object.
222  * 
223  * These XML fragments are explained in the documentation of the
224  * respective objects.
225  * 
226  * Additionally, since 3.10 a special <template> tag has been added
227  * to the format allowing one to define a widget class’s components.
228  */
229 public class Builder : ObjectG
230 {
231 	/** the main Gtk struct */
232 	protected GtkBuilder* gtkBuilder;
234 	/** Get the main Gtk struct */
235 	public GtkBuilder* getBuilderStruct()
236 	{
237 		return gtkBuilder;
238 	}
240 	/** the main Gtk struct as a void* */
241 	protected override void* getStruct()
242 	{
243 		return cast(void*)gtkBuilder;
244 	}
246 	protected override void setStruct(GObject* obj)
247 	{
248 		gtkBuilder = cast(GtkBuilder*)obj;
249 		super.setStruct(obj);
250 	}
252 	/**
253 	 * Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
254 	 */
255 	public this (GtkBuilder* gtkBuilder, bool ownedRef = false)
256 	{
257 		this.gtkBuilder = gtkBuilder;
258 		super(cast(GObject*)gtkBuilder, ownedRef);
259 	}
261 	/**
262 	 * Creates a new builder object.
263 	 * Since 2.12
264 	 * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
265 	 */
266 	public this ()
267 	{
268 		// GtkBuilder* gtk_builder_new (void);
269 		auto p = gtk_builder_new();
270 		if(p is null)
271 		{
272 			throw new ConstructionException("null returned by gtk_builder_new()");
273 		}
274 		this(cast(GtkBuilder*) p);
276 		GtkBuilderClass* klass = Type.getInstanceClass!(GtkBuilderClass)( this );
277 		klass.getTypeFromName = &gtk_builder_real_get_type_from_name_override;
278 	}
280 	/**
281 	 * This function is a modification of _gtk_builder_resolve_type_lazily from "gtk/gtkbuilder.c".
282 	 * It is needed because it assumes we are linking at compile time to the gtk libs.
283 	 * specifically the NULL in g_module_open( NULL, 0 );
284 	 * It replaces the default function pointer "get_type_from_name" in GtkBuilderClass.
285 	 */
286 	extern(C) private static GType gtk_builder_real_get_type_from_name_override ( GtkBuilder* builder, const(char)* name )
287 	{
288 		GType gtype;
289 		gtype = g_type_from_name( name );
290 		if (gtype != GType.INVALID)
291 		{
292 			return gtype;
293 		}
295 		/*
296 		 * Try to map a type name to a _get_type function
297 		 * and call it, eg:
298 		 *
299 		 * GtkWindow -> gtk_window_get_type
300 		 * GtkHBox -> gtk_hbox_get_type
301 		 * GtkUIManager -> gtk_ui_manager_get_type
302 		 *
303 		 */
304 		char   c;
305 		string symbol_name;
307 		for (int i = 0; name[i] != '\0'; i++)
308 		{
309 			c = name[i];
310 			/* skip if uppercase, first or previous is uppercase */
311 			if ((c == Str.asciiToupper (c) &&
312 				i > 0 && name[i-1] != Str.asciiToupper (name[i-1])) ||
313 			(i > 2 && name[i]   == Str.asciiToupper (name[i]) &&
314 			name[i-1] == Str.asciiToupper (name[i-1]) &&
315 			name[i-2] == Str.asciiToupper (name[i-2]))
316 			)
318 			symbol_name ~= '_';
319 			symbol_name ~= Str.asciiTolower (c);
320 		}
321 		symbol_name ~=  "_get_type" ;
323 		/* scan linked librarys for function symbol */
324 		foreach ( lib; importLibs )
325 		{
326 			GType function() func;
327 			Module mod = Module.open( lib, GModuleFlags.LAZY );
328 			if( mod is null )
329 				continue;
331 			scope(exit) mod.close();
333 			if ( mod.symbol( symbol_name, cast(void**)&func ) ) {
334 				return func();
335 		}
336 	}
338 	return GType.INVALID;
339 }
341 /**
342  * Gets the object named name. Note that this function does not
343  * increment the reference count of the returned object.
344  * Since 2.12
345  * Params:
346  * name = name of object to get
347  * Returns: the object named name or NULL if it could not be found in the object tree.. transfer none.
348  */
349 public ObjectG getObject(string name)
350 {
351 	// GObject* gtk_builder_get_object (GtkBuilder *builder,  const gchar *name);
352 	return newFromObject( gtk_builder_get_object(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(name)) );
353 }
355 /**
356  * Gets all objects that have been constructed by builder.
357  * Since 2.12
358  * Returns: an array containing all the objects constructed by the GtkBuilder instance.
