
Adds widget to overlay. The widget will be stacked on top of the main widget added with gtk_container_add(). The position at which widget is placed is determined from its "halign" and "valign" properties.

class Overlay


widget Widget

a GtkWidget to be added to the container Since 3.2 Signal Details The "get-child-position" signal gboolean user_function (GtkOverlay *overlay, GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *allocation, gpointer user_data) : Run Last The ::get-child-position signal is emitted to determine the position and size of any overlay child widgets. A handler for this signal should fill allocation with the desired position and size for widget, relative to the 'main' child of overlay. The default handler for this signal uses the widget's halign and valign properties to determine the position and gives the widget its natural size (except that an alignment of GTK_ALIGN_FILL will cause the overlay to be full-width/height). If the main child is a GtkScrolledWindow, the overlays are placed relative to its contents. Return: TRUE if the allocation has been filled

widget Widget

the child widget to position
