1 /*
2  * This file is part of gtkD.
3  *
4  * gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
8  * some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
9  *
10  * gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  * along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
18  */
20 // generated automatically - do not change
21 // find conversion definition on APILookup.txt
22 // implement new conversion functionalities on the wrap.utils pakage
24 /*
25  * Conversion parameters:
26  * inFile  = 
27  * outPack = pango
28  * outFile = PgCairo
29  * strct   = 
30  * realStrct=
31  * ctorStrct=
32  * clss    = PgCairo
33  * interf  = 
34  * class Code: No
35  * interface Code: No
36  * template for:
37  * extend  = 
38  * implements:
39  * prefixes:
40  * 	- pango_cairo_
41  * omit structs:
42  * omit prefixes:
43  * 	- pango_cairo_font_map_
44  * omit code:
45  * omit signals:
46  * imports:
47  * 	- glib.Str
48  * 	- cairo.Context
49  * 	- cairo.ScaledFont
50  * 	- cairo.FontOption
51  * 	- pango.PgContext
52  * 	- pango.PgFont
53  * 	- pango.PgGlyphItem
54  * 	- pango.PgGlyphString
55  * 	- pango.PgLayout
56  * 	- pango.PgLayoutLine
57  * structWrap:
58  * 	- PangoContext* -> PgContext
59  * 	- PangoFont* -> PgFont
60  * 	- PangoGlyphItem* -> PgGlyphItem
61  * 	- PangoGlyphString* -> PgGlyphString
62  * 	- PangoLayout* -> PgLayout
63  * 	- PangoLayoutLine* -> PgLayoutLine
64  * 	- cairo_font_options_t* -> FontOption
65  * 	- cairo_scaled_font_t* -> ScaledFont
66  * 	- cairo_t* -> Context
67  * module aliases:
68  * local aliases:
69  * overrides:
70  */
72 module pango.PgCairo;
74 public  import gtkc.pangotypes;
76 private import gtkc.pango;
77 private import glib.ConstructionException;
78 private import gobject.ObjectG;
81 private import glib.Str;
82 private import cairo.Context;
83 private import cairo.ScaledFont;
84 private import cairo.FontOption;
85 private import pango.PgContext;
86 private import pango.PgFont;
87 private import pango.PgGlyphItem;
88 private import pango.PgGlyphString;
89 private import pango.PgLayout;
90 private import pango.PgLayoutLine;
95 /**
96  * The Cairo library is a
97  * vector graphics library with a powerful rendering model. It has such
98  * features as anti-aliased primitives, alpha-compositing, and
99  * gradients. Multiple backends for Cairo are available, to allow
100  * rendering to images, to PDF files, and to the screen on X and on other
101  * windowing systems. The functions in this section allow using Pango
102  * to render to Cairo surfaces.
103  *
104  * Using Pango with Cairo is straightforward. A PangoContext created
105  * with pango_cairo_font_map_create_context() can be used on any
106  * Cairo context (cairo_t), but needs to be updated to match the
107  * current transformation matrix and target surface of the Cairo context
108  * using pango_cairo_update_context(). The convenience functions
109  * pango_cairo_create_layout() and pango_cairo_update_layout() handle
110  * the common case where the program doesn't need to manipulate the
111  * properties of the PangoContext.
112  *
113  * When you get the metrics of a layout or of a piece of a layout using
114  * functions such as pango_layout_get_extents(), the reported metrics
115  * are in user-space coordinates. If a piece of text is 10 units long,
116  * and you call cairo_scale (cr, 2.0), it still is more-or-less 10
117  * units long. However, the results will be affected by hinting
118  * (that is, the process of adjusting the text to look good on the
119  * pixel grid), so you shouldn't assume they are completely independent
120  * of the current transformation matrix. Note that the basic metrics
121  * functions in Pango report results in integer Pango units. To get
122  * to the floating point units used in Cairo divide by PANGO_SCALE.