359  */
360 public ObjectG[] getObjects()
361 {
362 	ObjectG[] objects;
364 	// GSList* gtk_builder_get_objects (GtkBuilder *builder);
365 	GSList* list = gtk_builder_get_objects(gtkBuilder);
367 	while ( list.next !is null )
368 	{
369 		objects ~= newFromObject( cast(GObject*)list.data );
370 		list = list.next;
371 	}
373 	g_slist_free(list);
375 	return objects;
376 }
378 /**
379  * This function creates an D object corresponding to the Struct pointer passed in.
380  */
381 public ObjectG newFromObject(GObject* cobj)
382 {
383 	if(cobj is null)
384 	{
385 		return null;
386 	}
388 	void* dObj = g_object_get_data(cobj, Str.toStringz("GObject"));
390 	if ( dObj !is null )
391 	{
392 		return cast(ObjectG)dObj;
393 	}
395 	string type = convertClassName(Type.name((cast(GTypeInstance*)cobj).gClass.gType));
396 	ClassInfo ci = cast(ClassInfo)ClassInfo.find(type);
398 	//Gobject and Gio types both start with g, so try both.
399 	if(ci is null && startsWith(type, "gobject"))
400 	{
401 		ci = cast(ClassInfo)ClassInfo.find("gio"~ type[7..$]);
402 	}
404 	if(ci is null)
405 	{
406 		return null;
407 	}
409 	ObjectG obj = cast(ObjectG)_d_newclass(ci);
411 	obj.__ctor(cobj);
413 	return obj;
414 }
416 /**
417  * Turn the name of a C Type in to the name of the corresponding D type.
418  * Note: If the prefix of the type is "G" this always usses "gobject" as
419  *     the prefix, extra care should be taken for types from GIO.
420  */
421 private string convertClassName(string gName)
422 {
423 	string conv;
424 	string prefix;
426 	if      ( startsWith(gName, "GtkSource" ) ) prefix = "Gsv";
427 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Gtk") )        prefix = "Gtk";
428 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Gdk") )        prefix = "Gdk";
429 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Gst") )        prefix = "Gst";
430 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Gda") )        prefix = "Gda";
431 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Atk") )        prefix = "Atk";
432 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "G") )          prefix = "G";
433 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "Pango") )      prefix = "Pg";
434 	else if ( startsWith(gName, "cairo") )      prefix = "cairo";
436 	conv = gName[prefix.length..gName.length];
438 	if ( conv == "Object" ) conv ~= prefix;
439 	if ( prefix == "Pg" )   conv = "Pg" ~ gName[5..gName.length];
440 	if ( prefix == "cairo") conv = toUpper(gName[6..7]) ~ gName[7..gName.length - 2];
442 	prefix = toLower(prefix);
444 	if( prefix == "gst") prefix = "gstreamer";
445 	if( prefix == "g")   prefix = "gobject";
446 	if( prefix == "pg" ) prefix = "pango";
448 	return prefix ~"."~ conv ~"."~ conv;
449 }
451 private bool startsWith(string str, string prefix)
452 {
453 	return str.length >= prefix.length && str[0..prefix.length] == prefix;
454 }
456 /**
457  */
459 public static GType getType()
460 {
461 	return gtk_builder_get_type();
462 }
464 /**
465  * Builds the [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
466  * in the file @filename.
467  *
468  * If there is an error opening the file or parsing the description then
469  * the program will be aborted.  You should only ever attempt to parse
470  * user interface descriptions that are shipped as part of your program.
471  *
472  * Params:
473  *     filename = filename of user interface description file
474  *
475  * Return: a #GtkBuilder containing the described interface
476  *
477  * Since: 3.10
478  *
479  * Throws: ConstructionException GTK+ fails to create the object.
480  */
481 public this(string filename)
482 {
483 	auto p = gtk_builder_new_from_file(Str.toStringz(filename));
485 	if(p is null)
486 	{
487 		throw new ConstructionException("null returned by new_from_file");
488 	}
490 	this(cast(GtkBuilder*) p, true);
491 }
493 /**
494  * Adds the @callback_symbol to the scope of @builder under the given @callback_name.
495  *
496  * Using this function overrides the behavior of gtk_builder_connect_signals()
497  * for any callback symbols that are added. Using this method allows for better
498  * encapsulation as it does not require that callback symbols be declared in
499  * the global namespace.
