
GtkNumerableIcon is a subclass of GEmblemedIcon that can show a number or short string as an emblem. The number can be overlayed on top of another emblem, if desired.

It supports theming by taking font and color information from a provided GtkStyleContext; see gtk_numerable_icon_set_style_context().


this(GtkNumerableIcon* gtkNumerableIcon)

Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class



IconIF getBackgroundGicon()

Returns the GIcon that was set as the base background image, or NULL if there's none. The caller of this function does not own a reference to the returned GIcon.

string getBackgroundIconName()

Returns the icon name used as the base background image, or NULL if there's none.

int getCount()

Returns the value currently displayed by self.

string getLabel()

Returns the currently displayed label of the icon, or NULL.

GtkNumerableIcon* getNumerableIconStruct()

Get the main Gtk struct

void* getStruct()

the main Gtk struct as a void*

StyleContext getStyleContext()

Returns the GtkStyleContext used by the icon for theming, or NULL if there's none.

void setBackgroundGicon(IconIF icon)

Updates the icon to use icon as the base background image. If icon is NULL, self will go back using style information or default theming for its background image. If this method is called and an icon name was already set as background for the icon, icon will be used, i.e. the last method called between gtk_numerable_icon_set_background_gicon() and gtk_numerable_icon_set_background_icon_name() has always priority.

void setBackgroundIconName(string iconName)

Updates the icon to use the icon named icon_name from the current icon theme as the base background image. If icon_name is NULL, self will go back using style information or default theming for its background image. If this method is called and a GIcon was already set as background for the icon, icon_name will be used, i.e. the last method called between gtk_numerable_icon_set_background_icon_name() and gtk_numerable_icon_set_background_gicon() has always priority.

void setCount(int count)

Sets the currently displayed value of self to count. The numeric value is always clamped to make it two digits, i.e. between -99 and 99. Setting a count of zero removes the emblem. If this method is called, and a label was already set on the icon, it will automatically be reset to NULL before rendering the number, i.e. the last method called between gtk_numerable_icon_set_count() and gtk_numerable_icon_set_label() has always priority.

void setLabel(string label)

Sets the currently displayed value of self to the string in label. Setting an empty label removes the emblem. Note that this is meant for displaying short labels, such as roman numbers, or single letters. For roman numbers, consider using the Unicode characters U+2160 - U+217F. Strings longer than two characters will likely not be rendered very well. If this method is called, and a number was already set on the icon, it will automatically be reset to zero before rendering the label, i.e. the last method called between gtk_numerable_icon_set_label() and gtk_numerable_icon_set_count() has always priority.

void setStruct(GObject* obj)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void setStyleContext(StyleContext style)

Updates the icon to fetch theme information from the given GtkStyleContext.

Static functions

IconIF newNumerableIcon(IconIF baseIcon)

Creates a new unthemed GtkNumerableIcon.

IconIF newWithStyleContext(IconIF baseIcon, StyleContext context)

Creates a new GtkNumerableIcon which will themed according to the passed GtkStyleContext. This is a convenience constructor that calls gtk_numerable_icon_set_style_context() internally.


GtkNumerableIcon* gtkNumerableIcon;

the main Gtk struct