123  *
124  * $(DDOC_COMMENT example)
125  *
126  * Figure 2. Output of Example 1, “Using Pango with Cairo”
127  */
128 public class PgCairo
129 {
131 	/**
132 	 */
134 	/**
135 	 * Gets the cairo_scaled_font_t used by font.
136 	 * The scaled font can be referenced and kept using
137 	 * cairo_scaled_font_reference().
138 	 * Since 1.18
139 	 * Params:
140 	 * font = a PangoFont from a PangoCairoFontMap
141 	 * Returns: the cairo_scaled_font_t used by font, or NULL if font is NULL.
142 	 */
143 	public static ScaledFont fontGetScaledFont(PangoCairoFont* font)
144 	{
145 		// cairo_scaled_font_t * pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font (PangoCairoFont *font);
146 		auto p = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font(font);
148 		if(p is null)
149 		{
150 			return null;
151 		}
153 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(ScaledFont)(cast(cairo_scaled_font_t*) p);
154 	}
156 	/**
157 	 * Sets the resolution for the context. This is a scale factor between
158 	 * points specified in a PangoFontDescription and Cairo units. The
159 	 * default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13
160 	 * units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).
161 	 * Since 1.10
162 	 * Params:
163 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
164 	 * dpi = the resolution in "dots per inch". (Physical inches aren't actually
165 	 * involved; the terminology is conventional.) A 0 or negative value
166 	 * means to use the resolution from the font map.
167 	 */
168 	public static void contextSetResolution(PgContext context, double dpi)
169 	{
170 		// void pango_cairo_context_set_resolution (PangoContext *context,  double dpi);
171 		pango_cairo_context_set_resolution((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct(), dpi);
172 	}
174 	/**
175 	 * Gets the resolution for the context. See pango_cairo_context_set_resolution()
176 	 * Since 1.10
177 	 * Params:
178 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
179 	 * Returns: the resolution in "dots per inch". A negative value will be returned if no resolution has previously been set.
180 	 */
181 	public static double contextGetResolution(PgContext context)
182 	{
183 		// double pango_cairo_context_get_resolution (PangoContext *context);
184 		return pango_cairo_context_get_resolution((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct());
185 	}
187 	/**
188 	 * Sets the font options used when rendering text with this context.
189 	 * These options override any options that pango_cairo_update_context()
190 	 * derives from the target surface.
191 	 * Since 1.10
192 	 * Params:
193 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
194 	 * options = a cairo_font_options_t, or NULL to unset any previously set
195 	 * options. A copy is made.
196 	 */
197 	public static void contextSetFontOptions(PgContext context, FontOption options)
198 	{
199 		// void pango_cairo_context_set_font_options  (PangoContext *context,  const cairo_font_options_t *options);
200 		pango_cairo_context_set_font_options((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct(), (options is null) ? null : options.getFontOptionStruct());
201 	}
203 	/**
204 	 * Retrieves any font rendering options previously set with
205 	 * pango_cairo_font_map_set_font_options(). This function does not report options
206 	 * that are derived from the target surface by pango_cairo_update_context()
207 	 * Since 1.10
208 	 * Params:
209 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
210 	 * Returns: the font options previously set on the context, or NULL if no options have been set. This value is owned by the context and must not be modified or freed.
211 	 */
212 	public static FontOption contextGetFontOptions(PgContext context)
213 	{
214 		// const cairo_font_options_t * pango_cairo_context_get_font_options  (PangoContext *context);
215 		auto p = pango_cairo_context_get_font_options((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct());
217 		if(p is null)
218 		{
219 			return null;
220 		}
222 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(FontOption)(cast(cairo_font_options_t*) p);
223 	}
225 	/**
226 	 * Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes
227 	 * of type PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE. See PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc for
228 	 * details.
229 	 * Since 1.18
230 	 * Params:
231 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
232 	 * func = Callback function for rendering attributes of type
233 	 * PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE, or NULL to disable shape rendering.