500  *
501  * Params:
502  *     callbackName = The name of the callback, as expected in the XML
503  *     callbackSymbol = The callback pointer
504  *
505  * Since: 3.10
506  */
507 public void addCallbackSymbol(string callbackName, GCallback callbackSymbol)
508 {
509 	gtk_builder_add_callback_symbol(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(callbackName), callbackSymbol);
510 }
512 /**
513  * Parses a file containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
514  * and merges it with the current contents of @builder.
515  *
516  * Most users will probably want to use gtk_builder_new_from_file().
517  *
518  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
520  * domain.
521  *
522  * It’s not really reasonable to attempt to handle failures of this
523  * call.  You should not use this function with untrusted files (ie:
524  * files that are not part of your application).  Broken #GtkBuilder
525  * files can easily crash your program, and it’s possible that memory
526  * was leaked leading up to the reported failure.  The only reasonable
527  * thing to do when an error is detected is to call g_error().
528  *
529  * Params:
530  *     filename = the name of the file to parse
531  *
532  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
533  *
534  * Since: 2.12
535  *
536  * Throws: GException on failure.
537  */
538 public uint addFromFile(string filename)
539 {
540 	GError* err = null;
542 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_from_file(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(filename), &err);
544 	if (err !is null)
545 	{
546 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
547 	}
549 	return p;
550 }
552 /**
553  * Parses a resource file containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
554  * and merges it with the current contents of @builder.
555  *
556  * Most users will probably want to use gtk_builder_new_from_resource().
557  *
558  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
560  * domain.
561  *
562  * It’s not really reasonable to attempt to handle failures of this
563  * call.  The only reasonable thing to do when an error is detected is
564  * to call g_error().
565  *
566  * Params:
567  *     resourcePath = the path of the resource file to parse
568  *
569  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
570  *
571  * Since: 3.4
572  *
573  * Throws: GException on failure.
574  */
575 public uint addFromResource(string resourcePath)
576 {
577 	GError* err = null;
579 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_from_resource(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(resourcePath), &err);
581 	if (err !is null)
582 	{
583 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
584 	}
586 	return p;
587 }
589 /**
590  * Parses a string containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
591  * and merges it with the current contents of @builder.
592  *
593  * Most users will probably want to use gtk_builder_new_from_string().
594  *
595  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
596  * #GError from the #GTK_BUILDER_ERROR, #G_MARKUP_ERROR or
597  * #G_VARIANT_PARSE_ERROR domain.
598  *
599  * It’s not really reasonable to attempt to handle failures of this
600  * call.  The only reasonable thing to do when an error is detected is
601  * to call g_error().
602  *
603  * Params:
604  *     buffer = the string to parse
605  *     length = the length of @buffer (may be -1 if @buffer is nul-terminated)
606  *
607  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
608  *
609  * Since: 2.12
610  *
611  * Throws: GException on failure.
612  */
613 public uint addFromString(string buffer, size_t length)
614 {
615 	GError* err = null;
617 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_from_string(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(buffer), length, &err);
619 	if (err !is null)
620 	{
621 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
622 	}
624 	return p;
625 }
627 /**
628  * Parses a file containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
629  * building only the requested objects and merges
630  * them with the current contents of @builder.
631  *
632  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
634  * domain.
635  *
636  * If you are adding an object that depends on an object that is not
637  * its child (for instance a #GtkTreeView that depends on its
638  * #GtkTreeModel), you have to explicitly list all of them in @object_ids.
639  *
640  * Params:
641  *     filename = the name of the file to parse
642  *     objectIds = nul-terminated array of objects to build
643  *
644  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
645  *
646  * Since: 2.14
647  *
648  * Throws: GException on failure.
649  */
650 public uint addObjectsFromFile(string filename, string[] objectIds)
651 {
652 	GError* err = null;
654 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_objects_from_file(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(filename), Str.toStringzArray(objectIds), &err);
656 	if (err !is null)
657 	{
658 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
659 	}
661 	return p;
662 }
664 /**
665  * Parses a resource file containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
666  * building only the requested objects and merges
667  * them with the current contents of @builder.
668  *
669  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
671  * domain.
672  *
673  * If you are adding an object that depends on an object that is not
674  * its child (for instance a #GtkTreeView that depends on its
675  * #GtkTreeModel), you have to explicitly list all of them in @object_ids.
676  *
677  * Params:
678  *     resourcePath = the path of the resource file to parse
679  *     objectIds = nul-terminated array of objects to build
680  *
681  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
682  *
683  * Since: 3.4
684  *
685  * Throws: GException on failure.
686  */
687 public uint addObjectsFromResource(string resourcePath, string[] objectIds)
688 {
689 	GError* err = null;
691 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_objects_from_resource(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(resourcePath), Str.toStringzArray(objectIds), &err);
693 	if (err !is null)
694 	{
695 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
696 	}
698 	return p;
699 }
701 /**
702  * Parses a string containing a [GtkBuilder UI definition][BUILDER-UI]
703  * building only the requested objects and merges
704  * them with the current contents of @builder.
