
Undocumented in source.


Static functions

void clearPointer(void** pp, GDestroyNotify destroy)

Clears a reference to a variable.

void free(void* mem)

Frees the memory pointed to by @mem. If @mem is %NULL it simply returns.

void* malloc(size_t nBytes)

Allocates @n_bytes bytes of memory. If @n_bytes is 0 it returns %NULL.

void* malloc0(size_t nBytes)

Allocates @n_bytes bytes of memory, initialized to 0's. If @n_bytes is 0 it returns %NULL.

void* malloc0N(size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_malloc0(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.

void* mallocN(size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_malloc(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.

bool memIsSystemMalloc()

Checks whether the allocator used by g_malloc() is the system's malloc implementation. If it returns %TRUE memory allocated with malloc() can be used interchangeable with memory allocated using g_malloc(). This function is useful for avoiding an extra copy of allocated memory returned by a non-GLib-based API.

void memProfile()

Outputs a summary of memory usage.

void memSetVtable(GMemVTable* vtable)

Sets the #GMemVTable to use for memory allocation. You can use this to provide custom memory allocation routines.

void* memdup(void* mem, uint byteSize)

Allocates @byte_size bytes of memory, and copies @byte_size bytes into it from @mem. If @mem is %NULL it returns %NULL.

void* realloc(void* mem, size_t nBytes)

Reallocates the memory pointed to by @mem, so that it now has space for @n_bytes bytes of memory. It returns the new address of the memory, which may have been moved. @mem may be %NULL, in which case it's considered to have zero-length. @n_bytes may be 0, in which case %NULL will be returned and @mem will be freed unless it is %NULL.

void* reallocN(void* mem, size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_realloc(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.

void* tryMalloc(size_t nBytes)

Attempts to allocate @n_bytes, and returns %NULL on failure. Contrast with g_malloc(), which aborts the program on failure.

void* tryMalloc0(size_t nBytes)

Attempts to allocate @n_bytes, initialized to 0's, and returns %NULL on failure. Contrast with g_malloc0(), which aborts the program on failure.

void* tryMalloc0N(size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_try_malloc0(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.

void* tryMallocN(size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_try_malloc(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.

void* tryRealloc(void* mem, size_t nBytes)

Attempts to realloc @mem to a new size, @n_bytes, and returns %NULL on failure. Contrast with g_realloc(), which aborts the program on failure. If @mem is %NULL, behaves the same as g_try_malloc().

void* tryReallocN(void* mem, size_t nBlocks, size_t nBlockBytes)

This function is similar to g_try_realloc(), allocating (@n_blocks * @n_block_bytes) bytes, but care is taken to detect possible overflow during multiplication.