234 	 * data = User data that will be passed to func.
235 	 * dnotify = Callback that will be called when the
236 	 * context is freed to release data, or NULL.
237 	 */
238 	public static void contextSetShapeRenderer(PgContext context, PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc func, void* data, GDestroyNotify dnotify)
239 	{
240 		// void pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer  (PangoContext *context,  PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc func,  gpointer data,  GDestroyNotify dnotify);
241 		pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct(), func, data, dnotify);
242 	}
244 	/**
245 	 * Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes
246 	 * of type PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE. See PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc for
247 	 * details.
248 	 * Retrieves callback function and associated user data for rendering
249 	 * attributes of type PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE as set by
250 	 * pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer(), if any.
251 	 * Since 1.18
252 	 * Params:
253 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
254 	 * data = Pointer to gpointer to return user data
255 	 * Returns: the shape rendering callback previously set on the context, or NULL if no shape rendering callback have been set.
256 	 */
257 	public static PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc contextGetShapeRenderer(PgContext context, void** data)
258 	{
259 		// PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc pango_cairo_context_get_shape_renderer  (PangoContext *context,  gpointer *data);
260 		return pango_cairo_context_get_shape_renderer((context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct(), data);
261 	}
263 	/**
264 	 * Creates a context object set up to match the current transformation
265 	 * and target surface of the Cairo context. This context can then be
266 	 * used to create a layout using pango_layout_new().
267 	 * This function is a convenience function that creates a context using
268 	 * the default font map, then updates it to cr. If you just need to
269 	 * create a layout for use with cr and do not need to access PangoContext
270 	 * directly, you can use pango_cairo_create_layout() instead.
271 	 * Since 1.22
272 	 * Params:
273 	 * cr = a Cairo context
274 	 * Returns: the newly created PangoContext. Free with g_object_unref(). [transfer full]
275 	 */
276 	public static PgContext createContext(Context cr)
277 	{
278 		// PangoContext * pango_cairo_create_context (cairo_t *cr);
279 		auto p = pango_cairo_create_context((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct());
281 		if(p is null)
282 		{
283 			return null;
284 		}
286 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgContext)(cast(PangoContext*) p);
287 	}
289 	/**
290 	 * Updates a PangoContext previously created for use with Cairo to
291 	 * match the current transformation and target surface of a Cairo
292 	 * context. If any layouts have been created for the context,
293 	 * it's necessary to call pango_layout_context_changed() on those
294 	 * layouts.
295 	 * Since 1.10
296 	 * Params:
297 	 * cr = a Cairo context
298 	 * context = a PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map
299 	 */
300 	public static void updateContext(Context cr, PgContext context)
301 	{
302 		// void pango_cairo_update_context (cairo_t *cr,  PangoContext *context);
303 		pango_cairo_update_context((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (context is null) ? null : context.getPgContextStruct());
304 	}
306 	/**
307 	 * Creates a layout object set up to match the current transformation
308 	 * and target surface of the Cairo context. This layout can then be
309 	 * used for text measurement with functions like
310 	 * pango_layout_get_size() or drawing with functions like
311 	 * pango_cairo_show_layout(). If you change the transformation
312 	 * or target surface for cr, you need to call pango_cairo_update_layout()
313 	 * This function is the most convenient way to use Cairo with Pango,
314 	 * however it is slightly inefficient since it creates a separate
315 	 * PangoContext object for each layout. This might matter in an
316 	 * application that was laying out large amounts of text.
317 	 * Since 1.10
318 	 * Params:
319 	 * cr = a Cairo context
320 	 * Returns: the newly created PangoLayout. Free with g_object_unref(). [transfer full]
321 	 */
322 	public static PgLayout createLayout(Context cr)
323 	{
324 		// PangoLayout * pango_cairo_create_layout (cairo_t *cr);
325 		auto p = pango_cairo_create_layout((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct());
327 		if(p is null)
328 		{
329 			return null;
330 		}
332 		return ObjectG.getDObject!(PgLayout)(cast(PangoLayout*) p);
333 	}
335 	/**
336 	 * Updates the private PangoContext of a PangoLayout created with
337 	 * pango_cairo_create_layout() to match the current transformation
338 	 * and target surface of a Cairo context.