705  *
706  * Upon errors 0 will be returned and @error will be assigned a
707  * #GError from the #GTK_BUILDER_ERROR or #G_MARKUP_ERROR domain.
708  *
709  * If you are adding an object that depends on an object that is not
710  * its child (for instance a #GtkTreeView that depends on its
711  * #GtkTreeModel), you have to explicitly list all of them in @object_ids.
712  *
713  * Params:
714  *     buffer = the string to parse
715  *     length = the length of @buffer (may be -1 if @buffer is nul-terminated)
716  *     objectIds = nul-terminated array of objects to build
717  *
718  * Return: A positive value on success, 0 if an error occurred
719  *
720  * Since: 2.14
721  *
722  * Throws: GException on failure.
723  */
724 public uint addObjectsFromString(string buffer, size_t length, string[] objectIds)
725 {
726 	GError* err = null;
728 	auto p = gtk_builder_add_objects_from_string(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(buffer), length, Str.toStringzArray(objectIds), &err);
730 	if (err !is null)
731 	{
732 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
733 	}
735 	return p;
736 }
738 /**
739  * This method is a simpler variation of gtk_builder_connect_signals_full().
740  * It uses symbols explicitly added to @builder with prior calls to
741  * gtk_builder_add_callback_symbol(). In the case that symbols are not
742  * explicitly added; it uses #GModule’s introspective features (by opening the module %NULL)
743  * to look at the application’s symbol table. From here it tries to match
744  * the signal handler names given in the interface description with
745  * symbols in the application and connects the signals. Note that this
746  * function can only be called once, subsequent calls will do nothing.
747  *
748  * Note that unless gtk_builder_add_callback_symbol() is called for
749  * all signal callbacks which are referenced by the loaded XML, this
750  * function will require that #GModule be supported on the platform.
751  *
752  * If you rely on #GModule support to lookup callbacks in the symbol table,
753  * the following details should be noted:
754  *
755  * When compiling applications for Windows, you must declare signal callbacks
756  * with #G_MODULE_EXPORT, or they will not be put in the symbol table.
757  * On Linux and Unices, this is not necessary; applications should instead
758  * be compiled with the -Wl,--export-dynamic CFLAGS, and linked against
759  * gmodule-export-2.0.
760  *
761  * Params:
762  *     userData = user data to pass back with all signals
763  *
764  * Since: 2.12
765  */
766 public void connectSignals(void* userData)
767 {
768 	gtk_builder_connect_signals(gtkBuilder, userData);
769 }
771 /**
772  * This function can be thought of the interpreted language binding
773  * version of gtk_builder_connect_signals(), except that it does not
774  * require GModule to function correctly.
775  *
776  * Params:
777  *     func = the function used to connect the signals
778  *     userData = arbitrary data that will be passed to the connection function
779  *
780  * Since: 2.12
781  */
782 public void connectSignalsFull(GtkBuilderConnectFunc func, void* userData)
783 {
784 	gtk_builder_connect_signals_full(gtkBuilder, func, userData);
785 }
787 /**
788  * Add @object to the @builder object pool so it can be referenced just like any
789  * other object built by builder.
790  *
791  * Params:
792  *     name = the name of the object exposed to the builder
793  *     object = the object to expose
794  *
795  * Since: 3.8
796  */
797 public void exposeObject(string name, ObjectG object)
798 {
799 	gtk_builder_expose_object(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(name), (object is null) ? null : object.getObjectGStruct());
800 }
802 /**
803  * Gets the #GtkApplication associated with the builder.
804  *
805  * The #GtkApplication is used for creating action proxies as requested
806  * from XML that the builder is loading.
807  *
808  * By default, the builder uses the default application: the one from
809  * g_application_get_default().  If you want to use another application
810  * for constructing proxies, use gtk_builder_set_application().
811  *
812  * Return: the application being used by the builder,
813  *     or %NULL
814  *
815  * Since: 3.10
816  */
817 public Application getApplication()
818 {
819 	auto p = gtk_builder_get_application(gtkBuilder);
821 	if(p is null)
822 	{
823 		return null;
824 	}
826 	return ObjectG.getDObject!(Application)(cast(GtkApplication*) p);
827 }
829 /**
830  * Gets the translation domain of @builder.
831  *
832  * Return: the translation domain. This string is owned
833  *     by the builder object and must not be modified or freed.
