Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class
Creates a new GdaSelect object, which allows programs to filter GdaDataModel's based on a given SQL SELECT command. A GdaSelect is just another GdaDataModel-based class, so it can be used in the same way any other data model class is.
Adds a data model as a source of data for the GdaSelect object. When the select object is run (via gda_select_run), it will parse the SQL and get the required data from the source data models.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Runs the query and fills in the GdaSelect object with the rows that matched the SQL command (which can be set with gda_select_set_sql) associated with this GdaSelect object. After calling this function, if everything is successful, the GdaSelect object will contain the matched rows, which can then be accessed like a normal GdaDataModel.
Sets the SQL command to be used on the given GdaSelect object for filtering rows from the source data model (which is set with gda_select_set_source).
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Sets the number of columns for rows inserted in this model. cols must be greated than or equal to 0.
Frees all the rows inserted in model.