339 	 * Since 1.10
340 	 * Params:
341 	 * cr = a Cairo context
342 	 * layout = a PangoLayout, from pango_cairo_create_layout()
343 	 */
344 	public static void updateLayout(Context cr, PgLayout layout)
345 	{
346 		// void pango_cairo_update_layout (cairo_t *cr,  PangoLayout *layout);
347 		pango_cairo_update_layout((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (layout is null) ? null : layout.getPgLayoutStruct());
348 	}
350 	/**
351 	 * Draws the glyphs in glyphs in the specified cairo context.
352 	 * The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the baseline) will
353 	 * be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.
354 	 * Since 1.10
355 	 * Params:
356 	 * cr = a Cairo context
357 	 * font = a PangoFont from a PangoCairoFontMap
358 	 * glyphs = a PangoGlyphString
359 	 */
360 	public static void showGlyphString(Context cr, PgFont font, PgGlyphString glyphs)
361 	{
362 		// void pango_cairo_show_glyph_string (cairo_t *cr,  PangoFont *font,  PangoGlyphString *glyphs);
363 		pango_cairo_show_glyph_string((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (font is null) ? null : font.getPgFontStruct(), (glyphs is null) ? null : glyphs.getPgGlyphStringStruct());
364 	}
366 	/**
367 	 * Draws the glyphs in glyph_item in the specified cairo context,
368 	 * embedding the text associated with the glyphs in the output if the
369 	 * output format supports it (PDF for example), otherwise it acts
370 	 * similar to pango_cairo_show_glyph_string().
371 	 * The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the baseline) will
372 	 * be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.
373 	 * Note that text is the start of the text for layout, which is then
374 	 * indexed by glyph_item->item->offset.
375 	 * Since 1.22
376 	 * Params:
377 	 * cr = a Cairo context
378 	 * text = the UTF-8 text that glyph_item refers to
379 	 * glyphItem = a PangoGlyphItem
380 	 */
381 	public static void showGlyphItem(Context cr, string text, PgGlyphItem glyphItem)
382 	{
383 		// void pango_cairo_show_glyph_item (cairo_t *cr,  const char *text,  PangoGlyphItem *glyph_item);
384 		pango_cairo_show_glyph_item((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), Str.toStringz(text), (glyphItem is null) ? null : glyphItem.getPgGlyphItemStruct());
385 	}
387 	/**
388 	 * Draws a PangoLayoutLine in the specified cairo context.
389 	 * The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the line) will
390 	 * be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.
391 	 * Since 1.10
392 	 * Params:
393 	 * cr = a Cairo context
394 	 * line = a PangoLayoutLine
395 	 */
396 	public static void showLayoutLine(Context cr, PgLayoutLine line)
397 	{
398 		// void pango_cairo_show_layout_line (cairo_t *cr,  PangoLayoutLine *line);
399 		pango_cairo_show_layout_line((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (line is null) ? null : line.getPgLayoutLineStruct());
400 	}
402 	/**
403 	 * Draws a PangoLayout in the specified cairo context.
404 	 * The top-left corner of the PangoLayout will be drawn
405 	 * at the current point of the cairo context.