834  *
835  * Since: 2.12
836  */
837 public string getTranslationDomain()
838 {
839 	return Str.toString(gtk_builder_get_translation_domain(gtkBuilder));
840 }
842 /**
843  * Looks up a type by name, using the virtual function that
844  * #GtkBuilder has for that purpose. This is mainly used when
845  * implementing the #GtkBuildable interface on a type.
846  *
847  * Params:
848  *     typeName = type name to lookup
849  *
850  * Return: the #GType found for @type_name or #G_TYPE_INVALID
851  *     if no type was found
852  *
853  * Since: 2.12
854  */
855 public GType getTypeFromName(string typeName)
856 {
857 	return gtk_builder_get_type_from_name(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(typeName));
858 }
860 /**
861  * Fetches a symbol previously added to @builder
862  * with gtk_builder_add_callback_symbols()
863  *
864  * This function is intended for possible use in language bindings
865  * or for any case that one might be cusomizing signal connections
866  * using gtk_builder_connect_signals_full()
867  *
868  * Params:
869  *     callbackName = The name of the callback
870  *
871  * Return: The callback symbol in @builder for @callback_name, or %NULL
872  *
873  * Since: 3.10
874  */
875 public GCallback lookupCallbackSymbol(string callbackName)
876 {
877 	return gtk_builder_lookup_callback_symbol(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(callbackName));
878 }
880 /**
881  * Sets the application associated with @builder.
882  *
883  * You only need this function if there is more than one #GApplication
884  * in your process.  @application cannot be %NULL.
885  *
886  * Params:
887  *     application = a #GtkApplication
888  *
889  * Since: 3.10
890  */
891 public void setApplication(Application application)
892 {
893 	gtk_builder_set_application(gtkBuilder, (application is null) ? null : application.getGtkApplicationStruct());
894 }
896 /**
897  * Sets the translation domain of @builder.
898  * See #GtkBuilder:translation-domain.
899  *
900  * Params:
901  *     domain = the translation domain or %NULL
902  *
903  * Since: 2.12
904  */
905 public void setTranslationDomain(string domain)
906 {
907 	gtk_builder_set_translation_domain(gtkBuilder, Str.toStringz(domain));
908 }
910 /**
911  * This function demarshals a value from a string. This function
912  * calls g_value_init() on the @value argument, so it need not be
913  * initialised beforehand.
914  *
915  * This function can handle char, uchar, boolean, int, uint, long,
916  * ulong, enum, flags, float, double, string, #GdkColor, #GdkRGBA and
917  * #GtkAdjustment type values. Support for #GtkWidget type values is
918  * still to come.
919  *
920  * Upon errors %FALSE will be returned and @error will be assigned a
921  * #GError from the #GTK_BUILDER_ERROR domain.
922  *
923  * Params:
924  *     pspec = the #GParamSpec for the property
925  *     str = the string representation of the value
926  *     value = the #GValue to store the result in
927  *
928  * Return: %TRUE on success
929  *
930  * Since: 2.12
931  *
932  * Throws: GException on failure.
933  */
934 public bool valueFromString(ParamSpec pspec, string str, out Value value)
935 {
936 	GValue* outvalue = new GValue;
937 	GError* err = null;
939 	auto p = gtk_builder_value_from_string(gtkBuilder, (pspec is null) ? null : pspec.getParamSpecStruct(), Str.toStringz(str), outvalue, &err) != 0;
941 	if (err !is null)
942 	{
943 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
944 	}
946 	value = ObjectG.getDObject!(Value)(outvalue);
948 	return p;
949 }
951 /**
952  * Like gtk_builder_value_from_string(), this function demarshals
953  * a value from a string, but takes a #GType instead of #GParamSpec.
954  * This function calls g_value_init() on the @value argument, so it
955  * need not be initialised beforehand.
956  *
957  * Upon errors %FALSE will be returned and @error will be assigned a
958  * #GError from the #GTK_BUILDER_ERROR domain.
959  *
960  * Params:
961  *     type = the #GType of the value
962  *     str = the string representation of the value
963  *     value = the #GValue to store the result in
964  *
965  * Return: %TRUE on success
966  *
967  * Since: 2.12
968  *
969  * Throws: GException on failure.
970  */
971 public bool valueFromStringType(GType type, string str, out Value value)
972 {
973 	GValue* outvalue = new GValue;
974 	GError* err = null;
976 	auto p = gtk_builder_value_from_string_type(gtkBuilder, type, Str.toStringz(str), outvalue, &err) != 0;
978 	if (err !is null)
979 	{
980 		throw new GException( new ErrorG(err) );
981 	}
983 	value = ObjectG.getDObject!(Value)(outvalue);
985 	return p;
986 }
987 }