
Specifies the GScanner parser configuration. Most settings can be changed during the parsing phase and will affect the lexical parsing of the next unpeeked token. gchar *cset_skip_characters; specifies which characters should be skipped by the scanner (the default is the whitespace characters: space, tab, carriage-return and line-feed). gchar *cset_identifier_first; specifies the characters which can start identifiers (the default is G_CSET_a_2_z, "_", and G_CSET_A_2_Z). gchar *cset_identifier_nth; specifies the characters which can be used in identifiers, after the first character (the default is G_CSET_a_2_z, "_0123456789", G_CSET_A_2_Z, G_CSET_LATINS, G_CSET_LATINC). gchar *cpair_comment_single; specifies the characters at the start and end of single-line comments. The default is "#\n" which means that single-line comments start with a '#' and continue until a '\n' (end of line). guint case_sensitive : 1; specifies if symbols are case sensitive (the default is FALSE). guint skip_comment_multi : 1; specifies if multi-line comments are skipped and not returned as tokens (the default is TRUE). guint skip_comment_single : 1; specifies if single-line comments are skipped and not returned as tokens (the default is TRUE). guint scan_comment_multi : 1; specifies if multi-line comments are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_identifier : 1; specifies if identifiers are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_identifier_1char : 1; specifies if single-character identifiers are recognized (the default is FALSE). guint scan_identifier_NULL : 1; specifies if NULL is reported as G_TOKEN_IDENTIFIER_NULL (the default is FALSE). guint scan_symbols : 1; specifies if symbols are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_binary : 1; specifies if binary numbers are recognized (the default is FALSE). guint scan_octal : 1; specifies if octal numbers are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_float : 1; specifies if floating point numbers are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_hex : 1; specifies if hexadecimal numbers are recognized (the default is TRUE). guint scan_hex_dollar : 1; specifies if '$' is recognized as a prefix for hexadecimal numbers (the default is FALSE). guint scan_string_sq : 1; specifies if strings can be enclosed in single quotes (the default is TRUE). guint scan_string_dq : 1; specifies if strings can be enclosed in double quotes (the default is TRUE). guint numbers_2_int : 1; specifies if binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers are reported as G_TOKEN_INT (the default is TRUE). guint int_2_float : 1; specifies if all numbers are reported as G_TOKEN_FLOAT (the default is FALSE). guint identifier_2_string : 1; specifies if identifiers are reported as strings (the default is FALSE). guint char_2_token : 1; specifies if characters are reported by setting token = ch or as G_TOKEN_CHAR (the default is TRUE). guint symbol_2_token : 1; specifies if symbols are reported by setting token = v_symbol or as G_TOKEN_SYMBOL (the default is FALSE). guint scope_0_fallback : 1; specifies if a symbol is searched for in the default scope in addition to the current scope (the default is FALSE). guint store_int64 : 1; use value.v_int64 rather than v_int



uint bitfield0;
Undocumented in source.
char* cpairCommentSingle;
Undocumented in source.
char* csetIdentifierFirst;
Undocumented in source.
char* csetIdentifierNth;
Undocumented in source.
char* csetSkipCharacters;
Undocumented in source.