406 	 * Since 1.10
407 	 * Params:
408 	 * cr = a Cairo context
409 	 * layout = a Pango layout
410 	 */
411 	public static void showLayout(Context cr, PgLayout layout)
412 	{
413 		// void pango_cairo_show_layout (cairo_t *cr,  PangoLayout *layout);
414 		pango_cairo_show_layout((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (layout is null) ? null : layout.getPgLayoutStruct());
415 	}
417 	/**
418 	 * Draw a squiggly line in the specified cairo context that approximately
419 	 * covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to indicate a
420 	 * spelling error. (The width of the underline is rounded to an integer
421 	 * number of up/down segments and the resulting rectangle is centered in the
422 	 * original rectangle)
423 	 * Since 1.14
424 	 * Params:
425 	 * cr = a Cairo context
426 	 * x = The X coordinate of one corner of the rectangle
427 	 * y = The Y coordinate of one corner of the rectangle
428 	 * width = Non-negative width of the rectangle
429 	 * height = Non-negative height of the rectangle
430 	 */
431 	public static void showErrorUnderline(Context cr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
432 	{
433 		// void pango_cairo_show_error_underline (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y,  double width,  double height);
434 		pango_cairo_show_error_underline((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), x, y, width, height);
435 	}
437 	/**
438 	 * Adds the glyphs in glyphs to the current path in the specified
439 	 * cairo context. The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the baseline)
440 	 * will be at the current point of the cairo context.
441 	 * Since 1.10
442 	 * Params:
443 	 * cr = a Cairo context
444 	 * font = a PangoFont from a PangoCairoFontMap
445 	 * glyphs = a PangoGlyphString
446 	 */
447 	public static void glyphStringPath(Context cr, PgFont font, PgGlyphString glyphs)
448 	{
449 		// void pango_cairo_glyph_string_path (cairo_t *cr,  PangoFont *font,  PangoGlyphString *glyphs);
450 		pango_cairo_glyph_string_path((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (font is null) ? null : font.getPgFontStruct(), (glyphs is null) ? null : glyphs.getPgGlyphStringStruct());
451 	}
453 	/**
454 	 * Adds the text in PangoLayoutLine to the current path in the
455 	 * specified cairo context. The origin of the glyphs (the left edge
456 	 * of the line) will be at the current point of the cairo context.
457 	 * Since 1.10
458 	 * Params:
459 	 * cr = a Cairo context
460 	 * line = a PangoLayoutLine
461 	 */
462 	public static void layoutLinePath(Context cr, PgLayoutLine line)
463 	{
464 		// void pango_cairo_layout_line_path (cairo_t *cr,  PangoLayoutLine *line);
465 		pango_cairo_layout_line_path((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (line is null) ? null : line.getPgLayoutLineStruct());
466 	}
468 	/**
469 	 * Adds the text in a PangoLayout to the current path in the
470 	 * specified cairo context. The top-left corner of the PangoLayout
471 	 * will be at the current point of the cairo context.
472 	 * Since 1.10
473 	 * Params:
474 	 * cr = a Cairo context
475 	 * layout = a Pango layout
476 	 */
477 	public static void layoutPath(Context cr, PgLayout layout)
478 	{
479 		// void pango_cairo_layout_path (cairo_t *cr,  PangoLayout *layout);
480 		pango_cairo_layout_path((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), (layout is null) ? null : layout.getPgLayoutStruct());
481 	}
483 	/**
484 	 * Add a squiggly line to the current path in the specified cairo context that
485 	 * approximately covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used
486 	 * to indicate a spelling error. (The width of the underline is rounded to an
487 	 * integer number of up/down segments and the resulting rectangle is centered
488 	 * in the original rectangle)
489 	 * Since 1.14
490 	 * Params:
491 	 * cr = a Cairo context
492 	 * x = The X coordinate of one corner of the rectangle
493 	 * y = The Y coordinate of one corner of the rectangle
494 	 * width = Non-negative width of the rectangle
495 	 * height = Non-negative height of the rectangle
496 	 */
497 	public static void errorUnderlinePath(Context cr, double x, double y, double width, double height)
498 	{
499 		// void pango_cairo_error_underline_path (cairo_t *cr,  double x,  double y,  double width,  double height);
500 		pango_cairo_error_underline_path((cr is null) ? null : cr.getContextStruct(), x, y, width, height);
501 	}
502 }